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READ ME: Political Discussion on Primetimer


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Please remember that The Plot Against America is a work of fiction. Keep the conversation about the show only and do not use it as a jumping off point to draw parallels to modern-day politicians or political parties or movements. Please familiarize yourself with the site rules regarding political discussion before posting:

  • We do not allow any discussion of Politicians, Political bodies (Congress, Parliament) Political Movements or Political Parties, including jokes and asides, unless those entities are specifically mentioned on an episode of the show being discussed, or in editorial content about that episode. Even when this applies, they may be discussed ONLY in the context of the show. This means no elaboration, speculation or using what was said as a springboard to voice your political thoughts generally.
  • Name-calling or nickname use aimed at politicians or political entities is no longer permitted - for example, President Cheeto, Lyin' Joe Biden, etc. (This applies only to political people and entities as stated above. As always, any non-political folks are fair game for nicknames.)
  • Discussion of 'Hot-Button Social Issues' is allowed [for the purposes of Primetimer these include but are not limited to; abortion, healthcare & gun rights], providing it relates to the episode being discussed or takes place in a Small Talk topic.

Anything counter to the above is considered off-topic and subject to moderation measures. 

If you have any questions, please PM me.

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