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Live With Kelly And Mark - General Discussion

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So I wonder if this week will be all pre-recorded shows again?  Will their send-off for Ryan be pre-taped as well?  

This is just such a weird show and backstory presently.  

Kellllmeeee's publicity team is working overtime to put her name out there and it's mostly about her sex life or how awful she's been treated as a woman in the Live! franchise.  Suck it up buttercup, for a minimally talented actress and a no-talent 'talk' show host, you've done pretty well for yourself and your family. 

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I have to agree, I think Ryan had his fill of Kelllmeeee, and while I do think he had some fun during his time there, I think he realized it was time for him to get the heck out of Dodge.  He's a very smart guy, he's set goals for himself and I think he made a smart move taking the job at Live! and making his mark and then leaving when he did.  

I thought he was sincere, for the most part, in his farewell remarks but I think Kelllmeeee was a little less genuine; it seemed she was reading most of her farewell from the tele-prompter and I did think it was nice at the end when MARK CONSUELOS!!!!!! came out and they passed the mug.

It remains to be seen how well Mr. and Mrs. Consuelos do at the helm of Live!  I wonder what the dynamic will be, will Kellllmeeeee be the alpha dog or acquiesce to her hubby?  I do think she'll continue to sit there like a potted plant and let Mark do all the heavy lifting just as she did with Ryan.  

Very disappointed that the show was recorded but as I already said, I think Ryan was ready to get the heck out of town.  Did everyone see Aubrey there?  She kind of resembles Ryan a little bit, lol.

I will miss him, he seems like a genuinely nice guy who loves his family very much and there's something to be said about a guy that feels that way about his parents and sibling and isn't afraid to show it.


Edited by finnzup
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7 minutes ago, JAYJAY1979 said:

Regis, Ryan and Michael all quit...maybe it's Kelly that's the problem.  Not because she's a woman but because she's just not likable.

Regis had contract troubles.  Don't know what went on behind the scenes with Michael, but, he was poached by GMA and maybe he saw a bigger opportunity for himself.   Only my opinion - Ryan did probably get tired of the commutes and he never did really like NYC especially in winter.

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I saw an on-line article about Ryan's farewell and how it was 'pre-recorded.'

It was worthy of a post at TWOP, lol.  Kind of implied that it was kind of a half-hearted send-off  for Ryan and was that the best they could do?  Also kind of mocked Kellllmeeee's comments about Ryan and how she said that because of sitting next to her, people got to know Ryan, as if all of his years in the entertainment industry kept folks in the dark about his many talents, etc.

On another note, Kelllmeeee's IG account if full of her and MARK CONSUELOS!!! filming publicity for Live!!!  I'm curious to know what they negotiated for his salary and when she actually started campaigning for her immortal beloved to take the seat next to her since Ryan said he told "Kel" at least a year ago.  Wonder if it was an easy sell or did she have to take a hard stand and really fight for him.

Happy Sunday! 



Edited by finnzup
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On 4/14/2023 at 8:22 PM, lookeyloo said:

Only my opinion - Ryan did probably get tired of the commutes and he never did really like NYC especially in winter.

I don't know how he's kept that commute going for 6 years, much like Strahan does with NFL on the weekends and his morning show during the week.  That takes a toll on a person!  

At least Ryan is parting on good terms with Kelly and the show.  I have no idea if there was any drama going on behind the scenes, but if there was, it's better to bite your tongue and just say goodbye.  They seemed to genuinely like each other though.  I wish him well!

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The audience seemed much larger than usual for Mark's initial show.  Then Kelly pointed out it was mainly friends and family.  Lola was there, along with Willie Stargell and his wife.  I spotted Bruce Bozzi in the audience, he's tight with Andy Cohen and Kelly, as well as Billie Lourd's step-father.  Host chat was innocuous, I'm grateful we didn't get conversations about SoulCycle and dieting.  I had no interest in the guests so I checked out early.

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It seems like they are going back to a live audience, saw it somewhere, maybe on the Live! FB page?  Also thought someone mentioned that only days to get tickets were Tues through Thursday...guess they're keeping their 'previously recorded' schedule?

Watched Monday and Tuesday, Kelllmeeee seems particularly nervous, her high-pitched voice is a tell along with her full-on laughing about things that are only mildly funny, if that.

And seriously felt bad for MARK CONSUELOS!!!! when she ripped out her phone to play ad nauseum the sound of his snoring.  What's next?  Farting and belching on the couch??  For a moment, the look on his face was of embarassment but then he just took her gut punch and rolled with it.

Saw lots of articles on-line that called their debut 'awful' and so many viewers thought it painful to watch and how contrived and rehearsed crap chat seemed.  Almost all said they wished Kelllmeee would just 'shut-up' and let her hubby finish a sentence.

I think this is harder than she expected and may be having second thoughts.

The internet is overflowing with articles about Kelllmeeee, guess she's paying her publicist overtime.  The latest headline is Kellllmeee ready to retire....if only!!! lol



Edited by finnzup
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I was in the audience on two occasions when Regis was still there. I haven't watched the show regularly but, when Mark filled in I found the show to be lackluster. The fun of the early shows with Regis was hearing of his misadventures (showing up at Martha Stewart's Christmas party a day early. Regis and Joy were dressed to the nines.)

What can Mark bring to the conversation day after day since they are living the same reality. Not enjoyable when bf and I argue, same for Kelly and Mark.

To his credit he has managed the millions that Kelly earned very well. they have bought and sold so many great properties over the years. I think he was an econ major at Notre Dame.

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I usually like when Mark cohosts but having him full time is probably not a great idea .

First of all, they both are interested in the same thing and going on and on about some boring reality show is painful as a start to host chat for  the first two days ! Not everyone is watching those shows.
It’s like when they had the boring Halloween shows with tons of reality shows not everyone watches . Gelman needs to give them some articles like he did with Ryan . 
The snoring thing was just also super boring  .  Wow a sleep study of Mark’s snoring sounds so exciting Gelman ! Riveting ! 

Honestly, we’ve heard it before .  We don’t have to hear the personal marriage details .  
i also listened to the podcast where they had their therapist on .  Kelly has no boundaries as to how much she will rip into Mark about all of the “bad” things he does !  
Mark can’t really get into mocking Kelly or he will come off as a misogynist.

Married couples as cohosts are not a great idea . This already is getting bad reviews from viewers .

Gelman better structure the host chat more.  Right now Kelly is even worse with her interrupting and lack of boundaries . 


Edited by goldenpuppy
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What do you all think of Steve Paterson? I listen to his radio show and he will be on the show tomorrow. I thought that he might have been considered for the job. .When he has gone to NYC in the past Gelman has taken him out to dinner. He has experience since he was on similar show for several years in Minnesota.

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I also listened to the podcast with Mark .  Kelly seems to think it’s exciting to swear all the time in her book and on her podcast .  I’m not offended, she just comes off unprofessional and tacky .

I felt sorry for Mark on the podcast . Kelly had their therapist on and basically it was just time to show Mark’s issues in the marriage .  She accused Mark of keeping up a discussion even when she said the said the “Safe word “, meaning a time out . She got on Mark’s case and he finally was allowed to speak and said it was because Kelly dumps on him with a lot of issues and then cuts him off with a safe word ! Lol

Why is that not surprising?  Kelly always can give a dissertation on Live and then cut off her cohost!

Watching the new show is cringeworthy and boring . I really thought Mark would be a good idea until I heard Kelly spilling couple’s issues on the podcast.  
I am sure there is an appetite for embarrassing your spouse with personal information and talking about reality tv shows, but it seems like quite a few viewers found Kelly overbearing and rude to Mark . She may think it’s funny , but it’s not .

Kelly seems to be following the trend of trashing people who she knows can’t fight back in her book and in interviews.  You would think she was deployed to Afghanistan or working in a sweat shop like Norma Rae after hearing or reading about how horrible it was to make millions to sit and talk for an hour a day , and now only 3 shows a week!

When I read an interview about her sleeping under a desk in her acting coach’s office when she first moved to NYC I had to laugh ! She is from New Jersey and could have taken the train the same day for an audition! She she did it for two weeks ! Lol.  
Kelly found a job as a teenager and is still with the  same company in her 50’s ! But she had to act like she was so unfortunate! People who graduate from Juilliard wait tables and many times never make it in the entertainment business !  
Kelly has changed into an entitled whiney person, when she used to be likable .

Edited by orangekit
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Another lame show.  For me, it has entered a new low with these two no-talent humans.  

Several things stand out for me that weren't quite so blatant before:

Gelman's incessant guffawing in the background when either of the Consueloses say anything;

Kellllmeeee's eyes darting over to Gelman all the time to look for direction and cues, I'm sure;

Kellllmeee's high pitched voice and change of accent as she tries to carry an inane story;

Mark trying to tell a story and being interrupted by Kellllmeeee;

Kellllmeeee's forced full blown hysterical laughing face and staring at Mark whenever they do anything (check out the end of the yoga segment).

I don't think it ever occurred to Mrs. Consuelos in all the years she's been co-host that all the males have really carried the show.  She basically just did hair , make-up and wardrobe and came out and posed.  She may have added a comment here or there, but for the most part, her partner did all the heavy lifting on the show.

With Ryan, he was quite skillful in the way he told a story, he could segue with ease, he knew how to save an awkward situation with a joke or even a look.  These two bumblers don't have a clue!  Their stories are so lame.....omg, Kellmeeee dyes her hair with a famous colorist and it reminds MARK CONSUELOS!!!! of his mother and father dying her hair.  Really?    Hmmmm....planned or unplanned?  Again, just so lame.

I used to always say, "Run, Regis, run....."

My new mantra is "Pull the plug, pull the plug....pull.....

Btw, for all intents and purposes, all media sites have panned the new show except for all the sycophants on the Live! site.  I believe they block any and all negative posts.

"Pull the plug!"


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Not ashamed to say I am digging the negative reviews. Not sure what I ever saw in Ripa. She has the biggest ego for someone who likes to portray herself as an ordinary gal who happens to have a talent? for??? (I’m trying to come up something. What IS her talent?) Happy to see the show peeter out with no one else to blame (except her husband!!). 

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7 hours ago, Jeanius said:

Not ashamed to say I am digging the negative reviews. Not sure what I ever saw in Ripa. She has the biggest ego for someone who likes to portray herself as an ordinary gal who happens to have a talent? for??? (I’m trying to come up something. What IS her talent?) Happy to see the show peeter out with no one else to blame (except her husband!!). 

If this show does fail, Kelly will blame Mark for the rest of her life and that is so not fair to him.  Kelly has solely been the problem since the end of the Regis era.  

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Let’s be real , Kelly sucked when a Regis left and she had  guest cohosts . The show was a mess until Michael came on .  Kelly’s “talent “ was telling raunchy sex jokes like a 12 year old who just discovered sex !  . 

Ryan quietly handled the show and moved the show alone because he is a very skillful host . Kelly is just so narcissistic she would interrupt him and go off on tangents and he would put up with her BS and then handle interviews and move the show along .

Kelly’s ego is now huge but her skill as a talk show host is not any better than it was when Regis left .

I feel bad for Mark, but I am glad it’s not some other inexperienced cohost she could blame when things are a mess !

Maybe this is karma for trashing Regis when he could no longer respond , and playing victim in her book and podcast and acting like a spoiled brat playing hooky when Michael left,  and treating him like shit on the air so he left even earlier than planned .  She even trashed Disney for the paparazzi carrying a book about being a victim and airing dirty laundry to the audience since she isn’t professional enough to handle issues off camera .

Kelly suddenly says everything is sexist and acts like she was a victim when in reality she was very lucky to be working for ABC when they wanted to cross promote their shows and soaps and put her on Live when she was not up to hosting with Regis . 



16 hours ago, One4Sorrow2TooBad said:

Regis was the last of the greats.  Ripa was lucky to ride the coattails . Never have watched much of the show since Regis left. Maybe Ripa and hubby can do Hallmark movies about how they are the perfect couple,so young feeling, in shape, and so much in love. 

I honestly don’t think she can even handle the acting in a hallmark movie ! She wasn’t very good on the soap ! She only was good with Mark because they were a real couple .

Edited by orangekit
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1 hour ago, orangekit said:

Let’s be real , Kelly sucked when a Regis left and she had  guest cohosts . The show was a mess until Michael came on .  Kelly’s “talent “ was telling raunchy sex jokes like a 12 year old who just discovered sex !  . 

Ryan quietly handled the show and moved the show alone because he is a very skillful host . Kelly is just so narcissistic she would interrupt him and go off on tangents and he would put up with her BS and then handle interviews and move the show along .

Kelly’s ego is now huge but her skill as a talk show host is not any better than it was when Regis left .

I feel bad for Mark, but I am glad it’s not some other inexperienced cohost she could blame when things are a mess !

Maybe this is karma for trashing Regis when he could no longer respond , and playing victim in her book and podcast and acting like a spoiled brat playing hooky when Michael left,  and treating him like shit on the air so he left even earlier than planned .  She even trashed Disney for the paparazzi carrying a book about being a victim and airing dirty laundry to the audience since she isn’t professional enough to handle issues off camera .

Kelly suddenly says everything is sexist and acts like she was a victim when in reality she was very lucky to be working for ABC when they wanted to cross promote their shows and soaps and put her on Live when she was not up to hosting with Regis . 



I honestly don’t think she can even handle the acting in a hallmark movie ! She wasn’t very good on the soap ! She only was good with Mark because they were a real couple .

I tried to like your post 10 times but the damn thing won't let me.

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Lol, I was attempting to be sarcastic, obviously we're dealing with a couple of narcissists like all those others like them who get their jollies posting pictures on instagram,etc....

9 hours ago, orangekit said:

Let’s be real , Kelly sucked when a Regis left and she had  guest cohosts . The show was a mess until Michael came on .  Kelly’s “talent “ was telling raunchy sex jokes like a 12 year old who just discovered sex !  . 

Ryan quietly handled the show and moved the show alone because he is a very skillful host . Kelly is just so narcissistic she would interrupt him and go off on tangents and he would put up with her BS and then handle interviews and move the show along .

Kelly’s ego is now huge but her skill as a talk show host is not any better than it was when Regis left .

I feel bad for Mark, but I am glad it’s not some other inexperienced cohost she could blame when things are a mess !

Maybe this is karma for trashing Regis when he could no longer respond , and playing victim in her book and podcast and acting like a spoiled brat playing hooky when Michael left,  and treating him like shit on the air so he left even earlier than planned .  She even trashed Disney for the paparazzi carrying a book about being a victim and airing dirty laundry to the audience since she isn’t professional enough to handle issues off camera .

Kelly suddenly says everything is sexist and acts like she was a victim when in reality she was very lucky to be working for ABC when they wanted to cross promote their shows and soaps and put her on Live when she was not up to hosting with Regis . 



I honestly don’t think she can even handle the acting in a hallmark movie ! She wasn’t very good on the soap ! She only was good with Mark because they were a real couple .


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I watched a little last week and nothing stood out to me.  It’s pretty much like it’s always been when Kelly and Mark are together.  I am amused by the reviews I’ve seen. Not here, but elsewhere.  I’ve read for years how the fans wanted Mark as co-host and how the show was much better when he was there.  Hmmmmm….. I never saw that, but now he’s not all that.  Lol.  I honestly don’t think it matters who the co-host is.  

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33 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I watched a little last week and nothing stood out to me.  It’s pretty much like it’s always been when Kelly and Mark are together.  I am amused by the reviews I’ve seen. Not here, but elsewhere.  I’ve read for years how the fans wanted Mark as co-host and how the show was much better when he was there.  Hmmmmm….. I never saw that, but now he’s not all that.  Lol.  I honestly don’t think it matters who the co-host is.  

Kelly was always lucky to have co-hosts that had a certain level of gravitas. They had proved in their work that they were good enough to take on the job. Mark has always been a "d list" actor that has never shown any ability to take over the job full-time. This show is now a result of Kelly completely taking over the show and making all show related decisions.

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I only recently discovered this thread to this show.  Judging by the TV personalities you cant stand thread Kelly Ripa is not very well liked on this site.


As a teenager I thought Kelly was cute and hot as hell back the early 2000s.  But yeah this is brutal TV and seems to get more and more brutal.  Her and her husband now.  Yikes 

Edited by BlueSkies
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6 hours ago, BlueSkies said:

Following up from my last post this was Kelly in 2001:



And wow I definitely remember why I thought she was cute as a button!  This is her in more recent years.




All right I still find her cute in a way but in the first pic her personality even seems a lot better.  

She looks fine - not a fan of people who judge women who get older by their looks.

The show is a mess.  They need to go live 5x a week.  It's lazy to pre-record episodes.  The two of them co-hosting and being married will never last - too much togetherness.  He needs to get a job outside of her fame.

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3 hours ago, Paperclips said:

She looks fine - not a fan of people who judge women who get older by their looks.

The show is a mess.  They need to go live 5x a week.  It's lazy to pre-record episodes.  The two of them co-hosting and being married will never last - too much togetherness.  He needs to get a job outside of her fame.

I honestly don't think he can get a job outside of her fame.

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I decided to check out the show today. They are live!! I’ll be honest - they aren’t horrible today. Kelly said she worked all weekend taping another show and they both said she was pretty tired. Maybe … she needs to exhaust herself to calm down and let Mark talk. Hey she can even be funny! Still not my cup of tea, both are a bit too shallow and Mark doesn’t strike me as the brightest bulb. When they discussed blue eyes, Mark seemed clueless about how eye color genetics work, but that’s a nit pick I guess. Generally I pan this show hard, so I want to be fair. They both look great, I personally don’t like the smooth filler look, they both look odd to me but in the same way all folks on TV look - the Real Housewives look - but sure, they keep themselves in good shape (Kelly seems to have settled at a stable weight for her - still super skinny but that’s her look, her choice) Okay! I’m guessing they will settle into their roles and ride the next few years out. In spite of reports that they were “annoyed “ with the negative reviews, I think Kelly took some of the criticism to heart and she is letting Mark speak!!

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21 hours ago, Jeanius said:

In spite of reports that they were “annoyed “ with the negative reviews

Oh, you know Kelllmeee was definitely annoyed.  She doesn't take criticism well and I really thought she'd address it on the show but maybe Gelman told her to keep her trap shut, lol.

I have to hand it to them, they negotiated quite a deal....she has to work filming that awful show, Generation Gap, and her husband gets to miss work to tag along with her, lol.  Why didn't he stay and host with Allie Wentworth or someone else that usually fills in for Kellllmeeee.  

And the crap chat has reached a new level of ridiculousness.  It is so fake, so inauthentic.  Every topic MARK CONSUELOS!!! brings up, Kellllmeee acts so surprised!  Wait, aren't you husband and wife?  Don't you two live together??  So MARK CONSUELOS!!!! shares the riveting news his allergies are non-existant and this is news to Kellllmeee?? 

I just can't with these two and Gelman is to blame just as much with those awful articles he places in front of them almost covering the whole desk.  Here's a novel idea, why don't the both of you just 'talk' and not rely on ridiculous news articles  placed in front of you.  Gosh, Reege has to be doing 360's in his grave to see what 'host chat' has devolved into with these two bumblers.

Pull the plug, pull the plug.....

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44 minutes ago, finnzup said:

Oh, you know Kelllmeee was definitely annoyed.  She doesn't take criticism well and I really thought she'd address it on the show but maybe Gelman told her to keep her trap shut, lol.

I have to hand it to them, they negotiated quite a deal....she has to work filming that awful show, Generation Gap, and her husband gets to miss work to tag along with her, lol.  Why didn't he stay and host with Allie Wentworth or someone else that usually fills in for Kellllmeeee.  

And the crap chat has reached a new level of ridiculousness.  It is so fake, so inauthentic.  Every topic MARK CONSUELOS!!! brings up, Kellllmeee acts so surprised!  Wait, aren't you husband and wife?  Don't you two live together??  So MARK CONSUELOS!!!! shares the riveting news his allergies are non-existant and this is news to Kellllmeee?? 

I just can't with these two and Gelman is to blame just as much with those awful articles he places in front of them almost covering the whole desk.  Here's a novel idea, why don't the both of you just 'talk' and not rely on ridiculous news articles  placed in front of you.  Gosh, Reege has to be doing 360's in his grave to see what 'host chat' has devolved into with these two bumblers.

Pull the plug, pull the plug.....


Now I can like as much as I want.

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I have always enjoyed when Mark co-hosted. I enjoyed when Joy Philbin would co-host.  I think a married couple bring an interesting dynamic. Having Mark named as permanent co-host is better than running through a year or two of potential co-hosts.  

I suspect that Kelly's goal is to break Regis' record as "Live" co-host.  And that's just a few years off.  Kelly and Mark can co-host for this next contract cycle, then move on to run their production company full time, probably from the west coast.

And honestly, I do love that Mark wants to win the silly "true or false" game and not let the viewer have the $20 mug.

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