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16 minutes ago, Winston9-DT3 said:

Though I actually don't hear it in that clip of Jenna.  

I didn't hear it at first either, but the second time around I think I might have kinda heard it lol.

I'm not that put off by them telling her to say 'find a crack.' It's just them giving her a nice little, succinct, sound bite phrase they can use instead of her going around saying the same thing in a longer, less 'cool tv phrase' way. 

With the Survivor confessionals, I imagine they're somewhere between being completely unscripted and being like the obviously wholly scripted Big Brother DRs.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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This topic isn't anything I've thought about in any detail.  And even though when I do, and I'm a skeptic,  I tend to forget:)  

I did just see in an old 115 thing the tweet from ?? about the Andy Sandler movie and saying that it was a terrible movie and all the shots of them laughing

were prompted by production telling them to laugh and when.  

Well that is just them playing it up for a sponsor which is something they have done since the early seasons ( and I have no doubt that the producers tell them to do that). That is to be expected and is completely different than the producers prompting them to say something in a confessional. I mean there is no doubt that they ask leading questions to the players to TRY to get them good sound bites. I am not sure if that is what you are getting at?  There is no question they do that which is why you always get that clip of someone seemingly being cocky right before tribal and right before they get voted out.

Edited by LanceM
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Giving it some thought I imagine that there is at least pre discussion of questions, what they want to draw out, what they think/how they are going to say it  etc. so they get want they want to edit, and then it sall edited heavily so no clues, no spoilers, etc.  Its probably "practiced" just by way of all the discussion.   So what we see....its may not be scripted or someone telling them exactly what to say, but it has been guided and edited and by the end fairly heavily produced.  


The thing for me and I suspect others is, in the moment and moment to moment I totally just buy right into to this being completely real, unedited, etc. etc.  Every timeI run into a bit about about playing it up for a product, smoothing out a confessional, someone is sort of putting out big moves to get air time and become a survivor celebrity, whatever its like Oh yea :( its not all that real, unhappy reminder

Edited by marys1000
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On 3/12/2018 at 10:12 AM, Winston9-DT3 said:

I think they do coach them but I doubt they use cue cards.  It's really hard to read from a card and sound conversational.  BB uses them, I think, and people always sound phony. 

I think this gal has her eyes darting around because she's trying to remember her prompt and sound conversational, and it's hard for her.  That's just my guess.  I think she was probably cast more for her butt than her brains, but who knows.  

LOL that's Jenna and SIGH I admit for shallow reason she has a nice butt. You're possibly spot on 

Jeff Probst talk to EW.



On Donathon.


"As for Donathan thus far, I couldn’t be happier for us, or for him. People are really taken by his approach to the game, which I think is heavily influenced by his life experiences. He is simultaneously playing the game while making new — and what I think he hopes will be true — friendships. It’s rare to see this happen on our show. It makes me happy. He would make a great winner. People would love that!"


On Stephanie.


"I liked her gameplay. I wish she had lasted longer. She had even more game than I thought in casting. She was really good with Jacob in how she handled him, and she was very driven by her kids to do well in the game. I don’t think there is much doubt that had she been on the right side of the numbers she would have been a very strong force in her alliance. Unfortunately, Survivor is a zero-sum game and that means almost everybody loses. Stephanie would be great to have back again."


This has me concerned for the rest of the season.


"We get to know a couple players a bit more, there’s a crazy blindfold challenge and another riveting Tribal Council. I will go ahead and say it — this is one of my all-time favorite seasons and I am optimistic it will be for Survivor fans too."

Edited by LanceM

"We get to know a couple players a bit more, there’s a crazy blindfold challenge and another riveting Tribal Council. I will go ahead and say it — this is one of my all-time favorite seasons and I am optimistic it will be for Survivor fans too."

Should we take bets as to whether the blindfold challenge will result in a concussion, nasty forehead gash, or both?  Riveting TC probably equals a game of telephone and idols/advantages coming out (I'm guessing a combo of Parvati/Tony/Malcolm in those fateful TC during their respective seasons). 

I remember when Jeff briefly showed up on The Know It Alls live, and said something to the effect of he hoped fans didn't hate this season or weren't mad at them.  I assumed there would be idols and advantages out the wazoo, so I thought it was because of that.  But if Jeff loves this season, I'll probably hate it in the end. 

On 3/22/2018 at 7:01 PM, LanceM said:

Jeff Probst talk to EW.



On Donathon.


"As for Donathan thus far, I couldn’t be happier for us, or for him. People are really taken by his approach to the game, which I think is heavily influenced by his life experiences. He is simultaneously playing the game while making new — and what I think he hopes will be true — friendships. It’s rare to see this happen on our show. It makes me happy. He would make a great winner. People would love that!"


On Stephanie.


"I liked her gameplay. I wish she had lasted longer. She had even more game than I thought in casting. She was really good with Jacob in how she handled him, and she was very driven by her kids to do well in the game. I don’t think there is much doubt that had she been on the right side of the numbers she would have been a very strong force in her alliance. Unfortunately, Survivor is a zero-sum game and that means almost everybody loses. Stephanie would be great to have back again."


This has me concerned for the rest of the season.


"We get to know a couple players a bit more, there’s a crazy blindfold challenge and another riveting Tribal Council. I will go ahead and say it — this is one of my all-time favorite seasons and I am optimistic it will be for Survivor fans too."

Translation: end of the season is an all guy F6 with Alpha Males I slobber over like the orgasm I got in last week's episode over Chris

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4 minutes ago, jay741982 said:

I will go ahead and say it — this is one of my all-time favorite seasons

Translation: end of the season is an all guy F6 with Alpha Males I slobber over like the orgasm I got in last week's episode over Chris

Oh, I wouldn’t get in a knot about it; with Peachy, the current season is ALWAYS one of his “all-time favorite seasons”.  ;>

  • Love 8
On 3/9/2018 at 3:58 PM, LanceM said:

Well Jeff Probst recently weighed an all winners season.



He is all for the idea, except....

“An all-winners season is definitely a possibility,” the Emmy-winning host, 56, tells Us. “To-date, we don’t have enough winners that we think are compelling and that are willing to come back and play again. We haven’t gotten there yet.”


Curiously this seems to be the exact same reason he gave when asked this a few years ago. And I think we all know he means not enough "compelling" female winners that he wants back. Personally I think such a season will never happen.

To me that's Probst speak for:  1) everyone's asking for money; 2) no one will commit without money; and 3) the only women who are "compelling" are those who look good in bikinis.

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1 hour ago, higotvee said:

37 is all newbies - two tribes. 38 isn't all newbies.

Is this for sure?  I had heard they were toying with the idea of making one of those seasons half newbies/half returning players (either FvsF or BvsW).  But last I heard it sounded like they weren't going that route. 

Truthfully, I could do without a returning player season, especially since S40 will probably be a full returning player season.

1 hour ago, KimberStormer said:

I never pay attention to the Day X graphic so it's news to me that they have tribal every day.  I always thought it was every three days.  What is this craziness?  How did it change and when??

I don't either, but I'm pretty sure it's just for the 20-player seasons if there are no evacuations. They're always closer together over the last few days and eventually every day, but it varies how long for. Last season it was every three days then one days 36/37/38. Game Changers was weirdly all over the map, with 2 or 3 day gaps right the way through, then TCs Day 32/33/35/36/37/38. MvGx was every three days but then, yeah, 33/34/35/36/37/38. Kaoh Rong was, according to Wikipedia 32/34(evac)/37 - so five days without a TC, but they had 18 and lots of evacuations, from memory? Cambodia was again every 2/3 days earlier but then 35/36/37/38. WA was normal then days 35/37/38. Same with SJDS. Cagayan was Days 36/37/38. 

It seems to depend on the gimmick, number of players to start and evacs/quits. 

(This post brought to you by Wikipedia and just how little I want to get off my couch and cook dinner right now. Heh.)

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4 hours ago, MissEwa said:

I don't either, but I'm pretty sure it's just for the 20-player seasons if there are no evacuations. They're always closer together over the last few days and eventually every day, but it varies how long for. Last season it was every three days then one days 36/37/38. Game Changers was weirdly all over the map, with 2 or 3 day gaps right the way through, then TCs Day 32/33/35/36/37/38. MvGx was every three days but then, yeah, 33/34/35/36/37/38. Kaoh Rong was, according to Wikipedia 32/34(evac)/37 - so five days without a TC, but they had 18 and lots of evacuations, from memory? Cambodia was again every 2/3 days earlier but then 35/36/37/38. WA was normal then days 35/37/38. Same with SJDS. Cagayan was Days 36/37/38. 

It seems to depend on the gimmick, number of players to start and evacs/quits. 

(This post brought to you by Wikipedia and just how little I want to get off my couch and cook dinner right now. Heh.)

That's a great breakdown. I know in the early days it was every 3 days like clock work. I'm not sure when it changed. Perhaps when they went from the normal 16 to 18 and then to 20 cast. By the time they get to Day 35 I think the Survivor players and production are over it and want to get it in the can. Oddly enough, I always notice the day count but I don't know if I've ever realized towards the end it was that rush or if it's even presented that way.

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8 hours ago, ByaNose said:

That's a great breakdown. I know in the early days it was every 3 days like clock work. I'm not sure when it changed. Perhaps when they went from the normal 16 to 18 and then to 20 cast. By the time they get to Day 35 I think the Survivor players and production are over it and want to get it in the can. Oddly enough, I always notice the day count but I don't know if I've ever realized towards the end it was that rush or if it's even presented that way.

Taking this to Past seasons chat because it's probably getting a bit off-topic here.

On 4/23/2018 at 1:22 PM, LadyChatts said:

Is this for sure?  I had heard they were toying with the idea of making one of those seasons half newbies/half returning players (either FvsF or BvsW).  But last I heard it sounded like they weren't going that route. 

Truthfully, I could do without a returning player season, especially since S40 will probably be a full returning player season.

Yuppee. It's both newbies and returning players. Ali, Michael, and Eddie will be on.

1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said:

Should someone start a spoiler thread for next season? If there are rumors about who's on then they're probably considered spoilers.

I did start a spoiler thread for S37, but it probably got buried.  So far there's nothing spoilery in there, and last I heard it was all newbies anyway for S37.  S38 still seemed up in the air for newbies or returning players, and that season hasn't started filming yet (will likely start in June, so I'm sure we'll at least know the returning players if that's the case).  S37 should be almost done filming. 

Edited by LadyChatts

There's a new Survivor blog that looks to be one hell of an interesting experiment.  The blogger is re-watching and rating every* episode...but in random order.  Well, mostly random.  He says on one page that he's going to manually enforce a rule that puts at least 3 sessions between episodes from the same season, and that GI isn't in the rotation at all until it's over (so a couple more weeks).

There's only his first review up right now.  And it's for S30E11 (the one after The Auction).  An auspicious start.


*Not including reunions, recaps, and other special episodes.

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That does sound like a good idea, but "the episode picked by RNGesus" stipulation would probably be too confusing for a newbie.  Keeping casts and rules straight seems complicated enough under these circumstances, even if you've already seen it all once.

A standard in-order comparison blog with one re-watcher and one first-watcher does sound great and I would subscribe to that one too.


The only one I'd watch would probably be a Gay of Thrones style Survivor recap series, or something equally funny. 

The problem with that blog is only the highest echelon of Survivor nerd is going to remember what he's talking about.  I read that entry and my mind is like, "Ashley?  Natalie?  I don't remember these people.  Therefore I don't care."  Well, and it's also a problem that he's not funny to me, but few recappers are.  My apologies if that writer is someone here.  

2 hours ago, ByaNose said:

Since I don't care about spoilers I read the article, So the safe version. Two idiots from the next season violated their Non Disclosure Agreement and have posted pictures of them together. I won't give the names because I don't want to spoil things, but the two geniuses could forfeit their prize money and might be hit with a contract violation worth $5 million. I would be shocked if either happen but I am not expecting much gamesmen ship out of either of these geniuses. Nothing in their picture indicates that they were allied or where they went out but there is always that possibility that the picture indicates that they worked together in the game.

15 minutes ago, ProfCrash said:

Since I don't care about spoilers I read the article, So the safe version. Two idiots from the next season violated their Non Disclosure Agreement and have posted pictures of them together. I won't give the names because I don't want to spoil things, but the two geniuses could forfeit their prize money and might be hit with a contract violation worth $5 million. I would be shocked if either happen but I am not expecting much gamesmen ship out of either of these geniuses. Nothing in their picture indicates that they were allied or where they went out but there is always that possibility that the picture indicates that they worked together in the game.

They could have done more than work together 

Yeah, if you read to much into it your hear might spin. Are they on the same tribe? Do they hook up on the show? At Ponderosa? While on jury? You live and die with social media on Survivor. I didn’t even like when the whole Dirty 30 was created. That said, I didn’t think they posted pictures of each other together. The current season (mostly pre jury) would post a picture or two as each was voted out. If they had done it beforehand it would have ruined the “storylines”. IMO! I think TPTB need to make an example of these two. They should take their prize money away. They were told beforehand about social media and they must know the history of the show. Stupid kids. LOL!!!!


I liked the caption in the photo (it was as though it was directed at TPTB).  I had posted this in the spoiler thread in case anyone wanted to openly discuss the two contestants in question, but I'm curious if they did something to royally piss off production.  Last season GI contestants were showing up at charity events and cast parties, and Seabass/Jenna had their own IG account before the cast was revealed.  I thought they had just given up on their SM rules. 

I'm guessing invisible or terrible edits. 

Edited by LadyChatts
30 minutes ago, GaT said:

I would think so, especially with the "F*** it" caption. Not everybody gets money, right? I'm guessing these 2 had nothing to lose (except for the 5 million)

They all get money. It’s starts out about $2,500 for first boot and increases from there. They also all get an extra $10,000 for showing up for the finale. It ain’t a million or a $100,000 (2nd place) but for some it could equal a years salary. Especially, if you make the jury. 

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2 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

They all get money. It’s starts out about $2,500 for first boot and increases from there. They also all get an extra $10,000 for showing up for the finale. It ain’t a million or a $100,000 (2nd place) but for some it could equal a years salary. Especially, if you make the jury. 

Then I'm guessing we know who the 1st & 2nd eliminations are LOL

46 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

They all get money. It’s starts out about $2,500 for first boot and increases from there. They also all get an extra $10,000 for showing up for the finale. It ain’t a million or a $100,000 (2nd place) but for some it could equal a years salary. Especially, if you make the jury. 

Let’s see if they even get invited to the reunio show.  It’ll be interesting if there’s a big clamp down on overall SM usage this coming season because of this.

52 minutes ago, GaT said:

Then I'm guessing we know who the 1st & 2nd eliminations are LOL

That's the problem now that these stupid kids did this. I'm old so I say kids. LOL!!! Now, with them posting it (if TMZ hadn't I wouldn't have known or cared) a lot of people will be reading too much in to everything with them. If they stay a long time it will be like, "Do they make jury?" and, other stuff like that. I think that's why the new cast are told not to post until the cast is announced which is about a month before the season starts. I am curious to see how it plays out with production. Will they make an example out of them? Ignore it? Edit them out altogether as payback?

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