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S12.E14: Odd Man Out

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The writing for her this season has been abysmal. There were some issues before, like for example how it's never been really explored why cheated on Callie, but it's especially bad now considering she's been little more than comic relief. Her relationship with April - first the pregnancy joke that was in awfully bad taste and now revealing her secret - it almost looks like they are making her appear like a shitty friend on purpose and I can't possibly understand why. 

Thing is, Arizona has been consistently written this way since season 6. 


Think about it. She sent her young patient and his mother to the hospital Callie was working in so she could get desired scans.  She stood up to the Chief along with the other doctors, knowingly breaking the rules so Derek could operate on Issac. She defied the board member by asking Jackson's parents if they wanted to see him in repose with Webber stepping in to get the board member to step down). She absolutely violated HIPPA with Dr. Herman - breaking Nicole's confidence and putting herself in a potentially career ending position (fines, suspension and even Federal jail time).  Now, she's outed April's pregnancy to Jackson.


It's what Arizona does, right or wrong,  Trust, doing the 'right thing' from her mindset, poor decision making - or everything combined.  She's done it for a number of years. 


I feel the 'cheating' and 'Leah' and leaving Callie behind because she was ruining Africa for her -- fall in the 'personal' not professional aspect of things. 


Arizona may not have been Nicole's doctor and isn't technically April's doctor - but I feel her actions were based on the well-being of the two and trying to stop the 'boulder' vs. personal machinations.


Technically - one could apply the 'trust' label as a flaw for both professional and personal character flaws but  the driver behind the decisions are different. 


Additionally, haven't we seen other characters break confidences? 


Yes, no, maybe?

  • Love 2

The episode surprisingly did great on ratings (with DST and st paddy's day playing in). someone did said on tumblr that season veteran characters getting screen time always pumps the ratings. the last to pump in ratings have been with quality jcap screen time.

bottom line - arizona's character is a fan favorite and layered in its own way - move your mind from a cheating sl that happened ages ago. i don't see anyone bringing up Owen or Derek or mark or any other characters cheating sl up for this many time. they get glossed over but nope drag that woman cos how dare she.

really it's getting boring by now with the repetitive sayings that she needs redemption blah blah. she doesn't. move on. that story is done. she had payed her price, more than any other characters, the writers have move on and I think everyone should too.

Thing is, Arizona has been consistently written this way since season 6.

Think about it. She sent her young patient and his mother to the hospital Callie was working in so she could get desired scans. She stood up to the Chief along with the other doctors, knowingly breaking the rules so Derek could operate on Issac. She defied the board member by asking Jackson's parents if they wanted to see him in repose with Webber stepping in to get the board member to step down). She absolutely violated HIPPA with Dr. Herman - breaking Nicole's confidence and putting herself in a potentially career ending position (fines, suspension and even Federal jail time). Now, she's outed April's pregnancy to Jackson.

It's what Arizona does, right or wrong, Trust, doing the 'right thing' from her mindset, poor decision making - or everything combined. She's done it for a number of years.

I feel the 'cheating' and 'Leah' and leaving Callie behind because she was ruining Africa for her -- fall in the 'personal' not professional aspect of things.

Arizona may not have been Nicole's doctor and isn't technically April's doctor - but I feel her actions were based on the well-being of the two and trying to stop the 'boulder' vs. personal machinations.

Technically - one could apply the 'trust' label as a flaw for both professional and personal character flaws but the driver behind the decisions are different.

Additionally, haven't we seen other characters break confidences?

Yes, no, maybe?

Bless you. It's not a character flaw at all. It's believing her instincts to the right thing even if she's the one who will suffer.

The episode surprisingly did great on ratings (with DST and st paddy's day playing in). someone did said on tumblr that season veteran characters getting screen time always pumps the ratings. the last to pump in ratings have been with quality jcap screen time.

bottom line - arizona's character is a fan favorite and layered in its own way - move your mind from a cheating sl that happened ages ago. i don't see anyone bringing up Owen or Derek or mark or any other characters cheating sl up for this many time. they get glossed over but nope drag that woman cos how dare she.

really it's getting boring by now with the repetitive sayings that she needs redemption blah blah. she doesn't. move on. that story is done. she had payed her price, more than any other characters, the writers have move on and I think everyone should too.

Bless you. It's not a character flaw at all. It's believing her instincts to the right thing even if she's the one who will suffer.

Not to be harsh but I think the reason the ep did well was because people want to see whether Meredith starts dating again more than Arizona being a doctor.

Having said that, I do believe that focus on the characters that have been there for awhile is far better for the ratings.

On a side note, people are going to have different reactions to what Arizona did in this ep because it was meant to be a moment that evoked debate. That has nothing to do with cheating or anything else.

I am not upset that she did what she did but I can see the flip side and why people would be.

This is my primary issue. With so many characters, it's just impossible for the writers to continue each story every week. That's why I wish they didn't bother adding in Penny and even Deluca. There were enough characters to make interesting dynamics without adding them in, plus they already added Riggs for new blood and Maggie and Amelia are both relatively new. A few characters have ongoing arcs (April / Jackson, Meredith, Maggie / DeLuca, Amelia / Owen / Riggs) and everyone else is basically given one-offs. 

As the saying goes: "too many cooks spoil the broth"

  • Love 1

Not to be harsh but I think the reason the ep did well was because people want to see whether Meredith starts dating again more than Arizona being a doctor.

Having said that, I do believe that focus on the characters that have been there for awhile is far better for the ratings.

On a side note, people are going to have different reactions to what Arizona did in this ep because it was meant to be a moment that evoked debate. That has nothing to do with cheating or anything else.

I am not upset that she did what she did but I can see the flip side and why people would be.

Come on no one is on the edge of their seat on whether Mer is gonna date that doc or not they have made so fucking obvious that she will.

  • Love 4

The ratings for GA are among the most consistent on network tv (ongoing discussion each week in the ratings thread). They vary very little and are even the same this year as last (most returning network shows have lost audience). JMO, but at this point it seems like the loyal audience tunes in to watch the show regardless of the characters who appear in the promo. 


Back to the episode - at the end Amelia said she needs to teach Penny because she's a natural neuro surgeon. Where will this leave Stephanie who has been Amelia's resident this whole season?  I wonder if she will be with Meredith in General now.

  • Love 4

The ratings for GA are among the most consistent on network tv (ongoing discussion each week in the ratings thread). They vary very little and are even the same this year as last (most returning network shows have lost audience). JMO, but at this point it seems like the loyal audience tunes in to watch the show regardless of the characters who appear in the promo.

Back to the episode - at the end Amelia said she needs to teach Penny because she's a natural neuro surgeon. Where will this leave Stephanie who has been Amelia's resident this whole season? I wonder if she will be with Meredith in General now.

Unless Jo stays with Meredith.

Ben appears to be staying with Arizona.

Penny appears to be perfect for neuro.

I do hope that Jo goes back to Ortho because it's the best fit for her character.

Stephanie appears to be the afterthought as usual.

They don't really do much with Stephanie anyways. It's why I hope Jerrika's new opportunity works out.

Come on no one is on the edge of their seat on whether Mer is gonna date that doc or not they have made so fucking obvious that she will.

Same. 1213 was heavy on the writers laying the seeds to Meredith's dating life and the ratings weren't charming. No one is interested in that.

Though I agree 1214 pulled an debate and that's an indication that people are interested in the characters and storylines.

I like it how people who bring up Arizona's infidelity and shy away from accepting that they did or that they can't move forward from it (because women needs to be perfect and flawless blah blah), always gloss over it. Whenever that character is doing something good, they wanna remind everyone 'but hey she cheated during sliced bread times'.....

I agree with what windsprints wrote about ratings above:


The ratings for GA are among the most consistent on network tv (ongoing discussion each week in the ratings thread). They vary very little and are even the same this year as last (most returning network shows have lost audience). JMO, but at this point it seems like the loyal audience tunes in to watch the show regardless of the characters who appear in the promo.


the ratings are what they are, and aren't driven by any single character.  Hell, that this season is near the ratings of last season, after losing one of the most popular characters on the show who was there since day one (Derek), to attribute little blips up/down in the ratings to a particular character being in focus in any particular episode or not, seems quite contrary to the evidence of the overall consistency in the ratings.


Beyond that, as to agreeing with Arizona or not, whether in regard to what she did in this episode or her relationship with Callie, one of the best things about this forum is that we all get to express our views here and respectfully disagree with other positions. That's what makes this my go-to forum for all shows.


Also, back to the episode, toward the end, when Owen was taking Amelia to something he said would make her feel better, did anyone else think he was leading her to the vent over the fan system like he used to take Christina to?  Talk about boards blowing up if that had happened!!

Edited by pennben
  • Love 3

I don't think Meredith's going to say yes. I hope she doesn't, to be honest. I see no chemistry between them whatsoever.


I hope she says yes and goes on the date, but that it doesn't turn into anything serious. She needs to just get the first date over with so that whoever she does get serious with isn't the first person she meets after Derek.

  • Love 1

I agree with few posters above who have said that they are softening Amelia. She has been edgy since Derek and even before that. Owen has been volatile too. Since their first kiss, I think this was the first time that they have been easy on eyes. It was a nice change from all the screams and on & off. If Shonda's establishing them, it better happen this way...

I thought Owen was going to take Amelia up to the vents, and I didn't want him to because that's Cristina's thing.  (And because I knew Amelia was going to get slammed over it.)


The show usually tries to have some couples that are rocky and some that are okay to balance them. Since Jackson and April are at odds, Bailey and Ben look like they might be getting there, Arizona and Callie are split up, Alex and Jo are not engaged and Meredith may or may not be dating the oncologist before she hooks up with Riggs, it looks like it's up to Maggie/DaSilva and Amelia/Owen to be the stable couples,


Arizona telling Jackson didn't violate any ethics statutes, since April is not Arizona's patient; all she's doing is violating a friend/colleague code of not blabbing other people's personal stuff. The fact that they constantly treat each other even though they have personal relationships opens up all sorts of ethical issues, but Arizona's actions in this  episode don't actually fall into that category.



I was confused by the timeline. The affair had been going on for 11 years, but the wife said she'd wasted 33 years on his meanness, so he must have started to act like a jackhole to her even before taking up with a new woman. Also, she was stalling the divorce so that she didn't lose anything based on the pre-nup, not because of any lack of anger during the past 11 years.


I thought the "wasted 33 years on his meanness"  referred to how long since they got married.  Going by the way he treated herwhen he couldn't remember the present only the past, it looks like he was nice at the start, untill he wanted to get rid of her after 20 or so years.


I still think it's anger because if she really wanted to get rid of him and had gone to him and said "I'll divorce you if you give me $5 million", he probably would have said yes just to have it over and done with. Certainly his girlfriend would have encouraged him to do it.  $5 million is a very  nice sum to live on, especially if you're in your 70s.  That she hung in there for 11 years, tied to him, in order to grab the whole amount  suggests to me that she was very angry and determined to screw him over in his new relationship.


Did Arizona not treat April when she had her first child?  I wasn't watching too closely then but if she did, HIPPA would still apply.  But even now, she offered to run tests on April and I think the College would call that treating her.


The more I think about April's situation, the more I side with her in not telling Jackson, especially since we're led to believe that there is nothing that can be done to help the fetus if it is ill.  She's scared and in denial and what she needs is emotional support.  She's not going to get that from Jackson, and since nothing can be done for the baby that April isn't already doing (eg prenatal vitamins), how would it help her or the baby for him to know?  He'll know soon enough anyway.

BTW, I´ve been counting and the elderly man was the 3rd patient in a row for Riggs that died. 2 in 1212 and now another patient. Quite depressive.

I liked how Nathan encouraged Penny to do the procedure.It had balls.

I was screaming "Shut up!" at him because he had no clue as to whether she could do the procedure or not. Yes, she caught it but there's a difference between recoginizing what is wrong and not screwing up the procedure.  Penny was right, she needed to call the attending and Riggs was way out of line telling her to do it herself instead.  He's not even a neurosurgeon so he wouldn't be able to tell if she was messing it up.


I actually wondered if Riggs was trying to mess things up for Amelia by telling Penny to do the procedure since he realized Amelia was "tight" with Owen.

  • Love 1

I thought Owen was going to take Amelia up to the vents, and I didn't want him to because that's Cristina's thing.  (And because I knew Amelia was going to get slammed over it.)



I was screaming "Shut up!" at him because he had no clue as to whether she could do the procedure or not. Yes, she caught it but there's a difference between recoginizing what is wrong and not screwing up the procedure.  Penny was right, she needed to call the attending and Riggs was way out of line telling her to do it herself instead.  He's not even a neurosurgeon so he wouldn't be able to tell if she was messing it up.


I actually wondered if Riggs was trying to mess things up for Amelia by telling Penny to do the procedure since he realized Amelia was "tight" with Owen.


It would have been a CRIME if he took Amelia to the vent room. It seems even writers did not have the guts to do it. It is nice to know they are able to have some reservations,if any at all. Just to appreciate Sandra´s acting in those vent room scenes. They had the guts to copy some memorable Crowen scenes with OA,but the vent room is  untouchable. I only hope they stick to Owen being  a serial cheater in the future.


On the contrary, I liked what Nathan did. 

I think he was trying to help her knowing how he is personally mistreated and bullied at work by Owen,so he knew exactly how Penny must have felt,being treated like that by Amelia. Also he was shown to be respectful of a fellow female coworker´s professional knowledge contrary with how we saw she was treated by her male coworker  - a chauvinistic pig over at the hospital where Derek died. Kudos to Nathan. 

Edited by NathanRiggsfan
  • Love 3

I also thought Owen was taking Amelia to the vents. And I had mixed feelings about it since I dislike Amelia and really don't like her with Owen

I thought they would do it,too. Greys writers do not respect anything but in this case they were almost afraid to do it.


They already copied many Crowen scenes from S5 with dreadful OA, in S11 even the beginning of 519 how Crowen started making love for the 1st time - UNFORGIVABLE!!!!!, in this episode it was the gurney scene from 513 as well as walking in the corridor from 510 until the vent scene happened. They have already copied at least 5 or 6 Crowen scenes in S11 and 12.


COPYCATS - Greys writers, at least they DO have some limits. 

Edited by NathanRiggsfan

Is it possible that it's all a big mislead and that Arizona wasn't actually talking to Jackson about the pregnancy?

Cause when April walked in, Arizona didn't have any kind of sheepish or guilty expression that I would expect her to have if she were caught spilling a secret. She merely looked like April was interrupting some discussion.

Is it possible that it's all a big mislead and that Arizona wasn't actually talking to Jackson about the pregnancy?

Cause when April walked in, Arizona didn't have any kind of sheepish or guilty expression that I would expect her to have if she were caught spilling a secret. She merely looked like April was interrupting some discussion.


I thought about that too, but then Jackson looks clearly annoyed and says "Why is she telling me this?", and I don't know what it can refer to other than the pregnancy. 

Edited by Joana
I actually wondered if Riggs was trying to mess things up for Amelia by telling Penny to do the procedure since he realized Amelia was "tight" with Owen.


Nathan asked Penny if she had done the procedure before and she said yes. Penny told the nurse to page Amelia. It appeared that the procedure needed to be done immediately, Penny has done the procedure, SGM is a teaching hospital and Nathan is an attending (even if not neuro). I don't see anything he did wrong in this case. I thought him saying Amelia was tight with Owen was more him seeing how Penny was being judged based on personal feelings just as he was; leading to him viewing Penny purely on what he saw professionally. 

Is it possible that it's all a big mislead and that Arizona wasn't actually talking to Jackson about the pregnancy?

Cause when April walked in, Arizona didn't have any kind of sheepish or guilty expression that I would expect her to have if she were caught spilling a secret. She merely looked like April was interrupting some discussion.

I was hoping this at first but going by Jackson's reaction and the promo and sneak peek, she totally told him, for drama and thrills seems like the only logical reason she would but hey that's grey's, I totally feel they are building up for an Arizona saves the baby thing. either that or they are trying to bring back the Az hate lol.


I just hope they don't make Japril lose another baby that would be too cruel even for this show!

Did Arizona not treat April when she had her first child?  I wasn't watching too closely then but if she did, HIPPA would still apply.  But even now, she offered to run tests on April and I think the College would call that treating her.

Arizona did not treat April. Dr. Herman did and even though Arizona wanted to be involved, Herman wouldn't let her.  Arizona stayed in 'friend' mode to both April and Jackson during the first pregnancy.


Regarding the second pregnancy, Arizona is not April's doctor.  She said if you trust me let me help and run some tests.  April declined.  Offering to help or making recommendations does not make her April's doctor and is a non-issue at this point.


Will be interesting to see how this plays out and how April deals with it short and long term.  Will she let Arizona help, and thus Arizona becomes her doctor?  Would she trust Arizona to step in given the breach of faith she just experienced?  Grey's loves the roller coaster and drama and thrills.  Will Arizona be down to one good friend in Alex?  Will she apologize and own what she did?


I guess we just have to tune in next week for the ongoing saga.  Same Grey's time, same Grey's channel...

Oh wait, sorry wrong show!   heh

So I guess Arizona didn't break the HIPPA rules this time, just the friendship code.  I'm surprised there was someone on the show who wouldn't let her be involved even though she was just on for one season.


I've never really liked April but I agree that she needs at least one good friend.  Poor April, now having to deal with an angry Jackson too.

He gave thanks for being complimented? that smug bastard

Yes, he is smug. You called him bastard, I didn´t.


There is only one original McDreamy. To even think he could be the next one is ridiculous and smug. IMO.


We all have different opinions.


When M.Henderson was asked the same question,he never sees himself as being the new McDreamy, neither thanks for that title being given to him, he is always very modest and down-to-earth praising P.Dempsey as being the only one McDreamy. A difference of attitude and a difference of character in both actors - Henderson vs Elrod. I do not see Elrod being modest or down-to-earth at all. You might see that. To each his own.

Edited by NathanRiggsfan

Is it possible that it's all a big mislead and that Arizona wasn't actually talking to Jackson about the pregnancy?

Cause when April walked in, Arizona didn't have any kind of sheepish or guilty expression that I would expect her to have if she were caught spilling a secret. She merely looked like April was interrupting some discussion.

I was thinking this too!!  I have a feeling next week we are going to see Arizona talking to Jackson about something completely different and April busts in and says "I can't believe you told him I was pregnant".  

  • Love 1

One thing which is strange how much hostility is there from Meredith to Nathan,but Amelia does not seem to feel the same. Both have a relationship with Owen, but Amelia seems to act quite naturally to Nathan, not a bit of hatred towards him just because Owen hates him,and that weird stance that Meredith supports.




Also how much hatred/suspicion Owen has sewn for Nathan in his new workplace,and he really just has to win people over.

Edited by NathanRiggsfan

Meredith's hostility is bizarre, even if Cristina was there she wouldn't hate a complete stranger because Owen said so. Cristina asked her to look out for Owen, not hate a complete stranger because he does.

Unusually for these two Amelia was the more mature.

I totally agree. I honestly liked how Amelia behaved to Nathan. She even listened to him later on with regard to Penny operating with her not Stephanie.

I am surprised myself that I liked Amelia in scenes with Riggs and later with Penny in the surgery and I did not find her annoying.  -  said by an Amelia hater????????? quite contradictory feelings I have.

Edited by NathanRiggsfan
  • Love 1

Meredith's hostility is bizarre, even if Cristina was there she wouldn't hate a complete stranger because Owen said so. Cristina asked her to look out for Owen, not hate a complete stranger because he does.

Unusually for these two Amelia was the more mature.

Meredith is hostile to someone different every season for no apparent reason. Guess I'm just immune to it.

  • Love 2

I was thinking this too!! I have a feeling next week we are going to see Arizona talking to Jackson about something completely different and April busts in and says "I can't believe you told him I was pregnant".

The promo for next ep indicates Arizona spilled the beans.

Yes, he is smug. You called him bastard, I didn´t.

There is only one original McDreamy. To even think he could be the next one is ridiculous and smug. IMO.

We all have different opinions.

When M.Henderson was asked the same question,he never sees himself as being the new McDreamy, neither thanks for that title being given to him, he is always very modest and down-to-earth praising P.Dempsey as being the only one McDreamy. A difference of attitude and a difference of character in both actors - Henderson vs Elrod. I do not see Elrod being modest or down-to-earth at all. You might see that. To each his own.

Or he could have been flattered by the comparison.

It doesn't have to be a worst case scenario.

Edited by North
  • Love 2

I was thinking this too!!  I have a feeling next week we are going to see Arizona talking to Jackson about something completely different and April busts in and says "I can't believe you told him I was pregnant".  


But what could they be discussing for Jackson to snap at April saying "Why is she telling me this"? From the look of it, he's clearly upset that April hasn't told him something she should have and it can only be pregnancy. 

Of course, they can always go around and have them talk about something completely unrelated so April ends up telling him the truth and Arizona doesn't look bad, but it would be a pretty big cop-out and honestly kinda lame. 

But what could they be discussing for Jackson to snap at April saying "Why is she telling me this"? From the look of it, he's clearly upset that April hasn't told him something she should have and it can only be pregnancy. 

Of course, they can always go around and have them talk about something completely unrelated so April ends up telling him the truth and Arizona doesn't look bad, but it would be a pretty big cop-out and honestly kinda lame. 

honestly, I don't know what it is that Jackson and Arizona could be discussing.  But I do know that Grey's promos are notoriously misleading so if we didn't actually see Arizona say "April is pregnant" than it could actually by anything.  I haven't watched the promo again but from what I remember we see Jackson saying the above, and then Jackson confronting April about signing the divorce papers without telling him about that baby (was that the sneak peak or the promo?).


This show even selectively cuts the sneak peaks at times (see last week's Jo/Meredith confrontation), so I am just guessing there is some editing happening in the promos/sneaks and what we *think* happened, might not actually be what does in the episode.  Just speculating here....so I should probably move this to the other thread.

honestly, I don't know what it is that Jackson and Arizona could be discussing. But I do know that Grey's promos are notoriously misleading so if we didn't actually see Arizona say "April is pregnant" than it could actually by anything. I haven't watched the promo again but from what I remember we see Jackson saying the above, and then Jackson confronting April about signing the divorce papers without telling him about that baby (was that the sneak peak or the promo?).

This show even selectively cuts the sneak peaks at times (see last week's Jo/Meredith confrontation), so I am just guessing there is some editing happening in the promos/sneaks and what we *think* happened, might not actually be what does in the episode. Just speculating here....so I should probably move this to the other thread.

At the very beginning of the the promo it actually shows Arizona telling Jackson " Aprils pregnant." And him looking at her like" excuse me???" She told.

  • Love 2

April is a complete mess, but I was totally on her side this episode.  Yeah, she's in denial.  Yeah, she's not thinking logically.  But damn, putting myself in her shoes, I've got nothing but empathy for her.  If I lost my son and husband, I'd be holding on to this baby so tight and would want to stick my head in the ground about anything that could go wrong.  Her decisions were 100% wrong, but her feelings were 100% understandable.


And sorry, Jackson, but you piss me off when your first reaction to finding out you are having a kid is anger that your ex-wife didn't tell you sooner.  Priorities, dude!

  • Love 1

April is a complete mess, but I was totally on her side this episode. Yeah, she's in denial. Yeah, she's not thinking logically. But damn, putting myself in her shoes, I've got nothing but empathy for her. If I lost my son and husband, I'd be holding on to this baby so tight and would want to stick my head in the ground about anything that could go wrong. Her decisions were 100% wrong, but her feelings were 100% understandable.

And sorry, Jackson, but you piss me off when your first reaction to finding out you are having a kid is anger that your ex-wife didn't tell you sooner. Priorities, dude!

I could see why he'd be upset about it. He should be hearing it from April.

I think he's had enough of what he feels is April calling the shots and for him this is just another example of that.

Yeah, in real life a grown ass hot man like army dude would phone once, maybe twice, and then move on.  All the phone calls would otherwise be a creepy sign.  Somebody mentioned too, that it would be nice if she just went out with him, got that out of the way, and dated others.  Alas, it's a TV show so that's not going to happen so we're stuck in a Shonda-esque Great Romance.  Regardless, I don't care about whether she goes out with this dude.


Ben, Ben, Ben.  Brace yourself for the character assassination.   Ben was an anaesthesiologist, right?  So I can assume he made big bank and knowingly gave that up so he could pursue his surgery dream.  It makes no sense if they pursue a story line where he is threatened by Bailey's position and money.  Maybe they'll drop it?


In principle, I agree that April has sole domain over her body and her choices.  Practically speaking, the baby was created in the context of a (flawed / broken) marriage with a history of a deceased baby.  Damn April, use your words.

My objection to Penny is totally superficial:  large head, thin hair.  Plump up that skinned-back hairdo with some body volumizer and I'd happily swap out one insufferable Amelia for TWO Pennys!


Except now Amelia feels duty-bound to pass along her genius to the rare practitioner capable of utilizing such world-class techniques blah blah blaaaaaah.


I don't see Ben's problem as masculine egocentric.  He and Bailey have a division of labor and tax prep was in his column.  There are probably valid reasons to transfer that responsibility to a professional, but, umm, is that Miranda's unilateral call, without even the courtesy of a discussion?  I think she forgot to leave being "The Chief" back at Seattle Grey Sloan Mercy Death.  I'd be disgruntled, too.


Puppies!!!  Magic tv puppies whose tiny paws aren't gooey from romping through the little piles and puddles!  I love those!

  • Love 1

My objection to Penny is totally superficial:  large head, thin hair.  Plump up that skinned-back hairdo with some body volumizer and I'd happily swap out one insufferable Amelia for TWO Pennys!


Except now Amelia feels duty-bound to pass along her genius to the rare practitioner capable of utilizing such world-class techniques blah blah blaaaaaah.


I don't see Ben's problem as masculine egocentric.  He and Bailey have a division of labor and tax prep was in his column.  There are probably valid reasons to transfer that responsibility to a professional, but, umm, is that Miranda's unilateral call, without even the courtesy of a discussion?  I think she forgot to leave being "The Chief" back at Seattle Grey Sloan Mercy Death.  I'd be disgruntled, too.


Puppies!!!  Magic tv puppies whose tiny paws aren't gooey from romping through the little piles and puddles!  I love those!

What do you think of Meredith and that Thorpe? Is he just there to test waters or something serious? I look forward to how you describe your impression of him...


Your description of Penny - I laughed a lot. I always wonder you know, I kind of think as a doctor in real life Penny seems to have realistic hairdo, you know,like when would a female surgeon have time to style her hair in the morning? Just put it in a ponytail and off you go, but a bit of care should be put into it for sure.

Edited by NathanRiggsfan

No idea.  So far, we only have burning eyeballs and disaffected scruff.


You are so right--all these harried women with their shiny manes dipping seductively over one eye.  Pfft.  Poor outsider/severe hairdo Penny.


(Patrick Dempsey said his Shepherd hair was both his blessing and his curse, because it took so long to produce his casual tousle.  Heh.)

  • Love 1

Also, back to the episode, toward the end, when Owen was taking Amelia to something he said would make her feel better, did anyone else think he was leading her to the vent over the fan system like he used to take Christina to?  Talk about boards blowing up if that had happened!!

Yep. I was another passenger on the Don't You Even Dare Express.


I don't see Ben's problem as masculine egocentric.  He and Bailey have a division of labor and tax prep was in his column.  There are probably valid reasons to transfer that responsibility to a professional, but, umm, is that Miranda's unilateral call, without even the courtesy of a discussion?  I think she forgot to leave being "The Chief" back at Seattle Grey Sloan Mercy Death.  I'd be disgruntled, too.

I was thinking more along those lines, too. And although this is the first we've seen of it, if (OK, when) it becomes a big thing, it would really not be a stretch to learn that she's taken over/outsourced/reassigned a number of other things that used to be his job, too, all without consulting him first. And every single one of them may have even come from a place of love: It wouldn't be entirely unreasonable to believe that one's partner does the taxes because someone has to, but doesn't love doing it, and therefore, relieving him of that task would be a move meant to make him happier. Unfortunately, unilateral decisions do not a happy marriage make (just ask Jackson and April). Whatever the issue, I hope they sort it out like the reasonable grown-up people they usually are, and that this doesn't ultimately blow up their marriage completely.


As for Thorpe... He's attractive, and I'm sure he's lovely, but I think I'm just past the age where a guy who refuses to take no for an answer is romantic, even in fiction. And frankly, his showing up just smacked of super gross entitlement: I have expressed an interest in you, and I am therefore entitled to a full response. No. If you've called several times and gotten no response, that's your answer. Although strict politeness might call for an actual no, the fact remains that she does not owe you anything further. And your showing up to force her to say it to your face is not as endearing as you think it is. Not to me, anyway. I'd love it if she told him all that instead of rewarding such behaviour with a yes, but we all know the odds of that. Here's hoping it doesn't last long.

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