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S28.E12: Raging Bullies

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This is how i begin watching the challenge now, by adding a lot of drinking. John and Sarah are always going to win and its not fun anymore to watch. I can't believe anyone is actually this challenge season at this point, its quite  predictable. And also predictable is Devin and CHeynne getting white skulls again, how is that possible, it is producer driven, because it's Nany and Nicole. It's so predictable.Really. i think this may be my last season. 

i'm really bummed Wes and Nany lost. I hate Nany's cousin, she's the worst. And Dario shut the hell up, what do you want to say to Wes, Dario, you are the one who screwed up your whole game plan.

How can people defend someone like Vince when Cheyanne is crying from something he says. I get it, all these people are adults so they should be grown ups but at some point if someone is CRYING from something I've said and done to them, I would stop. you are such a prince, Vince.

I hate everyone left.  I don't even care what happens anymore. 

  • Love 5

This was a mess.

I'm honestly speechless that Wes and Nany lost to Dario and she-who-wears-too-much-makeup during the elimination round. Was Wes not trying? He was going so slowly, at first I thought it must be strategy - but then I realized that he was just sucking. At crawling.

The whole Nany/cousin situation irked me to no end. Did Nany forget how her cousin threw her under the bus in order to protect some boy she'd just met? I can understand not wanting to rough your cousin up, but this entire show is a game -- at least try to win it. Lord.

Last but not least, Cheyenne is startlingly nonathletic. I rolled my eyes at their plan to "pull every skull until [they got] the black one" because Cheyenne -- as sweet as she is -- is just plain bad at physical challenges. She has no upper arm or leg strength (remember their first elimination?) and she apparently begins vomiting violently whenever she has to do any endurance. Don't vote yourself in if you're going to lose. I'm glad they didn't go ahead with that idiotic plan, but they have no chance of winning this overall game.

  • Love 1

I wonder if Cheyenne has been giving such amazing talking heads this whole time.  I hope not, because I wish we could have been seeing that this whole time.  First, she calls out Devin's fame whoring.  He's not as bad on The Challenge, since being funny and not a terrible person makes for screen time on this show.  Offering to throw up with Cheyenne was gold.  Then, she calls out Vince and Bananas, because calling her Simone and Chantelle is pretty suspect.  I know that they're trying to make it look like Devin and Jenna argue, but I hope that is them fighting with Vince.

I like Jenna so much more this season.  Zach sucks.  She should break up with him.  She can get a better Challenge hookup.

  • Love 4

I thought the most uncomfortable part of this episode would be Nany and her cousin competing against eachother, but I was horrified watching the way Vince treated Cheyenne. I felt even worse after she explained why it upset her so much.

Jenna definitely deserves better than Zach. This is just how he treats women. He ghosted Jonna after he was tired of her; it's no surprise he's doing the same to Jenna.

This is the first time I've watched The Challenge and not had anyone to root for. I guess Devin and Cheyenne, but I watched Devin's season of AYTO, and he was an attention whore who treated women like crap, so I just can't.

Edited by Lesbian Seagull
  • Love 7

Did.... did Vince give a Howard Dean "HYAHHHH!!!!" in the club? Is that what that was? Like, did he just do an effing HOWARD DEAN bit? If so, props, though I doubt he was old enough to have that reference in the arsenal.


In any case, he's just terrible (and possibly racist with the "Simone" and "Chantal" stuff....?). Gross. 

Shit like this is why I would never go on a show like the Challenge. The dynamic of being the "only", particularly around immature, douchy, racially suspect frat boy types is just not my idea of a fun time. I mean really, wtf is wrong with Vince? If I were his parents I would be mortified to see his behavior. 

I was very sad to see Wes and Nany go. 

Sarah gets more pathetic as time goes on.

Zach did Jenna a favor. Move on, girl.

  • Love 6

Nany should have leveled Nicole.  Nicole sold her out for some dude she knew for all of two weeks.  You don't do that to family.  In my opinion, that gave Nany every right to take her out with incredible force.  I feel like she and maybe even Wes threw that one for Nicole.  Lame.  In the words of Devin, it's down to 6 people that I don't really like.  Cheyenne is okay.  Devin is less offensive by default.  I'm off to read some spoilers because I'm out.


edit: Vince and Bananas are disgusting.  I've been in Cheyenne's situation my entire life.  I totally get where she's coming from and like her, I get tired of it and blow up after smiling through it.  You can only take so much.  Cheyenne for the win.

Edited by Spencer Hastings
  • Love 9
10 minutes ago, Sonoma said:

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought Vince called her Chantel and Shavon this episode, not Chantel and Simone? And that it was a running joke throughout the season because someone accidentally messed up her name because of the Ch/Sh sound, not because of her race. It also didn't sound like the person who started it was even Vince. So while I don't disagree that Vince was being a huge douchebag and bully to Cheyenne, I don't think it's fair to start labeling people as racist when that's not exactly what happened. But again, please correct me if I'm wrong.


It was definitely Simone. And not only did he call her Simone, he accused her of angling for camera time while he called her Simone (which was the main complaint people had about simone). The only similarity between Cheyenne and Simone is their skin color. 

  • Love 3

I'm not sure how Vince can watch this and not cringe in embarrassment. He'll definitely try to come back on another challenge without any shame. And why is Devin the only one that stands up for Cheyenne? All these women are sitting there listening to him call her ugly and other shit he has no right saying, and they listen in silence. At least Jenna approached her afterward and said something. Anyone that can defend Vince, is a POS.

  • Love 8

This is going to be the most boring finale ever. The only thing that would make it interesting and would make me respect Sarah again is if halfway through the finale she just gives up. Make sure John can't even place third.

I hate that Dario and Nicole won. Especially Dario. God, he sucks.

The only team left that I'm vaguely rooting for is Cheyenne and Devin because they are the least of the worst.

Vince is a complete douchebag.

  • Love 7

Well, I just told the VCR not to record next week.  I can't stand Bananas.  Sorry Cheyenne, I'll see you in something else I guess.

Even the airport scene where they're all being goofy and carefree was ruined by who the cameraman was.  

Sycophantic Sarah just makes me sad.  She told Bananas that by winning she'd make up for what she "stole" from him?  

I must have accidentally fast forwarded through Vince's meanness to Cheyenne, and I've deleted the ep, but I don't think I could stomach watching that anyway.

My face when John told Sarah he was happy to see her and Sarah almost pissed herself:


My face when Jenna said I love you to Zach after he talked to her like she was a piece of shit:


8 hours ago, Spencer Hastings said:

edit: Vince and Bananas are disgusting.  I've been in Cheyenne's situation my entire life.  I totally get where she's coming from and like her, I get tired of it and blow up after smiling through it.  You can only take so much.  Cheyenne for the win.

Same here.  Once Cheyenne said, "that's not my name, don't call me that," it should have been the end of it.  But Vince and John always have to take things too far.  And in true John fashion, he continued to instigate and as soon as Cheyenne started crying he retreated to the back to allow Vince to carry on like an idiot while he pretended like he wasn't involved at all. 

9 hours ago, Sonoma said:

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought Vince called her Chantel and Shavon this episode, not Chantel and Simone? And that it was a running joke throughout the season because someone accidentally messed up her name because of the Ch/Sh sound, not because of her race. It also didn't sound like the person who started it was even Vince. So while I don't disagree that Vince was being a huge douchebag and bully to Cheyenne, I don't think it's fair to start labeling people as racist when that's not exactly what happened. But again, please correct me if I'm wrong.

Calling someone the incorrect name more than once is disrespectful.  And often times when it is done to people of color, there are racial undertones to it, whether the perpetrator realizes it or not.  And Cheyenne correctly called it in talking head.  Yes, it started as a joke; but as I mentioned above, once it was clear that Cheyenne did not find it funny, whether she verbalized her reasons or not, it should have been over. 

  • Love 15
13 hours ago, WhosThatGirl said:

i'm really bummed Wes and Nany lost. I hate Nany's cousin, she's the worst. And Dario shut the hell up, what do you want to say to Wes, Dario, you are the one who screwed up your whole game plan.

God, this.  Dario, you're the one who blew up a whole alliance, one that had a chance to weaken the John/Sarah/Vince/Jenna alliance.  But you out your friends, and your partner's cousin (someone who would have had your back no matter what), to score points with John?  Why?  And you have something to say to Wes? Who did...what, exactly?  Dario basically just had a temper tantrum that he wasn't kept in the know about every single thing going on, and he thinks he has shit he needs to say to Wes?  Have all the seats, Dario.  And shut the fuck up. 

3 hours ago, luckyroll3 said:

Calling someone the incorrect name more than once is disrespectful.  And often times when it is done to people of color, there are racial undertones to it, whether the perpetrator realizes it or not.  And Cheyenne correctly called it in talking head.  Yes, it started as a joke; but as I mentioned above, once it was clear that Cheyenne did not find it funny, whether she verbalized her reasons or not, it should have been over. 

Vince really proved his douchetool frat-bro credentials when he said "when you tell us something bothers you, we're just going to do it more" (or something to that effect).  Well, Vince, that makes you a dick.  Go take those seats with Dario and shut the fuck up. 

Devin and Cheyenne are the only people left that I can even like on this mess.  Honorable mention to Jenna, but she's connected to the axis of asswipes over there, so I can't really embrace her this season.  I will say (again), though - girl, get some self esteem. Stop getting involved with losers.  And Vince was playing sympathetic listener for two reasons, and two reasons only.  1) He wants to make sure she focuses on winning him some money, and 2) he's hoping that if he's the shoulder to cry on for you, he'll reap the benefits of some ill-advised rebound sex.  If you were not his partner and not attractive, he would not give a single shit.  He'd probably laugh at you and talk about how many hot chicks Zach can openly bone now.  

I actually wasn't surprised that Wes was so much slower than Dario in the tunnel.  It seems like Dario is less bulky than Wes, and that helps in a situation like crawling through a low tunnel like that.  If John or Vince had been in there, they would have likely sucked, too, just because of their size.  (Although I guarantee you that now that John has seen them do this elimination, he'll find a way to practice it at home before the next season, since this is his life.) 

  • Love 14

Wow, Sarah, you'll need surgery to remove your tongue from John's asshole.  And I noticed she said nothing while Vinny continued to harass Cheyenne…just sat & snacked with John.  As long as she's in good with the "cool kids" (John), nothing else matters.  And when douchebag Devin is the only one trying to stop Wince…JFC, people!  At least Jenna tried to comfort Cheyenne. 

I feel Cheyenne's pain.  It really sucks to be told, tacitly or implicitly, that your skin is too dark to be accepted by white people, but you "act too white" for the black people.  And I totally believe she's dealt with this all her life & throughout the challenge--especially with the asshole twins there.  I did like that she shut down Devin's attempt to pull a Jordan for airtime.  That was a stupid idea.

  • Love 8

Now that Wes and Nany are gone, I just don't know if I will finish out this season.  Maybe I will end my spoiler embargo so I can at least know if John wins... then I know I won't watch. Just can't even. I had mad respect for Sarah when she made her move in BOE2 and won and refused to apologize.  Now she is back to her old ways and it ain't a good look. I wanted to punch her in her over-eager face for most of the show.  And for the last effing time.... she didn't steal anything from John.  Someone has to own something before you can steal it.  And all evidence to the contrary Johnny Effing Bananas does not have a God-given right to win each Challenge he is in.  For the love of all that is holy! Is it too much to ask for that John and Vince both pull a hammy in the final and can't finish.  Or get eaten by a shark.  Ugh!! I might be too old for this shit.

Edited by angelamh66
spelling is hard
  • Love 12

Jenna, he ain't worth your tears honey. I hope they've broken up since her being on the show because he's a jerk and it was on full display in those series of phone conversations. 

I'm so upset with the battle match up. I'm so upset that Nany got sent home by that idiot Dario and her numbskull cousin. I'm so disappointed at Wes' performance. Did the cage get lower at some point and then higher again? At some point he started using too much of his forearm to drag him through rather than use his feet to push off for momentum. He and Nany's chemistry (personality wise) was entertaining to me, gonna miss them. 

Johnny and Sarah winning are boring me. Cheyenne and Devin coming in 2nd had me laughing. LOVED their reaction and Devin announcing to the world that they're #2, haha.

Sarah is so pathetically obsessed with Johnny's acceptance. It's gag worthy. i hope she gets called out at the reunion. I'd love to see what stupidity comes pouring out of her mouth to justify her behaviour. 

Vince, her eyes are hazel. Just because you didn't learn your colours in kindergarten like normal kids doesn't mean that the colour wheel changes just for you. I felt so bad for Cheyenne. That's what happens when you're self-absorbed and ignorant. What you think is having fun can be damaging to someone else. You don't know what people have experienced in their life so when someone is emotional, crying and telling you that you're targeted jokes aren't funny to them, it doesn't really take that much sense to know that you should stop. Vince is a douchebag and I've never liked him. But you know who stood out to me throughout all of this? Sarah. She had the audacity to call out Wes for talking game. She demeaned him and insulted his character. She had too much integrity then to not address Wes (even though her entire speech was so misplaced). Yet the entire time that Vince was harassing Cheyenne, she treated him with kid gloves and then eventually ignored it while she stuffed her face with food at the table with Johnny. I really wish this girl retired from these challenges after her win because now I no longer feel happy about her finally getting that win because she's coming across as a sheep. Not sure how she breathes being so far up Johnny's ass for so long. 

  • Love 10
24 minutes ago, RHJunkie said:

Jenna, he ain't worth your tears honey. I hope they've broken up since her being on the show because he's a jerk and it was on full display in those series of phone conversations. 


They have broken up. Jenna even talked about the phone incident during the Bloodlines reunion without mentioning that it happened during this challenge

  • Love 2
24 minutes ago, RHJunkie said:

Jenna, he ain't worth your tears honey. I hope they've broken up since her being on the show because he's a jerk and it was on full display in those series of phone conversations. 


They have broken up. Jenna even talked about the phone incident during the Bloodlines reunion without mentioning that it happened during this challenge

Vince is probably an even bigger idiot than his cousin. If someone tells you repeatedly to leave them alone, stop harassing them! It's not a good look when you're a grown ass man and you're making fun of a woman for your personal entertainment. Grow up! I really felt bad for Cheyenne because she seems like a nice girl and Vince's bullying brought her back to a place where I'm sure she didn't want to be back in. It was just awful that no one but Devin defended her.

Oh Sarah! How disappointing have you been this season to me. For the millionth time, you did not steal anything from Johnny. Yes, she pulled a fast one on him by throwing him into the last elimination round, but in the end, he had the power to win that elimination round and come back. He didn't so it's not her fault that he didn't win the money. Just because he's in a Challenge, it doesn't give him an automatic win unless he's surrounded by sheep like on this season who are basically handing him the win just as long as they get third place. 

I thought Nany and Wes would win the Jungle and I was actually rooting for them. They did seem very slow at times. I don't dislike Nicole even though she was messed up for what she did to Nany and she seemed genuinely hurt for sending her home. 

  • Love 3

"You're probably wondering what happened with Johnny. Yesterday, he was doing an interview, and it dawned on his that the closest thing to a rival is out, and there was no challenge from the remaining teams. He saw his idiot cousin and his dimbulb partner; a bargain basement version of his rival and a chick with incredibly thin skin; and a complete dumbass and his blah partner. And Johnny ejaculated. It was really bad. He didn't touch himself . ..  it just came out. Lasted for two hours. Put three Production members in the hospital. He's in a clinic now, and we don't think his testicles are there anymore. Needless to say, he is out. Sarah, you know what that means . . . this ends your time in Mexico. I mean, Brazil. I don't even care anymore. What the fuck have I done with my life?"

Only thing missing was an "after" shot on Wes E. Coyote in a full-body cast after going over the cliff for the millionth time. I'm not saying he went out like a punk, but it was so underwhelming. All the focus was on Cousin Fight 2016, and there was no emphasis as to how Wes lost to Johnny. Again.

Why do I watch this show? It's not fun anymore. And Sarah should be ashamed of herself. So should Wince, but he has no self-awareness. And Jenna needs so much help. Nice to see Zach can ruin a Challenge even when he's not on it. Not even Frank could pull that shit off, and he's beyond repugnant.

ETA: Read the recap. Zach really is a "fucksuck," isn't he?

  • Love 3

Fuck, Sarah.  She really is a sycophant.

If John had said they actually were Facebook official after the challenge, she really WOULD have peed herself all over the beach.

Wes was so quiet, he seemed kind of over it.  I don't blame him, they're all assholes.  It was SET UP to put John and Vince in the same elimination and Dario shit the bed.

How did Nicole cry all over herself and not one piece of makeup ran?

Cheyenne seems like the biggest sweetheart.  I felt the worst for her.

Edited by mojoween
  • Love 4

I hate to say it, but I kind of hope that this is Wes's last challenge. He's not the beast he used to be, so he's not very good at the challenges themselves. His physical capabilities were the only thing getting him by in previous seasons, because as entertaining as his politics were, they never seemed to work out for him.  I like him, and I know he has a full life outside of these Challenges. I wish him the best.

If I was in Nany's shoes, you can be damn sure that I would have fucked Nicole up during that elimination round. Nany had every right to do so after the way Nicole screwed her over, and I was so disappointed that she didn't.

What else can I say about the Vince/Cheyenne situation? I actually teared up watching it go down. Vince is a douche and a stereotypical dude-bro. You can't let dude-bros know that they're getting to you, or they will keep pestering you with the same shit over and over again, just like he said.  Awful. These are adults, not high school or even college kids. Vince should know better than to behave in that manner, but I'm not surprised that he still does.

I hate John and Sarah, and am not looking forward to watching them win. 

Edited by Zima
  • Love 5

The whole Cheyenne/Vince thing actually made me tear up. It churned up buried memories of also feeling targeted because of my skin color/ethnicity and my name and feeling even more isolated by having hardly anyone stand up for me out of passiveness, apathy and fear. And you know people like Vince don't deserve the tears they make you spill, but you're so damn frustrated by even having to deal with a dense cold-hearted POS like him, that all you can do is cry it out. :-\

  • Love 10
3 hours ago, Zima said:

I hate to say it, but I kind of hope that this is Wes's last challenge. He's not the beast he used to be, so he's not very good at the challenges themselves. His physical capabilities were the only thing getting him by in previous seasons, because as entertaining as his politics were, they never seemed to work out for him.  I like him, and I know he has a full life outside of these Challenges. I wish him the best.

If I was in Nany's shoes, you can be damn sure that I would have fucked Nicole up during that elimination round. Nany had every right to do so after the way Nicole screwed her over, and I was so disappointed that she didn't.

What else can I say about the Vince/Cheyenne situation? I actually teared up watching it go down. Vince is a douche and a stereotypical dude-bro. You can't let dude-bros know that they're getting to you, or they will keep pestering you with the same shit over and over again, just like he said.  Awful. These are adults, not high school or even college kids. Vince should know better than to behave in that manner, but I'm not surprised that he still does.

I hate John and Sarah, and am not looking forward to watching them win. 

I read that Wes, Sarah, Nany, and Camilla don't plan on participating in anymore challenges.

3 hours ago, Zima said:
  • Love 2
12 hours ago, Aaron4102 said:

They have broken up. Jenna even talked about the phone incident during the Bloodlines reunion without mentioning that it happened during this challenge

I'm happy to hear that. I was surprised she kept reaching out to him after he called her by the wrong name. He tried to play it off but it didn't sound believable to me at all. And even he was just joking, it's still an awful thing to do to an emotional partner that's missing you and frustrated with your lack of communication in her absence. Are there any successful MTV relationships other than Brad and...Tori? I don't remember her name. I'm not even I remember his name but I think it's Brad.

24 minutes ago, RHJunkie said:

I'm happy to hear that. I was surprised she kept reaching out to him after he called her by the wrong name. He tried to play it off but it didn't sound believable to me at all. And even he was just joking, it's still an awful thing to do to an emotional partner that's missing you and frustrated with your lack of communication in her absence. Are there any successful MTV relationships other than Brad and...Tori? I don't remember her name. I'm not even I remember his name but I think it's Brad.


Believe Brad and Tori are still together. Also, the original "challenge couple" Sean and Rachel are still together. Think they've been together for almost 20 years, and have like, 4 or 5 kids.


Also, Pam and Judd from RW San Francisco are still married I believe, and that has been over 20 years I think.


I thought someone did some facebook sleuthing and figured out that Hollywick and Chadwick are no longer together.  I could be making that up though.


ETA: just googled, and it's SEVEN kids for Sean and Rachel. Seven. Wow.


ETA again: I guess they just had their 8th baby last month.

Edited by Tatum
  • Love 6

Right? According to the timetable, she started having trouble reaching him on her second day there. But she has not appeared to be overly emotional on any of the previous episodes. Given how early this started, I suspect Zach specifically waited until she was out of the country to initiate the break up process. Coward.

Who was on the bus during the fight? There was a dark haired guy in glasses that is not a cast member. Was it a producer?


From Bananas explanation, it appears that calling Cheyenne "Chantel" was a mistake that was made earlier in the filming, and Cheyenne may have laughed it off then (not that she honestly thought it was funny, but maybe she didn't want to let on at the time that it bothered her). Naturally Bananas and Plantains considered that the height of wittiness to continue to use that as a nickname.


And hey Vince? Telling someone to not let on that something bothers you to avoid being teased about it more is indeed sound advice...when you're ten, and the person doing the teasing is your 12 year old brother. When you are both adults stuck living together, and you continue to "tease" someone when they've let you know it upsets them, you're a dickhead. And to think I defended you last week. I'm glad that on your possibly 40 years on this planet, the only person that's ever said you're attractive is probably Sarah, who has demonstrated her poor taste and poor judgment time and time again.

Edited by Tatum
  • Love 8

Devin and Cheyenne for 2nd! He's really starting to grow on me, and he was funny offering to throw up with Cheyenne. I find him very entertaining. They showed a couple snippets of TJ during the challenge that had me curious. One was when he went over to John and Sarah when they were down on the ground after they won. We don't usually see interaction between TJ and the contestants while the challenge is still taking place. Or maybe it was just because it was John and TJ couldn't wait to congratulate him until everyone had finished. Barf.

Sorry to see Wes and Nany go, I can't believe they lost to Nicole and Dario. 

In the final elimination, if the last place team automatically goes to the Jungle, and two more are nominated, that means either John/Sarah or Vince/Jenna will have to pull skulls, right? This is assuming neither of them finishes last of course, in which case they'd automatically go in. So if Devin and Cheyenne don't finish last, and their skull-pulling luck holds out, they would be in the finals. Not that they would probably do well, but anyway. But knowing BMP they may make the last challenge and Jungle different, just because.

On ‎7‎/‎21‎/‎2016 at 0:12 AM, Sonoma said:

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought Vince called her Chantel and Shavon this episode, not Chantel and Simone? And that it was a running joke throughout the season because someone accidentally messed up her name because of the Ch/Sh sound, not because of her race. It also didn't sound like the person who started it was even Vince. So while I don't disagree that Vince was being a huge douchebag and bully to Cheyenne, I don't think it's fair to start labeling people as racist when that's not exactly what happened. But again, please correct me if I'm wrong.

I could be wrong too, but I remember them calling her Chantel and Shavon at the club, and then calling her Simone later at home. I didn't get the impression any of the names had anything to do with her skin color, but she could have perceived it that way since she equated the name Chantel with a ghetto ho or something similar. Chantel and Shavon were mentioned because they started with Ch/Sh like her name, and Simone was mentioned when Vince was accusing her of wanting camera time. Vince and John's bullying  needs to be called out by producers.

Edited by dangwoodchucks
  • Love 1

Vince yelling about Cheyenne wanting more camera time while he was in another room without her camera anywhere near him made me want to hit him so bad.  Butt out, asscheese.

I saw TJ go to John and Sarah at the end of the comp too and I was so hopeful he was going to say they did something wrong and were disqualified and Wes and Nany would win by default.

  • Love 4
3 hours ago, Tatum said:


Believe Brad and Tori are still together. Also, the original "challenge couple" Sean and Rachel are still together. Think they've been together for almost 20 years, and have like, 4 or 5 kids.


Also, Pam and Judd from RW San Francisco are still married I believe, and that has been over 20 years I think.


I thought someone did some facebook sleuthing and figured out that Hollywick and Chadwick are no longer together.  I could be making that up though.


ETA: just googled, and it's SEVEN kids for Sean and Rachel. Seven. Wow.


ETA again: I guess they just had their 8th baby last month.

8 kids is...wow! I had to google the other couples though. I didn't start watching MTV THAT young, haha. Thanks for the update though. Nice to know some of these couples panned out. Though, history would also suggest that that's not usually the case when you meet a macho personality like Zach on a show like MTV anything.

13 hours ago, mojoween said:

How did Nicole cry all over herself and not one piece of makeup ran?

One of the great mysteries of the universe.

12 hours ago, MattDuffysCat said:

The whole Cheyenne/Vince thing actually made me tear up. It churned up buried memories of also feeling targeted because of my skin color/ethnicity and my name and feeling even more isolated by having hardly anyone stand up for me out of passiveness, apathy and fear. And you know people like Vince don't deserve the tears they make you spill, but you're so damn frustrated by even having to deal with a dense cold-hearted POS like him, that all you can do is cry it out. :-\

Aw, don't cry over that or other assholes!  Sending hugs!

4 hours ago, Tatum said:

Also, the original "challenge couple" Sean and Rachel are still together. Think they've been together for almost 20 years, and have like, 4 or 5 kids.

ETA: just googled, and it's SEVEN kids for Sean and Rachel. Seven. Wow.

ETA again: I guess they just had their 8th baby last month.

How has her uterus not escaped from pushing out all those, what I assume to be, large ass lumberjack babies??

  • Love 2
5 hours ago, RHJunkie said:

I'm happy to hear that. I was surprised she kept reaching out to him after he called her by the wrong name. He tried to play it off but it didn't sound believable to me at all. And even he was just joking, it's still an awful thing to do to an emotional partner that's missing you and frustrated with your lack of communication in her absence. Are there any successful MTV relationships other than Brad and...Tori? I don't remember her name. I'm not even I remember his name but I think it's Brad.

Knowing Zach's history of how be ends relationships, he probably called her by the wrong name to make sure she got the point, after ghosting her for weeks wasn't working.  He had to know damn well who was on the phone.  He's such an ass to women.  

  • Love 4

I'm torn on sympathy for Jenna. On the one hand, I think she's a pretty cool person. And I also have been in her shoes enough in my teens and early 20s that I still remember that sick feeling you get when someone you're still into has not only lost interest in you, but doesn't care enough to just be straight with you, and their only regret is you pushing for an answer makes them feel uncomfortable. Like one minute they loved you, and the next minute you're a giant inconvenience. This is especially hard to take when you're in a high stress situation.


On the other hand, I was pretty disappointed in Jenna that she took up with Zach in the first place after seeing how he treated Jonna. And I don't just mean in the sense that it gave her a fair warning of how Zach might treat her down the road (although that was a valid concern). Even if Jenna could somehow be sure that Zach would never treat her the way he treated Jonna, did that not bother her to cuddle up with someone capable of such cruel behavior? Zach's insensitive method of breaking up with Jonna could be forgiven- some people are just shitty with those situations. Zach's treatment of Jonna during the filming cannot be forgiven. He was intentionally cruel to her and seemed to find it funny. To put it in perspective- fucking Bananas thought Zach was being mean to Jonna. When a guy that: is incapable of remaining faithful to a girlfriend, mocks other girls for being on medication for anxiety and depression, AND calls every girl who doesn't agree with him a "dumb bitch"- thinks another guy is emotionally abusive- well that says something.


The fact that Jenna had a front row seat to this and dated him anyways basically tells me she is fine with a guy being a jerk as long as he is not a jerk to her. And that kind of selfishness doesn't sit well with me. It's like when you date someone that is nice to you, but really rude and demeaning to people he or she considers to beneath himself or herself. If their rudeness doesn't bother you because it's not directed at you- well then forgive me for thinking you're not a very nice person. Likewise, I was less than impressed with Jenna for being okay with this behavior. 

  • Love 11
16 minutes ago, KerleyQ said:

Knowing Zach's history of how be ends relationships, he probably called her by the wrong name to make sure she got the point, after ghosting her for weeks wasn't working.  He had to know damn well who was on the phone.  He's such an ass to women.  

I think you're right. In this day and age of cell phones, there is no way he didn't see the number and know it was Jenna. Even if by calling from another country means the numbers are not the same every time (like if outgoing calls are routed through somewhere), he knew it wasn't really Brooke. He was either hoping she'd get pissed and hang up on him, and not bother him again, or he enjoys knowing that he's ruining her day by messing with her. That guy has a mean streak a mile wide.

  • Love 4
3 hours ago, Tatum said:

And hey Vince? Telling someone to not let on that something bothers you to avoid being teased about it more is indeed sound advice...when you're ten, and the person doing the teasing is your 12 year old brother. When you are both adults stuck living together, and you continue to "tease" someone when they've let you know it upsets them, you're a dickhead. 

I thought the exact same thing.  I actually said to the tv: did he really just say that?  Out loud?  With cameras rolling?  His parents must be so proud.

And LOL to "Plaintains!"


 Also, the original "challenge couple" Sean and Rachel are still together. Think they've been together for almost 20 years, and have like, 4 or 5 kids.

I'm pretty sure I just heard their names this past week in reference to the Republican National convention - Sean's a congressman from some lumberjack state.  That is seriously the level of celebrity and political speakers the RNC/Trump featured!

  • Love 3
Just now, mojoween said:

Why IS Vince called plantains?  Is it because they are a lesser banana?

I think that is it... a plantain is a member of the banana family. But it's also less popular than a banana. I find it fitting. Vince is related to John but is less intelligent, less attractive, less charming, less athletic- John may be an asshole but I can't think of an area where Vince has an edge over John which makes Vince a sub-asshole.

  • Love 1

I think the opposite- Vince is fug and John is objectively speaking, physically attractive. I kind of hate myself now. But if you can be brave enough to admit you find Vince attractive I can admit I think John is good looking, at least circa 2007. I think he has a receding hairline which he hides with flat ironing his hair forward. 


And I would only admit this knowing you guys can't throw things at me over the Internet. 

  • Love 2

Geez, Sarah seems to be competing more for Johnny's approval than for the money.  So pathetic.  

She was probably one of those people who was never popular in life, and looks at these Challenges as a way to prove she can hang with the "cool" kids.  This, in and of itself, is what makes her the ultimate loser.  She's fanwanking someone who should be considered her peer.  


Nicole is awful.

*eta: I love how dismissive Johnny is of Sarah's neediness.  Gawd...she's *such* a loser.

Edited by cuphead
  • Love 2
21 hours ago, LotusFlower said:

Sean's a congressman from some lumberjack state.  That is seriously the level of celebrity and political speakers the RNC/Trump featured!

Wisconsin. But he's the rep for very northern Wisconsin, which is conservative and not representative of the state in general. He's pretty popular up there. No one seems to care about his RW days but that was like 20 years ago. Weirdly, I was in his home town yesterday and walked right by Duffy Law Office, which must be a relative...maybe his dad?

Sarah said...stuff on her aftershow about how she did talk to Cheyenne about her feelings etc but that Sarah decided she wasn't going to change Vince and his ass ways so she didn't say anything while Cheyenne was being riduculed... It was just the kind of bullshit cop out we'd expect from her. No, Vince probably won't change but I'm willing to bet he would've been more inclined to stfu if everyone on that bus would've ripped into him for what he was doing. Sarah also said something about how they'd go after her then if she spoke up. She really doesn't get it. All it takes for bullshit to continue is "good" people doing nothing. She is such a disappointment. I only watch her aftershow for Susie.

I think Sarah thinks she's a way better person than she is because she's basing the scale in reference to these people, some of whom are the lowest of the low. 

Edited by Rebecca
  • Love 1

Omg really Sarah? You admit you don't want to stick up for someone being bullied because YOU don't want to be the next target? Aren't you like, 30? If the thought of being called a "retard" or a "dumb bitch" is upsetting enough to you that you refuse to stand up for someone being mistreated maybe you should use some of your previous prize winnings on some therapy and retire from these challenges for real. 

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