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The Duggars: In the Media and TLC


As a reminder, the site's Politics Policy remains in effect.  Yes, Jim Bob is apparently running for office again. That does not make it an acceptable topic of conversation in here - unless for some mysterious reason, TLC brings the show back and it is discussed on there. Even then, it would be limited to how it was discussed on the show.

If you have any questions, please PM the mods, @SCARLETT45 and myself.

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Radar is reporting there is a move to get the Duggars off the air:



As much as I agree that the Duggars are anti-gay, religious wing nuts. I don't think throwing them off the air will make things better for the LGBT community. In fact, I think it's important to put the idioticly biased views of the Duggars on camera so that people know that bigots and religious prejudice is still a problem. If their whole show was about screwing over the alternative community, then it may be worth the energy. But, their show is about their family and faith. If they want to put their bigotry, hate, and ignorance on tv, that only helps highlight the duplicity and hypocrisy.


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As much as I agree that the Duggars are anti-gay, religious wing nuts. I don't think throwing them off the air will make things better for the LGBT community. In fact, I think it's important to put the idioticly biased views of the Duggars on camera so that people know that bigots and religious prejudice is still a problem. If their whole show was about screwing over the alternative community, then it may be worth the energy. But, their show is about their family and faith. If they want to put their bigotry, hate, and ignorance on tv, that only helps highlight the duplicity and hypocrisy.



I am very upset about their treatment of woman (as well as anti-gay). According to them woman haven't any rights. They can never go out alone, attend public school or even train to be a duala without a chaperone. They have to wear very modest clothes lest they excite men, because we know that if a woman wears a pair of shorts and a guy rapes her it is her fault. According to them woman aren't smart enough to pick their own husbands and once married are to have sex on demand every single time their husband wants it. Their father is way way too involved in their sex life. I don't watch the show but I do read the snark.... If they had their way all woman would live like this. Scary...

  • Love 10

I think right now the ratings are pretty good. Jill's wedding was one of the highest rated episodes. But both the Duggars and TLC are really overexposing them. The Duggars by trying to get every dollar via PEOPLE and now using social media, and TLC by extending the season so long from real time (possibly following pulling Honey Boo Boo) that the episodes are out of sync with reality.

Ironically, when the show should be at it's height, it may actually crash and burn.

Edited by GEML
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I think that they could be headed for trouble, and may be cancelled just as abruptly as Honey Boo Boo.


When the show first started, they were very careful to state "these are our beliefs, but we respect the rights of others." I had very benign feelings about them for  a long time because of that. I thought they were odd, but basically harmless.


For whatever reason, they have become much more outspoken in recent years, and are actively inserting themselves into political issues where they are clearly stating, "these are our beliefs, and everyone must live like we do."


They have three adult children out in the world who have their own media presence, and social media presence. Michelle appears to be on the cusp of a nervous collapse. Sooner or later, someone is going to say something that will push the whole thing over the edge.

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That Hackel girl was years ago - she suddenly stopped showing up.

Somehow a person like JD screams "confirmed bachelor" without being gay or asexual or anything, he strikes me as someone who just isn't that interested. Personally I find him smug and dense, not a terribly attractive mix really

He really reminds me of the old bachelor who ends up staying on his parent's farm his whole life. When they die he gets the farm. Complete with overalls and a handy snotrag in his back pocket.

He is asexual.

  • Love 2

I am very upset about their treatment of woman (as well as anti-gay). According to them woman haven't any rights. They can never go out alone, attend public school or even train to be a duala without a chaperone. They have to wear very modest clothes lest they excite men, because we know that if a woman wears a pair of shorts and a guy rapes her it is her fault. According to them woman aren't smart enough to pick their own husbands and once married are to have sex on demand every single time their husband wants it. Their father is way way too involved in their sex life. I don't watch the show but I do read the snark.... If they had their way all woman would live like this. Scary...

If you ever want your blood pressure to sky rocket, read the Gothard literature on rape and sex abuse. If you don't feel like looking it up, I'll summarize: It's all the woman's fault. The logic is both frightening and mind boggling.

  • Love 4

An interview with the Dillards.  Warning: Focus on the Family conducted the interview.  Disclaimer: I couldn't bear to watch, but still thought I'd share.  I'm thoughtful that way. ; )  http://www.duggarfamilyblog.com/2014/11/update-from-dillards.html 

The link you posted didn't work for me for some reason so here's an alternate link - http://www.duggarfamilyblog.com/2014/11/update-from-dillards.html


Their interview wasn't too bad. The other couple rambled on too much I thought and it was silly to be asking Jill and Derick, who've been married barely 3 months at the time this interview took place, for marriage and parenting advice, lol. But for the most part, I find these two to be a pretty appealing and genuine couple. They just seem to have this natural ease together. People should check out the segment where Derick is asked to give advice to expecting moms. While he was answering he made it a point to mention that Jill often sends him encouraging texts at work, to basically show her gratefulness and thank him for working to support their family.  It was actually a really sweet moment and I found it interesting because I know there's been a lot of debate here in the past whether Jill had issues with Derick having a full-time job.  I can't help but wonder if they heard some of the criticisms that she was (unfairly, IMO) receiving and Derick's answer was in direct response to those critics. 

I keep myself away from all things connected to FOTF, as they are essentially in my neighborhood. Not good. I remember the furor they caused when they paid for a Tebow commerical during Superbowl (anti-abortion) and turned around and laid off numerous workers. I believe they went from 1200 to 750 or so in a short span.

That TV commerical would have paid quite a few salaries....

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The Duggars are trending. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/11/19/petition-cancel-19-kids-and-counting-gay_n_6185260.html The petition to get them off the air is gaining traction, but I don't think it will go anywhere right now.


The comments are more interesting than the article.  Man, there are really people who love the Duggars and what they stand for.  Leghumpers, indeed!

  • Love 2

The Duggars are trending. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/11/19/petition-cancel-19-kids-and-counting-gay_n_6185260.html The petition to get them off the air is gaining traction, but I don't think it will go anywhere right now.

The comments are more interesting than the article. Man, there are really people who love the Duggars and what they stand for. Leghumpers, indeed!

I wonder how JimChelle is going to get out of this

I wonder how JimChelle is going to get out of this

I can't tell how important a story this is.  For me, it's big.  For the average person who doesn't watch?  Dunno'.  I wonder if it rises to the level of requiring a statement by the family.  I'm guessing there have been some conference calls between the Duggars and TLC.  

I think they just need to keep quiet and let it blow over. Which is what they should have done in the first place. The heat from the Benessa Kiss would have fizzled out in a day or two. 


If the show has survived Josh working for FRCAction and all the stumping the family has done for various odious politicians, a little "managing" of their FB page is not that big a deal.

  • Love 1

John David is not courting, according to Ma and Pa Duggar: http://www.duggarfamilyblog.com/2014/11/is-john-in-courtship.html


Duh, I just realized something.  The Duggars really pay attention to the media.  They responded to the outcry over Jessa's kissing pic with a pic of their own.  Now they're addressing the courtship rumors.  They obviously follow themselves in the media.  I guess instead of taking care of their children, they're scouring the Internet for stories.  I'd love to know their honest response to the petition asking TLC to cancel their show.    

Edited by DamWrite
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Where the attention via the petition and articles on HuffPo come into play is likely not in seeing TLC doing anything.  But enough visibility and they are no longer as welcome perhaps at The Today Show or Good Morning America.  Once they start losing those types of venues to pander and pimp themselves it could be a downward slide to the point the only show that has them on is Pat Robertson.


And ironically with the usual midterm shift and the more conservative political element coming into play the Duggars could be their own worst enemy.  The weddings are drawing a lot of favorable attention for them ratings wise and media wise.  But if they continue to exploit marriage in this manner as a tv meme they also continue to remind people that otherwise don't pay attention to them, what they stand for and what they are against.  Problematic since progressives might see them as  a tiny windmill to topple in a time when politically they feel marginalized once again. 


Plus I have to think Boob,narcissist that he is, can only see increased media attention, even negative (jealous misguided sinners dontcha know) press right now says what he is doing is right.  People like him are unable to anything, even blatant criticism, as anything but some form of validation at what an awesome magnificent manly beast of faith he is.  And will always see such as underscoring how much smarter and superior he is to everyone else.  I remember someone relating a tale about him trying to make a reservation for something over on TWOP.  It took him more than a half hour on the phone before he finally conceded that he was not getting what he wanted.  It was simply a case of the place being already booked or unable to handle the number of spawn he was trying to inflict on them.  And it just went around and around with him refusing to believe someone was telling the great Boob Duggar he could not get what he wanted.


And that is what will take them down in the end.  His refusal to believe that anyone cannot be awed and in wonder at who and what he is.  He really thinks he knows more than anyone else and what he doesn't know is therefore not worth knowing.  I think a larger media platform is his own worst enemy simply because he has pretty much been confined to a small stage where most of the audience doesn't want to think past the silly "fun" of watching an endless parade of dressed alike Duggar spawn parade past a camera going into a hotel,  Going out of a hotel, taking up chairs in a restaurant.  Marching onto a bus.  Right now just not a lot there.  But expand his audience means Boob opening his yap even more.  And more attention on when he slams his foot right between his lips.

  • Love 6

The Duggars are trending. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/11/19/petition-cancel-19-kids-and-counting-gay_n_6185260.html The petition to get them off the air is gaining traction, but I don't think it will go anywhere right now.


The comments are more interesting than the article.  Man, there are really people who love the Duggars and what they stand for.  Leghumpers, indeed!

I thought it was bound to happen.  I was reading the comments section and someone posted a link for a petition to keep 19KAC on air.  Not sure when it was started but the count is getting close to 3K.




eta:  The count was 2797 when i first posted this and just went back to look and holy cr*p it's up t0 3083.

Edited by abseedee
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John David is not courting, according to Ma and Pa Duggar: http://www.duggarfamilyblog.com/2014/11/is-john-in-courtship.html

Duh, I just realized something. The Duggars really pay attention to the media. They responded to the outcry over Jessa's kissing pic with a pic of their own. Now they're addressing the courtship rumors. They obviously follow themselves in the media. I guess instead of taking care of their children, they're scouring the Internet for stories. I'd love to know their honest response to the petition asking TLC to cancel their show.

Haven't they admitted this awhile ago? Didn't they call the online forums like us "bitter rooms"?

Every time there is criticism on-line, they address it on the show, I.e. Mullet's 80's hair, eating "healthy" and planting fruit trees, courtship etc.

They are very insecure with themselves. The only ones who don't give a fuck about what people think, IMO, are Josh, Jill and Jessa. All smug, all the time with those three.

  • Love 3

To be fair, the first rule of public relations is know what people are saying about you. Any PR pro worth their salt would be on top of any media mentions before she gets out of bed in the morning and frequently during the day. I don't believe they don't have someone assigned to this for The Duggar Family TM.  That's the easy part. Deciding when/whether to take action and if so what action is so much trickier. I can totally see Jimchelle ignoring advice and thinking they know better. Politicians do this all the time.

  • Love 5


John David is not courting, according to Ma and Pa Duggar: http://www.duggarfam...-courtship.html


This little blurb actually made me feel a bit sorry for JD.


He really doesn't have a lot to offer in this very superficial courting world. He's not very good looking, and he's not very sociable or well spoken. What girl is going to give him a chance when she knows that just by allowing him to speak to her, she's saying "okay" to marriage.


I don't especially like him. I think he's aggressive and unpleasant with a dumb sense of humor. I also think that he doesn't especially like women (not in the sense of being gay, but in the sense of being a run-of-the-mill misogynist). I could be wrong, of course, but if my only options were to walk on by or agree to a courtship and an almost certain marriage, I'd give him a wide berth.

  • Love 6

John David is not courting, according to Ma and Pa Duggar: http://www.duggarfamilyblog.com/2014/11/is-john-in-courtship.html


Duh, I just realized something.  The Duggars really pay attention to the media.  They responded to the outcry over Jessa's kissing pic with a pic of their own.  Now they're addressing the courtship rumors.  They obviously follow themselves in the media.  I guess instead of taking care of their children, they're scouring the Internet for stories.  I'd love to know their honest response to the petition asking TLC to cancel their show.    

FWIW, the elder Duggars do not run their social media. Can you envision Boob or MEchelle knowing what a hashtag is? Given that Jana is gone much of the time, it's a fair deduction that Jinger and possibly Joy run the social media (FB, Instagram).


The petition has over 50,000 signatures. Not a lot in the grand scheme of things, but enough to be a nuisance. This is especially true since it arose due to the fact gay people were deleted and banned from their social media pages. Plenty of straight people I know were banned as well, just for agreeing with the pro-gay stance. SOMEONE was quite busy deleting and banning people these past couple of weeks.


Phil Robertson was suspended for saying much less, years ago. Sure, A&E rescinded his suspension, but the fanbases and critics run pretty much along the same lines. DD hasn't been the same since (thank goodness). I'm very interested to see how TLC will play this or whether they will do nothing to weather the storm, given that the never-ending season is almost over.

  • Love 1

FWIW, the elder Duggars do not run their social media. Can you envision Boob or MEchelle knowing what a hashtag is? Given that Jana is gone much of the time, it's a fair deduction that Jinger and possibly Joy run the social media (FB, Instagram).

True, but they do so at the behest of their parents.  Can you envision Jinger or Joy taking it upon themselves to respond to Benessa's kiss?  They didn't ask JB and Michelle to pose.


Since the season is nearly over, it would probably be best to stay silent.  Things will blow over, unless some dumb Duggar takes to social media with an uninformed, ignorant post.  (See Jessa and Ben re: the Holocaust and Catholics, respectively.)

  • Love 2

FWIW, the elder Duggars do not run their social media. Can you envision Boob or MEchelle knowing what a hashtag is? Given that Jana is gone much of the time, it's a fair deduction that Jinger and possibly Joy run the social media (FB, Instagram).

The petition has over 50,000 signatures. Not a lot in the grand scheme of things, but enough to be a nuisance. This is especially true since it arose due to the fact gay people were deleted and banned from their social media pages. Plenty of straight people I know were banned as well, just for agreeing with the pro-gay stance. SOMEONE was quite busy deleting and banning people these past couple of weeks.

Phil Robertson was suspended for saying much less, years ago. Sure, A&E rescinded his suspension, but the fanbases and critics run pretty much along the same lines. DD hasn't been the same since (thank goodness). I'm very interested to see how TLC will play this or whether they will do nothing to weather the storm, given that the never-ending season is almost over.

What would a petition really do? As much as I don't like these people, the network would have to cancel the show

There's yet another video on the blog website from Priscilla and Anna talking about HOW IMPORTANT it is to be your sibling's best friend forever!!! Well, I would like to see Michelle emulate that sentiment. Isn't she also trumpeting that same philosophy? If that were true about her and the Ruarks, she would be interacting with them,and mentioning them. They would agree to be a small part of the show because they love each other and support each other, right? We don't see that, do we. Michelle's family begins with Jim Bob and the children they have together and goes from there. It's obvious to me.

  • Love 2
He (and other's like him) prey on the weak and susceptible.



And the scared.  Mostly that.


I'm pretty sure Duck Dynasty had MUCH higher ratings when that scandal hit, and a sizable audience that was not conservative, so that's why A&E felt pressure to do something.  Except for those like us who watch to mock, I doubt there are many people watching this show anymore who don't agree with the Duggars' views on homosexuality.  I live in Oklahoma and I ASSURE you folk who don't live in the middle of the country that those views are NOT AT ALL uncommon. 

While JB&M have made a living talking about how important it is to have a close family, I think it's obvious that they have a few conditions on what family they are actually close to.


JB made a mockery out of his father when his father was dying.  He moved his parents into the family home and happily made an episode out of his father's birthday.  JB's father couldn't even have a real wheelchair, they drug him out in front of the cameras in an office chair and didn't even notice when one of his shoes fell off.  I'm not even sure if JB's father knew what was happening, and I'm damned sure they didn't care about what he thought about the situation.  That's why I'm not so concerned with JB having his widowed mother living in the room off the laundry room.  She didn't speak up to stop that fiasco, she has never said anything about when Jim went on a public speaking tour and talked about what a lousy dad he had because his father didn't always do things the way JB thought things should be done.  Grandma has another child she could go live with if she was so concerned.


As for Michelle, I've never heard of her being close to her family once she became enamoured with JB.  I think that she was allowed to marry JB earlier than normal because her family was moving away and Michelle refused to leave. 


The business with Josh proclaiming that he had a lesbian aunt who agreed that homosexuals should not be allowed to marry?  Well, I don't know what she really thought because she has refused (as far as I know) to make any public statement either agreeing with Josh or against him.  I do think that it's interesting that Josh hasn't made any statement about his aunt again, so far as I know.


I'm just going with the opinion that the Duggar parents are hypocritical assholes who have done their best to raise a bunch of kids just like themselves.  It'll be interesting to see how the kids turn out when they get more time away from their overbearing parents.  The older kids have already shown a few cracks in the wall, but I'm really looking forward to seeing how the younger kids turn out.  I just hope there are people around to guide them, because their parents suck.

  • Love 2

About Jim Bob's father... I am no fan of his but I do know something about wheelchairs. Back when two relatives in the same house suddenly became wheelchair dependent, we found a big problem. The doorways were not wide enough to allow wheelchairs to go into the bedrooms. Office chairs took them to the living room, it was better than leaving them stuck in the bedrooms.

And...most men do not notice when a shoe falls off. I can readily attest to that in my family.

Edited by Jellybeans
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The older kids have already shown a few cracks in the wall,

 The minute the show ends, they are outa there.   Right now, it is SlumBob Millionaire's promises of a share of the pie from the tv show and the endorsements that is keeping eveyrone in line.   The minute he doesn't have a dollar to dangle in front of them, they are gone baby gone.   And will start making their own money with the tell all books.

  • Love 1
The older kids have already shown a few cracks in the wall,

I like to think that the reason Jana remains unmarried is not because Jim Bob and Michelle want to keep her around as an unpaid j’slave, but because she’s rejected all potential suitors, because she’s biding her time before she flees the fundie nest entirely and it’ll be harder to do with a husband in tow who buys into the Duggar philosophy. I know we’ve been speculating that Jill could have her eyes opened to a bigger world because of her husband (because as conservative as Derick might be, he seems at least more worldly than the Duggars), but maybe Jana’s sick of everything and wants to leave it ALL behind. She doesn't want to have to be tied down to a husband where her main purpose will be to pop out kids. 


I can dream…. I just want one of the kids to write a tell-all, okay??

Edited by galax-arena
  • Love 4

And that is what will take them down in the end.  His refusal to believe that anyone cannot be awed and in wonder at who and what he is.  


LIberal, conservative, Christian, atheist, Duggar, or Kardashian... this is what takes all the reality idiots down eventually.

Edited by 3girlsforus
  • Love 6

CBS News is reporting (online) about the petition against the show.  I'm really surprised how much traction it's getting.  The article says they have over 78,000 signatures.  It's climbing rapidly.  I still don't think it's enough for TLC to do anything, but I suspect there's some level of concern.  Or not.  http://www.cbsnews.com/news/thousands-petition-against-19-kids-and-counting-for-lgbtq-fear-mongering/ 


ETA: Just started reading the comments section.  The leghumpers are out in full force.  Yikes!  They can get pretty vicious.

Edited by DamWrite

There's yet another video on the blog website from Priscilla and Anna talking about HOW IMPORTANT it is to be your sibling's best friend forever!!! Well, I would like to see Michelle emulate that sentiment. Isn't she also trumpeting that same philosophy? If that were true about her and the Ruarks, she would be interacting with them,and mentioning them. They would agree to be a small part of the show because they love each other and support each other, right? We don't see that, do we. Michelle's family begins with Jim Bob and the children they have together and goes from there. It's obvious to me.


In the update video from Jillard with the ultrasound pics, there's a sign on the wall behind Jill. It says something like "The Duggar Family, Established 1984" WTF, like they have no antecedents? Where does that leave Mary, who still seems part of the family?

In the update video from Jillard with the ultrasound pics, there's a sign on the wall behind Jill. It says something like "The Duggar Family, Established 1984" WTF, like they have no antecedents? Where does that leave Mary, who still seems part of the family?

...because Jim Bob is the only Duggar that matters (in his mind).

  • Love 1

As a reminder, the site's Politics Policy remains in effect.  Yes, Jim Bob is apparently running for office again. That does not make it an acceptable topic of conversation in here - unless for some mysterious reason, TLC brings the show back and it is discussed on there. Even then, it would be limited to how it was discussed on the show.

If you have any questions, please PM the mods, @SCARLETT45 and myself.

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