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Seasons 1 and 2 Discussion

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When Bill and Eve had their heart-to-heart in the hotel room, I did have the fleeting thought that it sounded very much like a “closure” conversation. I dismissed it in that moment because it seemed as if the third episode was way too early to kill a regular, but once he started tailing Villanelle out of the subway station, I knew he was a goner. RIP Bill—after Sandra Oh he was my second favorite character on the show. I guess now we know why the other team members were quite backburnered to focus on Bill in the first few episodes—to make his death land. Not coincidentally, though, in some ways this episode was stronger than the first two because Villanelle took a bit of a backseat, for once. Though that gay for the stay (my new favorite phrase!) American woman should run, not walk, away, poor woman. 

I have to agree that Bill was massively stupid for not calling in his German contact and trying to get the German police to (say) lock down the club. I mean, his “hey, that’s a pretty scarf” was his way of saying to her “I know who you are and you are NOT following Eve,” so they both knew that they both knew who the other was. And it ought to have been obvious to him when she *stopped so that he could keep tailing her* that she was playing him. Like, I’m about as far from James Bond as you get, and even I picked up on that! I’m also surprised he tried to get into the club—unless he already knew that it had no other exit, if I was him I’d assume that she slipped out the back while he was detained. Or, you know, figure that you shouldn’t follow the spider into her lair if she wants you to. I do agree that he we distracted because of the threat to Eve, but that was too big a suspension of disbelief for me even so.

I do wish that Bill had pressed Eve in the car about why Villanelle used her name. There’s a whoooole lot of self-deception going on in Eve’s head right now and it’s incredibly dangerous. At the same time, that scene showed his genuine affection for her and why they worked as friends—because he WON’T push the point, he’ll drop gentle hints that she can ignore until her blinders are forced to fall away. But hopefully Eve starts doing some real self-examination. I get that part of her character is clearly the “desk worker super excited to be doing exciting and dangerous field work” but she’s coming off as just too naive for a late 30s career intelligence officer.

I sympathize with the husband but the passive-aggressiveness was not my favorite move. Use your words, my dude, and articulate why you (not without basis) are a littl miffed right now.

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On 5/21/2018 at 5:50 PM, tennisgurl said:

I've suspected Carolyn from the start, but now I wonder if this is all a red herring, and she is doing something sketchy for a good reason, or is a mole within the 12? Or maybe she is just super sketchy, I have no clue. I kind of hope she is more morally grey than evil though, I just love Fiona so much.

I think she could be morally grey, or not even so; maybe she just doesn't share everything because she uses Eve just enough to get closer to Oksana, and now she "can take (the job) away", as she said.

From the way the show sold Carolyn's character, she sounds extremely intelligent and efficient, so I still buy that.

For instance, I think it was extremely weird how Carolyn was open about the information of sleeping with both those men. I think she was setting Eve up to bribe the Russian guy in the bridge. Maybe she knew if any proposal about releasing Nadia came from her, to that former lover, who doesn't trust her, he wouldn't budge. She knew Eve wouldn't stop ("don't do that face"). So I think she gave her a little information to use and she went for it.

I actually think she used both those men, I don't believe their romantic relationship is real at all for her.

The way she was fixing her make up and her clothes for their meeting, I think they see her as a former lover of no real threat who they want to humor with some information. And she knows that and uses that.

I think she knew Konstantin was joining them. I think she was fixing herself up more for him actually.

Plus, I wouldn't put past her to have chosen Eve because she already knew a lot more than just being after a "female assassin".

She probably knew about Anna and knew Eve would be also Oksana's type.

Plus, she chooses Eve, a very inexperienced field agent, for such a dangerous and complex mission. Maybe she just wanted a link to Oksana and doesn't expect much more than that from Eve.

She dismissed the Anna thing in a way it makes it look like she already went down that road and knew it would lead nowhere, in the bigger scheme of things: as she says, Oksana is just a link to something bigger.

Maybe she wanted Konstantin to trust her enough so that in the end, when she is seen in the visitor's room, she was there at his request to release Oksana. After that, all bets are off.

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On 5/21/2018 at 7:59 PM, kismac said:

...he was the one B.S.ing her, and she had tears in her eyes....so is that because she actually HAS some normal human emotions, or that she's programmed herself well enough to show emotion when she feels they should be?

My take: She has something approaching normal human emotions when the talk is about how much she is loved. But is incapable of feeling anything about anyone else.

And I believe those tears were real. I didn't (and don't) think she was on to his bullshit until he attacked her.

Edited by Milburn Stone
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On 5/15/2018 at 9:52 AM, attica said:

By this I mean, if you'd describe a stranger as a tall, handsome, black man, then make it a habit to describe another as a tall, handsome, white man

Agreed! I do this, but I'm not white, so white is not my "default." 

On 5/15/2018 at 3:08 AM, ElectricBoogaloo said:

To me when someone does that, it's not just erasing someone else's identity. It's willfully ignoring their identity. You can clearly see the color of her skin (or whatever visible trait it is that you refuse to say out loud) but you're just pretending not to.


On 5/17/2018 at 10:55 PM, Mumbles said:

I read some article where Sandra Oh said that when her agent sent her the script, she kept looking for the Asian sidekick role and when she didn't find one, she called her agent, who told her she would be reading for Eve. Sandra said she cried, realizing that a career in tv/movies had brainwashed her into believing she was just sidekick/supporting material.

I always roll my eyes when people say they don't see race. The Colbert Report used to mock this by having "Stephen" say ridiculous things like, "I don't see race. People tell me I'm white, and I believe them because I'm a member of a restricted country club."

That's such a great story!  I didn't read that.  (And that's a funny joke from the Colbert Report)

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Gotta agree that the writing was weak in this episode (that or the show switched genres into serious pulp/farce or black comedy), and I think it may have exposed a flaw in killing Bill off so early. I could buy that Eve’s fascination with/attraction to Villanelle would make her do stupid shit before Bill’s death, but Villanelle murdering him should very much have made Eve, if not totally ditch those idiotic impulses, keep them under way better control. On principle I kind of wanted Villanelle to shoot her when Eve was monumentally, massively stupid enough to get out of the car (I also would’ve accepted Elena driving off, ha!). Eve herself said in episode 2 that Villanelle is allowed to kill stupid people, right? ;) That said, I also wanted Eve to back up and run over Villanelle when she was dumb enough to chase the car, so I suppose the stupid goes both ways. But the show just hasn’t done enough to sell me on the stupid—or rather, that the stupid isn’t just nonsensically stupid.

I really liked that we didn’t get any Villanelle sans Eve until the last 10 minutes or so. Less is definitely way more where V is concerned—I found her way scarier tonight than in any previous episode. I do hope Max pulls through!

Frank died as he lived: a dickswab. Heh. I feel bad for his kids, but good riddance to him.

II was a little let down by the Eve/V dinner. It started off super well but fizzled by the end. I’m not sure why I feel that way, but it did. Villanelle’s relationship with her handler is definitely more engaging and tension-filled right now.

One thing that was on point in this episode: the humor. “Professional has 2 esses” cracked me UP, as did Carolyn’s introducing Eve to Martin Marten, heh. Sandra Oh’s face when she realized Kenny is Carolyn’s kid and her “you look nice” were also pretty lolarious. And the running gag of people trying to confront Villanelle with bathroom items made me legitimately guffaw, as did Villanelle’s “I don’t want your children.” She seemed so OFFENDED by the idea. Hee!

Why is Nadia being alive a problem for Villanelle? Like, what, she’s going to tell someone in Russia that Villanelle is alive, and Russia will start a massive international manhunt for one ex-con who they think is alive because her bitter ex says so? Maybe this will be explained next episode but I’m not really sure why Nadia is a loose end that MUST be eliminated.

Despite my nitpicking, I am enjoying this show. I’ll definitely be back for Season 2–which, if the end of this episode is anything to go by, will be Villanelle (gleefully) and Eve (reluctantly) quasi-teaming up to take down The Twelve. I DO find it interesting that Villanelle has only begun to ask questions about her employers now that Eve has had questions.... I also think Carolyn knows more than she’s letting on. Kenny’s father’s sudden death is really setting my radar off....

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On 5/20/2018 at 7:44 PM, mxc90 said:

It's odd Anna would want to forgive her. Oksana made a cake and had balloons after she castrated her husband. They definitely had a deeper relationship.

Why is Anna making a big cake and not know what to do with it?

I don't think she wants to forgive her - I think she wants to see her. Whether or not that means she wants to kiss or kill her, I don't know.

On 5/20/2018 at 9:32 PM, numbnut said:

Do all assassin shows share the same casting agent? Villanelle's quirky bald Russian handler looked like the quirky bald Russian guy on "Barry."

I didn't think he particularly looked like him (other than the baldness), but I did think he acted like him a little. Niggly detail, the guy on Barry is Chechen,  not Russian.

On 5/20/2018 at 9:52 PM, humbleopinion said:

Why did Eve wrinkle her nose in disgust when she sniffed the white coat?

Did she recognize the Villanelle perfume on the coat?

I'm not sure about the disgust - but I am pretty sure it's a different perfume, as the perfume bottle looked quite different.

On 5/20/2018 at 10:26 PM, Dowel Jones said:

I wonder if Konstantin assumed that his family was already dead when he ran (boated) away from Oksana.  I sure hope so, because that was no idle threat, coming from her.

I wonder too - but I wonder more about whether or not he keeps a bottle of fake pills for just such a confrontation.

On 5/21/2018 at 6:57 AM, Zoe said:

I figured Villanelle put something pungent on there so Anna wouldn't actually wear the coat.

Interesting. I was half expecting to see Anna's fake passport in the lining.

On 5/21/2018 at 1:50 PM, tennisgurl said:

Poor Kenny looked more grossed out associating his mom with Butterfly Beads than with possible treason. 


He ought to meet up with Paige on The Americans who has similar issues.

On 5/21/2018 at 7:24 PM, slf said:

Very weird. Like Eve said, there weren't just a "few" letters and Anna had kept them all that time? The letters sent to her from the murderer who castrated and killed her husband? She kept the gifts, she kept the pictures. That fixation was definitely reciprocated.


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Villanelle and Frank in the bathroom, when she is talking about what happens when you die, was completely chilling to me. She seemed so fascinated in what she sees when a person dies, and yet, so clinical...and she is able to detach from that fascination immediately to get back to business. While I loved the dinner faceoff for the black humor and watching cat and cat (let's face it, there is no mouse in this scenario) read each other up close, V talking about the soul shrinking with death was the high point of the episode for me.

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‘Killing Eve’ Sets New Ratings Highs, Extends Demo Growth Streak Heading Into Finale

"BBC America’s breakout drama Killing Eve hit another set of Live+3 series highs for its penultimate episode last week — 986,000 total viewers, 455,000 adults 25-54, and 367,000 adults 18-49 — to head  into its Season 1 finale on Sunday on a streak of seven consecutive weeks of demo ratings growth (adults 18-49 and 25-54), going back to the series premiere. That is a first for a scripted series on television in more than a decade, per the network."

If they hadn't already renewed it for a second season before it even premiered, they certainly would have after this kind of growth!

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I love that Villanelle finally met someone as obnoxious as she herself is and was so put off she had to murder the guy after three minutes! LOL. In the last two episodes, it's actually been great to see the shoe on the other foot so much--Villanelle was way too omnipotent (and arrogant) early in the series. She's way more interesting to me now that she's got to actually play the game, and tamp down on the arrogance, to survive. Not doing so hot so far.... Eve is also sucking at the game, heh, but she's been such a disaster throughout the series (and I say that with affection) that it's not a surprise. And in some ways, Eve bull in a china shop-ing this is working for her, so go Eve go!

I too think there has to some twist about Carolyn and the Twelve, based on the end cliffhanger. It was just so obviously "dun dun dun! Carolyn is EVUL!" that it feels like there must be some sort of swerve. Also I wonder how Kenny, and potentially his dead father, may fit into the equation. Adorable crush on Elena aside, Kenny seems to be a cipher, and that's got to be for a particular reason. Maybe HE'S the member of the family that's a member of the Twelve, heh.

Overall, I'm curious as to how the finale is going to reshuffle the Eve/Villanelle/Konstantin/Carolyn deck for next season. I could see E/V teaming up against K/C; I could also see Carolyn and Villanelle set against Eve and Konstantin (whose working partnership would be HILARIOUS--I loved Eve's disdain for Konstantin and that she didn't bother to hide it); and I could see Carolyn/Eve/Villanelle teaming up. Also, I guess Konstantin is okay with Villanelle killing his wife and kid as long as he gets out? Cold bastard.

Poor Nadia. I knew she was toast, but was hoping she might miraculously be spared somehow. I also felt bad for V's cancer-stricken, violent prison friend, and am glad that Villanelle at least distracted her at the end.

Anna tooooooootally reciprocated Villanelle's interest, no question. Eve was also totally jealous that she's not Villanelle's only special snowflake (Kenny was so right), but hopefully meeting Anna serves as a huge WAKE THE FUCK UP! warning sign/red flag! I'm sure I'm supposed to be worried about Nico now, but I'm so not. I don't dislike him, I just don't care about him. He's in the classic "nagging girlfriend" role.


I was hoping we would get to see the note Nadia left for Eve. I wonder if Carolyn intercepted it. 

Yeah, I feel like that note is Chekhov's Gun and should reappear in the finale. I wonder if Vlad somehow ended up with it and will give it to Eve? He seems smart enough to smell a rat on Carolyn and Konstantin.

I still don't understand why the Twelve didn't just kill Nadia instead of shipping her back to Russian jail. And if the normal Russian intelligence were the people to bring her back, why didn't THEY question her about the Twelve? Weren't they curious about how she ended up run over?

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NY Times interview with Sandra Oh, Jodie Comer, and Phoebe Waller-Bridge

Loved this bit:


the men in the show — even the good men — still underestimate or miss the point of Villanelle. That they haven’t for a second imagined she might be a threat — whereas every single woman in the world imagines for a split second that the man she is about to go on a date with, or the man that she just met in the corridor, might be a threat. That’s a calculation you make all the time that men don’t make — and it’s catnip for Villanelle.

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For some reason I felt this epi wasn't as good as the others in that I think it sort of wound up being a cheap action movie. That being said that had some pretty interesting characters and interactions. I know it's a tv show and they're Russians but it was high body count that would've raised all sorts of suspicions.

Vill(Villanelle) played the same possum game on Konstantin  in epi 1 so she knew what to expect when it came to Inga.

Also Vill commented to Eve when they had their 'dinner' that they both could be working for the same person so Carolyn is probably in on it. The question is she trying to cover it up or clean it up/close it down?

No more Konstatin and Vill business meetings?  Was the Anton actor from Dead Like Me? When the gun was prominently displayed in the scene you knew what was coming.

3 hours ago, misstwpherecool said:

For some reason I felt this epi wasn't as good as the others in that I think it sort of wound up being a cheap action movie. That being said that had some pretty interesting characters and interactions. I know it's a tv show and they're Russians but it was high body count that would've raised all sorts of suspicions.

Andy Greenwald and Chris Ryan of the Ringer The Watch podcast said the last two episodes were written by someone other than the creator, whose name I don't recall but it was a woman.

So they said it was good but not the same as the first half dozen episodes.

I guess they couldn't keep doing episodes where Villanelle kills someone and Eve investigates the aftermath.  That would get boring after awhile.  And as Kenny noted, her DNA were all over the sites of the killings.  She didn't wear gloves either or say where a cap so she wouldn't leave strands of her hair.

It had to be the MI6 investigating her because they could follow her to all these other countries whereas local police detectives wouldn't.  But it also means MI6 could use all kinds of forensic and super computer hacking skills to track her.

So they were right to identify her rather early in the series but I guess it won't be a simple matter of arresting her and bringing her to justice.  Normally, the cops would just arrest her and try to get her to flip on her masters but she only knows of Constantin so now it becomes about taking down the international criminal conspiracy which ordered all these killings.

They can play with the natural chemistry between Villanelle and Eve, make it all personal about Eve -- maybe her husband gets killed to really exact a greater toll on her.  But ultimately to keep the show going, it has to be about taking down the other villains.

Now they may team up but does it redeem Villanelle in any way?  Even if she was pretending to be the psychopath with the little test that Constantin administered on her -- the pictures of the dead humans and dog -- the way she kills in the blink of an eye, shows no compunction whatsoever, makes it a difficult proposition.

They tried to show some human vulnerability, by showing how she may have connected with Anna and may be connecting with Eve.  But can they do enough to diminish all the monstrous things she's done?

I'm sure we'll find out how severely she was abused as a child and all that but it may not be convincing.

  • Love 3
10 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

every single woman in the world imagines for a split second that the man she is about to go on a date with, or the man that she just met in the corridor, might be a threat.

A slightly paraphrased Margaret Atwood: "Men are afraid women will laugh at them; women are afraid men will kill them."

  • Love 7

Um, holy crap. I want to watch this episode again right now and I have to go to work. But I have to say, they ended this season in a character expanding way, with Eve proving that she's not the innocent and naive desk jockey anymore, Carolyn still being a bit of a mystery, and Villanelle with a new grudge to carry over into season 2. Gotta say, the scenes with V and Konstantin's daughter were gold!

  • Love 12

"God, it makes me rage how efficient things are when you're a dick to people." Truer words.

LOL that Konstantin's kid has the upper hand on Villanelle. Though if anyone would, his daughter would.

Wow, I did NOT expect Anna to kill herself.

I missed the very last seconds of the show: Can someone please tell me what (if anything) happened after the French woman told Eve that Villanelle had left? 

  • Love 9
10 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

I missed the very last seconds of the show: Can someone please tell me what (if anything) happened after the French woman told Eve that Villanelle had left?

Nothing, it was abrupt.

i don't know if I like them being at odds again. Feels like we'll be back to square one next season.


Irina was interesting, basically a young Villanelle.

Edited by Zoe
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Well, THAT happened. Next season is going to be BANANAS. Is it wrong that for a moment I wanted a second season that's just Eve and Villanelle hanging out while Villanelle doesn't murder people? I actually would totally watch that "odd couple" dramedy. And Konstantin's daughter could've come visit every once in a while too--that dynamic was surprisingly hilarious, but the kid's surprisingly insightful (sometimes). I call foul on the idea that Villanelle could take more than like 10 steps without collapsing, bleeding like that, though. Maybe next season opens with Eve at Villanelle's bedside at a hospital, because that's pretty much the only way Villanelle could survive that stab.

Eve needs to learn how to shoot a gun, 'cause she is going to be in DANGER when Villanelle is back on her feet. I do think, though, that it's important to their dynamic going forward that Eve can be a danger to Villanelle in return. It's not just Eve at V's mercy.

How much do you want to bet that Konstantin lived and Carolyn just lied to Eve and Kenny about it? I wonder if next season will bring back Carolyn/Kenny/Elena, some of them, or none of them. It felt like they were priming Kenny to tell his mom to shove off, but he never grew the backbone.... Eve never got an explanation of why Carolyn met Villanelle in the jail, did she, come to think of it? And Kenny noticed the note but we never saw it again...do we think he went and got it? What about the Twelve? So many unanswered questions. Also, what is Eve going to do next season? If she's going to globetrot after Villanelle, she has to have SOME source of funding!

I'm actually kind of disappointed they disposed of Anna so quickly. It feels like they could have done more with the character. Good to know that she and Villanelle did in fact have a thing, though.

So is Eve just assuming that because Niko isn't picking up the phone, they're over?

This was a fun episode, but it also felt very weird. Not quite like a season ender. A lot happened but also not much happened, you know what I mean?

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well that was one crazy ending. 

I should have seen that coming, but I fell for that just as much as Villanelle did even though I thought it was  a bit wacky Eve would be acting that way towards her,but I don't care because that's just how this show goes and it's what makes it special and different and I do love it.

Was that BS or do you think Eve really meant all those things she said to V about thinking about her all the time? I think at least partially true.
I was a little on edge when Eve was looking around V's wardrobe closets thinking she might pop out at any second.

The kid and Villanelle were pretty great together. Some really funny lines.

Some much gun pointing in one ep!

Villanelle must have super healing powers after getting shot the first time,unless she had on a bulletproof vest. I forget, did we see any blood after she got shot in the restaurant?

Looking forward to next season!

Edited by Valny
  • Love 3

Weird ending.

When Eve stabbed Oksana, she should have said this is for Bill!

Irina must have ice in her veins to see someone commit suicide in front of her or have Eve point a gun at her and remain fairly calm. Her father trained her well.

How many little liquor bottles did Konstantine have in his pocket? He probably trashed the hotel room looking for as many as he can.

I wished they would have wrapped up what was note Nadia left for Eve and some insight into why Carolyn wants to end the investigation.

What was the job of the old lady across for Eve? To spy on Eve for the private organization?

Baby steps for Kenny trying to stand up to his mother.

Every time Carolyn gets bad news, food is her go to (cheese puffs. buffets, doughnuts, etc.)

Did Oksana shoot Konstantine on orders from the private organization or Carolyn? If the PO, why bother kill Anton if she felt obligated to do the job?

Eve desires to be a serial killer?

Edited by mxc90
  • Love 4

More thoughts: did anyone think Eve was a little let down by--but also found hysterical--Villanelle's answer about what she wants? Eve has so built Villanelle up in her head as this fascinating foreign romantic/exotic/erotic person (and is so clearly bored with her own "normal life") that to hear that V wants, on many levels, normality must have just broken her.

I wonder if this show's endgame is Eve killing and/or becoming even more violent than Villanelle. (Ie, I wonder if the title is metaphorical, and we're seeing the deterioration of Eve as a person, or if we might as well rewrite it as "Killer Eve.") She's clearly got some fundamental screws loose as well, perhaps even more than Villanelle deep down.

Oh, and Eve leaving the note for Villanelle in the coat Anna had? I laughed out loud. Villanelle got OWNED. Eve was such a boss in that moment.

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I only discovered this show on Saturday, so it was very thoughtful of them to pull up to my curb with the finale just as I was ready for it. I hopped in, and wow, what a ride the whole season has been. It's inevitable that Eve and Oksana team up on something next season, yes? That'll be great. I do miss Bill, though, and I hope Konstantin's not also dead. I know who I think they'll kill off next season, but I won't speculate here.

Sandra Oh is wonderful, but my god, Jodie comer is amazing!

  • Love 11

Villanelle really relies on people not being able to shoot or otherwise harm her. It definitely caught her off-guard when Eve shoved the knife into her gut. And Eve learned that maybe fantasy doesn’t quite live up to reality when it comes to killing somebody, but she had an entirely normal human reaction.

But that’s a trope that drives me nuts. Multiple people have a villain dead to rights on separate occasions, but always hesitate and let the villain get the drop on them.

I wish Elena was given more to do. I hope she has a bigger role next season.

The actress who plays Irina looks like a younger Emma Kenney (Debbie in Shameless US version).

  • Love 6

This show is weird, and not in a good way. 

They keep pushing this lesbian attraction thing, but there is absolutely no chemistry between Eve and the hit woman, so the whole plot felt totally fake.

Is Eve the most incompetent agent or what? If you started stabbing a killer, you better not change your freaking mind in the middle of it!


I hope the show does not get renewed. It is just not very good.

Edited by showme
  • Love 13

The show was renewed for a second season before the first one had even begun airing! Even if it hadn't been, the near-universal critical praise and the ratings that rose every week would have guaranteed us more episodes.

I liked the finale a lot. I wasn't expecting any of it -- Konstantin's annoying yet amusing daughter (normally I roll my eyes at precocious child characters, but that kid was perfect), Anna offing herself, Eve turning the tables on Villanelle by invading her home, and that ending... I wanted them to kiss but also thought it was perfect that Eve stabbed Villanelle, and I get the feeling that I'm not alone in that. I think the writers and the actors have done a great job of selling Eve and Villanelle's mutual obsession, and I can't even begin to imagine what they have planned for season two.

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If Eve wanted to kill her, shoot her from a distance, over and over.

Weird that she chose to stab her, which you'd think would be much harder.

Eve has to know trying to reach her by talking is useless with a psychopath.  So it's weird that she kept trying to go see her without a SWAT team.

Now she's just put a big target on her back and Niko's back.

  • Love 4
13 minutes ago, scrb said:

If Eve wanted to kill her, shoot her from a distance, over and over.

Weird that she chose to stab her, which you'd think would be much harder.

Eve has to know trying to reach her by talking is useless with a psychopath.  So it's weird that she kept trying to go see her without a SWAT team.

I actually love that Eve stabbed Villanelle because it’s a very *Villanelle* way of injuring someone. Obviously Villanelle can use a gun, but her clear preference is to get close and use a blade. And Villanelle’s artistry in using a blade was one of the first things that impressed Eve. So that Eve stabbed her just emphasizes the ways in which they’re similar (which the show has increasingly gone out of its way to stress—for me the blinking neon sign this episode was Eve flicking the glove compartment handle just like V did a few episodes ago). Also, it’s nice symmetry both for Bill and when V held a knife to Eve’s throat when she came over for dinner. And it harkens back to V’s first kill in the pilot—Eve said she was able to get close to the dead guy because he thought she was female and therefore not a threat. Villanelle too thought Eve wasn’t a threat here, and then....

I don’t know that reaching Villanelle is what Eve wants (or all that she wants). I honestly don’t think Eve has a clue what she wants when it comes to Villanelle, tbh. My personal take is that she wants SO many things that she can’t process them all. She should really change her address to the Nile, ‘cause that’s where she’s been living most of this season. 

Separately, I thought it was interesting that Villanelle had basically the same interaction this episode with Eve that she had with Konstantin last episode: she got her ass kicked because they were saying what she wanted to hear about their feelings for her and she fell for it enough to let her guard down. The real kicker is that I don’t think either was lying—I do think Konstantin cares for Villanelle a great deal despite himself, and to say that Eve is obsessed with Villanelle is like saying the sun is kind of hot. Yet both K and Eve were able to weaponize their emotions and Villanelle fell for it both times.

  • Love 19

They keep pushing this gross lesbian attraction thing, but there is absolutely no chemistry between Eve and the hit woman, so the whole plot felt totally fake.

Nah, as a lesbian, I love that "gross" lesbian attraction thing! 

Stabbing someone and then freaking out over it? SMH Eve, that's not how you do foreplay with someone even when that someone is a crazy assassin! 

Eve is such a mess, I kind of love that she's not, like, this pat likable standard heroine. 

ETA: My question is, do you think that Eve planned stabbing V all along, or was it a last-minute decision that she was waffling over right until she did it? At first I thought it was the latter, because it's no secret that Eve is kind of a mess when it comes to having conflicting feelings about V. But yeah, she refused to shoot V and yet a knife is much more personal/intimate than a gun. So, like, maybe Eve viscerally wanted to hurt V in a more personal manner bc she was raw over all the shit that V had put her through?

ETA 2: Okay, per the cast, sounds like Eve was playing V the whole time.

Edited by galax-arena
  • Love 24

I’m out too.   I thought the finale was terrible, I was bored throughout.   V has a gun to a child’s head, and Eve drops her gun, and then lets her get away - for the second time?  (I’m losing count).  Then in the hotel, she drops the gun again, only to stab her, and somehow in the process, she lets her escape again.  One would hope to never have to depend on Eve in a crisis situation.  


I get that there is some  kind of  connection between them, but I don’t care anymore.  

  • Love 12

Eh not bad not great. I think they're working too hard trying to shock or surprise you.

I will say unlike other shows and movies Eve the analyst doesn't have ninja skills and it shows. I don't know about openly messing with ex KGB in their own country. There was some stupid things people do in a horror movie here.

Konstantin's daughter stole the show. When she found out Anne and Eve had an affair 'Oh God', lol.  I knew the Mandarin would get Eve. They mentioned she focused on French.

Konstantin isn't dead. Carolyn tried to avoid the subject. For once they get a puncture wound correct-never pull out the object in which Vill begged Eve not to do.

They can go alot of places with this including actually killing Eve. She becomes the target because she winds up taking revenge on all those she thinks wronged her and the 12 are hired to get her.

Edited by misstwpherecool
  • Love 6
12 hours ago, stealinghome said:

How much do you want to bet that Konstantin lived and Carolyn just lied to Eve and Kenny about it?

This was a fun episode, but it also felt very weird. Not quite like a season ender. A lot happened but also not much happened, you know what I mean?

That'd be a sucker's bet. I'm sure he's alive.

I thought there was another episode - so it wasn't until I got here that I realized it was the season ender. :(

12 hours ago, Valny said:

Was that BS or do you think Eve really meant all those things she said to V about thinking about her all the time? I think at least partially true.

I absolutely do. She's always been pretty enamored of her in an "I just find serial killers so interesting" kind of way (well, that's what she used to justify her interest in Villanelle)

11 hours ago, stealinghome said:

I wonder if this show's endgame is Eve killing and/or becoming even more violent than Villanelle. (Ie, I wonder if the title is metaphorical, and we're seeing the deterioration of Eve as a person, or if we might as well rewrite it as "Killer Eve.") She's clearly got some fundamental screws loose as well, perhaps even more than Villanelle deep down.

I like the idea that Killing Eve is metaphorical.

8 hours ago, showme said:

This show is weird, and not in a good way. 

They keep pushing this gross lesbian attraction thing, but there is absolutely no chemistry between Eve and the hit woman, so the whole plot felt totally fake.

Is Eve the most incompetent agent or what? If you started stabbing a killer, you better not change your freaking mind in the middle of it!

I hope the show does not get renewed. It is just not very good.

Could not disagree more. But different strokes, as the saying goes.

7 hours ago, stealinghome said:

Separately, I thought it was interesting that Villanelle had basically the same interaction this episode with Eve that she had with Konstantin last episode: she got her ass kicked because they were saying what she wanted to hear about their feelings for her and she fell for it enough to let her guard down. The real kicker is that I don’t think either was lying—I do think Konstantin cares for Villanelle a great deal despite himself, and to say that Eve is obsessed with Villanelle is like saying the sun is kind of hot. Yet both K and Eve were able to weaponize their emotions and Villanelle fell for it both times.

She loves to be loved.

7 hours ago, galax-arena said:

Nah, as a lesbian, I love that "gross" lesbian attraction thing! 

Stabbing someone and then freaking out over it? SMH Eve, that's not how you do foreplay with someone even when that someone is a crazy assassin! 

Eve is such a mess, I kind of love that she's not, like, this pat likable standard heroine.

At that moment I thought, "Oh, this is why she's so neutral about her marriage."

She is indeed a mess. And I was bothered by it until I read your post and realized that it is what makes her unique, and in an odd sort of way, likeable.

I don't know about anyone else, but I laughed a lot, and hard, during this episode - which kind of disturbed me. I loved Konstantin's daughter, and am not generally a fan of children in shows. Especially mini-adults. But she was great. I also loved the moment when Konstantin was talking about her, about how annoying she was, and seeing the tears in his eyes regarding his fear for his child.

There were scenes I didn't laugh at, of course, but for the most part it was a lot of fun. And then with the spying neighbor who works for...who knows?...but then was fine with giving out her information without any true confirmation that Eve was part of the group.

  • Love 13
9 hours ago, stealinghome said:

Separately, I thought it was interesting that Villanelle had basically the same interaction this episode with Eve that she had with Konstantin last episode: she got her ass kicked because they were saying what she wanted to hear about their feelings for her and she fell for it enough to let her guard down. The real kicker is that I don’t think either was lying—I do think Konstantin cares for Villanelle a great deal despite himself, and to say that Eve is obsessed with Villanelle is like saying the sun is kind of hot. Yet both K and Eve were able to weaponize their emotions and Villanelle fell for it both times.

This is great. I think Villanelle fell for it both times was because she has a genuine connection with both Konstantin and Eve that she never has with her victims. We've seen that Eve craves love and acceptance, and K and Eve give that to her in different ways. Villanelle knows them in a way she doesn't her victims, so she can't stay quite disconnected enough from them.

  • Love 6

I cant believe this was the season finale, I need more of it in my life! Thank God we already have season two lined up. 

So Villanelle and Eve have a show down, and we discover they have more in common then they think. Villanelle wants a nice normal life (or so she says) and Eve has a dark side that she is just now getting in touch with. I like the idea that Killing Eve is metaphorical, and that she will lose her old life in the search for Villanelle, and she goes darker and darker. We know she had a dark side already, with her obsession with female killers, and being drawn more into Villanells life is bringing that out more. 

Loved Konstantin's daughter, and her odd couple dynamic with Villanelle. I would have watched a whole episode of just the two of them wandering around Russia eating junk food, committing petty crimes, and bantering. Jodie Comer is amazing, and I loved the kid playing the daughter as well. She was precocious, but also believable as a kid. She was super believable as Konstantins daughter. 

Carolyn carrying cheesy puffs with her whenever she flies makes me unreasonably happy. 

I wonder if the show will end up going full circle, with Villanelle getting killed by Eve, and Eve becomes the new Villanelle, and we end the show with Eve getting a murder postcard in Villanelles old apartment? Of course, if she does that, she should really learn how to kill people, because she sucks at it. Or at least how to shoot a gun properly. 

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