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Great Googely Moogely, is that Vanessa chic hard to look at??  Every time I see her, I hear Austin Powers saying "That's a MAN, baby." Yikers. 


I think the most attractive ones are Susanna and the.... one with shorter blonde hair.  Susanna's hair is pretty, but she needs a cut/style with some layers or .... something.  The other one is the most "natural" looking by far.  But also?  Probably the bitchiest. 


The only--and I mean ONLY one--who seems semi-likeable at this point is the former fitness model one.  I would say Leha seems "ok" but her husband is clearly psychotic. And, well, if she's still with him and defending him?  Girl, no.  

Edited by Duke2801
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Susanna is disgusting. She is all over twitter, going so far as to dress a mannequin in the jumpsuit sand photograph it sticking half up out of her trashcan. Fame whore indeed.


She also looks like Morticia Adams. Get a makeover you try-hard. 

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Susanna is disgusting. She is all over twitter, going so far as to dress a mannequin in the jumpsuit sand photograph it sticking half up out of her trashcan. Fame whore indeed.


She also looks like Morticia Adams. Get a makeover you try-hard.

She's probably upset Vanessa got to give Andy Cohen the jumpsuit first.
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I am li-ving for this show right now. The whole pageant circuit is so ridiculous and catty that I simply can't look away. That one woman Leha's huband is SCARY. I cannot even imagine my man ever getting involved in something as silly as a pageant and being so venomous about it too. Something is definitely off there. 

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I was howling at the scene with Vanassa and the lip gloss. I had to rewind it a few times. WTF? Loved it and love the show.

That was great editing too. Man, the way she didn't back down until she got her apology. That was fierce.

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Yep, after that episode I'm all in! I really needed this to fill the hole left by Toddlers & Tiaras, Kim of Queens, and Dance Moms.


Vanassa is such a caricature, but I am loving her schtick. That lipgloss apology moment had me howling.

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Oh my gosh, why is Vanassa so violent?


That lipgloss apology with Vanassa and Susanna was amazing. It was like something out of Showgirls. 


Oh my God, the way they dressed for that dinner where they made the bet? Amazing. Oh my God, the way they dressed to attend the pageant. Stop it. Stop! I can't even with the "costume" portion of the pageant. I don't understand... bumblebees... that weird mermaid thing... Are they supposed to be representing their states?


I guess to make the two (TWO!) Native American costumes less offensive they carry the headdresses instead of wearing them?


It's interesting that they have to drag their husbands on stage for part of the pageant. Surprisingly there were no hideous husbands. 


Lori-Ann has really nice posture. I noticed it during the swimsuit portion.


I liked Nevada's evening gown. Lori-Ann's gown was nice too.


Nick is weird and scary. Yes, they were being catty all night but in this case, they were right. They weren't celebrating the fact that Leha lost.


Shelley's outfit for the get together with the hood? I can't.


Not sure where the thing about Nick threatening Lynne is coming from but the rest of it is impossible to argue with. Did he forget that they were being filmed?


I also hope that there are more pageants throughout the season.

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This show is a train wreck. But I am liking it! Nick instigated the whole pageant drama. I'm sure the pageant officials thought he was disruptive and completely out of line. Nick was rude, obnoxious and scary but it was Susanah that introduced threats. Nick, as a cop, should know better. He seems like a time bomb.

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Her pregnancy photo with her husband? No words.

That photo was so bizarre. In so many ways. And it was HUGE.


Lynne...wow.  This is awful but I think her husband is just hideous.

She is one of those women who employs a lot of distraction to draw attention away from her face. But when you see her with her kid and her husband, who are both quite plain, you realize that under the flashy hair, clothes, and makeup, she's no better off.


Leha the woman who had body issues and then lost 70 pounds over one year worries me.

70 pounds isn't a lot to lose over a year. That's what? 5 or 6 pounds a month? A very healthy rate of loss. There was no indication that she was doing anything extreme to get there. And she looked terrific.


I think it's kind of hilarious how these women want to create a hierarchy.

It's human nature. Every subculture has a hierarchy. Even serial killers look down on Jeffrey Dahmer like "damn, I killed some people, but I didn't try to eat them!"


If Susanna was told that Vanassa had picked the same (hideous) jumpsuit, Susanna good and hell well knew she should've chosen something else to wear.

That's what I didn't understand. Well, actually two things I didn't understand. One, why Susanna didn't change when she knew it would be an issue. And two, why it's such a big deal what you wear on the airplane.

Edited by sleepyjean
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I still don't get the blue hair.

What's not to get? It's for attention. Just like the outfits, the cleavage, and the makeup.


Regarding tonight's episode, I think Lynn is lying. Sure Leha's husband and his father were total assholes, but we never hear him threaten Lynn's life.

Every time they told the story, the threat escalated, until it only bore a passing resemblance to the truth. If there had been an actual death threat that only blue-hair heard, she would've been squawking about it the entire night.


They all are pretty back stabby to each other. I will be interested in seeing the reunion. There is nothing good about calling someone a 40 footer, a washed up beauty queen, or making bets they will lose a competition, then doing the cabbage patch dance when they lose.

The cabbage patch was for the win. Not for Leha's loss. Not that I excuse the bet.


There is something very funny about a woman as dragalicious as Vanassa snarking on anyone else's looks.


    Leha was just named "Favorite Pageant Wife" on tonight's WWHL poll. I'm calling total bullshit on the poll.

Well, consider the competition. She was the only one who wasn't complaining and or back-stabbing every time she opened her mouth


    The only--and I mean ONLY one--who seems semi-likeable at this point is the former fitness model one.

She's the only one who realizes the emperor has no clothes and the whole pageant thing is a load of BS. She's over the beauty pageant thing, so what's she going to do for the rest of the show?



Not sure where the thing about Nick threatening Lynne is coming from but the rest of it is impossible to argue with. Did he forget that they were being filmed?

He's an idiot. And a self-righteous hothead. That was obvious from the moment he started complaining loudly that they weren't cheering for his wife. Such a tough guy. Why was he so interested in their conversation? Nick was a row behind and several seats over. I doubt he could hear half of what those women were saying, so he just made up a story in his head about what was going on, and went off half-cocked in front of his daughter. A real man dismisses gossipy, catty women. He doesn't engage with them. He certainly doesn't stoop to their level and try to take them down a peg or two in the middle of a frikkin beauty pageant. I do not understand how he made the giant leap from "they're laughing at my wife" to "they're a threat to my wife, I must go backstage to protect her." He's got issues for sure. But his father was the one who dropped the "how would you like to see him dead" line, so clearly the apple didn't fall too far from that tree.


And the whole time Nick was eating or chewing gum or whatever, like a cretin. Dude, try to rise above, will you? None of this matters.

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Leha the woman who had body issues and then lost 70 pounds over one year worries me.

70 pounds isn't a lot to lose over a year. That's what? 5 or 6 pounds a month? A very healthy rate of loss. There was no indication that she was doing anything extreme to get there. And she looked terrific.

I think it was more the way she was talking about her body and weight loss. I know she was joking about the tic tac thing but she said some other things that just made me a little nervous. 


That's what I didn't understand. Well, actually two things I didn't understand. One, why Susanna didn't change when she knew it would be an issue. And two, why it's such a big deal what you wear on the airplane.

Seriously. Airplane fashion is whatever is the most comfortable while still being at least somewhat presentable. I do not understand people who go on long flights with a full face of makeup and tight jeans or otherwise constricting clothing. 

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The cabbage patch was for the win. Not for Leha's loss. Not that I excuse the bet.

I Never said the dancing was for Leha's loss, I said they did it when she lost. The fact is they were laughing, making bets that their friends would lose (not all of them bet against them) and doing a little jig after she lost   The family isn't going to know why they are doing it, and I don't think it is one bit appropriate, I mean really, who does that?  You could be laughing at something totally different at a funeral, but that is still in bad taste, like their behavior was to me.


On another note, I think Loriann's husband is gorgeous and he does look much younger than his age.  He seems pretty cool, too.  When they started gossiping in the room after the pageant he looked away and didn't engage.  


I also hate it when someone says a woman looks like a man. At 5'9 with large hands, broad shoulders and size 12 feet-I could be accused of it.  I'm not dainty, but a lot of women aren't-they are still women.  I never got into the all women should look this way thing.  BUT, Leha does look mannish, I couldn't stop noticing it after the other women commented on it.  The way she was walking after the pageant, with a wide stance, her face and just overall how she looks does, indeed, look a lot like a guy in drag.  But, she does seem like a really nice person, and I think she is awesome for losing the weight.  I saw a Sprite bottle on the table, when she and her family were having dinner, right next to her daughter.  I was shocked someone so health conscious would give such a little kid soda. My son is nine and I still don't let him drink it.  I hope it was someone else's.  

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I Never said the dancing was for Leha's loss, I said they did it when she lost. The fact is they were laughing, making bets that their friends would lose (not all of them bet against them) and doing a little jig after she lost   The family isn't going to know why they are doing it, and I don't think it is one bit appropriate, I mean really, who does that?  You could be laughing at something totally different at a funeral, but that is still in bad taste, like their behavior was to me.

Maybe it's that Nick overreacted in such an aggressive and unnecessary manner but I'm inclined to take their (the pageant women) side on this one. It's not a funeral. It's a beauty pageant. Yes, at that moment in Nick's mind, the most important thing was that his wife had just lost. But other people had won and they could have been talking about anything. There's no sign he knew about the bet so all he saw was them laughing and Shelley's little dance. There was no reason for him to react like that. What if Shelley knew Miss Texas and was happy for her? Would she not be allowed to celebrate if it meant Leha lost? 

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I only decided to watch this because reading the threads made me think it was just the trash TV I love.


It didn't disappoint. Hehe I get to snark on a grown up "Tantrums and Tiaras" without worrying that I'm criticising young children, a no no in my book. They are all so deliciously deluded. Who the hell enters for a Mrs pageant? Haven't you got anything else to spend $100k on?

And to have to stay married to the biggest jerk in the whole of jerkdom, Nick, because the pageants don't allow an ex Mrs to enter.

Count me in. I loved it. :)

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Lynne, Shelley and Susanna recount the drama at Mrs. America, including the alleged violent threat made toward Lynne—that no one else heard. After talking to Vanassa, Leha confronts Susanna about the abuse accusations made about her husband. Lynne and Leha have a sit-down that may end their friendship forever.

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Whoever's little girl that was performing (if you want to call it that), is it too harsh to say she has no talent whatsoever and was just awful, or is that not harsh enough?  I really felt bad for her that her mother didn't tell her that she needs to practice more and that autotune is not a talent.  Very cringeworthy moment there.

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Is it wrong of me to be thrilled that I get the horrible kid "talent" as well as stupid grownup behavior in the same show? Seriously how deluded is the mother of the girl singing "LOL".

The snark, it writes itself.

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I like Lori Ann the best. She seems the most normal. Shelley is a close second. I like that she seems to love being a stay at home mom.

I think Lynne is lying. She could not definitively tell Leha when her husband made the threat and she could not explain why the other women didn't hear it. The tea room in her house? I'm calling bullshit. I'm sure it was for filming only.

Susanna is an idiot. Sugar did not make your obnoxious daughter hyper. That is a myth. Sugar does not cause hyperactivity, caffeine does. She needs to stop allowing her child to eat so much crap. Side note: I hate when parents cannot see how poorly behaved their children are. Susanna- your daughter has no fucking manners. She spit her food out several times---right in Lynne's daughter's plate. Disgusting. Wolves could've done a better job raising her.

The dinner between Susanna's husband and Leha's husband was awkward. The way Leha's husband kept fiddling with the steak knife made me nervous. Susanna did a good job of deflecting any involvement in the conflict. She blamed it all on Lynne. Leha's stupid ass fell for it.

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Lynne is totally lying. She kept changing the conversation when confronted by Leha. Susana is also lying her face off. Can't wait for the truth to come out.


Don't forget there is a new episode tonight at 10 pm for some reason!


I kinda love this show for some reason. It fills my Toddler and Tiaras addiction.

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Tea Party: This was cute. I think I was expecting more from the tea salon. Lynne gives the impression that she has a lot of disposable income so if that's a permanent fixture in her house I was expecting more... oomph. It looked like something anyone could have thrown together for a birthday party by bringing in the patio furniture. That said, it was a cute thing to do for the kids. I haven't experienced that too much outside of family... being constantly thrown together with your parents friends. Isabella seems considerably younger than the other girls. Yeah, she's a little wild but there's also probably going to be a difference in behavior between your average 7 year old and your average 13 year old. I'm just guessing at their ages.


Shelley at home: OK. This was a thing. I'm not ready to nominate her for best mom in the world and I have no problem with her choice to be a homemaker. Not sure what purpose this served. 


Breakfast: Why is Leha cozying up to Vanassa? I mean, I guess she can't be mad at all the girls or she'd have no one to talk to but it felt random. I dislike the way things are going. Why are we ignoring Nick being a jerk just because Lynne is probably lying about the threat and Susanna suggested he might be abusive? He's still an asshole. That hasn't changed. He was still wrong and behaved inappropriately. I feel like that's going to be swept away because of these distractions. Also, Leha, honey, I don't think they're trying to fatten you up. They just seem capable of eating desserts while still maintaining their figures.


Fashion Show: This was also cute. I think Shelley was trying to be mildly scandalized but it just seemed like a fun thing for these girls to do. It wasn't as exploitative as the pageants. Isabella doesn't seem to be particularly gifted as a pop star or lip-syncher. But yeah, it wasn't that bad. For a little kid with no particular singing or performing ability (I mean, all of the ones who aren't ready to be on Broadway or get a show on Nickelodeon or Disney) she was perfectly fine. It was no worse than most talent show acts for kids at her age.


Vanassa at work: This felt like nonsense. I'm glad we finally saw someone at a real job on one of these Bravo shows but I think this was all for the show. There are likely strict rules about where they would let them film. Also, it made no sense for her to wear her wedding rings while washing her hands and then touching the instruments. I don't know. I don't buy it. I wonder if she does regularly go to work with her hair and makeup like that. 

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Help me I can't remember any of their names except Leha (seriously?). Do the women who are lying about how Leha was a "40 footer" not realize they are on a TV show? And it's taped? And it runs  nationally?

I'm at a loss about that fact other than this is all totally made up and scripted.

Edited by Chicklet
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Lori Ann having dinner with her family was great. She's definitely the most likable so far but maybe that's because she's the least involved in the drama. Her relationship with her husband seems pretty good. As a personal trainer he pushed her and teased with without being too much of a jerk. Like, can you imagine if Josh on RHONY tried to train Kristen?


Leha and Susanna seemed to be having dinner with their husbands at a pretty normal local place. So what in the heck was Susanna wearing? She looked like a Vegas showgirl. Or Cher on a comeback tour.


As far as the bet goes, I think it should be emphasized that Susanna did think or at least bet that both Lori-Ann and Leha would place in the top 10. She wasn't negative about their chances.


Nick playing with the knife was creepy.


I seriously don't remember Susanna saying anything about Nick's family before he mentioned the name of his family. I vaguely remember her just talking about her husband. As for the abusive thing, she clearly pushed the rumor but she didn't say anything about him breaking Leha's nose. I'm going off what's in the show and assuming that they didn't edit anything out. With that, Nick is trying to play innocent when in reality he just flew off the handle and overreacted to a shocking degree. And it seems that by getting the rumor mill started, Susanna's insinuation has blown up into something bigger in a "telephone" way.


Having been a lawyer (or having gone to law school... I don't remember if she actually practiced law) I would have assumed that Lynne would be better at arguing with Leha. She just avoided the issue like any other housewife and deflected.


I'm glad there's going to be another pageant even if it's just a charity pageant. Too many of these shows get bogged down in drama while the cast doesn't do anything. That's why I've always been more about Top Chef and Project Runway than the other Bravo shows. 

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With the Ms. New England States Charity pageant just around the corner, Vanassa is unsure about competing because she feels less than pageant ready. Meanwhile, Lori-Ann trains hard to make this pageant everything Mrs. America wasn’t.

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I've only seen this episode and part of the first one. I have a question and I mean no offense when I ask this, I'm just really wondering.

Was Leha born female?

Her facial features are very masculine to me and at certain camera angles she really looks like a biological male to me.

Edited by Maharincess
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I've only seen this episode and part of the first one. I have a question and I mean no offense when I ask this, I'm just really wondering.

Was Leha born female?

Her facial features are very masculine to me and at certain camera angles she really looks like a biological male to me.

Yes, she was born a female. Her angular look can be attributed to her 80lb weight loss. She looked better when she was heavier.

Lynne- I can't even! Hated the scenes with her "crying". I chuckled at the scene where she was talking to Shelley and reached out for a hug before Shelley was ready to give her one. How awkward.

Susanna sealed it for me in this episode. I can't stand her or her obnoxious daughters. She had no business inserting herself between the stylist and Vanassa. The stylist just wanted to be on camera. You can clearly hear Vanassa's husband saying to the stylist, "You knew she didn't want to talk to you." The stylist KNEW Vanassa didn't want to speak to him yet he insisted on saying hello to her and the shit fiesta started. I don't fault Vanassa in this. However, I will say that she needs to work on her delivery because she definitely rubs people the wrong way.

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I remember Susanna and her daughter (younger one) from "Toddlers & Tiaras" waayy back when.  Seemed like she and her husband spent THOUSANDS of dollars and the kid and her pageants.  Thought it was hilarious that she said something like "My daughter isn't in pageants any more because she's WON THEM ALL"...  I think the poor unfortunate child is obviously going to end up looking like her FATHER instead of her MOTHER.

And her "performance" was ridiculous at that charity event!!

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Susanna's daughter's performance....lame. Was she lip syncing or was that actually her terrible song? I wasn't paying attention. Also, does Susanna remind anyone else of Morticia Addams, with that black hair and harsh center part? It's like Morticia went guido.

Edited by fliptopbox
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I forgot about Isabella on TNT, but according to some old articles ...







made headlines in 2012 when she called rival Paisley Dickey a "hooker" for dressing up like Julia Roberts' Pretty Woman character during a pageant. Because of the controversy, Isabella's mother, Susanna, pulled her from the TLC reality show and made her quit the pageant circuit.




She once spent more than $1,000 on room service. "We ordered, like, ice cream and chocolate cake," Isabella said. "My daddy freaked out!"



Next up for Isabella: becoming a pop music superstar. She has already recorded the song "LOL" with fellow Toddlers & Tiaras star Eden Wood, and she plans to release her first solo single, "I'm Just a Kid," later this year.

Edited by JerseyGirl
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Susanna is delusional. First of all, what 7 year old has "haters" that said she would never amount to anything to the point that she needs to write a stupid song about becoming "something" (I'm not sure what...it sure as hell isn't famous). Susanna thinks Isabella (who is so famous, I actually had to look up her name because I forgot) is a celebrity now? She's not even in the top 15 most memorable Toddlers and Tiaras contestants. My lord, let the kid be a kid.


Second, mulit-million dollar jewely line??? Did she really say that? That junk jewelry she was showing us the other episode??


*Edited for a spelling mistake.

Edited by Ladystardust
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Isabella now has a popular reality show in Germany and fronts her own company, Glitzy Girl, which sells jewelry, lip gloss and velour hoodies. Part of the brand's proceeds benefit an anti-bullying campaign. "It's nice that we can customize things to really raise money to really raise awareness," said Susanna, who lies in Cranston, Rhode Island.



The above is from the US Magazine article linked above. My guess is that the typo (bolded) is unintentional, but truer words have never been spoken.

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How did Lynne make the top 2? Who on earth told her the blue looked good or was acceptable at pageants? Is it wrong that I giggled during Isabella's "performance"?. I know she is a little girl, and I have a 5 year old and a 3 year old but that was just bad. Still loving this show though! Thank you to Bravo for putting this show in the air.

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The above is from the US Magazine article linked above. My guess is that the typo (bolded) is unintentional, but truer words have never been spoken.

Whaaat? Had no clue she had a reality show in Germany. Maybe they're the ones buying millions of dollars worth of her crappy jewelry?

Isn't Germany also where David Hasselhoff is a super huge celebrity? They have...uh...odd views on who they choose for celebrities over there apparently.

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That's what I didn't understand. Well, actually two things I didn't understand. One, why Susanna didn't change when she knew it would be an issue. And two, why it's such a big deal what you wear on the airplane.

I've never been in pageants but I have been a professional dancer who competed and traveled to perform.  One of the rules of our troupe was that we were working from the moment we arrived at the airport to fly out to the performance until the minute we got through our front door at the end of the trip.  In my mind, it would be the same in the pageant world - the competition is on, from the first second.  Though they were traveling to the venue, those women were competitors.  At least, that's how I think Vanassa sees it - it's a professional environment.  Just as she'd be ready to cut a bitch for wearing the same gown onstage, she was on fire to see a competitor wearing the same pre-pageant get-up.  It doesn't really make that much sense outside of the world they travel in but makes perfect sense within it, IMO.


And seriously?  Folks get pissed off if they see another chick wearing the same outfit at the club or something so this doesn't strike me as odd.

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That Isabella kid is just ugly, her face looks like a troll. How did she ever win beauty pageants?

I find it hard to believe Susanna is a pilot, or that Vanassa is a competent anaesthetist, or that smufette is a practicing attorney.

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That Isabella kid is just ugly, her face looks like a troll. How did she ever win beauty pageants?

I find it hard to believe Susanna is a pilot, or that Vanassa is a competent anaesthetist, or that smufette is a practicing attorney.

Wait...the girl with the blue hair is an attorney? I thought she worked at her husband's optical store?

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Lynne is an attorney. She is the CEO of OPTX Eyewear, a sunglass/eyeglass company that sells high-end brands. Her husband is an opthamologist. I believe they are partners in the company--he is on the medical side, and she is on the glamour side.

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Lynne's fake oversized freckled boobs are the stuff of nightmares. Cover those babies up!


(And I say this as a woman who has freckles and a rather generous natural bust.)


And I haven't seen any mention of Susanna's voice. It's horrible, it grates, and, oy, that accent.


So when I watch this glorious train wreck, I can't decide whether to save my ears from Susanna's voice, or my eyes from Lynne's horrific cleavage.


LOL at the notion that the kid has talent. I didn't even notice a decent runway strut. Nope. Nuthin' there, either. So much for the "most famous girl in Rhode Island," or whatever proud mama said. Nothing to see there, move it along.

Edited by jennylauren123
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Lynne's fake oversized freckled boobs are the stuff of nightmares. Cover those babies up!


(And I say this as a woman who has freckles and a rather generous natural bust.)


And I haven't seen any mention of Susanna's voice. It's horrible, it grates, and, oy, that accent.


So when I watch this glorious train wreck, I can't decide whether to save my ears from Susanna's voice, or my eyes from Lynne's horrific cleavage.


LOL at the notion that the kid has talent. I didn't even notice a decent runway strut. Nope. Nuthin' there, either. So much for the "most famous girl in Rhode Island," or whatever proud mama said. Nothing to see there, move it along.


Lynne = The low-rent version of Camille Grammar.


Honestly, I think the 2 have a striking resemblance, although I'm guessing we'll never see Camille sporting blue hair or the other grotesque wardrobe choices of Lynne.  


Well, maybe for a Halloween party.  

Edited by Persnickety1
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