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Season 4 Discussion

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2. Eugene is clearly full of shit and I don't know why it's taking forever for that to become clear!


That "It's classified!" line irked my liver. Why is everyone following this idiot? He seems like the stereotypical basement dweller, and Abraham is the idiot muscle guy he's tricked into protecting him. I get that but Rosita seemed a little smarter than that. So did the rest of the group. Then again, they all just walked into Terminus like Hansel & Gretel going to the witches house so I guest they aren't so smart after all.

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That is an excellent question. I can't remember - has it been explained how he and Abraham met and how Abraham became convinced that Eugene has all the answers?

The only thing I can recall that might be causing Abraham to have such faith in Eugene is that they mentioned Eugene had been in touch with DC on a satellite phone early on. Whether or not they actually saw or heard Eugene speaking with anyone isn't clear and seems a bit suspect since we haven't seen him try to use the sat phone at all since they met up with Glen and Tara. And of course, unless Abraham or anyone actually heard another voice on the other end of the line (seems unlikely Eugene would have allowed this since, you know, "It's Classified") there is absolutely no proof at all that Eugene is who is he is claiming to be.

I would say yes, particularly for any of the members of the core group who had the experience of meeting Jenner at the CDC in Atlanta, who was a much more scientisty-scientist, who they encountered in a widely known, legit, scientisty place, who informed them that the best, most knowledgeable scientists in the world (the US and France) couldn't figure it out, and that everyone was doomed!, doooooomed!, so very doomed!, that he was going to commit suicide and let them die too, without necessarily even telling them about the whole suicide by explosion thing, because things were just that hopeless.  That would have made an impression on me, such that I would very curious and doubtful that mullet-sporting, gaming Eugene had it all figured out.

I had the same thoughts and I so wish Glen would mention their visit to the CDC and Jenner to Eugene and company and see what Mr. Mullet's explanation was. Probably just more of this "It's Classified" BS - so Classified that the CDC wasn't allowed to know about it either but some back-woods, mullet wearing, degenerate video gamer would be the type to be entrusted with the information that can save the World.

Edited by Rapunzel
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I'm with you. I was so excited by the prospect of getting somewhere, anywhere else, that I've been able to suspend most disbelief when it came to Eugene. But now that everyone is just headed straight to the same freaking place per usual, the magic is gone. Who on earth would take "classified" at face value in this situation? Who the heck are we keeping the secret from at this point? Come on!

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It is, however frustrating that other than Maggie & Glenn no one really seems concerns about their siblings. I this the most recent episode is the first time I've heard Sasha express any concern over Tyreese's status.


Sorry I worded that badly. What I meant to say was other than Maggie & Glenn worrying about each other no one seemed concerned about lost relatives or loved ones.

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Who on earth would take "classified" at face value in this situation?

These people.  These people would take it at face value.  I love our gang, I want them to survive, and in all fairness, sometimes they do really clever things.  But there are other times when I feel like I am watching the dumbest eight or so people in Georgia try to survive the Zombie Apocalypse. 

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I'm not entirely sure on the timelines, but I think the ZA has been going on for about two years now. They spent the entire gap between seasons 2 and 3 (most of Lori's pregnancy, so 6 months maybe) wandering around scavenging, only to end up at the prison we saw in the S2 finale. So they were wandering around a very limited area.

In S4, the trip to get medicine was, if I remember correctly, about 50 miles, and it was treated as a treacherous mission that they had little hope of surviving. 

I haven't liked Rick for a very long time but he won me over this week. For once they behaved like folks living in the ZA and didn't trust ANYONE.  Maggie & Glenn had to vouch for the new folks. When he said, "They done messed with the wrong one" (paraphrasing), I cheered.

I'm still worried about Carol & Tyreese , but they can keep Beth.

Edited by Milaxx
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!!!  When Rick and co were running through the compound did they run by a fenced area filled with dead body parts?  I thought that I saw a rib-cage.  And those fellahs in the control room or whatever.  NEVER TRUST A HIPSTER PEOPLE!  This episode is the first time that RIck has made any decent decisions.  Slow approach to Terminus, burying the weapons, being aware.  I don't know how in the hell he saw that watch.  I thought that they were good to go once the hipsters returned their weapons.  I am thinking that the food was probably drugged or roofied somehow?  And then the folks just get herded into the car?  There were a pile of plates near the entrance so the folks must have walked there with them right?

The actress who plays Michonne is the best actor on this series hands down.  

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Garrett just seems like a less insane Governor


Or more insane - I feel like his calm assuredness was the creepy air they were going for with the Governor when he first made his appearance, when in reality the gov just bugged.  Maybe it was his "accent", but I was always just bored with him whereas this guy seems interesting in the glimpse we've seen. 

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I have never been so panicked during this show then when Joe attacked Rick and the others. I was literally at the edge of my couch. I, for sure, thought Darryl was going to die during that scene.

I know you don't really think when you're running from gunfire but holy cats, Terminus really has how to trap their guests down pat. I wonder if they would have gunned them down if they had tried to run through Terminus leading them to the A train.

For a moment at the end, I thought Carl was going to pick up his gun and take care of Terminus by his Monster-self...

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That was not satisfactory. The show wrapped up nothing at all.


I don't know if I need things wrapped up all neat and tidy. As long as they are moving forward, I'm okay. I think getting Darryl away from Joe's gang, having most of the team reunited are all good forward moving steps. I also think the exchanges between Rick & Darryl and Michonne & Carl were all nice character growth motions.

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Holy frackballs.  That was exhausting.  Love primal Rick!  Love badass-yet-still-maternal Michonne!  And Daryl is back in the fold.  Please let Carol, Tyreese, and Judith be ok.  And Beth, too.  I can't believe I care, but I do! 

So hipsters run Terminus.  You've probably never heard of it.

There were soooo many commercials.  And it's way too long to wait until October.  This show should think about going on trimesters.


  • Love 19

I thought Rick should have just belted out Let It Go the morning when he was feeling so good after taking out all the bad guys.  He was finally embracing his powers.

Favorite thing whole episode:  the guy patting down Carl, asking him if he deserved it, and Carl's, "Yes."  I love Carl. 

Second favorite:  Rick telling Daryl he was his brother.

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That was really intense. I really wasn't expecting how it all went down with The band of Merls and Rick and Co. but well done. I didn't really "get" all the distracting flashback stuff though and it really kind of took me out of the moment b/c I miss Hershel and I don't want to keep being reminded of him.

So Hipsters run the killin' camp? I want to know why everyone is so young and then a few grandmothers used as camouflage? I so think they kidnapped Beth to brainwash her into the fold, she'd make a good young hipster. I bet when Rick and Co get out of the train car they will run into her.

Glad to see Carol and Tyresse weren't there with Judith, hate to think what the killin' camp would do about a baby.ugh

Great season finale, lots of suspense, action, and a solid cliffhanger. Rick went all walker on Jeff Kober's character and gutted the pedophile rapist over and over again. Michonne taking out the two guys, followed by Daryl taking down his two guys. 

I knew Terminus would be no good. It was a trap, but I liked that Rick was wary, burying the extra weapons and was observant enough to see that they were wearing their people's clothes and had Hershel's watch. Bet, he gets that back for Glenn before taking them out. The skeletal and remains and the people in the train car calling for help was terrifying. Those Terminus people need to be torn apart.

It was great to see Hershel again, poignant. It was such a hopeful time in the prison, but that is all gone now. I hope that they find Beth alive one day.

Edited by SimoneS
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Another creepy bit that I had to replay to catch...  Right around the time that our foursome is running around Terminus and sprint past the big pile of bony refuse, they pass by a white shed with a sniper on top.  If you listen closely, there are people banging on the side of the shed and yelling "HELP US!"  It is a scene that last about 3 to 5 seconds...

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Interesting end to the season... the group has gone from killing walkers to killing humans.  Not saying that those animals didn't deserve to die, but it was still pretty brutal, all the same.  And people in this new world have now gone from being walker-food to eating humans themselves?  That Sanctuary place seems to be filled with some pretty messed up people and that pile of bones was disturbing!  I can't imagine what will happen next season, but I'm worried for our group!  I hope the rest of the group (Carol, Tyreese, Beth, and Judith) are okay and don't end up there.


I was hoping next season would be about getting scientist guy to Washington, but I guess I'm not going to get my wish!

Here's my problem with the cannibal thing. How many Termites in this place? Two dozen? How many daily victims do there have to be to keep this town well fed? Two? Three? Four? Seems like they would run out of Soylent Green ™ pretty soon. Or am I just looking for too much logic?


If they are luring people in on the regular and as Kierstyn noted they are stockpiling those they don't invite to join them, then they could have an endless supply of soylent green.

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