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Superstition - General Discussion

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I saw the trailers for this and thought it looked intriguing - an African-American family fighting supernatural entities in New Orleans. Now that’s an original premise for TV.

I watched the pilot on the SYFY app.

The acting was a little spotty as was the writing.

All the quotes from Isaac were a bit much as Calvin pointed out. The Friday 13th piece to the story was cheesy, but I get that it falls in line with the theme of superstition. Also, they never followed up on what happened to the individuals who’d been infected by the gold coins. We saw the first person who was infected in jail, but the cop who tried to kill his wife and eat their baby, we never learned what happened to him. Did he go to jail too, with a forked tongue and serpent eyes?

I did like Isaac referencing Sam and Dean from Supernatural. :) 

Though the show is produced by Mario Van Peebles, I did not like the use of the N word, and the “black do crack” comment from who I’m assuming is the devil.

I didn’t see the twist at the end coming. That will be enough to f*ck over Calvin for the rest of his life/the series.

This wasn’t must see TV, but I think it was descent enough and has potential. I am mildly curious about the man in black/the devil’s (?) agenda.  

I’m debating as to whether I’ll continue with the series though.

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7 minutes ago, xaxat said:

"I thought you were born ready Shaka Zulu!"

This was the best line of the show for me.  I laughed out loud -- seriously. The Sam and Dean reference was the second best line..

As with most pilots, this, too was a bit shaky, but I am in for the duration I think. I feel it will get better. I will miss MVP's character, and hope his spirit makes plenty of appearances. 

On 10/17/2017 at 11:24 AM, Enero said:

Though the show is produced by Mario Van Peebles, I did not like the use of the N word,


And agreed, I wasn't happy with the use of "N-word" from the salty old man.

The ending surprised me and made me very sad. I hope they get the man in black and roast his ass. I saw the potential in the father and son solving cases/fighting evil with the threat/vision of the father's death looming. Now, I'm not sure. At 16, Calvin's daughter is too young to fight full-time. I agree that Calvin's character isn't enough to carry it.

As for his age, if he went into the service at 18 and his daughter is 16 (they said he'd been gone 16 years), he's 34-35. I can buy it. He definitely looks younger.

I was irrationally bothered by the lack of Southern accents as this is supposed to take place in Louisiana, but then, I am bothered by fake Southern accents, so there's no winning with me.

Edited by bilgistic

I had enough to Southern accents when Ulrich said:  I talked to all the survivors at the hospital, or at least I tried to, but all I got was some evangelical jibber-jabber.  That girl right there, she ain't left since last night.


Are they really going to do the show without Mario Van Peebles, they could of saved that death until the season finale.

I recorded this with very little knowledge because I like to see how people portray my native state, and particularly the New Orleans area where I am currently located. There is certainly a wide range of success, but I can usually at least get a laugh out of it (K-Ville's gumbo party is still the butt of jokes down here). I found this fairly unwatchable, though.

It also clearly wasn't Louisiana (and some sources place it in Georgia where it was shot, making it even more confusing). As for accents, they generally complicate matters because people outside of the South don't seem to be able to tell the difference between between the different regional accents (meaning people in the same show will sound like they are from alternatively Mississippi, Georgia, Texas and Arkansas), and nobody seems to understand that the accents around New Orleans are more likely to be Cajun or Yat. 

Ok I'm watching this now and I know it's a nitpick, but the ages of Calvin and his mother just don't add up, she does not look anywhere near enough to be his mother.  In the pilot there were times he looked late 20s and didn't look old enough to have a 16 year old daughter, then other times he looked early 30s so then I said ok, he could have a daughter that age.  So, sure enough, I looked them up and he's 36 while Robinne Lee, the mother, is 43.   Makes no sense.

For other reasons, this isn't holding my interest so I'm out. 

I'm still in, but with the reveal that the dad Mario Van Peebles is immortal, I'm now doing mental gymnastics about how many families he's had. Has he always needed to have a spouse/partner with supernatural powers? The first episode set up that the family had been in town for over 100 years. So...who does everyone in town think he is? Wouldn't he have to keep moving every 50 years or so? So many questions.

I am already over the cowboy. He's not a very interesting nemesis.

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This episode was much better than the first. Thankfully.

Glad Mario's still around, even if in a limited capacity.

Brad James is very attractive, but a weak actor.

The female characters are fairly interesting, when given something to do. Robinne Lee is especially lovely.

Garvey is annoying. It's one thing to feel justifiably upset if your Dad abandons you. It's another to be perpetually mean to a parent who had no idea of your existence until a few days ago.

Demetria McKinney is gorgeous, and one of the few things that makes watching Brad James strained attempts at emoting bearable, but May being left out of the Hastings inner circle is gonna get really old, really fast.

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The annoying daughter and her sleazy boyfriend were almost enough to make me turn off this episode. Nothing about their scenes was interesting and I could not see at all why she'd give him the time of day.

That said, this episode was a little better than the last. The main actor is still weak at best and the writing is just okay. 

17 hours ago, bilgistic said:

I'm still in, but with the reveal that the dad Mario Van Peebles is immortal, I'm now doing mental gymnastics about how many families he's had. Has he always needed to have a spouse/partner with supernatural powers? The first episode set up that the family had been in town for over 100 years. So...who does everyone in town think he is? Wouldn't he have to keep moving every 50 years or so? So many questions.

I am already over the cowboy. He's not a very interesting nemesis.

I was doing the same mental gymnastics. I wondered if Isaac's spirit jumped to a new body every so many years to keep up the ruse? Further, I  wondered how a Moor would end up all the way in New Orleans? Wouldn't it make more sense for him to set up shop in North Africa, Europe or even the UK? 

I too am over "The Dredge." He was slightly intriguing in the first episode, but now that we know who he is, seemingly just some demon who didn't have a true agenda except to watch the world burn.  From his exchange with Isaac it didn't sound like he knew an immortal was in NO, but just happened upon him when wrecking havoc and thus tried to kill him. 

We still didn't get any follow up to the people turning into crazed lizard killers. Did everyone go back to normal once the coins were collected? Were all the coins collected? How does the other deputies etc. feel about that very strange happening? Considering what happened in the first episode, the storyline for E2 was too isolating. We should've saw some fall out, besides Isaac losing his head, from the trouble those coins caused. 

The Dredge reminds me of Vincent D'Onofrio. Am I the only one?

This is still just alright. I'll probably give it one more episode before I decide whether to continue watching or move on. 

On 10/29/2017 at 3:54 PM, Enero said:

1) The annoying daughter and her sleazy boyfriend were almost enough to make me turn off this episode. Nothing about their scenes was interesting and I could not see at all why she'd give him the time of day.

2) I was doing the same mental gymnastics. I wondered if Isaac's spirit jumped to a new body every so many years to keep up the ruse? Further, I  wondered how a Moor would end up all the way in New Orleans? Wouldn't it make more sense for him to set up shop in North Africa, Europe or even the UK?

1) She seems like a Tease and he seems like a White Knight.  She makes him think he's going to Get Some, and he thinks if he keeps doing her favors, she'll see him as something other than a tool. 

2) This Moor has already traveled from Libya (the home of the Moors) to Jerusalem -- and over the course of 800 years [*], he can't travel more?  Why wouldn't he set up shop in Voodoo Country?

[*] -- Isaac's math is off.  Saladin reigned from 1174 until 1193.  Assuming Isaac was 20 at the end of Saladin's reign, he was born in 1173.  That would make him 844 years old, not 700 and some odd.

Edited by jhlipton
On 10/27/2017 at 8:39 PM, saoirse said:

Isaac sends a mysterious half-human-half-infernal to help Calvin with the fight in La Rochelle; Bea, Garvey and Tilly grapple with how to properly bury a known racist.

14 hours ago, AnimeMania said:

I must have fell asleep during this part.


Me, too. Except I'm pretty sure I didn't. Which means this wasn't in it. Unless I did, and it was. Anyone? Did anyone see something like this?

Otherwise, I continue to like the series, and got a kick out of the over-the-top half&half anti-hero bad boy helper. Hope he shows up again sometime. Calvin could do with being a little less sullen, though. : )

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On 10/29/2017 at 2:55 AM, Dee said:

Garvey is annoying. It's one thing to feel justifiably upset if your Dad abandons you. It's another to be perpetually mean to a parent who had no idea of your existence until a few days ago.

This.  I was annoyed when I watched the pilot and realized we would be stuck with teen angst.  We have Calvin for angst.  Plus, why add the annoying boyfriend?  Why can't she do her own dark web searching? The actress is Mario Van Peebles' daughter.

Speaking of MVP, he is the best thing about this show.  I was shocked when he was killed in the pilot so I'm glad he's immortal.  Makes sense he would remember how it felt to get his head cut off.   I like his relationship with Bea as well.   Get brought back to life by your wife and get laid, good plan :)  I'd like to see more of Isaac's backstory but it's obvious the show's effects budget is limited. 

I liked that their are wards protecting the house, at least from the Dredge.  Other supernatural shows might want to look into that, heh.

The family interests me so I'll hang around a while. 

5 hours ago, Dee said:

It's a shame James didn't stick around. He made an interesting addition to the show & the actor had a TON of charisma.

Agreed. I liked him a lot. Though at times he could be a little over the top with the Spanish and quotes. 

I thought this could’ve been a really good episode but it just didn’t quite make it for me. It almost felt like the killings and the Sheriff’s Investigation was in one episode and the situation with James and Calvin was in another. The stories intersected at the start, but then kind of went in different directions with one coming to a complete halt.

Also, I thought the monsters were holding on feeding until all the half-bloods had answered the call and the leader permitted then to act? But then in the next scene they killed the kids that were camping.

I understand May being upset that Calvin stood her up and what she thought was him hindering her investigation, but what I didn’t understand was why that drove her to pull his classified military records?

I think this show would’ve been way more interesting if it followed a young human Isaac being awarded immortality and fighting the fight with various interesting characters like James. 

The current premise is very interesting on paper, but is not translating well to screen. I think mainly due to the lead actor - Calvin, whose just not dynamic enough to carry the show, and to overcome the so-so writing.

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I want to see the rum running adventures of James and Isaac!  Glad James got a replacement eye, being half Infernal is handy I guess. 

James was a fun addition, hope he come back.  I agree this ep felt a bit disjointed but there were still likable elements.  I enjoyed the mother/daughter bonding in the beginning and that Garvey told her mother she was digging up stuff on Calvin; also that May knew her daughter well enough to know that she had help.  There is some good character stuff, though I wonder if Tilly ever leaves the house, it just seems like all she does is work.  Last episode she was attacked and had to clean up afterwards, lol. 

It was also funny when the deputy didn't didn't want to interrogate James and waited for May; he was right since he got his butt handed to him later in the episode.

On 10/27/2017 at 11:39 PM, saoirse said:

Bea, Garvey and Tilly grapple with how to properly bury a known racist.

Interesting plot for the three women if it had happened!

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21 hours ago, Dee said:

It's official. This show has potential.

Yes, the character bits work.  I am a little confused about some of the editing, like why was Garvey in the funeral home looking at a dead body in the opening?  Maybe I missed something.  I know it's her grandparents' place, I couldn't recall seeing her there in the work atmosphere. 

Though I appreciated Bea putting her foot down, I wish that sequence had gone on a bit longer, I liked the women working together.

I also liked that May made contact so quickly into the episode, that we didn't have to wait the whole hour.

Why is May is so angry at Calvin about his military record - OK, a good chunk of it is redacted.  He just got back to town on a leave mind you, is he supposed to tell you his whole history right away?  It's obviously classified.  May, the daughter you never told him about is a bigger secret than whatever's in those records. 

I was glad we didn't lose May, I was worried we would so we could have the drama of Calvin trying to raise his daughter. 

On 11/5/2017 at 9:17 PM, Enero said:

I understand May being upset that Calvin stood her up and what she thought was him hindering her investigation, but what I didn’t understand was why that drove her to pull his classified military records?

May wants to be in charge of the law stuff, and for Calvin to trust her with the law stuff, but if he says it's a :Hastings matter", she has to trust him too.  They should let her know about Infernals at the very least so she knows when to back off.

Aw, poor Arlo.  Poor Calvin.  When Bea showed up with the crossbow, I'm thinking, more shooting, less talking~maybe if she had shot right away, Arlo wouldn't have gotten possessed by the infernal.

Though the mother/daughter relationship is realistic, Garvey still gets on my nerves.  I am glad we had discussion about why May didn't tell Calvin about Garvey and why Bea and Isaac didn't either.  I also thought Calvin's reactions to all these revelations/dredged up memories was realistic.

Really enjoyed Aunt Nancy/Anansi (I love trouble making trickster types) and that we got some back info (with questions) on Tillie. 

The scene with Calvin and Garvey was nice though.  I like pancakes too!  And there's Isaac, yay!

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On 10/27/2017 at 10:27 PM, Ohwell said:

Ok I'm watching this now and I know it's a nitpick, but the ages of Calvin and his mother just don't add up, she does not look anywhere near enough to be his mother.  In the pilot there were times he looked late 20s and didn't look old enough to have a 16 year old daughter, then other times he looked early 30s so then I said ok, he could have a daughter that age.  So, sure enough, I looked them up and he's 36 while Robinne Lee, the mother, is 43.   Makes no sense.


On 11/5/2017 at 8:45 PM, raven said:

This.  I was annoyed when I watched the pilot and realized we would be stuck with teen angst.  We have Calvin for angst.  Plus, why add the annoying boyfriend?  Why can't she do her own dark web searching? The actress is Mario Van Peebles' daughter.

Typical Hollywood.  Hire a 36 year old actor as your leading man.  Hire a woman 7 years older to play his mother.  At least 60 year old Mario Van Peebles is age appropriate to play Calvin's father, although I do find it amusing that his daughter is playing his granddaughter.

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On 11/11/2017 at 8:14 PM, raven said:

Yes, the character bits work.  I am a little confused about some of the editing, like why was Garvey in the funeral home looking at a dead body in the opening?  Maybe I missed something.  I know it's her grandparents' place, I couldn't recall seeing her there in the work atmosphere. 

Garvey has worked at the funeral home since the first episode.  We've seen her playing the piano during services, and I believe she also picks up bodies and delivers them to the morgue in the basement.

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I had to laugh a little at Calvin and Isaac going into the Pensieve er, memory crystal or whatever.

This was a little off to me, I blame the low budget production values.  The effects were not good and please, stop focusing on the actors' eyes and faces - we get it, the Dredge is doing a crazy mind thing.  Stop!! 

I did like the character interactions and ew, poor Garvey, walking in to her parents in the bedroom.  Lock the door, May!

I was glad May said to Garvey that Calvin didn't know about her because I was tired of Garvey saying "he ran out on meeee".  Now Garvey can be mad at her mom.

Skinny Jenkins was fun.  He can come back and make trouble.  In his 15 seconds of screen time he had more personality than the Dredge (yawn).  Though won't May know by looking at her phone that he called Calvin?  I guess it doesn't matter.


I thought he said whatever you do don't remove your googles when viewing the 3D Holocrystals and what is the first thing that both of them do, remove their goggles.

They did that when they reached the memory Isaac wanted to show him, not when the lights were swirling around so I guess it was OK then.   I do think there's some odd editing choices.

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22 hours ago, raven said:

I was glad May said to Garvey that Calvin didn't know about her because I was tired of Garvey saying "he ran out on meeee".  Now Garvey can be mad at her mom.

Garvey has been told multiple times by both May and Calvin, that Calvin didn't know.  Hopefully, this tome it "took".

Edited by jhlipton

The Dredge captures Calvin and tries to torture him into releasing the evil demons imprisoned in his ring; the Dredge's minions descend on the town's Founders Day Festival.

My DVR doesn't show this ep airing until Thursday, December 14 at 11 pm EST - not a good sign for our little show :( 

Posting this here for now because this is still the official schedule, maybe some of you will see it tonight.

Edited by raven
fixed date

Saw it tonight.  Not a good sign that no one is commenting.

Pity that May never checked the Mayor.  That would have been the first thing I did, although shape-shifters are rare, and I thought the Mayor had been there before all the infernals came.

I hate shows so dark you can't see what's happening.  So Calvin's entire dream was a waste.

I suppose with Calvin's dream state we found out a bit of his military experience. 

Dr. Kim as the Dredge is more menacing than the other guy.   May and Isaac teaming up was kind of fun.

It was nice to see James again even though it was super convenient that he showed up.

May is still having a learning curve with the Infernals.  It's going to be hard to be a by the book cop and deal with them.

I still think the editing is kind of wonky.

I really like this little show.

Now that Isaac has returned, May is better integrated into the nuclear Hastings family, Garvey has pretty much dealt with her initial angst and the actor playing The Dredge has been dispatched, the show has settled into a nice little groove.

Sure, Syfy's special effects are rather bad, many of the plots suffer from an excessive amount of exposition and a lot of the dialogue is too on the nose, but the show as a whole, while not groundbreaking, is still fairly entertaining.

Also? The doll's final line was great.

Edited by Dee
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