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Game of Thrones Tarot

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Who's on the Death Card?

This is so neat to me!  I've seen fan art done with the HP series on cards, but this one is actually going to be for sale on Amazon. 

So I wondered if there were any other card readers here who would think it was fun to speculate about.  It's hard ... I keep thinking of characters I want to place without being able to think of the perfect card, or characters that could go on two different cards, or two characters for the same card etc.  Anyway, the italic ones are already a done deal by the publisher of the deck, the rest are my guesses of either who I think they will pick or who I want them to pick.  Hope someone else out there reads and comments too!

Major Arcana

Fool:  Tyrion Lannister

The Magician:  Samwell Tarly

The High Priestess:  Melisandre

Emperor:  Jon Snow

Empress:  Daenerys Targaryen

The Hierophant:  High Sparrow

The Lovers:  Rhaegar and Lyanna is who I think they will pick, but I think Ned and Catelyn would be really lovely too

The Chariot & Strength:  I think Brienne goes with one of these, maybe also the Hound or Khal Drogo?  the meanings are so darn close ... 

Hermit:  Brandon Stark

Wheel of Fortune:  King's Landing

Justice:  Ice  or maybe Ned Stark

The Hanged Man:  Berick Dondarrion

Death:  Arya Stark

Temperance:  Tywin Lannister

The Devil:  I think they will pick the White Walkers, but I feel like they would be better associated with the Tower.  I think Littlefinger is the best fit here, tbh

The Tower:  See above, but I bet they put Drogon on it

The Star:  ???

The Moon:  ???

The Sun:  ???

Judgement:  Man I would love to see Jaime Lannister take this one, but I don't think the evidence is there yet for the makers to have picked him ... maybe Jorah Mormont?

The World:  The Astrolabe

Minor Arcana (face cards only)

Page of Swords:  Podrick Payne

Knight of Swords:  Tormund Giantsbane

Queen of Swords:  Cersei Lannister

King of Swords:  ???

Page of Wands:  Shireen Baratheon

Knight of Wands:  Ser Loras Tyrell

Queen of Wands:  Margaery Tyrell

King of Wands:  Oberyn Martell

Page of Cups:  Missandei

Knight of Cups (reversed):  Theon Greyjoy

Queen of Cups (reversed):  Sansa Stark

King of Cups:  Robb Stark maybe?  This one was hard to place ...

Page of Pentacles:  Olyvar (forgot if he has a last name ... whore who betrayed Ser Loras)

Knight of Pentacles:  Ser Davos

Queen of Pentacles:  Catelyn Stark 

King of Pentacles:  Stannis Baratheon


People I wish I could have placed too:  Euron & Yara Greyjoy, Lyanna Mormont, Gilly, Thoros of Myr, Ellaria Sand, Renly Baratheon

  • Love 3

my deck just arrived. 

the pros:  the cards themselves are beautiful, made with a special cardstock I believe has some fabric in it too.  they are also very well sized for shuffling.  the guidebook that comes with the cards is an actual, hardbound book and beyond just descriptions of the card meanings, it also includes custom GOT tarot spreads.  Squee!  another pro for me, although I suppose it could be debatable, is that they stuck pretty closely to trying to coordinate to a rider waite deck.

the cons:  there is a stunning lack of variety of characters they chose to represent major arcana, court cards and the rest of the minor arcana wherever a person was used as the main symbol.  bran has like four cards, and arya has two or three as does daenerys.  surely with such a diverse case, they could have diversified this  more?  for one example there is no hound at all!  wtf?  I think I had placed him as a possibility for Strength or the Chariot, but since then, ive taken more of the view that he would have made a good Hanged Man as well. 

I feel that the creators of the deck must be only very casual viewers of the show to have left out so many people.  nonetheless, it was all probably a great deal of work trying to find 78 different representations from the show, i applaud their efforts and i am eager to do some of their specialized readings with my shiny new cards.

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