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S06.E03: Perfect Pairings

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18 hours ago, slothgirl said:

And Fabio... I've always liked you.. but questioning another designer's look when you're wearing Whistler's Mother's dress collar... (and for all I know, the entire dress)

So true LOL!!

Alyssa's runway top looked all kinds of Carol Burnett and , "I saw it in the window and I just couldn't resist it."  

Joshua's and Amanda's finished designs looked like red carpet attire for some porn awards show.  They should consider themselves lucky.  

Merline is another lucky contestant.  That was terrible, and particularly so around the crotch area.   She should spend some time with Dimitry to explore how using cutouts and sheer inlays can really work. 

I agree with the judges regarding best and worse, but only in terms relevance to the  competing designs.   On their own the winning looks were  kind of problematic (Ken's hip and butt detailing!) but they and Anthony's/Kimberly's designs did best fulfill the task. 

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8 hours ago, cpcathy said:

I don't get offended by clothing much, but Ari's was downright offensive, masquerading as elegant. All of your bits are showing! Not just cleavage, not just hoo-ha, but cleavage, hoo-ha and ass. Pick one and cover up the rest! I have a hard enough time out in public thinking I'm showing too much cleavage without having EVERYTHING on display. Awful, just awful.

You could even see the vacant hole from where her belly ring was removed!

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Random observations.

1. At Daniel, Alyssa looked like she dried her dress in the dryer with a napkin and they came out together like static cling (like when your underwear gets stuck to your pants). 

2. Did Melissa even get a talking head all three shows before she got aufed? Talk about a non entity! Poor thing. 

3. Candace's exposed seams on her top took me out of any beauty that it may have had. The unfinished nature of both her and Merline's designs left them my choice for the clear loser. I cringed when they walked the runway.

4. I giggled when Anthony said he and Kimberly were the hottest new lesbian couple on their date. 

5. Do you think the producers set up the pairings or did they truly just sit with whomever and it was random?

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Boy do I hate that little round hat on what’s her name...no disrespect...hardly know any of their names.

Merline. Whom I would have liked to have seen go home this week. I think hats are her trademark - I think she wears one every week.



Did I genuinely just hear Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen being referenced as an example of a successful high fashion collaboration?

Their high end brand is Elizabeth and James.  


They also have The Row. From what i understand they are both financially and critically successfully in the fashion industry. They make money and have for many years and they have won CFDA awards. I actually like a lot of their stuff but it's more expensive than I can afford and I'm not model-sized. But objectively I think they make nice clothes.


I’m glad that Ari is gone for no other reason than her cystic acne made me itch. You’re a pretty woman, get thee to a dermatologist. 

I think Ari is gorgeous but I don't think a dermatologist can help. I think the only thing that will clear up the acne is to stop taking the high-dose hormones.


The beautiful Georgina Chapman is currently living through a depraved shitstorm, but somehow -- despite the crisis -- manages to make judging fashion look like a sane thing to do. Good for her

I think filming completed before the shitstorm started (or at least, the public shitstorm)...

  • Love 3
5 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said:

But Orange Josh is as obnoxious as ever.  

But I'm okay with it... He owns his obnoxiousness. When he was last on "Allstars" he fanboyed over Wendy Pepper... of course he did, and it was awesome.

5 hours ago, pinguina said:

I really find the majority of what he designs not good, bordering on tacky.

Reminds me in some ways of my response to the designs of Kayne of Many Colors... which I also often enjoyed on some aesthetic level. Apparently my taste must be questionable ; ) .

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On 1/19/2018 at 0:44 AM, slothgirl said:

I SO love Anthony...

"I don't want for my partner to get them sent home despite their fabulous look because of my bad one"

You just know that most of the designers were thinking the exact opposite.. that they didn't want to go home because of their partner's crappy outfit.

And Fabio... I've always liked you.. but questioning another designer's look when you're wearing Whistler's Mother's dress collar... (and for all I know, the entire dress)

No. Just.. No.

Bahaha, Whistler's Mother! I'm pretty tolerant of quirky fashion choices, but that was not a good look Fabio.

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On 1/18/2018 at 9:44 PM, NYGirl said:

By the way I can never get using something "inspired by".  I would never know what to make other than color.  I just don't get it.

I know, right? It would be very literal, but what can I say? I think a lot of these people were doing whatever the hell they wanted and then backing into the “inspiration.”  “The Merlot was so crisp, so I’m thinking along the lines of a maxi vest or pantsuit.” Oh, okay.

Was it a PR show where Zac pointed out emphasizing a woman’s hips is not a great thing for most women? That’s all I could think of with that white/cream winning look.

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7 hours ago, DeeReynolds said:

5. Do you think the producers set up the pairings or did they truly just sit with whomever and it was random?

I have to think they had them walk in in twos. Otherwise it would have been obvious to the contestants that this was going to be a pair challenge and there would have been all sorts of musical chairs going on. I mean, why sit at tables for two rather than large tables.

Fabio made me LOL when he stated, "Ari's? dress is not my cup of tea, cup of water or cup of anything else."  Heehee.  I agree, brother.  That look was hideous.  I rarely agree with the judges but I was with them tonight.  Ken and Fabio were far and away the best team in this challenge.  Both looks impeccable.  I keep waiting to hate Ken this season and I don't.  Maybe he really does have some self awareness now.

My love of Anthony knows no bounds.  He seems like such a genuinely sweet person who approaches everything with so much joy.  And his observations: "Edwin's and Helen's look like a tampon and the blood right before they get together."  Ok, gross, but he ain't never lie.  What the hell was that?!  Edwin's was a hot, wrinkled mess and Helen's reminded me of a chiffon nightgown my grandmom used to let me wear on overnight stays with her.  I felt so grown-up and glamorous with the floating material (which smelled faintly of Jean Nate). Thanks, Helen!  It's nice to reminisce about my Nini.

Anthony's was beautiful but I didn't care for Kim's at all.  It was well made but Isaac was correct in stating it looked way too large for the model.

Melissa's was tragic.  How did she ever think that pink brocade would be a good idea??  And did she purchase the same material as Shar? That pink, camo-esque fabric?  What, was that on sale?  Maybe she scrapped that if Shar was already further along with her look but she did NOT make that pink brocade work.

Lastly, Merline.  Sigh.  When are they going to send her packing?  Everyone is on to her except the judges who keep trying to make her happen.  Every other designer realizes that her arts and crafts approach to designing is just a way of disguising that she can't really construct a well-sewn garment but they keep buying it!  And I HATED her ingratiating agreement with every criticism the judges offered.  I really thought she and Candice should've gone before Ari and Melissa. 

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And his observations: "Edwin's and Helen's look like a tampon and the blood right before they get together."

How would he know???


I really thought she and Candice should've gone before Ari and Melissa. 

I agree. Merline and Candice's looks seemed totally unfinished - loose threads; the hem on the pants. They looked so messy. I didn't mind Melissa's dress (though it wasn't "fashion forward" whatever the hell that is supposed to mean). I thought Ari's dress was in poor taste largely because he took the sheer paneling/see through aspect much too far (having it just on the back would have been perfect - Isaac was right about that). But Ari and Melissa's looks were at least finished and clean. 

And can I just say that every time I hear Isaac's condescending "hi kids" I want to strangle him with his own cravat??? 

  • Love 3
13 hours ago, DeeReynolds said:

Random observations.

1. At Daniel, Alyssa looked like she dried her dress in the dryer with a napkin and they came out together like static cling (like when your underwear gets stuck to your pants). 

2. Did Melissa even get a talking head all three shows before she got aufed? Talk about a non entity! Poor thing. 

3. Candace's exposed seams on her top took me out of any beauty that it may have had. The unfinished nature of both her and Merline's designs left them my choice for the clear loser. I cringed when they walked the runway.

4. I giggled when Anthony said he and Kimberly were the hottest new lesbian couple on their date. 

5. Do you think the producers set up the pairings or did they truly just sit with whomever and it was random?

I don't remember Melissa looking like a scared rabbit all the time on her original season. 

Maybe they has place cards at the tables?

12 hours ago, Elizzikra said:

Merline. Whom I would have liked to have seen go home this week. I think hats are her trademark - I think she wears one every week.

Maybe she has a bald spot

1 hour ago, Elizzikra said:

How would he know???


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Merline can leave my TV any time. That was a horrid design. I like Candace, so I was sort of happy to see her stay. I am not really sure whose designs were worse, theirs or Ari/Melissa. 

I didn't care for Anthony's bodice much. I don't think it would have worked on someone with a bust, it was barely covering a thin model. I did love the painting he did. The blue prison uniform did nothing for me, and I really didn't get the inspiration of the pairing from lamb and wine. Other than perhaps lamb lives under blue sky?

I did like Ken and Fabio's looks. As much as I disliked Ken on his season, he seems to have worked on his anger issues. He is coming across much better this season. I, too, kept hearing Zac Posen about making the hips wider when Ken was talking about his design, but I think this worked because you could still see the model's shape beneath the design.

Orange Josh's and Ari's looks would have paired perfectly. Let's show skin through netting!

Josh and Amanda? Their inspiration was the color black because they had Black Sea Bass? That's about as much imagination as I have!

Alyssa, the poor thing..all I could see was a sausage stuffed into a casing at the restaurant. So often she looks incredibly uncomfortable in clothing so tight it appears ready to pop open at any moment. At least the runway outfit fit, and I found it to be a bit slimming from the waist down.

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Really, Merline? You were surprised to hear your mentor say that color wasn't enough to make the two looks go together? That seems like a very basic concept that any designer would understand. She and Candace should have gone home for sure. 

I would dearly like to what Whoopi's "Mmmmhmmmm" meant when Isaac said he didn't mind seeing a crotch. Was she giving him side-eye, or agreeing with him?

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1 minute ago, Kerfuffler said:

I would dearly like to what Whoopi's "Mmmmhmmmm" meant when Isaac said he didn't mind seeing a crotch. Was she giving him side-eye, or agreeing with him?

I don't know what Whoopie meant, but I get what Isaac was saying. The model's panties showed just a bit, and only sometimes, while Ari *intentionally* showed all sorts of skin. Tacky.

On 1/19/2018 at 7:09 PM, pinguina said:

I really find the majority of what he designs not good, bordering on tacky.

This has been the case with Josh all along. I remember saying the first time he was on PR that he just has bad taste. I knew which design was his without him saying because those sheer panels were tacky.

Merline's was awful; it looked like the dress had a flesh-eating virus. Candice's pants were teeeeeerrible. I thought they'd be going home. Ari and Melissa's stuff was bad too; I felt for Melissa when Whoopi said it looked like something she'd put together and Melissa was like " ... Not what I was going for." It really did look like somebody's auntie's Easter dress. (And Melissa's hair is killing me. I just want to give her a deep conditioner.)

I had the same "Whoopi Goldberg? On a show about fashion?" reaction but she actually gave really thoughtful feedback. She's a very smart woman and she brought that thoughtfulness to her critiques. I was pleasantly surprised.

I have always loved Anthony. He seems like such a delight. I loved his dress, though I couldn't wear it because I'd be worried about a wardrobe malfunction (D cup). I think Kimberly's outfit kept them out of the top - it did look too big on the model. Loved the color though.

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On 1/19/2018 at 11:00 PM, Elizzikra said:

The beautiful Georgina Chapman is currently living through a depraved shitstorm, but somehow -- despite the crisis -- manages to make judging fashion look like a sane thing to do. Good for her

I think filming completed before the shitstorm started (or at least, the public shitstorm)...

Yes. In the midst of the initial Weinstein shitstorm it came out that this season was already filmed, finished and in the can waiting to for a go. The question--at that time--was whether or not to air it. The whole mess was complicated because Harvey was the exec producer or partial owner of the show or something  (I forget his actual position, no pun intended).

While having no opinion about Georgina one way or the other, no one deserves to be humiliated like she--and many others--were, no matter what or why her relationship with Weinstein was. She also has a couple of young children to raise as well--the conversation regarding 'where's daddy' isn't one I'd envy. And you just know that, as they grow up, go to school and all, will be confronted by this mess. It will follow them, be mentioned in any article they ever end up being included in, and that's both insanely unfair and potentially beyond traumatic long term. They're where my personal sympathies lie.

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On 1/18/2018 at 6:44 PM, NYGirl said:

By the way I can never get using something "inspired by".  I would never know what to make other than color.  I just don't get it.

Not only did I not see the "inspiration" but there was only one pairing that looked, to me, like the outfits "complimented" each other and that was Josh and  Amanda and that was only because both outfits were black.  

Even Whoopi Goldberg knows fashion better than me.

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On ‎01‎/‎19‎/‎2018 at 3:38 PM, slothgirl said:

Before we engage in too much body shaming of Anthony's model, could we at least CONSIDER the possibility that it might be her natural build?

As someone who was naturally extremely thin until I was in my 40's, I can say that it is just as wrong to be body-shamed for being thin as it is for being fat. It's also just as damaging for self-confidence and emotional development as a young woman. It's obnoxious to have people assume you are anorexic until they see how much you eat, and then figure you must be bulimic.

While the historical pattern of having unnaturally thin women as models is troubling and slow to change, it's also inexcusable for a backlash to result in making thin girls feel as though their body is now unacceptable. I'm sure if someone posted that a model was too fat, there'd be no end of outcry. Let's not fix the problem by making another for a different set of women.

I searched the internet for any information about the models this season, and was unable to find anything. But I'll repeat that Anthony's model looks to me like that is natural for her.

I completely agree that body shaming, whether fat or thin, is creepy and wrong. I also mentioned this model's thinness, but in no way meant to body shame. If this is the model's natural, healthy, default build, then cool. she's clearly in the right industry, where thinness always trumps NOT being thin. It did not, to me, look as if it were natural, it did look scary-skinny, but I could be way off base there. All the people in the example you gave, tho, look really healthy and fit.

Also agree about Ken...I kind of used to hate him, but he does seem kind of sweet and laid back this time around. he also seems to have gotten more handsome.

Josh is loathsome.

The most important thing this week: Alyssa's runway outfit looked flattering for a person of her height and shape! I think it was mostly the high waisted black pants more than the top.

Helen and Edmond's pea soup inspired the tampon duo (TM whichever designer came up with that). Both dresses were pretty but unremarkable.I liked the shape of the ed one better but I was sure the judges would say the front looked like crumpled up tissue and like Helen's pale pink one better.

Amanda  and Orange Josh took a risk doing two black dresses. I was sure the judges would say that one of them should have done color. Hated Josh's "sexy" sheer panels on the sides. But I also hated the boob pockets on Amanda's dress. An another high low skirt?

Ari and Melissa's pink dresses did not impress me. Melissa's pink brocade looked like a sofa from the 80s. Ari's column dress with the sheer beaded panel in the middle looked like the stripper version of a pageant dress. I think it would have looked less tacky if she had used different colors. There were also some noticeable lumps in her dress on the runway so it ended up looking like the model had nipples on her knees. I agree with Isaac that it would have looked better if only the back had the sheer portion. I liked the shape of the sheer part in the back though. It was very swoopy.

Ken and Fabio's partnershp was so much less dramatic than I thought t would be. I didn't like either look though. Ken's pale pink color was so blah and I hated the hip stuff. Remember in the early days of PR when the judges would ask the designers why they were making women look wider in the hips on purpose? I thought Fabio's top looked very boring and conservative. I hated the pants with the cocktail dress.

I felt for Candice because she seemed to have the weakest partnership due to Merline's process of not knowing what the hell she was doing. I'm okay with letting someone work however works best for them if the end product is good but Merline's looked TERRIBLE. It looked like a child just glued giant pieces of fabric to a sheer overlay. The skirt looked very poorly sewn. I didn't love Candice's brown ruffled outfit but next to Merline's it looked thoughtful and interesting.

Char and Stanley's pair looked like prom dresses. Stanley's was SO boring. Char's at least had the benefit of a bright color and a patterned fabric to make it a little more interesting.

Anthony and Kimberly's didn't pair well as a duo, but I could see them being in the same collection, if that makes sense. I thought they were the clear winners. The both had very clean lines and the paint splatter at the waist of Anthony's dress hinted at the blue of Char's dress.

Although I would have been more interested in seeing designs from Melissa and Ari, but I understand why they were eliminated. They both made terrible dresses this week.

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^^^Halle's Oscar dress will always be an all time favorite for me, it was so perfect and beautiful on her and she was a total stunner in it.


On ‎1‎/‎19‎/‎2018 at 7:02 PM, Pepper Mostly said:

Right? I like Ken quite a bit now, he's chill and funny. 

I know right! What happened to him? Is he medicated? I keep waiting to see if he's gonna blow up or something but its good to see him calmer. I'm sure the producers are praying for such a thing.


On ‎1‎/‎20‎/‎2018 at 2:16 PM, chitowngirl said:

And she had actual constructive opinions about the designs other than "I would wear that". She said why 

a design was wearable by women of different sizes.

I thought she was one of the better guest judges. Re: Whoopi Goldberg. As an aside, whenever I see her I always flashback to The Color Purple. Even now after all these years and seeing it a ton of times, she still makes me cry at the end, every single time.

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On ‎1‎/‎18‎/‎2018 at 11:29 PM, GaT said:

For her first look, I loved Alyssa’s hair, hated her dress, for her 2nd look I didn’t like her hair, but I liked her outfit

Too bad Ari has been eliminated, I thought her work was really great. Shallowly, I found her skin to be very distracting.

I can't remember who designed what, but I thought the lamb chop (I despise lamb) pairing was the best, even though I have no idea what the clothes had to do with lamb chops.

Cringed as usual when she appeared in the first monstrosity.  The second I thought was a vast improvement over her other looks, except for the Brandon inspired bib.  Even that looked okay in waist-up shots.  Like her short hair styles.

Edited by Brookside

When he competed in his first All-Stars, Ken admitted that he'd been totally out of hand in his first PR appearance and had gone into Anger Management therapy. The results were clear and easy to appreciate, IMHO. This season's All-Stars shows that he's still taking those lessions seriously. He's a great advertisement for the efficacy of proper treatment for at least some cases. I also think he's growing as a designer and learning to accept his achievements as real. His partnership with Fabio - one of my all-time favorite designers - was harmonious and productive. I was thrilled with their win, and although I imagine Fabio no longer lives completely as a 'Freegan', I imagine he's never had a dining experience like the one they'll be sharing.

I thought Merline and Candice's pairing, which at least one judge said tried for elegance and came close read much more like 'Catfight!'. Oh, well, I'm still learning.

Anthony and Kimberly had two beautiful outfits that went together very well, but I didn't see the inspirations.

I nearly screamed when Alyssa entered the restaurant in that... thing. Her runway outfit was a great relief after that.

Whoopi was a great guest judge - gave constructive criticism, precise praise, and felt no need to score off the competitors. She can come back at any time.  As for her 'fashion' credentials, she's worn some stunning and suitable things on numerous runways. I loved Alyssa's gushing over her!

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Mary Kate and Ashley, really show, really!

They are legitimately successful designers. They have several lines. They make money. They have won CFDA awards. I never like what they themselves are photographed wearing. I like, but can't afford what they design (maybe the occasional Elizabeth and James piece on discount). However eccentric they may be, particularly as former child stars, whatever measure you use they are successful in the fashion world.

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On 1/23/2018 at 3:02 PM, Diane Mars said:

Just to say, lol ! ^_^

And people thought Dianne Brill was the trashiest person alive in 1987 for wearing this:


ETA: uggh, you have to click on the image to see the whole thing.  Sorry I don't know how to post it better.  Weirdest thing is that this is the ONLY image that comes up on the first couple of pages of Google Images for this notorious dress - most are for drag queen imitations.

Edited by ratgirlagogo
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On ‎1‎/‎19‎/‎2018 at 8:17 AM, qtpye said:

I am offended at how bad she looks on the show, because it is as if the fashion industry is using her as an example of "No one but a 90 pound 6'1" Glamazon has any right to look good"  It is like they are making a mockery of short curvy women, because she is the exact opposite of their ideal.

I was really sad to see that the "Diversity of Size -- YAY!" from the previous (regular) season was just a single season throw-away, as I expected it would be.

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