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The McGees

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On ‎2‎/‎17‎/‎2019 at 8:49 PM, Kyanight said:

Poor Mrs. McGee!  That's all I have to say after watching tonight's episode.

I haven't read through this whole page yet, but I'm hoping this post was made before the info came out that she's...a bit of a psycho, if that info has been disclosed yet.   Apparently her own family doesn't speak to her after she threatened to murder their mother and she mocks and damns disabled children on facebook.   Real sweet woman, there.

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8 minutes ago, lezlers said:

I haven't read through this whole page yet, but I'm hoping this post was made before the info came out that she's...a bit of a psycho, if that info has been disclosed yet.   Apparently her own family doesn't speak to her after she threatened to murder their mother and she mocks and damns disabled children on facebook.   Real sweet woman, there.

Yeah, I wrote that post on February 17th which was before her FB fight with the aunt of the special needs child.    There is no loyalty in that family whatsoever.  Everyone is mad and not speaking to someone for whatever reason.  There are two sides to every story and I don't know if I totally believe either side - the truth is usually somewhere in the middle.  But even with that - Paige reaps a lot of what she sows and I am kind of done with this family.   They make me really uncomfortable.  I feel sorry for the boys.

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18 hours ago, lezlers said:

I haven't read through this whole page yet, but I'm hoping this post was made before the info came out that she's...a bit of a psycho, if that info has been disclosed yet.   Apparently her own family doesn't speak to her after she threatened to murder their mother and she mocks and damns disabled children on facebook.   Real sweet woman, there.

Why is this show still on??? TLC banned Derek Duggar (whatever the hell his name is : Jill’s spouse) for saying rude things online about Jazz Jennings’ situation and arguing about her decisions. That was bad but this is so much worse!

Edited by Tabbygirl521
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On 2/28/2019 at 8:16 AM, Kyanight said:

Yeah, I wrote that post on February 17th which was before her FB fight with the aunt of the special needs child.    There is no loyalty in that family whatsoever.  Everyone is mad and not speaking to someone for whatever reason.  There are two sides to every story and I don't know if I totally believe either side - the truth is usually somewhere in the middle.  But even with that - Paige reaps a lot of what she sows and I am kind of done with this family.   They make me really uncomfortable.  I feel sorry for the boys.

So much this. Not just being on a "reality" show but the stuff they've got to be witness to, I sure hope they don't wind up messed-up. 

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15 minutes ago, LucyEth said:

The coming attractions where Paige tell Brandi no intimacy before a commitment was priceless.  Brandi's reaction seems like annoyance combined with disappointment.  Really Brandi, you want to test out McGee before a commitment and if it's no good move on, guess you really don't know what it's all about, there are rules!

OOOo I just talked about that somewhere else.  WHAT rules???   Paige and Bernie don't have any clear concepts regarding polygamy beyond reading a bible verse and knowing that polygamy was practiced in the old testament thousands of years ago.   It's obvious from the get-go.  Bernie posts pics of himself - Paige says "no, we are a COUPLE looking for a wife - not a single dude"  - so they change it.  Then Bernie wants to flirt and :::gasp::: hold hands and maybe do a peck of a kiss goodnight and Paige says "No intimacy".  If you are going to have rules (and you must for something this serious) - they need to be clear cut and agreed upon between Paige and Bernie (preferably on paper!) and then laid out before a potential sister wife from the very beginning.  Watching the McGees stumble through this is worse than any train wreck and at best it's ridiculous!  Any moron can see that they will not succeed.

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Well, yeah, the way he's "flirting with pretty girls online" isn't a spiritual quest to find a second wife.  It's permissive cheating.  

Her own Facebook group is downright hilarious.  It's so full of ass kissers.  Of course they've still got an investigation going on her leaked texts.  Mmm hmm.  Anybody who dares questioning it is labeled a bully by her clinger-ons.  I can't even with these people.  Posting brand new posts to tell her how cute her interaction was with her husband, "I can feel the love" bullshit.  This is why I've always loved PTV (and TWOP before that), intelligent discussion about television, visiting both sides without goofy fangirling.  

Oh and they were in LA over the weekend and posted pics.  Bernie dyed his hair and beard brown.  He looks like he should be questioned on how close he lives to an elementary school now.  Something tells me this is going to his head. 

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8 minutes ago, ShaNaeNae said:

Well, yeah, the way he's "flirting with pretty girls online" isn't a spiritual quest to find a second wife.  It's permissive cheating.  

Her own Facebook group is downright hilarious.  It's so full of ass kissers.  Of course they've still got an investigation going on her leaked texts.  Mmm hmm.  Anybody who dares questioning it is labeled a bully by her clinger-ons.  I can't even with these people.  Posting brand new posts to tell her how cute her interaction was with her husband, "I can feel the love" bullshit.  This is why I've always loved PTV (and TWOP before that), intelligent discussion about television, visiting both sides without goofy fangirling.  

Oh and they were in LA over the weekend and posted pics.  Bernie dyed his hair and beard brown.  He looks like he should be questioned on how close he lives to an elementary school now.  Something tells me this is going to his head. 

Your entire post - LOL!    

  • LOL 1
On 3/4/2019 at 11:51 AM, Kyanight said:

OOOo I just talked about that somewhere else.  WHAT rules???   Paige and Bernie don't have any clear concepts regarding polygamy beyond reading a bible verse and knowing that polygamy was practiced in the old testament thousands of years ago.   It's obvious from the get-go.  Bernie posts pics of himself - Paige says "no, we are a COUPLE looking for a wife - not a single dude"  - so they change it.  Then Bernie wants to flirt and :::gasp::: hold hands and maybe do a peck of a kiss goodnight and Paige says "No intimacy".  If you are going to have rules (and you must for something this serious) - they need to be clear cut and agreed upon between Paige and Bernie (preferably on paper!) and then laid out before a potential sister wife from the very beginning.  Watching the McGees stumble through this is worse than any train wreck and at best it's ridiculous!  Any moron can see that they will not succeed.

Yeah, I don't really get their motivation for this. I would understand someone who grew up FLDS wanting to practice it, because it's part of their heritage and culture. It's just weird to see it was done in the Old Testament and think it can work exactly the same today. Back then, women had no way of supporting themselves, so several women sharing one powerful man made sense. I think more people were "down" with it during those times for that reason; they needed resources, so they had to find someone who could provide. People back then did it out of  necessity, not because it was some fun new lifestyle. In this day and age, I think some people truly do have the personality for it (Alldredges), but I can tell immediately that Paige does not. Plus, if Bernie is basing this on the Old Testament, does he plan to support all these people? That's one thing that really annoys me in lots of religious men...they want to be the head of the household, but don't want to support the household. Bernie takes that concept to the millionth degree!

Edited by Christina87
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On 3/1/2019 at 1:06 AM, Tabbygirl521 said:

Why is this show still on??? TLC banned Derek Duggar (whatever the hell his name is : Jill’s spouse) for saying rude things online about Jazz Jennings’ situation and arguing about her decisions. That was bad but this is so much worse!

On 3/4/2019 at 8:27 AM, LucyEth said:

The coming attractions where Paige tell Brandi no intimacy before a commitment was priceless.  Brandi's reaction seems like annoyance combined with disappointment.  Really Brandi, you want to test out McGee before a commitment and if it's no good move on, guess you really don't know what it's all about, there are rules!

My questioning for why are they on tv is because it's got nothing to do with religion or anything that will benefit the future of the family. He wants to cheat outside his marriage, and the newbie doesn't want kids (so he's not beholden to anything other than be to feed and house her and her daughter, while they claim gov't benefits. (Unless the plan is to groom her to be the 'third' wife ewww!) 

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8 minutes ago, Chalby said:

My questioning for why are they on tv is because it's got nothing to do with religion or anything that will benefit the future of the family. He wants to cheat outside his marriage, and the newbie doesn't want kids (so he's not beholden to anything other than be to feed and house her and her daughter, while they claim gov't benefits. (Unless the plan is to groom her to be the 'third' wife ewww!) 

I'll give that a thought!  They're on this show because they needed an extra couple and they signed up!

I just can't imagine sex with Bernie in that rental home with those young teens listening!

Uggg just uggg!

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5 minutes ago, Jeanne222 said:

I'll give that a thought!  They're on this show because they needed an extra couple and they signed up!

I just can't imagine sex with Bernie in that rental home with those young teens listening!

Uggg just uggg!

I haven’t even watched this show yet because I was so grossed out by a commercial a few weeks ago- Bernie explaining to his son how he’d have to take turns with a new wife. I can’t even imagine my dad springing that kind of news on me. I would have wanted to run away and take my mom with me. 

Edited by Tabbygirl521
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13 minutes ago, TurtlePower said:

This show is a sham. It has nothing to do with religion or "sister wives". If TLC wants to go this route, they should just follow some swingers around for a year. At least it's more honest and the women at least get some reward from the activity. 

God these men are idiots. 

I think the Alldredges and the Winders are sincere and it definitely has to do with their religion.  It's only the McGees and Snowdens who are "swingers".

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31 minutes ago, rob in cal said:

I'm wondering about the religious aspects of this. If the Mcgees have converted to Judaism wouldn't they want the second wife to be Jewish.  I don't think this has come up with Brandi yet, and one would think that should be front and center in a devout household.

It just doesn't make sense.  Religion seems to play a very small role in the McGee's quest for a new wife.  I am really sure WHAT their motivation is, and I've read a lot of theories on message boards.  Right now I am thinking that Bernie wanted something new and Paige wanted to keep her husband so this was a compromise.  I also think that in THEORY Paige liked the idea of a sister wife to help with dinner and watch TV shows together and chit chat as friends do - but when it comes to the reality of sharing her husband she just can't do it.  No blame here, just thoughts.

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On 3/7/2019 at 12:14 PM, Kyanight said:

It just doesn't make sense.  Religion seems to play a very small role in the McGee's quest for a new wife.  I am really sure WHAT their motivation is, and I've read a lot of theories on message boards.  Right now I am thinking that Bernie wanted something new and Paige wanted to keep her husband so this was a compromise.  I also think that in THEORY Paige liked the idea of a sister wife to help with dinner and watch TV shows together and chit chat as friends do - but when it comes to the reality of sharing her husband she just can't do it.  No blame here, just thoughts

Bingo.  I don't understand why Brandi's daughter thinks this is such a good idea.  Too bad the McGee boys can't talk some sense into their parents.  I could  tell the hairdressers weren't impressed with Paige or Brandi.   This is not going to work especially as Bernie and Brandi are over eager.  I really don't see what she sees that is appealing about her.  She and her daughter remind me of a grifter family I knew in high school.   I am not sure where I am taking that thought as my mind is cloudy after the jump to DST and it is suddenly closer to midnight than I thought.   I can't stand him or Brandi, and I don't like Paige either.   I do like the boys and the dog.

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4 minutes ago, Twopper said:

Bingo.  I don't understand why Brandi's daughter thinks this is such a good idea.  Too bad the McGee boys can't talk some sense into their parents.  I could  tell the hairdressers weren't impressed with Paige or Brandi.   This is not going to work especially as Bernie and Brandi are over eager.  I really don't see what she sees that is appealing about her.  She and her daughter remind me of a grifter family I knew in high school.   I am not sure where I am taking that thought as my mind is cloudy after the jump to DST and it is suddenly closer to midnight than I thought.   I can't stand him or Brandi, and I don't like Paige either.   I do like the boys and the dog.

Yes -  BOTH of the hairdresser's expressions had me rolling!!!   And not to be rude - but seriously - did either of them look any different afterwards???  It's like they sat in the chairs and had their hair combed.  Paige's hair didn't even stay curled for more than 10 minutes!  Brandy's hair was pretty, but I expected it to be cut and maybe colored and really styled.  Brandy's daughter Bree should never have been brought into this mess at this early stage.  Since Paige had a freaking massive nervous breakdown before her husband even pulled out of the driveway on his first date, common sense tells everyone (even their family dog!) that this is NEVER.....  NEVER!!!  moving beyond this point.  If Paige saw them even kiss I think she would grab a butcher knife and go ballistic.   Speaking of which - where WERE the two boys and Bree while this Paige drama/first date driveway scene were playing out?   

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Paige booted me from her FB group.  I knew it was coming after this exchange happened on the TLC Facebook page. It works because I'd get nauseous just reading her page with all her "fans".  But someone posted on the TLC page that they should fire the McGee's since Paige's rant about a special needs child. I guess one of her "fans" (or Paige's alt account) wrote some despicable shit in defense of Paige.  I, of course, could not keep my mouth shut.  Here's the exchange:



Edited by ShaNaeNae
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On 3/10/2019 at 8:22 PM, Twopper said:

Bingo.  I don't understand why Brandi's daughter thinks this is such a good idea.  Too bad the McGee boys can't talk some sense into their parents.  I could  tell the hairdressers weren't impressed with Paige or Brandi.   This is not going to work especially as Bernie and Brandi are over eager.  I really don't see what she sees that is appealing about her.  She and her daughter remind me of a grifter family I knew in high school.   I am not sure where I am taking that thought as my mind is cloudy after the jump to DST and it is suddenly closer to midnight than I thought.   I can't stand him or Brandi, and I don't like Paige either.   I do like the boys and the dog.

I can't believe anyone would be over-eager to do anything with that stomach-turning, pudgy pile of pus. 

Part of me thought this was very scripted but there seems to be a lot of drama in real life with these assholes. I actually had to stop watching--I can't even hate-watch this crap they're so terrible. 

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15 minutes ago, TurtlePower said:

Part of me thought this was very scripted but there seems to be a lot of drama in real life with these assholes. I actually had to stop watching--I can't even hate-watch this crap they're so terrible. 

I think part of what bugs is that there is no back story as to why Brandi is interested in plural marriage.   At least we know with the disappearing Jennifer from Buffalo that there are polygamists somewhere in her background--or at least that's what she said.  I find this to be the fakiest story of the four (running a close second are the Snowdens).   I  no longer believe that they tried to get a second wife earlier, and I wouldn't be surprised at all to find out they already knew Brandi and her daughter from somewhere.  If Paige really wants a sister wife, it may be because she watched the first episode of "Sister Wives," and thought it was a great idea.  I guess she is so focused on getting the sister wife part, that she is almost oblivious to the fact that she would be sharing her husband.  I think they just want to be on tv, and they are hoping to get a spin off or just make some $$$$ from TLC.    If she is short of women friends, she needs to get out more and get a job or do volunteer work. 

Does anybody know the ratings for this?  Not sure I can do another season. 

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2 hours ago, Twopper said:

I think part of what bugs is that there is no back story as to why Brandi is interested in plural marriage.   At least we know with the disappearing Jennifer from Buffalo that there are polygamists somewhere in her background--or at least that's what she said.  I find this to be the fakiest story of the four (running a close second are the Snowdens).   I  no longer believe that they tried to get a second wife earlier, and I wouldn't be surprised at all to find out they already knew Brandi and her daughter from somewhere.  If Paige really wants a sister wife, it may be because she watched the first episode of "Sister Wives," and thought it was a great idea.  I guess she is so focused on getting the sister wife part, that she is almost oblivious to the fact that she would be sharing her husband.  I think they just want to be on tv, and they are hoping to get a spin off or just make some $$$$ from TLC.    If she is short of women friends, she needs to get out more and get a job or do volunteer work. 

Does anybody know the ratings for this?  Not sure I can do another season. 

I found it interesting that they showed the set up for the blessing before the meal but we didn’t get to see the actual blessing. 

If their plural marriage thing is religious in nature, that would’ve been interesting to see. 

Also, why didn’t we see Paige’s “breakdown”?  It was bad enough for them to bring Tubby McGee back, but all we saw was some whimpering?

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6 hours ago, xwordfanatik said:

Was there ever an uglier kitchen than the McGees have?  Those green cabinets make me want to puke.

Hmm, I suppose the same sentiment could be said of Fibber McGee and Molly.  They're nauseating.

Drat, I meant to comment on the cabinets.  I guess I should take notes on things I want to comment about, but that would be a confession that I have NO life.  

Anyway, the 1960's have called, and they want those cabinets back.  I had a high school teacher who "antiqued" her desk and a large cabinet in her classroom over the summer.   At least the cabinet was at the back of the room, but it was awful to have to look at that desk for 50 minutes every day.  In her defense, I think both the desk and cabinet were probably in pretty bad shape to begin with as the school was nearly 40 years old, and I think much of the furniture was that old as well.  Most of the classrooms had modern (for the time) desks, but some teachers had kept the old desks with a place for the inkwells that we didn't need.

I see there has been a resurgence of this, and now they tend to call it "distressing" the furniture.  I have seen a few pieces that look nice, but not very often.  The house looks like it's from the 60's or early 70's so maybe the cabinets were already "distressed."  I would have to paint over them, as it would make my stomach queasy to cook in the room with those cabinets.  🤢

Edited by Twopper
its is not the same as it's
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On 3/12/2019 at 8:26 AM, TurtlePower said:

I can't believe anyone would be over-eager to do anything with that stomach-turning, pudgy pile of pus. 

Part of me thought this was very scripted but there seems to be a lot of drama in real life with these assholes. I actually had to stop watching--I can't even hate-watch this crap they're so terrible. 

Quite an accurate description of Mr. I Want More Love. If I ever feel the need to purge, I'll keep a mental picture of that pork chop wallowing around in bed like a beached whale. 

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They were arrested and jailed for stalking:


yeah...they're just full-on crazy.

14 hours ago, Kyanight said:

Omg! You always beat me to it!! Lol lol

16 hours ago, jenifaohjenny said:

When will I learn to patiently read before I post? Lol

12 hours ago, crazycatlady58 said:

I wonder who is taking care of the kids and what TLC will do cut them out of the show or continue to air their episodes

Well, it says they were released so I guess they can still take care of the kids.  I wonder who they were stalking. Maybe Brandi ditched them, and they are stalking her?

Paige is the only person I have seen who looks better in her mug shot than she does on tv. Her hair looks like it had been recently "did." I mean her hair looks like it was recently colored. On the tv it looks more like dishwater blonde with grey.   ( I can say this as a mousy blonde with a few grey streaks myself)

2 hours ago, Twopper said:

Well, it says they were released so I guess they can still take care of the kids.  I wonder who they were stalking. Maybe Brandi ditched them, and they are stalking her?

Paige is the only person I have seen who looks better in her mug shot than she does on tv. Her hair looks like it had been recently "did." I mean her hair looks like it was recently colored. On the tv it looks more like dishwater blonde with grey.   ( I can say this as a mousy blonde with a few grey streaks myself)

They were stalking Paige’s brother and her mother.  

I am part of her brother’s Facebook group. 

Edited by Meowwww
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7 hours ago, Twopper said:

Well, it says they were released so I guess they can still take care of the kids.  I wonder who they were stalking. Maybe Brandi ditched them, and they are stalking her?

Paige is the only person I have seen who looks better in her mug shot than she does on tv. Her hair looks like it had been recently "did." I mean her hair looks like it was recently colored. On the tv it looks more like dishwater blonde with grey.   ( I can say this as a mousy blonde with a few grey streaks myself)

The Update on the Starcasm site says that they weren't released, but were transferred to another facility.

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Why am I  not surprised?  He's a sex menace and she's bona fide deranged. I feel for their unfortunate children,  hopefully an agency will keep tabs on their welfare. 

Hopefully they'll be canceled. Now I'm ready for that show with the Duggar tribe doing nothing interesting except breeding.   Correct me, but wasn't their brother found to have molested them? TLC needs to clean house.

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1 hour ago, suev3333 said:

Omg....that  Bernie is such a horndog pig.  He just wants to screw Brandy.....and he's looking all like he feels bad hurting his wife.   It's so obvious 🙄

Well why in the world did Paige EVER suggest polygamy to Bernie.  She is extremely jealous and possessive and there was no way this would ever work for them.  This is definitely their one and only season on the show.

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