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S13.E12: None of Your Business

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1 hour ago, Rammchick said:

Lastly, razor wire lady.  No sedation?  And having Owen get cut up had no purpose.  In fact, that whole storyline went nowhere.


Yes.  If there were several camera shots of a bloody Owen, plus a big point of him being all bandaged, he had better be suffering from a pretty brutal case of blood poisoning next week....

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10 hours ago, flickers said:

Kepner and Owen are certified as general surgeons as well as trauma,  IIRC.

Minnick...oy. The idea of this badass, controversial surgeon coming in to throw a wrench into everyone's lives would work so much better if the character at the center of it all wasn't such a gigantic void of suck on my screen.

Deluca needs to go around the hospital each week and sort out every characters' problems by serving up doses of his realness. Also, he is cute as a button.

What's up with Bailey? She is absolutely insufferable these days. I can't wait for Richard to find out it was his own wife who stabbed him in the back.

I actually enjoyed this episode, despite some bad acting, dopiness and general "Saved by the Bell"-level shenanigans. I like it a lot more than when the show tries to get Important. (I also tend to watch while baked- it makes a lot more sense that way.)

Thanks. okay this is true. but it really just seemed that Bailey did it like "Oh, okay - you don't like me, I'm gonna suspend you and give your job to someone else." it really does seem that again - while a new teaching method would be fine - this whole thing isn't being handled the right way. and where I think the attendings and everyone would be willing to talk about other ways to improve (and I do think they are sticking up for Richard which is admirable) - Bailey is just being a whole power trip. 

What is she going to do? suspend everyone? it's not going to address the underlying issue 

9 hours ago, WhosThatGirl said:

Okay. I take back what I said. There's one character I still like: DeLuca. 

Me too. So I'm just waiting tiredly for the show to ruin him too.

1 hour ago, proserpina65 said:

The issue here is that apparently a majority of residents and interns did want some kind of change in how they were trained - or at least we were told that back when this whole storyline started and Minnick first showed up.  It's the attendings who are plotting against Minnick.

Yeah, this is where the problem comes in, not necessarily in changing how training is done, but in how its being implemented.


Which is fine.  though I at times get irritated at the show so much i miss things - did the attendings flat out say they don't want to change anything - or just that they don't like how Minnick is doing things (and quite frankly I would be on team Attending here due to the whole nicking an artery thing) and how the end run was doing on Richard. Which is why again Bailey's refusal to communicate (which is why the attendings not showing up just made things worse) - about why (again it never has to be more of Catherine said so and now the residents agree). 

It could be a myriad of things

1: they like the method - they don't like the person instituting it.
2: they feel that a good chunk of residents were doing better under the old method. 
3: they feel hurt they weren't asked for their opinion (which i'd assume something like this would be asked generally)

Minnick is a bull in a china shop, Bailey isn't doing well here and neither are the attendings and i feel rather than "Coz I say so." (and other than "Coz we're not #1)... come to a situation that benefits the hospital/the residents and everyone else

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I feel like the only saving grace was that Arizona didn't seem turned on by Minnick's little speech, she seemed more confused by it. We all know Arizona likes a good speech (emphasis on the word good) and her facial reactions are usually pretty telling. Of course the show is going to push this "romance" on us but I am going to hold out hope that Arizona will want nothing to do with her.  Why won't this show die already???

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I really liked Maggie's mom! Obviously Maggie was an annoying mess, but I actually didn't find her as off-putting as she has been for a while, perhaps because I felt a bit bad for her.

Owen talking to the door gave me PTSD to the episode where him and Amelia helped that little girl over the phone *Shudder*. Can he and Amelia both be killed off ASAP, please? 

Jo + Alex moment was nice. 

Overall a much better episode than last week, but there's simultaneously too much going on and not enough interesting stuff going on. 

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I liked Jackson in this episode. I'd like to see a brother/sister relationship with Maggie since she seems to be stuck with Meredith and her crew. I'm curious as to how they will play him when it is discovered that his mom was behind the staff shakeup. Will he defend her or be against her?  I just hope he sticks up for April even if he disagrees with Meredith being replaced. 

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Which is fine.  though I at times get irritated at the show so much i miss things - did the attendings flat out say they don't want to change anything - or just that they don't like how Minnick is doing things (and quite frankly I would be on team Attending here due to the whole nicking an artery thing) and how the end run was doing on Richard. Which is why again Bailey's refusal to communicate (which is why the attendings not showing up just made things worse) - about why (again it never has to be more of Catherine said so and now the residents agree). 

It could be a myriad of things

1: they like the method - they don't like the person instituting it.
2: they feel that a good chunk of residents were doing better under the old method. 
3: they feel hurt they weren't asked for their opinion (which i'd assume something like this would be asked generally)

Minnick is a bull in a china shop, Bailey isn't doing well here and neither are the attendings and i feel rather than "Coz I say so." (and other than "Coz we're not #1)... come to a situation that benefits the hospital/the residents and everyone else

This could've been such an interesting storyline, but the way it's being written is not good.

1 hour ago, OtterMommy said:

Yes.  If there were several camera shots of a bloody Owen, plus a big point of him being all bandaged, he had better be suffering from a pretty brutal case of blood poisoning next week....

I watched it again and again and they really made a point of showing how the wires got into his skin and blood appeared. The bandaged arms as well.

I would think Owen is about to get on the blacklist of Greys characters. 

Edited by Nobodysfan
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15 hours ago, Amethyst said:

I was sure that Owen getting cut up by all that razor wire would lead to him contracting some blood-borne illness from that woman.  I was expecting more from that whole plot, actually.  Like the nice neighbor stopping by with more cupcakes while the razor wire lady recovered.  That plot just kind of fizzled out.


I would think this is where it is going.

40 minutes ago, Nobodysfan said:

Also on the sidenote, I really wonder what they eat in Grey´s household. If they don´t have random people like Maggie´s mum cooking a warm home-made meal, who cooks for the kids?

And then Maggie, Meredith and Alex were all in Meredith's bed eating out of the dish and it looked full still. So what did Zola, Bailey and Ellis have for dinner?

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And what authority does she have over the attendings? They are her peers at most, a few of them even board members so really they should've had approval before she even got hired (a plot hole that can't be filled or else this story is non-existent). 

This is maybe my biggest gripe about the whole situation because I can never figure out who is who's boss on this show. Bailey may be chief of staff (or, is it chief of surgery?) and she may be on the board of directors but Meredith owns the freaking hospital. She's part owner, anyway, and Bailey is not. I don't think Bailey has the authority to unilaterally decide another member of the board of directors who also is part owner of the hospital should be suspended. She doesn't have that power. It's dumb.

The whole Minnick thing is dumb. I'm just waiting for Richard to find out his wife set this whole thing in motion and never told him. I don't know how Catherine thought this was going to go down but this all could have been easily avoided. It's just stupid writing.

The lady wrapped in razor wire was gruesome but I can't figure out how she would have wound up completely encircled by and tangled in a bunch of razor wire if she just fell off a ladder and onto it. I can understand that it naturally coils and maybe wrapped around her once but did she roll around in it? It was wrapped around her body many times over.

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I don't have any excitement about Arizona / Minnick. They have no real chemistry, and so far their interactions have all come off as forced - like someone else said, she basically knows that Arizona is a lesbian and just assumes that because of that they're going to sleep together? Pretty shallow writing. Naturally they'll get together and we'll slowly see a softer side of Minnick. 

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2 minutes ago, BaseOps said:

I don't have any excitement about Arizona / Minnick. They have no real chemistry, and so far their interactions have all come off as forced - like someone else said, she basically knows that Arizona is a lesbian and just assumes that because of that they're going to sleep together? Pretty shallow writing. Naturally they'll get together and we'll slowly see a softer side of Minnick. 

Yeah, I don't get it either. This might be even worse than the forced romance of Riggs and Meredith. I just don't know, I've stopped caring about anyone on this show really. Except for DeLuca. 

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15 minutes ago, WhosThatGirl said:

Yeah, I don't get it either. This might be even worse than the forced romance of Riggs and Meredith. I just don't know, I've stopped caring about anyone on this show really. Except for DeLuca. 

I actually didn't find Meredith and Riggs to be super forced (until the start of this season, when his chasing her became overkill). I thought they had really nice chemistry, especially in the finale last year. As for DeLuca... I rarely remember that he's a regular. 

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6 hours ago, Daisy said:

Which is fine.  though I at times get irritated at the show so much i miss things - did the attendings flat out say they don't want to change anything - or just that they don't like how Minnick is doing things (and quite frankly I would be on team Attending here due to the whole nicking an artery thing) and how the end run was doing on Richard. Which is why again Bailey's refusal to communicate (which is why the attendings not showing up just made things worse) - about why (again it never has to be more of Catherine said so and now the residents agree). 

Does Bailey know about the whole nicked artery thing? That is really the worst thing Minnick did.

I think the attendings would be more accepting of the whole situation if Bailey had told Richard ahead of time what was happening OR if Minnick was not so obnoxious about the whole thing. These doctors all have egos so they would be annoyed at someone new coming in and saying their teaching methods don't work no matter what. But they wouldn't be so annoyed if it was better handled.

Edited by KaveDweller
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What is with this show and overbearing, insufferable mothers reducing their adult children to teenagers? I always felt the Jackson/Catherine dynamic set Jackson up as a 17 yo - Maggie today seemed 14 at best.

It's no secret that I hate Owen (even the actor seems to have grown tired of him, as he's currently only showcasing 2 expressions/epsiode...) but jfc, dump Amelia already. If you want a family that bad, go knock up some woman who's sufficiently keen on having kids with a reasonably good-looking, reasonably well-off man to overlook your terrible personality.

Great scene with Jo and Alex. So much emotion packed in, and blessedy free of cliche dialogue. Now I really hate that Alex hasn't reached out to her and prioritised her, because scenes like that make me wanna ship them.

The Minnick storyline is finally getting somewhere - the Bailey/Meredith interaction was the first interesting thing to come of it. Obviously Bailey's handling of the situation is ridiculously incompetent and she should be fired, but I've long since ceased expecting anything else from her. Hers and Meredith's history still make it interesting, and I like how composed Meredith was about the whole thing.

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49 minutes ago, tapplum said:

It's no secret that I hate Owen (even the actor seems to have grown tired of him, as he's currently only showcasing 2 expressions/epsiode...) but jfc, dump Amelia already. If you want a family that bad, go knock up some woman who's sufficiently keen on having kids with a reasonably good-looking, reasonably well-off man to overlook your terrible personality.

I don't hate Owen, but I'm with you on the rest. Getting married to yet another woman who doesn't want children is so stupid. Why is it so hard to have these conversations before you say I do? I don't know what the show is thinking with this repeat storyline. I'm just as annoyed now as I was with Cristina. For someone so adamant about not wanting children, she got knocked up twice. Either make sure you're taking some type of birth control or get sterilized if you're that serious about not having kids.

To bring it back to Owen, I can't muster up too much sympathy although Amelia is bugging me with her childishness. He could've had the wife and kids thing with that doctor that was on a couple of seasons ago. They wanted the same things, but he dumped her because she dared to say that she would take a few years off to be a SAHM until the children were school-aged. Yeah, yeah, I know it was because he thought he was getting back together with Cristina, but still, it was dumb.

It's about time Richard and Catherine had a conversation about this Minnick thing.  The fact that she refuses to see how fucked up it is to replace Richard without giving him a heads up about it is so shitty. No one bothered to have a conversation with him about what they didn't like about his program. But they expect him to just roll over? The board should be petty and bring in a new chief of surgery. Let's see how Bailey responds to that.

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2 minutes ago, Sheenieb said:

Getting married to yet another woman who doesn't want children is so stupid. ...  I don't know what the show is thinking with this repeat storyline. ...  I can't muster up too much sympathy although Amelia is bugging me with her childishness. He could've had the wife and kids thing with that doctor that was on a couple of seasons ago. They wanted the same things, but he dumped her because she dared to say that she would take a few years off to be a SAHM until the children were school-aged. Yeah, yeah, I know it was because he thought he was getting back together with Cristina, but still, it was dumb.

The board should be petty and bring in a new chief of surgery. Let's see how Bailey responds to that.

Yes and yes. I get that he didn't want to settle for Emma, since he obviously wasn't that bothered about her and still in love with Cristina, even if that's enormously hypocritical (Owen in a nutshell, iow). But he's clearly not that into Amelia either, so I just don't get what his problem is. If you want a wife and kids, then go find yourself a woman who wants a husband and kids. They're not that rare!

I can't express in words how much I'd love to see the Board out power trip Bailey! I've no doubt they'd shortly prove equally incompetent, but I'm so done with Bailey's bullshit.

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I'm no fan of Owen either but the kids thing is all on Amelia. They did have a conversation prior and she said she wanted several kids. They talked about it when looking for a house to buy. She said it again when they started trying. She changed her mind when it came time to test. So this isn't the same as Christina at all. 

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If Bailey's communication and management skills resulted in the current fight between attendings and Minnick, things aren't going to get better with April replacing Meredith. As we have seen from April's fights with Avery, as well as her general outbursts over the years, she doesn't handle stress well and she doesn't communicate well. Instead she gets shrieky and petulant. That will go over well with the others!


Lastly, razor wire lady.  No sedation?  And having Owen get cut up had no purpose.  In fact, that whole storyline went nowhere.

Don't even get me started on the Minnick thing.

If he doesn't die from blood poisoning or get some kind of life threatening infection that requires the entire staff of Seattle Grace Grey Sloan Memorial desperately working to save his life, then I think this is the gateway to Owen (and perhaps some of the other attendings) to admit that the Minnick Method works. BLECH.

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I honestly think the entirety of Owen getting physically hurt by the woman who had tried to keep herself locked away from the world with the wall and razor wire, was to serve to jolt Owen into seeing that he was getting emotionally hurt by Amelia locking herself away from the world and retreating to Edwards' apartment.  Hence the final scene of Owen outside the door begging Amelia not to end up like the women who lost a leg retreating behind walls.  I expect nothing more to come of this than that.

Edited by pennben
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On ‎2‎/‎9‎/‎2017 at 9:02 PM, funnygirl said:

Not sure why Owen didn't just sedate the woman wrapped in razor wire in the first place, instead of the "drama" of her moving and screaming and hurting herself more while he was trying to treat her. 

He'd already given the order by the time the lady started panicking.  I think it hadn't kicked in yet.  She seemed to only flop around for about a minute.

On ‎2‎/‎9‎/‎2017 at 9:04 PM, LexieLily said:

Why is Minnick so cocky and irritating with Arizona, thinking that the one lesbian in the hospital automatically must have a thing for her?

I find it extremely creepy, besides being pretty close to sexual harassment.  Imagine if it were a man acting this way.  She needs to back the fuck off.

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On ‎2‎/‎9‎/‎2017 at 10:05 PM, Court said:

Yes and to stop her from digging. Bailey basically told her she could have the job if she got in line. That's how I took the time to make some tough decisions line. 

Richard had to have figured it out as well during the conversation with Catherine.

Maybe Bailey meant it as a bribe, but I don't see April as taking a bribe.  She knows her strength, and her passion is trauma.  Maybe Bailey guilted April into "helping", thinking it would get under Meredith's skin.  I'm so over Chief Bailey.

On ‎2‎/‎9‎/‎2017 at 10:32 PM, maraleia said:

Fun fact- LaTayna Richardson is Sam Jackson's wife. He was tweeting for people to watch the show tonight.

What a difference an "L" makes.  I read your post and thought, who is this Sam Jackson?  Maybe I'll google him.  Then I finally figured it out.

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On ‎2‎/‎10‎/‎2017 at 0:14 AM, moonorchid said:

Since when are Jackson and Maggie so close? 

Im getting the beginnings of Jackson/Maggie and it would solve a lot of plot lines. It would erase the triangle from hell, push mer and Riggs together, put a wrench in japril, and give Maggie a storyline. 

Its just so weird that out of no where Jackson is all "your maggie pierces mom, of course I would" and telling Maggie and her mother now he's there for them both. And I can see the scene now, Maggie finds out her mom has cancer and Jackson is the only other person who knows and she cries in his arms...she slowly lifts her tear filled eyes to his clear blue ones...they lean in close....lol

No.  Please, no.  Can you even imagine?  Maggie - "Was he just looking at me? <giggle> He likes me.  Do you think he likes me?  Maybe I'm imagining it.  No, he definitely likes me.  Should I ask him out?  I'll ask him out.  I mean I'm hot, right?  I'm hot.  Look at this body - DeLuca liked it.  Wasn't that crazy that he dumped me like that.  Now he liked me.  Do you think he liked me?  Why do you think he dumped me?  Is it because I talk so fast and so much?"

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8 minutes ago, RedheadZombie said:

No.  Please, no.  Can you even imagine?  Maggie - "Was he just looking at me? <giggle> He likes me.  Do you think he likes me?  Maybe I'm imagining it.  No, he definitely likes me.  Should I ask him out?  I'll ask him out.  I mean I'm hot, right?  I'm hot.  Look at this body - DeLuca liked it.  Wasn't that crazy that he dumped me like that.  Now he liked me.  Do you think he liked me?  Why do you think he dumped me?  Is it because I talk so fast and so much?"

It would be insufferable but this show doesn't surprise me with bad decisions any more.

it just caught me so off guard but it made sense with tweets I was following while it aired on the east coast. 

It could all be nothing, that wouldn't surprise me either, but if it's nothing...the sense of "family" and "closeness" they are trying to achieve is bullshit. Maggie and Jackson have exchanged maybe a handful of sentences and I'm supposed to believe that just dropping Maggie's name urges him to move mountains?

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8 hours ago, Court said:

I'm no fan of Owen either but the kids thing is all on Amelia. They did have a conversation prior and she said she wanted several kids. They talked about it when looking for a house to buy. She said it again when they started trying. She changed her mind when it came time to test. So this isn't the same as Christina at all. 

I'd actually managed to forget (repress) that, my bad. Then I have to say Owen was more reasonable than I'd thought marrying Amelia - I've never believed he has feelings for her, much less that he loves her, but she's available, she understands about the job, and she's attractive, so fine, if she wants a hoard of children and his #lifegoal is to have a family, I suppose she makes sense. And if Owen married her on the understanding that they were essentially together to start a family, then it makes more sense that Amelia's so terrified of telling him she's changed her mind, since that *would* logically make him leave her (now, I don't think Amelia loves Owen either, but I believe she's scared of being alone).

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23 hours ago, Deanie87 said:

That hug was awesome!  I'm glad that they didn't say anything.  There is so much to say, and so much baggage to sort through, that it wouldn't ruined the moment.  It was like Jo just needed to see him and let him know that she was happy that he was ok, but couldn't get in to all of their issues and their future at that point.  It has been a ridiculously emotional 48 hours for both of them, so I was fine with hug.  I thought CL did a great job showing that Jo was relieved, happy to touch Alex again, but then wary of all of the shit that they had been through and may have yet to go through in that 15 second scene.  I don't think that they are getting back together any time soon, but it was clear that they still have feelings for one another, and that works for me right now.  

Couldn't agree more! Both Justin and Camilla did a great job with that hug. Jo's feelings were so palpable, from being happy to see him, taking that one embrace, cherish it, cherish him, and then realising, that maybe, this is it, because there's too much baggage between the two of them. Alex's feelings were less palpable, but that also made sense to me, because after all the craziness, he maybe doesn't even know what to think or feel right now. But it was clear that he still very much loves Jo. I hope we see them work out all their issues step by step so, so much, but this being Grey's, I can never count on it. And there's A LOT to sort out between those two.

23 hours ago, Deanie87 said:

I never thought that Alex was going to go to jail, but I am kind of annoyed that anger management classes or some kind of community services wasn't a requirement for his getting his job back, at the very least.

Me too. Therapy or anger management would have been so interesting to see for Alex, it could have really given us more insight into his character. Not to mention it could have made for some hilarious scenes, because Alex in therapy? He would hate it haha. If that's indeed how the trial story got wrapped up, it's pretty anticlimactic. Alex promised Bailey to do better and just like that everything is back to before for him. And tbh, I didn't feel like this story was truly used to explore Alex's character more. So it all fell a bit flat to me. Although I am glad Alex/Justin got lots of screentime and a storyline that was about him.

23 hours ago, Deanie87 said:

 I did LOL a bit at Alex, of all people, offering up advice to DeLuca about Jo not needing to be rescued, considering he is the resident White Knight on Campus.

I did like Alex acknowledging Jo's resilience (also because I hate it when the show paints her as such a damsel, who can't stand up for herself), so this is an aspect that didn't occur to me at first, but it's true of course. Alex does and did always have a very protective streak. Maybe I forgot about it a little bit, because it was solely focussed on Meredith in the last two seasons, haha.

23 hours ago, Deanie87 said:

But I thought that Stephanie looked beautiful tonight and I think that I will miss her more than I thought.  I loved her "Winter is coming" line, and boy is she wasted being the go-between for Owen and Amelia.  I wish her luck and I hope she gets a decent storyline before she leaves and an excellent send off.

That's what I thought too. Ever since that fight between her and Jo, I've been on the fence about Stephanie. Given Jo's own huge secret I think there is absolutely no excuse why she wouldn't believe her friend, when she told her about a traumatic childhood experience. But I also couldn't stand how Stephanie reacted after Jo apologised. She kind of acted like she's above Jo, because she didn't let her trauma affect who she has become and how she got to where she is now. But then the cickle cell thing came up in both stories Stephanie got after that fight. Firstly it influenced how she dealt with her boyfriend who was also a patient. And secondly it was used for her centric episode, where we saw flashbacks to her kid self. Whether she likes to admit it or not, the cickle cell thing is very present in her life and it was something formative for her, just like Jo's past, so I didn't like how condescending Stephanie was to Jo about it.

That being said, I do like Stephanie this season and I am a little sad to see her leave.

Edited by GSMHvisitor
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On 2/10/2017 at 6:14 PM, Court said:

I'm no fan of Owen either but the kids thing is all on Amelia. They did have a conversation prior and she said she wanted several kids. They talked about it when looking for a house to buy. She said it again when they started trying. She changed her mind when it came time to test. So this isn't the same as Christina at all. 

Well, I don't know if that's fair, either. 

I definitely agree that this isn't the same as Cristina. But when Amelia was talking to Owen about wanting several kids, and when they started trying... I don't think she was lying. But when she did think she was pregnant it brought back all the trauma of her baby's death. And then that boy she was treating died suddenly.  She is an addict, things have tended to not go well for her (in part due to her own self-destructiveness) and she has no faith that this time things can be different. Derek's gone. Her fears have got her spinning out of control, jumping to worst case scenarios. 

Truly, in a lot of ways, the Amelia story is the most character driven thing on the show right now. I totally get where she's at. The level of fear she's at - it's irrational. She's the woman in the razor wire. 

Now, if you guys are right and Owen does end up sick, the cheap plot device to bring Amelia out of Stephanie's apartment & ready to open up to Owen about what's going on, so they can deal with it together. The thing is right now she's afraid to let herself believe that Owen will understand her fears & that they can work through it. 

The biggest flaw in the story? There are times when they seem to be writing it as though Owen doesn't already know Amelia lost a child. There has been at least one episode where Owen & Amelia talked about her baby. Might even have been two. One was in the chapel, when JApril were going through Samuel's death. And then I'm pretty darn sure that when Owen came back from the Middle East, and he found her at the house, with the Oxy, they also made a reference to it then. So Owen should be starting to piece it together. 

A friend and I were talking about Owen, and Shonda's beliefs about characters in general. I said that I saw this story as potentially being a way to redeem Owen and she reminded me that Shonda doesn't think about characters that way - as needing 'redemption arcs.' She likes her characters messy and full of shades of grey (no pun intended) so Owen's (or Arizona's, or Amelia's) mistakes/flaws aren't things she sees them as needing to be redeemed for, so much as things that make them three dimensional. We settled on it being less about redemption per se & more just giving us a reason to root for Owen again, and to remind us that he's not all one way. If he can be unselfish in supporting Amelia with this situation that will go a long way toward making me like him again. 

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1 hour ago, cycworker said:

Well, I don't know if that's fair, either. 

I definitely agree that this isn't the same as Cristina. But when Amelia was talking to Owen about wanting several kids, and when they started trying... I don't think she was lying. But when she did think she was pregnant it brought back all the trauma of her baby's death. And then that boy she was treating died suddenly.  She is an addict, things have tended to not go well for her (in part due to her own self-destructiveness) and she has no faith that this time things can be different. Derek's gone. Her fears have got her spinning out of control, jumping to worst case scenarios. 

Truly, in a lot of ways, the Amelia story is the most character driven thing on the show right now. I totally get where she's at. The level of fear she's at - it's irrational. She's the woman in the razor wire. 

Now, if you guys are right and Owen does end up sick, the cheap plot device to bring Amelia out of Stephanie's apartment & ready to open up to Owen about what's going on, so they can deal with it together. The thing is right now she's afraid to let herself believe that Owen will understand her fears & that they can work through it. 

The biggest flaw in the story? There are times when they seem to be writing it as though Owen doesn't already know Amelia lost a child. There has been at least one episode where Owen & Amelia talked about her baby. Might even have been two. One was in the chapel, when JApril were going through Samuel's death. And then I'm pretty darn sure that when Owen came back from the Middle East, and he found her at the house, with the Oxy, they also made a reference to it then. So Owen should be starting to piece it together. 

A friend and I were talking about Owen, and Shonda's beliefs about characters in general. I said that I saw this story as potentially being a way to redeem Owen and she reminded me that Shonda doesn't think about characters that way - as needing 'redemption arcs.' She likes her characters messy and full of shades of grey (no pun intended) so Owen's (or Arizona's, or Amelia's) mistakes/flaws aren't things she sees them as needing to be redeemed for, so much as things that make them three dimensional. We settled on it being less about redemption per se & more just giving us a reason to root for Owen again, and to remind us that he's not all one way. If he can be unselfish in supporting Amelia with this situation that will go a long way toward making me like him again. 

The bolder part I get. It sucks for Owen but Amelia is entitled to change her mind about kids. But the bold part goes back to what I felt when Amelia and Owen were in the beginning stage and def when they got married...Amelia is no where near the mentally healthy space to marry anyone much less commit to take on their baggage. This was a poor choice to have Amelia do this as a way for caterina to get some maternity leave because it highlights how just the thought of changing her mind was too much for her to handle and now she's isolating herself from the one person (cause lord knows Meredith, the sister Amelia begs for the most doesn't give a shit) who wants to be there for her. 

Like I said, if Amelia doesn't want kids that's fine. But honestly, although they will never do it till Kevin mckidd leaves...if he decides a life without children is something he can do without regret then it's time to divorce Amelia and go to Switzerland because the only person he loves enough for that is Cristina. Any other scenario will ring false.

Edited by moonorchid
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20 minutes ago, moonorchid said:

The bolder part I get. It sucks for Owen but Amelia is entitled to change her mind about kids. But the bold part goes back to what I felt when Amelia and Owen were in the beginning stage and def when they got married...Amelia is no where near the mentally healthy space to marry anyone much less commit to take on their baggage. This was a poor choice to have Amelia do this as a way for caterina to get some maternity leave because it highlights how just the thought of changing her mind was too much for her to handle and now she's isolating herself from the one person (cause lord knows Meredith, the sister Amelia begs for the most doesn't give a shit) who wants to be there for her. 

Like I said, if Amelia doesn't want kids that's fine. But honestly, although they will never do it till Kevin mckidd leaves...if he decides a life without children is something he can do without regret then it's time to divorce Amelia and go to Switzerland because the only person he loves enough for that is Cristina. Any other scenario will ring false.

My point is that she hasn't changed her mind; she's just scared.  Amelia wants children. She does. And I think Owen is going to be able to help her get past the fear.... he'll stand by her until she gets to that place where she is mentally healthy enough. Owen's going to get to be the genuinely strong - in a good way, not in an arrogant, macho way - one. He will successfully be there for her. 

I truly think Owen and Cristina are done, for good. 

  • Love 3
10 hours ago, cycworker said:

A friend and I were talking about Owen, and Shonda's beliefs about characters in general. I said that I saw this story as potentially being a way to redeem Owen and she reminded me that Shonda doesn't think about characters that way - as needing 'redemption arcs.' She likes her characters messy and full of shades of grey (no pun intended) so Owen's (or Arizona's, or Amelia's) mistakes/flaws aren't things she sees them as needing to be redeemed for, so much as things that make them three dimensional. We settled on it being less about redemption per se & more just giving us a reason to root for Owen again, and to remind us that he's not all one way. If he can be unselfish in supporting Amelia with this situation that will go a long way toward making me like him again. 

I think that sometimes Shonda/the writers either don't realize or flat out don't care about how characters come off and Owen is a good example of this.  He married Amelia quickly, and while she was still grieving over Derek's death, not unlike how he married Cristina while she was still affected by the plane crash (or was it the gunman? I can't remember all the goddam traumas).  So it is a pattern with Owen and one that doesn't do any favors to his character. Add on to that, his seeming inability to really know what he wants, a traditional wife with kids or a career driven woman who may or may not want kids, and his character is just really unappealing to me.  Maybe they redeem him (I like him fine as a doctor and a friend), but I can't imagine I will ever care or be fine with any of his romances again.

At one point, I do think that Shonda cared about redemption.  In the first few seasons, the characters were clearly portrayed as Good (Derek, Izzie, George) and Not Good (Alex, Cristina and sometimes Meredith).  Whatever horrible thing Izzie did, she only did for love.  When Derek and George cheated there were told time and again "You are a good man who did a bad thing."  The other characters never got that kind of validation.  So that may not be the case anymore (clearly Shonda didn't care how Arizona was received at one point and doesn't care now about Jo), so maybe now the writers are more subtle or just lazy.

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10 hours ago, cycworker said:

But when Amelia was talking to Owen about wanting several kids, and when they started trying... I don't think she was lying. But when she did think she was pregnant it brought back all the trauma of her baby's death. And then that boy she was treating died suddenly.  She is an addict, things have tended to not go well for her (in part due to her own self-destructiveness) and she has no faith that this time things can be different. Derek's gone. Her fears have got her spinning out of control, jumping to worst case scenarios. Truly, in a lot of ways, the Amelia story is the most character driven thing on the show right now. I totally get where she's at. The level of fear she's at - it's irrational. She's the woman in the razor wire. 

Yes, I saw that, too. She thought she was pregnant and everything piled on top of her at once.  Her MO when she's overwhelmed is to run away - which may not be the most mature thing, but at least it's an improvement from using again - as she did before her wedding, too. 


A friend and I were talking about Owen, and Shonda's beliefs about characters in general. I said that I saw this story as potentially being a way to redeem Owen and she reminded me that Shonda doesn't think about characters that way - as needing 'redemption arcs.' She likes her characters messy and full of shades of grey (no pun intended) so Owen's (or Arizona's, or Amelia's) mistakes/flaws aren't things she sees them as needing to be redeemed for, so much as things that make them three dimensional.

I'm no fan of Owen, but what would he need redeeming for? 

8 hours ago, cycworker said:

My point is that she hasn't changed her mind; she's just scared.  Amelia wants children. She does. And I think Owen is going to be able to help her get past the fear.... he'll stand by her until she gets to that place where she is mentally healthy enough. Owen's going to get to be the genuinely strong - in a good way, not in an arrogant, macho way - one. He will successfully be there for her. 

I don't care for Owen or Amelia one way or the other, but I hope you're right because it sure would be nice to see some character growth on this show. 

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To be fair to Amelia, being possibly pregnant brought up the baby she had that had been born still born and I don't think she's come to terms with that. In fact I'm pretty sure she just told Owen about this season. 

Also yes Amelia and Owen got married fast. In fact I believe the catalyst was Mer saw Owen was selling Derek's trailer and then got all passive aggressive about it when he was like "I should have told you, I'm sorry" and then at the end of the episode, Amelia was all excited because Owen said the house he just bought, he wanted her to live there too and Mer then started yelling about how Amelia is just living in other people's lives like taking care of Mers kids, being a doctor like Derek, and dating Owen like Merediths BFF Christina. I'm not greatly fond of Amelia and always normally find myself on the side of Mer when they have fights but it was a brutal, uncalled fight. Afterwards Amelia went to Owen and they sort of Chandler/Monica proposed to each other.

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I had hope that some storylines would start to make some sense when the DA told De Luca that the charges weren't his to drop any longer. Yes, see? This is how real life goes! But then all the characters started to act totally irrationaly. Bailey, Alex, Maggie, Owen (among others), I don't understand who they are anymore. And Catherine! How does she think it is going to go when Richard learns that not only is she behind the Minnick situation, but she blatantly lied to him (and many other people) about it for days? Not to mention that I still don't understand why she is making this decision for the hospital on her own and why Bailey is listening to her.

The only one who still seems sane is De Luca. So he's probably going to be killed before the end of the season (this is not a spoiler, but I don't see how a decent no-nonsense guy can appeal to the writers of this show).

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On ‎2‎/‎10‎/‎2017 at 11:47 PM, RedheadZombie said:

No.  Please, no.  Can you even imagine?  Maggie - "Was he just looking at me? <giggle> He likes me.  Do you think he likes me?  Maybe I'm imagining it.  No, he definitely likes me.  Should I ask him out?  I'll ask him out.  I mean I'm hot, right?  I'm hot.  Look at this body - DeLuca liked it.  Wasn't that crazy that he dumped me like that.  Now he liked me.  Do you think he liked me?  Why do you think he dumped me?  Is it because I talk so fast and so much?"

Oh man, so true.

When Maggie first arrived, she wasn't a flibbertigibbet.  I liked her and defended her against groans about "the cardiothoracic savant who's going to replace Yang and is also another Meredith half-sister."  I think it wasn't until the Riggs-Meredith-Maggie triangle that she started having all the poise and speech patterns of an awkward ten-year old.  I'd be mad about my character's "development" if I were that actress.


(LOL--spellcheck recognizes "flibbertigibbet.")


ETA:  I don't even pay attention to the "Minnick storyline."  As if that's anything but a huge time-waster before she's out the door and we're back to business as usual.  Puhleeze.

Edited by candall
  • Love 2
2 hours ago, Sarnia said:

The only one who still seems sane is De Luca. So he's probably going to be killed before the end of the season (this is not a spoiler, but I don't see how a decent no-nonsense guy can appeal to the writers of this show).

Not a spoiler, but taking my comments to the Spoiler and Speculation thread....

On ‎02‎/‎10‎/‎2017 at 1:09 PM, Nobodysfan said:

I watched it again and again and they really made a point of showing how the wires got into his skin and blood appeared. The bandaged arms as well.

I would think Owen is about to get on the blacklist of Greys characters. 

I thought the point of it was that, because Owen couldn't operate, one of the residents had to instead, sort of using the idea that Minnick was pushing.

2 hours ago, proserpina65 said:

I thought the point of it was that, because Owen couldn't operate, one of the residents had to instead, sort of using the idea that Minnick was pushing.

That's definitely a possibility, but I think that could have been achieved with just a shot of his bandaged arms....not the several shots of him getting stuck with barbs, him bleeding, etc.  Who knows where this show is going to go, but all that was very Checkov's gun-ish to me.

I keep forgetting to post this, but I haven't seen anyone else mention it.  I found it interesting that Jo was the one to do the voiceover this week, especially because she really wasn't in the episode all that much or integral to the main plot.  I guess it was the significance of the hug that did it and the fact that the voiceover (and main patient) was all about walls and keeping your guard up.  

Oh, Grey's how you keep us on our toes (and into our booze) with your confusing decisions!

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