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Posts posted by EricJ

  1.   15 hours ago, sacrebleu said:

    Loving this podcast! My sister and I watched VM together every Tuesday, and when I got the DVDs we used to hold Veronithons.

    I was always a little fuzzy on the timing of events. If Duncan/Veronica/ Lilly/Logan went on their double date to the fall dance. then Duncan breaking up with Veronica. Lily's murder. Keith was fired/Veronica was ostracized. And it all had to happen before Shelly's party in late December. That's a really busy fall.

    Side note: in the discussion of the rando extra who was in Bring It On, John mentioned someone having 'British eyes" I've never heard that== what is meant by it?

    Let's see if I can get this straight. This is the order it happens in, as I understand it:

    Veronica and Lily are the same age, but she is in the class with Duncan and Logan and Lilly is in the class ahead, so the homecoming dance is Veronica, Duncan, Logan's Freshman Year and Lilly's sophomore year.

    The next year Veronica returns to school and Duncan doesn't acknowledge her, Celeste has told him that they are sisters. Lilly tells her Duncan is weird, or something like it. Veronica is hurt. she is still Lilly's friend and hangs out with her. Veronica meets a new friend who kisses Logan, who Logan kisses knowing it will get back to Lilly and break them up, but Veronica self righteously takes this upon herself and loses a friend and learns not to follow orders from Lilly, anyway it is a meaningful experience for her. 

    At the car wash Lilly tells Veronica she has a good secret, although she has many this is almost certainly having sex with Aaron, which Lilly would find gossip worthy, It is uncertain if this is an ongoing affair, she may be going to meet him to have sex for the first time after the car wash.. Anyway, Lilly is then killed.

    Duncan's parents, assuming he is the killer, take him out of the picture, medicate him and hospitalize him, he is not available to Veronica or Logan as a friend. 

    Keith loses his job, probably by Christmas. Lianne leaves. Keith starts PI business.

    Veronica helps him sell stuff, maybe sell house, find apartment, find place of business, does receptionist duties, starts doing surveillance, working a couple full time jobs and going to school.

    This means Logan is abandoned, takes it out on Veronica in the spring, bullies and ostracizes her. Tells people she has 'chosen her father over her friends'.

      She starts to toughen up, while learning the PI business.

    At the end of the school year party that Shelley holds Veronica decides to give the group of 09ers a fuck you and goes to the party, but does something stupid, takes a drink from an enemy (I suspect Madison and Veronica have bad blood all along, but we never learn the details), and eventually is sexually assaulted by Logan and then raped by Cassidy and Duncan. She goes to the paternalistic (her Dad was sheriff) institution for help, Lamb the current Sheriff tells her to go see the wizard. She realizes if she now goes to her Dad he will lose it, beat up Lamb and be arrested, she can't tell him. She sees the Wizard, decides to be the person who helps the people paternalistic society will not help. Cuts hair, changes style.  Continues to work as a PI, doing actual cases.

    The next fall goes to school, her junior year, cuts Wallace off flagpole. 

    And we are off!

    Thank you for that pre-show timeline. I've never seen it laid out like that, and it's really helpful.

  2. I think you're all missing the implication of Robert staying on the island, combined with what we saw from Simon in their final chess match - Robert arranged it all- had himself shot down, had his father killed, and stayed on the island long enough that he wouldn't be implicated or suspected.

    I'm looking forward to a Cyrus semi-redemption arc. I'm not sure how they can get me on his side, but they managed it with Helena. It does occur to me that Robert wasn't around for the paternity questions, and has never himself been tested.

    • Love 8
  3. This episode really could have used about 20 minutes more of "Previously On..." 

    It seems like every show does an Underground Fight Club episode or storyline. And its never worthwhile. 

    I think Robert is going to spend 5 years on a hellish island, return to save his country. He'd better start working on those bow-and-arrow skills. 

    I saw the Lord Chamberlain/gigolo switcharoo coming from a mile away. Still amusing, and any opportunity for Elizabeth Hurley to show that she's still got it is welcome by me.

    Really this show is so entertainingly batshit insane, I wish it had more buzz. I'd really like to see an off-format episode done as a BBC special showing the Alternate History that led to King Cyrus - when did the Royal succession break from the one we know? What parallels exist, and what changed? Was there an abdication crisis in the 30s? Did the Empire decline at the same rate and in the same way as in our world? I'm sure most of the crew working on the show don't care, but I bet you there's one or two writers who have spent hours working out all of the backstory. 

    • Love 1
  4. I have to say they did a really good job replicating the look of the '80s Vigilante, a character notable only for the fact that Alan Moore wrote two issues of his comic. (And it was among the least interesting things Alan Moore ever wrote.)

  5.   2 hours ago, Bec said:

    Who's actually paid his allowance, anyway? If it comes out of money that's already allotted to the royals, I guess that's their business. But if this is something extra that their taxpayers had to pay for... I would have been pissed if I were one of their taxpayers. Hee!

    I believe it was paid out of George VI's own incomes, which is why the Queen Mother was eager to cut it off.

    George also had to buy him out of various private possessions of the monarch, like Sandringham, which aren't automatically owned by whoever wears the crown.

    As a recent Outlander binge-er every mention of Sandringham is amusing.

    • Love 10
  6. A question for current New Yorkers - does "Harlem" actually still exist? That is, is it really still an organic, predominantly African-American community, or is it like Little Italy, a few soul-food restaurants and gospel brunches primarily for tourists surrounded by more recent immigrant populations and waves of gentrification?

  7. I hope you're happy that I thoroughly confused my family while watching the Tonys, because every time they mentioned the nominated play "The Humans" I muttered "Heard of 'em."

    • Love 3
  8. Sex, Lies and Videotape as a Skinemax erotic anthology in the vein of "Red Shoe Diaries." Might need an altered title, though. Or make the framing device some good looking perv (maybe just bring back Duchovny) looking through a box of porn tapes from the '90s.

  9. I really enjoy this show, but I'm worried that in the back half of the season the writers have gotten bored, and rather than blow up the premise and have Liza reveal her secret, they're throwing in stuff like the pig-f*$ker, Death From Above, and a Secret Twin. So the show needs to figure out what it really wants to be next season. I know what I want it to be, but I don't really get a vote.

    And how have they gone two years without contriving an excuse for Sutton Foster to sing? That's just silly.

    • Love 2
  10. Have Sorkin revive Shields and Yarnell:

    (and this would be a good topic for Let's Go to the Videotape: there was a variety show centered around _Mimes_. God Damn you, '70s.)

    • Love 3
  11. You're not alone. I didn't mind the GRRM parody, but is the RL version known to be such a skeezeball? Because if he's not, that was mean.


    I don't think GRRM has that kind of reputation - and I'm pretty sure modern fandom(at least in the last 5 years) would not put up with it, even from him, but there certainly were authors of a previous generation who were known for that kind of behavior - Isaac Asimov comes immediately to mind.

  12. I was not as enamored of this episode as most of the audience here, it seems. I thought the super-on-the-nose parody of Game of Thrones and George R.R. Martin was pretty cheap, and my reaction to Thad's death wasn't surprise or shock, it was "well, I guess I really am watching a Darren Starr show." I'm really ready for Liza to come clean and deal with the consequences. One thing that showrunners should have learned from all the superhero shows of the last few years is that secret identities as a plot-driver can only last so long. And that so long is about 1 season, if that.

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