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Flip Or Flop - General Discussion

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Wow, a 108-year old house. They did a good job with this one but I'm still reeling at the idea of anyone paying over $400k for a one bathroom house. And what did they end up doing with that weird barn structure out back, aside from painting the exterior? Anything? I thought it was weird they had this bonus structure and never addressed it. They also made a point of showing us the cellar then never showed us if they did anything with it (I hope they at least fixed the steps.)

This type of house would have been served better on a show like Rehab Addict. Think of what Nicole could have done with those window.

Christina's pregnancy is giving away how these shows are filmed. Each one this season has started off with her a few months pregnant and barely showing and then ready to pop by the time the house is finished. Obviously she hasn't had three extra children by now so they must film all these episodes simultaneously. 

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They're probably looking for unusual properties to feature on the show, so that the episodes aren't too much alike.

I do enjoy watching this. I learn a lot and it's fun to watch them work together as a couple. I'd love to know how they came to have the TV show.

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I thought Christina's vocal fry was cranked up to eleven in the most recent episode. And I noticed that she said "kyewwwwt" exactly like Kate Hudson does in that very annoying commercial that runs approximately every six seconds. Funny that I never notice her vocal affectations before this last epi.

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I liked Christina's reference to her pregnancy to explain her not being around....as though she's usually on site to lend a hand. I love when they shoot her using a roller on a door where everything but the flat surfaces are already painted (eye roll goes here)....That Project Manager looks and sounds like a smoker... Although I can imagine being suicidal once you relo from California to Texas, looking at the price of the homes and the traffic, I can see why so many are making a beeline here. They will be able to afford vacations out of here, fortunately....Christina's vocal fry has been there for as long as I can remember and seems the same to me....For all the silliness of this show, I can accept this one better because it's only a half-hour show, as opposed to Fixer Upper, which seems far more formulaic and boring and annoying (talking to kids in the third person, Chip's antics, the stupid "we have some money in the budget....", the visit with the carpenter, the thousand "I love you"s as Joanna says goodbye to the kids as she goes all Zen and decorates) to the point that I no longer watch it.....There's a layer of management between Tarek and Christina and the general contractor now, is that right? Have these two ever not knocked down walls in a house?

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While the designs usually turn out well, there is something about Christina that is unlikable.  There are times where she seems very high maintenance and seems very smug, almost like a spoiled princess-type of vibe.  It almost seems like she is very persistent in getting her own way about the design (i.e., tile patterns in the bathroom and kitchen) and everyone just gives in to her just to keep her quiet.  

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Stacey1014, I agree about Christina.  I've always gotten a snooty, snobby vibe from her.  She seems the type to look down on people who aren't wearing the "right" shoes or clothes.  I don't like her at all. 

The show is getting ridiculous with the fake stuff, these two are terrible actors and it just makes everything so phony.  I'm so tired of their shocked "WHAT?!" every damn episode. Add in Christina's snooty "ew, this is so disgusting" and its becoming unwatchable for me. 

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Christina's vocal fry has always bothered me, its particularly annoying during the marathons, after a couple eppies, I have to mute her.  A little voice coaching would work wonders for her. I think her snooty vibe is written in just like Tarek's ongoing quest to cut corners and do things on the cheap.  Maybe she's snooty, maybe its the 'script' she's given which is always the same.  If you watch the eppies, its obvious that Tarek is the money guy, he negotiates the buy, decides what the budget will be and then sets the sale price while Christina sits there and nods in agreement. Any objections she has are immediately dropped and his POV wins. It's also clear that Christina's role is 'designer', she's there to pick out colors and finishes.  She almost always gets her way the same way Tarek always decides what they'll pay for a flip and how they'll price it.  Like any partners, they have roles in the business.  Any conflicts where we see them disagree about an issue are made-for-TV, IMO, and may or may not reflect their actual opinions and values.

In real life, there is apparently an entire team of employees who find the properties, buy them and supervise the flips.  And, of course, for the past couple years, T&C have had their own construction firm doing the actual work rather than hiring outside contractors.  The show is just that: a show.

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When Flip or Flop first started I was fully prepared to hate Christina and her California-girl good looks. But I actually like this couple and really enjoy the show. And I hate everybody, including many of the useless fools of HGTV (Property Bros. I'm looking at you). As for annoying voices, the woman on Rehab Addict makes my ears bleed. Just cannot stand her!

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I follow Tarek and Christina on FB. They seem to be a loving, lovely couple who are crazy about each other and their children. Not getting a snooty vibe from her at all. They seem to have worked hard for where they are today. Kudos to them.

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I find Christina and Tareq to be very likeable.   If look at their FB page, or catch some of the "behind the scenes" stuff, she comes across as much more natural than on the actual show.  Maybe it's because she is so "California".  Some of her designs I don't care for at all, but some of them turn out pretty well.  They did have some real-life drama with the delivery of their son, and I wonder if this will be addressed on future episodes.  I get that they are not exactly a "mom and pop" operation, but they are so much better than the idiot on "Flipping Vegas" who can't do anything but yell and shout and make people work overnight in the Vegas heat, etc.  My husband and I watch it and think that secretly Tareq and Christine must take the first reno estimate, and mentally double it to get the final cost.   Because they can't get into the house before buying many times, or do anything "destructive" to test for certain things, some things will be a surprise IRL, but certainly these things are checked out before the reno begins or else that contractor would not have his job for very long.  If what the contractor did IRL he did on the show, he would be accused of being dishonest -- i.e., let the owner get $50,000 already paid on this reno, so he won't complain about another $10,000 we "missed"  during the first go-round.   Each addition to the original reno budget is money in the contractor's pocket if he is not actually an employee of T&C.  If he is an employee of T&C, he would be fired the second time he missed termite damage, failing flashing, etc., prior to the reno starting.

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Christina might look like a princess - the girl is gorgeous - but I don't get the snooty vibe at all. She actually treats her husband very well. You know what I think is beyond cute? The way she'll hold up the phone for him so he can talk while he's driving. That chick on Vegas Flipping would make him wear a bluetooth, if she'd ride with him at all! (Yes, I know that if she holds the phone like that then they can both hear it, but still. It's cute. It's nice. I like it.)

Yes, I'd like to know about the baby drama, too. And is there a story anywhere about how they happened to get a TV show?

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I agree, Tarek and Christina seem to have a good relationship and are respectful and kind to one another.  Even when they disagree, they stick to the subject, don't raise their voices and seem to move on immediately.  Christina does have more of a California girl vibe than a snooty one, IMO.  She is also seems to be very good with their daughter who seems like a pretty happy kid.

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I hated what they did to that staircase.  It was beautiful before the stupid industrial modern staircase rail was put in.  

The house was lovely but i wouldn't pay over $350k for La Palma. Lol. That place is a hot suburban hell between LA and OC. 

I live in 2 bed/1 bath LA, very near downtown and we bought 6 yrs ago ay $250k. The house just appraised at $600k. I think that's nuts but I'll take it if we ever sell.  

Oh and fwiw, I remodeled 2/3rds of the house, including taking kitchen to studs, moved a bedroom and rebuilt kitchen and living room floor for $6k. I'm a budget bitch.  We did blow over time but not money, and I may be budget but I used custom cabinets, hardwood, butcher block counters. I am planning to do the rest of the house soon and will probably build out the back by 6 ft, permitted of course, but I'm not looking forward to a budget over $10k. Lol

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I think there is more nuance to the whole "surprise" issue.  They don't factor surprises into the quoted budget, but I don't think the story lines make them appear dumb because it strikes me as very realistic.  Of course there are surprises they won't know on the first walk through -- it appears they buy these houses often without an inspection contingency, and even with houses that are move-in ready and inspected, there are still often unforeseen issues that arise that weren't caught on the inspection.  The fact that there is an unforeseen issue may not be a surprise, but I think the particular unforeseen issue likely was a surprise. And going into a project, they're not going to know how many unforeseen issues there will be or what those unknowns will be -- they are of course going to hope for few or none (just a cosmetic fixer), which is always possible, so the disappointment is likely genuine.  The only thing that is left unspoken is that they build a buffer into their offer so that they can still make a profit after some unforeseen issues arise, but it is always a gamble -- that's the nature of the business.

I loved that staircase from the cat episode!

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 Of course there are surprises they won't know on the first walk through -- it appears they buy these houses often without an inspection contingency, and even with houses that are move-in ready and inspected, there are still often unforeseen issues that arise that weren't caught on the inspection.

The difference is that they regularly have one of their contractors on-site with them to give them an estimate before they make an offer on a house. And any contractor worth their salt is going to see wood rot, termite damage or old pipes and wiring issues just by eyeballing these things. And if they don't, then they should be using a different contractor and never hire that one again!

For example, in this one there was wood rot at the base of the exterior siding because it hadn't been laid properly or whatever - that's something you can visually determine right off the bat. It's not something that's hidden away in the walls or in the pipes. Acting all surprised that this came up mid-way through the remodel was utter B.S. They had to have known that after the first walk-thru. 

I'm sure there are some things that come up unexpectedly - I remember one house where they found out after the fact a roofing company had a lien against them they had to pay off. But a lot of the obvious things they claim take them by "surprise" just makes them looked like inexperienced idiots. 

I don't blame Tarek and Christina, I blame HGTV. I think there's a very specific formula the network demands in every episode so they have to fabricate these "surprises" every time even if there aren't any.

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Exactly.  We saw their contractor in the basement! We saw him do the walk-through. He's thorough.  

They need to stay away from those lovely craftsman homes and stick to what they know.  I cringed when they didn't fix the windows properly.  Ugh that kitchen could have been great without the backsplash. The bathroom was done ok but the original would never have subway to the ceiling.  They could have saved on those things and maybe put some plants in the back.  I would have taken that out building down and gotten rid of that concrete.  With a simple brick patio or deck with plants, it would have been so much cooler in temperature.  Santa Ana is HOT.  If they are near the traffic circle, it could have brought the prices up. 

They definitely are buying the homes that can't be inspected as part of the sale.  I see an awful lot of as-is property in SoCal. I wouldn't buy an as is.  I found a lovely home with beautiful views nearby in a very posh up and coming neighborhood with a lovely pool.  I was thinking "what the heck is wrong with this, the price is way too low" only to see that the pool ended at 4 ft as the whole backyard had slid down a hill, and the foundation and house was cracking.  The property was red tagged meaning demo completely.  Eeeeeek!

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On ‎06‎/‎25‎/‎2016 at 11:46 PM, MsTree said:

For those of us who don't do facebook, could you elaborate here?

Christina had a very long labor and could not deliver the baby.  The doctors ended up having to do an emergency C-section.

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On 6/15/2016 at 3:34 PM, 3 is enough said:

Now it seems that master bathrooms must have 2 sinks and be the size of a bedroom, each kid needs their own bath, and there needs to be a spare bath in case you ever have guests.  Funny how priorities have changed in a relatively short period of time.

How much time do these people spend in the bathroom FFS?  I go in.  I pee.  I wash my hands.  Total time: 45 seconds.  Same with showering.  In and out.  I don't need or want a spa atmosphere.  I have TV to watch, for God's sake!

And the size of these bathrooms is ridiculous.  Cut it in half and give me a bigger bedroom. 

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7 hours ago, Albino said:

How much time do these people spend in the bathroom FFS?  I go in.  I pee.  I wash my hands.  Total time: 45 seconds.  Same with showering.  In and out.  I don't need or want a spa atmosphere.  I have TV to watch, for God's sake!

And the size of these bathrooms is ridiculous.  Cut it in half and give me a bigger bedroom. 

<bolding mine> Right?  Do these people house hunting have no priorities??   Yes, it's great that the home looks like a model home.  However....how much maintenance is that going to take to keep it looking that way?  Who has time to clean all weekend long??  That cuts into my TV watching time as well, so it's not happening. 

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Those bathrooms were awful. Tarek's bathroom made me dizzy and Christina's was too blingy. I want something more upscale basic that I can put my own design on. While some of the fancy tile is nice, I'd be reluctant to purchase one of those houses because if be limited in decor (shower curtain/towel color). Sometimes less really is more. 

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34 minutes ago, Stacey1014 said:

Those bathrooms were awful. Tarek's bathroom made me dizzy and Christina's was too blingy. I want something more upscale basic that I can put my own design on. While some of the fancy tile is nice, I'd be reluctant to purchase one of those houses because if be limited in decor (shower curtain/towel color). Sometimes less really is more. 

So much wrong in one house.  Bathrooms in a home should somehow relate.  Not exactly the same - sisters, not twins -  but these baths looked like they belonged in two different homes.  Who wants to clean Tarek's seizure-inducing tile all the way up to the ceiling?  I feel that way about those floor to ceiling shower enclosures too.  They do look nice when they're new, but once they start to get blurry and smeary it must look awful.  And God forbid you have hard water.

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Ha!  I was just coming here to comment on the battle of the bathrooms!  Tarek's was indeed seizure-inducing, and all I could think of with Christina's chandeliers was - gad - how awful to have to clean those!!

I enjoy them - I think what they are doing is more real than some of the other shows, and while some of the drama is still scripted and predictable (the drinking game!  Too funny!), I still like seeing the before and afters.  I always laugh when Christina claims adding grey or white trim will add a "pop of color."  Huh?  Red or orange or blue would be a pop of color.  White, not so much.

I hated the chalkboard wall in the dining room. Just what I need in my dinner - chalk dust! I did like the navy and white exterior. 

The only complaint I really have with the show is they tend to create the priciest home in the neighborhood, and from a buyer's standpoint, that's not always the best way to go. But if it looks great, and all you need to do to move in is bring your toothbrush, I can appreciate that as well.

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How much time do these people spend in the bathroom FFS?

Actually Albino, if you have 2 chandeliers to clean, and a mile of grout-intensive tile, you could spend hours in there.
My bathroom is just right.  Tub w/shower along back wall, towel rack on right, toilet, sink, with cabinet below on left.
What else do you need?
ETA:  Glad to see I wasn't the only one getting dizzy when the camera panned over Tarek's tile.

Edited by auntjess
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Tarek's bathroom had way too much title and was so busy. Christina did her usual white bathroom with that Moroccan tile that all the designers are doing o. HGTV. The kitchen was a nice improvement but white....again. The only weird thing they didn't really fix was the front entrance. I guess the only people who wouldn't be concerned would be the homeowners since they know where the front door is. I know a lot of townhouses have the side entrance and they have a name which escapes me but usually they don't have that HUGE fence blocking it. I can say it enough.......California has crazy real estate prices. Yikes!!!!!

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Ugh, Tarak's bathroom was awful. The glass tile was way too busy to fill an entire room with. Imagine going in there with a hangover! You'd get dizzy. Christina's bathroom was way too fru-fru. It screamed Lady Room. Too high end for a house that size. Clearly the idea is the woman of the house gets the big master bathroom and the man will use the smaller hall bath. Because women need ginormous bathrooms and closets!

That said I did like the idea of a "design challenge" although it sort of ripped off Brother vs. Brother. 

I'm surprised they didn't enlarge the kitchen, it was really small considering how big the living area was. But since they had to take an offer about $40k below their asking price I guess they knew it wouldn't pay off.

I kept thinking how the neighbors attached to that house must have hated the reno work being done right on the other side of the wall. My neighbors have been doing reno work this summer and the noise is driving me crazy, and I'm not even attached.

That was a weird front entrance, but it appeared there was another gate at the side of the house that was parallel to the front door so you could enter from the side street instead of the driveway. 

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I kept thinking how the neighbors attached to that house must have hated the reno work being done right on the other side of the wall. My neighbors have been doing reno work this summer and the noise is driving me crazy, and I'm not even attached.

I think that almost all of the time, but then consider that they're usually buying foreclosures and other houses that have serious problems - I'd rather live next to construction for a few months than a house that's falling down or hoarded or whatever, dragging down the property values in the whole neighborhood.  (Not to mention that whoever pointed out that they're always building at the top of the market wherever they are makes the neighbors' property a comparative bargain if they're trying to get out!)

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1 hour ago, auntjess said:

How much time do these people spend in the bathroom FFS?

Well...as someone that has IBS and OB..  I spend an inordinate amount of time in the loo.. thank god for my iPad and Netflix!!

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I suspect that Christina's pregnant. (She's only been mentioning it multiple times in recent episodes.) Both bathrooms were awful. I don't care for the dark grout in the white tile. The bathroom two episodes ago was hideous, too. 

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I wouldn't want subway tile in the kitchen. Maybe in the bathroom, but not the kitchen. 

I know a contractor who says those glass tiles are a fad and the next thing people are going to be ripping out because they're "dated" in about ten years.

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15 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

I know a contractor who says those glass tiles are a fad and the next thing people are going to be ripping out because they're "dated" in about ten years.

Along with stainless steel appliances, barn doors, farmhouse sinks and 'bling' chandeliers.

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Everything in decorating goes in cycles.  You can go crazy (and broke) trying to keep up.  

Tarek and Christina are just giving the buyers the latest trends, because in their experience that is what sells.  As a viewer, I do get tired seeing another white kitchen, or more grey walls, but I think they (mostly) know what they are doing, the OTT bathroom challenge notwithstanding.

If you plan on staying in your home for a long time, you can decorate it however you wish, but if you want to sell you are better following the trends.  

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On 7/1/2016 at 6:17 PM, iMonrey said:

Ugh, Tarak's bathroom was awful. The glass tile was way too busy to fill an entire room with. Imagine going in there with a hangover! You'd get dizzy. Christina's bathroom was way too fru-fru. It screamed Lady Room. Too high end for a house that size. Clearly the idea is the woman of the house gets the big master bathroom and the man will use the smaller hall bath. Because women need ginormous bathrooms and closets!

That said I did like the idea of a "design challenge" although it sort of ripped off Brother vs. Brother. 

I totally agree. I got dizzy and almost got a headache just looking at that pattern through my television. But I'm also one of those weird people who can't watch 3D movies, so if that were my house, I'd never be able to use that bathroom (or I'd have to renovate the walls in a hurry). Christina's bathroom was more tolerable, but I didn't like it either. 

ETA: I did like their banter when they were talking trash about whose bathroom was better. 

I'll have to go back and watch older episodes, but was there was something weird going on with Tarak's hair? His front hairline just seemed...different. Fluffier or blown own out or something. I know his hair is thinning on top, but his front hairline isn't receding, so I it definitely wasn't a comb-over. 

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ARGH, I hate the barn doors! Unless you are actually converting a barn into a residence, they don't go.  Stop with that - if you don't have the space for a real door, put in a pocket door and move on with your life!

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9 minutes ago, Eeksquire said:

ARGH, I hate the barn doors! Unless you are actually converting a barn into a residence, they don't go.  Stop with that - if you don't have the space for a real door, put in a pocket door and move on with your life!

Sometimes I find them aesthetically pleasing, but they seem like they'd be such a pain to move (especially if they get stuck on the track).  I imagine that I would just leave them open instead of trying to close them, which would defeat the purpose of having the bloody door in the first place!

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On one of the million HGTV shows I watch, they put a barn door on the en suite bathroom. All I could think was that thing must make a racket if you get up to go pee in the middle of the night.

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8 hours ago, Eeksquire said:

ARGH, I hate the barn doors! Unless you are actually converting a barn into a residence, they don't go.  Stop with that - if you don't have the space for a real door, put in a pocket door and move on with your life!

Plus when you realize how useless they are, or when they go out of style, it's not like all you have to do is replace a door.  You have to rejigger the whole entrance to accommodate a proper door,  remove the fixture above the door and re-plaster over all the holes and gauges it leaves.

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On one of the million HGTV shows I watch, they put a barn door on the en suite bathroom.

Well it could have been this one. Christina and Tarek did do that once.

I'll just never be able to comprehend the housing prices in SoCal. $769K for a three bedroom house. Wowza.

I did like the pattern under the kitchen counter Tarek did but yikes, I really don't know about those concrete floors. And I also didn't think the subway tiles looked right in the vertical position.

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I don't usually care for subway tile, but the vertical placement really appealed to me. The concrete floors looked ok, but how comfortable can they be to constantly walk on? What if you slip & fall? At least wood floors have a little give.

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I was thinking with those concrete floors, that house would be hard to sell to families with very young children.

The breaking of the counter top was so obviously staged it was laughable. Almost as bad as the tree top landing on the roof a season ago. ("Oh no, the roof!")

One thing I really, really liked was the backyard waterfall and fireplace combination. I bet that would look amazing at night.

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I agree, concrete floors look cold and hard to me, not high end.  Maybe its because I live in the snowy Midwest, but there is nothing warm or homey about them.  And, as noted above, I would think they'd be a tough sell to anyone with little kids or adults with difficulty ambulating who might slip and fall and be seriously injured on them.  I've also had a hip replacement, so maybe I'm more sensitive than others about it, but I would avoid buying a house with concrete flooring.  Hell, I waterproofed my basement and put down ceramic tiles so I wouldn't have to have it downstairs, either.  Aside from the temperature and hazard factors, I think it is unattractive. 

The vertically placed subway tiles looked odd to me, didn't like 'em, but, I guess they were trying something different and, since they're never going to vary the color scheme or the materials; there weren't many other options.

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Concrete flooring, IMO, is no more "unforgiving" than ceramic or porcelain tile laid over a concrete slab.  Plus it has the added benefit of being grout free.  I do think it has a tendency to chip if you drop something heavy on it though.  Not my taste, and it really hasn't caught on for home applications, but at least it was refreshing to see something other than tile or laminate being used.

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I'm hearing that concrete counter tops are becoming trendy right now, although they are fairly high maintenance because you have to oil them like butcher block. Which makes me wonder what you have to do with concrete flooring. Presumably it would crack over time as it dries just as concrete counters would.

This season feels sort of lopsided with Christina missing for half the episodes, not to mention every episode feels like deja vu because they all start with Christina about five or six months pregnant and end with her "too far along" to be present for demo and design. Last week she texted Tarek a pic of the new nursery room and this week they were still working on it.

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