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S06.E16: Hearing Is Believing

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The lunch after the spin thing, Yolanda did control the topic of conversation. Kyle tried to explain she and Lisa were talking privately to each other, Yolanda demanded to know what it was about. Kyle told her it was about LisaR and Erika chimed in that it was about the bi-polar comment and off to the races Yolanda went. Good grief, for someone that says she has good manners, she went after LisaV, whos Birthday it was. How do you think Yolanda would have handled anyone doing that to Erika, Eileen, Brandi or herself on their BDs? Yolanda keeps the cameras and the conversation focused on her.

Oh I must have misheard when Yolanda said, 'We're fine, so let's move on," a few times. 

  • Love 1

Oh, I won't, sister! Just the Facebook reposts about cruelty and even lost pets throw me into a rage-cry. I don't even watch recommended videos about veganism; while I do like information, I am scared of the images I might see--I don't need to be convinced that there is cruelty afoot, so it's kind of nothing but self-sabotage, and horror for the sake of horror to me.

Man on man, I wish I had read the warnings before Googling the "festival". I have been in a state of horror ever since. Beyond, absolutely beyond, words.

  • Love 3

Just for the record?


I found that LVP leaving the hobbled horse on that farm shows she has a 'pick and choose' love of animals.


When I think of that poor horse, I think of a dog we owned that was hit by a car and lost his eye and the use of his front leg. Us kids were horrified by the condition of the dog and wanted it put down. No, my mom nursed that dog back from his injuries - He lived a long life, crippled and blind, but he was loved.


Leaving an animal behind just because it was lame and NOT EVEN TRYING TO SEE what was the matter with it and wanting to help it shows she might not be that in love with animal rights.


Oh, Keeping that poor Giggy all fucked up and wearing costumes isn't 'taking care' of a dog. To me, that is abuse.

  • Love 2

I stand corrected, I only heard what she said on the show.  Still, I say let it go. They don't like each other.  I would rather not have her around if I were LVP.  Astounding that these are adults.  


ETA:  Again I will say that everyone (except Eileen) wants to be liked by LVP.   They  do what she wants to curry favor and then cry manipulation!  Everyone is a big girl.  Take care of your own boundaries (I hate that word but sometimes it is the only one that works).  

At one time, last season, Eileen and LisaV were friends and then a tipsy Lisa used the word "affair" and Eileen started hanging out with Erika/Yolanda and things shifted for Eileen. LOL


I don't think she found out the same day, did she (that part was very confusing for me). It looked like she had found out earlier on the bus when they were doing the Habitat for Humanity deal (which was several days before). Again, I could have that wrong.


Anyway, these gals are always telling others they cannot attend something right before it happens. We see that all the time. Remember that LVP cancelled the dumb tile painting playdate on the day of the event because she was busy. Yo was waiting around for her to show and gets a call that she isn't coming. It was stupid of Yo to be mad and act like LVP must hate Gigi because of it,  and it's stupid for LVP to be mad now and act like Eileen must not care about animals. Of course, no situation is ever exactly the same - there are always slight differences. The point is that LVP didn't like to be scolded when she had to cancel so she shouldn't scold someone else in the same situation. Eileen said she needed a day off because she had been busy. I say that all the time. Since I have children and work hard, this generally means that I need some downtime with my family. I didn't see that she was changing her story at all. 


ETA: The thing that was the most ironic to me is that LVP was making it sound like Eileen - of all people - wasn't interested in animal welfare. Just because she was the DIL of Dick Van Patten doesn't mean she necessarily shared his passion, but certainly she was well aware of the cause and had surely been around it for some time; had seen other people who were passionately involved in the cause. DVP was considered one of the great Animal Welfare Advocates. I think it says something about Eileen that she didn't take the opportunity to remind LVP of that. 

I was the same day, not the HFH day. As for Yolanda's finger painting party, according to Lisa, Yolanda knew well in advance that she was not attending as no car/limo was sent to pick her up (which IS a sign whether or not a HW is scheduled to participate in something). She called Yolanda not to cancel but to wish her well and to tell her she would have been there if she could have. She was in a meeting with the zoning board for PUMP and that was scheduled in advance of the finger painting party. 


Yes, Lisa got snarky but it happened right after Eileen accused her of "manipulating" LisaR in Amsterdam twice in just a few minutes time seconds/minutes before saying she could no longer attend the march. I don't think DVP knew about this "festival", it only came to public knowledge a couple of years ago.

  • Love 5

I'm sure those Chinese villagers are going to change their ways after they hear what a bunch of bourgeoisie imperialist western capitalist pigs said about them.

Pigs are usually male, HWs are female, so they would be 'sows'?


What do the Hindi folks think about a bunch of Americans slaughtering cows and doubling up the patties in a Double Cheese burger? The horror of that festival is twofold, The way the animals are treated and the idea of eating them.

What do they think about people who dress up a dog and carry it around? It's a fucked up deal for those animals, but sometimes you have to put things into perspective?


Someone mentioned that LVP happens to run a restaurant - what kind of beef, chicken, pork or fish does she serve? How is it raised, harvested, prepared?

Not approving of the dog debacle in china, just thinking about our place in the world and what we do to satisfy our need for protein?

  • Love 5

Oh I must have misheard when Yolanda said, 'We're fine, so let's move on," a few times. 

She would say that then launch into how none of them "understand invisible illness", on and on. She would not let it go.


Just for the record?


I found that LVP leaving the hobbled horse on that farm shows she has a 'pick and choose' love of animals.


When I think of that poor horse, I think of a dog we owned that was hit by a car and lost his eye and the use of his front leg. Us kids were horrified by the condition of the dog and wanted it put down. No, my mom nursed that dog back from his injuries - He lived a long life, crippled and blind, but he was loved.


Leaving an animal behind just because it was lame and NOT EVEN TRYING TO SEE what was the matter with it and wanting to help it shows she might not be that in love with animal rights.


Oh, Keeping that poor Giggy all fucked up and wearing costumes isn't 'taking care' of a dog. To me, that is abuse.

I guess she should have put that poor mini horse on the plane and hoped it would survive the flight. The seller should have had a vet report ready for Lisa when she got there as most reputable sellers would have done.  

  • Love 11

I totally support LVP and her making an effort to stop this practice in China. At the time of the March international papers reported on it so hopefully things can begin to change. Lisa supports plenty of people charities too. I love Lisa for her work with animals. I know Yolanda would prefer that Lisa spend her time giving Yo a sponge bath but Lisa has other interest besides herself.

No kidding! LVP has her faults, but she cares about others, people and animals, a million times more than Yolanda does. Yolanda, with all her money, could have hired someone to fund research, help people in need with paying for Lyme treatments, create an information campaign on preventing Lyme and quick diagnosis, etc. She wouldn't even have to do the work herself. She could have just funded it, but instead of taking real action she chose to make it all about herself and her pretend disease. The fact that she refuses to work with actual medical doctors and scientists tells me that she's interested in directing and starring in the Lifetime movie of her life and that is all.

  • Love 20

Just for the record?


I found that LVP leaving the hobbled horse on that farm shows she has a 'pick and choose' love of animals.


When I think of that poor horse, I think of a dog we owned that was hit by a car and lost his eye and the use of his front leg. Us kids were horrified by the condition of the dog and wanted it put down. No, my mom nursed that dog back from his injuries - He lived a long life, crippled and blind, but he was loved.


Leaving an animal behind just because it was lame and NOT EVEN TRYING TO SEE what was the matter with it and wanting to help it shows she might not be that in love with animal rights.


Oh, Keeping that poor Giggy all fucked up and wearing costumes isn't 'taking care' of a dog. To me, that is abuse.


Your mother sounds like a wonderful woman.

IIRC LVP told the owner that the horse appeared to have problems. It wasn't a homeless horse. I'm hoping the seller/owner did the right thing and had a vet evaluate and treat, if needed, the horse. I would think that a person more experienced with horses, especially mini-horses, would be a better fit for a horse with problems rather then a newbie horse-owner. Maybe LVP has experience with horses but then that would mean she likely wouldn't have gotten the other two horses. 


This all is getting to political for me. 


Everyone, please spay and neuter your pets. When I was in college, I used a tiny bit of my student loan to spay my brother's dog (large black lab mix breed who was a total sweetie). Rather than thinking of it enabling my brother, I thought of it as helping to prevent animal overpopulation.

Edited by Vicky8675309
  • Love 12

She would say that then launch into how none of them "understand invisible illness", on and on. She would not let it go.


I guess she should have put that poor mini horse on the plane and hoped it would survive the flight. The seller should have had a vet report ready for Lisa when she got there as most reputable sellers would have done.  

Yes, with a purchase that important the seller should have had a vet report ready, but since that didn't happen, Lisa passed on buying the horse. She didn't have to put it on a plane, she could have paid a vet to go and look at the horse - to ensure it wasn't being mistreated and the limping wasn't something that was going to increase and lead to the horse being put down?


She does care about the Chinese festival - protest a thousand miles away and unable to help any of the dogs, Yet she passes on helping an animal she does have a chance to help? She invested time into something she probably couldn't change, then throws out a commercial for her restaurant, yet doesn't care about an animal she might be able to assist?

  • Love 1

It's been Horses, Lemon and da Lime

What else has happened during the time

The housewives do parties, cycle and paint

Except for yoyo she just may faint.


He love is leaving, the couple has split

She still has daisy and doesn't give a shit.

She's no a "hadid', no longer a Foster

The marriage did sour, it lost all it's bluster


Lisa the Lip, won't let things go

She talk all her shit, and then does it show

She's not that tough, she talks a great game

but when it's time, that horse comes up lame


Pussy patting time, Erica Jayne is pretend

All her hub's money, she does want to spend

On make believe singing, songs and some dance?

She'll just a poser, that got a chance.


Poor old Eileen, ass hurt dumb cheater

With that little info Lisa did beat her

You stood married then fucked you got

Then you divorced and again tied the knot?


Kathryn's deaf, in only one ear

She gets a hearing aid, after some years

She talks a great game when she's about

And it's all blamed on her ability to shout......

  • Love 5

Well, it did get us talking about it, so there is at least 1+ million more people knowing about it now compared to before this episode. AND, if just a third of these viewers tell a friend and they tell a friend and so on and so on, it just might lead to something good. Do I think China or that village in China will stop this barbaric festival, No but stranger things have happened. LOL

Once upon a time Shamu was a massive draw for Sea World. Then, Blackfish. Today Sea World discontinued their orca program. It won't do much for the animals there right now, but there won't be any new animals brought or bred into it. These changes don't happen without a shift in popular opinion. LVP is doing her part. She got the issue on TV. That's nothing to sneeze at.


It's also real and not about LVP. She bought the participants a drink. Who cares? She has two shows that showcase her restaurants. I doubt that offer of a drink was any sort of promotion. She doesn't need. it.

  • Love 12

Here is a calendar of events:


September 22/23, Yon Kippur  Dinner @ Erika's

Somewhere in between these dates was the Habitat for Humanity event

October 2nd  Camille's fundraiser

October 3rd Dinner and Eileen begging off march 

October 4th Protest march


(The Agency posted they had a workday "this past week" on October 8th.

  • Love 1

At one time, last season, Eileen and LisaV were friends and then a tipsy Lisa used the word "affair" and Eileen started hanging out with Erika/Yolanda and things shifted for Eileen. LOL







LOL!!  Yes, I know this.  "Affair" became the scarlet letter for Eileen.  For fuck sake, it happens all the time.  It is out there, everyone knows your marriage overlapped.  It happened to me too and I gladly admit that as does my ex.  He was the one who stepped out for the overlap.  Things happen, it is life, we are friends now.  Marriages end sometimes and new relationships begin.  


Stand tall and own your past, move forward and create the life you want.  I am going to avoid the soap box I was about to climb (well I got on it there for a minute, LOL!).  These women need the course I used to teach to high school students on conflict resolution and and creating your future without shame or blame.  



Edited by wings707
  • Love 11

Yes, with a purchase that important the seller should have had a vet report ready, but since that didn't happen, Lisa passed on buying the horse. She didn't have to put it on a plane, she could have paid a vet to go and look at the horse - to ensure it wasn't being mistreated and the limping wasn't something that was going to increase and lead to the horse being put down?


She does care about the Chinese festival - protest a thousand miles away and unable to help any of the dogs, Yet she passes on helping an animal she does have a chance to help? She invested time into something she probably couldn't change, then throws out a commercial for her restaurant, yet doesn't care about an animal she might be able to assist?

I have taken in/rescued dogs that had to be put down because of something the previous owns did and it hurt like hell. I still have nightmares over it, so I get/understand why Lisa refused to take over the care of that horse. I also think she was misled buy the farms owner on purpose. Did they even spend the night in Ohio, it could have been that the private plane she rented to transport her/LisaR and the horse back to LA airport was a turn around flight. Oh, and Lisa did ask the owner about getting a vet out that day but we didn't hear her answer but I suspect it was either not possible or the owner didn't want Lisa to know the full extent of the horse's health problems. Lisa has never claimed to be a crusader for all animals, she is passionate about dogs.  

  • Love 9


Danielle Staub has written a tell all about the housewives. Thus far I haven't put a dime into any housewives pocket via their own products but I will be purchasing and reading the hell out of that.

Danielle wrote "The Naked Truth" in 2010 and was a minor player in the book "Cop Without a Badge" reprint in 2009 due to "tha book" toss and table flip. Danielle's book was ok but her daughter, Christine wrote a very insightful piece that was linked above "Growing Up the Daughter of a Real Housewife" this February. That's a must read.

  • Love 2


Yes, with a purchase that important the seller should have had a vet report ready, but since that didn't happen, Lisa passed on buying the horse. She didn't have to put it on a plane, she could have paid a vet to go and look at the horse - to ensure it wasn't being mistreated and the limping wasn't something that was going to increase and lead to the horse being put down?

 So, if Lisa had paid for a different vet to come out and look at the horse and they found that the horse would need to be put down because of other issues or because the limp would get worse, what then? How does this in any way make her a hypocrite for championing a different animal rights cause? 

  • Love 11

Oh I must have misheard when Yolanda said, 'We're fine, so let's move on," a few times. 

I think what has surfaced since the lunch is that Rinna may have claimed to Yolanda they were ready to move on but she was singing a different tune to LVP and Kyle.  So in Yolanda's mind all was fine but Rinna was texting and expressing her anger.  Yolanda also is weird about things because she flipped a switch when Rinna asked why she didn't call if she still had Munchausen issues.  Yolanda's response was she didn't understand the disease (and still didn't at the time of the carnival BBQ).  How would Rinna know that Yolanda did not understand the universal implications of Yolanda and Munchausen's being mentioned in the same breath unless Yolanda told Rinna?  Yolanda had also moved on from that conversation.   

  • Love 4

LOL!!  Yes, I know this.  "Affair" became the scarlet letter for Eileen.  For fuck sake, it happens all the time.  It is out there, everyone knows your marriage overlapped.  It happened to me too and I gladly admit that as does my ex.  He was the one who stepped out for the overlap.  Things happen, it is life, we are friends now.  Marriages end sometimes and new relationships begin.  


Stand tall and own your past, move forward and create the life you want.  I am going to avoid the soap box I was about to climb (well I got on it there for a minute).  These women need the course I used to teach to high school students on conflict resolution and and creating your future without shame or blame.  



I agree but without fighting with LisaV over the A word (LOL), Eileen really has no storyline this season. As much as we would all like them to learn "conflict resolution", if they did, I am not sure how long the show would stay on air or those that do would most likely loose their Bravo HW paycheck. Andy is happiest when they are fighting over nothing.

  • Love 4

I too was dismayed that Lisa didn't take that little horse...but I also admit to a tendency to jump to judgment on this type of thing. I volunteer at an animal shelter--a no-kill--and I have to remind myself often that I really don't know the whole story behind someone's reasoning for surrendering his or her own pet whom they've had for years; I just do not get it, cannot get my head around it, and I fail to believe they exhausted all other options. But again, I don't know the intimate details; I mean, what if someone in that person's household was abusing the animal? It's possible.


What keeps me sane is (A) knowing our animals are very well cared for and happy (they probably think the shelter is their home), and (B) reminding myself that everyone can't do everything. Not that this is comparable, but I made a mistake the other day and bought non-vegan bread because I spaced out and didn't look closely, and a week ago, after an extra-long workday, I think I forgot to tell the Thai restaurant not to use eggs in my food. Both my fault, but I (and everyone, including Lisa) can't do everything. I wish she had, but maybe there's more to her leaving the horse behind.

As for protein (because, man, do you hear a shit-ton of concern about it if someone finds out you don't eat animal-based food!), I believe there's more per ounce in dark leafy vegetables than there is in any meat...but, yes, I am familiar with that fast-food urge that can only be quelled by a big old greasy cheeseburger. And I admit to missing it sometimes!

Edited by TattleTeeny
  • Love 10

I agree but without fighting with LisaV over the A word (LOL), Eileen really has no storyline this season. As much as we would all like them to learn "conflict resolution", if they did, I am not sure how long the show would stay on air or those that do would most likely loose their Bravo HW paycheck. Andy is happiest when they are fighting over nothing.


I totally agree and have said the exact same thing in a post or two or maybe 4.  We watch for all of the bull shit!  Bring on more.  The counselor in me comments sometimes.  I cannot silence her, she crashes through on occasion. Bad dog. 


 I would HATE for them to be reasonable.  It would be the death knell for this franchise if they cast reasonable mature people.  Sign Yo on for another season and bring Camille back!  Go for it!   

  • Love 7

I totally agree and have said the exact same thing in a post or two or maybe 4.  We watch for all of the bull shit!  Bring on more.  The counselor in me comments sometimes.  I cannot silence her, she crashes through on occasion. Bad dog. 


 I would HATE for them to be reasonable.  It would be the death knell for this franchise if they cast reasonable mature people.  Sign Yo on for another season and bring Camille back!  Go for it!   

No. PLEASE. No more Yolanda, Brandi or Kim ever again after this season.....PLEASE!!!!! Camille, Ok but not the others. LOL

  • Love 6

I think what has surfaced since the lunch is that Rinna may have claimed to Yolanda they were ready to move on but she was singing a different tune to LVP and Kyle.  So in Yolanda's mind all was fine but Rinna was texting and expressing her anger.  Yolanda also is weird about things because she flipped a switch when Rinna asked why she didn't call if she still had Munchausen issues.  Yolanda's response was she didn't understand the disease (and still didn't at the time of the carnival BBQ).  How would Rinna know that Yolanda did not understand the universal implications of Yolanda and Munchausen's being mentioned in the same breath unless Yolanda told Rinna?  Yolanda had also moved on from that conversation.   


but Yolanda knew what it meant when Rinna first told her about it since Yo even said something like "no one fakes diseases" or some other nonsense. She was almost mocking the definition of it by claiming no one would do that. Then much later in time, at the bbq, she gets worked up about Munchie again (despite previously accepting Rinna's apologies and knowing what the diagnosis meant) but then mid-argument she distracts everyone by changing topics to the "munchie by proxy" diagnosis which was purposely used to obfuscate the situation. I believe Yo knew what both diagnoses entailed and purposefully confused the discussion....she started with munch and then changed the topic to munchie by proxy....she could always play the lyme brain card if confronted with video evidence of her manipulation of her "journey"


lol @ use of "manipulation" and "journey" (I'm laughing at myself)

Edited by Vicky8675309
  • Love 6

I don't understand how this is manipulative. Also, it was clearly (to me) a joke, sort of a play on words, about a "cute younger woman"--Portia...who, IMO, would never have understood the joke anyway, so who cares if it was made in front of her? I think Lisa's only mistake back then was assuming that Kyle was less distressed about this situation than she actually was, and that she (Kyle) would have laughed with Lisa.

Sometimes Lisa V manipulates others to do her dirty work, and sometimes she tries to provoke hurt or discomfort by focusing on sensitive topics - Kyle's husband and child, Eileen's affair. And she often uses the "joke" line to disguise her cruel intentions.
  • Love 3

I agree but without fighting with LisaV over the A word (LOL), Eileen really has no storyline this season. As much as we would all like them to learn "conflict resolution", if they did, I am not sure how long the show would stay on air or those that do would most likely loose their Bravo HW paycheck. Andy is happiest when they are fighting over nothing.



Of course I get that.  Just chatting with all of you.  Noting more!  I love the conflict.  Nothing I say here will change that.  Just giving my take as it seizes my brain.  

  • Love 2

I so want Yo to get blasted.  If it doesn't happen at the reunion I am all for bringing that bitch back.  Never Kim or Brandi.  Never.  

I don't think anyone will ever call Yolanda out on all her lies during her ever shifting/morphing "Journey" and she is banking on that. They might point out small discrepancies but not the big stuff like buying a diagnosis in Belgium because she didn't like the 1 she got at a top Hospital in LA, her weird Dr shopping addiction or her addiction to sickie selfies. As much as we may want them too, they are smart enough to not go there on national TV.


Sometimes Lisa V manipulates others to do her dirty work, and sometimes she tries to provoke hurt or discomfort by focusing on sensitive topics - Kyle's husband and child, Eileen's affair. And she often uses the "joke" line to disguise her cruel intentions.

How so? Can you give me 1 example of Lisa "manipulating" any of the HWs, 1 real example, not just Brandi's accusations, or Kyle's even because I really don't think any of the women understand what "manipulation" really means. She, LisaV, is not getting them to so something against their will or getting them to say something they don't want to say, forcing her opinions/beliefs on them as theirs or setting them up to take a fall for her.


As for the digs she throws, they all do it, not just LisaV. LOL

  • Love 9

Kind of a snoozefest of an episode for me.  I'm just so TIRED of WoeYo always been soooo put upon and righteous.  Used to think King was a douche and he MAY be; but what that man has had to endure with her is incredible.

Someone upthread had the greatest diagnosis and I agree with it 100%. WoeYo probably DID have Lyme but also is suffering from menopause, depression, and.... whatever else.  Being a bitch. Who knows, but LAWD, it's giving me a headache! STOP ALREADY!


I was liking Eileen all right until she got on the LVP manipulator train.  Girl is just annoying now. Ugh.


Bring on Dubai already! 

  • Love 7

I started crying! I mean, they didn't even go into detail but still...though I have had a week from HELL, so there's that too. Now, even as a vegan, I cannot really get on a high horse about eating dog because people eat all kinds of animals. But--and I could be making wrong assumptions here because I didn't, and most certainly will not, look it up--to deliberately taunt and torture first as part of some kind of celebration/tradition. I mean, fuck right off, please! I can't. Sick, sick sickos, and I really don't care if that comes off as somehow culturally insensitive!

When it comes to cruelty, cultural sensitivity need not be a concern. Wrong is wrong.

  • Love 9

The dog festival is disgusting and I'm so glad people are protesting it. I actually want to become vegetarian now because the thought of eating meat disgusts me. That said, protesting it isn't going to do anything-- especially at the Chinese Embassy in Los Angeles. Getting awareness out there is important, but we here in the US don't eat dog meat, so in the end, all the awareness in the world isn't going to do anything, we are talking about a cultural mindset, and that stuff is not a joke. You just can't fight culture, and telling people that the dog festival is cruel will not matter for the people to whom the festival represents their culture and history. IMO.

I also thought it was very responsible and adult to be real with Lisa on why she wasn't going to the protest. After a whole week of working, I usually look forward to a few hours to sleep in and reset. Elieenn has probably been dragging for awhile and needs to get her mind and body back at normal. I totally respect her right to take care of herself, and I don't think she was just giving some excuse. As far as the protest, I wouldn't have gone either-- though I think it's disgusting, I was raised believing that dogs are pets and special and you don't eat them. I have had relationships with dogs as pets so the thought of eating one is disgusting. However, I don't believe I have the right to push that on another culture. There are worse cultural practices that are happening that IMO are way more deserving of being shut down. There are American's flying to other countries to have sex with children and infants where they won't get caught, there are millions of people living in death camps in North Korea, there are girls being castrated in Africa. Way more of an issue IMO. Plus thousands of other things. 


I am still failing to find fault with Yolanda. Her eyes don't look like she feels well, and maybe the 24 hour Lyme disease talk is a little redundant, but I don't find that a reason to hate her. I also understand what she is trying to say, so I take her in gist, not literally. 

  • Love 3

Danielle's book was ok but her daughter, Christine wrote a very insightful piece that was linked above "Growing Up the Daughter of a Real Housewife" this February. That's a must read.

I have some tea on this! It doesn't seem like that was written by Christine, more likely by Danielle. It's very skewed. The daughter posted a message on social media that she hadn't written the article that was being circulated in her name, and then deleted the message. I'm guessing she got a call from mommie craziest telling her she had in fact written it...

  • Love 5

I have some tea on this! It doesn't seem like that was written by Christine, more likely by Danielle. It's very skewed. The daughter posted a message on social media that she hadn't written the article that was being circulated in her name, and then deleted the message. I'm guessing she got a call from mommie craziest telling her she had in fact written it...


Hmm, I guess that is the way around a confidentially clause but it seems it is skirting the law if not breaking it. Regardless, I want to read it. LOL

  • Love 4

I refuse to revisit it on google but somebody referenced this festival being less than 10 yrs old. So not ancient.

I eat beef so I won't be hypocritical about other cultures eating an animal I consider close to sacred. Torture is quite another thing, however.

We need to flood them with cute puppy movies and win their hearts and minds.

  • Love 9

There have been reports for a few years that they do re-shoot scenes until the producers get what they want. Eyewitnesses have come forward on both the NY and the NJ shows, 1 with photos from their cell phones (NY), as proof that it does happen. Although there is no written script/no lines to learn, the shows are not completely organic and production does stage somethings. Alex M (NY) spilled a lot of the behind the scenes producer tricks like arranging some HWs to arrive late, telling HW X that HW W said something nasty, mean about them right before they see each other to help amp up the drama, things along this nature. They don't tell or direct the women on what to say but they may need to re-shoot a scene because they didn't get the reaction on film or the mics didn't catch something they, the producers, want. Heck, even the trips, parties, gatherings are all prescheduled so everyone knows who will be where as much as possible, although a HW can bow out of an event they are not hosting, because they need to get releases signed from restaurant/hotel/non cats members before filming happens.


I think Reo meant that they can't reshoot pickups months later. The show doesn't have the budget to throw together another white party or whatever to get a good scene out of it. Once they hit the editing room, that's that, you work with what you got and sometimes throw something together and hope it sticks. I also tried my hand at editing, but I do know that occasionally they'll shoot a scene months later where the women rehash the "previous night's" events to make something clearer for the audience. Weather is usually a dead giveaway. Two women will be walking their dogs outside together with the sun shining even though they were supposedly at a xmas/nye party the night before. It's tougher to pinpoint in CA but sometimes it's very obvious that a scene was thrown together last minute. Or if something happened off camera, they might discuss it much later as if it just happened. But due to the nature of their big events, they can't go back and re-enact them.

  • Love 4

Sometimes Lisa V manipulates others to do her dirty work, and sometimes she tries to provoke hurt or discomfort by focusing on sensitive topics - Kyle's husband and child, Eileen's affair. And she often uses the "joke" line to disguise her cruel intentions.

Maybe. Probably. But I don't think that was the case with the Portia remark at all.


I actually want to become vegetarian now because the thought of eating meat disgusts me.


You should! Being grossed out by meat will only make it easier. I didn't eat much anyway so I had no problem; I just quit one day. It was the next step that took some effort, not just in a will-power sense--which was tough because my favorite food in the world is, or was, cheese!--but in a bewildering "there's a whole lot to figure out and adjust" sense (especially for a very basic almost non-cook as well as someone whose office is not near a lot of vegan-friendly lunch options). Stuff I'd never thought about now had to be consciously remembered. That was definitely a series of steps (and missteps) but, like so much other shit, it becomes routine soon enough. 

Edited by TattleTeeny
  • Love 6

I think Reo meant that they can't reshoot pickups months later. The show doesn't have the budget to throw together another white party or whatever to get a good scene out of it. Once they hit the editing room, that's that, you work with what you got and sometimes throw something together and hope it sticks. I also tried my hand at editing, but I do know that occasionally they'll shoot a scene months later where the women rehash the "previous night's" events to make something clearer for the audience. Weather is usually a dead giveaway. Two women will be walking their dogs outside together with the sun shining even though they were supposedly at a xmas/nye party the night before. It's tougher to pinpoint in CA but sometimes it's very obvious that a scene was thrown together last minute. Or if something happened off camera, they might discuss it much later as if it just happened. But due to the nature of their big events, they can't go back and re-enact them.

I see. I will say though, that Atlanta filmed their big Christmas finale after wrapping the season and they shot the footage of Todd/Kandi discussing Apollo's stashed loot at their house afterwards as well. When they want to re-shoot a scene that should have been filmed at an event or on a trip that happened weeks/months ago, they will try to make a room look like it was a part of that event/trip decoration wise and then stage it. There are a lot of tricks that production has done that are coming to light by a few FOHs/their families and even a few ex HWs. LOL I put nothing past any of the production companies because if they don't bring it, drama wise, they will be replaced just like a HW that doesn't bring it will. LOL

  • Love 4

How so? Can you give me 1 example of Lisa "manipulating" any of the HWs, 1 real example, not just Brandi's accusations, or Kyle's even because I really don't think any of the women understand what "manipulation" really means. She, LisaV, is not getting them to so something against their will or getting them to say something they don't want to say, forcing her opinions/beliefs on them as theirs or setting them up to take a fall for her.


As for the digs she throws, they all do it, not just LisaV. LOL

I'm not inclined to discredit the other women's experiences with Lisa - plus, it's right there on the show where I can watch it myself.
  • Love 2

 So, if Lisa had paid for a different vet to come out and look at the horse and they found that the horse would need to be put down because of other issues or because the limp would get worse, what then? How does this in any way make her a hypocrite for championing a different animal rights cause? 

She passed on the horse - one she wanted to own - because it limped. Had she decided to have a vet look at the horse and up for the horse, to get it some medical attention or have it put down? I would have had NO problem with that.


Instead, she decides to get another horse.


Then she holds a protest - can't find the right building - for animals that she can't help on the other side of the planet


She could have made a difference with that horse and didn't - she isn't an 'animal rights' activist. She is a rich BHHW that can afford to be choosy?

  • Love 1

I'm not inclined to discredit the other women's experiences with Lisa - plus, it's right there on the show where I can watch it myself.

LOL, So LisaV is the all powerful OZ behind the scenes and the others are no more than sweet, simple minded sheep that she leads to their slaughter!  LOL It can't be anything so simple as they need someone else to blame for their own foolish stupidity.


imo it was beyond insensitive to bring up this topic in front of Portia - sacred ground and Lisa knew it.

Right, because every 4-5 year old understands that being "seen" with her father is code that he is having an affair. Kyle brought up the tabloid headlines to Lisa, how was Lisa to know she was referring to some little reported rumor of her being pregnant over the big tabloid rumor that Mauricio was cheating on her? Oh, I forgot, she is the all seeing powerful wizard of BH. LOL


I know you really dislike Lisa and I respect that you stick to that. I enjoy bantering back and forth with you about it! ;)

She passed on the horse - one she wanted to own - because it limped. Had she decided to have a vet look at the horse and up for the horse, to get it some medical attention or have it put down? I would have had NO problem with that.


Instead, she decides to get another horse.


Then she holds a protest - can't find the right building - for animals that she can't help on the other side of the planet


She could have made a difference with that horse and didn't - she isn't an 'animal rights' activist. She is a rich BHHW that can afford to be choosy?


No, she isn't an animal rights activist and has never claimed to be one. She is a dog activist though. AND, Lisa did inquire about having a vet come out to the farm while they were there but that wasn't possible I guess as no vet came.

  • Love 11

LOL, So LisaV is the all powerful OZ behind the scenes and the others are no more than sweet, simple minded sheep that she leads to their slaughter!  LOL It can't be anything so simple as they need someone else to blame for their own foolish stupidity.


Right, because every 4-5 year old understands that being "seen" with her father is code that he is having an affair. Kyle brought up the tabloid headlines to Lisa, how was Lisa to know she was referring to some little reported rumor of her being pregnant over the big tabloid rumor that Mauricio was cheating on her? Oh, I forgot, she is the all seeing powerful wizard of BH. LOL


I know you really dislike Lisa and I respect that you stick to that. I enjoy bantering back and forth with you about it! ;)


I don't dislike Lisa - or any of them - just find it easy to see how she operates. For me these shows aren't about liking or disliking the cast - can't relate to the fan thing, but find the dynamics interesting.
  • Love 7

I really don't want to wade into this fray since nothing said within a forum has ever changed anyone's mind whose opinion has already been set (and repeated ad nauseum). Personally I thank LVP for bringing my attention to this horrible, horrible festival. It's not a centuries old tradition. It's not about eating the meat of animals that are farmed. It's a fucking sadistic activity.

We all pick and choose what to support, and even within the things we support we are selective, knowing that we cannot single handedly save the world. LVP is only one person. She has shown again and again that she is pretty damn charitable and for that I respect her.

Edited by Juneau Gal
  • Love 21

imo it was beyond insensitive to bring up this topic in front of Portia - sacred ground and Lisa knew it.

Eh, I'm not inclined to posit that I know whether a total stranger on TV "knew it." And, again, Portia probably wouldn't be the wiser even had Lisa come right out and said, "So how 'bout Mauricio's infidelity? Crazy, right?"


but find the dynamics interesting.


On that front, we totally agree. I find it fascinating, even when a show is objectively stupid. It's my excuse for falling into reality TV.

Edited by TattleTeeny
  • Love 2

Eh, I'm not inclined to posit that I know whether a total stranger on TV "knew it." And, again, Portia probably wouldn't be the wiser even had Lisa come right out and said, "So how 'bout Mauricio's infidelity? Crazy, right?"


On that front, we totally agree. I find it fascinating, even when a show is objectively stupid. It's my excuse for falling into reality TV.

There's a common "tell" that narcissists do that gives them away - whether or not Lisa has npd, she has the narcissist's gleeful smirk when she manages to hurt, upset or confuse someone with her words.
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Yolanda is the one who gleefully smirks when she hurts/confuses/upsets someone.

Yolanda is the one who manipulates every conversation back to herself and makes herself the center of attention at all events (shows up for a few minutes without make up to generate comments and sympathy then leaves)....the ultimate narcissist 

Edited by Vicky8675309
  • Love 16

Why in the world would putting outfits on Giggy be called abuse???

If it doesn't bother the dog or harm him or helps keep it warm that's a GOOD thing!

Just because you think it looks stupid doesn't mean it is abuse. By that comment then every single one of us has been abused multiple x a year because we've all worn something that's been judged as idiotic or out of season by some bystander.

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