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Former Hosts: PROFESSIONAL Life After The View


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RO didn't fire the woman but instead of suing ABC [who would crush her like a bug] she's suing RO's deep pockets  knowing that she has so much stuff on her plate right now she  will probably settle instead of fighting it  

This is what I thought, too. The woman seems bitter about her interactions with Rosie O'Donnell specifically (and sounds a little crazy from what all we've heard of her), but ABC is the one who fired her and ABC is the one she should be suing. Rosie may have triggered the actions by ABC, but she didn't have the power to fire her. That's why the woman'll end up losing; not that she wouldn't have anyway.

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Lolz, the shit really hit the fan while Whoopi was out with her back and couldn't protect this bitch anymore, didn't it?  I wonder if The Daily Mail kept the transcripts/voicemails/emails of the "leaker".

Ohhhh, good catch on the timing NextIteration!  I bet you are exactly right.   I do think it's laughable that this "Emmy award winning producer" can't seem to find another job.  People talk.


I've been watching the Investigations Discovery channel or Discovery Investigations, anyway, there's been an ad all day advertising a series coming with Barbara Walters hosting a new show entitled - American Scandals.

I've long said Babs will be one of those people who work until the day they die.  I'm just glad she's not on this show anymore.  Those last couple of years when she was showing up every single day were making me feel bad for snarking on her and I don't want to feel bad about it. 

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I've read BW's new show will feature her prior interviews about cases like OJ and the Mendez cases and a few current interviews now. I am totally not interested any longer on the cases or her very old interviews.

I wonder if Sweaty Geddie is producing?   Boy, he is going to wring every last dime out of that woman's career for himself isn't he?   He's about the only one who loves Babs' old interviews more than she does.  

Edited by Cosmocrush
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Lolz, the shit really hit the fan while Whoopi was out with her back and couldn't protect this bitch anymore, didn't it? I wonder if The Daily Mail kept the transcripts/voicemails/emails of the "leaker".

Yes, interesting isn't it that the shit hit the fan only when WG wasn't there to cover for her or run interference when the question of all those unauthorized press leaks came up.

Defamation suits are notoriously difficult to prove. A defamatory statement must be false -- otherwise it's not considered damaging. Even terribly mean or disparaging things are not defamatory if the shoe fits. Most opinions don't count as defamation because they can't be proved to be objectively false. Rosie stating her opinion that someone on the inside must be leaking information to the press can't be proven to be objectively false, even if she's looking at one person in particular when she says it. It's her opinion.

Ms Brookman would not only have to prove that she was not the source of the leaks but that Rosie knew at the time of the alleged slander that Brookman wasn't the source and knowingly made false statements with the intent of damaging Brookman. And, as noted before, Rosie had no power over hiring and firing. Rosie may well have intimidated or antagonized her, but Brookman alone is responsible for her own inappropriate and unprofessional behavior that led to her firing by ABC after Rosie had already left the show. If Rosie was the problem then why didn't the show bring Brookman back out of suspension and reinstate her once the coast was clear? If this thing really does go forward, it will be quite a show to see all of the behind-the-scenes shenanigans that people like Nicolle will be forced to put on the record.

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Not much Matchalove....Trump called into F&F this morning. Elisabeth added nothing to the conversation - however, she is the weakest link so..... They started off talking about W "keeping us safe" and then she said something about....."well, post 9/11......"

If you google F&F there is a link to the 11 minute segment.

Edited by maggiemae
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Not much Matchalove....Trump called into F&F this morning. Elisabeth added nothing to the conversation - however, she is the weakest link so..... They started off talking about W "keeping us safe" and then she said something about....."well, post 9/11......"

If you google F&F there is a link to the 11 minute segment.

Got it.  Thank you!

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Holy crap! that's twice in one day I agree with Donald Trump! GWB didn't keep us safe, and Elizabeth needs to shut up!

Ugh, me too, plus I was inadvertently subjected to a flashback to Lizzie and her little chipmunk voiced almost daily refrain of "he kept us safe." First, Trump actually made me feel a twinge of sympathy for Carly "demon sheep" Fiorina and now this? Curse you Donald Trump! I feel so dirty…

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Donald also called Bitsy the stupidest person on TV during his Rosie Feud.

That, and the carried interest loophole, and calling out hedge fund managers for ruining the country - gee if it weren't for the virulent racism and sexism, I'd like the guy. ("Other than that, how did you enjoy the play, Mrs. Lincoln?" )

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But why do these people say, I love so and so, or so and so is my friend, but...Whoopi, Joy, Bawa, Sherri they all do it.  People have said, Trump is my friend, he is a nice person.  No, actually, he is not.  And if Trump loves Bitsy, he wouldn't have called her the stupidest person on TV.  She shouldn't even be speaking to him!

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I watched the clip that generated that comment from Trump.  Hasselbeck looked SO teeth-gritting hostile toward Trump, it was hysterical.  She was crazy with muted rage that Trump was bashing GWB about 911 and (rightfully) pointing out to the Three Stooges that their beloved Republicans completely destabilized the Middle East.  Of course Fox LOVES war/military (whether used correctly or not) and the thought that "their team" basically f**cked up a portion of the world was just too much for them to handle.  She kept trying to have Trump retract his comments like her life depended on it.  

Edited by MatchaLove
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Both Chris Matthews and Trevor Noah have given Trump credit for finally calling out Bush on 9-11. It's a beautiful thing to watch Bitsy so angry that her crush is being criticized.

Back in the waning days of the Bush administration, Bitsy actually visited him in the White House and the show showed video footage. Bush cams out and said, "Hello Elisabeth," and she blurted out, "Thank you for keeping us safe, Mr. President." The first thing out of her mouth! So you know this is killing her.

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Ugh that was so gross - she SCOOPED the shit out of the diaper and put the diaper back on the baby - that poor baby's bottom! And she tells this story on TV like it's cute!

If she had time to scoop it out, why didn't the moron just change/clean the baby before going in? Who the hell would walk into the oval office to meet the sitting President with the smell of a loaded diaper to greet him?  She should have apologetically asked an aid to hold him as it was not suitable to bring him in there.  Idiot.

Not much Matchalove....Trump called into F&F this morning. Elisabeth added nothing to the conversation - however, she is the weakest link so..... They started off talking about W "keeping us safe" and then she said something about....."well, post 9/11......"

If you google F&F there is a link to the 11 minute segment.


OMG, I finally got around to watching this, and the look on Bitsy's face throughout is priceless.  Notice too the ol' Bitsy trick of supposedly trying to get a comment in (but not really trying all that hard) only to be over-talked so she didn't actually have to contribute to the conversation.  Then - when she finally utters a full sentence - it's nothing more than a rehash of the "But GWB kept us safe, did he not?" that she's been spouting for the last 14 years.  Classic Bitsy.


I'm adding the link here so that it doesn't get lost when F&F cleanses its website.  It's well worth keeping for future giggles, and I'd hate to see it go bye-bye!




GAH - I despise that woman!

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Funny you should all mention this - yesterday they did a feature on how a luxury foreign car manufacturer (Lexus, maybe?) just opened a plant in Kentucky. The title of the segment was "Made in America" and they were all thrilled about this (although Dumb Doocey had to point out proudly that Kentucky is anti-union ("right to work" in Orwellian doublespeak) state.

Bitsy was sitting there with her proud-to- be-an-'Mer'cun smirk. So much for the crappy QVC clothes or the Ab Glider.

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Sherri said on Twitter she would be filming a new movie in Toronto & would not be able to take Jeffrey Trick/Treating............

Isn't that typical of Sherri?   She has a child with special needs whom she SAYS is the most important person in her life.  She bragged about seeing Janet Jackson in concert in two separate cities, bragged about Jimmy Choo shoes, yet says she takes jobs in order to "put food on the table".  She complained about having to attend his sports events, having to pay for his physical therapy.   Spending time with you child, sacrificing what you want in order to pay for what your kid wants, is what other parents do,   Her child is not her priority.

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Halloween is on a Sat....surely she could find a neighbor, family friend, etc to take him. Someone is going to be looking after him.

Typical Sherry - bragging on her movie while playing the Jeffrey card for sympathy - a twofer.

Couldn't agree more with she is out of the house having fun when she cold be home with Jeffrey and complains when she is. Then throws money away while crying how poor she is.

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So this morning on Fox and Friends, they had a guy on to promote a new book about winning arguments. It was extremely lame - basically "zingers" that first graders would find stupid ("I think it's sexist to call Hillary 'Hillary' because Hillary is a girl's name." Huh?)


Anyway at the end Bitsy says, my only complaint is that you didn't write this book ten years ago when I was at "that other place."

"That other place"? The place where you worked for ten years even though you were completely unqualified? The " other place" where you were propped up and protected by the executive producer and fed answers through a headset? The "other place" that paid you an obscene amount of money for about 20 hours a week of "work"?

It is interesting though that she does seem to harbor a fair amount of bitterness about her firing, still. Say what you will about Sherri - and I think she was shitcanned too despite her stories of the Lord telling her to quit - she has never spoken a bad word about the place (except for some bizarre remarks about Barbara Walters). Which is why she has a part-time gig there again, I guess.

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That other place"? The place where you worked for ten years even though you were completely unqualified? The " other place" where you were propped up and protected by the executive producer and fed answers through a headset? The "other place" that paid you an obscene amount of money for about 20 hours a week of "work"?




I'm sure in Elisabeth's mind she was slumming it at the View.  Just paying her dues till the mother ship called her home.  And I wouldn't be surprised if she flat out disbelieves Barbara Walters had Fox News offer Elisabeth her current job.


It is interesting though that she does seem to harbor a fair amount of bitterness about her firing, still. Say what you will about Sherri - and I think she was shitcanned too despite her stories of the Lord telling her to quit - she has never spoken a bad word about the place (except for some bizarre remarks about Barbara Walters). Which is why she has a part-time gig there again, I guess



I think Sherri knows she will never ever have such a high profile well paying job as the View. 

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I remember way back when the show was auditioning for the young conservative. Bitsy was definitely my favorite and I was glad to see she got the job. But then Geddie got his hands on her and she morphed from naive young mother to this robot like creature spitting out RNC talking points - without any introspection or sincerity - fed to her via early morning private sessions and her earpiece. I truly believe it was an attempt to get the views expressed on Fox to a wider audience. It took awhile, but eventually the audience caught on. I also think she got the Fox gig because Geddie and Babs reminded Ailes et al that they owed her a job and her hubby and in-laws worked hard to convince her this was a great and wonderful thing. And now she's stuck on that curvy couch between the two doofuses and not too happy about the situation, except for the paycheck.  

Edited by merriebreeze
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I remember way back when the show was auditioning for the young conservative. Bitsy was definitely my favorite and I was glad to see she got the job. But then Geddie got his hands on her and she morphed from naive young mother to this robot like creature spitting out RNC talking points - without any introspection or sincerity - fed to her via early morning private sessions and her earpiece.



Bitsy was actually kind of fun at first. Then she suddenly wasn't.


Bitsy, how many cast mates has Survivor had at this point? 500? How many of them can the average person name? 1, 2? Richard Hatch, of course, and probably Elizabeth. You may not have been among those names were it not for The View. Scratch that. You certainly would not have been among those names. You should get down on your knees and thank Baba Wawa every single day. And Rosie O'Donnell for providing you the sounding board. 

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And now she's stuck on that curvy couch between the two doofuses and not too happy about the situation, except for the paycheck. 


I'm curious (not being critical), merriebreeze, as to why you feel Bitsy isn't happy being on F&F.  The very few times I've seen the show, she's looked smug, happy and pumped up to be there.  What are your thoughts?

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On F&F she is a fake - not her real persona. Seems obvious to me.


LOL - that goes without saying!  She's a fake wherever she appears.  I honestly don't think she's ever shown us a "real" persona anywhere on TV.   But, IMO, she loves being on F&F b/c she can spew her venom unchallenged and give The View a "naa-naa-naa"  every day of the week and be applauded and paid nicely for it.  I won't go so far as to say the two maroons she sits between make her look intelligent, but their stupidity makes hers look less glaring.  She should be ecstatic!

Edited by Tunia
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I won't go so far as to say the two maroons she sits between make her look intelligent, but their stupidity makes hers look less glaring.

Plus there is no Joy (or even occasionally Whoopi or Baba or the occasional guest) to call her out on her bullshit.  Fox and Friends is a friggin' echo chamber. That's why Trump's call-in was so delightful. He actually said something that challenged their party line.


She does seem absolutely delighted to be in a place where her ignorance and rage is shared by her colleagues and the guests, but I gotta wonder....between the early time and the comparatively longer hours and the laughably cheesy production values, whether she wishes she was back on the View. As much as we goof on it, it does have a place in our culture. During her stay there, she got to meet a lot of very high-profile guests - Paul McCartney, Michael Caine, Madonna,  Morgan Freeman, Beyonce, Taylor Swift, etc. come to mind (as well as the Obamas, but she wouldn't think they're cool). There's no way people of that star quality make their way to the curvy couch.


Rather, she's stuck with the creep from Duck Dynasty judging women in leggings this morning:  http://jezebel.com/fox-news-invites-panel-of-fathers-to-discuss-the-merits-1738925870

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Elisabeth  had the dream job at the View - banker's hours,   very short work days along with really good pay although none of us know the right amount.  Now she has to get up at a ridiculous  hour every morning, sit between two idiots  on a  couch, mouth whatever Fox wants her to say,  and has to wear the Foxbot uniform.  Plus I doubt if she makes anywhere near what she used to.   So I definitely think she misses the View and what benefits she had there.

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One indication to me that she LOVES being on F&F is that she tweets about it nonstop. She hardly ever tweeted when she was on The View. Now every tweet somehow relates to F&F. Also, I'm sure in her mind she thinks F&F is so much more prestigious than The View ("serious news") and especially with the downward spiral The View has been on since (I hate to say it) she left, I think she's thrilled that she left. I bet the only thing she misses is the hours (seriously who can beat a 9-12 workday 4 days a week!!??)


Speaking of F&F, what is their obsession with the Duck family?!

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Elisabeth  had the dream job at the View - banker's hours,   very short work days along with really good pay although none of us know the right amount.  Now she has to get up at a ridiculous  hour every morning, sit between two idiots  on a  couch, mouth whatever Fox wants her to say,  and has to wear the Foxbot uniform.  Plus I doubt if she makes anywhere near what she used to.   So I definitely think she misses the View and what benefits she had there.


I don't know if Bits luvs it over there or not and I admit I've only seen clips of F&F but she seems to be scowling in all of them so I don't know how happy she really is there.   And I would say that being so bitter over The View is a good sign she'd rather still be there given the choice for mostly the reasons you posted Fannysue.  Now she spends almost as much time each day as she used to spend in a week at The View.  Plus, network vs. cable.... 


I don't know and I guess I don't really care.  I do like that if she's going to be on TV it's someplace I won't see her unless I record it or get up in  the night with a desire to make myself feel terrible.  

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