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S04.E01: While the Kat's Away…

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15 hours ago, Neurochick said:

They totally deserve each other.  And what's with all these age rules?  Why are people so hung up on age these days?

People have ALWAYS been hung up on age.  Unfortunately, women sometimes don't fare well.  Asshole rich men like Horseteeth & Thom-ass, expect to date women decades younger, and express no interest in women their age.  Snowflake looked kinda pathetic dating that younger guy with the big sweat stains all over him.  Ugh, Snowflake -- really?  OK, it was obviously hot.  But Craigie-poo didn't have any sweat stains on him like Snowflake's loser did.  Wonder if Mr. Sweat Stains was a pretend boyfriend.

Hey, Horseteeth, I still hate your fucking jackass guts.  Who are you to have that nasty talk with Naomi?  And then to order her to stay with Craig, while you just said to her that he's a worthless loser?  You really are a total jerk & a jackass, Horseteeth.  That wasn't even passive aggressive.  It was an aggressively nasty & shitty thing to do.  Don't underestimate Naomi.  Her eyes seem wide open on who Craig is.  If she's with him, she chooses to be with him.  Fuck off, Horseteeth & don't get involved in other people's relationships.

Uh, why did we see Austen's ass?  It was OK, but the rest of him looks mighty average to me.  So far he made no impression.  The scene with the chick leaving his place?  So what?  This show has such a double standard for men & women.  Men can be man-whores, but if any women are?  Heaven forbid, Pat clucks her tongue.  And speaking of Katherine, the drama set up around her seems kinda silly.

More gender double standards . . . from what I could see, the women at the party were mostly in revealing outfits/swimsuits & were thin & in great shape.  Um, and the men?  Most were covered up or in really terrible shape.  Producers, I really don't need to see Thom-ass without a shirt, thanks.

What's going on with Count Chocula?  He's not still gonna be parading around the fake girlfriend to us, is he?  Oh please.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
  • Love 18
4 hours ago, Missmissie173 said:

My burning question also...where is the money coming from??? Landon just bugs me.

The show. 


I'm not a Shep fan girl,  but this Austin person doesn't have Shep's  charm that I think people loved when this show first started. So I'm meh about Austin. 

The new girl (I can't remember her name) I have no real opinion, except that she and Thomas were disgusting in the horse barn. They were laughing and mixing up the horse's name and the Hispanic man's name. Gross. 

Naomi must love craig. I kind of liked craig doing all that carpentry.  I'm sure it filled a void for him. He was getting it done. That must feel good  when you live like some of these people do. 

I hope Landon runs at the end of the season, Thomas and his flower would scare the hell out of me. 

An old playboy with  full custody of 2 children ( with very old fashion views on women and men) , a baby mama who hates her... Run girl run. 

Edited by imjagain
  • Love 8

I'm so happy Southern Charm is back! "Thom-asssss!" "Oh GORSH, Craig!" (TM Watch What Crappens guys).

Austen seems like he will be a nice means to putting Shep in his place while being more confrontational about Shep's classism and snobbery that Craig is too weak to fully call him on (well and also because Craig IS a poseur).

What's so wrong with being a beer rep? I don't get his parents' disapproval, unless he's not making much money and they are subsidizing his rent. My understanding of those jobs is that you can make a decent living but actually have to hustle quite a bit to make your commissions, be very knowledgable about the beverages, and target lots of merchants and bars to shmooze prospective buyers while keeping them all happy and orders organized. It's not a desk job, but you're not off getting soused every day. It wouldn't be for me, but it strikes me as a perfectly valid way for someone outgoing and personable to earn a paycheck. He seems to be doing okay for himself. 

One episode in, but already far too much Landon. Go away, Landon! 

  • Love 6

The new girl (I can't remember her name) I have no real opinion, except that she and Thomas were disgusting in the horse barn. They were laughing and mixing up the horse's name and the Hispanic man's name. Gross. 

Yes that was offensive, although I think she was the one that corrected TRav, who couldn't have cared less. So I was glad she called him on that, although obviously someone that young is hanging out with TRav for filming purposes only. Don't try and fool us show producers. 


Naomi must love craig. I kind of liked craig doing all that carpentry.  I'm sure it filled a void for him. He was getting it done. That must feel good  when you live like some of these people do. 

Let's hope he turns off the buzz saw when he's drinking. I did like that Cameran and Shep called him out on his fake application to the bar last season. I don't like Craig because he's shiftless and he lies. Shep at least has a code that he tries to live by, even though I don't like the man slut side of him. 



The scene with the chick leaving his place?  So what?  This show has such a double standard for men & women.  Men can be man-whores, but if any women are?  

So true and so transparent.  And when I saw that pic of him and his girlfriend that, god forbid, wanted to get married, I thought she was lucky and dodged a bullet. Oh, and when he said he had a job, I momentarily pictured him doing something professional, (not that being a sales rep isn't professional) but then, in the end, his job seemed to be a thinly disguised excuse to drink during the day. 

  • Love 5
9 hours ago, bravofan27 said:

When he and Kathryn were living together, I remember he was never home, and he would stay at hotels or try to piss Kathryn off so she would leave

He was traveling across the state campaigning for office during that time. Kathryn is a petulant child herself.

I often wonder if production helps Thomas get stinking drunk so they'll get good footage. 

  • Love 4

I can't believe the girl leaving Austen's apartment (and then was at the pool party hugging Thomas) signed off on the release to show her face on the show.  Double standard or not, I would not want my post partying self on tv.

Not sure how I feel about Austen - he's probably a douche but I like the preview of him challenging Shep. I like Shep but I do think he is more elitist than he realizes.  I also do not want to hear anymore of Shep criticizing Craig.  Bitching to Cameran was one thing but pulling Naomie aside was too much and almost seems out of character for him. I'm glad Naomie was not having it.

Good for Craig for finding non-drinking hobbies.  If he passes the bar and actually becomes a lawyer, he will have redeemed himself. 

Landon- boooo! I do not care about her.  I can't stand her voice. Even though I don't like her, I do hope she is smart enough to RUN from Thomas!

Thomas - ugh, his behavior at the pool party was so off putting.  The kids living at the guest house is super weird.  I mean, on one hand, I understand him not wanting his gorgeous house getting ruined but also wtf, don't farm your kids out.

I also thought it was telling that Thomas was actually concerned that he could mess up and the kids would be taken away.  Like, why is he worried that will happen?  Maybe stop doing stupid shit and you won't have to worry about that.

I hope Kathryn figures things out.  I mean, she can be awful but it is really sad for a mom not to see her kids. THe preview of her crying while Thomas takes the kids away is just horrible. I hope we don't have to see too much of that :/

  • Love 13
5 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

Uh, why did we Austen's ass?

Really! That was weird. He barley got introduced as the season newbie and we have to see his naked ass getting in to the shower?

Looks like Landon is going to have a huge part in the show this season. She had the most TH's and was in a lot of the scenes. Don't know if I'm going to be able to stomach that. So she went away for the summer and has a young fake boyfriend. She's still boring as hell. Oh, and Landon, honey, I  really don't think anybody was "whispering" about you and TRav at the party. Get over yourself. 

  • Love 19
2 minutes ago, LucyHoneychrrch said:

Also, I could not possibly be less invested in Landon's search to find her bliss. Her much-hyped website is defunct and the URL is up for sale; maybe she's "working" on that weird thing where she puts a bunch of junk in a house and tries to sell it?

I just think Landon is lazy at heart---I'd honestly like to see more evidence of her "working her ass off" to supposedly rebuild her life, because I'm just not seeing it. Unless gussying up for pool parties, paddle boarding scenes and meetings with T-Rav to film is her idea of "working her ass off", which it very well likely is in her feeble mind.

With her connections and smalltime reality fame she could have had a fabulous blog-style website up by now featuring travel tips/pics, fashion, art and lifestyle, as well as tips on where to eat/shop. She could even profile the art/interior design scene in Charleston and otherwise since she has a background and interest in those areas. She'd have no trouble getting sponsorships and clicks to make extra money on any fashion posts she put up. Plus, blogging is so easy! Put up a few pics and random writings/links daily, and she'd get a built in audience already.

I just don't understand her resistance to attempt some sort of professional direction for herself as opposed to simply collecting paychecks from this show for glorified hobbies, and ditto Craig. People keep claiming Shep is so lazy, but the guy at least has two bars he runs and invests in, so at least he has some sort of focus other than just this show and his regular hobbies.

  • Love 5
21 minutes ago, iloveit said:

I can't believe the girl leaving Austen's apartment (and then was at the pool party hugging Thomas) signed off on the release to show her face on the show.  

My suspicion is that she wanted to get on camera as much as possible, perhaps to make it in the regular, or at least recurring, cast as Kathryn did the first season.  Since she signed the release and the shooting schedule is set up in advance (i.e., not ambush shooting & all concerned knew the cameras were coming to Austen's house that morning), this gal just came off as camera time hungry.

I'm sure that being a beer brand rep can bring in a pretty good living and liquor sales aren't inherently suspect.  Danni is in that field and seems to have a pretty good head on her shoulders, for example.  However, I'm not sure about Austen; he may turn out to be okay but he just gives me the vibe that he's often "getting high on his own supply."

Didn't Thomas buy that house after he had the first kid?  He certainly remodeled it when the second was on the way.  Despite the fact that he designated a bedroom for his daughter (and forever ruining the word periwinkle for me), that he's relegated the kids to the guest house tells me he never intended those kids to actually live with him.

So is Cooper completely off this show?  Did Patricia force him out for his bitchy comments about her last season?

  • Love 7
15 minutes ago, Lizzing said:

So is Cooper completely off this show?  Did Patricia force him out for his bitchy comments about her last season?

Yes, sadly, he's off the show. I miss him.

Thomas hates being on this show so I'm not sure why he is. Unless they offered him a shitload of money. Not that he needs it, his construction business is booming down there. 

I did get a chance to meet him, sort of, at a wedding I attended. He is nothing like the T-Rav we see on the show. Doesn't get drunk and touchy-feely or anything. He was quite the southern gentleman, actually. I think he's doing himself and his children no favors being on this mess. But it's a hot mess and I love watching.

  • Love 16
9 hours ago, acid burn said:

OMG these people. T-Rav and Whitney are the worst in my book with Landon not far behind.

I do find Shep occasionally funny. He and I actually have a mutual friend and every time my hubby and I are in Charleston, said friend texts us to come hang out (he's a big partier type and Shep is usually with him). We haven't taken him up on it thus far because we are old and decided Drunk on Bravo is not a great look, but I have to admit I've been tempted. 

I'll slink away in shame now. 

OMG, do it!!  Just don't sign the release, lol!  I would love to meet Shep.  I know the bloom is off the rose with him for many of y'all, but I still adore him.  Of course, I also started off many moons ago liking TRav so what do I know.  At least I'm over that one.

Higgins, I thought the same of Saint.  I assume if there were something wrong we would have heard about it but still, I wondered.

Edited by TexasGal
  • Love 6

Yeehaw they're back, ya'll!  I'm whistling Dixie up here north of the Mason Dixon line in the Keystone State (ok not really because that song has some racist ties...).  But you get the idea.   

T-rav is skeezy as ever macking on girls half his age.  I mean, that Limehouse girl is his friend's daughter.  YUCK. New Guy Austen seems like a typical DoucheBro --- they are a dime a dozen in the DC area where I lived for many years (and many other metropolitan areas I am sure) who lacks Shep's charm and Craig's good looks.  But time will tell.  I actually hated Craig in season 1 but have grown rather fond of him for some reason.


15 hours ago, nexxie said:

Does Thomas have a redeeming feature apart from the inherited money and name?

I like his thick southern accent (ducks and hides).  And his real estate.  But yeah, that's about the long and short of it.

14 hours ago, Bronzedog said:

I feel bad for Thomas' and Kathryn's kids.  Eventually the nanny will want her own life and move on.  Then, the kids will have a new nanny (or a series of them) and will seemingly never have real parents.  Sad.  They're not even allowed to grow up in the real house, for Christ sakes.

 TheFinalRose beat me to it!

I feel bad for them too.  I think they would be better off being raised by Kathryn's parents than Kath herself or T-rav and his hired help.

14 hours ago, Pickles said:

I thought Landon was hard up for money. How did she spend the whole summer traveling?

See: Zoeysmom's answer to how Craig gets by:


I am thinking Craig and Naomi's earnings from the show pay the bills.  Same as Kathryn's

Also, I got the impression that her dad not wanting to give her handouts was more a storyline for the show than reality.  I'm sure her dad supplements her income.

Edited by Duke2801
clarifying my current state of residence
  • Love 4
34 minutes ago, Major Bigtime said:

Not until he's older, I imagine. A Ravenel can't not be perfect.

Thomas' brother has Down's Syndrome so I think he is well acquainted with people who aren't viewed as perfect.


39 minutes ago, MerryMary said:

I hate all of these people.  I will never stop watching this show.  Wouldn't have a problem with the kids living in the guest house if T-Rav lived there with them.  I imagine these kids will be teenagers next season just like on Young & the Restless.


From the tour of T-Rav's house I remember there being a pretty scary staircase.  I don't remember a lot about the main floor but it didn't seem kid friendly.  Although it sounds odd how cool is it there is an entire separate building that is kid friendly?  Like a giant tree house just for kids with Mary Poppins making spaghetti.  Thomas obviously has earn a living so to me the best for the kids is they be in a home with a parent and have qualified care givers.  Hopefully, the nannies will go back and forth with the children when Kathryn gets her life in order. 

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, Lizzing said:

My suspicion is that she wanted to get on camera as much as possible, perhaps to make it in the regular, or at least recurring, cast as Kathryn did the first season.  Since she signed the release and the shooting schedule is set up in advance (i.e., not ambush shooting & all concerned knew the cameras were coming to Austen's house that morning), this gal just came off as camera time hungry.

That part has to be staged as hell - I'm not that older than Austen, so I am still familiar with his type and have had some share in the past, but really though, who talks like that - "so your walk of shame isn't too far, huh?!" I guess they don't sugarcoat it in the South?! And seriously, no self-respecting woman would accept being talked to by a man like that. Unless she really wants reality tv fame. And if she's the really the same girl with TRav in the party, I guess it's slim pickings over there.

And I agree to whoever said above that Austen's ex dodged a bullet there. Not liking this new dude so far. If we're keeping score, Shep has the wide vocabulary and money, Austen has a job. 

  • LOL 1
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14 minutes ago, itainttippithebird said:

Re: Saint - there are a lot of whispers that he has Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, but nothing is public/confirmed that I know of. These poor kids - their lives really bum me out, as much as I love watching their parents' antics.

That is so tragic. I hope that the rumor is wrong.  If it is true, both Kathryn & Thomas should be strung up and those poor little guys taken away.  I just assumed he was a preemie...um, um, um. 

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, Lizzing said:

I'm sure that being a beer brand rep can bring in a pretty good living and liquor sales aren't inherently suspect.  Danni is in that field and seems to have a pretty good head on her shoulders, for example.  However, I'm not sure about Austen; he may turn out to be okay but he just gives me the vibe that he's often "getting high on his own supply."

So is Cooper completely off this show?  Did Patricia force him out for his bitchy comments about her last season?

I have a friend who's a wine rep, and it's very much a hustle type of heavy sales gig---you're literally having to sell, market and then shlep your products around to various bars/restaurants/shops in the area to make commissions. The commissions are good, but like most sales gigs, it's feast or famine moneywise and requires a ton of local travel and meetings, not to mention hosting tastings and promotions where your products are sold. Most of these jobs require degrees pertaining to marketing and/or a heavy knowledge/certification in wine and/or beer and spirits, so I imagine Danni does the same type of work. I'm sure Austen's parents would just like to see him in a more solid field with a regular and predictable paycheck, and depending upon which beer rep company he works with he may or may not have benefits, so I can understand their initial concern. But if he keeps working hard and accumulating good clients and relationships, he should do just fine. Nice work if you're a hustler at heart who doesn't mind working odd hours, which Austen apparently doesn't.

As for Cooper, he announced a few months ago on his Instagram that he was "retiring" from the show. Either he wasn't asked back or he doesn't want to be back, I honestly dunno. But despite his loyalty to Kathryn on the show and Patricia being over him, I really liked the guy too. Although maybe I'm partial since he's the one person on this cast I've met.

  • Love 7
3 hours ago, Zizzlezazzle said:

I'm so happy Southern Charm is back! "Thom-asssss!" "Oh GORSH, Craig!" (TM Watch What Crappens guys).

Austen seems like he will be a nice means to putting Shep in his place while being more confrontational about Shep's classism and snobbery that Craig is too weak to fully call him on (well and also because Craig IS a poseur).

What's so wrong with being a beer rep? I don't get his parents' disapproval, unless he's not making much money and they are subsidizing his rent. My understanding of those jobs is that you can make a decent living but actually have to hustle quite a bit to make your commissions, be very knowledgable about the beverages, and target lots of merchants and bars to shmooze prospective buyers while keeping them all happy and orders organized. It's not a desk job, but you're not off getting soused every day. It wouldn't be for me, but it strikes me as a perfectly valid way for someone outgoing and personable to earn a paycheck. He seems to be doing okay for himself. 

One episode in, but already far too much Landon. Go away, Landon! 

Zero wrong with being a rep! Especially one who's been entrusted with getting (what I assume to be) a new brand launched into an undoubtedly saturated marketplace. It's one of those jobs that looks kind of fun but is actually a lot of work. It's one thing to yak about beer and another to actually sell it to enough people and create market demand.

However--and I say this without knowing/remembering where he got his degree--I can *kind of* understand where his parents are coming from. If they worked hard to improve their own lot and if they bankrolled an expensive education, they may *expect* more out of a 29-year-old son than what *appears* to be an "easy" and "fun" job that "anyone" could do. I'm making a ton of assumptions here myself--and again, I don't think being a rep is a BAD job--but it may just not align with their own definition of "success," and thus the disappointment for a capable, well off, and probably intelligent guy.

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, LucyHoneychrrch said:

WHY is Thomas acting like a widower??? Kathryn isn't dead, you ingrate; she's just had to medicate to deal with your aging, misogynistic dudebro-ing.

Thomas is just as much of an addict as Kathryn is, only he has the money and power to get the upper hand over Kathryn.  I don't believe for a minute that he would pass a legitimate drug test.  Money and social standing enables one to get away with a lot of sins. 

Kathryn has her emotional issues and is responsible for self medicating with drugs and alcohol, however, Thomas exploits her issues in order to control her.  He is the epitome of an emotional abuser.  Emotional abusers seem to have an instinct that enables them to pick out the most vulnerable people and they use their vulnerability to maintain control over them.  He plays mind games with her in order to keep her spinning.  The last thing Thomas wants is for her is to get herself together because he would lose the upper hand.  He clearly does not want his children or he would let them, you know, LIVE IN HIS HOUSE.  

  • Love 12

I'm so happy this show is back!!  I've missed all these people (well, except Whitney - he can stay in Tulum, smoking weed, for all I care!).

I was thinking about the situation with Thomas' children living with the nanny in the guest house.  My first thoughts were that maybe it is court mandated that the children cannot be around alcohol, or that other certain behaviors of Thomas' are not allowed with the children in the residence?  Maybe he's not allowed to entertain with the children there, or he isn't allowed to have overnight "guests"?  If so, by the kids living on the same property in the guest house with the nanny, he can still maintain custody and his lifestyle.

Just a mind-wander about all of that.....

Oh - and I'm not sure how I feel about Austen.  He does look similar to Shep, but there is something off about him.  I think that Shep has a naturally easy-going, friendly personality (at least most of the time, or with anyone but Craig), where Austen seems to be a little awkward with trying to achieve that.  It could just be camera-jitters, but I'm withholding judgement until I see more of him.

  • Love 6
5 hours ago, imjagain said:

They were laughing and mixing up the horse's name and the Hispanic man's name. Gross. 

Thomas did that she corrected him and didn't laugh.


3 hours ago, LucyHoneychrrch said:

Also, I could not possibly be less invested in Landon's search to find her bliss. Her much-hyped website is defunct and the URL is up for sale; maybe she's "working" on that weird thing where she puts a bunch of junk in a house and tries to sell it?

She changed the name if the website from Roam to something stupid which I forget so it still exists, someone linked the new site somewhere here.

  • Love 5

While Kathryn is surely kray kray, Landon's rant about how Kathryn only went to rehab to go to Malibu and get a rich husband was so distasteful. Even Patricia and Whitney who were nasty to her had the decency to say that they hope she gets better. And why would she rant about her to Craig and Naomie who are supportive of her?

Cousin Shelby looks like a hot mess, thirsty to be on reality tv to rat out her cousin.

  • Love 20
24 minutes ago, movingtargetgal said:

He clearly does not want his children or he would let them, you know, LIVE IN HIS HOUSE.  

You know, I think they are better off with the squad of Nannies in the guest house.  Thomas likes to think of himself as the resident bon vivant/gentleman about town of Charleston.  Having a toddler and a baby in the house doesn't exactly spell "Fun Time Charlie" to his target audience of 20 somethings with party addictions.  I can see it now. The Viagra kicks in and a baby is standing in the bedroom door crying with droopy Pampers.  Ooh, how sexy.

Nope.  No Big House for Kenzie and Saint.

That new AustinAustyn (sp?)  guy has all kinds of DipShit potential.  "Walk of Shame." Really? Not can I drive you home, get you a cab, give you a side hug, cheese straw for the road...but nuthin'?  Why didn't he just pick her up by the scruff of the neck, throw her out the backdoor and use a bleach wipe on his hands? He's from Charleston???

  • Love 10
14 hours ago, biakbiak said:

On their IG Naomi and others posted that he took it.

Maybe I'm forgetting things, but I thought we found out Craig hadn't actually finished law school and graduated, so how could he take the bar? 

I don't really care that much, but since he lied about it throughout the first 3 seasons, I'm not believing him now. 

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, Duke2801 said:

Yeehaw they're back, ya'll!  I'm whistling Dixie up here north of the Mason Dixon line (ok not really because that song has some racist ties...).  But you get the idea.   

T-rav is skeezy as ever macking on girls half his age.  I mean, that Limehouse girl is his friend's daughter.  YUCK. New Guy Austen seems like a typical DoucheBro --- they are a dime a dozen in the DC area (and many other metropolitan areas I am sure) who lacks Shep's charm and Craig's good looks.  But time will tell.  I actually hated Craig in season 1 but have grown rather fond of him for some reason.

I'm sorry to have to break this to you but if, as your second paragraph seems to indicate, you're in the DC area, you are actually south of the Mason-Dixon Line. Maryland is the first state south of the MDL.  Border is between PA/MD and DE/MD.  (From a transplanted northerner who's made WAY too many trips up and down I-95!  I was shocked the first time I saw the MDL sign crossing from DE into MD.  I always thought VA was the first state below the line.)

  • Love 2
2 minutes ago, izabella said:

Maybe I'm forgetting things, but I thought we found out Craig hadn't actually finished law school and graduated, so how could he take the bar? 

I don't really care that much, but since he lied about it throughout the first 3 seasons, I'm not believing him now. 

He said last night when he was talking to Cam that he had turned in his thesis and finished the other requirements to graduate and was just waiting for the school to sign off.

  • Love 3
Just now, ProudMary said:

I'm sorry to have to break this to you but if, as your second paragraph seems to indicate, you're in the DC area, you are actually south of the Mason-Dixon Line. Maryland is the first state south of the MDL.  Border is between PA/MD and DE/MD.  (From a transplanted northerner who's made WAY too many trips up and down I-95!  I was shocked the first time I saw the MDL sign crossing from DE into MD.  I always thought VA was the first state below the line.)

I'm in Pennsylvania.  But I lived in the DC metro area for 15 years. 

  • Love 1
18 minutes ago, Missmissie173 said:

You know, I think they are better off with the squad of Nannies in the guest house.  Thomas likes to think of himself as the resident bon vivant/gentleman about town of Charleston.  Having a toddler and a baby in the house doesn't exactly spell "Fun Time Charlie" to his target audience of 20 somethings with party addictions.  I can see it now. The Viagra kicks in and a baby is standing in the bedroom door crying with droopy Pampers.  Ooh, how sexy.

Nope.  No Big House for Kenzie and Saint.

That new AustinAustyn (sp?)  guy has all kinds of DipShit potential.  "Walk of Shame." Really? Not can I drive you home, get you a cab, give you a side hug, cheese straw for the road...but nuthin'?  Why didn't he just pick her up by the scruff of the neck, throw her out the backdoor and use a bleach wipe on his hands? He's from Charleston???

No, Austen said he's from Maryland originally. I forget when he first moved to Charleston.

ETA: Charleston is a college town, so while there is the high-society, old-money crowd, there's also the boozy frat crowd. Add in the sketchy production element, and I'm not surprised at all with Austen's treatment of his overnight guest.

Edited by Vandy10
57 minutes ago, b2H said:

Landon's opinion was spoken as someone who clearly has no idea what rehab is or does.  She's a moron on that topic.  Maybe on others, too, but definitely on this one.

Landon who, when Craig and Naomie showed up preparty made a comment on how she loves a good day drinking party (or reason to day drink). Can't remember verbatim-sorry. 

23 minutes ago, Missmissie173 said:

You know, I think they are better off with the squad of Nannies in the guest house.  Thomas likes to think of himself as the resident bon vivant/gentleman about town of Charleston.  Having a toddler and a baby in the house doesn't exactly spell "Fun Time Charlie" to his target audience of 20 somethings with party addictions.  I can see it now. The Viagra kicks in and a baby is standing in the bedroom door crying with droopy Pampers.  Ooh, how sexy.

Nope.  No Big House for Kenzie and Saint.

That new AustinAustyn (sp?)  guy has all kinds of DipShit potential.  "Walk of Shame." Really? Not can I drive you home, get you a cab, give you a side hug, cheese straw for the road...but nuthin'?  Why didn't he just pick her up by the scruff of the neck, throw her out the backdoor and use a bleach wipe on his hands? He's from Charleston???

Cheese straw for the road....bwahaha. That's brilliant!! 

  • Love 1
14 hours ago, breezy424 said:

Crap.  Putting your children in your guest house with a nanny because you don't want your expensive rugs or furniture to be damaged?  WTF?  How about taking the responsibility of being a father seriously and moving your expensive furniture and rugs to the guest house and put the 'cheaper' stuff in the main house so your children can feel that they actually have a loving parent.  What a piece of crap.

That's pretty much all I got because I couldn't move on from that scene and Trav's comments.

Or what about just moving into the guest house with your children and using the main house for entertaining when you need/decide to? I'm looking forward to watching tomorrow night. (We have to get the final two Black Sails episodes watched tonight. Then we can watch this tomorrow. Then my wife goes out of town for the weekend.)

It might be bad parenting, but I thought it was hilarious that TRav decided he didn't need is messy AF kids destroying his house and just gave them one of their own.  As someone that likes having their own space, I'm not even sold on the bad parenting aspect.  I wish my parents had given me my own house.  Imagine how great it would be to be able to just be a kid and not get constantly nagged at for making a mess and having to worry about spilling shit.  I'm also assuming that their primary caregiver (the nanny) lives in the house with them.  Either way the Ravenel kids are going to be raised by nannies, might as well be in a place they can call their own and have fun and actually sit on the furniture and wear their shoes in the house.  At least they have a human nanny instead of a dog like in Peter Pan -- those were some shitty parents.  

As soon as I saw Saint I assumed he has FAS.  Poor kid.  I hope that if he does have it, it is not that severe.  The cards are already stacked against him given his parents and their problems, he doesn't need FAS too.  

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