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S11.E02: Things Are Going Southampton

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5 hours ago, esco1822 said:

If I remember correctly, Ryan from Million Dollar Listing NY was on an episode of WWHL last year and said Ramona was right. 

As a rental, it probably doesn’t matter as much. Seems like it’s paying off for now - maybe Bethenny can sell it to some renter who falls in love before it needs more repairs or updates. If that fails, she can always sell it to money launderers.

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If I were Luann, I’d clap back to Dorinda that I appreciate her asking for forgiveness. 

Because yeah, that quote was totally irrelevant to Dorinda’s stated situation, and makes no sense as a passive aggressive dig.  The quote is arguing for forgiveness.  She’s been adamant that she doesn’t need to apologize to Luann, and Lu should instead be apologizing to her.  But Dorinda isn’t offering forgiveness, either.

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5 minutes ago, Stinger97 said:

tl;dr It's really not a "bad location" by any stretch of the imagination unless you're Ramona and need to look down your nose at someone else as wealthy (or, probably in this case, wealthier) than you. 

That's actually a good point, and very true. My point isn't that she overpaid, just that she hasn't underpaid either. This makes it very difficult to resell for any real profit, once you take transfer costs, commissions and improvements into consideration. She bought the house at market value which was 2 million, I'm not saying that it was worth less than that. It's just that it could have been higher if it was in a SLIGHTLY better location, aka not on the main east-west thoroughfare of the Hamptons. The way the market moves in the future will dictate if it is profitable or not. 

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1 hour ago, Gem 10 said:

So now Luann will have her daughter on stage talking, I mean singing, with her.  I mentioned way back that my daughter went to see her act.  She doesn’t sing .. she talks thru a song with anyone else she can get on the stage with her.  Sonja takes her dress off and prances around, all for the amazing price of one hundred bucks.  People go crazy .. they don’t care if she can’t sing.   The Jovanni dresses are amazing tho.  They’re on for less than an hour, with breaks.  She’s now a must see attraction in the city.  Personally, I think Dorinda was insulted she wasn’t included in the act and has been pissed off since.

I think the $100 price for her current show is steep.

HOWEVAH! If Victoria was to change the lyrics of the song to You Broke the Penal Code


And there was a special appearance by Kim Richards with the chorus of


I'd pay $500 to see that

Edited by KungFuBunny
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The thing about Hamptons Real Estate is that you have to hold it for a few years for it to increase in value to where you can get a big profit. If you buy at market value then you have to wait at least five years before you will see a real profit.

Bethenny is a smart cookie. She knows it would be stupid to sell right now.

I have stayed at a friends house at the Highway and it is not a problem. It is no nosier than a city street in Brooklyn. In fact much less noisy most of the time. You don't get commercial garbage trucks and drunken revelers at all hours of the night.

That house is a keeper.

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1 hour ago, kicksave said:

It all seems very familiar to me...my mother was bipolar and would have bouts of hypo mania where she did things that were really out of control. These would always be followed by very bad melancholia and depression. If Luann was diagnosed bipolar and started taking the appropriate medication for it I think she would see things clearer and have a happy and healthy life. 

My friend had the same symptoms, minus the drinking. IMPULSIVE.  She has bee on Prozac forever.  Without them, she is impossible and always ready for confrontation

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4 hours ago, Atwood said:

Best case outcome I can get if I run the numbers in excel is a modest profit on the house as a rental, and that assumes she's got non-existent maintenance costs and full occupancy throughout the rental season at her full asking price for the rent. Even if she were to get lucky on all of those factors one year, it's extremely unlikely in a longer term perspective. Even in the short term it's a best case scenario that she's making money and far more likely that she's breaking even (if she has a great mortgage) or taking a loss. She's unlikely even if EVERYTHING goes right for her to make more money back on a per-cash basis than practically risk-free investments, which makes this a questionable investment on a risk-adjusted basis.

It's a single family house so it's extremely doubtful that she could depreciate it, but even if she could that is an accounting approach that temporarily lowers your tax burden -- you have to actually pay that tax in full if you sell the property.

She has a chance to make a decent profit in a sale (or as a rental) if the Hamptons market rises significantly in the coming years, but on the flip side she's likely to make a huge loss if the market turns down. 

(Sorry, I realize this is probably super-boring to a lot of you guys, but I live for this stuff. )

Not boring at all. Thanks for the rundown. Very interesting! 

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The thing about Hamptons Real Estate is that you have to hold it for a few years for it to increase in value to where you can get a big profit. If you buy at market value then you have to wait at least five years before you will see a real profit.

She has it up for rent again this summer.  It hit the listings this morning.  So excellent product placement there.  The pictures from last year show this house set back from the highway with significant landscaping between the house and the road.  The house also has a round about for a drive so you would never be backing into traffic.  I would be fine with it and as a summer rental I'm sure there are folks that like it close to amenities.

Very surprised no one has mentioned how lovely dear Sonja looked at breakfast.  All fashion in her lounge wear, make up on, hair combed.  I miss the old mess but good for her.  It appears that she is wearing her own clothes.  Oh and she kept the weight off.  So good on you Sonja.

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Not picking a side here because there is no Good Side. I don't think Barbara seems that bad or bad-looking yet, but I kind of love that RHONJ is pretty much shorthand for "horrible-looking" around here.

I don't think that performing a cabaret is absolute proof that Luann is well enough to handle stressful situations. Luann is being obnoxious, but can't really be blamed for preferring glamorous attention-getting to getting bawled out by Dorinda, who certainly needs to attend to her own drinking,  but (as Barbara said) definitely doesn't need to get sanctimonious self-help lectures from Luann. 

Of course, the drama gets worse with the antics of their respective Greek choruses. Bethenny's Wise Sage act will wear thin with her patience,  and Ramona's Her-Only-Real-Friend-Just-Died's sensitivity will just drive everyone crazy. 

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15 hours ago, Stinger97 said:

Did anyone catch Barbara saying something about having power of attorney during Lu's manic episode?

I did!  Lots of questions about that.  If true, why her?  Luann has family.  Was she even in Luann's last wedding party?  That's a pretty big responsibility. Now she is featured on the show?  What gives here?

15 hours ago, film noire said:

Ramona (can I actually be saying this?) got it right, imo. Luann didn't really do rehab  (the only step M'Lady is working is the one she takes over whichever body gets in her way next, be they her kids or castmates). 

Luann responded to that on WWHL last night, something about how her cabaret show and her fans give her the support she needs.....  

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6 minutes ago, ichbin said:

I did!  Lots of questions about that.  If true, why her?  Luann has family.  Was she even in Luann's last wedding party?  That's a pretty big responsibility. Now she is featured on the show?  What gives here?

That was a jaw dropping moment.  It might be exactly why her children sued her.  They were trying to stop this manic thing.  I love that she got mad at Bethenny because she wouldn't give her $6 million dollars.  If I was her friend she would be mad at me all the time cuz I wouldn't give her $6.

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Did anyone spot the art work hanging in B's rental?  She bought "The Runaway Bride" (can't remember the artist's name) painting for Jason as a wedding gift in an episode of Bethenny Getting Married. I can't believe she still has it. 

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13 minutes ago, ichbin said:

Luann responded to that on WWHL last night, something about how her cabaret show and her fans give her the support she needs....

She forgot the word "financial" before support. At $100 a pop, i'm sure she's making a pretty penny while performing her vanity project in front of her "adoring" fans. 

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I cant stand Luann. So fake and pretentious. 

Dorinda is also annoying. I think B said she cant stand being wrong and seems like it.

So Barb got power of attorney when Lu went off the rails? Seems odd. Wouldn't a family member get it. 

Whats up with Ramonas face. She got weird puncture marks on her cheeks. 

Bethenny had a really nice house.

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Bethenny's investment home is just gorgeous.  I am green with jealousy.

So far, I'm liking Barbara.  I think she'd look amazing if she cut her hair to Lu's length.  Her long hair makes me think of the Jersey hos.  

No surprise but Ramona is a really shitty hostess.  She leaves Dorinda, her guest, behind to go to Barbara's clam bake?  Rude.  Although I will say that Dorinda deserves it.  She's a real bitch on wheels.  She was a mean, angry drunk last season.  Now she's just mean and angry.  

Sonja continues to make me laugh.  Watching her trying to explain Barbara's explanation while Ramona and Dorinda consistently yapped over her was hilarious.  

Ramona "flirting" is painful and awkward but I am so here for it. 

I think if I had to stay with one of these groups for the weekend, it would be with Bethenny and Lu.  I could not handle Ramona and Dorinda (Rarinda?  Domona?)  Their constant bitching and yapping would get on my last good nerve.

ETA:  Because I can't bitch about Dorinda enough -- does she not understand the difference between alcohol being a trigger and a person being a trigger?  She continued harping on Lu's cabaret show putting her around alcohol but I think both Sonja and Barbara were fairly clear when they explained Lu's "vulnerability" and never said it had to do with being around alcohol.  Assholes, yes.  Alcohol, no. 

Edited by psychoticstate
Brain freeze
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17 hours ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

“I met Barbara years ago. We do know a lot of socialites in common.”

Why can’t any of these women speak properly?

Oh geez. “But as ‘business’ women,we would cater to... society! And she would swim in those circles, too.”

Why do I feel like that was less about business and more along the lines of “‘business,’ if you catch my drift”?

6 hours ago, Lizzing said:

I've had enough of Barbara's talking heads and nude lipsticks.  And if they want to add someone in the Hamptons who goes to quaint small grocery shops to buy stuff for parties, have one of the cast make friends with Ina & Jeffrey.

And I can only imagine the food!

Barbara’s TH shirt looks like one of the tops I made for my disco-era dress up doll (I want to say Darci but I can’t find the right one). 

Edited by ivygirl
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19 hours ago, njbchlover said:

I have realized why I said that I thought Barbara belonged on RHNJ -- if you close your eyes and just listen, at times, Barbara sounds EXACTLY like Dolores Cantania.  🙂

Her TH’s are awful.  

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5 hours ago, thesupremediva1 said:

This is something I notice about B now that she's successful - she only surrounds herself with those over whom she can imperiously lord. 

She's in Lu's corner now - Lu's marriage went down the way B said it would, Lu was arrested, publicly humiliated, sent to rehab; Lu's own kids sued her. Beth can play wise sage and savior. Lu is not a threat.

Same with Sonja - B loves a charity case or someone who's "down on her luck."

Dorinda, Ramona, Tins, and let's remember Carole - successful women who WILL.NOT.COWER. B wants nothing to do with them.

Let's remember the only time B showed kindness toward Dorinda was when she called her a drunk on camera. And B was so kind to Ramona when she was handling the new divorce from Mario. Once Ramona moved on? B hated her again.

I used to think B rooted for the underdog because those women reminded her of herself when she started the show. But watching how it's all played out over the last decade, I just think B can only be comfortable around those who are happy to kowtow. 

Lu isn't going to bow for long. Soon she's going to stand straight and tall again - earned or not, sober or not - and B will go at her, guns blazing. I'm here for it!

You make excellent points!  So true.  What you are describing is classic Narcissism.  (I've been reading about it lately. They often surround themselves with those who they can help, look down on, pity, and manipulate. It's all about how it will make them look.)  They can do kind and compassionate acts, but ,they are not kind and compassionate people. Charming, yes. Funny, HELL yes, but, beware.

I got the biggest laugh last night. I was trying to multitask and not fully focused on the part about the texted Tyler Perry quote. I was curious about it too, but, was REALLY floored, when after the show aired, I started reading a little around here and it dawned on me that I had it WRONG.  I had thought the author of the quote was STEVEN TYLER of Aerosmith. lol  (Joe Perry is a guitarist with that band. Tyler is lead vocalist.)  She could have gone with Steven.  He's a great song writer. lol

I simply must try some caviar.  I've never had it before.  

I really wonder what Sonja considers a good driver. She sure is complimenting Tinsley a lot lately.  

Edited by SunnyBeBe
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16 hours ago, walnutqueen said:

Tinsley's got Ramona's number.  If she hadn't mentioned anything, Ramona would definitely take that caviar back home and serve it to her other friends.

When I get such a hostess gift for a party, the first thing I ask the giver is "shall we open it now?" - acknowledging that they may indeed have brought it to share.  And several times I get "oh no, it's for later when you feel like having 'X'...." (of course it's nevah caviah!)

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18 hours ago, Pop Tart said:

I thought the opposite. I thought the group with Luann seemed to be having a good time and genuinely happy that Lu was doing okay at that point. Whereas with the blondes it just seemed weird and dull. They barely sit down and Ramona hops up to cruise the bar and Sonja, Dorinda and Tinsley are just left there looking uncomfortable. Both Sonja and Tinsley looked like they wanted to be across the street and Dorinda just seems to be oozing angry vibes even when they’re not talking about Luann. Dry drunk indeed.

Sonja was across the street....with the brunettes.  😬

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I agree with all the posters who commented the 6 million dollar house episode seems fueled by something bigger than alcohol.  Which made it so weird they glossed over it quickly like it was a quirky, drunken, frat party share with college roommates.   I hope this comes up more in future episodes and they don't treat, what seems like a complete devolution spiral,  so flippantly all season.

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34 minutes ago, Suckeredin said:

I agree with all the posters who commented the 6 million dollar house episode seems fueled by something bigger than alcohol.  Which made it so weird they glossed over it quickly like it was a quirky, drunken, frat party share with college roommates.   I hope this comes up more in future episodes and they don't treat, what seems like a complete devolution spiral,  so flippantly all season.

It makes me think that Lu is somewhat delusional. It may be because at the time her brain was addled with alcohol or whatever. I’d like to see her have an accountability coach. Their sparring would have me in stitches. Pass the popcorn. 

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5 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

Add to her classic manic behavior her crazy high on love lets get married right away stint with her soulmateTom, then falling in to the depths of despair with alcohol after the marriage imploded, I also do believe she is bipolar.  Extreme highs, lowest of the lows. She also married the Count a week after meeting him, while living with another boyfriend. Lu has most likely been suffering from this disorder for many, many years. I hope she gets the help she needs but I don't think she's hit rock bottom yet. 

I generally don’t like when people make “arm chair” diagnoses of people’s mental states.

However, you both posted what I’ve been thinking. 

Her pattern of behavior really does suggest she could be bipolar. We’ve seen her on TV for years and it’s been a recurring pattern.

Different drugs can also trigger bipolar behavior in people. A crap doctor did that to my mom years ago.

Whatever her problems, she is not taking accountability for her actions and behaviors. 

Edited by Stats Queen
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7 hours ago, Rap541 said:

I strongly dislike the fact that Luann is being allowed to set up the narrative that she went to rehab because her children just selfishly wanted a house in the Hamptons. That is NOT what the lawsuit was about and Luann merrily selling it kids out as nasty, greedy, selfish little shits who drove her back on the sauce is really pretty offensive.

We really don't know exactly why the Count & kids filed the lawsuit. We certainly haven't heard any of them talk about it.  Reading it, the assumption is that the motive was financial, based on the divorce decree, etc.  But now learning that Luann was so off the rails that she was on the verge of making terrible financial decisions, it could be that they used what legal means they had at their disposal to try to stop her and force her to get help.  Especially considering that they were so quick to reconcile.  If Barbara convinced Luann to give her power of attorney, the situation had to be extremely dire.  Luann acknowledged drinking in the months leading up the lawsuit, IMHO, she's not blaming the kids for it.  She's saying that the lawsuit is what finally pushed her over the edge to seek/agree to treatment (again).

Tinsley displayed some excellent tennis skills for not having played recently and I always love seeing Ramona storm off the court.

The thing about Dorinda is that, unfortunately, she's a nasty cow even when sober. 

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7 hours ago, thesupremediva1 said:

One more thought that needs its own post: What drunk do you know who runs around in a manic state looking for millions of dollars for a house they cannot afford?

This story makes absolutely no sense. I believe this happened, and I believe the ladies intervened, but I seriously doubt alcohol was the culprit. I really can't abide them playing Jamie Foxx all season to "blame it on the alcohol" when common sense tells me MUCH more serious stuff was at play here.

It sounds like there might be a substance issue or mental disorder to consider. If that's the case, I concede Luann doesn't owe us those details. BUT, it's a massive disservice to pretend that alcohol can cause such behavior. It doesn't do that alone. Pretending it does only masks the real problem and will confuse people who might be dealing with these issues themselves. 

I am familiar with this type of behavior and my guess would be booze and cocaine or booze and adderall.

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Since when do friends of the Housewives get talking heads? Barbara has more THs than Tinsley.  I wonder if they initially filmed as if she was a Housewife and changed their minds about elevating her to apple status.

I’m so over Ramona acting like a bitch in heat. I used to be amused, but now I’m just embarrassed for her. 

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2 hours ago, psychoticstate said:

Bethenny's investment home is just gorgeous.  I am green with jealousy.

So far, I'm liking Barbara.  I think she'd look amazing if she cut her hair to Lu's length.  Her long hair makes me think of the Jersey hos.  

No surprise but Ramona is a really shitty hostess.  She leaves Dorinda, her guest, behind to go to Barbara's clam bake?  Rude.  Although I will say that Dorinda deserves it.  She's a real bitch on wheels.  She was a mean, angry drunk last season.  Now she's just mean and angry.  

Sonja continues to make me laugh.  Watching her trying to explain Barbara's explanation while Ramona and Dorinda consistently yapped over her was hilarious.  

Ramona "flirting" is painful and awkward but I am so here for it. 

I think if I had to stay with one of these groups for the weekend, it would be with Bethenny and Lu.  I could not handle Ramona and Dorinda (Rarinda?  Domona?)  Their constant bitching and yapping would get on my last good nerve.

ETA:  Because I can't bitch about Dorinda enough -- does she not understand the difference between alcohol being a trigger and a person being a trigger?  She continued harping on Lu's cabaret show putting her around alcohol but I think both Sonja and Barbara were fairly clear when they explained Lu's "vulnerability" and never said it had to do with being around alcohol.  Assholes, yes.  Alcohol, no. 

She doesn't care. She would love to see Lu go back to rehab. Dorinda should be happy we aren't all speculating about the mounds of coke she's probably snorting to replace the alcohol. 

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1 hour ago, ButterQueen said:

Beautiful house, but I don’t like B’s all ivory all the time design. I need some color. 

My only gripe is the room with the twin beds...I loath when furniture blocks a window.

Damn, how much money does Bethenny have that she can buy houses like that on a whim? 

If you read this and  think I am jealous of her financial freedom I am, very much so.  

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2 hours ago, ButterQueen said:

Sonja was across the street....with the brunettes.

Ha! Thanks. Funny thing is I knew that as I was writing the post, then second-guessed myself because of blondes and brunettes. I really had the picture of Ramona hopping up to cruise and Tinsley and Dorinda sitting there barely talking and awkward, but then added Sonja in.

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18 hours ago, Stinger97 said:

Did anyone catch Barbara saying something about having power of attorney during Lu's manic episode? I'd be interested to know when Lu signed that document, as well as over what exactly Barbara had power to make decisions. If it was prior to Lu's break from reality (which I assume it was), that'd mean that Lu knew she was headed in a bad direction and couldn't be trusted to make rational decisions. 

The POA thing has me asking quite a few questions.  It's difficult enough to have your own relative declared incompetent, I can't fathom that you could easily do it to a friend, let alone have it not become public, or do it quickly.  Did Luann sign it over willingly?  They made it sound like this was all a pretty quick thing, that they were going behind her and cleaning up after her in a fairly short period of time, so I just don't know how this happened unless Luann did it willingly, in which case, why? Was it another way to skirt her responsibilities?

7 hours ago, LibertarianSlut said:

I'm not trying to be a pedantic asshole--swear--but when people keep referrring to Dorinda's behavior in Mexico, they're talking about Colombia, right? I get all of these tropical destinations confused myself, but IIRC, Dorinda was relatively well-behaved in Mexico, and Luann hilariously fell through a bush. Colombia is where all Dorinda hell broke loose, no? 

As others have said, Dorinda managed to stab herself in the hand in Mexico.  She got herself blackout in Colombia.  She also shoved her face into a cake with lit candles last year while drunk in the Berkshires.  She's had episodes each season, pretty much, but at first it wasn't quite as obvious that she was flipping into nasty Dorinda, because it wasn't as frequent, maybe?  The first that I remember was the flipout in the restaurant where she had food flying out of her mouth and was screaming over something at maybe Heather?  It's escalating year after year, though, and she seems to think it's a cute look for her. 

6 hours ago, thesupremediva1 said:

I wish Dorinda hadn't sent the text. It was a cypher. It wasn't useful. All it did was muddy the waters even further after this episode's Clambake Calamity of the Dis-invite Debacle. 

That was not appropriate to send, unless Dorinda was going to preface or follow it with her own words. I would be confused by such a text. After such a long time of no communication, that's like throwing a fake grenade through someone's window. They're just sitting there, waiting for something to happen.

Use your words. Make them count. Be real. I think Dorinda was mad and felt the need to say something, but that reach-out wasn't conducive to moving forward. In fact, I think it set them back. Barbara's dis-invite already moved them backward, and this only aided that process. 

If someone sent that text to me, I'd have felt compelled to respond: "Please converse with me like a real human and tell me what you mean by this. Otherwise, I have no cause to respond."

My response would have been "New phone, who dis?"

I think Dorinda does owe Luann an apology, because she was awful to her in Colombia and the Jovani shit was bad.  Plus now the shit she said last night.  I also think Luann should probably be a bit more humble and worried about her own damn self, so should be less looking to settle old scores and more worried about how she's going to get her life back on track.  

5 hours ago, PradaKitty said:

Okay, first off, I believe both Luanne and Dorinda are alcoholics. Both of them need to WANT to get sober and I don’t believe either of them are there yet. 

What Luanne went through prior to “the intervention” sounds more like a manic episode than something alcohol fused, but that’s just my opinion. 

I think Dorinda just wanted a “thank you” from Luanne  for scoring her the Jovanni gowns for her “cabaret act” and everything just escalated to the red hot hatred consuming them both. 

Mad gor the cabaret itself, Luanne is deluded if she thinks she actually has talent. 

Dorinda strikes me as someone who wants to be known as "a connector" in the same way that Jill is/was.  But, Jill typically didn't lord it over people, either.  Jill did a lot of shit that was bad, but, if you needed a phone number for someone or a recommendation for a dr, and she could get you that info, she did.  She also wouldn't go on and on about how you didn't properly thank her, even though you actually did, on camera, in front of a whole audience of people.  Dorinda has this need for people to constantly recognize that SHE is the only person who could have gotten Lu those dresses or Bethenny that nutcracker.  Nevermind that it happened on camera, both of them said it, showed it, thanked her profusely, she felt it wasn't enough and she is NOT letting it go.  

The whole intervention/lawsuit/reunion timeline keeps getting weirder and weirder.  Luann is saying that the lawsuit caused the relapse, but then she's saying that she was going off the rails and relapsing and wanting to buy the house, and they had to have the intervention.  She listed her house in Sag Harbor on 6/19 (or at least that's when it hit the news), and there were articles that she wanted to move to the Catskills. On 6/22 she dropped the price by $500k.  On 7/12 news broke that she was being sued, because they wanted an injunction against selling the house to protect the trust that she never created.  It wasn't because the kids just "wanted their home" It was to force her to stick to the terms of the divorce decree that she had agreed to and not let her use the house as her personal piggy bank, since the Count had waived his portion of the original house and granted it to the kids in the divorce.  7/16 the news breaks of her going to rehab, which is convenient because the reunion filmed on 7/17.  But, she was out by 8/6 in order to make her Cabaret schedule! 

It just doesn't seem super likely that the kids filing the lawsuit caused her relapse, it seems like she didn't like that they were pinning her down to not living up to the agreement and so when the lawsuit hit, she got out of the reunion and the tough questions.  Plus, her behavior had apparently been escalating already, from news reports.  I don't think she ever really quit drinking after her arrest, I think she just tried to go the careful route to get probation.

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6 minutes ago, Baltimore Betty said:

Damn, how much money does Bethenny have that she can buy houses like that on a whim? 

She didn’t buy it on a whim no matter what she said this episode, she even tried to get Frederick to go in on the purchase with her as a new flipping project but he refused. She is reframing it now that it was always supposed to be a rental property that she isn’t going to sell but that’s because it’s been on the market with no takers. More power to her that at least she isn’t taking a loss on it.

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10 hours ago, SnarkKitty said:

Episode 2 and I'm already Barbara'd out.  If they were going to give her so much airtime, free promo and talking heads they should have given her an apple to go with it.

I keep feeling like I'm watching NJ. And I don't watch NJ, ya feel me Andy? 

I agree.  I don’t like her at all.  

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I love this franchise so much but they tend to use the "I'll disinvite/not include a castmate to create drama" card on a regular basis.  Heather not inviting Ramona to London; Dorinda icing Sonja from the Berkshires; now the disinviting Dorinda from the clambake drama. I thought this episode was boring because watching women exchange texts or call each other on the phone gets old. 

So Tins has hidden talents...tennis and driving a car. Who knew?

After two episodes, I'm not sure how I feel about Barbara. Is she better or worse than Radziwill?  Carol had a better apartment/house but Barbara has energy. Both have questionable fashion taste. That's all I've got so far. 

Ok sleuths... I need a picture of this $6 million estate in the Berkshires that caused Lu to go Bezerk.  Someone has to know!!!

Edited by TheFinalRose
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9 hours ago, Lizzing said:

I've had enough of Barbara's talking heads and nude lipsticks.  And if they want to add someone in the Hamptons who goes to quaint small grocery shops to buy stuff for parties, have one of the cast make friends with Ina & Jeffrey.

I am enjoying that this season started earlier in the year, with all the Hamptons houses getting featured.  Feels like a real throw-back to the early seasons.

I agree about Barbara.

When was this episode filmed?  

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10 hours ago, SnarkKitty said:

Episode 2 and I'm already Barbara'd out.  If they were going to give her so much airtime, free promo and talking heads they should have given her an apple to go with it.

I keep feeling like I'm watching NJ. And I don't watch NJ, ya feel me Andy? 

Yeah, what's up with this episode being 'The Barbara Show'? Her personality is blah, her sense of style is blah, and her house is blah.  I know she's supposed to be super rich and maybe Andy thinks she knows bigger fish who he can lure to the show... I can't figure it out!  But I've seen enough.  So far this season sounds like a bunch of 12 yr olds.  (wails) My favorite franchise.....!  :(

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37 minutes ago, smores said:

The POA thing has me asking quite a few questions.  It's difficult enough to have your own relative declared incompetent, I can't fathom that you could easily do it to a friend, let alone have it not become public, or do it quickly.  Did Luann sign it over willingly?  They made it sound like this was all a pretty quick thing, that they were going behind her and cleaning up after her in a fairly short period of time, so I just don't know how this happened unless Luann did it willingly, in which case, why? Was it another way to skirt her responsibilities?

FThe whole intervention/lawsuit/reunion timeline keeps getting weirder and weirder.  Luann is saying that the lawsuit caused the relapse, but then she's saying that she was going off the rails and relapsing and wanting to buy the house, and they had to have the intervention.  She listed her house in Sag Harbor on 6/19 (or at least that's when it hit the news), and there were articles that she wanted to move to the Catskills. On 6/22 she dropped the price by $500k.  On 7/12 news broke that she was being sued, because they wanted an injunction against selling the house to protect the trust that she never created.  It wasn't because the kids just "wanted their home" It was to force her to stick to the terms of the divorce decree that she had agreed to and not let her use the house as her personal piggy bank, since the Count had waived his portion of the original house and granted it to the kids in the divorce.  7/16 the news breaks of her going to rehab, which is convenient because the reunion filmed on 7/17.  But, she was out by 8/6 in order to make her Cabaret schedule! 

It just doesn't seem super likely that the kids filing the lawsuit caused her relapse, it seems like she didn't like that they were pinning her down to not living up to the agreement and so when the lawsuit hit, she got out of the reunion and the tough questions.  Plus, her behavior had apparently been escalating already, from news reports.  I don't think she ever really quit drinking after her arrest, I think she just tried to go the careful route to get probation.

I don’t think the kids filing the suit caused the relapse either,  and LU admitted she had started drinking again before that.  

The power of attorney thing was interesting.  I suspect that they got LU to sign it while she was drunk, in a manic episode, whatever.  Which is highly problematic if you want to use it long term, but it seems they used it to stop Lu from doing more financial damage to herself.  She’s pretty lucky a friend with her best interests did this.

Lu as bi-polar?  Not totally convinced as we’ve never seen a real depression from her.  I guess it could have happened when not filming.....  but certainly there is more to the intervention and her behavior last summer than just drinking.

 Totally hypo territory here, but I wonder if Lu has been getting progressively worse, in her mental state, since the divorce.  That she had a very secure financial situation that collapsed, and she was unwilling to adjust her financial situation after (which is totally on her and no sympathy needed for her).  Add in the obvious pleasure she got from being a fake countess, I’d guess she started drinking more.  But fundamentally, this isn’t about alcohol but her own mental state and refusal to deal with her life as it is.  So she drinks more, gets delusional about her “perfect” second wedding, disaster second marriage, sees her dreams of more financial security fall apart (adding Jacques in here too, though earlier), etc. etc. etc.

Lu needs to stop drinking, but she needs real, long term, therapy more.  Unfortunately there’s no sign she’s getting it.

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15 minutes ago, Mrs peel said:

The power of attorney thing was interesting.  I suspect that they got LU to sign it while she was drunk, in a manic episode, whatever.  Which is highly problematic if you want to use it long term, but it seems they used it to stop Lu from doing more financial damage to herself.  She’s pretty lucky a friend with her best interests did this.

Could Barbara have been exaggerating and using hyperbole to get her point across how insane Lu had been at that time?  I just don't think you can use a POA unless the person is declared incompetent or incapacitated.  Or maybe she used it while Lu was in rehab? 

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4 minutes ago, izabella said:

Could Barbara have been exaggerating and using hyperbole to get her point across how insane Lu had been at that time?  I just don't think you can use a POA unless the person is declared incompetent or incapacitated.  Or maybe she used it while Lu was in rehab? 

I agree.  No way she secured that while Lu was out of her mind.  Lu’s kids....maybe??..

Lu should have texted back to Dorinda “Thanks for accepting responsibility Dorinda....you’re forgiven”.....😂😂😂

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9 minutes ago, izabella said:

Could Barbara have been exaggerating and using hyperbole to get her point across how insane Lu had been at that time?  I just don't think you can use a POA unless the person is declared incompetent or incapacitated.  Or maybe she used it while Lu was in rehab? 

You don’t need to be declared incompetent or incapacitated for a POA in fact you couldn’t agree to one if you were either of those things, I had one for my parents when they were living abroad just because it made it easier for certain business and financial transactions to be made. 

Edited by biakbiak
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9 minutes ago, izabella said:

Could Barbara have been exaggerating and using hyperbole to get her point across how insane Lu had been at that time?  I just don't think you can use a POA unless the person is declared incompetent or incapacitated.  Or maybe she used it while Lu was in rehab? 

No, you can use a power of attorney without any formal declaration of incompetence.   It’s often used in advance for the possibility that someone may not be able to take care of themselves (think of the health care POAs).  Not sure it’s legally valid if the person was so drunk they have no memory.......

Edited by Mrs peel
I was typing while biakbiak responded
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1 hour ago, smores said:

I think Dorinda does owe Luann an apology, because she was awful to her in Colombia and the Jovani shit was bad. 

Didn't Dorinda say something about having already apologized to Luanne repeatedly over the summer which is why she did not see the need to do so again as her ticket to the clam bake?

1 hour ago, smores said:

It just doesn't seem super likely that the kids filing the lawsuit caused her relapse, it seems like she didn't like that they were pinning her down to not living up to the agreement and so when the lawsuit hit, she got out of the reunion and the tough questions.

I totally agree.  I can't remember Luann ever admitting to being wrong about anything on the show. That trust issue would have been a tough one to talk away when Andy brought it up at the reunion, and I doubt he would have let that issue go by without comment. 

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1 hour ago, Baltimore Betty said:

My only gripe is the room with the twin beds...I loath when furniture blocks a window.

Damn, how much money does Bethenny have that she can buy houses like that on a whim? 

If you read this and  think I am jealous of her financial freedom I am, very much so.  

I thought it was a listing from before Beth bought the house. If so,it was probably staged.

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9 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

You don’t need to be declared incompetent or incapacitated for a POA in fact you couldn’t agree to one if you were either of those things, I had one for my parents when they were living abroad just because it made it easier for certain business and financial transactions to be made. 

You don't need it to have it, people often set them up for reasons like this.  My parents had them for my grandparents as they aged, because it was easier for them to deal with their financial things as they became increasingly housebound.  But, Barbara said she went and got POA.  That's what I question, because it's one thing for someone to give POA to a person, to handle specific things, or planning ahead for old age, or hell, even because they might be out of town and a transaction might need to be completed while gone.  But in the situation Barbara is talking about, it would have had to be getting Luann declared incompetent, kind of the same way Britney Spears was.  Or Amanda Bynes.  Or else, she convinced Lu to give her POA while she was in a messed up state, which would be questionable.

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