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Small Talk: 1, 2, 3 Non-Cheerleader Conversation

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15 minutes ago, cherryblossom said:

OK here is an update from what I posted about Japanese ladies wearing underwear designed to give a camel toe.  It is supposed to make your "lady parts" seem plump and luscious!




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On March 2, 2017 at 2:36 PM, heatherrrrz said:

I feel like kickboxing would help you with that! If there's a 9round around you, try out the free session.


On March 2, 2017 at 4:12 PM, California Girl said:

@VintageJ try running 4 miles on a treadmill at least 4x/week on a speed setting between 6-8.  That will get rid of a stomach and love handles every time.

Thanks guys.  I really appreciate the advice.  Just have to get back on my exercise program. Was doing good at first, even really enjoyed going to the gym.  Then Thanksgiving, Christmas and my birthday happened and I got out of the routine.  But I'm going back in!

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OMG. What the ever loving heck??????  Reaction is to the above photo.

Okay, so here is what I know about JA and BP and a little Angelina.

Their marriage was over before he signed to to Mr. & Mrs. Smith.  He’s pretty normal and a very good actor (way better than Clooney, at any rate).  And this is dumb but I always thought he was like 5’10” or so.  He’s 6’1”.  I know, dumb. 

If you really want to see Jen’s personality, try and find her Inside The Actor’s Studio interview.  It was alarming to watch when I saw for the first time as I always had a bit of a girl crush.  There is an unpolished sneer to her that came across as contempt.  I believe that is her real personality.  As a one of the most famous woman in Hwood, she had every advantage to have an interesting career.  I don’t know if she chose her roles for the money but girlfriend has got shockingly bad taste in what she signed on to do. And now, she has no real acting career and it’s all just her commercial work.  Surprising considering she pretty much had the world in the palm of her hand when she finished Friends. I believe Brad wanted children and she either didn’t or wanted to put it off. That was a big problem.

I hate Angelina so if you like her you can skip this.  Angelina is crazy.  She has all these kids.  They are undisciplined, travel all over the world, their proper education has taken a back seat to Angelina’s need for whatever the hell she is looking for.  Brad wanted them to settle in LA, put them in school, give them structure, schooling, friends and a proper life.  He wants to keep making movies.  She wants to flit around the world as a UN ambassador or whatever she is and drag the kids along with her.  She is not thinking of them, she is thinking of herself.  She uses those kids for her own image.  The woman has no career left because she has to be overpaid for her work and what does choose is ridiculous.  She takes herself WAY TOO seriously.  She admitted she has no friends.   And lastly, she tried to bury Brad who is completely beloved.

To me, Brad deserves better than both of these women. 

Edited by PBSLover
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1 hour ago, PBSLover said:

OMG. What the ever loving heck??????  Reaction is to the above photo.

Okay, so here is what I know about JA and BP and a little Angelina.

Their marriage was over before he signed to to Mr. & Mrs. Smith.  He’s pretty normal and a very good actor (way better than Clooney, at any rate).  And this is dumb but I always thought he was like 5’10” or so.  He’s 6’1”.  I know, dumb. 

If you really want to see Jen’s personality, try and find her Inside The Actor’s Studio interview.  It was alarming to watch when I saw for the first time as I always had a bit of a girl crush.  There is an unpolished sneer to her that came across as contempt.  I believe that is her real personality.  As a one of the most famous woman in Hwood, she had every advantage to have an interesting career.  I don’t know if she chose her roles for the money but girlfriend has got shockingly bad taste in what she signed on to do. And now, she has no real acting career and it’s all just her commercial work.  Surprising considering she pretty much had the world in the palm of her hand when she finished Friends. I believe Brad wanted children and she either didn’t or wanted to put it off. That was a big problem.

I hate Angelina so if you like her you can skip this.  Angelina is crazy.  She has all these kids.  They are undisciplined, travel all over the world, their proper education has taken a back seat to Angelina’s need for whatever the hell she is looking for.  Brad wanted them to settle in LA, put them in school, give them structure, schooling, friends and a proper life.  He wants to keep making movies.  She wants to flit around the world as a UN ambassador or whatever she is and drag the kids along with her.  She is not thinking of them, she is thinking of herself.  She uses those kids for her own image.  The woman has no career left because she has to be overpaid for her work and what does choose is ridiculous.  She takes herself WAY TOO seriously.  She admitted she has no friends.   And lastly, she tried to bury Brad who is completely beloved.

To me, Brad deserves better than both of these women. 

I feel the same way about Jennifer Anniston. Never understood they hype past the great hair. She plays the same obnoxious character in every single thing she's ever done, and always come off to me with a condescending sneer. To be blunt, I think she is quit homely, and she doesn't have the charm or charisma to back up her homeliness. She doesn't have the style of a Plain Jane like Blake Lively, or the charm of a not so great beauty, but interesting personality, like Sarah Jessica Parker, Barbara Streisand, etc. 

I also don't think Jennifer thinks about Brad Pitt nearly as much as most people want to think she does. I don't think she's heartbroken or cares anymore. 

Angelina, on the other hand, is a much better actress and far prettier, but always came off to me as a really obvious manipulator. I don't think she started out nearly as crazy as she acts now. I think she was more like Gaga, for example, in the sense that she is very talented, but had so much weird gimmick and hype, that it was just off putting to me. If you're that pretty and talented, you don't have to go out of your way to act bat shit crazy with the vials of blood and making out with your brother to get attention. Just stop it. Now I think she's truly bought into her own hype and is a lunatic. At least Gaga had the sense to stop all the demon blood meat dress crap and just performs now.

Brad - I don't think any woman has the power to steal any man. Or vice versa. This is a decision a man or woman makes on their own. He chose to leave. Don't blame Angelina entirely for Brad not respecting what was left of his marriage to Jennifer. I do feel bad for all those kids who Angelina seems to want to have a really bizarre upbringing. They deserve some sort of stability.

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4 hours ago, QuiteContraryMoni said:

In other news, we booked a trip to Vegas ( @heatherrrrz that's kind of like Disney) and I injured myself eating a turkey sandwich.

Film at eleven.

Well, that's good it sounds like. He didn't ask for a backrub. Good sign.

I moved to Vegas for a while and even worked on the Strip though it wasn't NEARLY as glamorous as it seems.  Someone once told me to be glad that my apartment was on the second floor.  A few nights later (I worked until midnight, sometimes one or two depending on the night), I saw what they meant when I came home.  I had returned from work and went to get my mail and there was a literal CARPET of bugs and other insects on the walkway between buildings.  They got out of the way, but I've never seen that many bugs in my life in their natural environment.  I left Vegas after three months and, while I might eventually go back to visit, I don't think I'd ever live there again.

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I'm trying to figure out DCC sorority girls.  Off the top of my head I know of...
Mackenzie Weeks- Kappa Delta FSU
KaShara- Alpha Delta Pi- unknown school
Kelli- Alpha Delta Pi
nicole B- Kappa kappa Gamma U of Idaho
Brittany Evans- Delta Gamma at Ole Miss
Collin- ADPi at Clemson
Samantha- Kappa Alpha Theta at SMU
Vivian- Kappa Kappa Gamma at UNT
Khayln-  Alpha Kappa Alpha at unknown school

Ones I've heard of but haven't personally verified:
Charlotte-  Kappa Kappa Gamma at Stanford
Kelsey B-  Kappa Alpha Theta at TCU
Jordan-  Delta Delta Delta at TCU

Anyone else KNOW of any?


Khalyn was AKA at the University of North Texas

Alllie's was Delta Delta Delta at the University of Arkansas.

Kamilah Brett was Kappa Alpha Theta at Southern Methodist University

Tess was Pi Beta Phi at Louisiana State University

Edited by sleepyjean
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54 minutes ago, QuiteContraryMoni said:

OMG SHUT UP. Like, roaches?! That makes my SKIN CRAWL!!! UGH! I can imagine working there would NOT be glamorous. Going is fun, working, probably not so much. OOO! Were you an exotic dancer?? LOL just kidding. I want to live there but I wouldn't live anywhere NEAR the strip. I read a book by Betty Bunch, who is an AWESOME lady, she's an ex showgirl from Texas. Was a Vegas dancer/Los Angeles performer in the rat pack Vegas hayday.  It's a good easy read if you like all things Vegas!

I only WISHED I looked good enough to be an exotic dancer, but . . . alas, I don't.  I'm actually normal and average.  I lived about a block from UNLV, which was nice because it seemed to be between me and the Strip most of the time.  There was a shooting at the local stop-and-rob on the corner, but I'd rather face that then the bugs.  Yes, there were roaches, but there were so many other creepy-crawlies as well.  As you can imagine, I didn't want to get any closer than I had to in order to identify them.  It certainly made me glad I wasn't wearing sandals, even if I had any.

I worked in a sandwich shop in a hotel there in the strip.  If the fact that I was one of maybe three who spoke English wasn't enough (not trying to be racist or anything, but I was truly one of only about three people on the staff who spoke English) wasn't enough, the owners were throwing up so many red flags, I quit after a month and a half.  One thing that pissed me off was that I'd had it straight from the owners that, if I was the supervisor on duty, I didn't get a share of the tips, but if someone else was, supervisor in charge/on duty, I got a share of the tips.  At least once, the supervisor on duty told me that I didn't get a share because I was "in charge" when I wasn't.  It took me several years to get back to being able to eat Krispy Kreme donuts because the place next to us sold Krispy Kreme donuts and we were told that we could have whatever didn't sell at the end of the night.  FREE.  Imagine being able to walk out of there with four dozen FREE Krispy Kreme donuts if you wanted.  Good thing I walked so much.

I worked someplace else for the rest of the time there, but I'd had enough after three months and called it quits with Vegas.  Still, even going there and making plans shocked the HELL out of the people who knew me.  They didn't expect that I'd do anything like that until I did.  I did learn a lot and certainly did a lot off walking.  The best part about my apartment was that I was withing walking distance of an "Everything 99 cents" store that had a LOT of actual good-for-you and tasty food as well as the Clark County Library.  Since I was (and still am) a HUGE book nerd, I loved that.

Edited by EricaShadows
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On 2/23/2017 at 0:50 PM, QuiteContraryMoni said:

@Oklahomama and @raindancer (and ANYONE else who's interested) should we do this? a We're-not-in-TC-but-we-support-those-who-are fitness challenge (someone please come up with a better name)?? Anyone have fitbits or My Fitness Pal accounts?

I want to!! I'm in. I have a fitness pal.

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17 hours ago, QuiteContraryMoni said:

Are you in Chicago proper? Or burbs?

I'm actually right downtown - it was a huge change for me, I hadn't lived in an actual apartment complex in almost 20 years, much less a high rise.  I'm from Michigan originally and it seems like the thing to do there is to rent a house - I'd almost always done that, and I still really miss my old place.  A two-bedroom house on a lake goes for a third of what my studio does.  It makes me crazy - I love Chicago, but I can't wait to move back home!


17 hours ago, QuiteContraryMoni said:

I also was utterly obsessed with the Chicago stockyards, turn of the century. I mean, fixated. Is your family from there? Tell me you have great great great immigrant grandparents who worked at a meat packing plant who bestowed tales of child labor, harrowing work and the fight for unionization please. Thank you.

LOL that would be a fabulously tragic family history I can't lay claim to - even though I'm originally from Michigan, both sides of my family came through Oklahoma.  They were coming through at the time of the Boomers and Sooners, and there were a lot of fights about land.  My many-times great grandfather ended up getting into a fist fight with another man, and my grandmother decided to help and laid out his opponent with a 2x4.  The man recovered and tried to sue her.  When they went to court, the judge shook his finger at her and asked her if she'd hit the man.  My grandmother said she sure did and if they gave her another 2x4 she'd be happy to show them exactly how she did it.  The judge let her off ?

On another note, if you still fancy Chicago and happen to make your way down here at some point, I will do my level best to talk you into meeting up so we can go out and look for DCC bobblehead dolls together ?

10 hours ago, heatherrrrz said:

I just took my dog off blue buffalo last spring? I think. We heard it wasn't all it was cracked up to be and changed to Wellness Core.

I loved the idea of Blue Buffalo - antioxidant bits! - and tried feeding it to my doggy for a while.  Echo wasn't having it.  She grumblingly ate the kibble, and spat the antioxidant bits out on the floor.  The only other thing I'd ever seen her disdain to eat was lettuce.  She ate everything else - including buttons, the covers of my Harry Potter books, a random ornamental starfish, the wall - but she wasn't interested in any fancy antioxidant bits lol

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On 3/3/2017 at 7:15 PM, QuiteContraryMoni said:

Wait, WHAT song?!? Because if I HEAR the "I have a structured settlement and I need cash nooooow" JG Wentworth commercial song one more time, I'm going to stroke out.

Well, this news will either make you miss me or it'll make you hang up the balloons and bust out the confetti with joy, but my days of hanging out on this groovy board all day have drawn to a close. Beginning tomorrow, I begin my intensive training over the next several months in addition to taking new clients, so I will be mighty scarce, but I'll try to check in as often as I can. I'll miss living in the lap of luxury and blabbing about DCCs and camel toes all day, but momma has to pay the bills around here! Just thought I'd give yall a heads up so you can roll your eyes at my self-importance and get back to what you were doing :-D

OMG SHUT UP. Like, roaches?! That makes my SKIN CRAWL!!! UGH! I can imagine working there would NOT be glamorous. Going is fun, working, probably not so much. OOO! Were you an exotic dancer?? LOL just kidding. I want to live there but I wouldn't live anywhere NEAR the strip. I read a book by Betty Bunch, who is an AWESOME lady, she's an ex showgirl from Texas. Was a Vegas dancer/Los Angeles performer in the rat pack Vegas hayday.  It's a good easy read if you like all things Vegas!


I am sad to hear of your impending absence, but so happy for your new job. I hope you love it. ❤

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3 hours ago, QuiteContraryMoni said:

OK, so THIS just happened. I only looked at your text under the video, and, because I have a memory like swiss cheese (full of holes), and I apparently can't be bothered to read quote boxes, I totally didn't even look at our conversation about the song, and thus, forgot about it. So I see the video and your statement. I had to google the lyrics because I'm like "What does this video have to do with her nice statement underneath it? Maybe there's some applicable line or something" and so here's me reading these lyrics, and I'm like, wait, is she saying this to ME?! Like, is Oranaiche saying she's in love with me?? That's super weird, because I never got gay crush vibe from her, but I mean, I guesss it's possible!?? Then I came back and re-read our exchange about songs we're going to jump off the nearest highrise over and was like, oooooohhh....Thaaaaat's why. Whew!!

So, basically, thanks, I hope I'll love it too :-) And I'm so glad the sexual tension between us has FINALLY been addressed LMAO!!!! I keed, I keed. That song will indeed make me do a Van Gogh. With both ears. Off to work!

HAHHAHA! Oh Moni, that's perfect. But I mean, I never said I don't have a gay crush on you. I'm actually going to serve my husband a special dinner of Whoppers from Burger King tonight so I can tell him how I'm in love with you.

Um, too far? I'll go.

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Just finished the damn bag of Hershey Nuggets. I would rejoice, but somehow another bag plus a quart of Haagen-Dazs made it into my shopping cart today when I went to pick up a pot roast. I am literally the worst.

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Anyone watching FEUD on FX about Joan Crawford and Bette Davis making What Ever Happened to Baby Jane?  Every woman on the show is wearing Tasha’s lipstick color.  It’s really odd.  It practically glows.  And looks bad on everyone. 

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On 3/3/2017 at 7:37 PM, Oranaiche said:

Guys. If I hear that song about being in love with someone's body one more time, I'm going to punch a baby.

I'm in love with the shape of you!! I love Ed Sheeran, hate the meaning behind the song but it's such a catchy song.

15 hours ago, QuiteContraryMoni said:

You know what? I actually don't really like the coach x disney crossover much.

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23 hours ago, Oranaiche said:

Just finished the damn bag of Hershey Nuggets. I would rejoice, but somehow another bag plus a quart of Haagen-Dazs made it into my shopping cart today when I went to pick up a pot roast. I am literally the worst.

I'm Catholic, and it's Lent, so as usual I gave up coffee, alcohol, and junk food.  Yesterday I was sooo miserable craving Wegmans Get Dippin' chips that I wanted to claw someone's eyes out!  Then last night my lovely monthly visitor arrived...at least that explains it!


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I bought this tarte lip scrub from sephora's website and it tastes like the dentist but I don't hate it...

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4 hours ago, ByTor said:

I'm Catholic, and it's Lent, so as usual I gave up coffee, alcohol, and junk food.  Yesterday I was sooo miserable craving Wegmans Get Dippin' chips that I wanted to claw someone's eyes out!  Then last night my lovely monthly visitor arrived...at least that explains it!


Haha! We're synced up! I always know my friend is coming when I start craving sweets, because I'm normally a salty snacker. I'll eat salt and vinegar chips until I can't feel my mouth. ?

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Y'all. My crotch fruit has been pronounced a GIRL. A huge shock after two boys. Wanna guess what my husband suggested for a name?


wait for it....




Bahahahahahahah I want what he's smoking

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14 minutes ago, Oklahomama said:

Y'all. My crotch fruit has been pronounced a GIRL. A huge shock after two boys. Wanna guess what my husband suggested for a name?


wait for it....




Bahahahahahahah I want what he's smoking

Lol amazing! Does he watch MTT with you or was that completely random? Congrats on your girl! ?

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I seriously hate going to the apple store and now I have to go tomorrow cause my apple watch battery wants to die in 8 hours when it's supposed to last 18.

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19 hours ago, Oklahomama said:

Y'all. My crotch fruit has been pronounced a GIRL. A huge shock after two boys. Wanna guess what my husband suggested for a name?

wait for it....


Bahahahahahahah I want what he's smoking

Congratulations!!!!  xoxoxo

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On 3/6/2017 at 9:16 PM, Oklahomama said:

Y'all. My crotch fruit has been pronounced a GIRL. A huge shock after two boys. Wanna guess what my husband suggested for a name?


wait for it....




Bahahahahahahah I want what he's smoking

Yay!!!  Maybe you can use one of @QuiteContraryMoni's suggestions for a middle name :)

11 hours ago, Oranaiche said:

So I just realized that this time exactly two weeks from now I'll be poolside in Costa Rica. I need it to be two weeks from now already.

Have a wonderful time!

@QuiteContraryMoni, how's the new job treating you?

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On 2/15/2017 at 4:50 PM, radishcake said:

YESS! @California Girl That looks so good!! I don't do horror movies but this cast looks amazing! I loved him in Cabin in the Woods too. I "watched" that one with some friends and they would tell me when I could look. 

I went to see Jordan Peele's new movie (he wrote and directed) "Get Out", a horror film that addresses racism and racial dynamics.

Caveat.  I hate horror films and never go to see them, but made an exception for "Get Out" because it has an almost 100-percent fresh rating on Rotten Tomatoes, and has been positively written about everywhere in the culture media it seems.

First, it is less a slasher film and more a creepy horror story (Rosemary's Baby, Stepford Wives).  It does get gory at the end, with a heavy body count, but the use of violence is totally warranted, in my opinion.  

It a great movie that works on many levels, look for the small details, especially in the way the characters act - ask yourself why did they just do that great thing or why did they act in that bizarre way  - those details pay off later.  Smartly written, thought provoking, original, highly entertaining, and well acted (particularly Daniel Kaluuya, Allison Williams, and Catherine Keener).  It also has one of the most psychotic movie villains in a while. I totally recommend Get Out even to people who don't generally like horror movies. And, of course, to the Brad Whitford fans on this forum -- @twinkietwin94, @radishcake.

Edited by California Girl
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I honestly thought that the use of the "CF" term to refer to babies and children had perhaps originated on this forum, as I had never heard anyone refer to babies as CF before.  But it apparently is a term that has been around for a while now.  In fact, the Childfree forum on Reddit has the following thread devoted to the use of that term and others like it.  "FT"?

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4 hours ago, QuiteContraryMoni said:

HAHAH!! Breelan Charlotte Oklahomama.

Girl, I can't believe I'm doing this and getting PAID! I love it so much, it's corny. I'm sure the novelty will wear off, but the beauty of it is, when I get bored, I have tons of courses and things I want to take, and certifications I want to get, and things I need to learn. You're never done learning in this industry! People seem to want to be there, both staff and clientele. Here's my favorite part so far: When your client comes in either stressed or just blah and they emerge from the room after their service and they feel relaxed, pretty, cared for. It's just like, I did that, and you LET me do that. It sounds so stupid, but it's such an honor to be able to physically TOUCH someone and help them feel better. I felt the same way about being a CNA, but that work is back-breaking. Literally. I'm one happy clam. Yeah, I called myself a clam. I'm cool with it.

Uhm @ByTor, ETA: I just re-read that post. Pretend you don't know what I'm doing for a living and read it again like I'm a sex worker. Priceless.

You mean you're not? Well damn girl, gonna have to tell all my friends. They'll probably cancel their appointments.

J/k, I would be the one to take the joke too far. So glad to hear that you love your job so much! That's so great. ?

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1 hour ago, QuiteContraryMoni said:

OMG I just saw this post! I have been hoping SO hard that you of all people are watching this!! LOL on the lipstick thing, now I have to watch it AGAIN! It's food prep day so I'll watch that while I work. I am LOVING this show!

Catherine Zeta-Jones plays Olivia de Havilland.  She is being interviewed and her lipstick is so strong, I couldn’t take in what she was saying.  All I kept thinking, “What is hell is up with your lipstick?”  It was glowing off her face.

Edited by PBSLover
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On ‎3‎/‎5‎/‎2017 at 5:21 PM, Oranaiche said:

Just finished the damn bag of Hershey Nuggets. I would rejoice, but somehow another bag plus a quart of Haagen-Dazs made it into my shopping cart today when I went to pick up a pot roast. I am literally the worst.

omg I might love you.  We should be bffs lol.  I always find that chocolate and ice cream sneak their way into my shopping cart.   It's SO weird.  I'm currently sitting on a shtload of cookies right now.  Girl Scout season and all but all I crave is the one kind that I didn't buy -- lemon cookies!

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I got two of the boxes of Girl scout cookies i ordered yesterday, but they weren't my flavor they were my dads so I'm sure those boxes are gone since he's home on disability for the week.

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5 minutes ago, QuiteContraryMoni said:

Poor poppa! He DESERVES those damn cookies then!!

Ha he has an appointment with a neurosurgeon tomorrow to see what they can do about his pinched nerve. He's acting like he's a cripple, making me drive him around everywhere.

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Just now, QuiteContraryMoni said:

Girl, you ever had a pinched nerve?!? That shit will bring you to your knees! Although I'm tied at torn colon/kidney stone. Can't decide which is worse. We'll call it a draw. My Mom's ex used to just fucking MILK it when she was sick too. Geesh. It was like she got paid to come up with new ailments.

He's just like his mom! My grandmother would act like she was dying anytime she's sick. He always calls out if he has a bad cold whereas I go to work. I understand that his job exhausts him, but it's exhausting to seriously do nothing at work all day too lol

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Just now, QuiteContraryMoni said:

Ha! Ugh. My Mom would file for disability if she got a hangnail. Like, come ON.

I bet my grandmother would have done that too if she was working.

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Sheesh!  I think I'm COMPLETELY the opposite of those folks.  I've gone into work feeling absolutely miserable and made it through though I've also had to be told to get out of there and go home.  The last time I did that, I made it through two hours, then got sent home.  Went on two interviews the next day before going to the doctor's and not only found out I had bronchitis, but got two job offers, one by the end of the week (which I took).  The second one called my new (at the time) boss and offered me the position and my boss turned it down for me.  However, they'd called almost a full week after the interview for the position, which made me think I wasn't the first choice for the position.

People say I shouldn't tough it out and to just call in, but I so rarely got horribly sick that I couldn't justify calling in.  Now, the office I work in is so small (10 people or under and only three in my immediate area) that I'd feel guilty if I called out. 

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12 hours ago, California Girl said:

In fact, the Childfree forum on Reddit

I used to love reddit, and still do, although I haven't been on as much as I used to....I go on there all the time though for /r/TodayILearned, /r/oddlysatisfying, and (the best one, IMO) /r/MostBeautiful.  

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10 hours ago, tobeyoungagain said:

omg I might love you.  We should be bffs lol.  I always find that chocolate and ice cream sneak their way into my shopping cart.   It's SO weird.  I'm currently sitting on a shtload of cookies right now.  Girl Scout season and all but all I crave is the one kind that I didn't buy -- lemon cookies!

Well I was just about to go brush my teeth but I decided to eat some chocolate first. Because once the teeth are brushed, I can't eat more chocolate. (Or can I?)

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2 hours ago, QuiteContraryMoni said:

I mean, I feel like there's a balance. I'm the first to tell myself to suck it up. But having been through three surgeries and having been diagnosed with some pretty real issues (No, not fibro or chronic fatigue syndrome), I realized that we're all flesh and bone, and finally admitted that I have limits. Medically diagnosed limits that my doctor will have no time for if I push beyond. I don't need the side eye from some 25 year old at work because they assume I called out to enter a cheeto eating contest.

We in America value being overworked, under-rested and "busy". Oh I'm soooooo BUSY!! Like it's a badge. I hate when people like you and I have to feel guilty (and I struggle with it. I try not to, but I do a little) for being legitimately sick/exhausted because some people call in sick when they need a pedi. After all my surgeries, I've always been up and about before expected and always returned to work before expected and I paid for it each time, although I didn't let on. Many people in my position aren't even able to work. Shouldn't our health be far more important than what our stupid boss/coworkers think of us?

ETA: Also, companies that under-staff their departments pit people against each other. Like it's YOUR fault you got sick. It's horrible!

We are WAY overworked and underrested!  And I hate how we feel guilty or shamed about taking mental health days OR real health days!  It's so annoying!  I definitely feel bad but when I look back at my career / years, I have NEVER regretted taking a single day off but I have always regretted not taking off MORE days! 

And they definitely pit people against one another.  My friend will make snarky remarks if she knows I'm going home or on vacation (I know it's because she's annoyed she's overworked and not against me personally); so I've just stopped telling her when I'm off or when I'm on vacation.

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22 minutes ago, QuiteContraryMoni said:

What do you enjoy doing?

Crafty stuff ;)  Knitting, drawing/doodling, making jewelry.  My dream is to open a cute little boutique but my mom is in the business (she sells stationary, gifts, etc) and all of her stores that she sells to are closing/have closed.  Everything is online.  So I thought I'd sell some of my scarves online but that would only be a hobby.  And I have zero business sense at all.  One of my best friends moved from CO to WA 7 years ago.  She's the smartest person I know.  I want her to move back and we can open something together.  In her words:  it would be an 'Art/photo studio slash wine bar slash craft beer slash cat house.'  We could soooooo do it.  I know it.  And we could call it 'Slash.' :)  But I think it should also be a dispensary!!!  Wine for her, weed for me.

Have a degree in Elementary Education, but I have no classroom management and it's been a long time since I was in the classroom.  Way too much experience in Customer Service.  I would love to work for a non-profit but those don't pay much.  But I feel like my job needs to be making a difference in the world (not processing a return shipping label bc our warehouse effed up your order!!!).  Helping people who NEED the help.  I've done some volunteer work with a few diff non-profits but haven't found just the right one.  I was thinking to start volunteering with Jewish Family Services....I just need to get my shit together and DO IT!.

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19 minutes ago, heatherrrrz said:

Open up an Etsy shop!

I know.  I need to. 

**I just want to make the scarves and have someone else do the money/business stuff...ie the boring stuff :)**

Edited to add:  I don't hate my job (email customer service for an online retailer...so mostly no phone calls...which I despise) so that's a good thing. I'm just struggling financially and it sucks.  And I know it could be so much worse so I feel bad ranting right now.  And I'm not even supposed to be online (they just took this 'privilege' away from us but I'm in a mood ;)  So thanks for listening, friends.  I miss you during the day now that I can't be online.  This is my happy place.

Edited by woodscommaelle
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Lady called asking for sales and claims "it's an emergency." Looking for steel is not an emergency, there are real emergencies and then there's steel emergencies. Those are at the bottom of the spectrum.

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7 hours ago, QuiteContraryMoni said:

I hate when people like you and I have to feel guilty (and I struggle with it. I try not to, but I do a little) for being legitimately sick/exhausted because some people call in sick when they need a pedi.

There was actually a woman at a company I used to work for who would put "sick day" days in advance on her Outlook calendar!!! 

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