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Sophia was born on MTV and her show continues.....

Wait, HER show? You mean the kid who is pathetically waiting around in every scene for her mother to pay attention to her? The kid drug along while adults eat dinner at 10 pm and work on opening various businesses? The kid who is told to "have fun looking around" at a fucking furniture shop while her mother and grandmother fight for the 80th time that week? Yea, this show is Sophia's show all right. 

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On ‎11‎/‎20‎/‎2016 at 4:43 PM, Marisagf said:

I just sent a message via the store website telling them that this stuff is very poorly written.  I said it looks unprofessional and is a real turn off for potential customers.  Let's see what they say!

I did the same!  I just sent it!  I am sure she will not care, but I felt like I had to do it. 


On ‎11‎/‎20‎/‎2016 at 4:50 PM, ginger90 said:

The page comes up blank for me. Oh well!

Lucky you!


On ‎11‎/‎20‎/‎2016 at 10:22 PM, TexasGal said:

The repeated misuse of "whom" is the funniest thing to me.  I'm not a grammar nazi and can overlook (heck, probably not even identify) situations where someone uses "who" when it should be "whom."  But the reverse is not the case.  It's such a try hard, stupid thing to do.

It is ridiculous.  She is trying SO HARD to sound intelligent, but she is failing so miserably. 

Edited by heatherchandler
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 I would hope that Farrah might watch some episodes and see just how on edge she is. I thought for the 2 minutes that Simon sat with her (with her sippy cup) and tried to say that she needs to tone it down and can't be so argumentative.... he was making a good point and seemed to me, to be approaching it in a decent way..........but it was for nothing because she just got sarcastic and nasty.

I don't think that Debra is much better, but she is a little bit more rational and mature.

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Shockingly, Farrah is trashing the other TMs over the cruise she wasn't invited to.  She even refers to them as "extra" TMs, as if she is the only one that matters and the rest are just supporting cast or something:

“I’m laughing at how the extra Teen Moms have to try to insult me to promote the wack cruise they’re trying to sell,” Abraham told Radar of the snub. “Unlike them I don’t need to share with other girls to get a company to give me a free cruise and make others pay for it.”

“Maybe I’ll host a huge Yacht party with real entertainment,” she said. “Have fun on your cruise. I wouldn’t pay to go on that one, sorry. Bored of all their low-class antics.”


Edited by Snarky McSnarky
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4 hours ago, Snarky McSnarky said:

Shockingly, Farrah is trashing the other TMs over the cruise she wasn't invited to.  She even refers to them as "extra" TMs, as if she is the only one that matters and the rest are just supporting cast or something:

“I’m laughing at how the extra Teen Moms have to try to insult me to promote the wack cruise they’re trying to sell,” Abraham told Radar of the snub. “Unlike them I don’t need to share with other girls to get a company to give me a free cruise and make others pay for it.”

“Maybe I’ll host a huge Yacht party with real entertainment,” she said. “Have fun on your cruise. I wouldn’t pay to go on that one, sorry. Bored of all their low-class antics.”


We'll, Farrah'said grammar has improved, at least.

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I just watched the deleted Garage scene where Farrah's dad helps her out. I could never dress like that with my father around. What the heck? Tone down the sex look around your parent's and daughter. I will say one thing that I noticed and liked, is that Farrah is filling out a bit more on her hips. I always wondered how she could be so skinny with how much food we see her eat - granted, she eats much healthier than the other moms the curves looked nice. The only compliment I will give her.

And I watched the preview of Farrah meeting her mom's new bf.


The dude said he's watched Teen mom - what are grown men doing watching this show? I mean, I can understand young father's etc., but not grandpa's who go after the teen moms mother. I also didn't like how he immediately went for some drama after meeting Farrah. I don't like her actions but he JUST met her (Supposedly, anyways - they could've been reenacting the meet and greet scene.) and already telling Farrah her faults. I admit it's nice for someone to put her in her place but it's odd when it's someone wanting to be a part of the family.

Edited by Calm81
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Someone over on the Reddit board took one for the team and attended Furnished By Farrrah's grand opening. They took their kid with them and snapchatted the event. They didn't say anything derogatory. However, Simon saw the Snapchat (they think he follows that sub and that's how he knew where to find the account), and had security throw the person and their child out of the event. He even took a video of the incident and shared it, claiming that they had to throw out a "hater.". (He eventually took it down when she threatened him with a lawsuit, since he had videotaped her kid and shared it on a public site.) The whole thing was totally weird. The poster had nothing but nice things to say about any of them, up until that point.  Now we're all wondering if the incident is going to be on an upcoming episode. MTV was there filming as well. 

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Reading the comments of that Modern Topics brought up these two, which I'm reposting here for comment: 


Daisy says:     November 20, 2016 at 9:24 pm

The girl had hate comments she erased once she got called out. She was posting about GOING TO FARRAHS HOUSE. STALKER MUCH???? Simon doesn’t lurk Reddit, I snap chatted him saying there was a creeper planning on going to her house. Call me a narc IDGAF. There is being a fan, then therr is being a stalkernand going to these girls houses.

and the response: 


Ms. Bongwater says:    November 20, 2016 at 9:54 pm

Hahaha so you are the one who was lurking and then tattled? I admitted to everything I posted in my recap I posted on reddit. I have nothing to hide, yeah I drove by her house and took a pic. She’s a reality star and I was in the area checking out her stores and reporting back to the sub I am a part of, I also happened to say many positive things about her and her family. If i were a creep, I would have been asked to leave long before I did. Thanks for all your interest, because of you tatting to Simon, this story has taken off and people can see even more so what a terrible person Simon is. He deserves whatever shade he got today.

There were other comments in between those two that I didn't paste here, and I didn't fix any typos. There were comments disagreeing that Bongwater made any hate comments, but it was overwhelmingly negative comments about Daisy contacting Simon.

In my opinion, an actor or musician or some other type of celebrity does not open up their entire lives for the consumption of their fans. People who sign up for a reality television show, on the other hand, do not get that level of privacy. If you say, "Here is my life," you cannot expect your fans or haters, for that matter, to stay away. Digging through someone's garbage (even though legal), or breaking into their homes goes too far. Attending an open house and snapping a photo of the home that has been aired on television shouldn't be a surprise to the Farrah group.

If Bongwater was making hateful comments, she shouldn't be surprised she was asked to leave, even if they were true. If she was being positive, Simon asking her to leave doesn't make much sense, but nothing in that group ever makes much sense. I also don't get feeling the need to warn him that someone was Snapchatting the events. I'll just add it to the long list of things that baffle me.

Even though Farrah puts Sophia out there, I do think that she deserves some privacy. If Bongwater was photographing her at the park or in her front yard, I would say that goes too far, even though it's legal. Photographing her at an event is fair game. I wouldn't do it, but think there is a line that an event falls clearly on the side of "not an invasion" of privacy.

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I just resent when the legal system has to get called in (and let's face it folks- we are paying) when things do get over the line and over the top. We can snark about these people as they do put themselves out there but I think there is a limit. 

Obviously the ****STARS**** don't know limits; that's whey they're reality ***STARS***. 

Seriously much hype much publicity regarding nada.

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Farrah's personality disorder is so over the top , I feel my stress level rise as soon as she and Deborah begin interacting - it's a reality tv show!!!! How must poor little Sophia feel listening to her monster of a mother scream profanities , ridicule & mock her  grandparents and on and on . My heart breaks for that little girl .  As soon as Deborah walked over to help Farrah in her garden I was like No way is this gonna go well . Farrah can not do the simplest thing without brawling.  If my kid EVER gave me the finger in my face like Farrah did Deborah ( well, they'd never) I know Michael & Deborah want to see Sophia and make money off the show but there's limits to the abuse a person should allow . When Farrah starts in - the parents should simply get up , walk away, not engage in her bullshit , drive away . Farrah needs them more than they need her even if she'd never admit that . 

I hate a reality tv show monster - asking for a friend lol 

  • Love 10
On November 27, 2016 at 9:02 PM, Katt said:

Here's an article about it: http://www.moderntopics.com/teen-mom-og-simon-saran-kicks-out-undercover-redditor-at-farrah-abrahams-grand-opening/

"Farrah Abraham's Grand Opening" made me LOL.

Haha what a bunch of entertaining clowns Farrah et al are ... Thank you Simon for revealing to me there's a TMOG subreddit on Reddit ((PreviouslyTV will ALWAYS be my # 1 ❤️ )) . Lulz@ Farrahs tweet ' WERE OPEN' , maybe Sophia can tutor her and explain its "WE'RE OPEN"  Farrahs nonsensical  ramblings and grammatical errors give me life. Simon's snapchat with the word AWEFUL .... Did these people attend grammar school ?? Good Lord . 

And last but certainly not least - that horrid blonde wig or weave on her head - Farrah should have used her Giant ribbon cutting scissors to cut that shit OFF her head.  Farrah aka "Queen La Weavah"

  • Love 7
3 minutes ago, ginger90 said:

Debra's twitter description of herself

Entrepreneur, Author, Actress, Reality TV Celebrity, & Motivational Speaker

So many people use the motivational speaker title. I have to know what she speaks about!!

Probably how to have a relationship with a narcissist. She is one and she gave birth to one. She has a lot of insight into it.

  • Love 9
16 hours ago, ginger90 said:

When she tried to get the temp correct on the freezer?

When she tried to give info to Farrah about the truck?

For some reason, your comment (bolded) cracks me up. I think because I can see it in my head how Deb tries with all her might to tell Farrah anything, any info, any advice, but she quickly gets shut down with profanities and God Bless America.

20 hours ago, ginger90 said:

There's some funny stuff here


Some things that are missing:

professional ass kisser

amateur boxer

knife expert


wine taster

cheerleader (remember Deb at the reunion in her cheer outfit)

photo bomber (Deb fucking up Farrah's photo of Sophia in Hawaii for daring to walk in the background)

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