Dineen June 26, 2023 Share June 26, 2023 I must say I feel disappointed as well that Valerie Bertinelli's show was not renewed. I like her. After what her creepazoid second husband did she deserves a break. I saw a thing online of Ree complaining that Paige talks to her on speakerphone when others are present. I have a relative who does that and I don't like it one bit! Here is another advertisment masquerading as a daily mail (ahem) journalism piece. Look at the comments. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-12228403/Pioneer-Woman-Ree-Drummond-takes-football-player-son-Bryce-shopping-supplies-funny-video.html 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/4255-snark-talk-home-home-on-the-de-ranged/page/79/#findComment-8054663
PamPamPam June 26, 2023 Share June 26, 2023 I watched some of her FB (apparently live) vid launching her furniture and other whatever stuff. After all these years, Ree and the rest are still horrendously awkward on camera. And her wares are still crap. 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/4255-snark-talk-home-home-on-the-de-ranged/page/79/#findComment-8055286
Dineen July 10, 2023 Share July 10, 2023 Here Ree is trying to dance at the town July 4th party, and looking like a dork. The comments at the Walmart website about her flimsy overpriced furniture show a lot of it came to the customer damaged. I wonder how often the reeple fall through the flimsy cheap chairs. https://www.cosmopolitan.com/entertainment/celebs/a44475602/ree-ladd-drummond-4th-of-july-fireworks-2023/ 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/4255-snark-talk-home-home-on-the-de-ranged/page/79/#findComment-8070052
Dineen July 21, 2023 Share July 21, 2023 Looks like Walter the dog died. She did not say why. Maybe old age? That is a shame, those dogs all look so sweet. Here are two articles I found: https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/ree-ladd-drummond-still-together-144008565.html This one is a stupid one giving a "cooking hack" aka how to cut up a pineapple which everyone on the planet knows how to do. https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/ree-drummond-reveals-easy-cooking-161627384.html I haven't watched her show in a month, is it any better? Will probably start watching again in the late fall and winter. Real life is better. It looks like she has a new crook book coming out in the fall. Probably the same old tired, well worn, well known recipies that we all have in our recipie boxes. I hope this one does not have ridiculous close-up photos of Ladd's derrierre. With stupid juvenile comments such as "swoon" and red hearts drawn in around his butt. That really is disgusting. I can't believe he went along with that, that is so embarrassing. The more they act all lovey-dovey, the more it makes me wonder if they are happy together, or if it is just a marriage of convenience. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/4255-snark-talk-home-home-on-the-de-ranged/page/79/#findComment-8082461
Dineen July 29, 2023 Share July 29, 2023 She is at it again with the high calorie, high sugar recipies. And the silly tropes about how she likes vegetarian pasta (is there such a thing?) with angel hair pasta blah blah blah and Ladd never used to eat it before he met her. She makes him out to be a backward neanderthal who only gnaws at dinosaur bones and red meat scavenged from a fresh animal kill laying in the prarie. If he is that aweful then why did you marry him? I think we all know why but that is neither here nor there. I never knew there was alcoholic root beer. A hard root beer float with whipped cream, ice cream, liquor, malted milk balls, caramel. So much sugar. And she is encouraging her reeple to indulge in the devil's water, what would her pastor say? And she reminds us that it is only "for adults." Well, duh. But she just said that to cover her ass legally in case someone claims she caused her to give it to a minor, who then drove drunk etc. And the official Oklahoma state meal sounds horrible. Pork, chicken fried steak, grits, pecan pie. All carbs and calories. Are people in Oklahoma overwight? I hope not. She has not improved since she began. 1 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/4255-snark-talk-home-home-on-the-de-ranged/page/79/#findComment-8090590
Dineen August 6, 2023 Share August 6, 2023 More buy buy buy sell sell sell spend money on my new "home fragrance collection." Spicy cowgirl coffee wafting through the air? yuk. I bet the melts themselves are very small, so it is no bargain. Or maybe just do what I do and open the window to get rid of stale air. That costs nothing, and you don't have more PW junk cluttering up your house. I don't use the silly fragrance stuff, of any brand, and I don't know anyone else who does. Just another money maker for our favorite little humble ranch wife who just wants to make life better for her followers. With the economy going south, I really wonder how much her stuff sells. The clothes you can only get by ordering online, so I wonder if they are made to order. Walmart sending an email to the factory in China every day as to how many shirts to make, in whatever size, after it was ordered online and paid for by a credit card. Sold online because clothes are seasonal, and if not sold by a certain date, will have to be put on the sale rack at a reduced price to make way for clothes appropriate for warmer or cooler weather. That way she sells the clothes never at a discount. The "sheknows.com" site is a disgrace to the female gender. Just more commercialized advertisments masquerading as "journalism." They have this disclaimer above the advertisment, I meant article. If you purchase an independently reviewed product or service through a link on our website, SheKnows may receive an affiliate commission. And here is a link to this fawning cerebral masterpiece: https://www.sheknows.com/living/articles/2821617/the-pioneer-woman-home-fragrances/ Alex seems to be pushing a lot of products she likes. With links to the seller. There is always a disclaimer that the website (Ree) gets a commission if you buy something after using their link. Now Alex is pushing the "shacket" which is a shirt/jacket hybrid. Never heard of this before. Alex does wear nice clothes. Sorry for the ranting and raving, but the phoniness and blatant merchandising kind of bugs me. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/4255-snark-talk-home-home-on-the-de-ranged/page/79/#findComment-8098833
Dineen August 23, 2023 Share August 23, 2023 Wow, I had never heard of "charcuterie" before. Alex made some for a friend's baby shower. https://www.thepioneerwoman.com/ree-drummond-life/a44868962/alex-drummond-charcuterie-cups/ Alex is wearing a cute gingham dress NOT from Ree's "collection." It is from "St Bernard" and is more expensive than what Ree offers at Wally world, for the unwashed masses. I noticed that they link to the site where you can buy it. I also noticed in the pictures of Alex both on her instagram, and on the PW site, she is never wearing Ree's clothes that are sold at walmart, but much nicer, more fashionable, and more expensive clothes. https://www.saintbernard.com/products/english-factory-womens-gingham-puff-sleeve-mini-dress?avad=55097_e32bfc39d&utm_source=avantlink&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_campaign=40661 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/4255-snark-talk-home-home-on-the-de-ranged/page/79/#findComment-8116954
Orcinus orca August 23, 2023 Share August 23, 2023 I was at Wallie World today and the shelves were LOADED with half price PW crap. Apparently they can't give that stuff away. Gaudy as all hell. 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/4255-snark-talk-home-home-on-the-de-ranged/page/79/#findComment-8116975
Dineen August 23, 2023 Share August 23, 2023 28 minutes ago I was at Wallie World today and the shelves were LOADED with half price PW crap. Apparently they can't give that stuff away Was it the cookware? Sewing stuff? All of it? I know she has everything under the sun. Do you think the half off prices are due to a bad economy, or just her stuff being crap? I occasionally look on her facebook, I see reeple leaving comments about their recent trip to the merc, buying her stuff etc. There is also a new variant virus now, if there is another lockdown, will the reeple go to Pawhuska? Will the merc be open? Will walmart agree to keep selling her stuff? I haven't been to walmart in a while, it is an unamerican company. Maybe her time in the sun is up, the only bad thing about that is the town of pawhuska will fade back into obscurity, taking local jobs with it. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/4255-snark-talk-home-home-on-the-de-ranged/page/79/#findComment-8117058
Dineen August 30, 2023 Share August 30, 2023 Osage movie coming out. I have noticed that there are very few comments in her website. Her new collection of pots and pans coming out. They are made of cheap aluminum. Some reeple on facebook said they bought previous collection, and the paint washed off and they fell apart. One woman said the last stuff she bought did this but she is going to buy more. (???!!!). A glutton for punishment? A masochist? Alex continous to push products for commission. I can't help but wonder id the Drummonds were involved in screwing over the Osage indians. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-12459227/Killers-Flower-Moon-posters-Leonardo-DiCaprio-stars-upcoming-Western-film.html 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/4255-snark-talk-home-home-on-the-de-ranged/page/79/#findComment-8124985
Mindthinkr August 30, 2023 Share August 30, 2023 My daughter liked her flowery patterns and bought a few of her dinnerware/pans. She was so disappointed that they almost immediately chipped or looked rough. I’m leery of eating anything made in her household goods. They are all about the money and I don’t want to support them financially so I’ll never buy anything from their line. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/4255-snark-talk-home-home-on-the-de-ranged/page/79/#findComment-8125106
Dineen September 19, 2023 Share September 19, 2023 Here is an article on the Drummonds and the Osage, and how they were treated. Maybe Ree can make it up to them by sending them some size xxxxxxxxxL flowy tops, a Charlie cookie jar, a cookbook, and her autographed photo. https://www.oklahoman.com/story/news/local/2023/09/18/pioneer-woman-ree-drummond-family-oklahoma-tied-to-osage-reign-of-terror-killers-of-the-flower-moon/70866959007/ Here Ree points out that her son Bryce looks a great deal like Woody Harrleson. Maybe ole Ree had a fling with the pot head smoker? https://people.com/ree-drummond-points-out-son-bryce-looks-like-woody-harrelson-7971238 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/4255-snark-talk-home-home-on-the-de-ranged/page/79/#findComment-8147748
Dineen October 1, 2023 Share October 1, 2023 I was in Walmart today. A bunch of her dinner plates and bowls were on the clearance rack. Bowls were $6.48, now $4.00. Plates the same. A few other kitchen items on sale for 30% -40%. She previewed her new crookbook on her website. Same old same old. Nothing you won't find in woman's day or family circle. One recipie was a scoop of ice cream in a waffle bowl, with chocolate sauce and multi-colored sprinkles. How new, innovative, and unique! People have been making this without a "recipie" for decades, and she puts it in a book as if she thought it up. It is ridiculous. Everything she puts out is rehashed and stolen from elsewhere. I could do better, but to get a book deal I would have to be famous. Here is a puff piece about her hair color. Interesting comments. https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/ree-drummond-shows-off-hair-183110483.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAAZWt0AvHaZ0gRvGe-vjur5Ev6TfhOe3_2AnfIlOX89qKtV4gzd_hZSuoUf0B7tgjW4fBso6dgYHdyveEamNwx61fqqvWQd5vJJPaguMXTgr51CNiQQhaSHFr8eP-W-5yAXPYRczAqi25PM09l3DG9upFfuKkReOwVNwUdG9vRj_ 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/4255-snark-talk-home-home-on-the-de-ranged/page/79/#findComment-8160790
chessiegal October 1, 2023 Share October 1, 2023 Ree was on QVC's In the Kitchen with David today presenting her new cookbook. They were offering it for $20. Amazon has it for $20.53 with free shipping for Prime members. I didn't pay attention to see if QVC was offering free shipping. When they were selling Ina's latest book, they weren't offering free shipping which made it more expensive than Amazon. I don't watch shopping channels, but when I saw Ree was going to be on, I had to peek. David said how beautiful Ree's hair was. Get that man some glasses! 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/4255-snark-talk-home-home-on-the-de-ranged/page/79/#findComment-8160854
Dineen October 2, 2023 Share October 2, 2023 On 10/1/2023 at 3:18 PM, chessiegal said: Ree was on QVC's In the Kitchen with David today presenting her new cookbook I wonder if the Drummonds will go see the movie "killers of the flower moon" that comes out at the end of this month? I have heard their ancestors were a part of it. It would be a hoot to see them in a movie theater, eating popcorn, watching it. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/4255-snark-talk-home-home-on-the-de-ranged/page/79/#findComment-8162543
Dineen October 9, 2023 Share October 9, 2023 More articles on "Killers of the flower moon." The first has a lot of comments after the article: https://slate.com/comments/culture/2023/10/killers-of-the-flower-moon-movie-pioneer-woman-ree-drummond.html This next one is wishy-washy: https://www.distractify.com/p/ree-drummond-killers-of-the-flower-moon-connection Here is a puff piece written by her PR team. She wishes Jamar a happy 21st birthday. I am still waiting for her to come out with a men's and boy's clothing line. Then she can have Jamar and the other males in the family model the cheap, Chinese made walmart atrocities. She can design jeans to show off their derrierres that she swoons over. I doubt even she would plaster men's clothes with tacky flowers and butterflies, at least I don't think so. I wonder if she will be doing the Christmas cookie challenge this year? Or any other special? https://www.hellomagazine.com/film/504213/pioneer-woman-ree-drummond-pays-heartfelt-tribute-for-very-special-celebration/ 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/4255-snark-talk-home-home-on-the-de-ranged/page/79/#findComment-8170385
PamPamPam October 21, 2023 Share October 21, 2023 https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2023/10/the-strange-but-true-story-of-the-pioneer-womans-link-to-killers-of-the-flower-moon 1 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/4255-snark-talk-home-home-on-the-de-ranged/page/79/#findComment-8183229
Mindthinkr October 21, 2023 Share October 21, 2023 1 hour ago, PamPamPam said: https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2023/10/the-strange-but-true-story-of-the-pioneer-womans-link-to-killers-of-the-flower-moon That was a good article. I really wonder if the movie will spur on an interest on how so many obtained their vast lands. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/4255-snark-talk-home-home-on-the-de-ranged/page/79/#findComment-8183266
patty1h November 5, 2023 Share November 5, 2023 (edited) The episode today was "Over the Top" and was just full of too much food, particularly the two sandwiches she made that were made with more stuff than one person should even want to eat. It was just excess for the sake of it. The first sandwich was a tower of 2 thick burgers layered with mac & cheese, sliced tomatoes, fried onion rings, spinach leaves, fry sauce, American cheese slices, bacon, pickles... OMG, it was about 12 inches tall and maybe a wrestler or a hungry dog could manage that whole thing in one sitting. It was held together with a skewer and was a sloppy mess on a plate because the mac & cheese made it so unstable. The second sandwich was an OTT take on a PB&J. She laid out two slices of sourdough bread, then lay on the peanut butter and apricot jelly, next was shredded Manchego cheese, grilled onions, Provolone and Swiss cheese slices, then bacon. Last thing was mayo on the outside of the bread layers and the whole atrocity is grilled. Sure, there are people who would drool at the thought of this sandwich, but I ain't one. I saw something that would give me acid reflux for days, plus i think the combo of flavors would be a bit overwhelming and, frankly, gross. Her goddamn flowy sleeves brushed over the peanut butter at least once. Also, she had at least one of her daughters and the SIL on hand to cheer her on. Gag. Edited November 6, 2023 by patty1h 2 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/4255-snark-talk-home-home-on-the-de-ranged/page/79/#findComment-8198969
chessiegal November 5, 2023 Share November 5, 2023 Those sandwiches sound disgusting. Was she channeling Paula Deen? 2 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/4255-snark-talk-home-home-on-the-de-ranged/page/79/#findComment-8198979
Gramto6 November 5, 2023 Share November 5, 2023 I haven't watched her show for several years now. Nothing I would even begin to think of making let alone eating! I even avoid any shows that she is judging as I don't really feel she is qualified to judge/critique real cooks/chefs. To me she is the "have can opener will travel/cook" queen. 🤮 6 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/4255-snark-talk-home-home-on-the-de-ranged/page/79/#findComment-8199153
SunnyBeBe December 30, 2023 Share December 30, 2023 I’m not really big on snarking, but came here to see if anyone else has friends who eat sugar, diary, high carb….idk. My extended family still does, but most of my friends are pretty selective with their diet and are either vegan or pescatarian. I can’t imagine me serving them waffles with syrup! Ha! But, I guess there’s a market for it. 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/4255-snark-talk-home-home-on-the-de-ranged/page/79/#findComment-8252218
Mindthinkr December 30, 2023 Share December 30, 2023 (edited) 12 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said: I’m not really big on snarking, but came here to see if anyone else has friends who eat sugar, diary, high carb….idk. My extended family still does, but most of my friends are pretty selective with their diet and are either vegan or pescatarian. I can’t imagine me serving them waffles with syrup! Ha! But, I guess there’s a market for it. I have a weight issue (I weigh 75 lbs), so I still eat dairy and a sourdough English muffin every morning. The reason I probably am so small is that I’m basically a vegetable and salad lover. Mind you, I’m short not anorexic. However pancakes or waffles would be a once a year splurge. I don’t have the taste buds for high fat or sugary dishes. Yuck Edited December 31, 2023 by Mindthinkr Punctuation 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/4255-snark-talk-home-home-on-the-de-ranged/page/79/#findComment-8252233
chessiegal January 7, 2024 Share January 7, 2024 I see Ree's latest cookbook "The Pioneer Woman Cooks - Dinner's Ready: 112 Fast and Fabulous Recipes for Slightly Impatient Come Cooks" is number 8 of 10 in non-fiction best sellers list. The mind, it boggles. 3 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/4255-snark-talk-home-home-on-the-de-ranged/page/79/#findComment-8258047
CrazyInAlabama March 17, 2024 Share March 17, 2024 (edited) On 10/21/2023 at 3:00 PM, Mindthinkr said: That was a good article. I really wonder if the movie will spur on an interest on how so many obtained their vast lands. My father is from Oklahoma, and his family never owned land. One reason was that they had to have approval from some authority to buy it, to make sure the Native American who owned the land was getting a fair market price, and this was in the 1940's. The few times they had a chance to buy, another person (usually a relative) swooped in and got approval to buy, and came in with a cash offer. So, needing approval to sell land was a normal routine there. In his part of Oklahoma, the mineral/oil rights were separate from owning the land too. So, the relatives that live there farmed or ran cattle and built houses (and big storm cellars) on their land, but had others who ran the oil wells and had right of access. In the 40's, 50's and even 60's, a lot of the smaller ranches sold to bigger operations, because it was hard to have a profitable farm with a low amount of cattle land, and the small owners often had full time jobs, and didn't make a living from cattle or farming. The rental farm where my dad and his siblings grew up, is now part of a huge cattle ranch, and they rotate the huge pastures over a three year period, that way the grass can grow back without overgrazing the soil. Edited March 17, 2024 by CrazyInAlabama 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/4255-snark-talk-home-home-on-the-de-ranged/page/79/#findComment-8315937
patty1h March 23, 2024 Share March 23, 2024 (edited) Today's theme was "Cowboy Quickies", which has nothing to do with Ree/Ladd sexytimes. This was a selection of dishes made for the guys working some cattle on the ranch. I had a WTF? moment to see that her tweak to making her "perfect pancakes" was to mix buttermilk and whole milk together, with an extra dash of vanilla. That is a lazy stretch to make a standard pancake batter different. She also made meatball subs and fried onions. ZZzzzzzz The only thing that kept my interest was that Paige (who is a GIANT!) was helping with the cattle work, and I was waiting for Ree to make a "girly" item for her daughter. I got so used to Ree going for a lighter menu (salads, light pastas, etc.) when she's cooking for females, I was surprised that Paige didn't get a dainty basket full of finger sandwiches instead of a large meatball sub. How times have changed. Edited March 24, 2024 by patty1h 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/4255-snark-talk-home-home-on-the-de-ranged/page/79/#findComment-8322432
Westiepeach April 6, 2024 Share April 6, 2024 Paige has quite the house these days, no? 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/4255-snark-talk-home-home-on-the-de-ranged/page/79/#findComment-8334954
Mindthinkr April 7, 2024 Share April 7, 2024 1 hour ago, Westiepeach said: Paige has quite the house these days, no? I missed that, but she must have made some dosh filming for her mother. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/4255-snark-talk-home-home-on-the-de-ranged/page/79/#findComment-8334995
Fostersmom April 7, 2024 Share April 7, 2024 (edited) She's living in Chuck and Nan's old house now during the week when she's working on the ranch. Edited April 7, 2024 by Fostersmom 1 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/4255-snark-talk-home-home-on-the-de-ranged/page/79/#findComment-8335162
andidante June 23, 2024 Share June 23, 2024 Alex and Mauricio just announced that they are expecting! Congrats to them both. 6 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/4255-snark-talk-home-home-on-the-de-ranged/page/79/#findComment-8398517
Dineen June 24, 2024 Share June 24, 2024 Nice happy news. Also will give Ree more to write about. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/4255-snark-talk-home-home-on-the-de-ranged/page/79/#findComment-8399197
chessiegal June 26, 2024 Share June 26, 2024 I was watching Weekends with Yankee on PBS. They interviewed a woman who said she first worked with Martha Stewart developing recipes, then moved on to develop recipes for Ree Drummond. Here I thought Ree just lifted recipes from the likes of church cookbooks. So, she actually pays people to develop recipes for her. Heck, I can do that. Give me a tv show. 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/4255-snark-talk-home-home-on-the-de-ranged/page/79/#findComment-8400739
Dineen July 3, 2024 Share July 3, 2024 I just read that Alex is having a girl. That is nice. I wonder what they will name her? Probably not Ree. The gender reveal is online and involved Mauricio feeding a cupcake filled with pink frosting to George the dog, while the song "my girl" played." Alex seemed surpirsed, so Mauricio must have know? I wonder did Alex know, and just acted surpirised? There are pictures of her holding up the sonogram film. 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/4255-snark-talk-home-home-on-the-de-ranged/page/79/#findComment-8405674
cynicat July 12, 2024 Share July 12, 2024 I don't love this show, however I understand hiring help to develop recipes. All of these celebrity cooks likely had many of their own recipes when they started, but at some point they likely ran dry. I don't have a huge issue with this. 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/4255-snark-talk-home-home-on-the-de-ranged/page/79/#findComment-8411122
patty1h September 7, 2024 Share September 7, 2024 The new season started today - the cable listing says its S37. What!? The theme today was Cool Summer and a few recipes were interesting but not innovative: the menu was basically a chinese chicken salad but w/o the chicken; mini muffaletta sandwiches, canapes of tomato and mozzarella balls and an chocolate orange martini. She had a daughter there filming and the dumb giggling and empty laughter was working my nerves. Whatever daughter it was is still amazed watching her mother put meat on buns and make salad dressing - she says "wow!" randomly for the slightest accomplishment. 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/4255-snark-talk-home-home-on-the-de-ranged/page/79/#findComment-8451371
ladydove November 27, 2024 Share November 27, 2024 With the potential of 25% tariffs go through will Ree's China made products pass on the cost to her fans? Probably! Her show is now so bland, but the website does have some good Thanksgiving recipies in it. She no longer has anymore giveaway contests. I guess this year, as in the last few years, no more "twelve days of boots." I thought that was a charming thing she did. It looks like her sister Betsy moved down to Oklahoma, with her son. What about Betsy's husband? We never see him. Maybe he is shy? 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/4255-snark-talk-home-home-on-the-de-ranged/page/79/#findComment-8519487
ladydove December 19, 2024 Share December 19, 2024 Alex had her baby, a little girl, in Dallas. 1 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/4255-snark-talk-home-home-on-the-de-ranged/page/79/#findComment-8537076
andidante January 18 Share January 18 Her baby is gorgeous! They had some professional picks done and they are very nice. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/4255-snark-talk-home-home-on-the-de-ranged/page/79/#findComment-8558076
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