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Masterchef (US) - General Discussion

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6 hours ago, mlp said:

I wonder if all the contestants hadn't already chosen their cakes before the filming and had been given recipes and instructions then acted out choosing for the cameras.  I find it hard to believe that they all just figured out the ingredients and so on by tasting their selections.  They barely had time to get the cakes baked and cooled let alone spend time thinking and maybe experimenting to get flavors right.  

Exactly. I find it hard to believe that these "home cooks" know how to produce most of what's on the show.

Noah bugs the hell out of me. Alot of it is his stupid overalls/bandana combo. Did he say, "Nut up or shut up"?

I hope Dorian wins.

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7 hours ago, mertensia said:

I don't recall anyone "having" to make Swiss meringue by hand on the Great British Baking Show.

I think Bri is trying to look like Daenerys.

They had to have known the recipes if they expect me to believe that Micah or whoever that was made a Victorian sponge. 

More like Legolas than Daenerys I think. 

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31 minutes ago, mertensia said:

Dave Barry held a contest - his readers voted -  for the worst song. MacArthur Park won.

23 minutes ago, cameron said:

You had to be of that generation to understand and like that song.  Think its better than some of the latter day punk rock songs.

The lyrics were dumb, but I always liked Donna Summer's version. 

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Is Dorian getting the winner's edit, do you think? Or is she going to be a "shocking elimination?"

They seem to be playing up the competence, self-confidence, reasonable modesty angle for her right now, but I wonder if we're expected to forget that meltdown when she was paired with Subha. Hopefully there's no further drama of that sort in the can, waiting for us in the next few episodes.

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3 hours ago, DEL901 said:

Couldn't believe how Gordon raved about Dorian's cake.  It was not "all that".  She'd be laughed off Best Baker in America.  I know this is a cooking show primarily and they can't be expected to be as good, however, don't try to oversell.... oh, what am I saying?  Gordon and the gang are the kings of hyperbole.

The frosting between the layers was all out of whack. It was still a great job but that was definitely a flaw. 

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54 minutes ago, preeya said:

Not a fan of her's, but I thought Shari's cake was the most professional looking of all.  I thought it looked perfect.

That was Shari's cake? Yum. The judges rushed through her critique so quickly, I don't even remember hers. Like all teachers and judges, I suppose, they have their favorites. 

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3 hours ago, OoogleEyes said:


You had to pay close attention, but I think this is -- and others can feel free to correct me -- 10, the most perfect number in the universe!  Facts about the number 10:  

The 10th US President was John Tyler, the first VP to become President upon the death of a President.  Can anyone think of a better President than Tyler?  I think not!  I mean, the man died in 1862 and he has two living grandchildren.   Look it up! 

The 10th state to ratify the US constitution:  Virginia.  A state so great that it had to divide itself in two because it couldn't sustain all that greatness alone!

The atomic number of neon is 10!   Without neon, Las Vegas would only be known for quickie divorces and grasshoppers. 

In the Twelve Days of Christmas, there are 10 Lords a Leapin'.  Those plebian pipers needed 11 participants just to pipe out a silly tune. 

What is the first thing a new parent does when a new baby is born?  S/he checks for TEN fingers and TEN toes.  

All in all -- Ten equals Perfection, making Season TEN the Most Fabulous and Important Season in Master Chef History!!!!!!!!!! (thus, meriting 10 exclamation points.)   I pity those peasants who will participate in season 11.  

Edited by Thalia
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17 hours ago, mlp said:

I wonder if all the contestants hadn't already chosen their cakes before the filming and had been given recipes and instructions then acted out choosing for the cameras.  I find it hard to believe that they all just figured out the ingredients and so on by tasting their selections.  They barely had time to get the cakes baked and cooled let alone spend time thinking and maybe experimenting to get flavors right.  

I remember watching the Australian version (Matt Preston, I’ll miss you and your cravat) and during baking challenges you could see a recipe tucked in the corner of the contestant’s workspace. Never bothered me, as I know that baking and cooking are different, and one generally can’t “come up” with the correct baking ingredient measurement/ratios off the top of their head. 

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23 minutes ago, hula-la said:

baking and cooking are different, and one generally can’t “come up” with the correct baking ingredient measurement/ratios off the top of their head.  

Exactly, baking is science, thus my reasoning why it should NOT be part of the MasterCHEF competition. As I said previously it's not MasterPastryChef.

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35 minutes ago, preeya said:

Exactly, baking is science, thus my reasoning why it should NOT be part of the MasterCHEF competition. As I said previously it's not MasterPastryChef.

I love baking shows. Will watch anything with baking. I love to bake, love everything about baking. But I don't need it here. I hate when someone who isn't as good a cook knocks out a superior cook who is weaker on baking. It's great when someone can do both, but pastry chefs exist for a reason. I'd prefer less baking or no baking here. 

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“I wonder if all the contestants hadn't already chosen their cakes before the filming and had been given recipes and instructions then acted out choosing for the cameras.  I find it hard to believe that they all just figured out the ingredients and so on by tasting their selections.  They barely had time to get the cakes baked and cooled let alone spend time thinking and maybe experimenting to get flavors right.”


It was revealed several seasons ago that they get to practice on what’s coming up the following taping, so they have guidance from the library of cookbooks, etc.

3 minutes ago, topanga said:

What’s the correct pronunciation? 

Mac - a - Ron

Not Mac - a - roon

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S10E15 Small Dessert, Big Problems

Summary:  The surprises continue for the MasterChef contestants. Ready to take on their next elimination challenge, the home cooks walk into the MasterChef kitchen to discover a beautiful tower of macarons. Special guest judge Candace Nelson, founder of Sprinkles cupcakes, sets the stage for the challenge and gives the home cooks 75 minutes to create one dozen delicious macarons. Find out who impresses and who misses the mark.

1 hour ago, dogfish said:


A maca-roon is a coconut cookie.

Yeah, this was sad. Gordon pronounced it wrong every time I noticed, Joe sort of straddled the fence but mostly got it wrong, the only two people who consistently got it right were the woman guest and Jaime. Subha had it wrong every time I noticed. It is as annoying as people who should know better talking about "expresso". It reminds me of Gordon's pronunciation of tacos as Tack-os; maybe that is the British way or European but will get you laughed out of a real Mexican restaurant.

Edited by DoctorK
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37 minutes ago, DoctorK said:

Yeah, this was sad. Gordon pronounced it wrong every time I noticed, Joe sort of straddled the fence but mostly got it wrong, the only two people who consistently got it right were the woman guest and Jaime. Subha had it wrong every time I noticed. It is as annoying as people who should know better talking about "expresso".


It reminds me of Gordon's pronunciation of tacos as Tack-os; maybe that is the British way or European but will get you laughed out of a real Mexican restaurant.


How about when he (GR) says PASta (pasta) or BAHzil (basil). That just irks me and has become a joke around our house.

Wuta was the right choice to go home, but overall there were some really atrocious looking boxes.

Shari seems to be the dark horse now. Yesterday's devil food layer cake was perfect and her macaRONs tonight were the best in that incredible kitchen. Top TEN of season TEN.

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For group challenges: never, ever pick the so called best contestants. They usually don’t know how to work as a team.

i remember MC Canada and in the second season a guy didn’t pick the “best” cooks to cater a wedding. When he was asked why he had done that he just grinned and answered: “because these guys are going to kill each other in their team”. He was right, they went to elimination.

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On 7/30/2019 at 12:39 AM, bluepiano said:

There's the option to order just an appetizer, though in high end restaurants an appetizer often costs what a full entrée used to. 

"Small plates" restaurants, based on the Spanish tapas concept, were very trendy a few years ago, though not seeing as many now. I like the idea of being able to try a few different things, though the cost adds up. 

The concept of tapas in a restaurant is to be able to try different foods at the same time.

In Spain people usually have a small drink (wine or beer) with each tapa.

I still remember what an older Spanish cook told me about tapas: they should be salty, fatty and spicy (with spices, not crappy hot sauces), because the beverages are the big moneymakers in a bar.

Edited by El maestro
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Apparently in Septic Land “macaron” is pronounced the same way as the French president’s surname. I bet he also makes a killer Merkel-roni and cheese. And a stunning appetizer of Matterella sticks. And an amazing Brexitini: two parts Boodles gin, two parts bitters, and a splash of septic sludge.

Subha’s focus in the kitchen is comparable to Abe Simpson telling a story. “My macaron begins in season ten-dickety-ten. We had to say ‘stunning’ because the Gordon had stolen our word ‘amazing’. I chased that rascal to get my dyes back, but gave up after dickety-ten minutes. Now, I'd like to digress from my ten remarks to discuss how I invented the aimless kitchen nature walk.”

Bri is one stunningly aggressive spray tan away from looking like Photo Negative Barbie.

I really miss Honey Boo Boo Adult. This episode has been ten hundred million minutes long so far, giving me lots of time to reminisce about her whimsical ineptitude.

“This is a professional box if I’ve ever seen one.” If I had ten dollars for every time someone said that to me, I would be stunningly rich.

Concerning box

Beautiful pinks

The lids with no filling

“I didn’t want to box garbage.” Damn you, Wuta, you’re making me miss Honey Boo Boo Adult even more. Ten stunning years of back luck for you!


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41 minutes ago, preeya said:

How about when he (GR) says PASta (pasta) or BAHzil (basil). That just irks me and has become a joke around our house.

British vs American pronunciation. His pronunciation is correct, just as American PAHsta and BAYzil are correct.

It’s also not wrong to say “macarOON” for the French confection. Again, both pronunciations are correct (and yes, it does also refer to the coconut cookie).

Edited by sharifa70
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