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S10.E09: Holidazed and Confused

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15 minutes ago, MMLEsq said:

I know that we shouldn't take anything that these ladies say literally, but for someone who has SO much to say that finding a giant Nutcracker "saved" Christmas is just sad.  I'm sure her daughter gets tons of gifts and wouldn't have given it another thought if there was no giant Nutcracker on Christmas morning.  She's setting her daughter up for a lifetime of disappointment if Bryn becomes the kind of person who focuses on what she doesn't have vs. being thankful for everything she does have.  

I agree. In the previous episode I was thinking, “Really, Beth? Would it be the worst thing in the world if your 7-8-year-old did NOT receive everything she wanted?”

  • Love 16

re the thanking of the Nutcracker.  I used to be "Michael" (Dorinda's guy that found the Nutcracker)  I was a personal assistant to a fairly powerful man.  When his friends asked for things - I was the one to scout it out.  When it was a friend in his close circle asking,  I WOULD GET THANKS, the thank you note and maybe a gift card or flowers.  When it was someone that wasn't in his close circle, He would get the thanks.  I was totally the woman behind the curtain.  those who mattered knew.  

  • Love 18
2 minutes ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

I agree. In the previous episode I was thinking, “Really, Beth? Would it be the worst thing in the world if your 7-8-year-old did NOT receive everything she wanted?”

Ok, I see it on social media.  Bethenny has been asked/called out so I can say she gives Bryn every experience she can afford.  Fabulous trips.  Movies/Broadway with Brynn and her posse.  Make a cake.  Etc, etc, etc.  But she does not give her a lot of things.  She says Brynn has what she needs.  My guess is that Bethenny does not like clutter.  But when you have that kind of money the experiences are pretty fabulous.

  • Love 21
21 minutes ago, MMLEsq said:

I know that we shouldn't take anything that these ladies say literally, but for someone who has SO much to say that finding a giant Nutcracker "saved" Christmas is just sad.  I'm sure her daughter gets tons of gifts and wouldn't have given it another thought if there was no giant Nutcracker on Christmas morning.  She's setting her daughter up for a lifetime of disappointment if Bryn becomes the kind of person who focuses on what she doesn't have vs. being thankful for everything she does have.  

And, often, that gift that a parent thinks will "save Christmas" or make their child's day so memorable is the one that is the least noticed.  

I've had that happen - over the years, when my kids were younger, they would ask for something that was near impossible to find.  On the times Santa was successful in delivering the gift, oftentimes, something else that they hadn't asked for was the more popular and loved item.  

I think that Bryn may have been thrilled with that nutcracker for about five minutes, and then, went on to other gifts that she could actually PLAY with.  My feelings are that it was more that Bethenny wanted the nutcracker, as a decoration or something that will eventually increase in value as a collector's item.

  • Love 19
11 hours ago, Thumper said:

But B says thing "off the cuff" about others, often. Witness her saying that Dorinda had camel toe in that outfit.  What was the point?


B has always done these little stings. She blows them off as nothing but their true intent is to put you off your game. If you say something about the stings she flips it to "you're overreacting" still trying to one-up you and look better at the same time. 

After giving to many of these stings then she's hurt that some become allergic to her.

  • Love 20
1 hour ago, twilightzone said:

Ramona was actually a good friend to Bethenny.  She befriended her when she was an outsider and struggling; when her father died; when she was sick.  She was the one who pushed to get Bethenny and Jill to make up.  But when Ramona said something that Bethenny didn't like, she was tossed aside.   And it was Jill who said that it was Ramona who sat with her for hours in the hospital, as Bobby was dying. 

Ramona and Jill have been equally spiteful and cruel towards each other in the past but, you're right, Jill has commented on how brilliant Ramona was during Bobby dying and after. When the chips are down she seems to really be there for her friends.

  • Love 24

Something really hilarious and consistent about this show is the editors showing Dorinda being drunk and making no sense at parties, and then adding in Dorinda in talking heads after the fact, completely sober, commenting on and defending everything she said calmly like a political analyst.  LOL!

57 minutes ago, TV Diva Queen said:

/small voice: I FLOVED her entire outfit.  The top, the jeans, the shoes.  It was everything to me.  

I'm with you on that.  I usually love all the clothes.  

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
  • Love 14
52 minutes ago, Giselle said:

I've always hated the cadence of Ramona's speach be it conversational, confrontational or talking head.

All of this.

I also hate when she's talking and closes her eyes, drives me insane. I know some hate Bethany and others Carole but me it's Ramona who works my last nerve. Of all the housewives she's the one I really really really can't stand .  

Edited by Coffeewinewater
  • Love 11
1 hour ago, jumper sage said:

I can't come to your house for Christmas.  4 - 5 presents each?  We only give gifts for the little kids. 

I can't speak for @mwell345 but the 1-5 gifts for white elephant that my family members bring aren't all purchased/good stuff. "Basement gifts" and a lot of regifting are the norm. One man's junk is another man's treasure. A gag gift that a sibling got stuck with at my house, was a pirate's head made out of a huge, hairy coconut that someone brought. Prior to leaving my house that night, the winner of that gem, hung it from my master bathroom shower head. Damn near had a heart attack when I turned on the light in the bathroom that night. One of the most valuable gifts, was a framed picture of our dad that the gift giver had taken before he passed away and that none of us had ever seen. Didn't cost a lot, but everyone was fighting over that. I freaking love White Elephant.

Lu was so bummed out about her Beauty Blender and cleaner. After the pink leather wallet, the expensive panties, and the pashmina, when Lou opened that it was like, 


Edited by ryebread
  • Love 17
11 hours ago, Jets4274 said:

It's obvious that Bethenny's success has gone to her head.  She's obviously all about herself and her career.  She's always been confident but the less that she needs people as she continues to thrive in her business, the worse she treats those around her.  Even with the comment that she made to the driver about not taking her bags to the car and his Christmas bonus, it was said half-kiddingly but coming from her, the humor was somehow lost in the delivery. And I don't know who her assistant is but the way that she came into the Red Cross like she was presenting a gift from Beyonce or something, needing to present it herself to the head vs. making Luann feel somewhat involved as it was her idea to get Bethenny to donate seemed a bit extra.  I'm sure the girl was just doing as she was told but it felt cold.  

And to add, what started off as a fight that I was happy to see Carole winning against Bethenny ended in a tie.  It was nasty of her to tell everybody what Bethenny told her in confidence about Luann and Dorinda.   Not to say that Bethenny is the most trustworthy but it took away some cool points from Carole's score to be that kind of friend.


While power and wealth magnify what was already in a person both good and bad Bethany sat at the foot of Jill Zarin and learned every lesson of backhanded complements, gaslighting, deflection she had to teach. 

She got alot out of her friendship with Jill, Bethany has become Jill at her worst and is unapologetic.

  • Love 13

Did they get a new producer or editor?? Something seems different about the show- especially the talking heads. A bit more light hearted and funny! Sadly, some parts of the show are obviously very producer driven ( the semi make up scene with Carole and Bethenny and Dorinda smashing the cake in her own face) 

Sonja did look fresh as a daisy at Bethenny’s party! 

I love Bethenny’s new apartment! Her dogs are so well behaved- they must be used to people coming and going a lot. 

  • Love 2
7 hours ago, ButterQueen said:

I’m not sure Lu picked her tagline, but I love how Lu falls but gets up and keeps on going.  I really do like her on this show.

Lu-dini is the Timex watch of housewives...she takes a licking and keeps on ticking.

Just hope this is a one time thing for her. The next time it becomes a repeated offence and it's a bit harder to escape from jail time.

  • Love 21

@ryebread thanks for the Kelly Taylor realness!

I love Lu.  There, I said it.  She tried to go for Dorinda, & Bethenny at the dinner but then they made her laugh & she turned to mush. Adorable! Also, resilience?  Countess be thy name!

I don't like Beth one bit, and I don't much like Carole anymore, but I kind of get what Beth was saying about the Tins friendship.  (tbh I don't mind Tins, she reminds me a little of Serena van der Woodsen, who can do no wrong in my eyes but...) Know how you'll be friends w/someone, then they'll be friends with someone you don't quite click with, for whatever reason?  And girlfriends kind of take on eachother's characteristics? I think that's what it is.

Sonja's trying to be the sexy, cool chick but it comes off kinda desperate and sad.  Poor Sonj, love you, mean it.

My favorite thing was the time stamp at the party.  These chicks are out of control crazy at 9:20 pm!  Although, wasn't that around the time of Lu's arrest?  I'm completely nocturnal, but for the most part, I get it...middle-aged ladies can't hang!

  • Love 15
12 hours ago, ancslove said:

Ok, I loved Luann getting in Bethenny's face about "Loser", and then Bethenny asking Lu if Lu trusted her to fix her makeup.  

Even though it comes off kind of bitchy at times, I do like how they can tell each other they've got lipstick in their teeth/something on their face/a boob hanging out, etc.  It's what friends do.

That said, I wonder why none of them told Beth that her tracks were showing at her holiday party.  When she was lighting the fire and then when asking the caterer for spicy scallops, it/they were very noticeable.  Carole is probably the only one who doesn't wear extensions anymore.  I think even Dorinda is wearing short ones in the crown. When we (often) see her with flat/bedhead in the back, it looks really thin.  But other times, BAM, big hair.  I don't think any amount of teasing and shellac can do that, can they?

  • Love 7
5 hours ago, mwell345 said:

Bethenny's blog is  the first one up. Very short.  The "headline" is "Bethenny Frankel: We All Have to Hit Bottom to Get Somewhere"  - one might think she is referring to her issues with Carole, or maybe she finally sees how she is coming across, but no, that's a reference to Lu's being arrested. 

"As far as Luann, I am truly sorry for her having to experience that, get to that low point, and have to see herself that way in this episode. However, that helped with her incredible comeback. We all have to hit bottom to get somewhere. I’m sure she is also sorry to the Palm Beach Police Department for the entire spectacle."

What a stupid comment.   She's sorry Lu was arrested, but it helped with her "incredible comeback"  - oh, and she is also "sure" that Lu is sorry to the police department.  I'm sure Lu is grateful that she let them know that.

Re: the phone call with Ramona: "That phone conversation was very negative, upsetting, and certainly not constructive, but life goes on."  As is much of Bethenny's behavior to the other cast members when she's insulting them or screaming at them like a banshee- "negative, upsetting and certainly not constructive".

Most of the rest of it is about the Nutcracker.  "I am grateful to Dorinda for connecting me with that lovely gentleman Michael via group text. He was incredible."  A half hearted thank you to Dorinda.

Then there is this:  "This is the year when kids in her class begin saying that there is no Santa and the parents are the ones hiding the gifts, so I wanted to go out of my way to find something special. I mean that concept is ludicrous after all. Can you imagine parents hiding gifts? It’s, frankly, preposterous."

What is she talking about?  What is so "ludicrous" about parents hiding gifts?  Parents have been doing it for generations.   Maybe she's trying for sarcasm.  I don't know.

Edited to add this gem: "I am sorry that I couldn’t make it to the blood drive, but none of us could give blood, so I figured cash cards was the best way for me to contribute."   Missing the entire point of why the women were there to begin with.  None of them could give blood, but they all showed up to support LuAnn (even Carole, whose relationship with Lu isn't all that great), because their presence brings publicity to the drive and might actually result in a few more donors. Though the cash cards were nice, it wasn't about $$$, it was about visible support for one of your castmates.




This seems off. 

Either Dorinda gave her the nutcracker or she used her contacts to find it and set up a way for B to buy it. Either way Dorinda still deserves a verbal thank you.

If it was as Beth said, then why the note saying "To Bethany and Bryn, From Santa C." why not just "To Bryn"?


Edited to add: Just saw that it was a hook up and B did buy it. We don't know if Bethany actually said "thank you" to Dorinda.  Still, an on camera "thank you" would have been nice allowing someone else to shine in front of the camera.

Edited by Giselle
New info...
  • Love 11

Bethenny’s my favorite still, but sometimes she makes it so hard!  I thought her reaction to the Nutcracker was fine! She was obviously ecstatic and appreciative.  It would be a hell of a lot easier to just say in her blog that she thought she had said “Thank you” among all the rest of her happy squealing.  The sentiment was clearly there, so why double down?  

  • Love 9
17 minutes ago, teapot said:

@ryebread thanks for the Kelly Taylor realness!

I love Lu.  There, I said it.  She tried to go for Dorinda, & Bethenny at the dinner but then they made her laugh & she turned to mush. Adorable! Also, resilience?  Countess be thy name!

I don't like Beth one bit, and I don't much like Carole anymore, but I kind of get what Beth was saying about the Tins friendship.  (tbh I don't mind Tins, she reminds me a little of Serena van der Woodsen, who can do no wrong in my eyes but...) Know how you'll be friends w/someone, then they'll be friends with someone you don't quite click with, for whatever reason?  And girlfriends kind of take on eachother's characteristics? I think that's what it is.

Sonja's trying to be the sexy, cool chick but it comes off kinda desperate and sad.  Poor Sonj, love you, mean it.

My favorite thing was the time stamp at the party.  These chicks are out of control crazy at 9:20 pm!  Although, wasn't that around the time of Lu's arrest?  I'm completely nocturnal, but for the most part, I get it...middle-aged ladies can't hang!

Oh us middle-aged ladies can hang.....we just have to start earlier.  I love me a darty, 

  • Love 13

Why did Carole specify her low weight on camera? (Rhetorical; we all know why.)

Bethenny was manic as her party unfolded. Even she could not keep up with her own motor mouth. I guess she sensed what was coming and felt trapped. Theoretically, one cannot run away from one's own party.

Random: Tinsley's fervent love for Coupon King is bizarre to me, given her southern debutante heritage. It's as if she's put herself on the Marked Down shelf.

  • Love 10
19 minutes ago, Chickabiddy said:

Jesus, but Bethenney is exhausting.

She has all these rules of engagement that everyone has to follow when interacting with her, and yet she, herself, feels free to swoop in like a seagull into any situation, flap her wings, make a lot of screeching noise and shit on everyone indiscriminately. 

I have never seen anyone who places such singular importance on her own feelings to the absolute exclusion of everyone else's. I just loved that phone call to Ramona where B expected Romana to patiently listen while B delivered her litany of woes and hurt feelings like it was the fucking sermon on the mount. "listen to me.  I am not done talking." 

She is fucking draining. Ugh. 


With a "Yes!" and an "Amen!"

  • Love 8

I snark and blab about these housewive's, but I just LOVE them.  I wish my girlfriends and I could go to the Hamptons, the Bazerkshires and Bethennys apartment in the city.  They have a ball.  But then again, all my friends have husbands and were not loaded, so that's that.  I guess we have to live through them, lol.  Too bad they are not on every week, all year.

  • Love 12
9 minutes ago, coops said:

You've hit the nail on the head, if Bethenny were an animal she would be a seagull. There's a reason why a group of seagulls is called a squabble.

Around here, people call them 'sky rats'.   If the shoe fits...

I can't figure Bethenny. On one hand, she seems so uncomfortable in her own skin.  Yet, has no issue rolling around on the floor, naked, in front of a camera crew. 

At least skinny dipping in Mexico had a purpose.  But the rolling around with Doris on the floor?  What the what. 

And upon waking up in the Taxidermied Fish themed room at Doris' - she woke up looking startled. Like she'd been having a violent nightmare.  Bethenny seems to have trouble escaping Bethenny even in her sleep. 

It's kind of sad.  If I had all the blessings that she has, I'm thinking I'd be waking up with a smile, a big lazy yawn while stretching and thinking what a charmed life I led.  Instead, it seems like she spends most of her waking and sleeping moments in torture. Torture!

  • Love 24
57 minutes ago, Juliegirlj said:

love Bethenny’s new apartment! Her dogs are so well behaved- they must be used to people coming and going a lot. 

Do you mean the one shown on this episode? If so that’s her old apartment.

16 minutes ago, pasdetrois said:

Why did Carole specify her low weight on camera? (Rhetorical; we all know why.)

She appeared to know ahead of time that she couldn’t give blood because of that. The other women just found out about the Mexico thing when Lu got there and tried to give. As for not knowing they couldn’t give the malaria map and other travel areas that are restricted are changed frequently.

  • Love 7
14 hours ago, Mozelle said:

LuAnn, sis. Tom wasn't laying low when y'all were together, boo. What makes you think he'd lay low with a whole divorce from you under his belt?

Sort of like the argument of Tom having a party on the yacht they got engaged on.

Number 1 - yacht is owned by his friend Kimberly

Number 2 - December 31st is his birthday

Number 3 - Tom was on a date with someone else when they hooked up, was making out with someone else a few days before the yacht party, and fucked around during the marriage.

Why on earth would he show "discretion" now that he is free?

However - I do agree with Luann - he's a DICK!

  • Love 20
14 hours ago, dosodog said:

I know there's many reasons not to like Luann.

But I adore her and that was really sad to watch the ladies inadvertently bring her mood waaaaaay down.

She didn't seem to be in that great of a mood when she got to Bethenny's - but they sure didn't help.

Sonja if she's so concerned about Luann going back to the scene of the crime (PB) - why not show the same concern for Tinsley who was the only one at that point that with an arrest/mugshot/plea deal?

  • Love 4
4 hours ago, QuinnM said:

Judging from what folks have quoted from Bethenny’s blog (disclaimer: I have not read it). There was a group text that Dorinda hooked up with Michael and Bethennny.  So it might be that there were thank yous at the time they were planning the date and time that Michael would bring the nutcracker and appear on screen for appearance money with this name and business splashed across our tvs.  So Dorinda is just responding to the crazy people around her.  

And speaking of crazy people, Carole is upset about what she is seeing in Bethenny’s talking heads?  She should watch her own talking heads.  She’s not all sweetness and light either.

Carole is upset about Bethenny's THs about HER, not about B's THs in general, only those aimed at her. Up until the Berkshire's fight, Carole hasn't said anything negative about Bethenny, including in her THs and the same can't be said about Bethenny.

4 hours ago, coops said:

I felt bad for Bethenny at the Bezerkshires. Come on, Carole, you just don't throw someone under the bus like that! Bethenny was right- what a betrayal! It was kind of funny because you could literally see poor Bethenny working over time to try and diffuse the situation, Carole was coming for her, then Luann was going to come for her, no doubt Ramona would have jumped in too. When Luann hilariously jumped up and towered above Bethenny, booming,  "DO YOU THINK I CARE WHAT YOU THINK?" Bethenny literally squealed like a mouse, 'you have lipstick on your teeth,' and tried to make a joke out of the situation whereas usually, and in the past, she'd be all, "WHORE, WHORE YOU'RE A WHORE!" I don't blame Beth, I would have been petrified if Luanne got in my face like that, but it was a rarity to see Bethenny back off and not engage in arguing.

The nutcracker incident. Oh dear. If Bethenny had directed her tears and squeals to thanking Dorinda then it might not have been so awkward. Did she literally think Santa had acquired it for her? Say thank you, woman! Then she barrels all over Ramona for talking about her skincare brand. Pot and kettles, honey, pots and kettles. Then she puts her foot in it with Luann who can't get out the door quick enough. And then to top it all off she says, "I feel Carole is just a little off," hastily adding, "and I feel it's because of Adam." Oh, sweet lord, what planet are you on! It was you! All you! You had an argument with her 3 days ago. But no, I'm sure it's Adam. Or maybe Mickey Mouse.  

 There's so many I've learned from this show about how to upset people. I often accuse people of having a drink problem by acting concerned about them. I think I'll try Sonja's "how aaaaare you? Are you sad? Everyone thinks you're sad." Classic! 

I actually felt really bad for Luann seeing her get arrested and told she needed to hire a lawyer. It's not like she would act that way if she wasn't seriously drunk. She's not a terrible person and doesn't deserve all that humiliation. 

Bethenny has done the same to others, revealed things others have said about another HW in a fight. Hell, they all do it, it is part an parcel to a HW fight.

1 hour ago, Giselle said:


While power and wealth magnify what was already in a person both good and bad Bethany sat at the foot of Jill Zarin and learned every lesson of backhanded complements, gaslighting, deflection she had to teach. 

She got alot out of her friendship with Jill, Bethany has become Jill at her worst and is unapologetic.

IMO, Bethenny has far surpassed Jill and is now the master! LOL

1 hour ago, ancslove said:

Bethenny’s my favorite still, but sometimes she makes it so hard!  I thought her reaction to the Nutcracker was fine! She was obviously ecstatic and appreciative.  It would be a hell of a lot easier to just say in her blog that she thought she had said “Thank you” among all the rest of her happy squealing.  The sentiment was clearly there, so why double down?  

Bethenny can never, ever, admit she is in the wrong. She will throw out every excuse she can think of in order to avoid it.

  • Love 15
14 hours ago, Pop Tart said:

Speaking of the marathon, I thought I heard Carole say tonight that she’d run the half marathon, but prior to this I thought she made a point of the 26 miles. Not sure where tonight she said it, think maybe as the fight was winding down. Probably misheard, but it pinged for me.

I did the NYC marathon back in the day and usually you run a half-marathon over the summer to gauge your time/fitness. That’s probably what she meant. 

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, ryebread said:

Around here, people call them 'sky rats'.   If the shoe fits...

I can't figure Bethenny. On one hand, she seems so uncomfortable in her own skin.  Yet, has no issue rolling around on the floor, naked, in front of a camera crew. 

At least skinny dipping in Mexico had a purpose.  But the rolling around with Doris on the floor?  What the what. 

And upon waking up in the Taxidermied Fish themed room at Doris' - she woke up looking startled. Like she'd been having a violent nightmare.  Bethenny seems to have trouble escaping Bethenny even in her sleep. 

It's kind of sad.  If I had all the blessings that she has, I'm thinking I'd be waking up with a smile, a big lazy yawn while stretching and thinking what a charmed life I led.  Instead, it seems like she spends most of her waking and sleeping moments in torture. Torture!

What I can't understand is being gone somewhere practically all the time, what about Brynn?

  • Love 2
Just now, Gem 10 said:

What I can't understand is being gone somewhere practically all the time, what about Brynn?

She schedules her filming, her charity work and any other business obligations for the weeks when Brynn is with Jason. If she travels when she has Brynn she takes her, though I don’t believe she has taken her to PR for obvious reasons.

  • Love 12
2 hours ago, Giselle said:

While power and wealth magnify what was already in a person both good and bad Bethany sat at the foot of Jill Zarin and learned every lesson of backhanded complements, gaslighting, deflection she had to teach. 

She got alot out of her friendship with Jill, Bethany has become Jill at her worst and is unapologetic.

I would bet that she learned those narcissistic behaviors in her family.  I grew up with some very toxic people - while I knew that no one in my family was happy, it was all I knew, and we looked really good from the outside. As an adult, I was (unconsciously) drawn to those kinds of people until I got some therapy (after several relationships tanked, as they always do with narcissists).

If you think of our emotional behaviors like a language, it makes sense that disfunction is passed through generations....if you grow up in a home where everyone speaks English, you will not only speak English yourself, but will be drawn to others who speak the same way.  

Some of us learn a kinder, more supportive language from therapists, loving partners, and/or friends, but that only happens when we realize our own language isn't getting us what we need.  I don't hold out any hope for any meaningful change from B, because she's getting all that she (feels) she needs..and then some! 

So my bet is that Jill's narcissism was familiar to Bethanny.

Edited by OldButHappy
  • Love 18
12 hours ago, Rap541 said:

Basically she's a rich white woman. She made a show of apologizing, went to alcohol rehab, and got it pled down to misdemeanors because its a first offense and she's got the money to make it go away. 

I don't think that race plays into this plea deal. Most first offenders get this deal and do not even have to be rich. The jails are full. They have no where to put offenders. 

Good for her that she was proactive and apologized and went to rehab. Money can't buy you class but it can get you into rehab. 

  • Love 15
19 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

She schedules her filming, her charity work and any other business obligations for the weeks when Brynn is with Jason. If she travels when she has Brynn she takes her, though I don’t believe she has taken her to PR for obvious reasons.

I get it.  Boy, Jason must have Brynn a lot and I'm sure his parents help.  I think I read that the moved close to Jason.

  • Love 4
41 minutes ago, Gem 10 said:

What I can't understand is being gone somewhere practically all the time, what about Brynn?

This also makes me question why she filed for Primary custody, she is often out of state/the country and if something happens to Brynn (God forbid) while she is with Jason and B is gone...…………...

38 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

She schedules her filming, her charity work and any other business obligations for the weeks when Brynn is with Jason. If she travels when she has Brynn she takes her, though I don’t believe she has taken her to PR for obvious reasons.

I suspect that Jason wouldn't allow her to take Brynn to PR (she said that she did want to take her there) and that that is why she is seeking Primary custody. Also, she was talking about Home Schooling Brynn recently as well, which would allow her to take Brynn anywhere, anytime unchallenged. 

Edited by WireWrap
  • Love 4
2 hours ago, pasdetrois said:

Random: Tinsley's fervent love for Coupon King is bizarre to me, given her southern debutante heritage. It's as if she's put herself on the Marked Down shelf.

She said once it's because Scott is a self made man.  All the other guys she dated or ran in her circle were born into money.  I honestly thinks it says a lot of her personality.  The fact that she admires and is attracted to those qualities really shows she isn't the shallow southern belle that she sometimes appears to be.


Another Random:  I still can't stand Sonja.  The way she spoke to her dog (or her daughter's dog) just bothers me.  So mean and dismissive.  NEVER trust anyone who isn't kind to doggies.

  • Love 19

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