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Ghosts - General Discussion

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From the cast that brought us Horrible Histories:


A cash-strapped young couple inherit a grand country house, only to find it is both falling apart and teeming with the ghosts of former inhabitants.


The crumbling country pile of Button House is home to a troupe of restless spirits who have died there over the centuries, each ghost very much a product of their time, resigned to squabbling with each other for eternity over the most inane of daily gripes. Their lives – or, rather, afterlives – are thrown into turmoil when a young couple – Alison (Charlotte Ritchie) and Mike (Kiell Smith-Bynoe) – inherit the peaceful derelict house and make plans to turn it into a bustling family hotel.

I wasn't expecting much when I started watching this show.  I was pleasantly surprised!  It's good.  Glad to hear it's coming back.  Just hope that HBO picks up the second season.

I watched this twice.  The first time I was slightly distracted. When I watched it again with one of my kids I realized that some of the plague pit ghosts were actually being played by the same actors as the upstairs ghosts.  Can't believe I initially missed that.  

I did read that an American version was in the works.  Can't see it being any better than this. Cast, location (lengthier history=more diverse ghosts), writing...it really worked well.  

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I'm happy this show has its own topic, and that the second season is now on HBO Max.

I've only watched the first episode of the new season so far and thought it was sweet how Alison has tried to accommodate the ghosts. I wouldn't have taken their refusal to help (though Mary's reason was understandable) and then outright sabotage of the nascent haunted house business nearly as well as she did. But I'm probably taking this too seriously. Anyway, I liked seeing more of the plague pit ghosts.

Edited by krankydoodle

It's probably down to my election anxiety, but I found this season less fun to watch overall because so many of the episodes seemed to involve Alison and Mike screwing up somehow. I'm also not a fan of misunderstandings of the kind in the finale where someone walks away after overhearing only the most damning part of a conversation. I loved that we saw more of the ghosts' backstories, though, especially Thomas's in the 4th episode. And Pat is one of my favorite characters, so I was happy that he got more time in episode 6.

I'm glad this has already been renewed for a third season and that there'll be a Christmas special this year. I just hope the special comes to HBO. 

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I just watched the CBS trailer and I'm not sold either, but will also give it a shot. I hated the generic sitcom-y music and tone, though, and it doesn't help that I don't recognize most of the actors whereas I already knew a lot of the cast (including Mathew Baynton, one of my favorites) in the original from other things. 

Since we're getting the trailer now, I figured this would be a summer show but it looks like it doesn't start until the fall. Anyway, it's nice to see a South Asian actor in a starring role and I like Rose McIver, so I hope it's better than the trailer suggests.

ETA: HBO Max just added the Christmas special. It was nice. Part of what I enjoyed about the focus on sleazebag Julian is remembering how the character is played by a co-writer of those sweet Paddington movies.

Edited by krankydoodle
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5 hours ago, Kiddvideo said:

I really enjoyed last nights episode which featured “Newhart” heavily. Made me want to rewatch the series and now I just read Peter Scolari died of cancer at 66. 

Oh, this is the thread to discuss the original British show. If you want to talk about the American show, it's got its own forum. There is also a comparison thread if you want to discuss both shows at the same time.

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I'm not hearing great things about the US show, but if it did one good thing, it brought my attention to the British show.  I finished all 3 seasons in two weeks, which is pretty much like watching one US season, since they were only 6 episodes each.  I really hope it gets a 4th season.  It is a really fun show.  Perfectly cast. 

I love how they (finally) dealt with the issue that ghosts go right through walls and objects, but can sit in chairs.  OK, "dealt with" is a bit of an overstatement.  Acknowledged in an almost breaking the 4th wall kind of way is more like it. 

I love how all the ghosts keep themselves occupied.  With the lectures and games, etc.  The improvisation scene with Mary and Robin was hilarious!  "yes, and..."  yep, that's pretty much it!  Kitty and Pat's dance session was also great.  I do like how the writers allowed for the ghosts to interact with each other on one-on-one basis, but kept mixing up the pairings. 

I thought it was funny that all the TV shows and movies that Alison put on to entertain the Ghosts were all American, not British.  Top Gun, Murder She Wrote, Friends, Grease...  OK, I have no idea about the old war movies from Season 1. 

A few questions (I'm trying to not put anything plot spoilerish in here):

Why, after 1,000 years, does Robin still speak semi-caveman?  You'd think after a few hundred years with the other ghosts he'd be speaking the King's english.  At first I thought because he had limited intelligence, but he was pretty smart throughout the show, so that's not it.  Same with Kitty, although I don't think she's as bright as Robin.

Why can Julian move things, but no one else can?

How did Alison get a picture of Kitty to photoshop into a BFF shot with her? 

Since the ghosts can touch each other, could someone fashion a pair of pants for Julian out of one of the women's many skirt layers? 


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2 hours ago, chaifan said:

Why, after 1,000 years, does Robin still speak semi-caveman?  You'd think after a few hundred years with the other ghosts he'd be speaking the King's english.  At first I thought because he had limited intelligence, but he was pretty smart throughout the show, so that's not it.  Same with Kitty, although I don't think she's as bright as Robin.

Why can Julian move things, but no one else can?

How did Alison get a picture of Kitty to photoshop into a BFF shot with her? 

Since the ghosts can touch each other, could someone fashion a pair of pants for Julian out of one of the women's many skirt layers? 


I think there are very definite limits to what the ghosts can change about themselves. They are stuck as they were when they died, in essence. Robin can't change his speech and Kitty can't take off a petticoat to make trousers for Julian because who they were when they died and what they were wearing when they died is set in stone, so to speak. We saw that in Thomas's episode when he tried to get rid of - I think it was a letter in his pocket? But no matter what he did, it always reappeared in his pocket, because it was there when he died, so he's stuck with it. It's also why Humphrey can't keep his head on. (You all know that Humphrey and Robin are the same actor, right?)

Julian can move things while no one else can because that's his special gift - like the little plague girl in season one who was the only one living people could hear. And Fanny is the only one stuck re-enacting her death every night, because that's unique to her. I think they are all just riffs on classic ghost and poltergeist stories.

As for the picture of Kitty, I believe there is a portrait of her somewhere in the house, painted with her sister (inspired, I would say, by the story of Dido Elizabeth Belle). All Alison would have to do is take a photo of the portrait and then use that to edit Kitty into a picture with herself.

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16 hours ago, chaifan said:

Why, after 1,000 years, does Robin still speak semi-caveman?  You'd think after a few hundred years with the other ghosts he'd be speaking the King's english.


It's like how the captain did all that exercise and yet, he was not able to improve his performance. Some of their attributes are fixed to a certain position. What should not be fixed is their attitude. They can get with the times and learn new things.

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If Robin's speech is fixed in time to when he died, then he wouldn't speak English at all.  (And make for a very boring character, limited to grunts.)  The fact that he's learned rudimentary English indicates he can change that aspect of his being, or non-being, or whatever.  He obviously understands everything he hears. 

OK, I know, I'm overthinking this.  I just think it would have been funny to have a caveman running around speaking proper English.  Actually, since he's been around a few thousand years, he could be fluent in pretty much every language of any ghosts who got stuck there.  That would be even funnier - a caveman that's a linguistic genius! 

I will choose to believe that like Humphrey's wife, Robin thinks English is "an ugly language", and therefore doesn't consider it worthy of his time or effort.  I will also choose to believe he's fluent in French, and we just haven't seen it yet.  😁

Oh, and who named him Robin???  Damn this show...


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On 11/2/2021 at 11:38 PM, Maren said:

I watched this show after seeing the trailers for the American one and have really come to love it. It's got comedy and heart and is so well acted and well written!! I am really hoping it comes back for another season!! I've been so disappointed by the American version. I just keep rewatching this one instead!

I love Robin lol. 

I am actually liking the US version.  I honestly didn't expect to, after reading some of the comments.  But I like it, and I like how it's going it's own direction.  (There is a compare/contrast thread in the US show forum.)

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On 11/20/2021 at 12:42 AM, Maren said:

We're officially getting a fourth season!!! Ghost Season 4.

"Katy Wix has confirmed that the BAFTA-nominated BBC sitcom will be returning for a fourth series, which is expected to start filming at West Horsley Place in January 2022."

Woot woot!!

Amazing news. Does someone know when can we expect season 4? Like approximately when did season 1, 2 3 air?

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I finally signed up for a service that carries this and in the last two days have watched up to when Thomas is shot.  But...has anyone ever seen the hole in his back?  It seems like we've seen him from the back several times but I've never seen a hole.  Just the one in the front.  Am I just missing it?  (I know logic doesn't apply to many areas.)  When I finish this today, I don't know how I'm going to spend the rest of my weekend.  I guess I could pay bills or something boring like that.

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It felt really warm and cosy, rather than laugh-out-loud funny. Alison and Mike and the ghosts have really settled into being a big, weird family, and that came across all through the episode - in even the tiniest details, like Julian in the background quietly pressing the button on Kitty's Santa toy to make it dance and sing again, just because she enjoys it so much. And I do enjoy how much Mike knows and understands about all the ghosts, even though he has never been able to see or hear them.

Edited by Llywela
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Never going to find out the Captain's name lol. 

That was very sweet and sad. I feel bad for Fanny. Makes her ending all the more poignant. Murdered by the closeted gay guy she was forced to marry to save her family. Dang. I've been reading non fiction history books and man, women really had crappy lives. No choices. 

I felt bad for Nick too. I like to think he got his life turned around after this!

Not a lot of humor but I enjoyed the comedic moments with Robin and Mary. They were pretty darn funny! I liked how the Captain and Julian couldn't blow Kitty's Santa dreams. Thomas was an idiot. It was clearly undone! Lol. But it's Thomas, he can't deal with stuff like this without melodrama lol.

All in all, not that humorous but I enjoyed it sooooo much more than the one with Mike's family. (I found his family so rude to him. Only one I liked was the baby!)  But this one was sweet and satisfying. I enjoyed it. 

Edited by Maren
Clarifying thought
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That was a nice Christmas episode.  Loved everything with Kitty, especially her hounding Allison to buy the Santa doll.

I did not see that backstory coming for Fanny.  Unfortunately, it was probably a very realistic predicament and solution at that time.  Is it just me, or did Fanny seem to smile and light up a bit when her husband to be walked in the room?  I choose to believe so, and want to believe that her marriage wasn't all bad.

I like that they paired up Robin and Mary.  I think the show does a good job of pairing up characters for random "B" plots.  When Allison turned down their demand for rent I expected them to go to Fanny and ask for back rent from her. 

Can someone remind me...  how long have Mike and Allison been in the house? 

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So I enjoy both the US and BBC versions, but I think I enjoy the US version slightly more.


One continuity issue: do they explain why the characters can sit on furniture and lie on beds ?

If the can walk through walls and doors,, and have to concentrate to be able to knock over vases, wouldn't they also sink right through any furniture ? It's not a big deal, I enjoy both shows,  just noticed that and was wondering if it were explained and I missed it ?

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On 1/1/2022 at 3:23 PM, IWantCandy71 said:

One continuity issue: do they explain why the characters can sit on furniture and lie on beds ?

If the can walk through walls and doors,, and have to concentrate to be able to knock over vases, wouldn't they also sink right through any furniture ? It's not a big deal, I enjoy both shows,  just noticed that and was wondering if it were explained and I missed it ?

It's not a "continuity" issue, it's a ghost thing.  Each show has touched on this.  On the UK show it was a very short clip, almost a one liner, acknowledging the fact that they can sit on furniture but they don't go through the floor.  (Or something like that, I'm going from memory.)  On the US show, they got into it a little more, bemoaning the fact that there is no ghost manual that explains why they can do this (among other things).  I felt each was a nice nod to what comes up in any ghost show/movie, but is almost never addressed. 

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Just recently got access to HBO max, and caught up with all the episodes between the weekly US version airings. I can’t really pick a favorite between them.

I like how Robin is learning from the “younger” ghosts (“do you play chess?”  “Can learn”) and developing his vocabulary (I think he mastered “monogamous” didn’t he?)

And after the episode with the BUTTon HOuse logo shirt, I have to wonder if they planned that all along.


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Watched first season on HBO Max. I suspect that more people will like the first version they see better than the second. Also, some people will always swear that the original is always the best, particularly if they saw that one first. I also suspect that there's the exclusivity factor of knowing that most people who have seen the US version have not seen the UK version.   Then there are those who will just find more characters relatable because they're more familiar with that character's historical time and culture. I'm of the latter category. 

I definitely prefer the characters in the US version much more. Would not miss Pete or Flower if there were sucked off. They could take Thomas and creepy Kitty with them. I do like the caveman in the UK version, though. He's the only one I like so far. The captain's okay; but I prefer Isaac. Being a good hundred-plus years older than the captain makes Isaac more humorous to me. I enjoy the gag of Lady Button flying out of the window once a day. I like that the plague victims get more play in the UK version.

Both shows have great moments. I suspect that if you had access to only one version of the show, you'd like it just fine.



Edited by mojito
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I like both shows too. I saw the UK one first when I saw it on HBO Max, and that made me excited when I saw CBS ads for their version. I don't understand people who have to keep talking up how one version is better than the other. They're both funny and charming in different ways.

I just recently saw the Christmas Special and was surprised to learn more about Fanny's backstory, and how she came to Button House. Loved Kitty being excited about Santa. But stupid annoying Thomas and the painting! At least the basement ghosts got to enjoy it.

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For me, if you're going episode for episode, the US and UK shows are equally as good.  But, I think the US version has a great advantage in having more episodes per season.  We've gotten so much more character development in the first season than the UK version was able to do.  Does that make it "better" than the UK version?  Hate to say it, but at this point, I'd say yes.  Don't get me wrong, I love the UK show, and give it mass props for coming up with the concept and doing just a great job with it.  But if you're watching in real time and had to choose between the two, I'd choose the US version because it's just as good and we get 2x the episodes before having to wait for more. 


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On 1/25/2022 at 9:05 AM, chaifan said:

For me, if you're going episode for episode, the US and UK shows are equally as good.  But, I think the US version has a great advantage in having more episodes per season.  We've gotten so much more character development in the first season than the UK version was able to do.  Does that make it "better" than the UK version? 

I think the long seasons for American TV shows is what ruins the show. I've noticed recently in these forums how people are disgusted with the lame plots the more popular TV shows are producing, seemingly just to fill up a season. The shorter seasons of British shows makes us look forward to more, and, I think, results in better writing. 

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I started watching the U.S. and UK versions at roughly the same time and had to come back to both because I wasn’t concentrating on either. I appreciate that the U.S. version isn’t a carbon copy of the UK version with only minimal changes. I am on season 3 now, and I think I’d love a whole episode of Kitty and Pat dancing. I love how joyful they both are, especially Kitty after she got annoyed that she’d have to dance with Pat when Alison became busy.

Edited by Turtle Wexler
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On 1/25/2022 at 10:05 AM, chaifan said:

For me, if you're going episode for episode, the US and UK shows are equally as good.  But, I think the US version has a great advantage in having more episodes per season. 

I really like both shows, but this comment struck me because I had just been thinking that the British show benefits from having longer episodes. In the US version, I feel like the plots sometimes don't have enough time to develop. The episode with Pete's wife and the more recent one with flashbacks to Sassapis's father seemed a bit rushed to me.  

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