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S07.E20: The Relationship Diremption

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I unfortunately missed most of the episode, but that scene after Sheldon woke up with - gasp! - a geology book was GOLD. You could tell Johnny Galecki could barely control himself! Classic.

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The Geology book, lol. Loved that and the phone messages. 

It seems that Sheldon is leaving the supersymmetry for good (or for a while,  at least). Writers will be able to play with him a lttle a try new  things, I guess. 

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I like Emily -- I hope she sticks around for a while. 

Also -- among all of Sheldon's drunken rambling phone messages to SH -- I thought "I kiss girls now" was pretty funny.

I always like a "serious" conversation between Sheldon and Penny, when he actually treats her with respect and seems to value her opinion.  Loved the end when Leonard came in blowing his nose and asking for his "good" inhaler (hee!) and Sheldon says to Penny, "Break up, shake hands and walk away."

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I'm so glad Lucy didn't come back, as I really dislike the character. And I'm glad it seems to be working so far with Emily. I hopre Raj proves Howard wrong, it would be a nice change of pace for his character.

When Emily said being a doctor was the only job where you could cut people legally, I found the way Bernadette reacted a bit weird and hypocritical, since she seems to have so much fun creating super deadly viruses (not necessarily on purpose, if I remember correctly, but still). She's way more scary than Emily!

I don't know if it's because Jim Parsons does such a good job, but I feel extremely uncomfortable watching him kiss Amy or waking up half-naked in bed. I physically recoil and almost have to look elsewhere. I'm amazed at my own reaction.

I really liked this plot about abandonning string theory. IMO the show is at its best when it incorporates science. Discovering that your research isn't going anywhere after 20 years must be very hard. Unless you're Kripke and spending your research money on "wicker and bronze"! It took me a while to understand that one! (ETA : I wrote how it sounded like, not what he actually meant.)

Edited by Isazouzi
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I don't know if it's because Jim Parsons does such a good job, but I feel extremely uncomfortable watching him kiss Amy or waking up half-naked in bed. I physically recoil and almost have to look elsewhere. I'm amazed at my own reaction.

You and me both. Dude needs to trim his armpit hair. And if I turned the sound down, he was totally channeling Mr. Bean. 

Emily is a breath of fresh air (oh god, did I really type that?) I'm glad Lucy isn't back because her place as Default Raj GF just made him creepier and more desperate). The whole Clogzilla storyline made me laugh way too hard. 

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I would have liked Howard to say something like, "I realize it's a little late, but can I reimburse you for your deposit now?" to which she would reply with "that's all water under the bridge now," which Bernadette or someone would follow with remarks that emphasized the obvious metaphors in that line. You know, like, "Actually, I bet it's still not water even if it has gone through the sewage treatment plant" or something more clever.

Although I was more annoyed than surprised that my ex didn't know to turn off the water to the toilet when this happened to him, shouldn't Howard know?

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You and me both. Dude needs to trim his armpit hair.


Yeah, I didn't really think that was fair to Jim Parsons.  Don't they have full-time manscrapers on retainer for just such an occasion?

Although I was more annoyed than surprised that my ex didn't know to turn off the water to the toilet when this happened to him, shouldn't Howard know?


I bet NASA believes he knows this or they never would have sent him into space.

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Dude needs to trim his armpit hair.

Yeah, I didn't really think that was fair to Jim Parsons.  Don't they have full-time manscrapers on retainer for just such an occasion?

I guess since I see Sheldon as somewhat childish and practically infantile at times, seeing that big old poof of pit hair was shocking, particularly since lots of men clip or manscape or shave these days. He looks like he'd be the type to lock himself in the bathroom with the nose hair trimmer for hours on end trying to get that rouge flapping nose hair. Guess he forgot the pits. 

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I guess since I see Sheldon as somewhat childish and practically infantile at times, seeing that big old poof of pit hair was shocking, particularly since lots of men clip or manscape or shave these days. He looks like he'd be the type to lock himself in the bathroom with the nose hair trimmer for hours on end trying to get that rouge flapping nose hair. Guess he forgot the pits.

Yes, Sheldon seems like such a man-child that those pits were disconcerting.   Especially since I feared that Amy was on the other side of one.  I had assumed before that BBT had manscapers on retainer but maybe not, James Earl Jones was in need of their services as well. 

It is odd to focus on this- but those pits (in both episodes) really did make me jump out of the stories.

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It doesn't surprise me. Sheldon was raised by a man who shot close enough to a raccoon to "make it crap itself". I would think someone like that would likely have taught his son that a man shaving something other than his face wasn't masculine. Sheldon rejects some of his upbringing, but he seems to cling somewhat to his parents' ideas in terms of conventional social mores.

And that's four more sentences than I ever thought I'd type about a TV character's armpits! lol

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Kripke spends his money on "liquor and broads." LOL

I thought it was "wiquor and bwondes"!

I think that it might also be a reference to an old DnD comic of the dwarf saying he spends his gold on "wenches and ale".

And now I feel old because I had no idea that men even considered shaving their armpits.

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And that's four more sentences than I ever thought I'd type about a TV character's armpits! lol
And now I feel old because I had no idea that men even considered shaving their armpits.

Actually I think that men have been shaving their armpits long before you and I were on this planet.  (I am thinking specifically of photographs I have seen of circus performers from the 19th Century).  I have a feeling manscaping was always with us but not talked openly until we became metrosexuals.  I too am surprised how many lines I have written about BBT's armpits, but they are odd creatures.  They are very intimate and yet they are out in public for all to see.  I am think I am about to go googling....

Edited by MaryHedwig
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I am sorry, but shaving your armpits makes you less of a MAN!


...or something a little less judgementally ridiculous. That said, it's not like any of the male characters are particularly concerned about their appearance (maybe Howard might indulge in a bit of manscaping or I guess Leonard at Penny's insistence) but otherwise it seems unlikely that any of them would shave anything other than their faces.


Isazouzi I'm so glad Lucy didn't come back, as I really dislike the character. And I'm glad it seems to be working so far with Emily.


I never objected to Lucy except to the extent that it seemed to turn Raj into a complete jerk - they were quite sweet when they had their library date. That said, I'm quite liking Emily so far.


Cosmic1 Loved hungover Sheldon waking up with the Geology book.


Oh, the humanities! But to cheat on  Physics with Geology... that's gotta hurt!

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Leonard shirtless: bothers me

Sheldon shirtless: bothers me

Sheldon in his underpants: amuses me

Raj shirtless/naked behind the kitchen table: indifferent

Howard shirtless: skeeves me

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Leonard shirtless: bothers me

Sheldon shirtless: bothers me

Sheldon in his underpants: amuses me

Raj shirtless/naked behind the kitchen table: indifferent

Howard shirtless: skeeves me



Leonard shirtless doesn't bother me in the least.  Nerd boy has a nice build.  :)  ITA with your assessment of Raj, Sheldon & Howard shirtless.  Sheldon in his underpants....never ceases to amuse me and I have no idea why. 

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