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Josh & Anna Smuggar: A Series of Unfortunate Events

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In order to leave Josh, Anna will not only have to leave with 4 little children in tow, but will she really have a place to go? Yes, she has parents and siblings, but remember, they're also part of the religious cult that blames women for all the faults of men. Will they accept her into their home again and still be able to remain faithful to the teachings of their faith? There will be a contradiction of their religious beliefs. I'm sure they will encourage Anna to stay the course, remain with Josh and accept the fate she's been dealt with.

One of her sisters left along with her husband and I believe they live as mainstream Christians. She has another sister Suz who had a child out of wedlock. So she has family that aren't within that movement any more.

  • Love 1

Someone posted upthread about the Duggars distancing themselves from Josh.


I think Jim Bob is madder than a swarm of hornets. Josh totally messed it ALL up. 

Jim Bob looks like a jerk to EVERYONE. They all look like idiots and hypocrits. And Jim Bob knows it. He loves his pure and Christian image with his 19 kids...which he always mentions. Now? Jim Bob got a taste of reality when the molestation case hit...those two had no clue the backlash would be so strong. Jim Bob knows his Duggar Brand is totally done. The shame, humiliation, loss of income, who will he marry his kids off to, the explanations to his church buddies, looking like an ass compared to Gil Bates...it all comes crashing down on him. 


Maybe Jim Bob will play the forgiving supportive father on TV but in real life? Oh, I bet Josh is getting a verbal ass kicking 24/7. 


And really, Jim Bob and Michelle shouldn't have much to do with this.  This Josh and Anna's problem. But the Duggars are mixed up in eachother's business. And money. 

  • Love 16

In order to leave Josh, Anna will not only have to leave with 4 little children in tow, but will she really have a place to go? Yes, she has parents and siblings, but remember, they're also part of the religious cult that blames women for all the faults of men. Will they accept her into their home again and still be able to remain faithful to the teachings of their faith? There will be a contradiction of their religious beliefs. I'm sure they will encourage Anna to stay the course, remain with Josh and accept the fate she's been dealt with.

I know everyone talks about Anna packing up and leaving and moving into the trailer with her parents - BUT- why does she have to go any place.  He needs to leave!  Anna is probably comfortable in AR.  She lived there for many years.  I am assuming they have moved into the house they bought.  Josh would have to pay child support and alimony (and probably at the level of his last job). Honestly, she could get a job at Hobby Lobby or ChicFillet or any of those other super fundie places and leave the grand babies with MEchelle when she works.  You know MEchelle just LOVES her grand babies.  (Kidding on that one because I wouldn't leave my dog with that crazy woman.)  


All I am saying, is that if she were so inclined, she would not have to go anywhere.  I'm sure she will stay- but if she does, she should make up her mind that her husband will never be faithful.

  • Love 9

Right, some people just have no interest in monogamy but want the stability and benefits that marriage provides. I think that's the case with Josh.


I realized I posted it in the wrong thread, but I am kind of gleeful imagining Josh, whose biggest concern in my opinion is that now that he's back in Arkansas, his hope of finding women who don't know who he is has plummeted in the wake of not one but two scandals. Poor Anna actually may get her wish that he's "reformed," but for all the wrong reasons. He'll be too scared to try again, in my opinion. But we'll see.


Abandoning careers does seem to be a thing among Gothard men but David Rodrigues takes the cake. You really get the impression that this guy just didn't want to work anymore. And a printing business??? In this day and age, that is such a bizarre and dated concept. If someone needs to print out some homemade bible tracts, they can do that on their own printer at home.

I am not one to defend Pa Keller, but my understanding is that he mentors men and his wife and daughters have mentored women. Of course, those who think Pa Keller is closeted may still find that creepy! But I honestly don't think it's a sexual thing. I think he's giving talks and bible studies in a group setting. I dislike his fundie beliefs, but I have more respect for prison ministry than for some other things.

I’m a little confused.  Couldn’t  Pa Keller have kept his well paying  job & did his prison ministry in his free time?

Edited by ariel
  • Love 14

It would be. I have degrees, and since becoming widowed have found that falling back on that is what allows me to remain independent. If I can be doing it at 60, Anna can be doing it now.

Anna is exactly who social services exist for. She would qualify for subsidized housing and child care, as well as food stamps and medicaid. Let the state go after Josh. There are programs for women like Anna coming out of horrible situations that would provide voc re-hab. Problem is someone being able to get this information to her.

First and foremost, she has to be made to realize she is not to blame.

They're conservative. Even Josh said get a job.

  • Love 1

Did Josh actually have sex with other women, or was he intending to and had to settle for porn instead? Honestly, I'm not clutching my pearls over this given how many spouses cheat on their partners. It is rather funny however, that Mr. Family Values and "real" marriage enthusiast Josh Duggar can't walk the walk in real life. Josh has always been weak, coddled and undisciplined, so this latest scandal comes as no surprise.

  • Love 13

One of the things I've noticed about Josh (and to some extent Jessa) is that he seems really badly to want to be one of the cool kids, but given his upbringing he's not clear what the signifiers are. So, the cool kids are tweeting their work-of-art fine dining meals or their homemade foodie creations, and Josh is tweeting his Chick fil A sandwich. It's all food, right?

I didn't know what this discussion was about, but figured it out from your post.  That makes me sad.  

  • Love 1

I'm not sure where this would go so totally cool to move or delete if necessary.

Another Christian family of YouTube notoriety, Sam and Nia, has had his Ashley Madison account exposed. Recently they made the news when a pregnancy test video went viral that has been questioned for its authenticity.

I'm sure this is just the beginning.

  • Love 8

Why haven't the media staked out Anna's parents' house and demanded statements? Nobody lives that remotely in this day and age. Is any group working on that?

Also: I want a mole to blow thei Duggar finances wide open. They can't be that hard to crack! Where's the intrepid hacker that will take on the job? 

it's not really up to Anna's parents to have a statement about this.  Anna and Josh are adults.

  • Love 5

Don't understand the "addict" part. Truly don't. He has a disease where a part of his brain makes him call woman to try to have sex with them? There is a part of his brain that forces him to cheat on his wife? Did he "catch" this disease or did it develop? I believe those that attribute their bad behavior to an "addiction" are simply creating a scape goat. Josh Duggar is a lying, cheating, manwhore who was raised by two simpletons. Josh's only "addiction" is pleasing Josh. Why and what made him that way, I'm not qualified to even hazard a guess, and it's not for these forums anyway. But he needs help. Help in learning to be a normal man. And he may be too damaged to ever live a normal life.

Exactly. Josh never had to be accountable for his actions. He always had mommy daddy and his cult making excuses for him.
  • Love 3

I'm not sure where this would go so totally cool to move or delete if necessary.

Another Christian family of YouTube notoriety, Sam and Nia, has had his Ashley Madison account exposed. Recently they made the news when a pregnancy test video went viral that has been questioned for its authenticity.

I'm sure this is just the beginning.

This is so funny and sad at the same time.

I never read that narrative before. Is anyone else creeped out that her father quit his "good" job to spend the day reading bible stories to underage girls held captive by the juvenile justice system? With the way their culty circle is rife with pervs and abusers (hell, even Gothard himself!), the power differential between incarcerate juvenile and her father is quit concerning.

I think their statement could be taken 2 ways, the father AND Anna ministered to girls, or Anna ministered to girls after accompanying her father to the JDC.  

When they post ChickFilA pictures, it's their way of saying "Fuck you gay people, you don't deserve rights and I will support those who actively discriminate against you." It has nothing to do with their love of chicken biscuits.




  • Love 2

Yep.  I didn't grow up with ChickFilA, so never had to worry about them.  Went to Houston a couple weeks ago where they are popular.  While my cousins had some I made sure to stay away. 


I hope her sister that got out reaches out to her and lets Anna know that she has options.  None of them will be easy, but if you really want out there's always a way.  If she opts to stay with Josh that is her prerogative, but I hope it is with the condition that he seek counseling.  Otherwise, what kind of life is she and her children going to have?  Can she be happy staying with him knowing that there's a strong possibility that he will cheat again?

Thing is -- I don't see Anna turning him down for sex, ever, bc she knews/knows that in her cult, it is the wife's duty to please the husband -- any time he wants it. But in her mind -- and she says it -- sex is for making as many babies as possible. It's likely that Josh wanted sex for fun, not for babies; he's been saying since he got married that 2-3 kids is enough. Yet saddled down to a fundie wife, you can never say you don't want babies or want to use BC. So he likely wasn't having sex with Anna all the time bc he feared making babies. So he got his needs fulfilled elsewhere, where pregnancy wouldn't be a concern.


But obviously it's 100% HIS fault. He knew what he was marrying into. And if he went into that marriage and had a kid or two and realized, holy shit, I don't want more kids -- there were options. He was the headship -- he could have demanded BC. He could have gotten a vasectomy. He could have divorced her due to a fundamental disagreement on how to live -- i.e. BC vs. 100 kids. 


I also think that once Josh got into the "real" world -- i.e. outside his Arkansas hometown -- he realized Anna just didn't do it for him. Long fluffy hair, keeping sweet, weird clothes, and gazing at him adoringly was all good when he had no options -- he chose the girl who'd give him the time of day. Then he got to DC and saw all kinds of "regular" women -- wearing jeans; with some sass; stylish hair and clothes; can hold their own in any conversation -- and he thought WOW -- there's SOOOO many women out there like this, yet I'm 28 with a boring wife at home -- maybe I get me some action. He does it the first time with some woman who is cheating on her dude, she likely takes charge in the bedroom and teaches him a thing or two and he's hooked -- women he's attracted too who will have sex for fun?! What's not to like??


Thing is if Anna doesn't leave him over this, this will be a lifelong thing. If he's no longer attracted to her -- esp now that he's been with others -- temptation will rear its ugly head again; it may not be soon but in a yr or two, I can see him picking up someone locally in Arkansas who he finds exciting.

  • Love 19

I'm not sure where this would go so totally cool to move or delete if necessary.

Another Christian family of YouTube notoriety, Sam and Nia, has had his Ashley Madison account exposed. Recently they made the news when a pregnancy test video went viral that has been questioned for its authenticity.

I'm sure this is just the beginning.


And now TLC is wondering how much time they have to let pass before they film a series chronicling these pigs and their "repentance."

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The best thing about that Facebook piece is "Joe Smithson." In addition to everything else, he certainly is a creative thinker.


I wonder how he came up with that name.  Harry Johnson could have been good.  Hugh Johnson--all kinds of "johnson" names, but "Joe Smithson"? He couldn't find something sexy like Alexander Masters, or Jonathan Steele? 

  • Love 4

So, here's another thought re: the porn.


Imagine being the innocent wife who never dated, didn't kiss until marriage, and spent her wedding night with a husband who learned his sexual technique from Legos and porn. SHE wasn't watching the porn. She had no idea what she was doing, while he is viewing the most explicit acts and had been since age 16 (that we know of). Imagine the reaction of said innocent wife when husband immediately started asking her for a lot of the things he'd seen.


One has to imagine that Smuggar had no time or patience with a learning curve. One also has to imagine that he fancies himself Quite The Stud with no technique or any worry at all that he might not be pleasing his own wife. (READY4THISDC, anyone?)


It's one more reason why this marriage was never meant to be anything but a disaster, in my opinion.

Edited by Missy Vixen
  • Love 17

The best thing about that Facebook piece is "Joe Smithson." In addition to everything else, he certainly is a creative thinker.

It must be 'Joe Smithson' who is smarter than most people because it certainly isn't Josh.  Organ donor Joe Smithson, what a freaking moron.  It's weird that he put 'son' on the end of 'Smith'.  No longer Duggar son, but some guy named Smith's son. Joe - has to start with a J.  Josh is waayyy dumber than most people.

  • Love 4

I just did a quick read of pickles. A blogger that knows Anna confirmed that she gave birth on the 16th - cancellation day. So yes, the were fudging the birthdate.

I always wondered if they played with the birthdate because Josh wasn't even there.  They had to wait for him to show up to get a picture of them all together before announcing it.

The best thing about that Facebook piece is "Joe Smithson." In addition to everything else, he certainly is a creative thinker.


I wonder how he came up with that name.  Harry Johnson could have been good.  Hugh Johnson--all kinds of "johnson" names, but "Joe Smithson"? He couldn't find something sexy like Alexander Masters, or Jonathan Steele? 

I think it's very interesting that, on a website where he could use ANYTHING as a pseudonym, he chooses SmithSON


I don't want to go too far down the psychobabble road, but that speaks VOLUMES to me. Even while trolling for hookups on a site that would make JB and Michelle's heads explode he still can't get away from Mama and Papa...

  • Love 11

Can you imagine not being able to tell your spouse "no, not tonight"? Yikes. Again, like many have said "Anna is an adult and can leave" but sh would have to leave her parents, her inlaws, most of her siblings, her kids wouldn't have the aunts-uncles they've grown accustomed to, etc. it's not easy to leave everything single thing you know.

  • Love 2

It must be 'Joe Smithson' who is smarter than most people because it certainly isn't Josh.  Organ donor Joe Smithson, what a freaking moron.  It's weird that he put 'son' on the end of 'Smith'.  No longer Duggar son, but some guy named Smith's son. Joe - has to start with a J.  Josh is waayyy dumber than most people.

Remember, Josh was schooled at the SOTDRT.  He probably thought he was being really clever.  Use a basic name like Smith- add son and there you have it.  Brilliant Joshie!  Brilliant!  At that very point, he got an honorary degree from whatever university he claimed to have graduated from on Cupid!  


Mods- how is it going?  Are you guys getting to come up for air at all?  Hoping it is not as bad as the original JOSHGATE - but still.  :)

  • Love 8

It must be 'Joe Smithson' who is smarter than most people because it certainly isn't Josh.  Organ donor Joe Smithson, what a freaking moron.  It's weird that he put 'son' on the end of 'Smith'.  No longer Duggar son, but some guy named Smith's son. Joe - has to start with a J.  Josh is waayyy dumber than most people.


Maybe he was fantasizing that JB and M weren't his actual parents and that he was foundling who was the secret child of a rich guy, Smithson. Daydreaming about inheriting the Smithsonian Institution and eventually selling it for a fine bundle of cash so they can put up a WalMart in DC.

  • Love 5

I also think that once Josh got into the "real" world -- i.e. outside his Arkansas hometown -- he realized Anna just didn't do it for him. Long fluffy hair, keeping sweet, weird clothes, and gazing at him adoringly was all good when he had no options -- he chose the girl who'd give him the time of day. Then he got to DC and saw all kinds of "regular" women -- wearing jeans; with some sass; stylish hair and clothes; can hold their own in any conversation -- and he thought WOW -- there's SOOOO many women out there like this, yet I'm 28 with a boring wife at home -- maybe I get me some action. He does it the first time with some woman who is cheating on her dude, she likely takes charge in the bedroom and teaches him a thing or two and he's hooked -- women he's attracted too who will have sex for fun?! What's not to like??

Here's the thing, though. If Anna was the unholy lovechild of Harry Reems and Angelina Jolie I'm pretty sure Josh would still have strayed, because the problem is with Josh, and Josh doesn't play by no stinking rules.

  • Love 18

In order to call yourself a social worker you have to have at minimum a master's degree from an accredited school so whatever she was doing, it wasn't social work. More like, I don't to wash pots all afternoon so I will go listen to to the Jesus girl.

As for Hillary she was a Yale trained lawyer....she had choices.

I cannot make excuses for any woman who stays with a man who treats her so shabbily, whether it is Anna or Hillary or Anthony Weiner's wife (also with a little child).  Anna has choices.  Whether she has the strength of will to leave remains to be seen.  With all her 'fame' from the TV show I'm sure there are avenues open to her and, more importantly, many people who be willing to give her a hand at beginning a new and free life (some from this forum no doubt!).  Yes, Hillary and Weiner's wife had choices...and they made poor ones IMO.

  • Love 4

Remember, Josh was schooled at the SOTDRT.  He probably thought he was being really clever.  Use a basic name like Smith- add son and there you have it.  Brilliant Joshie!  Brilliant!  At that very point, he got an honorary degree from whatever university he claimed to have graduated from on Cupid!  


Mods- how is it going?  Are you guys getting to come up for air at all?  Hoping it is not as bad as the original JOSHGATE - but still.  :)

You can hear Josh thinking about it can't you - OK a different name so I don't get caught and no one will know it's me.  Joe, yeah that sounds good.  Now for a last name - Smith!  No, no too common, hey I'm smart I'll put SON at the end of it!  Joe Smithson - perfect!  NO ONE will ever know it's me. Make him an organ donor, nice guy you know in case he suddenly dies or something.  Maybe I should go into the fake ID business.  Or rather Joe Smithson can.  What kind of girls does Joe like?  Alll kinds.  Joe does it all.  Bubble baths, gentleness, Joe's a great guy.  He'll even walk your dog for you if you go away.  Got a secret love nest anyone? Joe needs a place to stay. 

  • Love 9

Maybe he was fantasizing that JB and M weren't his actual parents and that he was foundling who was the secret child of a rich guy, Smithson. Daydreaming about inheriting the Smithsonian Institution and eventually selling it for a fine bundle of cash so they can put up a WalMart in DC.

Yes he's really someone else's son.  Any guy named Smith will do.

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