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On 2/17/2024 at 1:18 PM, Lamb18 said:

Scot Pollard from Season 32, also former NBA player, just had a heart  transplant. He had a virus in 2021 that triggered a genetic heart condition, same S what killed his father at age 54.

Scot's wife says he is doing well.

I can't post a link but I read articles about Scot from The Athletic and NBC News on my Google feed.

Scot's great buddy from that season was tattooed Jason and I think Aubrey and Tai were on that season. Was that the season where Caleb almost died?

I live in the state where he had his transplant so it's been on the news several times recently. When they first starting talking to him, he was still waiting on a heart match. I imagine it was tough finding one ! You know, you'd think I'd remember a Survivor player who stands almost 7 feet tall, but when the first story about him was on the news, I swear I just had no recollection of him. I can't remember most of the past players ( except the obvious ones like Boston Rob ), but Scott is memorable !

On 2/26/2024 at 12:49 AM, LadyChatts said:

According to Probst, he's not looking to cast villains anymore and wants to focus on "reimagining positivity" in this new era as he's been doing.  

Although from some of the BTS stuff that we've heard from contestants, I think there have been villains on the show, they just aren't getting the edit.  I also wonder if this partly has anything to do with the fallout from S39 and how everything was handled there.

I'm okay with the no villains thing, though to a point.  I do like a little sabotage from someone or a bold individual that might rub someone the wrong way.  Without being offensive, of course.

When it gets to the point where a line is cross, one that'll result in big trouble in the real world, then ITA with Probst & company.  They don't need that on Survivor

Exit interviews with Jelinsky


-he says that he didn't wear shoes during the sweat challenge and his feet got cut up pretty badly by the coral.  And it's not because production said he couldn't wear shoes, he...just had it in his head he couldn't?  But he had his socks and shoes there and didn't seem to put them on until later.

-still maintains that "several" means "seven" 

-was also allergic to coconut, and lost his water bottle like Jess did

-says it was Q's idea to initially quit the sweat challenge.  He also said he was outpacing Q at first.  I guess the only way to plug the holes in your buckets was with your fingers, as he said using a shirt wouldn't work.  Q thought it was a good idea to save their strength for the IC, and he (Jelinsky) thought they could beat Siga easily.  

-at the journey, he revealed he had the skull card and apparently, Maria still wasn't buying it, so that's when she pulled out the "I'll tell on you to my tribe" line.  She quizzed them about the vote card and he believes she was buying he had it, but said the reason he eventually caved was that Tevin was such a larger-than-life personality.  He also thought that going back to camp with no vote and people thinking he wasn't a liar was a better strategy than going back to camp with an extra vote and having the other two tribes think poorly of him

-his friends, family, and girlfriend all believed he'd be the first one voted off.  Says he was blindsided and it hurt to be the first one voted off and without having been able to cast a vote (I like how Dalton rubs it in that none of his tribe mates spelled his name right)

-also was a little blindsided how Probst went at him during TC

-wasn't aware Tiffany found the idol before he got voted out until watching last night (thought she found it after).  He was looking for the idol day 1 and was open with his tribe that that's what he was doing

-thinks he could have a shot to come back again

Edited by LadyChatts
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17 hours ago, Carey said:

To be honest, if he got a second shot before Pomilla, I'd quit the show.  In other words, I wouldn't be a fan of it.  The excuse following the journey isn't great for me.  There's no decent strategy there.  Since he volunteered to go, doubling down was the way to go

I can’t see a scenario where he’d get another chance unless it was a themed season of pre jury boots or pre jury vs merge or something like that.  And even then I doubt it.  

In reading his exit interviews and how he said Q was the one who wanted to quit first, and then Q spun the story of how it was Jelinsky, and how he folded at the journey because of Tevin (I’m still kind of confused what the was about), shows how little social game or strategy he had.  I mean it seems like he did everything you shouldn’t do.  In addition, I think Q or Bhanu said something about him claiming he was a superhuman at everything, but couldn’t back it up with anything.  I think he just completely overestimated his reads and maybe got too in his head about the game.  The fact that he wanted to go by his last name because that’s what legends go by.  Which, if you have to tell everyone to call you by your last name rather than them coming to that on their own shows where you stand on the legends tier.

Edited by LadyChatts
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Here’s one Survivor couple I never expected to hear had this kind of trouble.  The fact that she had a burner phone makes me wonder how long this might have been going on.  Jaime and Erik met on S15 (China) and have been married since 2009:


  • Sad 2
11 hours ago, LadyChatts said:

 The fact that she had a burner phone makes me wonder how long this might have been going on

You mean he had a burner phone?

"She proceeded to tell cops she had actually found his burner phone while they were in the car, but she alleges he twisted it out of her hand ... claiming he'd broken her middle fingernail and left her with a few small cuts on her hand as well."

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10 hours ago, ChiCricket said:

You mean he had a burner phone?

"She proceeded to tell cops she had actually found his burner phone while they were in the car, but she alleges he twisted it out of her hand ... claiming he'd broken her middle fingernail and left her with a few small cuts on her hand as well."

Oh I misread that.  I’m glad it was his and not hers, so maybe this was a one time thing (even if it’s one time too many).  Though I’d think if you had burner phone to hide your alleged affairs, you might do a better job that you don’t get caught.   

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Wednesday Ratings: Survivor and Abbott Rise, Amazing Race Returns Bigger


CBS | Survivor (with 4.6 million total viewers and a 0.7 demo rating) ticked up in both measures; read recap. The Amazing Race‘s Season 36 premiere (2.8 mil/0.4) was up 7% in audience from its previous premiere and steady in the demo; TVLine readers gave TAR‘s return an average grade of “B+.”

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Which Show Stole New Girl Bar? Was SVU’s Carisi Snippy? #OneChicago’s Biggest Gross-Out? Should #Richonne Have Washed Up First? More TV Qs!


17 | How is it possible that Bhanu has watched every single season of Survivor, yet still has this bad of a social game? And what say you, Survivor fans: Is Kenzie a villain? 

Edited by tv echo

I watched the deleted scene and just wonder what Liz thought when she came to play.  Did she expect they would cater to her allergies by making sure she could eat everything provided?  I so get that they are all hungry and want to eat whatever they can.  What wasn't said during that scene was if they were saving anything for Hunter who is essential to their winning.

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13 hours ago, seacliffsal said:

I watched the deleted scene and just wonder what Liz thought when she came to play.  Did she expect they would cater to her allergies by making sure she could eat everything provided?  I so get that they are all hungry and want to eat whatever they can.  What wasn't said during that scene was if they were saving anything for Hunter who is essential to their winning.

I'm wondering this too.  Between this and just laying around the shelter last week and openly saying she wasn't going to look for the idol, I'm wondering if she made a wrong turn at the auditions and meant to try out for Big Brother.  I've never known Survivor to make exceptions for people who've had allergies or personal reasons for not wanting to eat the food from their reward (I might be wrong on that).  And someone refresh my memory, when they served alcohol as a reward did those under 21 get a different option?   

And I really hate this new era and their version of "streaks".  

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'Survivor 46's Bhanu Gopal Says the Yanu Tribe Has a "Lack of Empathy"
MIKE BLOOM   MAR 21, 2024


Let's start with where things ended for you. After the challenge, we were treated to this sequence of you basically going through the five stages of grief with your game. We saw you initially in denial, searching for an idol that wasn't there. In anger, you asked God why he put you on Survivor if you were set up to fail. You bargained with Tiffany, quite literally begging on your knees. You ultimately came to a form of acceptance before Tribal Council. How true to life was that to your headspace that afternoon?
You summed it up, Mike. That afternoon was definitely all of those emotions. Because I was like, "Can I convince them to keep me in the game?" I just want to backpedal a little bit. When I told Tiffany, about and Q about the journey, I want to be open and honest with them. Because what if on Day 8, they go on a journey and find out that I got so emotional and said something about the tribe from other tribes. Rather than that, I was like, "Hey, Tiffany and Q, this is what I said. But if you keep me in the game, I'm being as open and honest with you. I'm going to be your ride or die. We will get to the merge. And we will be in the Final Three."

Because you'll see me in the challenges, Mike. After 10 shoulder dislocations and one major surgery just a few months before the show, I was competing right next to Q, who is a professional player. I did not even whimper. I did not even say, "Oh my god, I can't play." No, I was right next to Q doing exactly what he's doing. Doesn't it [say] how much is this game mean to me? I will give my all for this game. And that's what you've seen. Strategic wise, my strategy was just be honest with the team. Once I get to the merge, no one can stop me.
*  *  *
Speaking of the merge and the other tribes, we have to talk about what you did on the journey. Because when you admitted to Tiffany and Q what you said to Ben and Liz, it almost seemed like you didn't know how much of an impact you had made. So were you purposely telling them about what was going on in your tribe?
So what happened was after just Jess gone, we were like, "Okay, probably we will go ahead and win this challenge. And maybe I can see a glimmer of hope." But that didn't happen, because we lost again. And I was always on the outs. So we lost again, and I was so emotional and raw because we just lost another major challenge. I get to the island. And there was no way for me to get it out of my system. Because even on the Yanu tribe, when I cry or anything, they were like, "You're too emotional, you're too weak," or something like that.
*  *  *
You mention how you didn't have a ride or die on Yanu. We did see you talk a lot with Q the past couple of episodes. And even Kenzie the "mermaid dragon" served as an emotional support system for you. Who were you closest with out there?
Actually, the one thing I want to tell you is that I'm very close to Jess. Jess is like my sister. She's like my best friend on the Yanu beach. There were certain moments me and Jess have shared which fans didn't get to see. But she's my sister. And I was so sad that, in the second challenge, I yelled her name. And I apologized to Jess. And we were all yelling at each other. But that wasn't cool. And I apologize to Jess. And the fans of Jess, I apologize to you all, and I hope you forgive me for that.

What about of the three Yanus who were left when you were voted out. Did you feel particularly close to any of them?
I would say I was talking to Q a lot after after the Jess vote. But, again, what happened was my there was no coordination, no proper communication, lack of empathy. That's what it is. Coordination, communication, lack of empathy is the reason why Yanu kept losing. When we lost, we just didn't sit as a tribe and be like, "What are we doing wrong? Where are we going wrong? Let's let's talk as a tribe." There were no heartfelt conversations.

Edited by tv echo
9 hours ago, LadyChatts said:

And someone refresh my memory, when they served alcohol as a reward did those under 21 get a different option? 

Yes, I remember when Jeff was announcing alcohol in the rewards he'd look at an underage player (or even someone who just doesn't drink), and say "or soft drinks for [whoever]." As for food, I'm pretty sure there's never been an option. Vegetarians have either chosen to or declined to eat meat in rewards or been forced to eat meat in a gross food challenge or forfeit that round.

Edited by fishcakes
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2 hours ago, fishcakes said:

Yes, I remember when Jeff was announcing alcohol in the rewards he'd look at an underage player (or even someone who just doesn't drink), and say "or soft drinks for [whoever]." As for food, I'm pretty sure there's never been an option. Vegetarians have either chosen to or declined to eat meat in rewards or been forced to eat meat in a gross food challenge or forfeit that round.

I would imagine there would be religious based exceptions in a food eating challenge, but not a reward.  

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2 hours ago, DEL901 said:

I would imagine there would be religious based exceptions in a food eating challenge, but not a reward.  

Yeah, I remember during S3 Tom and Ethan split money for the food auction, and I think it was a covered item of breakfast food.  One of the items was bacon, which Ethan couldn’t eat because of his Jewish faith.  That always stands out because Tom was so excited he got the bacon all for himself.  I don’t know nowadays if Survivor would make someone eat something in a challenge that went against their faith, but I think back in the day they would have.

So, Bhanu thinks his team wasn't empathetic?   They coddled and listened to him way more than I would have, but I guess the fact that they voted him out and didn't sacrifice their own games so that he could win means they're not empathetic...

Go away Bhanu.  I couldn't take what we saw of you during the season so I definitely don't want to keep hearing from you.

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9 hours ago, seacliffsal said:

So, Bhanu thinks his team wasn't empathetic?   They coddled and listened to him way more than I would have, but I guess the fact that they voted him out and didn't sacrifice their own games so that he could win means they're not empathetic...

Go away Bhanu.  I couldn't take what we saw of you during the season so I definitely don't want to keep hearing from you.

He's misreading the situation yet again, he seems utterly impervious to reality. And he can rearrange every interaction to make himself the victim and hero in his own mind.

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From last night...

‘Survivor 46’ episode 6 recap: Who was voted out in ‘Cancel Christmas’? [LIVE BLOG]
John Benutty, Marcus James Dixon   April 3, 2024

Survivor 46 exclusive deleted scene goes from sunrise to game face
By Dalton Ross   April 4, 2024

Edited by tv echo

Jem Hussain-Adams Says Sharing Her Backstory with Her Tribe Led to Her 'Survivor 46' Blindside
MIKE BLOOM   APR 3, 2024

'Survivor 46's Moriah Gaynor Was "Fed Up and Annoyed" By Being Targeted for Her Fandom


Not sure if anyone’s been following this drama, but a puzzle seller on Etsy claimed that Carson (S44) stole their ideas for selling 3-D printed Survivor puzzles, and that he actually bought puzzles from their shop to practice on before doing his season (so I guess not printing them himself like he claimed).  

The seller said they met with Carson post season and he was asking them all sort of questions about marketing and business tactics, and they suggested a partnership idea with him.  Instead, he allegedly took their ideas and all the info they gave him and used it to start his own Survivor puzzle business without giving them any sort of credit. 


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16 hours ago, LadyChatts said:

Not sure if anyone’s been following this drama, but a puzzle seller on Etsy claimed that Carson (S44) stole their ideas for selling 3-D printed Survivor puzzles, and that he actually bought puzzles from their shop to practice on before doing his season (so I guess not printing them himself like he claimed).  

The seller said they met with Carson post season and he was asking them all sort of questions about marketing and business tactics, and they suggested a partnership idea with him.  Instead, he allegedly took their ideas and all the info they gave him and used it to start his own Survivor puzzle business without giving them any sort of credit. 


How could either of them start a Survivor puzzle business?  I could be wrong here, but wouldn't anything with the Survivor name on it, if used to make a profit, need to be aprroved by CBS?  I thought it was illegal to do that.  Unless CBS is handing out licenses to use their name for this, but huge corporations are not known for that. They'll probably both get cease and desist letters from CBS lawyers now that it's made the news. 

Can someone clarify if my thoughts are accurate or not?

ETA: I just reread and it doesn't say if either of them are using the Survivor name, so this might not be an issue at all. 


Edited by eskimo
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On 4/6/2024 at 1:34 PM, eskimo said:

How could either of them start a Survivor puzzle business?  I could be wrong here, but wouldn't anything with the Survivor name on it, if used to make a profit, need to be aprroved by CBS?  I thought it was illegal to do that.  Unless CBS is handing out licenses to use their name for this, but huge corporations are not known for that. They'll probably both get cease and desist letters from CBS lawyers now that it's made the news. 

Can someone clarify if my thoughts are accurate or not?

ETA: I just reread and it doesn't say if either of them are using the Survivor name, so this might not be an issue at all. 


The word “survivor” is a long-established word in the English language (not a manufactured - and trademarkable - word like “Lexus”), and its usage far predates CBS’s show or its registered trademarks.  So as long as a third party doesn’t (a) use the network’s registered trademarks or logos without consent and/or (b) word any packaging or advertising text in such a manner that a reasonable person might assume association with or endorsement by the show, there’s really not a lot the network can do about it.  The third parties can (and do) shave pretty close to the edges, if they so choose; “Survivor Puzzle” might be crossing the line, but “Survival Puzzle” would probably pass legal muster.

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'Survivor 46's Tim Spicer Calls Q and Hunter "Childish"

'Survivor 46's Soda Thompson Breaks Down Her Complicated Relationship with Venus

Tim Spicer 'surprised, shocked, and hurt' by Survivor 46 blindside
By Dalton Ross  Published on April 11, 2024

Survivor 46 star Soda Thompson explains 'complicated' relationship with Venus
By Dalton Ross  Published on April 11, 2024

Edited by tv echo

‘Survivor 46’ deleted scene: Q thinks Venus is ‘a snake’ that ‘will bite’ [WATCH]
Marcus James Dixon   April 12, 2024

Survivor - Coach Q’s Assessment
SurvivorOnCBS   Apr 11, 2024

Q: “Hunter. He's a challenge beast. But he needs someone to think for him a little bit. He don’t have it here (Points to head).”

Q: “Tiff is a social butterfly because she thinks in this game that’s how you win.”

Q: “Tim is a smart guy, he really is. And for that, Tim is not to be trusted.”

Q: “Maria. She’s the soft-spoken mom. Can’t let her get to the end.”

Q: “Kenzie. She’s not a puzzle wizard. She’s not a decision-maker. She will follow for a vote.”

Q: “Charlie is a cool dude. But Charlie has not done anything in this game worth talking about.”

Q: “Soda. Loud. She wants to be liked. Wants everybody to see her. Won’t make it to the end.”

Q: "Venus. A snake that I can see. I'm gonna stay away from it, 'cuz she will bite."

Q: "Tevin. Young. Naive. Will lose the game. But will probably make it to the end.”

Q: “Ben. Ben’s favorite player is Tony [two-time winner Tony Vlachos]. And Ben is playing a Tony game. It’s very deceiving, in your face, loud. He wants to be seen, but he wants to go undercover.”

Q: “The only person I don’t have figured out is Liz. And maybe there’s nothing to figure out about Liz just yet.”

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4 hours ago, LadyChatts said:

Didn't Q say this past episode that Hunter wasn't a physical threat?  So how is one a challenge beast but also not a threat?

Tim said that Hunter was the biggest physical threat and Q said something like, "I don't know about that" or "I wouldn't say that." You could tell he was put out that someone else is considered the big challenge beast instead of himself. I don't know why he's surprised considering his challenge record.

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1 hour ago, fishcakes said:

Tim said that Hunter was the biggest physical threat and Q said something like, "I don't know about that" or "I wouldn't say that." You could tell he was put out that someone else is considered the big challenge beast instead of himself. I don't know why he's surprised considering his challenge record.

But, but Q told us that he has been throwing challenges (I.e. the balance on a triangle over water) so people wouldn't know how good he was.  You don't think he's not being truthful about being the biggest physical challenge threat?  What???

  • LOL 3

Jeff Probst Calls BIPOC Mandate “One Of The Most Positive & Significant Changes” To ‘Survivor’ – Contenders TV
By Fred Topel   Apr 13, 2024


Not all of those new contestants end up victorious — there can only be one winner every season, of course. Season 46 contestant Bhanu Gopal wanted to be on Survivor because he grew up in a shelter in India.

“But he didn’t know how to play, and they all saw it,” Probst said. “He was so bad he started costing other people because now he has information and doesn’t know I’m not supposed to share it. When he left, it was painful for him.”

Probst said the producers of Survivor used the format to convey the sadness of Bhanu’s loss.

“We produced and edited it as though it was a spiritual death, as he was going through the five stages of grief,” Probst said. “We covered it with a big drone shot so you could just see him alone as he looks up to God and says, ‘Why did you put me here if you wanted me to fail?’ That’s true vulnerability. He has a relationship with his god. He’s still asking these questions. That’s why I still love Survivor.”

Edited by tv echo
  • Angry 1

This is from a few weeks ago, but still interesting...

Hunter McKnight shares unseen Nami tribe dynamics in exclusive Survivor 46 mid-game interview
By Dalton Ross  Published on April 3, 2024


You dominated individually at pretty much every challenge. While winning was clearly the most important thing to keep everyone safe, how worried were you about setting yourself up at the merge as a massive target due to your challenge prowess?

Very worried. I did not expect to do that well in challenges. I know everyone thinks that I have all these challenges at home, and I practiced them before I came out. That just wasn’t the case. I do have a lot of different challenges, but I only pull them out twice a year when we do our big Survivor event with the students. It’s a lot of work setting up a challenge, and so there was no way I was setting it up just to practice. (Granted, when I am doing the event for the kids, and I was designing the challenges, I would test them to see how difficult they were. But in terms of just practicing them, I never did that.) Plus, building and designing a puzzle makes them incredibly easy to solve, so I got no joy out of putting a puzzle back together that I had made. So, by no means did I know I was going to perform well in these challenges.

Anyways, back to the threat level. I really didn’t think I was developing a large target on my back until after the water basketball one. A few of the Siga tribe members actually looked over at me and did this little bow in my direction after that one. That’s when I knew I had done a really bad job of hiding any challenge ability. But for me, I LOVE the challenges. They are a ton of fun and are really just childhood games for me.

I grew up doing a lot of swimming, playing a lot of corn hole, shooting a lot of slingshots, and playing a lot of basketball. So, it was hard for me to lay off (just because it was so fun.) Also, in the two challenges that I really shined, it’s hard to “hide” ability in those because we were behind when I got to the final stage. During the sandbag tossing one especially, I was afraid of losing, so I wasn’t going to intentionally miss them to lower a threat level. I am not that good as to where I could just miss because I knew I was guaranteed to make them if I wanted to.

Once I found the Beware Advantage, I actually considered throwing the next challenge with one caveat — if there was food, we were going to win. So going into that challenge, I had a mind to throw it… until Jeff uncovered the pastries, then I was locked in. Oh, and one fun fact with the basketball one. Before that challenge, I had taken the pot and a coconut and practiced granny style tossing the coconut into the pot. So that may have helped.

Edited by tv echo
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21 hours ago, tv echo said:

He has a relationship with his god. He’s still asking these questions. That’s why I still love Survivor.”

And that's why I think it's stupid to cast someone so sheltered. Not only did he screw up his own (non)game, but he wrecked it for others. His naïveté is no better than the player who quits after the first week. B-o-r-i-n-g.

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Yep, just as I suspected, Jeff is trying to turn Survivor into a new version of his failed talkshow.  He's looking for 'personal growth' rather than an exciting game of outwit, outlast, outplay.  

I think the producers need to get together and actually look at the show's characteristics when it was bringing in a large viewing audience and readjust to go back to the show that people wanted instead of this abbreviated, emofest.

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I do think the show, like a lot of reality TV, is between a rock and hard place.  SM goes off the rails the first time they don't like what someone said, did, or who they voted off (forgetting it's a game and that the point is to vote someone off regardless of their gender, age, or race).  It's worse on Big Brother because the show is live and it's like every other day people want someone kicked out.  I can't imagine what it would have been like if SM existed when these shows first started.  But Soda had deleted her Twitter account because she was getting fat-shamed from people who didn't like how she was treating Venus.  Maria shared DMs she got on IG from people sending her horrible messages for voting Jem off.  And while I'm sure Kenzie has gotten her share of hate, she also said that people who are fans are just showing up at her job and it's disrupting her workplace (she's a salon owner).  

But on the flip side, I think Jeff is forgetting his own words he used so many times in the early years.  Survivor is, or at least was, a social experiment.  It had its ups and downs but it was about putting people from all different walks of life together in a competition for a million dollars and having them have to work together and build a society for 39 days, or until they got their torch snuffed.  There were all different types of personalities, and the heroes, villains, and then the people we forgot were even there until they showed up at the reunion show.  And there weren't these sob stories.  Everyone's got one, and frankly, I think it's why some shows had a downfall.  I feel sorry for the new era fans who get cast, because this game they are playing isn't Survivor.  

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Jeff Probst Opens Up About Survivor’s Approach to Mental Health


Speaking on the most recent edition of the On Fire podcast, Probst acknowledged that while Survivor is designed to break people down to their core, the players’ mental health is still production’s number one priority.

“We not only have medical doctors on location, we have mental health specialists on location, our psychology team,” Probst said before sharing details on how the team handled Ben’s late-night panic attack.
*  *  *
... Probst praised Kenzie and the rest of the Survivor 46 cast for how they dealt with the situation and said something like that might not have happened 15 years ago.

When his co-host Jeff Wolfe asked what the difference is between now and then, Probst stated, “Number one is casting. The types of people we’re putting on the show… a lot of players, and this is not a disrespect, but there are players from fifteen years ago we would not even interview today. They were perfect for that time, but today, we want more emotional depth, that you understand and have compassion for people.”

The Emmy-winning host also cited that Survivor’s storytelling has shifted from a purely game approach to a much more complex and emotionally layered adventure and life experience, as well as the present culture surrounding the show nowadays.

Edited by tv echo
3 minutes ago, tv echo said:

Jeff Probst Opens Up About Survivor’s Approach to Mental Health

I personally think that the show isn't as interesting due to some of these changes.  I much prefer the older version which, apparently, means I don't have the emotional layers to understand the newer version.  But, numbers don't lie and with the increased viewership over the years, wait a minute...how can this be-it's actually decreased viewership over the years.  Maybe, just maybe, they should consider what the viewers want to see, not necessarily just what the producers want to show.

Oh, and they are really discounting former contestants.  Outside of a handful of players, I think most 'old school' contestants could separate the game from real life and if someone was having an incident they would have helped.  Don't give me, 'old school didn't care about others...'

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‘Survivor 46’ episode 8 recap: Who was voted out in ‘Hide ‘N Seek’? [LIVE BLOG]
John Benutty, Marcus James Dixon    April 17, 2024

‘Survivor’: Jeff Probst Explains Why Q Is a ‘Maddening’ Player
Kelli Boyle   APRIL 17, 2024,

Survivor 46 exclusive deleted scene shows Maria confronting Ben
By Dalton Ross    April 18, 2024

Edited by tv echo

According to The Futon Critic...



5/22/24 (We.)    8:00 PM    CBS    (#4613-180) three-hour 46th edition finale
5/15/24 (We.)    8:00 PM    CBS    (#4612-90) TBA
5/8/24 (We.)    8:00 PM    CBS    (#4611-90) TBA
5/1/24 (We.)    8:00 PM    CBS    (#4610-90) Run The Red Light
4/24/24 (We.)    8:00 PM    CBS    (#4609-90) Spicy Jeff

On 4/17/2024 at 8:38 AM, seacliffsal said:

I personally think that the show isn't as interesting due to some of these changes.  I much prefer the older version which, apparently, means I don't have the emotional layers to understand the newer version.  But, numbers don't lie and with the increased viewership over the years, wait a minute...how can this be-it's actually decreased viewership over the years.  Maybe, just maybe, they should consider what the viewers want to see, not necessarily just what the producers want to show.

Oh, and they are really discounting former contestants.  Outside of a handful of players, I think most 'old school' contestants could separate the game from real life and if someone was having an incident they would have helped.  Don't give me, 'old school didn't care about others...'

I feel like it's a slap in the face to old-school players, many of whom helped make this show what it was and will be far more memorable years after this show goes off the air compared to the new-era players, who largely seem forgotten after their season ends.  

I really wish Jeff had never gotten full control of the show.  It's really been a downhill slope since he took over, especially since it seems like it's his way or no way. 

Edited by LadyChatts
  • Applause 6

Ratings: Not Dead Yet Hits Season Lows, Survivor Dominates Wednesday


CBS | Survivor (with 4.8 million total viewers and a 0.8 rating) was up across the board, while The Amazing Race (2.8 mil/0.4) only ticked up in the demo.

'Survivor 46's Tevin Davis Reveals Defying Q and an Unseen Alliance Got Him to Target Soda
MIKE BLOOM    APRIL 18, 2024


So one of the reasons why you're talking with me today is your decision to take out Soda. Soda actually told me last week you told her at one point that you couldn't trust her or Venus. Talk me through your relationship, from making music together to "Soda's gotta go-da" to you deciding to take her out.
I believe that in Survivor, things can exist as both and rather than this or that. Two things can be true at once. And one of the things that was true, and I said in all my confessionals, I adore Soda. For my game, I can't trust her. But me and her aligned so beautifully in other ways. So we had kind of locked in from the beginning. But for me, they didn't show it in the edit, just how close her and Venus were. Soda kind of bent over backwards to be nice to Venus, to include Venus, to make sure Venus felt comfortable, to make sure that she listened to her and talked to her and encouraged her. I watched it happen. And none of that was shown. And so I was watching it. And I was like, "I think that they're number ones." And Soda said as much, that her and Venus were number ones from Day One, and then she had to break away from her. So I clocked it on on day one.

When Soda came and told me that I was her number one, two things are possible, and one of them is true. Either Venus still is your number one when you told me that I was your number one, and you're lying to me to make me comfortable to get me voted out of this game. Or Venus was your number one and you excised her to make me your number one. And if you are willing to excise your number one from Day One to better position yourself in the game, you will do it to me. If you've done it to her, you will do it to me. So if we get to merge, how can I trust that what you're saying is true to me? How can I trust that we are in a tight alliance when I've watched you obliterate one or lie to me about one, and try to vote me out, possibly? So that is kind of what happened.

But it also is important to note that, when I said, "Soda got to go-da," that was true. I was clocking her and I knew she had to go at some point. Had we gone to Tribal earlier, Soda was not going to be the person that I wanted personally to vote for. The reason I brought that up to Liz and Hunter was because we had not been to Tribal. Wwe had no way to test alliances or anything. So I wanted to see if I brought up a move as big as Soda, what were they going to do? Were they going to react negatively? Or they're going to try to be like, "No, let's think about something else"? Were they going to be, "Sure whatever you want"? Now, it's not a foolproof way of knowing if they were with me. But it gave me more information than I had previously that I knew before that moment. Like, "If I'm going after soda, what do y'all think?" They were down. I was like, "Okay, I think I'm locked in pretty good with them."

From our perspective, it seemed like, once you took out Soda and took the credit for the move, it put you in the line of fire for being the new biggest social threat. So how do you look back on the timing of blindsiding her?
Well, this is where watching the game of Survivor and playing the game of Survivor are two different sports. They're not the same. And so when when you're watching, you have more information than I have. When you're playing, you don't have that information. So if I had to be in that same position, and I know what I know now, I wouldn't have gotten rid of Soda, because it clearly seems she was aligned with me. However, with the information that I had, I'd probably make the decision again.

Because what happened that you didn't see was that, when we got done with the Immunity Challenge that me and Maria were on the platforms. Which was so fun; we were up there for so long, like 20 minutes on one foot. It was so fun battling her. And when Q was the one that pulled me out of the water when I swam over to the platform. When Q pulled me up, he said, "Vote Venus" in my ear. And I was like, "Oh my God, this is great. I have a plan." But when I got back to camp, I said, "Absolutely the hell not." Q has been running this game. He's been telling everyone how to vote. He's been running the votes he worked. He's trying to make us play a Q game. I'm not gonna let you tell me what to do. Because the vote was gonna go to Venus in my perspective. And so when Q said that, ironically, him telling me to vote Venus ensured that Venus stayed that night, because I was not going to do what Q told me to do.
*  *  *
Let's talk about your relationship with Venus. There's a secret scene in the first couple of episodes that showcases your dynamic. It's clear you two didn't click from the beginning, where she says you didn't want to connect with her, and you said she was coming across as "rude and snarky" at camp. And we see you two at odds throughout the game, including when she takes credit for the Venus vote and says to everyone, "A man who claims his entire identity in this game is surrounded by honesty and being an honest person straight up lied to my face the entire day and wrote my name down. And I saw through that." Talk to me about this complicated dynamic.
I was very excited to meet Venus when I got to the beach. I was like, "Oh, I cannot wait to talk to her and to meet her." And I know that that deleted scene made it seem as if she pulled me to the side. But in reality, what happened was I pulled her to the side. And what's important to note about that is that I set very clear boundaries for myself. I said I was not going to allow someone to just treat me any kind of way. And I felt like Venus was starting to cross some of those boundaries with me. And so, at a certain point, I just got tired of it. And I said, "I'm just going to remove myself from her. That's just a choice for me. I don't need anybody else to do it. It's just something I need to do to protect my peace out here in this crazy game."

And so a few days later, I said, "Tevin, you're playing a game for a million dollars. You have to not just remove yourself and protect your peace. You have to actually go straight face to face with the thing. "So I pulled Venus to the side. And I said, "Let's talk." I tried to introduce my feelings and how I was thinking and why she was on the bottom. And you can see in the deleted scene, every time I tried to expound on, "This is why things are happening," she would either cut me off or insert her perspective on things. And so it got a little bit tense. I said, "This is not working. How about we walk a little bit further and just start over? And let's talk, because I really want to get a chance to talk to you."

So we went a little bit further. We sat down. And then it cuts to her perspective. And she was getting kind of emotional. But we had talked for what I perceived to be about an hour out there. We sat there, we talked, I expounded on how I was feeling, I felt like I was being met every time that I explained my feelings with, "I think you're just interpreting it that way." I said, "Venus, there's four things happening here today. There's perception versus reality going on. And there's also intention versus impact. I understand that you may intend to not make me feel any type of way. But the impact is palpable to me. And so you need to take accountability for that."

And so I said, "How about this? I tell you what I think your problem is with me, and you tell me what my problem is with you. And we'll see if we can understand each other so we can be on a full page and respect each other." I said, "You think I'm making you feel like a social pariah. I'm ignoring you, your voice isn't being heard, you aren't being seen. Are all these things correct?" She said yes. I said, "Venus, what's my problem with you?" And she basically was saying to me, "I just think you're interpreting what I'm doing wrong." And I was like, "Okay, so how about this? How about we make a safe word? How about the safe word is 'sunflower'? If I say sunflower or if you say sunflower, that means one of us has done something to hurt the other one. We can clap when it happens. And then we can address it later and have a conversation about it." We agreed.

The last thing I said to Venus before we left that spot was, "Venus, nobody would ever suspect you and I working together. You and I can have an alliance together. And we can run this game from top to bottom and nobody would ever even see it coming. Do you want to work with me?" She said yes. I said yes. I said, "Now, when we go back to camp, let's keep it cute. Don't do too much. But let's just pretend like we are still on opposite ends of the spectrum so that people don't suspect that you and I are working together." And that's what we did. And in the clip, you'll see us storm back to camp. That was all part of the play. And it wasn't long after that, that she immediately threw my name out. And so I was like, "Yeah, now we're done. But I did try."

On the opposite end of the spectrum, we have someone like Hunter. Talk to me about your relationship. And did you intend to take him to the end, considering how great he was in challenges?
Hunter, I would have taken 100% the whole way. I wasn't concerned about him being a challenge beast or him being overly strategic, because I know that I have a voice that is powerful. And I knew that I had a story. And I knew that I had done things up to the point where I felt like I was a contender, which is another reason why I was trying to make moves so that I could compete with these players. These people were playing. And so I was actually really unconcerned about necessarily who sat beside me in the end, because I just felt so strong about the game. I had more to do, and I had more to play. And I felt that I was going to capture what I wanted to capture in the game in order to pull out when at the end.

And so it was crazy because I think when when I first saw Hunter on my tribe, I felt like, "Oh God, we're not gonna get along." That was my perception. I was like, "He's gonna think I'm too thin and I'm not going to be strong enough and I'm not going to be a hard worker." Because I knew that I could see that he valued hard work, and he was going to think that I was the weak, flamboyant, eccentric guy. And it was funny that we bonded over something so silly and specific as Andy Griffith. It was very crazy that that we bonded in that way. But me and Hunter had a great working relationship. I actually thought on my blindside that he had voted for me. I was I didn't know who wrote Venus's name down; I wasn't sure who did it. But I just remember looking at him, and I couldn't believe that I was going home and he didn't tell me. So I thought that he could have been a person that voted for me, and that's why he didn't tell me. But Hunter would have went all the way with me, I think.

Edited by tv echo
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