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S15.E15: We Didn't Start the Fire

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1 hour ago, readster said:

But apparently Alex can't smell either, when he is right NEXT TO HER! 

That's could be an example of the writer's doing thier homework actually. Some people with mental illness do have better than average sense of hearing or smell. Or are just more likely to notice because they tend to pay more attention to their surroundings. They did something similar with Bailey a few seasons ago. I'm wondering if the reason Helen showed up because Alex's brother(whose also schizophrenic) turned up at her house and she couldn't deal.

  • Love 3

When the name of the actress who plays Carina appeared in the opening credits, I legitimately exclaimed, "Oh, god, no!" with no one but the cats to bear witness.

Maggie's green outfit was giving me life, and then that goddamn article happened, and I wanted to do this to her:


Yes, Meredith, Alex did, in fact, put your intern in the hospital when he almost beat him to death.  HAHAHAHAHA, THAT'S SO FUNNY!!!  You didn't care then, and you don't care now.  Cool.  You and Alex can both fuck right off.

Jackson, Richard, and Owen: three giant pieces of shit in search of a septic tank.

Speaking of Owen, how is he never not the absolute worst?  It's astonishing how awful he is at every second of the day.  Koracick's punching him in the face?


Best thing to happen in so many seasons.

It's bullshit that he got Leo in the end.  He doesn't deserve Leo.  More importantly, Leo doesn't deserve him.  He's just a sweet baby, for crying out loud!

Amelia, girl, RUUUUUUUN, don't walk from that piece of shit!

Ugh, this episode, you guys...


  • LOL 6
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I don't dislike Tom Koracik... And i m gonna give Owen a small/ partial pass because of the situation he was in.. But overall he was outta line... That said and maybe its Cuz ima guy.. I wouldn't love a guy like who Koracik seems to be around an ex I still cared about( not saying romantic feelings just honest care)  Cuz Owen wasn't wrong when he said he's like a dog marking his territory.. When him and Teddy were making out at the door and Owen and Amelia popped up.. He was extra aggressive about the trip and and how she's in good hands now etc.. And besides losingbhis child what do I know about him... He's wild arrogant (even for a God Level surgeon on this show)  he's constantly flirting with Married Catherine inbfront of her husband... He did sleep with April while she was going thru her crisis of faith/problems... He slept with Amelia thru her tumor/Owen issues... He's shacked up with 7 month pregnant Teddy while she's all over the place emotionally... Now everyone was an adult.. I'm not saying anyone did anything wrong.. But ill put it like this if my sister came home with a guy with that kinda track record and attitude I'd pull her to the side and counsel extreme caution same for my brother and a girl he my bring home. 

  • Love 3
7 hours ago, PepSinger said:

The three guys badmouthing Koracick was just stupid and petty. I'll root for Tom and Teddy because everyone around them is an asshole.

I cannot believe this episode was supposed to be a milestone. WTF?

Another thing is, they know that Koracick had a son who had cancer and died and it tore him and his marriage apart. But could any of them say that to Owen? No, why do that? Even Amelia couldn't tell him: "Owen, he loves kids, he had a son himself, until.. he died." It was just like for the 100th time Maggie crying: "They are out to get me, and make me look stupid and a little kid!" I'm glad Richard told her to stop acting like that, but for the love of God, Maggie! You are in your 30s, get over yourself. "I was so smart I was in med school at 16." I teach 16 year olds with more maturity than you. Stop with the stupid.

  • Love 14
25 minutes ago, UNOSEZ said:

I don't dislike Tom Koracik... And i m gonna give Owen a small/ partial pass because of the situation he was in.. But overall he was outta line... That said and maybe its Cuz ima guy.. I wouldn't love a guy like who Koracik seems to be around an ex I still cared about( not saying romantic feelings just honest care)  Cuz Owen wasn't wrong when he said he's like a dog marking his territory.. When him and Teddy were making out at the door and Owen and Amelia popped up.. He was extra aggressive about the trip and and how she's in good hands now etc.. And besides losingbhis child what do I know about him... He's wild arrogant (even for a God Level surgeon on this show)  he's constantly flirting with Married Catherine inbfront of her husband... He did sleep with April while she was going thru her crisis of faith/problems... He slept with Amelia thru her tumor/Owen issues... He's shacked up with 7 month pregnant Teddy while she's all over the place emotionally... Now everyone was an adult.. I'm not saying anyone did anything wrong.. But ill put it like this if my sister came home with a guy with that kinda track record and attitude I'd pull her to the side and counsel extreme caution same for my brother and a girl he my bring home. 

Ok mayby Korasick is not boyfriend you wish for someone you care about, but its Owen's problem not Teddy's. Tom never hurt any of that girls. he actualy was the one who help them with theirs crises. Owen has his own life and his own girlfriend that he should care about, and he doesnt like Tom to that level, that he didn'e even see that Amelia is about to leaving him becouse of that. Actualy I never saw that Owen loves Amelia. He always care only about himselves, and she was just addition to his miserable life. I think that she should leave him and start healthy relationship with someone else. I would like to see her with Link. They both have similar attitude, and Link seems to be guy who can understand problems - which she really need from the partner. 

I liked Bailey with Cathrine but why she didn't want a party? That was her idea! 
I like Richard. Hes cool. 
Maggie and Jackson - hate them separatly. Double hate them together. They are both anoying, lame and not funny at all.
Alex and Jo behaved strangely. As Alex's mother came from a distance, they should take her home. Especially if she has schizophrenia. 

  • Love 4
5 hours ago, NUguy514 said:

Jackson, Richard, and Owen: three giant pieces of shit in search of a septic tank.

That was really terrible. Jackson thinking that Koracick took advantage of April while she was "emotionally fragile"? Uhm, dude, remember what YOU did with April in that hotel toilet while she was emotionally fragile during your boards? And besides, the entire notion that a woman can't decide for herself that she wants to have sex in order to make herself feel better (regardless whether you think it's a sound choice or not) is really insulting.

As for Richard, I know some people have a irrational dislike for their spouse's former sexual partners, but he's really taking this too far. There's absolutely no indication that either Catherine or Koracick are interested in continuing their fling. And remember when he thought that Catherine was a cheating whore? I so regret he hadn't told it to her face, the smackdown she would have laid down on him would have been epic. 

Edited by Joana
  • Love 16
18 minutes ago, Joana said:

Jackson thinking that Koracick took advantage of April while she was "emotionally fragile"? Uhm, dude, remember what YOU did with April in that hotel toilet while she was emotionally fragile during your boards?

Are you really comparing her freaking out about boards to her hitting the bottle losing her faith and dealing with the realization that her marriage  really dead to each other.. Those are two totally different mental states.. And stages of her life... Also April was kinda horrible to Jackson after they slept together blaming him for them sleeping together and losing her virginity.. But still yes all the women are adults and Owen was way outta bounds.. But if you and your friends are all hanging out and somebody who seems to be sniffing around everyone's exes pops up.. And once again is all tied up with another friends ex y'all are probably all gonna feel a certain kind of way.. Add to that.. He's been with all of them during.. Let's call them emotionally hyper-charged times in their lives it paints a kind of picture... No one is really at fault but folks will have feelings and opinions.. Finally and maybe I'm off base/ cynical.. But it seems like all the women he may sleep with or at least tried to know his incredibly sad story... The writers my wanna have him have that talk with a guy on the show before some may start to think its implementation is just a tool he uses in his arsenal.. And yes I know ppl who do things like that

  • Love 3
11 hours ago, chitowngirl said:

So a show that just passed the milestone for longest running medical show-had no medicine in it! 😆

Came here to say this exactly.

Maggie has taken her insufferability to new levels that I wouldn't have thought existed. I guess I was alone in disliking her green jumpsuit. 

This made me roll my eyes. Grey's Anatomy Boss Can't Even Deal With Your MerLuca Hate

It's not about wanting Mer to be alone forever...it's that this is a terrible, chemistry-free pairing that just makes me cringe. I would actually have liked to see what could happen with Linc.

  • Love 15
1 hour ago, Jillybean said:

Came here to say this exactly.

Maggie has taken her insufferability to new levels that I wouldn't have thought existed. I guess I was alone in disliking her green jumpsuit. 

This made me roll my eyes. Grey's Anatomy Boss Can't Even Deal With Your MerLuca Hate

It's not about wanting Mer to be alone forever...it's that this is a terrible, chemistry-free pairing that just makes me cringe. I would actually have liked to see what could happen with Linc.

Yeah agreed.  Also it’s lightning fast so one minute she’s like not sure and the next he’s like her BF.  They have to give it time for things to develop.  

Edited by dmc
  • Love 2
3 hours ago, UNOSEZ said:

I don't dislike Tom Koracik... And i m gonna give Owen a small/ partial pass because of the situation he was in.. But overall he was outta line... That said and maybe its Cuz ima guy.. I wouldn't love a guy like who Koracik seems to be around an ex I still cared about( not saying romantic feelings just honest care)  Cuz Owen wasn't wrong when he said he's like a dog marking his territory.. When him and Teddy were making out at the door and Owen and Amelia popped up.. He was extra aggressive about the trip and and how she's in good hands now etc.. And besides losingbhis child what do I know about him... He's wild arrogant (even for a God Level surgeon on this show)  he's constantly flirting with Married Catherine inbfront of her husband... He did sleep with April while she was going thru her crisis of faith/problems... He slept with Amelia thru her tumor/Owen issues... He's shacked up with 7 month pregnant Teddy while she's all over the place emotionally... Now everyone was an adult.. I'm not saying anyone did anything wrong.. But ill put it like this if my sister came home with a guy with that kinda track record and attitude I'd pull her to the side and counsel extreme caution same for my brother and a girl he my bring home. 

Tom Koracick certainly can be an instigator, and he definitely was poking the bear with Owen. However, he's not a bad guy. Owen's reaction about Tom was about his insecurity about Teddy being with Tom, rather than Tom himself. Tom is arrogant, sure, and he can be a womanizer. However, he's more of an adult than someone like Jackson, Owen, or apparently Richard, who were blaming Tom for things that were completely consensual. To only touch on the April stuff, perhaps the polite thing would have been for Tom to turn her down, sure. But I don't think he knew her that well at that point, so I don't think he realized exactly how messed up she was until the morning after their one night stand, and that's when he stuck around to help her through it. April was in an emotionally fragile place but nobody else seemed to care enough to help her through it. Jackson certainly didn't give a shit, even when I believe he saw that something was wrong. Tom may have taken a bit longer to see it after they had already slept together, but he was there for April at the most pivotal moment of her crisis, or what could have been much much worse.

Sure, Tom isn't a perfect guy and he has certainly instigated some of the men in the hospital. But Owen's reaction wasn't really about Tom; it was about his insecure feelings after losing Leo (I don't think Owen cared that much about Betty), about his fight with Amelia, and about possibly losing Teddy to another guy. So that's why I cannot give Owen a pass here. If he was concerned about Teddy, then pull her aside and voice those concerns and don't throw a fit in front of everybody. Yes, his reaction was due to the emotionally charged week/weeks that he just had with losing Leo. But Owen was acting out like a child. He was more upset, in my opinion, about Teddy choosing Tom over him. He took it out on Tom because he couldn't take it out on Teddy and he definitely didn't want to take it out on himself.

As for Tom, perhaps he does have a pattern of swooping in on women at their most vulnerable points. However, I genuinely believe that it's not on purpose. He just knows how to connect with women on a level the other men aren't able to when they need it the most. He's treated all of the women extremely well. It's not like he's taking advantage of them and then dumping them when he's bored. He's kept those connections well after the women have been through that emotionally charged time. He was there for Amelia and is still very close with her. He's close with Catherine. I think him and April maintained a friendship after her crisis (can't quite remember). And I highly doubt Tom's going to dump Teddy once the baby comes. In that sense, that's why I like Tom. He has his flaws, for sure. He's arrogant, too flirtacious and he should probably instigate the other men less. But he's still a kind, caring friend and pretty mature compared to most of the other characters on this show. 

  • Love 17
18 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Jackson certainly didn't give a shit, even when I believe he saw that something was wrong. 

I kinda disagree.. He saw something was up.. Even tried to broach it and was shut down.. Maybe because of awkwardness or guilt at the death of the marriage he didn't push harder but he definitely cared.. Which is more than I can say for the rest of the ppl there... I concur with your points on Owen.. He's an adult but hia reaction was totally in sync with who he's always been.. And this may be unpopular.. But teddy could asked Tom to stop poking Owen as much as he was... Again 95 percent of this is on Owen and his issues be they unresolved feelings for teddy.. Grief over Leo.. Amelia once again saying she's done with him... But a small part was Tom pushing hia buttons.. Especially when he walked right in between them talking.. If he was trying to diffuse a situation.. He failed... Now was it incumbent upon her to do it not really.. But ima say its awfully and maybe willfully ignorant to not see Tom pushing owen's buttons every chance he got.. The cynic in me says on a subconscious level maybe she's hood with Owen being a bit tormented by Tom.. Tho if that's the case that isn't really fair to Tom.. I dunno let's see how some more of this plays out... 

  • Love 4
13 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

I can't believe people who were so adamant about raising their grandchild, gave him back.   That was such a nothing episode, except for Owen getting punched out.    

Which made it a great episode. I would love if Owen got punched in the face everytime he ran his mouth.

12 hours ago, Inerttt said:

All these couples are boring ...... 

12 hours ago, Joana said:

And I've said it before, but for a show that has absolutely no problem splitting up actually popular couples, they're bizarrely fixated on Owen's and Amelia's gigantic dysfunctional mess of a relationship.

For a show that prioritizes "sizzling hookups" and "epic romances" above all else they certainly do make some bizarre choices. Every couple is either boring or incredibly bad for each other. All the couple are on such solo islands of story that it makes the whole show suffer. That's why I wanted Meredith with Linc, it strengthens this circle of Jo/Karev/Mer/Linc and could have some fun group storylines. I miss when couples hung out and were friends. I think Teddy/Tom and Owen/Amelia are the only couples that really interact, and only in a terrible way. 

10 hours ago, ForeverAlone said:

Hmmm...they was rather an underwhelming episode for breaking the record as the longest running medical show on TV.

No medicine, but no terrible disaster which was nice. Owen got punched and Alex had a great line with his gleeful "Come on everyone, it's a real fire!" that the episode wasn't a total bust for me at least.

  • Love 5

I guess I wasn't paying close enough attention to the commercials for this episode but I had it in my head it was going to be more of a walk down memory lane than this crap.  Owen continues to be the worst.  I do like Koracik but do understand the skeeviness of him......there is a fine line between showing affection and being all over someone in public.  He and Owen both seemed to be 'marking their territory' as someone else put it, just in different ways.  I still like Tom much more than Owen.  Amelia deserves better than Owen. Meredith making out in a bedroom at a party with DeLuca was ridicules.  I guess they didn't want to highlight how far this show has fallen by showing anything from the first several seasons.               

  • Love 4
12 hours ago, moonorchid said:

Mark did something similar with his daughters son. To the effect of he chose to be a parent to his daughter rather than a grandfather to his grandson, especially when good parents wanted him. 

Mark's situation was very different. His daughter chose adoptive parents for her child and only reconsidered when Mark pressured her post birth. Eventually after a talking-to from Arizona and Callie talking him down, he decided that respecting his daughter's original chosen plan was the way to go. He didn't really choose to parent his child and she had way fewer problems than Betty. Betty's parents realized their plates were full enough with their drug addict, runaway teen without adding a baby to the mix. They couldn't handle the extra work and extra stress when they were trying to get their daughter "back" and they knew Owen and Amelia to be good and attentive parents to him already.  

  • Love 2
10 minutes ago, UNOSEZ said:

I kinda disagree.. He saw something was up.. Even tried to broach it and was shut down.. Maybe because of awkwardness or guilt at the death of the marriage he didn't push harder but he definitely cared.. Which is more than I can say for the rest of the ppl there... I concur with your points on Owen.. He's an adult but hia reaction was totally in sync with who he's always been.. And this may be unpopular.. But teddy could asked Tom to stop poking Owen as much as he was... Again 95 percent of this is on Owen and his issues be they unresolved feelings for teddy.. Grief over Leo.. Amelia once again saying she's done with him... But a small part was Tom pushing hia buttons.. Especially when he walked right in between them talking.. If he was trying to diffuse a situation.. He failed... Now was it incumbent upon her to do it not really.. But ima say its awfully and maybe willfully ignorant to not see Tom pushing owen's buttons every chance he got.. The cynic in me says on a subconscious level maybe she's hood with Owen being a bit tormented by Tom.. Tho if that's the case that isn't really fair to Tom.. I dunno let's see how some more of this plays out... 

Fair enough. I forgot about the entirety of Jackson's reaction. But, like Tom, he didn't handle April's crisis that great initially so he had a flawed reaction, much like Tom. That doesn't mean Jackson was a bad guy; he just made a mistake in how he handled April back then too. 

Teddy could have definitely asked Tom and I'm sure part of her subconsciously was enjoying the Tom/Owen standoff. It's not a great reaction, but it's a human reaction. I agree that each person in this situation has made some mistakes. For me, that's why I'm measuring how who sucks less, rather than who's right and who's wrong. They were all wrong in some way. Just, for me, Owen was the most wrong and we have also seen this repetitive behaviour from him for ten years. 

Also, I just realized who Tom reminds me of: Mark Sloan. Not completely, but I can see some similarities between both. I liked Mark, even when he was being a jackass, and I guess that's partially why I like Tom. 

  • Love 9
40 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Owen's reaction about Tom was about his insecurity about Teddy being with Tom, rather than Tom himself.

I have to disagree to one point. I don't think Owen was insecure about Teddy being with Tom instead of him. I don't think he wants Teddy to be with him, I think losing Leo brought out his insecurity about someone else potentially raising his daughter. I think he'd be very happy for Teddy to be alone forever because he would always be the person she turned to for help--with their daughter or otherwise. I think he likes the narrative of her being in love with him but doesn't ever actually want to be with her. He likes the control and influence he has over Teddy and seeing her happy with Koracik was threatening to him as her "person." Since he found out about the pregnancy, she has made it very clear she wants him involved. His insecurity is just running rampant and its not a good look. Never was. 

  • Useful 1
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23 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

I liked Mark, even when he was being a jackass, and I guess that's partially why I like Tom

See.. I loved Mark.. I deal with Tom so maybe that's why I'm( in this situation)  harder on Tom.. Plus his track record is skeevy to me.. Where as Sloan ( cept for the Addison saga)  was a horndog thru and thru

I was waiting for someone to tell Maggie off for being pissed at Kiki for telling KIKI'S story. Yeah, it's not just about the medicine. Kiki's story was about her experience as a patient, that was absolutely her story to tell, no matter how poorly written (that's up to the editor). If Maggie wanted she could write a medical journal article on the medicine in Kiki's case. But Kiki was NOT telling Maggie's story and erasing her.

  • Love 13
2 hours ago, mytmo said:

Just throwing this out there - how about Mer getting with Deluca senior?  

Didn't Delucca just tell the story of how his dad was operating high and killed some patients?  I think Mer should pass.

As for Teddy, Owen & Koracick:

Teddy - I think she's thrilled to have someone who puts her first.  Visibly

Owen - Dog in the manger.  He doesn't want her except for the baby she's carrying, but one part of him likes her mooning over him.

Koracick - Sure he's a shit-stirer sometimes, but he can also see beneath the surface to someone's pain and doesn't run from it.  I think he's putting on a show getting in Owen's face to make Teddy feel more secure.  She's spent so many years longing after Owen.  Now she's got a man who wants her and doesn't care that she's pregnant with someone else's child.

  • Love 7
11 hours ago, calipiano81 said:

Big Meredith/DeLuca fan here...thought they were HOT this episode, yet adorable at the same time. MERLUCA FTW!

As for the rest of the episode, I enjoyed it a lot. There were a lot of funny bits from everyone. Especially Alex being so thrilled that "It's a real fire!" LOL

Hello!!! Me too! I thought they were adorable. I don't care about "end game" or any of that shit-- I just want cute and flirty and maybe Mere getting some hot sex. Deluca looks like he either has great stamina and can give Mere many orgasms-- or he's a wham bam! thank you ma'am! quick shooter and Mere will be all like  -- what the hell was that?

Either way I am in!

The party was ...odd... but anything Jackson and Maggie is always odd.

I like Katherine. I love her life's motto -- eat cheap food and drink expensive champagne in the back of the limo! yeah baby! Take me for a ride!

I liked Mere meeting Alex's mom. and I liked Deluca's dad showing up at the end. 

  • Love 1
4 hours ago, shantown said:

For a show that prioritizes "sizzling hookups" and "epic romances" above all else they certainly do make some bizarre choices. Every couple is either boring or incredibly bad for each other. All the couple are on such solo islands of story that it makes the whole show suffer. That's why I wanted Meredith with Linc, it strengthens this circle of Jo/Karev/Mer/Linc and could have some fun group storylines. I miss when couples hung out and were friends. I think Teddy/Tom and Owen/Amelia are the only couples that really interact, and only in a terrible way. 

Linc is just so skeevy!!!! ... ummm... NO!!!! At least Deluca is cute -- and young! and I imagine well hung. Plus he's been on the show longer and we at least know a little about him.

And after meeting his father at the end of the ep -- I am down with a Deluca father/son Mere triangle. Might be fun.

  • Love 1
5 hours ago, AnnieHeights said:

I guess I wasn't paying close enough attention to the commercials for this episode but I had it in my head it was going to be more of a walk down memory lane than this crap.  Owen continues to be the worst. ...  I guess they didn't want to highlight how far this show has fallen by showing anything from the first several seasons.               

Jackson and April had so much more story to explore. They should've gotten rid of Owen instead of April, for whom they've been casting about for a storyline for far too long.

Edited by jschoolgirl
  • Love 9

After reading everyone’s thoughts on Owen Teddy Tom and Amelia. I’m starting to think Tom is suppose to be the new Mark. I didn’t see the similarities till now. 

I’ve not been a fan of Owens of quite a few seasons now and these types of moments remind me why. Him and Amelia were never a good match, from the beginning with their histories and personalities. I honestly thought Amelia had finally seen the light per say but now Leo is back they will probably go back right where it all left off. Which sucks as Amelia deserves more and anyone would. 

For a milestone episode, it was typically a Greys version. They did a similar thing at the 200 episode. Will say the 100 was great and 300 was too bad. It’s kinda showy but doesn’t really go anywhere. I wished it did. 

For me I liked Alex and his mum even with some of obvious the flaws written in, Catherine for once didn’t annoy me which was a highlight. But I will say Owen getting punched was a stand out moment that I really did enjoy. 

He’s always been judgemental and the men on this show are getting worse at it and inconsistent. But that’s another whole topic. 

Tom maybe a lot of things but none of those men, Owen included, know him. Hell we don’t even know him. But at the moment all we see is Teddy seems genuinely happy. I don’t even think she was ever shown this happy when she was with Henry. If Owen really had Teddy’s and his daughters best interests at heart, as everyone has said, he would have taken her aside and actually ask Tom to leave so he could. Teddy might even have known and explained, she knows about his son and he’s most likely different to the man everyone sees. Instead this stemmed from everything that’s happening around him and possibly thinking I can control something here as I can’t with Leo and Amelia so I’ll do so with Teddy and my unborn child.

  • Love 1
On ‎2‎/‎28‎/‎2019 at 8:07 AM, Lady Calypso said:

I will say, I did get a chuckle out of Alex's excitement about there being a real fire, because that means that his mom isn't having a psychotic break (at least at that moment).

that part was the best thing about the episode. Alex's relief "a real fire!!" was funny. Not the normal fire episode thing to happen.

  • Love 7
22 hours ago, Ohwell said:

I was actually hoping it that was DeLuca's girlfriend who went to Switzerland who was the one getting out of the car with his sister.  Throw a monkey wrench into the relationship with Meredith and have a love triangle.  On the other hand, he's such a horndog now that he's not even worth fighting over. 

I was thinking the same thing. The only interesting reveal would have been love of his life who is now forgotten to show up. And we'd wait a week to see if he suddenly remembered loving her again.

  • Love 3

Leo being brought back to Owen and Amelia seemed to me like a reflection of when Zola was brought back to Meredith, but it didn't feel as true to me. When Meredith opened the door to find Zola and the caseworker, I was in tears. Maybe some viewers expected that would happen, but I thought she was gone. Plus if I remember correctly, that episode had some wrenching events in it, so her return was especially startling.

I had a hard time believing the grandparents would give up Leo, although in reading some of your comments here, I find it easier to imagine. They want to devote time to their daughter, and their daughter does not seem interested in Leo. If she wants to give him up for adoption, they will abide by her wishes. (Reminds me of "Mom" in which the teenage daughter decided to let her baby go to adoption.) The about-face just seemed so abrupt, I guess.

  • Love 2
8 hours ago, bluebox said:

I was waiting for someone to tell Maggie off for being pissed at Kiki for telling KIKI'S story. Yeah, it's not just about the medicine. Kiki's story was about her experience as a patient, that was absolutely her story to tell, no matter how poorly written (that's up to the editor). If Maggie wanted she could write a medical journal article on the medicine in Kiki's case. But Kiki was NOT telling Maggie's story and erasing her.

This! The way Maggie acted, you'd think the woman claimed she had performed the surgery herself. Of course she's perfectly entitled to write about her experience as a patient and she was in no way "stealing Maggie's thunder" or whatever nonsense. Besides, when everyone from your own father to a colleague you have an uneasy relationship with tells you that the article was actually complimentary towards you, maybe it's time to take a step back and question your perspective. But no, not Maggie.

That's why I didn't really like the speech Richard gave her. She didn't need a "Stand up for yourself" talk, she needed a "Grow the hell up already" talk.

  • Love 17

I like Tom and Teddy

I like Meredith and DeLuca

I like Owen and Amelia

I still despise Maggie and Jackson

The Bailey and a Catherine limo scenes were entertaining 

I will always love Alex!

I actually thought the grandparents relinquishing the baby to Owen and Amelia to be believable.  They mentioned, more than once, the exchange of personal information so it’s not like they were going to cut themselves out if the baby’s life for good.  Their primary concern is their daughter, for now.  However, we may all be revisiting this storyline again one day.

I remember DeLuca telling Meredith the story about his father a few episodes ago.  I recall it being a negative story but I would love it if one of you would refresh my memory with details, please.  Thanks.

  • Love 4
11 minutes ago, tinderbox said:

I remember DeLuca telling Meredith the story about his father a few episodes ago.  I recall it being a negative story but I would love it if one of you would refresh my memory with details, please.  Thanks.

Andrew confirms his father is a famous surgeon in Italy who was a acquitted for some crime. Then, he employs Italian as a way to speak about the scandal without Meredith actually understanding him. “My father has a mental illness,” Andrew begins, revealing his dad operated on seven different patients in a “manic” state. “No break, no sleep, no food.” Four of those people died under the elder Dr. DeLuca’s care...“But, because of his money and his friends… he got away with it,”


9 minutes ago, ams1001 said:

Andrew confirms his father is a famous surgeon in Italy who was a acquitted for some crime. Then, he employs Italian as a way to speak about the scandal without Meredith actually understanding him. “My father has a mental illness,” Andrew begins, revealing his dad operated on seven different patients in a “manic” state. “No break, no sleep, no food.” Four of those people died under the elder Dr. DeLuca’s care...“But, because of his money and his friends… he got away with it,”


Many thanks, ams1001.

  • Love 1

I kinda like  Merluca, I can see why she is into him as he has some Derek-like qualities. Great hair, arrogant, more than a little pushy and really into her. So I get it.

I couldn't stand Amelia for the longest time but I detest Owhine so much that I am actually liking her. Weird. I would only enjoy Owhine if he took a punch in every episode.

Maggie is unbearable. 

I like Tom&Teddy. They're sweet.

  • Love 5

I thought this episode was better than I expected from the reactions. Katherine didn't annoy me as much as she usually does, Jo and Alex were supportive of each other, and I thought Mer and Deluca were kind of cute (ducks). When Meredith told Amelia that Teddy was going to stay in Owen's life and Cristina accepted that (false equivalence) is typical Meredith; she didn't want to deal with the messy emotions of an emotional person. That's why Maggie and Amelia are closer to each other than they are to Meredith.

However, two things really bothered me:

12 hours ago, bluebox said:

I was waiting for someone to tell Maggie off for being pissed at Kiki for telling KIKI'S story. Yeah, it's not just about the medicine. Kiki's story was about her experience as a patient, that was absolutely her story to tell, no matter how poorly written (that's up to the editor). If Maggie wanted she could write a medical journal article on the medicine in Kiki's case. But Kiki was NOT telling Maggie's story and erasing her.

Normally I don't hate Maggie and I'm trying to accept that this show knows nothing about medical journals and cares less but this was utterly ridiculous.  Maggie told Teddy that she had submitted an article on the surgery to a cardio-thoracic journal but it's going to be rejected because her article is dry and Kiki's is exciting and got lots of likes.  Apparently Kiki blogged her experience or put it in some on-line magazine because science journals don't have likes. This is zero threat to a real medical journal. Her publishing her experience was zero threat to Maggie's real article in a serious medical journal.

The other thing I hated was how Jo and especially Alex treated Alex's mother. They acted like she was going to start stealing the knives and attacking people; how stupid is it for Jo to start google symptoms of a psychotic break. She's a surgeon but she had to have taken some psychiatry in medical school. Alex was even worse because he should have known what a psychosis looks like. The poor woman was trying to do the best she could in her illness and Alex acted like she was a package of TNT about to detonate.

I guess Krista must really like Amelia because she's being written as one of the few sane people on the show. She's right that she and Owen got back together because of the children that they loved and if the children are gone, what do they have together.  Even more, if he's punching out Korackik now, what is he going to do after the baby is born? He really needs to figure himself out before he can be a good father to any children.

It's interesting how much Lindsey Wagner looked like Meredith,  and even a bit like Jo. I guess Alex has a Type.

  • Love 4
On 3/1/2019 at 12:14 PM, Ohwell said:

The best thing about this ep was Maggie's green outfit, which I loved. 

Me too! I'm jealous of anyone who can look good in jumpsuits because God knows I can't.  Plus green is my favourite colour. 🙂

As for Maggie's behaviour in general, the Australian expression "pull your head in" kept popping into my head.  It's stronger than "shut up" because it means the person is not only blabbing on, but also getting way too carried away about nothing. So pull your bloody head in, Maggie and stop being such a drama queen.

Also, although I have never been a Teddy fan, I like her with Koracick and I see far more chemistry between them than between Merluca, who just make me cringe.

Edited by katisha
  • Love 7
1 hour ago, TVForever said:

I'm sorry, I've tried to figure this out on my own, but I just can't. Who's Bokhee?

She’s the surgical nurse who is in every surgery and is one in real life-Tiny, Asian woman. She’s been there since the beginning. Once you know that, you’ll notice her. She’s been getting a bit more screen time with name mentioning and she’s been out of the OR several times now. We can see the face behind the mask!

Edited by chitowngirl
  • Love 6

I don't like the MerLuca pairing anyway, but this latest episode took my dislike to new heights. It's extremely rude (and nasty) to be pawing each other in someone else's house, especially their bedroom.  Yeah, I understand being all horny for each other (well, not really) but they could have waited until they got back to one of their own places. 

  • Love 7
7 hours ago, katisha said:

Also, although I have never been a Teddy fan, I like her with Koracick and I see far more chemistry between them than between Merluca, who just make me cringe.

Koracik has chemistry with everyone.  Every woman he has been paired with has been a delightful pairing.  No one has chemistry with Meredith.  She's a no-chemistry zone.

  • Love 10
16 hours ago, Joana said:

This! The way Maggie acted, you'd think the woman claimed she had performed the surgery herself. Of course she's perfectly entitled to write about her experience as a patient and she was in no way "stealing Maggie's thunder" or whatever nonsense. Besides, when everyone from your own father to a colleague you have an uneasy relationship with tells you that the article was actually complimentary towards you, maybe it's time to take a step back and question your perspective. But no, not Maggie.

That's why I didn't really like the speech Richard gave her. She didn't need a "Stand up for yourself" talk, she needed a "Grow the hell up already" talk.

Right, and was the problem, Maggie for apparently years has had this in her head that everyone is out to get her. She still has this: "I was the smartest baby in the room." Oh get the fuck over it! She hadn't seen that woman in years and yes, seeing someone who went out of their way to embarrass you. Yes, I be pissed off at them too. However, the article was clearly showing it was about being a patient. Not about how she operated on herself or magically put together a team of doctors to save her life. No, it was being on the other side of the room. 

  The writers keep throwing this just like with Amelia still in her head that Owen wants Teddy, yet they prove they can't make it work and Owen is a moron. At some point you have to go: "Just stop!" "Get over yourself, you are an adult, this isn't junior high and be a professional." No one on the show rings about any maturity that they made it into medical school, let alone ever paid off student loans or anything. Of course they still have Alex and Jo living in a shitty small space. We don't need grand sets or anything Grey's. But for the love of God! Those these people can afford nice places. 

  • Love 10
6 minutes ago, readster said:

Of course they still have Alex and Jo living in a shitty small space. We don't need grand sets or anything Grey's. But for the love of God! Those these people can afford nice places. 

I think that tiny loft apartment is another reason why I have so much trouble taking Jo and Alex seriously as a couple.  I don't hate them and there isn't anyone I'd rather they be with, but the writers did such a shitty job showing their relationship, that it's easy for me to forget they've been a couple for YEARS.  Keeping them in that "starving college student" loft adds to the feeling that they aren't a real, grown-up married couple.  Like, get a home where you can't see your entire house from the bed.  More to the point, get a place with a bedroom. 

All of them seem to be bedroom-challenged.  How many people have slept on other people's couches?  Jackson, Ben...you people are wealthy doctors!  How do you not have an extra bedroom? 

  • Love 9

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