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Survivor In The Media

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I swear every season there is someone on the cast who has the highest ever!  Also there is always someone (usually an attractive young women)  who Probst wouldn't be shocked if they were voted out first or they go far in the game. I think he named several of them this season.

Here Jeff talks about the cast with ET Canada.


lol at the number one criteria this season be that they are all "superfans" when it is clear that atleast half  of them are not.

Edited by LanceM
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It's why I'm glad to have Andy Dinehart.  Wigler, Holmes, and Ross are just so far up Probst's ass that they are never going to call him out for this crap.  I sometimes wondered if Probst was just playing along with what the network wants, but what shred of that feeling I had went away after KR.  This is definitely just his way of getting the outcome he wants and trying to make as many moments as possible regardless if they screw over a contestant or not.  Pretty soon we'll have an advantage known as 'the host overrides the vote completely and votes out who they want, even if they aren't an actual contestant'.  This is why we get such obnoxious super fans that want to make a career out of being a professional Survivor contestant.  Probst being made producer was the worst thing to happen to this show.

TAR doesn't always get it right, but damn, it hurts that show has to fight to stay alive.  

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On 1/31/2015 at 8:52 AM, Oholibamah said:

Shirin is my pre-season favorite for shiz.

I also like Max and Tyler. And So is so-so, but I am predisposed toward Asian-female contestants, so she is among my favorites for the time being.

Jenn seems hilariously dry, but we will see if that translates on the island or if she just gets edited into nothingness. I like pretty much all of the women, come to think of it, except maybe Hali. But even she's fine.

The men, OTOH, may test my patience. We will see. I took a risk and picked Dan for my pool because I think he seems like a nice guy, but I reckon he's not long for this world.

I don't know why this thread randomly opened on page 4 instead of the beginning or end, but in trying to get to the bottom of the page to click to the end, I saw this.

HAHAHAHAHA. Definitely goes to show that pre-show assumptions can be way off. 


LOL. He loves Michael, the ultra-buff 18-year-old who looks 28 and plans to lie about his age. He also likes Desiree and thinks she could win it all, which is worrisome since I pre-like her a lot and now I feel she's doomed. And of course he loves Sebastian, the hippie surfer Ozzie wannabe. He spent a lot of time on James (highest IQ of any Survivor player ever!) and Wendell and Jacob. There was a whole bunch of 'em towards the end of the video who didn't get more than a couple of words said about them, like Jeff could barely remember who they were. Good lord, this cast is huge.

Let me guess that most of these were women over 25 and men without visible pecs. 

I also have to remind myself that he spent a lot of pre-show interviews talking up Dr. Mike from last season, who went on to be rather a non-entity even though he went deep in the game. So if he has a "kooky" favorite, it doesn't necessarily mean that person is going to be consequential in any way.

I'm not bothering to watch his assessment, it's always a waste of time and always a reminder how he only has use for a certain segment of the population.

  • Love 6

The alpha male stuff is ridiculous. While there have been some times that I was sad certain ones were targeted but it is all about the game play and to cite giving providers a better chance and only list men just reiterates Probst's ridiculous boys club. 

The part that really gets me from that article though is this: 


“These are our 20 best people and they’re younger than normal, and they’re a more attractive cast than normal. Okay! That part wasn’t by design. I think fans know that, otherwise we would just cast models and bartenders all of the time. But I like this group a lot. I don’t think the audience is going to be disappointed with our choices of storytellers.” (Hollywood Reporter)

Actually that is one of the parts of the show which has frustrated me more and more as the years go by. I don't want a cast that all fits a certain type - the diversity is what makes it so interesting. I don't want this to become a model/dating show. ugh. 

  • Love 3
41 minutes ago, ljenkins782 said:

I don't know why this thread randomly opened on page 4 instead of the beginning or end, but in trying to get to the bottom of the page to click to the end, I saw this.

HAHAHAHAHA. Definitely goes to show that pre-show assumptions can be way off. 

Let me guess that most of these were women over 25 and men without visible pecs. 

I also have to remind myself that he spent a lot of pre-show interviews talking up Dr. Mike from last season, who went on to be rather a non-entity even though he went deep in the game. So if he has a "kooky" favorite, it doesn't necessarily mean that person is going to be consequential in any way.

I'm not bothering to watch his assessment, it's always a waste of time and always a reminder how he only has use for a certain segment of the population.

Good point.  And he loved the World's Apart Cast so much, and I'd say they are probably bottom 10 (or 5) for a lot of people.  So whatever Probst says, believe the opposite.  I can see where he liked Dr. Mike, and I'm thankful he didn't get more airtime than he did.  But these assessments are pre-show, aren't they?  So basically Probst doesn't  even know how they are going to come across on TV, he just sees how they suck up to him in the beginning as some obnoxious super fan that becomes invisible once the game doesn't go their way.

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Former 'Survivor' contestant revived with Narcan, accused of DUI


Wow.  Awful news. She should thank the heavens above that she is a) still alive and b) did not hurt and or kill anyone on the road that night. I hope she gets the help that it sounds like definitely needs.

  • Love 1
14 hours ago, Katmai said:

Considering Jeff's penchant for Alpha Males, I'm surprised there has never been an all-male season, but then he probably couldn't handle his excitement over it. ;)

Well, according to Probst, the reason we haven't had an all winners season is because (in his opinion) there haven't been enough quality female winners compared to the men.

If he could do an all male season, I'm sure he would.  And I continue to think, Probst reminds me of that high school athlete that played one great football game in high school and was a hero-then became forgotten, and tries to recapture that by hanging with a bunch of buff alpha males who are only nice to him because they feel sorry for him.

  • Love 4
11 minutes ago, LadyChatts said:

Well, according to Probst, the reason we haven't had an all winners season is because (in his opinion) there haven't been enough quality female winners compared to the men.

Ugh, of course he doesn't think that. Now I want a winner's season so a woman can win it and his brain can explode. 

  • Love 5
On 2/14/2018 at 6:09 PM, LanceM said:

Former 'Survivor' contestant revived with Narcan, accused of DUI


Wow.  Awful news. She should thank the heavens above that she is a) still alive and b) did not hurt and or kill anyone on the road that night. I hope she gets the help that it sounds like definitely needs.

Very bad situation for Jenna all the way around.  I agree, sounds like she needs major help.  Very sorry to hear this.

  • Love 2

That's if Probst even casts Michele.  I just can't get over how hung up he is on her win.  I didn't even like her as a winner, but there have been many winners I haven't liked or agreed with.  I move on.  Someone on the next season is bound to shift my focus to them for all the wrong reasons as it is.  Even some winners I was fully behind (Mike Holloway for example) I now give a big 'meh' to.  I didn't care that he won, I'm just glad he stuck it to that mega alliance by winning.  

Edited by LadyChatts
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Castaways share their least favorite castaways (Phillip, Debbie, and Russell were mentioned the most).  One castaway said anyone that was boring and invisible, and yoga Stephanie didn't want to play with the men who bullied.  I like Sebastian now simply because he mentioned Cochran.


And the players they would most want to play with in the future (okay, Sebastian lost me again for saying Rupert).  Cirie won this round.  Kind of surprised by some of the answers (Elisabeth?)


Side note, but in the least favorite video, Michael said he's never been hungry, tired, or played with a bunch of crazy people.  Does he know what show he signed up for?

Edited by LadyChatts
On 2/14/2018 at 7:09 PM, LanceM said:

Former 'Survivor' contestant revived with Narcan, accused of DUI


Wow.  Awful news. She should thank the heavens above that she is a) still alive and b) did not hurt and or kill anyone on the road that night. I hope she gets the help that it sounds like definitely needs.

The article said she was "recently on The Amazing Race."  she was?  Granted, I haven't yet finished watching the last couple of episodes, was she part of a challenge or something?  I certainly don't recall her being a contestant.

On 2/1/2018 at 6:57 PM, LanceM said:

Holmes: We’re giving them less food. Why?

Probst: Our philosophy on the show is that we have to stay ahead of it. We might leave some money on the table by jumping to the next idea. But we never want to get caught shortchanged. It’s been bothering me for the last few years that it’s been easy to get rid of a provider like an Ozzy or a Malcolm or a Culpepper because they have enough

I don't recall any of these people being eliminated because the tribe had enough food.  They all made jury or the finals.  They were eliminated because of being threats.  The eliminations after the merge were when rewards got pretty good, plentiful food, and there was a reward challenge every 3 days.  The players likely gambled on getting an reward, and could survive without food, if necessary, for a couple days.

  • Love 2
9 minutes ago, Hanahope said:

The article said she was "recently on The Amazing Race."  she was?  Granted, I haven't yet finished watching the last couple of episodes, was she part of a challenge or something?  I certainly don't recall her being a contestant.

She was on The Amazing Race with Ethan (season 3 winner) but that was a while back. It's possible the writer meant that was her most recent reality TV appearance.

31 minutes ago, Hanahope said:

The article said she was "recently on The Amazing Race."  she was?  Granted, I haven't yet finished watching the last couple of episodes, was she part of a challenge or something?  I certainly don't recall her being a contestant.

I don't recall any of these people being eliminated because the tribe had enough food.  They all made jury or the finals.  They were eliminated because of being threats.  The eliminations after the merge were when rewards got pretty good, plentiful food, and there was a reward challenge every 3 days.  The players likely gambled on getting an reward, and could survive without food, if necessary, for a couple days.

Exactly.  People like Ozzy, Joe, and Malcolm are never going to win this game because no one wants to sit next to them in the finals.  And frankly Probst can blame the stupid twist during GC for Malcolm's latest ouster.  As much as I love those 3, they don't really have the best social games.  Malcolm probably has the best of the 3, and I think would possibly stand the best chance of making the final 3.  But no one will let Ozzy and Joe get anywhere near the end.  Plus, I don't even think Ozzy cares about winning anymore.  He seems way more into the experience of Survivor and wanting to last long for that reason over winning.  

And in terms of food, there are other sources besides fish.  That seemed to be the best thing Joe and Ozzy did in terms of providing.

Gordon Holmes with some behind the scene tidbits from his time on location for the first 3 days.



Behind-the-Scenes Tidbit: That was absolutely the right call by Chris. From my vantage point Laurel was way ahead.

Behind-the-Scenes Tidbit: Michael was in terrible shape after this challenge. Medical was almost called in.


Behind-the-Scenes Tidbit: Here are the votes…

• Gonzalez votes for Donathan, saying they have to keep the tribe strong.
• Donathan votes for Gonzalez, saying he’s tired of his voice not being heard.
• Libby votes for Gonzalez, saying “I guess you’re not part of the ‘we’.”
• James votes for Gonzalez, saying “It’s not you, it’s the game.”
• Steph votes for Gonzalez, saying there’s only room for one Steph. Also, Steph forgot to remove the pen cap when voting.
• Brendan votes for Gonzalez, saying he’s trying to keep order in the tribe.
• Jenna votes for Gonzalez, saying this is what she gets for trying to plot against her.
• Michael votes for Gonzalez, simply saying he’s sorry to see her go.
• Laurel votes for Gonzalez, saying she’s playing too hard, too fast.

Behind-the-Scenes Tidbit: As Gonzalez was leaving she said, “One lion, seven sheep. Sad.” I’m pretty sure she was referring to Brendan as the lion.

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Gordon Holmes talks to Jeff Probst ( this was done after tribal council, which is why Andrea is there as well)


Gordon Holmes: Whispering at Tribal Council has become more and more common at Tribal. Do you like it because it adds an air of mystery, or are you worried that we’re going to miss something important?

Jeff Probst: I like it…it’s funny…I’ve never thought of either of the two things that you just said. I don’t worry about it all because I trust that they’re going to do what they want to do anyway. And in terms of the mystery, it’s cool because it adds doubt to what you think is locked in. But mainly, I like that it’s what I would do. You don’t get a second chance. I like that Gonzalez stood up. I was shocked. When I asked if we were ready to vote, she shot her hand up. My first thought was, “Wow, this is a real thing that’s going to happen from time to time.”

Holmes: She did not consent.

Probst: No, she didn’t.


No surprise here that Jeff likes it. I also appreciate the Hali Ford, (I didn't consent) reference by Gordon.


Holmes: Settle a bet with me and Boehlke. In the beginning of the game, when you introduce people and say, “You in the red shirt, what’s your name?” Do you do that in case they want to use a different name?
Probst: Yeah.
Holmes: You hear that, Andrea?
Boehlke: No it’s not!
Holmes: He just said it!
Probst: Whatever you want to do, I don’t say, “Hey, Andrea.”
Boehlke: I thought it was so they could introduce themselves.
Probst: Why does nobody ever believe me when I give an answer?


I have always assumed this was the reason he asks them their names as well.


Holmes: Who else impressed you tonight?
Probst: Brendan is a legit threat. He’s gifted. He can answer a question in a way that keeps him safe but lets other people know he’s still strong. He’s complimentary to other people. He seems like a natural leader. I thought James…really like James. He’s such a contrast to everyone on his tribe. He really does analyze every little thing. And he does it so fast that to him it must seem normal. I like Libby a lot. I think she’s a sleeper. You can miss what she’s doing. I wouldn’t be surprised if she returns two or three times.


Brendan: Check. 

James: Check

Libby: ??????

Edited by LanceM
18 hours ago, LanceM said:

Behind-the-Scenes Tidbit: Michael was in terrible shape after this challenge. Medical was almost called in.

I thought Michael looked like he was about to pass out. I was really surprised he had such a hard time since he's 18 and appears in good shape. Sebastian seemed to have a hard time too though, which was also surprising. That just didn't look like it was that hard of a challenge. And they were still well fed and energetic since it was the first day. Doesn't bode well for future challenges tbh.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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2 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

I thought Michael looked like he was about to pass out. I was really surprised he had such a hard time since he's 18 and appears in good shape. Sebastian seemed to have a hard time too though, which was also surprising. That just didn't look like it was that hard of a challenge. And they were still well fed and energetic since it was the first day. Doesn't bode well for future challenges tbh.

But Michael has learned to perfect the eye-roll, so he can go anytime in my opinion.

3 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

I thought Michael looked like he was about to pass out. I was really surprised he had such a hard time since he's 18 and appears in good shape. Sebastian seemed to have a hard time too though, which was also surprising. That just didn't look like it was that hard of a challenge. And they were still well fed and energetic since it was the first day. Doesn't bode well for future challenges tbh.

They’re young and they’re noobs, so this was quite probably their very first real-life experience with honest-to-god dehydration - a helluva lot different than the air-conditioned gym back home, anyway, where a top-off for your water bottle is almost always within arm’s reach.


Do TPTB require contestants to have social media accounts?  I was looking for Angela's on twitter but couldn't find one.  

The search did find this though - has anyone ever attended?   I would love to go, I'm not that far!
Angela Perkins of Mason poses with fans at a watch party at Buffalo Wings and Rings celebrating her appearance on the CBS series Survivor. @journalnews

more, an article with fomer survivor contestants attending

“Every week it will change and there will be more and more added to it,” Bates said. “Our plan is to stay close to Angela, and she will be here 10 times this season.”

Also joining Perkins at the watch party were Rodger Bingham from “Survivor The Australian Outback (season 2),” Marcus Lehman from “Survivor Gabon (season 17)” and Matt Bischoff, who appeared in “Survivor Caramoan (season 26).”

Buffalo Wings and Rings in Mason held a watch party for local resident Angela Perkins who is a contestant on the CBS series “Survivor: Ghost Island.” Staff Writer

Bingham joked that he was “the old guy” of the group, but he was excited to see Perkins doing well on the show.

“I tried to borrow some money from her earlier because I figured she’s won but she wouldn’t say,” he said.

Lehman said Wednesday’s episode was a good show and he was glad to see Perkins get plenty of support.

Bischoff was a popular target for photos with his long beard, including one extension dangling below his knee. He agreed with the two other “Survivor” alums in attendance that the experience was well worth repeating.

Edited by marys1000

I believe Angela has IG, but it's private (smart girl).  I don't think they force the contestants to have SM, but I do know several castaways signed up for an account this season.  TPTB must just encourage it as a way to interact with fans and keep the season's profile up, and the castaways themselves might enjoy that.  I guess their days of SM bans while the season is airing are over.  There have been some former Survivors who had twitter during their season and then deleted it as soon as their season was over.

I think those parties might be open invite unless it says otherwise.  

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Also - who pays to fly 3 survivors around to various view parties? I'm assuming they make appearances for money and then there is also travel. 

 Last week Donathan's view party didn't have any that I know of.  Of course its about 4 hours from the nearest airport so maybe that's why:)  

Edit after googling
So Rodger Bingham is in Kentucky apparently which isn't far, since he got fired maybe he could use the money:)

Marcus Lehman and Matt Bischoff are from Cinncinnati - same town practically

so travel wise that makes sense.  

Edited by marys1000
On 3/2/2018 at 7:46 PM, peachmangosteen said:

I thought Michael looked like he was about to pass out. I was really surprised he had such a hard time since he's 18 and appears in good shape. Sebastian seemed to have a hard time too though, which was also surprising. That just didn't look like it was that hard of a challenge. And they were still well fed and energetic since it was the first day. Doesn't bode well for future challenges tbh.

It's always the more fit young guys who suffer the most at first with dehydration. See Guatemala.

  • Love 1

Well Jeff Probst recently weighed an all winners season.



He is all for the idea, except....

“An all-winners season is definitely a possibility,” the Emmy-winning host, 56, tells Us. “To-date, we don’t have enough winners that we think are compelling and that are willing to come back and play again. We haven’t gotten there yet.”


Curiously this seems to be the exact same reason he gave when asked this a few years ago. And I think we all know he means not enough "compelling" female winners that he wants back. Personally I think such a season will never happen.

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I don’t think the problem is not getting enough winners interested, even current winners.  I just don’t think it’s the winners they want to return (along the likes of Parvati, Boston Rob, and Cochran, for starters).  Add that to the fact that Probst can’t get over the KR finale and will probably never allow an all winners season to happen until his man crush Culpepper wins.  

I can see one happening sooner or later.  I’d rather that or another second chance season over some random game changers crap fest again.

Edited by LadyChatts
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On 3/1/2018 at 6:35 PM, LanceM said:


Holmes: Who else impressed you tonight?
Probst: Brendan is a legit threat. He’s gifted. He can answer a question in a way that keeps him safe but lets other people know he’s still strong. He’s complimentary to other people. He seems like a natural leader. I thought James…really like James. He’s such a contrast to everyone on his tribe. He really does analyze every little thing. And he does it so fast that to him it must seem normal. I like Libby a lot. I think she’s a sleeper. You can miss what she’s doing. I wouldn’t be surprised if she returns two or three times.


Brendan: Check. 

James: Check

Libby: ??????

Shocker of shockers, the previously unknown Libby turns out to be an attractive young woman.

On 3/9/2018 at 11:49 PM, Winston9-DT3 said:

I don't think they'll ever get 18-20 winners.  They couldn't get 6 a couple years ago. 

The show and most of the winners are too old.  It would be like geriatric Survivor, if they ever did it.  

Most of them aren't THAT old.  Hatch, Tina Wesson, Vecepia, Tom Westman, yes, they're all pushing 60 and obviously Bob Crowley is pushing 70.   Ethan, Sandra, Chris Daughtry, Yul, Earl, Boston Rob and Tony Vlachos are in their forties, Heidik is 50.  All the others are 20's and 30's.

It'll never happen. Best case, Probst squeezes in people who made it to Day 39, go heavy on alpha male winners, and cross his fingers that one of them wins and ties Sandra. Or maybe he'll bring in 16-20 dudes. I respect most winners, but I like the ones that won despite being female or not being Probst's idea of a "man's man," like silver-haired Tom, Earl the last minute substitute, Bob for obvious reasons. I'd add Cochran, but he was a funny beta, which Probst seems to tolerate. If he didn't, Cochran would not have crashed Game Changers to give "advice."

Edited by Lantern7

Found this catch on another much more general tv forum.  So, I guess its not surprising that these are not actually extraneous but scripted and practiced and - you get help from production when you pause.  And look at her eyes the way they constantly go from one side (probably the coaching producer) to the other (probably cue cards).  Still you forget and try to believe it actually is a reality tv show and not like what you see on Unreal. 

So right around 1:03 you can hear someone off screen say "you find a crack" which she repeats 

Edited by marys1000

I think they do coach them but I doubt they use cue cards.  It's really hard to read from a card and sound conversational.  BB uses them, I think, and people always sound phony. 

I think this gal has her eyes darting around because she's trying to remember her prompt and sound conversational, and it's hard for her.  That's just my guess.  I think she was probably cast more for her butt than her brains, but who knows.  

12 hours ago, Lantern7 said:

It'll never happen. Best case, Probst squeezes in people who made it to Day 39, go heavy on alpha male winners, and cross his fingers that one of them wins and ties Sandra.


I wouldn't mind a runner-up season, actually.  No winners, but all folks who came in second (or third?).  Unless there would be too many goats/repeat offenders? 

I'm thinking like Sabrina, Aubrey, Courtney, Ken McNickle (YMMV), Chrissy, maybe Woo, Spencer, Tasha -- but please, please, no Russell Hantz, Ozzy, or Coach!

Edited by Special K
  • Love 5

I've always wanted a pre-jury version.  I wish their original idea for S34 (winners/runners up/pre-jury) had happened instead of game changers.  But I'd go for another fan voted second chance season.  I really loved people who hadn't played again getting a shot.  My only thing is, it will probably be heavy on the post-WA era.  I'd be surprised if we got many, if any, players from the pre-HvsV time frame.  

  • Love 4
9 hours ago, Winston9-DT3 said:

I think this gal has her eyes darting around because she's trying to remember her prompt and sound conversational, and it's hard for her.  That's just my guess.  I think she was probably cast more for her butt than her brains, but who knows.  

Actually, this could be partly why we don't hear many confessionals from some people, early on, and sometimes ever.  They need a lot of practice before they can speak comfortably and believably in front of the camera?

There are lots of audible producer questions in the secret scenes.  I don't see anything "scripted" about prompts of this kind.  And plenty of people's eyes look around while they're thinking out loud and on the spot.

Anyway, if you enjoy thinking everything is totally fake and scripted and you can tell by the pixels, I think you will enjoy this:

  • Love 4

Oh I think there is some level of scripting and some fakery, but have no idea how much.  Doesn't mean I think its all fake or that I wear a tin hat.  But hey, you believe that its all totally unrehearsed, everything is done in one shot and the editing is somehow done miraculously and the who show 100% unmanipulated from casting to end if it makes you happy. 

  • Love 1
8 hours ago, KimberStormer said:

There are lots of audible producer questions in the secret scenes. 

To me, there's a difference between producer prompts and a producer interrupting in a pause and actually whispering to them what words to say next.  Though I actually don't hear it in that clip of Jenna.  

Listening to it again, she sounds pretty 'off the cuff' to me, especially about the complaining.  And I do cast my eyes around when I talk to people, too.  And I'm not particularly stupid, so maybe I'm judging her too soon.  

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