maraleia April 17, 2014 Share April 17, 2014 Editor's Note: Discuss The Killing here! Old article about the upcoming Netflix season Link to comment
maraleia April 17, 2014 Author Share April 17, 2014 The only reason why I watched the third season was because of Bullet's story. I don't know if I will be watching on Netflix though. Link to comment
millahnna May 11, 2014 Share May 11, 2014 (edited) I've made it this far, I'll finish it out. And truly I've overall liked the show. If I was going to give it up for lost it would have been in season two. That case went on waaaaaaay too long. Edited May 14, 2014 by millahnna Link to comment
Portia May 12, 2014 Share May 12, 2014 I've been surprised to see so much disdain for this show of late. I like to think I'm a reasonably discriminating viewer, and I freakin' love it. I adore both lead characters, and I've found all the cases pretty absorbing. Also, while it's not central to my appreciation of the show, I would not object to seeing Linden and Holder do it before the series ends for good. 5 Link to comment
Chaos Theory June 24, 2014 Share June 24, 2014 (edited) I just watched the pilot. I forgot how incredible it was. The last few minutes were heart breaking. I know the first two seasons got a little convoluted and not always in a good way. (Because you just have to make everyone a suspect at some point) but I remember really enjoying the show, Although the third season is my favoire by far mainly because how how tight the story got by that point at. I am really looking forward to Netflix's season 4 end game Edited June 24, 2014 by Chaos Theory 1 Link to comment
kieyra July 2, 2014 Share July 2, 2014 The Killing - The Final Season - Official Trailer [HD] Seems somewhat spoilery. Link to comment
BonnieD July 8, 2014 Share July 8, 2014 So AMC stopped carrying the show and Netflix picked up the ball for the final six episodes. Yay for Netflix! And thanks for posting the trailer. Link to comment
becauseIsaidso July 8, 2014 Share July 8, 2014 I only just discovered this show thanks to my Kindle and am only getting close to the end of season 1, so I'm glad I'll have a few more seasons to enjoy. Pity to see if's ending - I'd love to see more Link to comment
SonofaBiscuit July 9, 2014 Share July 9, 2014 Geez, after watching that season four trailer, I'm afraid that Linden isn't going to make it out of this season alive. Link to comment
Nena July 12, 2014 Share July 12, 2014 I'm working my way through season 3 now, and I keep getting distracted by Mireille Enos' expressions. It's like she marathoned Lie to Me and wanted to overexaggerate every face they used as a major plot point. Was going to give up after 2, because the convenient coincidences were just too much, but I've heard 3 is better, so I'm sticking it out. Only hope the camera spends as little time on her face as possible. Link to comment
kieyra July 13, 2014 Share July 13, 2014 I'm working my way through season 3 now, and I keep getting distracted by Mireille Enos' expressions. It's like she marathoned Lie to Me and wanted to overexaggerate every face they used as a major plot point. Was going to give up after 2, because the convenient coincidences were just too much, but I've heard 3 is better, so I'm sticking it out. Only hope the camera spends as little time on her face as possible. In the interest of cutting Mireille some slack (I love her, can't help it), they seem to explicitly film things in such as way as to make everyone look as scary and haggard as possible. There's even one scene in season 3 where they manage to make her look like some kind of insane orangutan with a combination of lighting, angle and her acting choice at the time. Link to comment
Portia August 1, 2014 Share August 1, 2014 So, season 4 drops tomorrow . . . geez, am I the only one who's looking forward to it? Are those crickets I hear? Link to comment
Wilson Cat August 1, 2014 Share August 1, 2014 geez, am I the only one who's looking forward to it? Are those crickets I hear? Nah, you are not alone Portia. I'm one of the few (I guess) who has pretty much loved The Killing, especially the second and third seasons. Well.....not the way it all ended last season, that was just silly stupid, as my 4 year old granddaughter would label stuff she disdains. I dread the way it will all end. It cannot end well. Holder and Linden will live their devastating lie until it does them both in, I'm sure. It's almost Shakespearean. Once it all went down the way it did it was destined to become a classic, unavoidable tragedy. But I'm in for the ride. 1 Link to comment
Iboatedhere August 1, 2014 Share August 1, 2014 So, season 4 drops tomorrow . . . geez, am I the only one who's looking forward to it? Are those crickets I hear? I'm excited! I'm dreading it because I don't think there's any way for it to end well but I can't wait to watch. As soon as I get home tonight and make dinner I'm settling in with Netflix. 1 Link to comment
SaabStory August 1, 2014 Share August 1, 2014 (edited) It's not the best written show, but I really enjoyed S1, hung in through the long drawn out S2 and then thought S3 improved on S2. I can give this show 6 more hours of my life. Plus I really like Detective Holder. I'm interested to see where these two people end up. Edited August 1, 2014 by SaabStory Link to comment
Portia August 1, 2014 Share August 1, 2014 I'm interested to see where these two people end up. Maybe in bed? Having hot sex? (I'm so sorry. This is my first experience with hardcore shipping, and I can't seem to control it.) 1 Link to comment
kieyra August 1, 2014 Share August 1, 2014 Season four, not really a spoiler, but I've just queued up the first episode and did a double-take when the first F-bomb was dropped. I love you, Netflix resurrection. 2 Link to comment
Iboatedhere August 1, 2014 Share August 1, 2014 Maybe in bed? Having hot sex? (I'm so sorry. This is my first experience with hardcore shipping, and I can't seem to control it.) I will be severely disappointed if nothing happens. I mean come on. This is confirmed the last season- get to it. 1 Link to comment
Wilson Cat August 1, 2014 Share August 1, 2014 I should never have marathoned The Wire this summer before tuning into The Killing for season 4. Because there ain't no real police work being done by Holder and Linden. They are the most pathetic police ever. Kima and Freamon and Bunk....even McNulty would put them and their sorry ass angst style policing to shame. Not sure I'm going to enjoy this truncated season built around covering up a lie instead of built around what should have been a fascinating murder?/attempted suicide?/amnesia?/whatever? Link to comment
Portia August 1, 2014 Share August 1, 2014 Woo hoo, it's been a while since I've seen a sho-nuff Wall of Crazy! I think the neighbor's a red herring, though. Meh, the pregnancy feels like a lazy contrivance to keep Holder and Linden apart. Nice try, universe. I think Reddick's a well-drawn character, and I kind of love that I'm kind of rooting for him. I'm going to go on record with the prediction that he won't make it through the season alive. 1 Link to comment
Iboatedhere August 2, 2014 Share August 2, 2014 Meh, the pregnancy feels like a lazy contrivance to keep Holder and Linden apart. Nice try, universe. For 1 million dollars I couldn't tell you his girlfriends name so that should tell you how interested I am in that story line. 1 Link to comment
Chaos Theory August 2, 2014 Share August 2, 2014 (edited) I love this show. I love watching the camera pause on Linden's face. (She sure can brood with the best of the brooders). I think this murder/suicide or was it? will be extremely foreshadowing because Linden has always been a murder/suicide waiting to happen....and well. I like military academy stuff and it looks like it will be interested. I don't remember the name of the head lady but she wasn't happy at the reading of the son's father's will. I think she was expecting the kid to get all the money and that she was going to be holding it in trust or something. AS for the ending of the episode when Skinner's daughter showed up at Linden's house. Wow that was intense and I liked it. Linden is so going to spiral. AndI am going to have fun watching it. Oh and two observations: 1. Nice Rorschach drawing on the wall. 2. You know what they say about glass houses? Edited August 2, 2014 by Chaos Theory 4 Link to comment
kieyra August 2, 2014 Share August 2, 2014 I think the baby thing is to pile more pressure on Holder, since he's not the one who pulled the trigger. I don't think the writers care about putting Linden and Holder together. They're both way too fucked up now. Link to comment
Cardie August 2, 2014 Share August 2, 2014 I just finished binge-watching all six episodes of S4. Would probably give it a C/B+ for the mystery of the season and the wrap-up of Linder and Holder's saga. Will hold off commenting further until more in here have seen it to the end. Link to comment
Cardie August 2, 2014 Share August 2, 2014 Hey, speed up guys, I'm done and eager to chat :) Link to comment
Desiree August 2, 2014 Share August 2, 2014 I finished watching this evening. I'll say I wasn't surprised by the wrap up of Linden and Holder's relationship. I was surprised by the wrap up to the case. I don't know how to hide spoilers so I'll just leave it at that. 1 Link to comment
millennium August 2, 2014 Share August 2, 2014 i have to confess, I watch this show primarily for the atmosphere, the bleak theme music and the interaction between Linden and Holder. The cases themselves leave little or no impression. Example: two minutes after I started watching this episode, I had to stop and Google "The Killing Season 3 recap" to remind myself who Skinner is/was. It's like comfort food. 5 Link to comment
Desiree August 2, 2014 Share August 2, 2014 i have to confess, I watch this show primarily for the atmosphere, the bleak theme music and the interaction between Linden and Holder. The cases themselves leave little or no impression. Example: two minutes after I started watching this episode, I had to stop and Google "The Killing Season 3 recap" to remind myself who Skinner is/was. It's like comfort food. I have to admit, I had a hard time remembering Skinner and last years case. And who Adrian was. It came back quickly, but I completely flushed last season from my brain, even the cliff hanger ending. I am glad they started up at the point they did instead of days or weeks later. 2. You know what they say about glass houses? They have to have all white furniture? 1 Link to comment
stafford August 2, 2014 Share August 2, 2014 (edited) Is it spoilery to discuss the show if all the episodes have been released? I'm anxious to discuss this season too but I'm not sure of the protocol. Perhaps the Moderator can weigh in? I sent the Moderator a PM and asked if we are free to discuss without using spoiler tags. Edited August 2, 2014 by stafford Link to comment
Iboatedhere August 2, 2014 Share August 2, 2014 (edited) I think if it's in the episode thread we can talk about it. If people don't want to know what happens they shouldn't come into the thread. But....just in case I'll spoiler tag for now. I'm about to burst with things to say. The Case: I thought Kyle was innocent the whole time. I thought the Colonel and those two boys did it. Now, what I really showed up for: Linden/Holder- SQUEEEEE! It wasn't everything that I wanted, obviously. I wanted unapologetic sex or at least a kiss but I'll take what I can get. I started grinning like a fool when Linden came back the first time and that whole conversation about how home was them together smoking in that car....gah. Holder telling her to stay. Twice. My heart couldn't take it. I thought she was gone for good but I'm so relieved she came back and it was open to interpretation about what would happen to them. (They totally did it and no one will be able to convince me otherwise. Does anyone write fan fiction because I would read the crap out of some post season 4 fluff.) And Holder: Junkie hot. Sober hot. Dad hot. Edited August 2, 2014 by Iboatedhere 9 Link to comment
Desiree August 2, 2014 Share August 2, 2014 Yes I have to admit I was surprised to find that Kyle was the one who killed his family. I too had pegged Colonel Rainne as being involved somehow, but not Kyle. Those boys broke him. As for Linden and Holder I don't think they had crazy sex or have any kind of attraction to each other. I have never felt it and was dreading what I thought was going to be a kiss and confession from Holder. I do however believe they have a bond that only law enforcement partners can understand. They need each other, and maybe not in a healthy way, but I think they can work on that. I don't think they function well alone. 3 Link to comment
stafford August 2, 2014 Share August 2, 2014 Hi, our wonderful moderator sent me a PM that basically said you only need to use spoiler tags if you are discussing in a previous episode thread and bringing up something that happens in one of the next episodes (i.e., you are in the episode 3 thread and you want to bring up something that ties into it from episode 4,5, or 6 you need to use a spoiler tag). So, you don't need to use spoiler tags for the final episode. Link to comment
Chaos Theory August 2, 2014 Share August 2, 2014 (edited) Holder should have just taken those files. I like that Reddick isn't an idiot and will be a thorn in Linden and Holders side but is still enough of a wild card that you don't know what his actual end game will be. And it does fit with Season 3 Reddick. He was a lazy copy not a bad one. "Hey its five o'clock time to clock out." Pain teaches us a lesson that forces us to grow...and the camera was straight on Linden. Well that was subtle. For 1 million dollars I couldn't tell you his girlfriends name so that should tell you how interested I am in that story line Caroline. Holder and Caroline are cute in the grocery store scene. Captain Crunch knows that crunch berries make Holder a better crime fighter. I am actually liking the fact that the show isn't shipping Holder and Linden. I think too many shows with male/female leads insist on pairing them together when they don't need to. Yes I am looking at you Warehouse 13. Kyle has suddenly become popular at Military School and all it took was for him to possibly murder his whole family. And add the Wall-O-Crazt toe last episodes Rorschach blot wall to the continuing glimpses into Linden's mind/ Edited August 2, 2014 by Chaos Theory Link to comment
Wilson Cat August 2, 2014 Share August 2, 2014 (edited) Oh Holder, and this is why I still watch The Killing: "I think Boo Radley over there is one sunny day away from cutting his ear off." "It's like with lions. Once you tame 'em you got to put them up on a pedestal." Edited August 2, 2014 by Wilson Cat 7 Link to comment
Cardie August 2, 2014 Share August 2, 2014 After the two previous murder cases had unlikely perpetrators, the show smartly gave us a case in which the culprit was the obvious one and then tricked us into thinking that was not the case, because The Killing. Family annihilators are almost always a member of said family; the location of those gunshot wounds showed that the killer felt his grievances were personal. Besides Kyle's very sympathetic vibe, I just couldn't see him killing his beloved little sister. I knew from her extreme protectiveness of Kyle and her being named his guardian that the Colonel was his mother and thought she could have done it to protect him from the abusive family (and get him for herself.) But much watching of procedurals has trained me to know that this was a man's crime. The best I could have come up with for a prediction if this weren't available all at once would have been that the controlling dad killed everyone else and Kyle walked in on the dad, killed him and then tried to kill himself. I was confused as to whether Philip was Kyle's biological father and he brought him home like a Jon Snow. The military school stuff was clichéd and boring. How many times have we seen that these faux soldiers are attracted to the worst aspects of the military, macho bravado and cruelty, misogyny, and a psychopathic fondness for killing? I felt at the end of last season that keeping the secret of Skinner's death would tear both Linden and Holder up. The show did a painfully good job of showing the effects but seeing them lash out at Regi and Holder's sister and then at each other was really tough. I don't mind them turning out to be BFFs (or more)after sufficient passage of time but that coda was drawn out past all reason. I could have accepted the show concluding after Sarah left her house, she and Holder knowing that neither betrayed the other but unable to connect any more. I did love the irony that the corruption at City Hall that gave Linden and Holder so much grief with the Larsen case saved their butts in the end. 5 Link to comment
Chaos Theory August 2, 2014 Share August 2, 2014 So many good soldiers so little time.. Seriously Linden were you really going to run Bethany over with your car? I am starting to think that maybe I want kill dead family. Link to comment
Portia August 2, 2014 Share August 2, 2014 1. Ewwwwww. 2. Whaaaaaaa? Link to comment
stafford August 2, 2014 Share August 2, 2014 I have to say I was very disappointed in this season and I felt the resolution of the crime(s) felt rushed. The symbol of the sun finally coming out when Linden left her house was a bit simplistic (but a welcome relief from four seasons of dreary grey rain). I think the thing that really irked me was the press played such a big role in the Rosie Larsen murder but a wealthy and prominate family of four is murdered and there is no press to speak of and the Police Department assigns only two detectives to the case? There should or would have been a task force created and this case would have had the press and the Police command all over them with frequent press conferences from the Police Commisioner and the Mayor. I agree that the Military School stuff was more then a cliche. It was unrealistic. I love Joan Allen but her character was thinly written. While she was the boys guardian she could not stop them from getting search warrents and searching every inch of that school. As far as I know the kid didn't "lawyer up" but I could have missed it. I guess the guardian can limit the questioning but it all seemed contrived to string out the story. I counted four officials in the room when they told Linden that Skinner's autopsy was officially listed as a suicide and she readily admitted that she shot him. So these four officials and the pathologist all had to accept the lie in order to "save" the Police Department? So everyone is in on this and all subject to covering up a crime and going to prison to "save" the Police Department's reputation? WTF? You know a secret isn't a secret if you tell one other person and pinning the murder of those girls on another dead guy seems so far fetched and just plain lazy. Ugh, as you can tell I was so disapointed with this season. By the time Linden came back I could have cared less if she and Holder got together because keeping their lie would always be over their heads and would, IMO, tear them apart. 2 Link to comment
Chaos Theory August 2, 2014 Share August 2, 2014 (edited) Normally I don't notice.....or care for that matter, but the F bombs were flowing like wine at a dinner party during the episode. The Killing must love being on Netflix. Holder and Linden fighting makes me sad. I am glad that they stopped by the end of the episode. I don't want the kissing or anything but they are a no fight zone for me. What are the chances that Kyle is Nadine's father not brother and that the sexual abuse he suffered from his mother went a little farther then touching? I forget what the age difference is between the two siblings? But since Nadine was the only one who actually cared about him could it be because they kinda sofia knew? Just my guess. Stop digging Reddick....You're gonna regret it! Hi Linden's mom! Wait! Linden was a happy little girl? Are we talking about the same Sarah Linden? Colonel Rayne is up to something. Colonel Rayne is up to something. Reddick found the bodies....and we still have 2 episodes to go. Which means we have 2 episodes to watch Linden lose her shit. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. Edited August 2, 2014 by Chaos Theory Link to comment
Iboatedhere August 2, 2014 Share August 2, 2014 Ugh, as you can tell I was so disapointed with this season. By the time Linden came back I could have cared less if she and Holder got together because keeping their lie would always be over their heads and would, IMO, tear them apart. But is keeping the lie the same as no one wanting to hear it? Linden confessed and was told she was wrong. She went to the police and was told people would think she's crazy. I don't think Holder loses any sleep over it. He has a kid that he obviously adores. They're both off the hook and they know it, imo. I forgot Joe Mills was dead. Oops. It was nice to see the sun come out, albeit very briefly, and to see the Mayor which is something I never thought I'd say. In one of the earlier episodes when their warrant was being denied I thought 'are they going to have to see the Mayor?' Link to comment
Cardie August 2, 2014 Share August 2, 2014 The Killing has never been realistic about how the press responds to "major crimes" or about how real police departments operate. If that bothered me a lot, I'd have never stuck around to the end. Link to comment
Brooke0707 August 2, 2014 Share August 2, 2014 Wut?? WHY DIDN'T THEY KISS?!?! Link to comment
Portia August 2, 2014 Share August 2, 2014 The story resolution was just all right for me, but I wholeheartedly approved of how Linden and Holder ended. Gotta admit, I cried a little at the reveal that Holder works with troubled kids in recovery. So sweet; so hot. And despite all my prior requests for some hot Holder-on-Linden action, the more open-ended finale was better, I think. I'm of the opinion that there is sexual chemistry there and that they will probably go there in time, but I think that on a much deeper level they're soul mates and that regardless of whether they become or remain a couple, they'll be some brand of life partners from now on. I know; I'm such a dork. 9 Link to comment
millennium August 2, 2014 Share August 2, 2014 I love the crunchberries too, so I liked that. This storyline is more appealing to me than past seasons, perhaps because I'm going into it with the knowledge that Linden and Holder have only six episodes to wrap it up and thus the red herring factor will probably be low. Some asshole on Netflix pseudo-spoiled the conclusion in his review comment (when I went on the site to view the episode last night it was at the tippity-top of all the comments and I happened to see it) which pisses me off royally. WTF is wrong with people? Why is their need to see their stupid thoughts in type greater than the enjoyment of millions of others? I hate this whole "Share" generation and their complete lack of discretion. I could do with a lot less "sharing" and a whole lot more STFU. 8 Link to comment
Wilson Cat August 2, 2014 Share August 2, 2014 (edited) Oh shit. It is (ala Season 1) mid-western just totally downpour raining, like not drops.....just one giant pour out of the sky, in drizzly Seattle again at the beginning of this episode. Has Veena Sud EVER been to Seattle? Seriously, you can walk between the raindrops most of the time around here, and the predominant winter weather pattern is depressing grayness, not cloudburst style rain. And then they get to the funeral and it's partly sunny and dry. What? 10 minutes later? This is Memphis weather. Not Seattle. Crap. These things bother me. Edited August 2, 2014 by Wilson Cat 1 Link to comment
Chaos Theory August 3, 2014 Share August 3, 2014 (edited) Its always the one with the conscience...... I thought the scene between Riddick and Linden was incredibly well done. For just one second when Riddick said, "You pulled the trigger, didn't you." I thought she would say "Yes." I liked her answer better it keeps things going a little while longer. The look on both their faces duding the entire scene...priceless. Also quite intense was the interrogation of Colonel Rayne . "I know women like you.", And then Linden goes on to describe herself to a tee. I think this season has actually been who is Linden really? Linden to her mother. (The gist of it: I just killed a dude and I am probably going to jail for a very long lime. Can you take care of my son if I do?" "Why did you get go of my Hand?" Oh Linden. "It was hard to stay. It's always been hard for me. I'm not good at staying. I think you are a lot like me." Oh Linden. Colonel slapping people now are we...and when they aren't even singing nursery rhymes. Soooo Kyle and Col Rayne Mother/Son, lovers, vampire twins from another dimension? I am confused but in a good way. Edited August 3, 2014 by Chaos Theory Link to comment
Frisson August 3, 2014 Share August 3, 2014 I couldn't stop laughing at the panic-stricken look on Holder's face when the girlfriend dropped the p-bomb. Like he needed any other things on his mind. Did the markings on the kid's back imply abuse from the parents or the school? I have so many questions, so it feels like another season is keeping up this show's tradition of keeping me sad and confused so far. I liked the alpha-female showdown in every scene with the superintendent and Linden. Holder's smirky enjoyment of it increased my own. Link to comment
Chaos Theory August 3, 2014 Share August 3, 2014 This whole chapter...hell this whole series is about Mothers who just aren't built to stay. Bad show making me cry when Linden pulled a gun on Holder. "I should have known you would leave me too." Actually this episode made me cry again when Kyle recounts the murder of his family. "That I was the monster. That it was me." Actually another truism of the series. Ok fine one big cryfest I can admit it. I liked the ending and the call backs to both major story arcs. I was never a Linden/Holder shipper but I was never opposed to the idea so ending with the possibility of them together doesn't offend me. The show did it right at least, I liked the ending. I liked just about everything about the final season of the show. Then again The Killing was always a favorite of mine. 4 Link to comment
Chaos Theory August 3, 2014 Share August 3, 2014 I just finished binge-watching all six episodes of S4. Would probably give it a C/B+ for the mystery of the season and the wrap-up of Linder and Holder's saga. Will hold off commenting further until more in here have seen it to the end. Personally I give it a steady B. I loved the mystery and the Linden and Holder saga kept my interest throughout. But yes I will keep my overall review a few days until more people have had time to watch. Link to comment
Desperately Random August 3, 2014 Share August 3, 2014 Welcome back Holder and Linden! I enjoyed this first episode and I am intrigued about the murder mystery and where it will go. I was a bit lost for the first twenty minutes or so because like other posters have commented, I was drawing a blank on what happened last season. I looked up recaps for each episode and then the reason why Holder was telling Linden that she had to talk to Adrien made sense. The part the recaps I read didn't cover was who got blamed for the 17 bodies they found in that pond. Was it Joe Mills? I know it was actually Skinner but I don't remember if they thought it was Joe who was guilty. That glass house was very elegant but I would never want to live there. I would feel like I was always on display. I guess you have to be a bit of an exhibitionist to live in a house like that. That last scene with the daughter screaming for her Dad made me think that this whole cover up is going to go side ways sooner rather than later. And now with the shell casing missing I am wondering if we are going to get another player in the Skinner death story. Link to comment
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