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S12.E08: Picture Perfect


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2 hours ago, MyFavShows said:

I must be the only one that thought that dance party scene was extremely awkward.

I just imagine being in this high pressure situation like that, where you are trying to perform your best and please these extremely judgemental people - who can literally fire you, or the girl next to you in a couple hours - and here they want you dance around all crazy and "have fun" - while they sit and judge you deciding your fate?   I just don't think I could really let lose in such a situation (not until I knew I made the team) and it would just be another one of those situations where I'd be doing what I think they *want* me to do.   I just thought it was awkward.

You're not the only one! I thought it was awkward too. Half of them (mostly vets) seemed to be more relaxed and actually free-styling it and having fun while the other half (mostly rookie candidates) were not as natural with some of them even performing snippets/moves from their canned routines. And I think you're right about why; the rookie candidates are more nervous about how they are viewed all of the time while the vets don't carry that same anxiety around with them constantly.

  • Love 12

This latest episode of "The Real Choreographers of Dallas" was boring. I tune in to watch MTT but maybe Kelli should just change the name now so we know why there is so much drama instead of watching girls dance their way on to this team.  This is why I like Kitty she can see straight through all the B.S. and advocates cutting a swollen ego rookie candidate before she spoils the team. 

Edited by TiaGrace
Deleted a spoiler
  • Love 3

The burning question in this episode is, what was up with that teased and diseased ball on the back of Kelli's head? From the side, it was NOT cute. Just...NO. Call Reiner, STAT!!

Can't figure out who it is, but someone has an ugly weird belly button. Celinda should have been given more time and Gina has the worst hair, ever. It looks like she got into a fight with a flat iron and burned half of her bangs off. That funky liver lipstick color has got to go. It just adds to her vapid skankiness.

The edit cuts going back and forth from Kelli and Nick to the girls freestyle dancing was very distracting. I wish they would have concentrated more on the girls. It was like a maddening form of visual ping pong. UGH!

The etiquette portion was nice to see after the amount of time that has passed since the last showing, but for some reason it was not as fun. I am still shuddering at that chocolate tower. Anybody notice that none of the food was conducive to a slim waistline?

I like Kashara more and more. She is not shy in the least! Her personality is bigger than life. Maybe they should have partnered her up with Gina.

It seems to me that Holly looked softer and bigger during her rookie season. When she was standing next to the others, I was surprised at how tall she is. I think she looks better this year. Why she got a bit of a weight warning mystifies me.

Kitty scared me. She came across like a wild animal carefully examining prey just before pouncing. She was unusually calm (for her) and I found it strangely unsettling. Makes you wonder what she will unleash next time.

Judy looks really rode hard and put away wet in this episode....usually she looks fresh and pretty. She needs a nap and a soothing facial.

How could they have not noticed Keyra the last few times she tried out? She is awesome! I suppose with so many girls trying out, it can be easy to overlook a gem. 

Peggy's face with that pink/mauve lipstick, just NO. It was not flattering on her or Melissa. She has done a beautiful job on the girls in the past. It looked to me like Kelli and Judy were picking apart the makeup application in the cameos when really, she does gorgeous work. No wonder Peggy looked like she would have rather walked across a bed of nails than been in that room. It is not her fault Alexandria had caterpillars for lashes. Critiquing the girls in front of Peggy seemed strangely inappropriate.

Overall, I think this episode was one of the best of the series. That preview of next ep. is one I am really looking forward to. :)

Edited by tinabee1967
  • Love 4
6 hours ago, PrincessLeia said:

Alexandria is just not looking her best. Her hair color makes her look muddy, and the eye lashes are just bad. I thought she was a lot prettier at auditions. Not sure what's going on.



Alexndria is one of my favorites and this is disappointing to see her make these missteps.  How in the world did she think the eyelashes were a good idea?  I also thought after you have your makeover that is your look and you aren't supposed to change it.  I think they did her a huge disservice by not fixing her hair. She is not a natural blonde, and she would look so much better as a brunette. Totally her hair color makes her face look muddy.  I am sad because she is one of my favorites.  But, I got a glimps of idea that maybe she s falling out of favor when last episode Judy said she thought she was sexy and Kelli and Kitty disagreed.  I remember Judy looking surprised she did not get the memo.  

  • Love 6
6 hours ago, Spooky said:

KaShara is so fun to watch; she really is the life of the party. 

I love KaShara and I have always been a huge fan of hers.  And I am not a huge fan of hollys (she can dance and I get the fan love but she is not MY fav) so just want to say Holly is not the only one who should have been called in for weight.  I hope KaShara is working on it because it is not her best.

  • Love 3

Lauren can come sit next to me and we will eat a whole basket of bread together!

My entire sixth grade class went to sleep away camp for a week during the school year. Weirdly, although we were out in the woods sleeping in cabins, that's where I was told that the proper way to eat bread is to break off a bite sized piece and butter it. I do that at restaurants but I'm not above just buttering a whole slice at home and taking bites in the privacy of my house.

I felt bad for Taryn because anyone whose kicks are low enough to possibly keep them off the team should be told that in week one. It sucks to get halfway through training camp and then be told, "Oh, by the way, this has been a problem since auditions so you should work on it." Thankfully she's not a complete moron so she was already aware that her kicks weren't the best and she's already been working on them, but still.

5 hours ago, Jess14 said:

Gina came off terriblly in the office. Anytime a girl goes straight to other people being "jealous," it's a red flag. So glad that Kitty brought attention to her attitude, and good to know that those of us who caught a whiff of her attitude in the last episode were not off the mark. She needs to be brought down a peg.


5 hours ago, beachespeaches said:

This. Gina strikes me as one of those "I don't like being friends with other girls" type. Like completely unaware that maybe she's the problem. Other girls are jealous or drama. 

Yes to both of you! Whenever someone's default answer is "They're just jealous of me," I give a serious side eye. The fact that she was so unable to answer Kelli's questions about the rookies she's the closest to was another red flag for me. It was just the fact that when she got flustered (ahem, or caught in a lie), she couldn't even answer a simple question.

Kelli: Tell me something I don't know about _______.
Gina: Um....we're going to the zoo tomorrow. That should be fun.

Even putting aside the fact that she doesn't know shit about her teammates after FIVE weeks, it's bothersome that Kelli says the girls need to be comfortable interacting with people and Gina clearly wasn't able to do that when she was put on the spot.

And yes, that jealousy comment made me think that she's totally one of those girls who says, "I don't get along with other girls. I guess they just don't like me."

I never noticed the Paris Hilton resemblance until it was mentioned but now I can't unsee it.

5 hours ago, NMDD43 said:

"Don't be afraid to touch yourself!" 

Anyone else's mind go straight to the gutter on that one?

On Last Chance U, the coach is always telling the players, "Everyone touch somebody," which sounds so dirty to me!

4 hours ago, MyFavShows said:

I must be the only one that thought that dance party scene was extremely awkward.

I just imagine being in this high pressure situation like that, where you are trying to perform your best and please these extremely judgemental people - who can literally fire you, or the girl next to you in a couple hours - and here they want you dance around all crazy and "have fun" - while they sit and judge you deciding your fate?   I just don't think I could really let lose in such a situation (not until I knew I made the team) and it would just be another one of those situations where I'd be doing what I think they *want* me to do.   I just thought it was awkward.

There was a clear difference in the way the rookies approached the dance party and the way the vets did. The rookies (correctly) saw it as another part of the evaluation process and were trying to show off some tricks and shine. The vets were doing silly dances with each other (I can't remember which two vets it was but I saw them pretending to spoon soup which cracked me up) and just having a good time. Loved KaShara getting everyone to clap. She seems like a great teammate and leader.

4 hours ago, MyFavShows said:

Poor Alexandria - they keep calling her in for frivolous stuff.  First she's dancing hip hop w/ her hair in her face, now they don't like her eyelash extensions.   Like goodness - were these things really call into the office worthy?  Just tell her you don't like them and give her a card.  Alexandria seems so smart and refined to me, yet her biggest corrections from DCC are about hair and eyelashes.

While I agree with Kelli that Alexandria's eyelashes were a bit too much (if they're long and thick enough to cause a shadow on your eyelid, you might need to get some less dramatic lashes), let's be real - there are other girls in training camp with fake lashes that are about the same and they aren't getting called into the office. I feel like they are just finding reasons to call her into the office so that when they eventually cut her (no spoilers - I'm just assuming they will cut her before TC is over), they can say, "Well, we called her into the office X amount of times about this and this and this" as opposed to saying, "Our feelings on her were mehhhhhhh so we just cut her." And I was rolling my eyes when Kelli said she had already called the people who do the DCC lashes and let them know that they had a lash emergency. If it was that big of an emergency, would you have waited that long between cameos and the office visit to let Alexandria know?

High five to whoever realized that Brennan putting her chin down (which is what people are normally told do in photos) was the problem. With her chin lifted slightly, she looks less cross eyed and less intense. She looks friendlier and softer.

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
  • Love 5
4 hours ago, MyFavShows said:


Taryn doesn't seem very bright to me. 

I agree, Taryn doesn't seem that bright.  Kelli not so happy about the ankle weights is interesting, because the dancer we a loved who would not make the team without kicks was told to do that by I want to say Brittany a few years back.  But I guess methods change.   I was really glad in a previous episode Kitty showed a core sequence that would assist in improving kicks. That and barre exercises should get you there I would think.

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, tinabee1967 said:


How could they have not noticed Keyra the last few times she tried out? She is awesome! I suppose with so many girls trying out, it can be easy to overlook a gem. 


She said one year she psyched herself out and another year it was weight.  one of my favorites this year because she just attacks the dances, very fun to watch.

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, TiaGrace said:

"The Real Choreographers of Dallas"

THIS.  I am SO over the guest choreographers.  This latest one was another installment of the ongoing "see how WORLD CLASS DCC is...we have someone in our studio that danced with P!nk!"  I can't even remember the dude's name, but he literally did NOTHING but host a dance party while gratuitous P!nk music played (which I agree with the few that felt it was awkward and unnecessary).  Sadly, it looks like more guest choreographers and celebrities are coming next week.

This show has definitely jumped the shark.

  • Love 6

One of the things I like about the guest choreographers is when they sit in with Kelli and Judy to talk about who to cut. As much as I enjoy Kitty recognizing Gina's attitude, most of the other guest choreographers are not familiar with the girls so they have no bias. They are judging them on their technical dance skills and their performance ability and seeing who catches their eye. They don't know their back stories and they don't like or dislike their personalities. All they're looking at is whether they stand out as a performer and can execute the routines well.

Whatever the issues with Jenna may be (and I'm unspoiled so I have no idea what the issues are), she was one of the girls who Nick praised for being fun to watch. That's why I think she's an asset to the organization - she has a sparkle when she dances and that's something you can't teach. Kelli and Judy definitely have their biases about some of the girls which is why I think it's nice to get new eyes on the girls - especially eyes that aren't Neal McCoy just saying, "SHE'S HOT!"

  • Love 15
4 hours ago, PBSLover said:

I don’t think Kelli was asking Gina the right questions during their meeting.  Why did not just ask, “I’ve heard that you feel you are better than the other training camp candidates so much so that it is getting back to me.” I love Kelli but sometimes the way she and Judy communicate is so odd.  Judy hasn’t had a conversation with Taryn about her kicks and they are in the 5th week of training camp?  WTF? 

And why does Holly cry when told that she looks a little big?  They were very nice to her and phrased it to her in a nice way.  

This episode was too quick.

Most women would be visibly upset if they were told someone didn't like their appearance. Holly is someone who has to work even harder than most of the girls because of her natural shape---I'd cry too at the amount of work she knows she's in for to get back to swimsuit slim. 

  • Love 15
7 hours ago, NMDD43 said:

I totally know what you mean. On the show, I adore her. But in real life on her social media she just comes across so different, not in a good way. 

Fake it til ya make it is her motto 

9 minutes ago, Loves2Dance said:

Most women would be visibly upset if they were told someone didn't like their appearance. Holly is someone who has to work even harder than most of the girls because of her natural shape---I'd cry too at the amount of work she knows she's in for to get back to swimsuit slim. 

Go compare pics of her from her rookie season and last season it is shocking she is huge!  Never called out for her weight. Especially the Christmas field pics from both years !

Edited by lfedncr
  • Love 3

Did anyone see Selina in the episode ? they made such a point about her figure and now it's picture taking time and I didn't see the woman.

RE: the  etiquette class - I guess no one is allergic  or just don't care for seafood. I don't think it is impolite to say "no thank you". In a real dinner setting , one would never order it, or if it was a passed hors d'oeuvres, one just would have "passed".  the menu didn't make sense to me - French onion soup with bread slice, clams, palette cleanser sorbet, linguine and with jumbo prawns (i.e. 2nd offering of fish) and then a chocolate tower. And how many laps is a cheerleader going to have to do to work off that "tower"

  • Love 12
3 hours ago, TiaGrace said:

This latest episode of "The Real Choreographers of Dallas" was boring. I tune in to watch MTT but maybe Kelli should just change the name now so we know why there is so much drama instead of watching girls dance their way on to this team.  This is why I like Kitty she can see straight through all the B.S. and advocates cutting a swollen ego rookie candidate before she spoils the team. 

Is the guest Choreographer parade larger  this season? seems like quite a bit of them are parading through, so early, so fast..

no offense or disrespect to anyone's accomplishments or musical icons (of all generes), but some of the name dropping are getting old - from a generational/time aspect - Janet Jackson ?  Beyoncé's hard core dancing tour was how many years ago? Katy Perry superbowl of 2015? why not the superbowl choreographer of 2017? 

Kitty must be getting tired of repeating herself. she cleaned house for K&J last week and had to do it , again ? I'll be like if "you're not going to listen and take action to my advice the  first time...."

  • Love 6

I don’t want to read too much into Robin’s “Well....” as the preview. They could have simply been asking “How are you liking being a second group leader?” or “What did you think about this training camp so far?” It didn’t have to nessesarily be something more disparaging about Gina that was edited out. She was keeping her critics very cute, which I appreciated from her and Lacey. 

Imagine Gina and Tara making the team and watching this episode together with the team lmaoooo

  • Love 6
3 minutes ago, sATL said:

Is the guest Choreographer parade larger  this season? seems like quite a bit of them are parading through, so early, so fast..

no offense or disrespect to anyone's accomplishments or musical icons (of all generes), but some of the name dropping are getting old - from a generational/time aspect - Janet Jackson ?  Beyoncé's hard core dancing tour was how many years ago? Katy Perry superbowl of 2015? why not the superbowl choreographer of 2017? 

Kitty must be getting tired of repeating herself. she cleaned house for K&J last week and had to do it , again ? I'll be like if "you're not going to listen and take action to my advice the  first time...."

They have literally had at least one guest choreographer on every episode save auditions.  It's blatant name-dropping from an organization that's desperately trying to be something that it's not.  It bears repeating - I have no doubt these ladies are extremely talented in many styles of dance, but this is a NFL cheerleading squad.  Stop trying to convince me that this is DWTS or SYTYCD (and get Melissa OFF of my screen - I don't give a rat's ass that she won DWTS).

  • Love 8
7 minutes ago, tajalexander said:

I don’t want to read too much into Robin’s “Well....” as the preview. They could have simply been asking “How are you liking being a second group leader?” or “What did you think about this training camp so far?” It didn’t have to nessesarily be something more disparaging about Gina that was edited out. She was keeping her critics very cute, which I appreciated from her and Lacey. 

Imagine Gina and Tara making the team and watching this episode together with the team lmaoooo

I thought about that too while they were talking with Lacey and Robin - K&J put them in a very awkward position having to answer questions about Gina's attitude.  I wonder how heavily edited those segments were.  I also think there was enough evidence of Gina's snottiness to call her into the office without having to question her group leaders.  She's the new and improved Vivian, but WAY better because everyone's so jealous of her!

  • Love 3
28 minutes ago, tajalexander said:

Imagine Gina and Tara making the team and watching this episode together with the team lmaoooo

I got lost in Gina going to the Zoo the next day... Nothing against the Dallas zoo, but the response really caught me off guard. A day off from work/school/tcc and you and Tara are going to the zoo - outside walking for miles in the heat & hot sun w/ $15 entrance fee + parking...I guess the zoo wasn't exactly on my radar in my early 20s..

Edited by sATL
  • Love 2
45 minutes ago, sATL said:

Did anyone see Selina in the episode ? they made such a point about her figure and now it's picture taking time and I didn't see the woman.

Maybe it was like with a few of the vets back in season 8, where they didn't even take cameos, and K&J just used pictures from the prior year. Again though, as mentioned in last week's episode, this is an issue with editing and storytelling. The audience has been told that Selina is struggling with weight, so we want to know how her picture went. Instead, we get nothing.

Agreed with whoever commented on the strange menu for fancy meal. I've only been to a couple of five and six course meals (way too much food for me and crazy expensive), but pasta as the heaviest dish seemed odd to me. It seems like a steak/lamb/fish (like a filet) would make more sense. And I love seafood but oyster and shrimp was odd. Who knows though, I'm definitely not an expert.

  • Love 5
1 minute ago, rose711 said:

anyone think Celinda will try out again? I don't know if there is much she can do to improve?

I don't think she ought to. She MAY, but personally I don't think she will. She's been good enough to make it to TC twice, and there's obviously something about her that consistently doesn't stand out enough for her to make the team.

  • Love 3

Does anyone think that Kelly and Judy were fooled by Gina? She's said on camera how competitive she is and how she has to beat the other girls. I don't know if they see that footage that's not filmed in practices

Im fairly sure it's obvious that she's making friends only with veterans and ignoring the rookies

I wonder if the zoo outing was even real

  • Love 8

Episode thoughts:

4 years from now, Kalyssa will be point, and I'm so excited for it. 

I wish Keyra was more photogenic, but I did like the shot they got of for cameos. She's still my favorite TCC. (Noticed by another choreographer and MRS.. still not on show group. But sure.)

I found it veryyyyyyyy interesting when Judy asked "if you did it the best get up and do it again." 

Damn it Kashara, you're so cute and such a party. 

How does a veteran know that they are being called into the office for something good or bad if Kelli just announces the names? IE: Holly being nervous and tearing up before entering the office VS Robin & Lacey being relatively calm, not even getting that individual interview beforehand. I would assume that every time my name is called from that list, I would be panicked until I heard what the conversation was about. 

"We're going to the zoo tomorrow.. so that's exciting." hahahahahaha. Oh Gina. The excuse that she's really focused on training camp and usually doesn't like distractions was a far better excuse than "girls are just jealous of me, I've been in this situation before" Gotta be quicker on your feet Gina. I think if she didn't at least say that, the conversation could have been a little harsher. 

I would have given ANYTHING for Kelli to call Tara in and ask if she was doing anything with Gina the following day. Now THAT would have been good.

Edited by tajalexander
  • Love 12

One thing that stood out to me when they were talking with Lacey and Robin about Gina was that they chose their words carefully. *They* never had a problem with her but some of her rookies may see her as x, y, z. Makes me think there are things they aren't saying, maybe she's a sweet as pie kiss ass with vets but not her rookies. If so, it's probably really obvious and not a good move.

  • Love 17

The zoo thing sounded like a rookie bonding exercise to me. Something that a group of them might do. 


My problem in the etiquette class would have been shoveling the pasta down my throat. If I had to guess, most of the girls prob ate a lean protein beforehand and then took only a couple small bites of each dish to learn the etiquette. 

  • Love 3
5 hours ago, 123DCCWoooo said:

THIS.  I am SO over the guest choreographers.  This latest one was another installment of the ongoing "see how WORLD CLASS DCC is...we have someone in our studio that danced with P!nk!"  I can't even remember the dude's name, but he literally did NOTHING but host a dance party while gratuitous P!nk music played (which I agree with the few that felt it was awkward and unnecessary).  Sadly, it looks like more guest choreographers and celebrities are coming next week.

This show has definitely jumped the shark.

Haha, this made me think that the next guest choreographer might be the Left Shark from Katy Perry's Super Bowl performance a few years back.

Does anyone have an idea of how tall Kalyssa is?  I can't tell if she just looks teeny tiny or if she actually is teeny tiny.

  • Love 4
5 hours ago, 123DCCWoooo said:

THIS.  I am SO over the guest choreographers.  This latest one was another installment of the ongoing "see how WORLD CLASS DCC is...we have someone in our studio that danced with P!nk!"  I can't even remember the dude's name, but he literally did NOTHING but host a dance party while gratuitous P!nk music played (which I agree with the few that felt it was awkward and unnecessary).  Sadly, it looks like more guest choreographers and celebrities are coming next week.

This show has definitely jumped the shark.

OMG...every word of this! It not only jumped the shark, it jumped the whole reef. 

Maybe they are trying to invite more guest choreographers in order to keep the show more "with it" and relevant. It is not working. 

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, Stinkerbell said:

The zoo thing sounded like a rookie bonding exercise to me. Something that a group of them might do. 


My problem in the etiquette class would have been shoveling the pasta down my throat. If I had to guess, most of the girls prob ate a lean protein beforehand and then took only a couple small bites of each dish to learn the etiquette. 

   I would've downed my French Onion soup, and if anyone had any chocolate tower left over, I would've asked for it.

Edited by Dopeydwarf
  • Love 13

I am probably in the minority, but the dance party was painful to watch. Melissa and her they better improved or else. Really...Who died and left you to be the DCC God. I also laugh at her being ask to take a look at how the rookies look like during the cameo photo day when her lips are creepy looking, the way she dresses, and her upper lip needs to be bleached. And thank you Kelli for reminding us she won DWTS. I almost forgotten about it. *rolling eyes*

I still do not get the Madeline love. She does not stand out to me. Taryn may have been told about her kicks before getting called into the office. I do not get her appeal either. Miss Kitty calling out Gina and the painful Gina called into the office scene. Is someone jealous of Gina and out to get her or is she a resting you know what type of girl. Stay tune for another episode of How the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders Turn.

52 minutes ago, Pink-n-Green said:

I know!  As far as I'm concerned, any woman brave enough to be within 5 miles of the Star in curlers and glasses totally rocks.  She's adorable and I'm definitely rooting for her.

When Lauren was walking across the field with her hair in messy curls and no makeup, I was thinking about how Kelli insisted the girls always looked camera ready at all times and probably had a heart attack looking at the footage. Here she is on National TV looking like she just woke up with a smile on her face. Love her! 

  • Love 16

Gina saying people are jealous made me laugh.  I said it before, I think she is the least attractive of all the TCC's.  Most of the girls are absolutely gorgeous AND they are all really talented dancers.  You are not in a random studio Gina, these girls are all the best of the best.  

My guess is NO ONE is jealous of you. 

  • Love 23

Regarding the etiquette class, I was chocked (yes, for real, lol !) that I didn't heard anything regarding the fact of keeping your BOTH hands ON the table ! What is this ? Eating with a hand, and the other on the seat ?!? (And I won't start the "close your effing mouth when chewing, ffs !" discussion....)

"Etiquette class" ? That was a joke.

Edited by Diane Mars
  • Love 2
11 hours ago, MyFavShows said:

I think several of the rookie candidates did not look very good at cameos.  In fact, I really can't remember one that looked outstanding (usually there is always at least one or two that look amazing, but didn't notice anyone like that this year?).

I assume Kalyssa looked good, but she really wasn't featured - or did I miss it? - eta, on the rewatch I noticed they did feature her and she did look good.

Poor Alexandria - they keep calling her in for frivolous stuff.  First she's dancing hip hop w/ her hair in her face, now they don't like her eyelash extensions.   Like goodness - were these things really call into the office worthy?  Just tell her you don't like them and give her a card.  Alexandria seems so smart and refined to me, yet her biggest corrections from DCC are about hair and eyelashes.

Taryn doesn't seem very bright to me. 

I agree with you.  I think the problem that Kelli and Judy have is that they are comparing what they see with Alexandria with how she looked in her head shot on her application and how she looked at auditions.  She was not as glammed up.  I think they focus on the look so bad is that  they really like her and want her on the team so they want to get the DCC Look for her right because publicity is a major part of the job.  Lash 911! LOL!

  • Love 2
7 hours ago, Mardo2044 said:

Alexndria is one of my favorites and this is disappointing to see her make these missteps.  How in the world did she think the eyelashes were a good idea?  I also thought after you have your makeover that is your look and you aren't supposed to change it.  I think they did her a huge disservice by not fixing her hair. She is not a natural blonde, and she would look so much better as a brunette. Totally her hair color makes her face look muddy.  I am sad because she is one of my favorites.  But, I got a glimps of idea that maybe she s falling out of favor when last episode Judy said she thought she was sexy and Kelli and Kitty disagreed.  I remember Judy looking surprised she did not get the memo.  

I remember the makeover episode and when they got to her they were deliberating on whether to go lighter or darker with her hair.  I thought at the time the lighter hair was good but looking at the following episodes the hair doesn't look as good.  As far as the lash 911...  There is always on TCC that looks at her self a couple of nights before cameos and goes and does something that might "make it look better" when she should not make a major change..

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, Diane Mars said:

Regarding the etiquette class, I was chocked (yes, for real, lol !) that I didn't heard anything regarding the fact of keeping your BOTH hands ON the table ! What is this ? Eating with a hand, and the other on the seat ?!? (And I won't start the "close your effing mouth when chewing, ffs !" discussion....)

"Etiquette class" ? That was a joke.

I would have failed that etiquette class. There is just too much random stuff to remember. It is like you are being set up to make a mistake. I think the whole proper etiquette thing is given way too much importance. Don't put your napkin in your neckline unless you are eating BBQ, don't slurp your soup or spaghetti and don't eat stuff you drop. No elbows on the table and close your mouth when chewing. There. Etiquette class is over.

Edited by tinabee1967
  • Love 6

Like goodness - were these things really call into the office worthy? 

It's a scare tactic for the other candidates.  K & J want to strike fear into their hearts that they can be called into that office of doom at any time for any thing.  A-game at all times, ladies!


Gina came off terribly in the office. Anytime a girl goes straight to other people being "jealous," it's a red flag. 

Mr. Angeltoes looked up from his phone, snorted at Gina and said,"Wow, that was a stupid thing to say."

  • Love 14
4 hours ago, Jess14 said:


Agreed with whoever commented on the strange menu for fancy meal. I've only been to a couple of five and six course meals (way too much food for me and crazy expensive), but pasta as the heaviest dish seemed odd to me. It seems like a steak/lamb/fish (like a filet) would make more sense. And I love seafood but oyster and shrimp was odd. Who knows though, I'm definitely not an expert.

I think the menu was chosen to challenge the TCCs.  How would they cope with hard to eat things (french onion soup, shrimp, chocolate tower), things they might be unfamiliar with or reluctant to eat (oyster; flower in the sorbet), or just plain stuff you would do at home but not in polite company (the bread and butter).  What I was wondering was what if one of them was allergic to shellfish?  It's not an uncommon allergy and it could have been an issue.

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5 hours ago, Jess14 said:


Agreed with whoever commented on the strange menu for fancy meal. I've only been to a couple of five and six course meals (way too much food for me and crazy expensive), but pasta as the heaviest dish seemed odd to me. It seems like a steak/lamb/fish (like a filet) would make more sense. And I love seafood but oyster and shrimp was odd. Who knows though, I'm definitely not an expert.

The way I understood it, the menu wasn't meant to make sense in a gastronomical way; they were served food that is traditionally difficult to eat in order to test them on their etiquette. 

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5 minutes ago, mamadrama said:

The way I understood it, the menu wasn't meant to make sense in a gastronomical way; they were served food that is traditionally difficult to eat in order to test them on their etiquette. 

Reminded me of the scene in Pretty Woman where Richard Gere took Julia Roberts to a fancy restaurant and when she was trying to figure out how to eat her escargot the whole thing went flying across the room

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1 hour ago, tinabee1967 said:

When Lauren was walking across the field with her hair in messy curls and no makeup, I was thinking about how Kelli insisted the girls always looked camera ready at all times and probably had a heart attack looking at the footage. Here she is on National TV looking like she just woke up with a smile on her face. Love her! 

It kind of gave me a mini heartattack myself - especially w/ her eyes bulging like that.   Just not used to seeing these girls look like that and I get why Kelli insists on that.

I think Lauren needs to lay off the beauty pageant curls - they look "dated".

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Being a vegetarian, I would have had a hard time with the meal but bring on the bread!

I was really wondering how they would handle this, since I (also a vegetarian) would have to pass on everything but the dessert and soup (maybe...sometimes soups are made with a meat stock).  I mean, are you just supposed to sit there and say "no thank you" or I would hope Kelli would know ahead of time so they could plan an alternate meal.  It would be the same with appearances, hopefully someone would be notified ahead of time that one of the cheerleaders was vegetarian (or had a food allergy, etc.) so it wasn't a big problem at the appearance.  Also, you would hope they wouldn't do something like send a vegetarian to a BBQ competition!

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