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S15.E01: With a Wonder and a Wild Desire / S15.E02: Broken Together

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The doctors at Grey Sloan Memorial vie for a new position. Meredith is seemingly distracted and struggles to stay focused, and Maggie finds herself the keeper of a big secret while Amelia and Owen try to figure out their relationship. Meanwhile, Jo and Alex's honeymoon doesn't go exactly as planned.



New doctors continue to shake up the hospital in typical Grey Sloan manner. Meredith bonds with a patient while Jackson struggles with the meaning behind recent experiences; and after making a life-changing decision, Jo forms an unexpected alliance.



Canadian air date: Wednesday, September 26, 2018
U.S. air date: Thursday, September 27, 2018

Edited by kariyaki
Clarified US/Canada airdates and added unaired USA tag - now removed tag

On the one hand, Roy sucks. He has fucked up royally twice so I'm ready for him to get kicked out (again). On the other hand, we've seen MAGIC make all kinds of huge mistakes with little to no consequences so Roy has a long way to go before he catches up to some of the other doctors at Seattle Grace Death.

Hee, I can't blame Nisha for swooning over all the dreamy doctors surrounding her bed. Even without the drugs, she had New Ortho God, Hot Asian Guy, Jackson, and Deluca.

Maggie needs to stop trying to find a way around HIPAA.

  • Love 7

I missed the last half hour of the premiere so I can only comment on the first hour and a half. 

Roy really does suck. He keeps screwing up. Why did they bring him back, again?

So, the Meredith/DeLuca stuff was a dream sequence? Ok, then, I'm fine with that. 

So Ortho God is fun. I like Chris Carmack a lot so I'm thrilled to see him part of the cast. Other new guy seemed to be flirting with Schmidt, which...meh. I can only tolerate two interns: Qadri and Parker. So potentially have more of Glasses is not ideal for me. I would have rather had new ortho guy flirt with any other guy. Hell, I would have gladly welcomed a bisexual Deluca over more Schmidt.

I guess some other stuff happened with Teddy. I did chuckle at Teddy trying to wrap her head around the sisterhood of Amelia, Maggie, and Meredith. I chuckled at Parker being in on the pregnant Teddy stuff so it's not just Maggie who knows. I did love Koracick shading Amelia and Owen's relationship, even though it seems like they rekindled it. 

So, the Jackson/Maggie stuff in the second hour? God, no. I hope that it got resolved quickly and they didn't take that next step forward in their relationship. 

Whatever else I missed in the last half hour, I'll have to watch tonight.

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, Ohwell said:

Please tell me that in the preview, the scene of DeLuca and Meredith in bed was just her dreaming, and he isn't interested.  Otherwise, I will not be able to watch this season if they are an item.

I'd like to see Mere have some fun this season -- so maybe it's real? The only thing I find eww about it is that Maggie slept with him. Sloppy seconds Mere?

  • Love 1
5 hours ago, taanja said:

I'd like to see Mere have some fun this season -- so maybe it's real? The only thing I find eww about it is that Maggie slept with him. Sloppy seconds Mere?

DeLuca can do better than that though.   JMHO ; )

6 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

So, the Meredith/DeLuca stuff was a dream sequence? Ok, then, I'm fine with that. 

Who was dreaming, Meredith or DeLuca?

  • Love 1

The way it presented the entire episode, Jackson's sudden epiphany about religion and deeper meaning and his proposal/not-proposal and eventual I love you to Maggie was a reaction to April's insta-marriage. He wasn't as truly happy for her as he claimed.

Edited by LexieLily
  • Love 13

So, my thoughts.

Dr. Mariner is such a creep. As another poster said, he can go back to baseball for all I care. He served no purpose other than, possibly, to re-enact what Nathan Riggs was doing haranguing Meredith for a brief period until she caved in. Also, is Lincoln his surname? I wasn't aware parents could assign surnames for their children. I always thought it was the father's name! /snark (or the mother)

Dr. Asian felt very predatory, almost pedophiliac (or however that is spelt) to me. Now, I understand Glasses is at least ten years over the Age of Consent, so it's not even remotely close but he seems very childish to me. So, I don't know, it gives me creep vibes when someone comes on to someone else with very childish quirks, as such is with Glasses.

I felt like the two episodes were loaded with softcore not-quite-smut but intense sexual/otherwise coercion that bordered violating invidiual's consent (excuse the snowflakery) and science fiction. I hope we're not going to get a spacecraft that crashes into the Mariner's stadium and then an Extraterrestrial stuns one of the doctors with their lasers.

(Low key stealing that line from Katy Perry. Whatever.)

I'm impressed with myself having gotten through those two hours sober. There was a lot of yelling to let off my steam though.

  • Love 2

Meredith and DeLuca: HOLY CRAP! What a sex dream with her and DeLuca!!!! Tons of chemistry!!! Damn now I want them to be together badly!!!!

Meredith and Linc: UGH! He is so annoying! Just leave her alone already! I like when he is in doctor mode, but he seems very slimy with Meredith and in previews with Amelia.

Owen and Amelia:  YAY! They are back together!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SO HAPPY! :)

Alex and Jo: UGH! Always hated them together.

Jackson and Maggie: I really really hate them together.. I want Jackson to be with April. :(

April: Speaking of April, Jackson was talking about her when he was crossing the street with Maggie and DeLuca, but I was so distracted with the light turning green and was worried something was going to happen, and I was right!! What did Jackson say about April? Where is she?

Biker and the matchmaker: So sad!!!!! :(

Teddy: UGH! Why does she have to be pregnant writers? Oh wait I know! A little road block for Owen and Amelia?

Oh and that doctor lady who was running after the dog, after the dog licked her, I'm thinking the dog can be yours now! Then the next thing I know the dog is in her big purse hahahaha! So adorable!!! Glad she is keeping the dog. :) I don't think it was very sanitary though for the dog to be in the hospital.

19 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

Maggie needs to stop trying to find a way around HIPAA.

Yeah!!! I mean geez what the hell is her problem? *rolls eyes*

  • Love 6

That was... underwhelming? The new doctors are not as hot as they were hyping them up to be. I honestly do not care one bit about round 700 Owen/Amelia back-and-forth. Jackson and Maggie continue to have zero chemistry. I’m happy Alex is happy but like... that’s not enough! Even the patients were boring! And that mannequin so fakely flying through the air at the beginning? Ugh. I keep saying “Oh I’ve watched for 10/12/14 years, since the beginning - so I’ve gotta keep watching til the end” but I really don’t think I can anymore!

  • Love 15

I've never cared about Jo and Alex as a couple and still don't... I'm not even sure I really feel anything for either of them.. Tho having Jo come up with new super medicine seems cool... Alex is just there as he's been for seemingly 100 years... I still can't stand Amelia... By herself or with Owen... So not looking fwd to seeing them do that dance again... Super happy that Teddy is back I always liked her... I know I'm not the tatlrget demo being a straight multiracial guy.. But Chris carmack doesn't do it for me... I mean he's not Unhandsome... Its just I dont see the big deal.  The Asian guy was a looker tho... Lots of Jackson.. And Meredith my two faces so I was happy.. Maggie constantly running off had me laffing... Parker and Qadry doing intern things.. Helmouth finally showed what we all rigged she's damn near in love with Meredith... And glasses and Asian guy... I'm good with all of this

  • Love 2
1 minute ago, deaja said:

Alex as chief? It’s a world gone mad. Remember when Alex never got anything good? Now it seems he’s the new one to get everything handed to him. 

I don’t care about most of the rest. 

I wish I still liked Alex. But I still remember when he beat DeLuca and didn’t even get a slap on the wrist because the show realized they couldn’t put JC in jail for an entire season.

  • Love 18

There were a number of things I really liked about these episodes:

  • I like seeing Jo and Alex finally happy, and Jo finally unafraid to spread her wings.  Alex as the new interim chief is brilliant
  • They're doing Amelia and Owen really well this time around. Of course, it's only to blow it up when Teddy reveals her news but still, they're sweet
  • Koracik is back!  Love him as the voice of reason, love his snark
  • I actually liked Teddy because she was aware of the consequences of her presence and her baby. Her failure to understand the sisterhood was funny.

On the other hand, Meredith's love life.  I don't care at all because she's had 14 seasons of lots of love' she's the last person who needs a matchmaker.  And Maggie and Jackson are a sleep aid.

Dr. Seattle Mariners does nothing for me.  He's so full of himself, I can see him at home "Mirror, mirror on the wall..."

Can a woman in her fifties really get a third hear transplant along with kidneys?   Especially if the anti-rejection drugs are what caused the kidneys to fail?

  • Love 9
24 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

Can a woman in her fifties really get a third hear transplant along with kidneys?   Especially if the anti-rejection drugs are what caused the kidneys to fail?

Is there a magic drug that prevents all cancer? You know, like the sort Jo is trying to work on. Or something to that extent.

At this point, I'm taking everything as science fiction.

  • Love 6

The timelines on this show are making my brain hurt. I knew Maggie was young to be a chief of cardio, but I thought she was in her 30s when she got that job, not 27. She's supposed to be only 5 or 6 years younger than Meredith, and Meredith was in her early 30s when the show started - she and Cristina had bonded over being older than the other interns, Cristina because she did a PhD before her MD, and Meredith because she was apparently a full-time party girl for several years. Meredith is well into her 40s now, so Maggie should be in the latter half of her 30s.

So now that it's been established that Zola can semi-competently take care of her siblings, Meredith can be an even less involved parent.

Edited by chocolatine
  • Love 11
1 hour ago, statsgirl said:

Can a woman in her fifties really get a third hear transplant along with kidneys?   Especially if the anti-rejection drugs are what caused the kidneys to fail?

they can put her on the list, she'll just be wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy down near the bottom.

  • Love 3

So, in my opinion, most news I see these days confirms that real life everything is now a shitshow; but...for a couple of hours I got to watch “my show” (as my grandmother used to say) and it made me happy  So glad Greys’s is back!  

CiCi (sp?) is ultimately going to break my heart isn’t she?

  • Love 6
3 hours ago, JNM5505 said:

Dr. Asian felt very predatory, almost pedophiliac (or however that is spelt) to me. Now, I understand Glasses is at least ten years over the Age of Consent, so it's not even remotely close but he seems very childish to me. So, I don't know, it gives me creep vibes when someone comes on to someone else with very childish quirks, as such is with Glasses.

It's not that it was creepy: it's that it was completely not believable that Hot Asian Ortho God would flirt with someone as immature and completely off-putting in every way as Glasses.  And I really don't care to see Glasses reenact Callie's coming out process, which is exactly what this reminded me of.  It's like they finally decided to have a recurring gay male character and decided to pair him up with the only guy who wasn't already established as some sort of straight sex stud (even though Jo did have drunken sex with him), which...it's like when straight friends tell their gay friends, "Oh!  I know this other guy/girl who's gay, so you two should totally meet!"  (This actually happened to me tonight with one of my two best friends.)  That's not how attraction works, and I'm sorry, but there is no reason for that new doctor to find Glasses at all appealing except that the writers just decided he should.  To contrast, while I think there's a lot about their relationship that's toxic, Connor and Oliver over on How to Get Away with Murder make sense as a couple; their mutual attraction makes sense to me.  Basically, to end my rant, what I'm saying, writers, is that you have a long way to go to convince me of this mutual attraction.

I liked Teddy during her first run on this show.  Tonight, however, she came across like a flighty, moronic asshole.  I guess in the Amelia-Owen-Teddy triangle, there can only be losers.

Lastly, why on god's green earth would Jo and Alex go to fucking Santa Monica for their honeymoon???  That's...honestly deeply horrifying to me.

  • Love 13

Thank you for getting Chris Carmack shirtless as soon as possible, show!

Awww, Alex is so used to Seattle that his skin couldn't handle LA.

When Owen told Qadri to find the lost dog and she said she was third in her class, it reminded me of when Winona Ryder couldn't find a job in Reality Bites and her mom suggested applying at McDonald's. Winona Ryder's character said, "I was valedictorian of my university," and her step-father replied, "Well, you don't have to put that on your application."

Koracik can definitely stay if he's going to keep throwing truth bombs about Owen to Amelia.

  • Love 12

I'm not sure I understood that right.    The matchmaker lady got the heart from the biker lady?   If I got that right it was totally wrong.    The biker lady died of overwhelming infection, and then was laying on the table in the chamber for hours.     Always before if the donor died, or had infections or other diseases, the organs couldn't be used.   

  • Love 2
8 hours ago, pennben said:

So, in my opinion, most news I see these days confirms that real life everything is now a shitshow; but...for a couple of hours I got to watch “my show” (as my grandmother used to say) and it made me happy  So glad Greys’s is back!  

CiCi (sp?) is ultimately going to break my heart isn’t she?

Whoo boy, yes.  Normally my eyes roll out of my head at the Superhero Poses and Women Doin' It for Themselves, etc. etc.  But not fucking today.

I thought this was a decent premiere.  I thought everyone looked great.  DeLuca, Alex, Jo, Bailey, and, finally, Meredith.  Her hair and makeup looked great and age appropriate and I didn't find it unbelievable that guys would be interested in her. She was funny and relatable and her dreams cracked me up.  And the fact that she didn't have sex dream about Alex makes me give this episode a 10/10 if nothing else.  I think that she has good chemistry with DeLuca and with Jackson and I wouldn't be adverse to either pairing, or even a pairing with Koracick.  Its good that they have options.  The new ortho doc is just a no so far to me, based on shallowness alone.  That hair is terrible and he looks like he just stepped off the Melrose Place lot circa 1994, and I don't mean that in a good way.

I much prefer Krista's style of storytelling but the stuttering monologues are a huge pet peeve of mine and we got lots of those.  The speeches given by Amelia and Teddy were both pretty much interchangeable and they were both given in that annoying stuttering style that I hate.  Luckily both actresses are good enough to handle it, but I still don't like it. 

I'm interested to see where they go with Alex as interim chief.  I was tired of him with the adorable moppets so it will good to see him trying something new and I loved him lording it over Meredith and telling her that what she got out of it was him staying.  And then I loved her eyeroll.  THIS is the kind of friendship I want to see, not unhealthy personhood.  All in all a pretty good start to what I hope is a good season.

  • Love 13
50 minutes ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

I'm not sure I understood that right.    The matchmaker lady got the heart from the biker lady?   If I got that right it was totally wrong.    The biker lady died of overwhelming infection, and then was laying on the table in the chamber for hours.     Always before if the donor died, or had infections or other diseases, the organs couldn't be used.   

I thought they implied that too and yeah I remember thinking didn’t she die because of an infection? Wouldn’t that like make any of her organs unusable? But then I was like im not a doctor, what do I know?

I don’t know. It’s odd to see how many people liked these episodes. Really? And everyone being like “yay Alex gets to be chief!” Really? It’s hard to not remember that he Isn’t that great but we’re supposed to forget all that. And I used to Ike him.

Is anyone else bummed that CC formally of The Oc (and Nashville) did not get to do a “welcome to Seattle, bitch, this is how it’s done in Washington!”

Its sad none of these characters do anything for me anymore.

  • Love 2

I thought this was a decent start to what I hope is a good season. I only still care about 3.5 characters, but I found everything watchable. At this point, I'm "whatever" about Maggie/Jackson and another round of Amelia/Owen with Teddy thrown in which helped. 

I liked CC on Nashville, but I've never found him that attractive physically, and I didn't care for his interaction with Meredith. I never thought I'd say this, but I'd be down for Meredith and DeLuca after the sex dreams. 

I liked that Bailey stole Jo from Meredith and Alex was on his honeymoon and somehow became interim chief! That was unexpected. Alex as interim chief is more interesting to me than Teddy taking that position, and I'm glad he's getting a hospital-related storyline. 

Edited by Evie
  • Love 12

So that guy's ass just literally exploded.  I guess I shouldn't have been surprised since it's Grey's Anatomy.  They outdid the wild shenanigans that happened on ER.

I didn't care for the nosy matchmaker, and the doctors should have made her go back to her bed instead of allowing her to just basically harass that poor girl.   The fact that matchmaker felt guilty for what she did was no excuse for letting her just sit there beside her. 

Amelia still has the batshit crazy eyes and I still don't like her, and Koracik is not at all attractive so I don't understand why they're trying to make him appear as sexy.

  • Love 5

I continue to find it weird that the show acts like Maggie and DeLuca didn't date. They don't need to linger over it at all but I don't like the whitewashing of it either, especially if they're going to have Meredith have sex dreams featuring her sister's ex.

Ok eps. I don't really have an opinion on the two new docs. They're eye candy for sure but I want to see more in the way of story.

Roy is an idiot.

I'm still indifferent to Jo and I've still not forgiven Alex getting a free pass for beating the shit out of DeLuca.

I am a bit bored by Jackson's faith stuff so far, so I'll gladly accept Maggie's opinion that it's PTSD for him with all he's gone through in the last couple of years.

I like Teddy. I like post-tumor Amelia. I don't hate Owen. I am not interested in another go-round of the Owen & Amelia trainwreck. Put Amelia with Tom. 

Are there any interracial romances on Grey's at this point?

  • Love 6
11 minutes ago, Chick2Chic said:

Are there any interracial romances on Grey's at this point?

They're heading towards a Glasses and Asian Doctor romance. Which gives me squicky feelings.

Also: Technically, Jackson/Maggie is inter-racial. Not quite sure how that would be categorized.

I'll leave it up to the experts.

Edited by JNM5505
52 minutes ago, Chick2Chic said:

I continue to find it weird that the show acts like Maggie and DeLuca didn't date. They don't need to linger over it at all but I don't like the whitewashing of it either, especially if they're going to have Meredith have sex dreams featuring her sister's ex.

It is kinda weird.. I mean he was passed out at jackson's house.. I do wish they'd at least bring it up... Also Meredith also dreamed about Jackson who's currently dating Maggie and either did or at least tried to date Lexi... So I don't think the sister thing is a roadblock for her... But tho her and Jackson are my fave characters and they kinda make the most sense together... While also actually seem like they have a good chemistry on the air I doubt it would ever happen... Partly because he's been thru two of her sisters and also cuz I think Pompeo( maybe  I read this or heard once.. Can't be sure)  rather not do the Interracial love on screen cuz its too close to home... I could be way off base.. I know her real life husband is a blk guy

  • Love 1
4 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

I'm not sure I understood that right.    The matchmaker lady got the heart from the biker lady?   If I got that right it was totally wrong.    The biker lady died of overwhelming infection, and then was laying on the table in the chamber for hours.     Always before if the donor died, or had infections or other diseases, the organs couldn't be used.   

As I understood it, CC was put on the UNOS list for a new heart as well as new kidneys.  We'll probably be following that for a few episodes.  The biker lady died in the hyperbaric chamber and then all of her doctors had to sit there with her, waiting while the chamber pressurized back to normal so I doubt that even without the infection they could use any of her major organs even on this show.

1 hour ago, JNM5505 said:

Also: Technically, Jackson/Maggie is inter-racial. Not quite sure how that would be categorized.

Jackson himself is inter-racial (Avery/Katherine). And so is Maggie (Richard/Ellis).  They're both bi-racial so I guess they're the same.  (I miss the days of the mix-up of Christina and Burke.)

  • Love 3
39 minutes ago, UNOSEZ said:

It is kinda weird.. I mean he was passed out at jackson's house.. I do wish they'd at least bring it up... Also Meredith also dreamed about Jackson who's currently dating Maggie and either did or at least tried to date Lexi... So I don't think the sister thing is a roadblock for her... But tho her and Jackson are my fave characters and they kinda make the most sense together... While also actually seem like they have a good chemistry on the air I doubt it would ever happen... Partly because he's been thru two of her sisters and also cuz I think Pompeo( maybe  I read this or heard once.. Can't be sure)  rather not do the Interracial love on screen cuz its too close to home... I could be way off base.. I know her real life husband is a blk guy

Jackson did date Lexi, but again do they ever talk about her?

Also.. yeah, the show never mentions DeLuca and Maggie having been romantic. And that’s odd.  But I guess because now she and Jackson are in a grand love affair and also DeLuca got reunited with his ex who then had to leave. So yeah.

  • Love 2

Okay, just watched. Didn't have my hopes up so I wasn't disappointed or anything. Had several eye rolls, as expected.

While he's got an objectively nice body, new "Ortho God" (cocky much when most of these people haven't apparently even met you yet?) doesn't do much for me. Not a fan of the surfer-dude look and between the premiere and the preview he's asking out at least two senior doctors (senior at the hospital, at least; I don't know if they're actually senior to his position in Grey's Land...I guess he's supposed to be the new Callie so I suppose he's on the same level) after he's been there for, like, five minutes. Really? (The actor looked familiar but I looked at his IMDB page and nothing jumped out at me that I'd have seen him in. I think he just reminds me of Ronnie "Sunshine" Bass from Remember the Titans.) Also, I had the same thought as someone above about his being "named after" Lincoln. Sure, some people change their names for various reasons, but surnames generally aren't "after" anyone so that was kind of a dumb comment. Not sure if I like his real name being Atticus or not. I love that book and he just doesn't look like an Atticus.

Did they actually replace Alex yet? Other than the interim chief contrivance, it didn't sound like they had; they could have just given him is job back. Is Teddy supposed to be sticking around? I thought she was going to be a regular(ish?) this season. Is she going to have a position at the hospital or will she just randomly run into people and become a stuttering mess once in a while?

I got a chuckle at the bartender giving Alex a beer on the house because Jo was so preoccupied with her notes. When she kissed him and touched his face at the hospital later I wanted him to say "Ow!" because of his sunburn.

Edited by ams1001
  • Love 2

I will need them to cut Chris Carmack's hair before I can take him "seriously" as a surgeon.  Just no.  And I do not buy Bailey just making Alex interim chief after he beat up DeLucca and everything else that is Alex.  Either he will learn something as chief, or it will be a vast free-for-all of surgeons doing whatever they hell they want, which is per usual anyway.

I was not on board for Jackson's sudden spiritual journey, so I was really glad for Maggie to bring it back to reality.  They were saved because DeLucca was there and paying attention when crossing the street, like normal people do.

I didn't love this start to the season, but I didn't hate it, so there's that.

  • Love 6

So Owen and Amelia finally get back together, except Teddy is secretly pregnant with the baby Owen as been pining for for the last ten seasons or however long he's been on this show. So now, he'll be torn! Oh, the heartache! Where have I seen this story before? Oh, yeah . . . every single soap opera, ever. 

I haven't ever seen Chris Carmack in anything before but Dr. Linc seems kind of skeevy to me. There's something about this guy's face, or his eyes, or something, that just screams smug.

Maggie tripping over her tongue trying not to spill a secret just emphasizes what a child this character is.

I did get a kick out Teddy's roommate though. She kept peeking through the curtain trying to get a handle of the situation and asking who was who. 

Edited by iMonrey
  • Love 9

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