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S04.E15: Cayman We Get Along?

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20 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said:

Thank god someone said something about one of Katie’s wigs lol

I’d wanna crawl under a couch and die giiirls the yelling ......the white people are staring lol 

I love how Katie wasn't even fazed.  Even with a messy wig, I think she looks the best on the beach.  Her dress just looks fab.

How can you argue with steel drums in the background? How?

Since Ashley shows no loyalty to anyone, I don't think she should be butt hurt over Katie.

And Michael did grab season 1 Katie's boyfriend's rear end so....is Ashley mad because Katie brought up something her husband did. On camera. Which isn't a secret. 

I think I'm just over Ashley. Because she seems to put other people's business out there, but can't believe someone would do it to her.

And because she guts people. Verbally. 

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The whole second half of this episode was very uncomfortable to watch because I'm sorry, no one is going to convince me that Katie wasn't completely high and drunk as fuck filming those scenes. Girlfriend didn't even recognize the word spirit or whatever it was, in the note Robyn made for her.

That was the only reason I wanted Ashley to let the whole thing go because yeah Katie is clearly a hot ass freaking mess. This isn't the usual mess with these women, a la Karen and Gizelle's millionth argument or Candace and Ashley's dramas. Katie just looks sad and completely mentally and emotionally not well. 

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19 minutes ago, dosodog said:

Since Ashley shows no loyalty to anyone, I don't think she should be butt hurt over Katie.

And Michael did grab season 1 Katie's boyfriend's rear end so....is Ashley mad because Katie brought up something her husband did. On camera. Which isn't a secret. 

I think I'm just over Ashley. Because she seems to put other people's business out there, but can't believe someone would do it to her.

+1 Her entire schtick is gossiping and talking shit and when anybody says anything (and really, this shit with Michael & the cameraman was in the media; it's ridiculous to think they wouldn't talk about it. Same with Ray's tax issues when they were in the Post) about anything to do with her, she freaks out. Classic "dishes it out but can't take it" stuff. She's gotten into it with literally everyone there, so all that "I thought you were my friend!" shit sounds ridiculous coming from her.

And the restaurant thing sounded like an actual mistake. Ashley told Katie she was stepping back and the head chef was taking over; it's not a leap to assume that meant they'd sold it to him. And does anybody really care about who owns that place? Isn't it closed now anyway?

Plus there's this:

16 minutes ago, truthaboutluv said:

The whole second half of this episode was very uncomfortable to watch because I'm sorry, no one is going to convince me that Katie wasn't completely high and drunk as fuck filming those scenes. Girlfriend didn't even recognize the word spirit or whatever it was, in the note Robyn made for her.

That was the only reason I wanted Ashley to let the whole thing go because yeah Katie is clearly a hot ass freaking mess. This isn't the usual mess with these women, a la Karen and Gizelle's millionth argument or Candace and Ashley's dramas. Katie just looks sad and completely mentally and emotionally not well. 

I don't know what Katie is on; I'm guessing downers because she's a beat behind, but she looks to be on something. Even if she's not, her custody battle has CLEARLY taken a huge toll on her mentally, to the point where she's not all there.

It really does look some type of way for two people, one on the other side of 50 and one knocking on it, to be yelling at each other in a hotel lobby. I was kind of bored because the entire episode was them fighting over who said what to whom when, and all these arguments are tired. Y'all are on the beach! It's a free vacation! Go rent a jet ski or something!

Edited by Empress1
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Karen seemed to be channeling Erika Jane with that dress and wig on the plane.  In one scene they showed her from the back and I immediately thought what is Erika Jane doing there?

Really Robyn?  You missed your fight?  Sorry but I can't stand people who are habitually late.

These women like to think they're so classy but proceed to loudly argue in public places.

Katie must be on medication.  Combining that with drinking is not a good look.  They need to burn that wig in beach bonfire.

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Karen was right about one thing, Gizelle should get a refund on her therapy sessions. I appreciate her trying with her children, but she still in many ways does a lot of shitty things and doesn't take ownership for it. She talked about how she hoped to see happy Katie for the entire trip because she's great to be around yet she wasted no time bringing up Katie to Ashley and leading the conversation in a way to hype up Ashley to confront Katie. And then she spearheaded the conversation herself at dinner. She was definitely trying to throw Karen under the bus in New Orleans because Karen went on IG live, insinuating that Karen simply didn't want to hang out with them and lied about why. Karen didn't say she wanted to go back to her room to grieve, she said that she was still grieving and didn't think the night plans were appropriate for her. Gizelle blew it out of proportion and got mad at the way Karen interpreted Gizelle's shadiness. The two of them grown ass women behaving like that in public...smh.

Candiace may be a spoiled brat with financial delusions but she's a beautiful girl and she is slaying on this trip. She looks stunning.

Ashley is the biggest hypocrite. She's constantly gossiping about people meanwhile we've seen plenty of the issues she's been going through so who the hell is she tell someone else that they have their own shit to worry about so stay out of her business? Going over Katie's wig when she had the audacity to wear that monstrosity in her THs? She wants all of the women to get off her back because they all know what she's been going through yet she going in on Katie like that when her personal issue seems more emotionally draining than hers? The moment she gets called out, she's quick to pull out the line about how she's been open and trying to build a friendship with that person...when? When you were bouncing around with tassel titty covers in New Orleans? And saying shit under her breath...I absolutely loved when she thought for a moment she got an apology only for Katie to reiterate that she thinks she's stupid, LOL. I'm so over Katie. Please disappear...take your 'happy' ass life with your highly likely man loving husband and be gone off my screen.

Katie is definitely on something, has appeared that way all season long but oddly enough, I thought she handled herself well when speaking to Ashley - except when she said 'just because you weren't there doesn't mean it was behind your back'...I'm pretty sure she meant that she wasn't being malicious when she said what she said so she doesn't see it as backstabbing. It's mainly her mannerisms that make me think she's on medication or something...maybe something to do with emotional lows from her custody battle.  I'm glad someone pointed out her wig because that one was the worst yet. I don't understand why she didn't just wear her natural hair. I do think that Katie was being honest when confronted about the Ashley stuff. I can see why she misunderstood the situation about the restaurant and she wasn't gossiping but brought it up in context of the conversation being had. She never said her boyfriend called Michael gay. I wish she had clarified that right off the bat when Ashley stated it in that way. I can also understand if she didn't remember calling Ashley stupid or dumb but she doubled down on it so whether she remembered it or not, it seems like it's an honest reflection of how she's observed Ashley thus far.

If Ashley doesn't cry at least once from being verbally dragged by these women, this reunion will be a failure in my eyes.

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3 hours ago, Keywestclubkid said:

Thank god someone said something about one of Katie’s wigs lol

That wig! On his last appearance on WWHL, Michael Rapaport (who is one of my favorite guests and a housewives super fan), was asked about housewives from various franchises. When he was asked about Katie, he commented that it looked like she throws her wig up in the air, ducks under it, and however it lands on her head is how she wears it. I died!!! Sometimes it does look like that's exactly what she does.

3 hours ago, dosodog said:

Next week at least they're heading out to Stingray Alley.  They'll probably fight there too.  Scare the stingrays away with the shrieking.

It's not just an alley, it's Stingray City - LOL!

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Although Katie might not appear to be the most mentally sound of the bunch, she read the riot act to Ashley in the clearest and most articulate way of any of the other Housewives.  She’s far from stupid - 

Definitely think she on something - perhaps anti-depressants mixed with something.  Don’t know if appearing crazy on the show will help her in her custody battle but perhaps it’ll make her a regular with a bigger paycheck next season.

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I don’t find it entertaining to watch someone having a mental health crisis on this show- Katie needs to get some help. I heard she is not invited to the RHOP reunion, and doubt she will be invited back next season. Hopefully she can get herself together. 

Karen’s haughtiness just rubs me the wrong way- I have to FF through all her scenes. 

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54 minutes ago, ZaldamoWilder said:

Ashley can kiss the entire width and breadth of my jiggly ass.  The conflicting part is I don't disagree with what she said to Katie about her condition and being around these women, but that delivery?  oooh chile, she'da been every kinda geriatric-ball sucking, frizzy haired fatherless bitch I could think of by the time we were done.   I'm black, I'm poor, I may even be ugly (right now).  But by God I'm here.


😂😂 look here we are twinsies. I would never normally break bad with anyone over a personal painful situation - but I took a DNA test and for Ashley I'm 100% that bitch. I would have told her "I know you can't fathom what it's like for a father to fight for his kids"

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Oh, Ashley. To quote Robyn from a season or so ago: WHAT IS YOUR ISSUE?!

  • "You know I'm going through something." When has going through something ever stopped the ladies, namely you, from discussing things? Robyn wasn't going through something when you were gossiping about her financial troubles or Juan's dating life? Karen wasn't going through something when her husband's taxes were problematic?
  • "You said, or repeated that your boyfriend said, Michael was gay." While it may not be completely accurate, it IS understandable that casual observers would think that a man like Michael (who can't stop himself from squeezing other men's butts or commenting that he'd like to perform oral sex on a guy) is gay.
  • "I shared things with you." Your stated point of pride is how open you are with everybody.
  • "You called me stupid." I'll give you that one. THAT is actually insulting. Yes, it's a second-grade type of insult, but still. I'd suggest the time-worn rubber/glue clapback and a dignified manner. Your wig insult was appropriate here. Now MOVE. ON.
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I would like to just point out that every fight that happened this episode was caused by or involved the green eyed Giselle ... i get stirring the pot but give it a break every now and then no one needs to be confronted at all times... Ashley didn't need to know right then ( and how convenient that you leave out your part in it) what was said and shouldn't have been pushed to confront anyone .... for the love of god I hope she gets called out at the reunion cause she really needs to be 

Edited by Keywestclubkid
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Damned computer!  Now I gotta type all over again!

Gizzard, you ain't shit!  You're just wasting money to that Norbit looking therapist 'cause you're still the same bitter bitch you've been for three seasons and if there is Karma you'll get it twice-fold by your twin daughters when they go buckwild in their teens and you'll feel like shit for not being there for them as you should be now; how bout trying to be a mother instead of their friend!  And miss me with that half-assed apology to Karen....err'body knows that when you start off with 'If I've offended, etc.' then you know good and bluedilly well that you did offend.  Karen has an excellent reason for treating you the way she does, if it were me I'd treat you like Fredo and act like your stupid ass didn't exist.

Beaky Buzzard - I don't care if Juan is dickmitizing you on the regulah or if you are too stupid to know that as the host you are responsible for all the events, when Bravo ('cause let's be real, this broke bitch ain't get near any paaaaaaarts of money all of a sudden!) takes you on a trip, you might want to be on time!  I hate late people, this is trifling and inexcusable.

And how the hell is Gizzard supposed to know that she should apologize unless you tell her outright?  See, when normal folk fuck up, they know they fucked up and act accordingly....you are waiting for an apology from a selfish twat that's only concerned about herself.  Keep on waiting dumbass!

Monique, let me have to tell you one more 'gin bout that Isis headband in your TH's!

Damn Ashley, you didn't have to go so HAM on Katie like that.

Edited by Vixenstud
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Every one of them dressed so inappropriately.  Their stiletto's digging in the sand as they were walking on the beach. Looked like they were sinking in quiksand! They looked so stupid. Girls, if you insist on designer everything,  Louboutin and Manolo Blanik make gorgeous flat sandals, go check it out. Oddly enough, Krazy Katie was the only one with a cute beachy dress and flat stylish sandals. She sure has a pretty face, too bad she can't get her wig game together. 

I can not keep track of who is friends with who on this franchise. It changes every. single. week. Except Gizelle and Karen. Their hate for each other is pretty constant. Just ask the lobby patrons of every hotel they have been in.

Every scene with Ashley and Michael makes me cringe. Their dynamic together is so forced and uncomfortable.  

Edited by bichonblitz
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7 hours ago, Vixenstud said:

Damned computer!  Now I gotta type all over again!

Gizzard, you ain't shit!  You're just wasting money to that Norbit looking therapist 'cause you're still the same bitter bitch you've been for three seasons and if there is Karma you'll get it twice-fold by your twin daughters when they go buckwild in their teens and you'll feel like shit for not being there for them as you should be now; how bout trying to be a mother instead of their friend!  And miss me with that half-assed apology to Karen....err'body knows that when you start off with 'If I've offended, etc.' then you know good and bluedilly well that you did offend.  Karen has an excellent reason for treating you the way she does, if it were me I'd treat you like Fredo and act like your stupid ass didn't exist.

Beaky Buzzard - I don't care if Juan is dickmitizing you on the regulah or if you are too stupid to know that as the host you are responsible for all the events, when Bravo ('cause let's be real, this broke bitch ain't get near any paaaaaaarts of money all of a sudden!) takes you on a trip, you might want to be on time!  I hate late people, this is trifling and inexcusable.

And how the hell is Gizzard supposed to know that she should apologize unless you tell her outright?  See, when normal folk fuck up, they know they fucked up and act accordingly....you are waiting for an apology from a selfish twat that's only concerned about herself.  Keep on waiting dumbass!

Monique, let me have to tell you one more 'gin bout that Isis headband in your TH's!

Damn Ashley, you didn't have to go so HAM on Katie like that.

6 hours ago, pasdetrois said:

I suspect production gave Robyn a stern talkin' to. Her tardiness costs them money and time. Oh, and she clearly had time to go get all glam before she waltzed into the hotel lobby, pretending to be fresh off the plane. Guess she wasn't in that much of a hurry.

6 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

Every one of them dressed so inappropriately.  Their stiletto's digging in the sand as they were walking on the beach. Looked like they were sinking in quiksand! They looked so stupid. Girls, if you insist on designer everything,  Louboutin and Manolo Blanik make gorgeous flat sandals, go check it out. Oddly enough, Krazy Katie was the only one with a cute beachy dress and flat stylish sandals. She sure has a pretty face, too bad she can't get her wig game together. 

I can not keep track of who is friends with who on this franchise. It changes every. single. week. Except Gizelle and Karen. Their hate for each other is pretty constant. Just ask the lobby patrons of every hotel they have been in.

Every scene with Ashley and Michael makes me cringe. Their dynamic together is so forced and uncomfortable.  

Holy shit, Robin! Your broke ass has got a well paying gig where you get paid good money to go on fabulous trips and talk shit about people...and you still can’t be on time! What was the hold up? At be you were fixing breakfast for Juan and his girlfriend. No wonder you can’t find gainful employment.

I always thought Katie was stunning. She’s not young Cynthia Bailey beautiful but is still quite a looker. That said maybe she can use crowdfunding to raise money to buy a decent wig. Better yet girl, just go natural. God gave you a lot in the genetics department...please get yourself together and stop wearing a dead cat on your head.

Candiass, those braids were a big part improvement over your 30 pound wigs. You looked good.

Ashley, Michael is more stimulated saying hi to Juan then looking at you in a sleazy Party City outfit

Ashley, do you remember how your hideous husband was harassing Black Bill Gates at every turn about not paying his taxes? Do you remember how Beaky, Gizzard, and you made a stupid late night pizza delivery trying to humiliate Karen? Yet, some how you think you deserve privacy and respect.

Gizzard, that blonde is washing you out and making you look old. Your daughters are right, your cheating shady preacher of a husband does have more style than you do. 

Also, Karen does not owe you her friendship. You were shit to her and are lucky that she treats you civilly.

Edited by qtpye
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8 hours ago, Vixenstud said:

Gizzard, you ain't shit! 

LMAO. I can't even remember what I came here to say but this sums up where I am with Giz. I WANNA like her but I just can't make that last little leap because she stays starting mess. 

Robyn's passive aggressive ass dethroning her bestie...I see you Beaky. You ain't shit either but it's nice to see you know how to annoy Giz occasionally.

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For all the grand dame bs. Laren does seem kind. Like under the fakeness she can care about someone. She has been kind to candice. She also showed kindness to Katie and told her she belonged anywhere she wanted to be. I think she could actually be a friend when someone is down. GIZ on the other hand, hell to the nah. She is luck she is beautiful because that is one ugly soul. 

Ashley can miss me with all her poor me shtick, like others mentioned it's all fair game. She kept bypassing katie telling her everyone said your husband is gay. She thought Katie was the easiest target, and maybe she was but she didnt lie. Gurl everybody is talking about your husband wanting to suck some d. If he ain't gay he sure is curious. 

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I just wanted to know why Karen was dressed up like Erika Jayne, what with the sequined jersey dress and long blonde wig. She looked fucking ridonkulous in that entire getup. 

Speaking of ridonkulous, Katie makes me genuinely uncomfortable to watch. She’s nuts on bad drugs worse than her bad wigs. She seriously needs to get herself together and away from this group period.

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On 8/19/2019 at 12:19 AM, Quita said:

That wig! On his last appearance on WWHL, Michael Rapaport (who is one of my favorite guests and a housewives super fan), was asked about housewives from various franchises. When he was asked about Katie, he commented that it looked like she throws her wig up in the air, ducks under it, and however it lands on her head is how she wears it. I died!!! Sometimes it does look like that's exactly what she does.



I'm thru!!!

Mr. islandgal140 is convinced that Michael, while on that exercise bike, has the following type of image on the screen and is chasing it at 50 mph.


On 8/19/2019 at 9:54 AM, ZaldamoWilder said:

I want Katie to be at reunion.  How she got Ashley together with something coursing through her bloodstream?  Tuh!  Finna be an execution if she show up stone cold sober.


Katie wasn't invited. She kinda went off about it on social media. Hopefully, there was a change of plan but somehow I don't think so.

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Is this show even pretending not to be run by production anymore?  I mean, when Karen broke out her animosity toward Gizelle about the New Orleans/Instagram Live controversy, she didn't even bother to name a source, did she?  And Gizelle didn't ask for one.  Meanwhile, we have 9,000 flashbacks of Monique telling Candiace that Katie was like Amistad, Set Me Free and 12,000 flashbacks of Monique in her bob and striped sundress showing Ashley "the texts."  I guess we're just accepting the producers as active members of this show.  Ok.  

I like Ashley and Katie arguing, because I have always found them both intelligent and well-spoken and even if Katie is impaired, I can watch her and Ashley trade cogent barbs all day and ten times more often than women on other franchises or Candiace raging and regretting.

The Caymans look to die for, but the interior of the hotel (it was a Westin; they only flashed the sign like five times) wasn't anything to write home about.  

On one hand, I hope Robyn is demoted to the third seat back at the reunion for constantly being late to her job, but there is another part of me that is loving her for downgrading Gizelle from acting host and giving Ashley the suite.  Gizelle was dying inside when these things happened.  It was visible, and it was awesome.

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On 8/19/2019 at 1:00 PM, Vixenstud said:

Gizzard, you ain't shit!  You're just wasting money to that Norbit looking therapist 'cause you're still the same bitter bitch you've been for three seasons and if there is Karma you'll get it twice-fold by your twin daughters when they go buckwild in their teens and you'll feel like shit for not being there for them as you should be now; how bout trying to be a mother instead of their friend!  And miss me with that half-assed apology to Karen....err'body knows that when you start off with 'If I've offended, etc.' then you know good and bluedilly well that you did offend.  Karen has an excellent reason for treating you the way she does, if it were me I'd treat you like Fredo and act like your stupid ass didn't exist.

Damn Ashley, you didn't have to go so HAM on Katie like that.

Please don't wish karma on Gizelle through the girls. That's just mean.

Ashely does know how to compose a clever slam, but it's hard to not feel sorry for Katie. Does anyone know what led to this epic custody battle for her children?

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41 minutes ago, politichick said:

Ashely does know how to compose a clever slam, but it's hard to not feel sorry for Katie. Does anyone know what led to this epic custody battle for her children?

This is an article from the NY Post's Page Six which gives a good rundown on what has gone on with Katie. You should take a look at her Instagram, too.


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19 hours ago, Sun-Bun said:

I just wanted to know why Karen was dressed up like Erika Jayne, what with the sequined jersey dress and long blonde wig. She looked fucking ridonkulous in that entire getup. 

Yeah what was that hot mess? That outfit would be tacky on a 20 year old. On 50+ year old Karen, it's just embarrassing. Who the hell comes to a hot ass tropical island with some sequin mess and thigh high boots. And then she turned up to dinner in a whole ass evening gown. Annoying though she may be, I thought Giselle looked perfect - vintage tee-shirt, tights and some sneakers. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
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1 hour ago, pasdetrois said:

The Page Six article provides a peek at salaries. Katie lost a $100K contract to appear on the show while battling custody earlier. Perhaps that was for one season.

Her former husband sounds horrible. But she has no chance at custody, or life for that matter, if she doesn't get clean.

Didn’t Katie say that she bought a million dollar house in her twenties? What happened to all her modeling money? I wonder if all these broke ass guys she hooks up with are her suppliers? I hate to say this, but her bad wigs and zoned out expressions are giving some Whitney Houston last days of life teas. Another beautiful woman brought low by her inner demons.

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20 hours ago, Quita said:

This is an article from the NY Post's Page Six which gives a good rundown on what has gone on with Katie. You should take a look at her Instagram, too.


Wow, there's a lot going on in that article. Including this:


“The producer wanted her to provide some information, and [Katie] wasn’t willing to do it,” Rynthia said. “I believe that Gizelle [Bryant, another ‘Potomac’ cast member,] had said some things, and they wanted her to talk about them. 

Why am I not surprised.

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22 hours ago, oftentimes said:

My fall over moment was when Katie said something (to Ashley) along the line of: Just because I'm talking about you and you're not here doesn't mean I was talking about you behind your back.

What I THINK she meant was that just because she was talking behind her back doesn't mean she was saying anything malicious. 

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5 minutes ago, Empress1 said:

What I THINK she meant was that just because she was talking behind her back doesn't mean she was saying anything malicious. 

I agree that that's exactly what she meant, although the way she said it was funny.  The implication is that when you're talking behind someone's back, you're saying things you wouldn't say to that person's face.  We know that Katie is 100% willing to say the exact same thing to Ashley's face--because she did!  And good for her for that.

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I visited that resort’s spa last year and spent some time at their beach and in that lobby. It was very beautiful, quiet and serene. The thought of them having that argument there makes my head spin.

Whenever there is a public argument on any Housewives show, I always rewatch the reactions of the surrounding patrons in the background. It definitely adds a level of hilarity.

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