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S06.E06: Hamptons, 90210

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I think any one of us would have been embarrassed and irritated if it looked as if we had been publicly ditched by our friends. Add the fact that this was being filmed and I see absolutely nothing wrong with her feeling that way. 


All of these women have carefully crafted their persona's and expect everyone including their CHILDREN to support that persona. Kyle films with Portia to support her persona of a down to earth mom of young children who happens to live in Beverly Hills. Eileen films with Vince and her son to support the persona of a hard working soap actress who still manages to juggle marriage and children. Lisa Rinna films with her daughters to show how "cool" and still with it she is even though she is a mom on the hustle. Don't even get me started on Yolanda.


So, as far as I am concerned, Lisa had every right to feel put out by the rudeness of them not even bothering to give her a head's up.


If the situation were reversed, any ONE of these women would have been just as miffed as Lisa was.


I have had this happen to me, by supposed "friends"....arranged to meet for lunch with three other women (errr....bitches).  This happened before cell phones and text messaging.  Went to the restaurant we all agreed on at the proper time.  Told the hostess "There will be four of us", and was seated.  Proceeded to sit and stall the waiter, ordered a drink, nursed it for 35 minutes, all the while, looking like a fool.  Finally, I left, embarrassed, ashamed and almost in tears.  


Called one of the "friends" when I got home and left her a message.  She called three hours later, saying "they all changed their minds and decided to go somewhere else, and they FORGOT to call me".  I was like "What??  You didn't realize when you were sitting at the other restaurant that there was an EMPTY chair?  You couldn't have called the restaurant where I was and let me know of the change of plans?  Seriously??"


That was the last time I spoke to any of them!!  

Edited by njbchlover
  • Love 22

There was no reason why Eileen and Kyle couldn't have given Lisa a better heads-up that they were relocating, and wouldn't be at the hotel when she arrived. Kyle's nervous giggle when the Post-it was mentioned showed that she knew it was on the foul side not to call.


​Right, but production would have told her Lisa would be calling, as to make sure Kyle would be available, and because their calls are put on speaker. It sounded like Kyle was already upset when she answered the phone, imo, as if she had anticipated the conversation.


​That's what Kyle does - she drops a turd, then whines when the others ask what smells. That's been her game since S1, nothing new.


Loved the phone scene between Lisa and Erika. Those two could make for a fun, formidable pair.


The Fosters...CRINGE. Wasn't the Malibu house put up for sell quite a while back? I thought that was a big red flag as to the state of their marriage, as I can't think of any other reason except for an impending divorce as to why a couple would get rid of their supposed dream home.


Yolanda's implants were huge! I'm guessing she replaced them with new bolt-ons, because in the pics posted here it doesn't look like she's sporting pancakes with raisins. Also, did her health advocate call her "my love" when she came out of surgery?





Kyle also does that same thing that Kim does, threatens to divulge a HWs off camera info/dirt ON camera. That was exactly what she threatened to do to Lisa in her TH at the party when Kyle decided she didn't want to talk about Kim even though SHE brought it up. I guess it is a Richards trait that at least 2 of the sisters share.

  • Love 13

I'll probably sound like an ass saying this, but Yolanda's baby voice when she's on the phone with her kids drives me nuts. They're not 4, Yo. Gigi's an adult.  


I very much agree. Yolanda's baby voice in the morning with her housekeeper, then with her mom and David on the way to the hospital, and then with David and GiGi right before her surgery had me cringing and just loathing those scenes.


I thought Lisa V looked so lovely as she traveled to the Hamptons.  The sunglasses and the pale-pink coat looked amazing on her. 

  • Love 11

The rooms had probably been comped with an implicit understanding that famous people would be seen on tv occupying them, their patronage was the payment. Even if they needed to sleep elsewhere, they probably should have at least pretended to stay there. Kyle and Eileen moving out and taking the cameras with them probably cost Lisa some goodwill and credibility with the fawning magazine industry.

The problem with that is this was a D list party, maybe even an F lister.    Nobody cares or has heard of Bella magazine either.  According to that blogger that went, it was a crapfest.   A shoehorn and a bag of pasta in the gift bag?    Luann and drunk Dorinda were there?    That is an invite that anyone worth it deleted.

  • Love 9

Yeah the lack of food alone was so low rent.  A cookie with Lisa's face?  She should be grateful the other women showed up at all.


I give her points for not checking out herself though, she probably did that night.


The reviews are funny to read through.  Ha.  "RUN from this place!"  http://www.tripadvisor.com/Hotel_Review-g48658-d2226644-Reviews-Capri-Southampton_Long_Island_New_York.html


These are worse.  No maid service, let alone fresh towels, is just one complaint.  http://www.yelp.com/biz/capri-southampton-2


Google earth is also kind of interesting, middle of nowhere, on a highway, looks like an updated Motel 6.

Edited by Umbelina
  • Love 8

The reviews of the hotel make it sound like a great place for senior week when you're in high school. Doesn't sound too great if you're over 25. I think they should have called Lisa though, instead of leaving a message.

My problem with Giggy is that he doesn't get to be a dog, and, if he's happy being held all the time, how anxiety ridden is he when Ken and Lisa go away without him. Does he sleep between them at night ? So many dog questions....

  • Love 6

Yeah the lack of food alone was so low rent.  A cookie with Lisa's face?  She should be grateful the other women showed up at all.


I totally disagree that she should be grateful they showed up. Those women knew that a VanderPump event was going to be filmed (even if it didn't end up being aired) and for all of their complaints about how tired they were and all of the stuff they had been through before they got there, they weren't going to miss out on the screen time. If it had been for any other cast member, there is no way they would have driven 5 hours, taken a red eye, or dealing with a sister being arrested again, and still showed up. They would have all had their handy excuses why they couldn't make it.  


I say that as someone who loves both Eileen and Rinna. Kyle has never been one that I liked, but I do like how infinitely snarkable she is. These women were grateful to have been invited and made every effort to be there because they knew there would be ample opportunity for filming.


Full disclosure: I believe all Housewives events have a low rent, we-invited-people-from-the-internet-to-bulk-up-the-crowd-for-filming-purposes, vibe. 

  • Love 9

I have had this happen to me, by supposed "friends"....arranged to meet for lunch with three other women (errr....bitches). This happened before cell phones and text messaging. Went to the restaurant we all agreed on at the proper time. Told the hostess "There will be four of us", and was seated. Proceeded to sit and stall the waiter, ordered a drink, nursed it for 35 minutes, all the while, looking like a fool. Finally, I left, embarrassed, ashamed and almost in tears.

Called one of the "friends" when I got home and left her a message. She called three hours later, saying "they all changed their minds and decided to go somewhere else, and they FORGOT to call me". I was like "What?? You didn't realize when you were sitting at the other restaurant that there was an EMPTY chair? You couldn't have called the restaurant where I was and let me know of the change of plans? Seriously??"

That was the last time I spoke to any of them!!

You actually were ditched - Lisa was not. The others attended the party, as planned. If this event had been for one of the other women, there is no way that Lisa V would have stayed in one of the rooms next to the noisy club. Edited by nexxie
  • Love 14

They went because they were being paid and it's in their contract.  Pretty horrible place, worse service, and it sold for 4.7 million in Feb 2015.   Basically a motel 6 with peeling paint and a "hip" try.  One guy called it a Disco with tiny rooms around it.  It's probably OK for kids who just want to party all night and pass out.




At least at Motel 6 they give you clean towels.  The Dollar Store toilet paper is my favorite though, I must admit.  Angel Soft.

Edited by Umbelina
  • Love 5

Did anyone watch Chopped last night?  One of the chefs from a West Hollywood restaurant had suffered from carbon monoxide poisoning and Lyme Disease.  She cured herself by eating avocados and drinking camels milk.  I wonder if she knows Yo?  

I did! I did! In fact, I believe I was checking these very boards while doing so... and the very same thought came to mind. 

  • Love 2

You actually were ditched - Lisa was not. The others attended the party, as planned. If this event had been for one of the other women, there is no way that Lisa V would have stayed in one of the rooms next to the noisy club.


Honestly, I think if it had only been any one of the women joining Lisa alone, they would have called or sent a text. This was either a safety in numbers thing on Kyle's part, or production specifically told both she and Eileen not to call Lisa. 


Because, while I agree that LisaV most likely would have made other arrangements if the situation was reversed, I don't believe for a minute she wouldn't at least send a text message to let the guest of honor know that she was leaving.

  • Love 5

Production wanted Lisa's reaction on camera, that's the reason for no call or text.  Period.  Lisa would have done exactly the same thing.


I don't even like Kyle (at all) but I don't fault her for leaving that place, or for giving production it's moment. 


Lisa was with Ken, it's not as if she was all alone.  I'd love to hear her real thoughts about the accommodations, but we won't.  I bet Ken was grumpy in the morning from no sleep.

  • Love 11

They went because they were being paid and it's in their contract. 

Sure, that is why all of them including Lisa V went. It was on the production schedule.


But, it doesn't change the fact that they have leeway when it comes to choosing which production events fit within their schedules. Eileen taking a red eye after putting a full day of work and family? LisaR, driving 5 hours after her QVC gig (OK to be fair, Rinna has never made any bones about hustling, so of course she would show)? Kyle? I'm not sure what Kyle's excuse was. She obviously wasn't laying low because of Kim, so let's give her the benefit of the doubt and say that she really did want to be there JUST to support Lisa. 


But, if Kyle knew she was going to be the only one there with Lisa for this filming event, she would have totally called Lisa before calling Mauricio to get her somewhere else to stay. In fact, she would have used the time alone with Lisa and Ken to film some fun shenanigans in trying to get Lisa and Ken to leave by tempting them with luxury accommodations. I can see the whole thing play out. 


Kyle would be game to tour the hotel with them, and probably even do some splits on the dance floor before suggesting they see if they could find somewhere more quiet to spend the night. 


ETA: Even if Kyle had called Mauricio before Lisa got there, there is no way that if she was the only other HW there, that she wouldn't have either called or waited for Lisa just to make sure she was filmed as being there and excited for Lisa.

Edited by MatildaMoody
  • Love 3

It was gross but sort of interesting imo - can't believe people walk around with those things!

Holy Jesus, that thing was bigger than one of my ass cheeks, man! It was, like, four of my boobs in one!


David Foster is a sleazy bastard!!  His wife is going to have her implants removed, because they are poisoning her body, and all he wants to do is grab her breast on the way to the airport??  Really??


I laughed at that; it actually seemed to me like a pretty husbandlike thing to do.

Edited by TattleTeeny
  • Love 10

I could have done without the bloody implant. Why do I recall another scene of someone's bloody surgery results on a reality show?

Just realized what it reminded me of....Alexis having that thing pulled out of her nose on RHOOC.


It also reminded of RHNJ - Wacko Jacko ---not sure what the surgery was but they showed a chicken cutlet piece of her skin with an old tattoo included on the side of the table

  • Love 3

Holy Jesus, that thing was bigger than one of my ass cheeks, man! It was, like, four of my boobs in one!


I laughed at that; it actually seemed to me like a pretty husbandlike thing to do.

On the first point, I wonder how much those things weigh - seems uncomfortable even without the leak.

On the breast-grabbing, seemed incredibly juvenile and insensitive to me - glad my husband is neither.

  • Love 3

Sure, that is why all of them including Lisa V went. It was on the production schedule.


But, it doesn't change the fact that they have leeway when it comes to choosing which production events fit within their schedules. Eileen taking a red eye after putting a full day of work and family? LisaR, driving 5 hours after her QVC gig (OK to be fair, Rinna has never made any bones about hustling, so of course she would show)? Kyle? I'm not sure what Kyle's excuse was. She obviously wasn't laying low because of Kim, so let's give her the benefit of the doubt and say that she really did want to be there JUST to support Lisa. 


But, if Kyle knew she was going to be the only one there with Lisa for this filming event, she would have totally called Lisa before calling Mauricio to get her somewhere else to stay. In fact, she would have used the time alone with Lisa and Ken to film some fun shenanigans in trying to get Lisa and Ken to leave by tempting them with luxury accommodations. I can see the whole thing play out. 


Kyle would be game to tour the hotel with them, and probably even do some splits on the dance floor before suggesting they see if they could find somewhere more quiet to spend the night. 


ETA: Even if Kyle had called Mauricio before Lisa got there, there is no way that if she was the only other HW there, that she wouldn't have either called or waited for Lisa just to make sure she was filmed as being there and excited for Lisa.


I heard Kyle say something in her TH about opening a pop-up store in the Hamptons and, if that worked out, doing one somewhere else, too. Maybe that's why she went out there, which means she probably had that house rented long ago for the pop-up store opening. 

  • Love 8

On the first point, I wonder how much those things weigh - seems uncomfortable even without the leak.


Right?! Then, I am far from Yolanda's build, especially her height, so who knows? It's not like tons of women aren't walking around with homegrown ones. But, yes, it looked like it would have made a hefty clunk when dropped onto a table!


On the breast-grabbing, seemed incredibly juvenile and insensitive to me - glad my husband is neither.


My boyfriend is not someone I'd call insensitive (juvenile sometimes, oh yes) and I would not be surprised in the least if he did that. He knows I'd probably laugh, which would be exactly why he'd do it. Obviously, a guy should "read the room" before such a gesture, but Yo didn't seem bothered by it.

  • Love 7

I totally disagree that she should be grateful they showed up. Those women knew that a VanderPump event was going to be filmed (even if it didn't end up being aired) and for all of their complaints about how tired they were and all of the stuff they had been through before they got there, they weren't going to miss out on the screen time. If it had been for any other cast member, there is no way they would have driven 5 hours, taken a red eye, or dealing with a sister being arrested again, and still showed up. They would have all had their handy excuses why they couldn't make it.  


I say that as someone who loves both Eileen and Rinna. Kyle has never been one that I liked, but I do like how infinitely snarkable she is. These women were grateful to have been invited and made every effort to be there because they knew there would be ample opportunity for filming.


Full disclosure: I believe all Housewives events have a low rent, we-invited-people-from-the-internet-to-bulk-up-the-crowd-for-filming-purposes, vibe.

So Vanderpump events are somehow more special than the events of the other women?! That's probably how Lisa V sees it, but it doesn't make sense that the others would see it that way. This is a job for all of them, and yet most probably do thank each other for coming.
  • Love 6

Well it's official.  I'm done with this show.  Still haven't caught a single episode from the beginning.  Keep forgetting it's on Tuesday nights.  Last night I didn't even remember until about an hour after it had aired. 


None of these women interests me except Lisa V.  And I can learn everything I need to by following her on Twitter.  The bickering, the pettiness, the fake EVERYthing.  I'm over it.


Y'all carry on.  I'll be over on the House Hunters forums or maybe Undercover Boss.  Stop by and say "hey" if you like.  lol

  • Love 2

Oh yikes.


Some hotels have started using washable bedspeads, but generally they are RARELY cleaned, covered in semen, fungus, MRSA, and God knows what else. 




Body fluids all over the bathroom, sheets, etc.  Carpets, shower heads, etc.  (video at site)  Also, yup, bedbugs.  MRSA in carpets.


Note, this is just one report, there are many out there on the web.


This is why I always take a box of clorox wipes and a can of lysol with me when I stay at a hotel. My husband thought I was being too paranoid because I also bring my own pillow and blankets. I just never have liked communal anything. Used to drive my mother nuts too. 

  • Love 3
Kyle was confusing-- do you want to talk about KIm or not? She brings it up, then shuts it down.Do you want to talk about it or not?


Is this that strange? Outside of a court of law, I can't think of any rule saying that someone who brings up a topic is obligated to continue talking about it. I can't even count how many times I've begun to outright vent to a friend about my own sister and her endless issues, and then changed my mind--and Kyle wasn't even venting; she just made a mention. I'd be mad too if my friends kept pressing even after I said that I didn't want to talk about it.

  • Love 19

This is why I always take a box of clorox wipes and a can of lysol with me when I stay at a hotel. My husband thought I was being too paranoid because I also bring my own pillow and blankets. I just never have liked communal anything. Used to drive my mother nuts too.

I'm with you, especially about the pillow! Do I want to use a previously-drooled-upon pillow? No, I do not.
  • Love 2

Exactly. And just because we haven't seen Lisa actively volunteering or donating to the homeless doesn't mean that she doesn't.

While they certainly have their issues - and I think the way they treat Giggy is VERY weird - I would not paint the Vanderpump-Todds are uncharitable people.

I've seen and heard of her work with lots of charities.

  • Love 11

Speaking of mental illness, Rinna says she has OCD. Do you think she really does or is that just her hilarious (/sarcasm) way of saying she likes things really clean?

I know that this has become such a common thing to say, and I am even guilty of using it that way sometimes, so I take it with a grain of salt mostly. What gets me though is the people who truly believe that OCD is literally synonymous with "neat freak" and only neat freak! Or the people who think an organization quiz on Facebook scientifically reveals "how OCD are you?" People seriously think that there's no such thing as a dirty or messy obsessive-compulsive person, or even an OCD sufferer who is completely ambivalent or average about cleaning!


She [Kyle] can't pick and choose when it suits her not to talk about Kim.


Of course she can, and rightly so.

Edited by TattleTeeny
  • Love 9

Giggy's condition was such that the breeder suggested he be put down but Lisa decided to not to do that. He has to take something like doggie Benadryl or he will scratch himself raw. I took a Benadryl yesterday and wanted to sleep all day so I get how the poor doggie is feeling sleepy and drugged. Lisa has said that around the house he wears soft onesies and not the clothes they put on him for appearances like this one. I get tired of the thought that the Vanderpump Todds abuse Giggy. He's to drugged to feel the abuse, just kidding.

  • Love 14

Is this that strange? Outside of a court of law, I can't think of any rule saying that someone who brings up a topic is obligated to continue talking about it. I can't even count how many times I've begun to outright vent to a friend about my own sister and her endless issues, and then changed my mind--and Kyle wasn't even venting; she just made a mention. I'd be mad too if my friends kept pressing even after I said that I didn't want to talk about it.

Last year in Amsterdam, Yolanda referenced, in a big way, her daughter's DUI, no one asked her if Bella paid for her own attorney, what Yolanda was doing to help her, if Bella had a drinking problem or the status of her case.  To me, from reports of the event, Kyle was referencing dealing with Kim's arrest to reporters and the fact she was worried about Kim and tired of worrying about Kim.  I don't think she meant for it to be a Q&A session about Kim. 


Regarding the pop-up store, Bravo announced it June.  There was an opening scheduled for August 10th, two days after Lisa's event.  Something tells me, Bella Magazine probably saw the announcement of Kyle's opening and put together a proposal to garner some film time.  Obviously, not a lot of money was spent on food.  It seemed they were trying to make the event friendly for the RHNYC as well as the BH wives.  So it could very well be the house was booked in advance.  Kyle's family is from Long island so I don't think she is a stranger to the Hamptons.

  • Love 8

I have no Giggy love either, and this is from someone who used to have a relative with a Pomeranian who was a wonderful dog.  However, since we know that Giggy recently died, seeing the poor thing trying and unable to get up the step it was clear to me he suffered from arthritis.  Our Lab passed away in May and he couldn't handle stairs at the end, either.  We had to use a baby gate to keep him from trying.  When Lisa and Ken were commanding him to get up the step, I was yelling, "He CAN'T!  Help him!"


Giggy didn't die, it was his father Daddio.  As far as I know, Giggy is still alive.  I think that Andy Cohen would have said something about it on WWHL if Giggy died.

They are there. But in my 16 years of living in San Diego county, I never once saw one. I saw them all the time in RI and see them in my yard here in FL all of the time

I have lived on So California whole life and have never seen a dear here. As for the Foster's he is just a douchebag. Money can't fix a douche (see Donald Trump). I would bet money he dumped her. I am not a Yo fan, but her crying after the surgery didn't bother me. I just figured it was a drug reaction. I have seen some very odd reaction's in People right after surgery and honestly crying is pretty mild,IMO. I hated the new chick, showbiz Barbie, on sight. She is actually not that bad (so far) when not in her skank Barbie alter ego. Edited by chlban
  • Love 2

Sheesh 7 pages of Giggy talk--who cares!


If bleached blonde hair, breast implants and free expression of your sexuality make you a prostitute then I guess all of Southern California is selling vag. I'll never understand wtf is wrong with women that we absolutely delight in slut shaming each other. One of the reasons I have few women friends I have no patience for that bullshit. If open expression of being a sexual being is so distasteful watch the 700 Club ffs. EricaJayne is the best thing to happen to this show since Season 2 Bethany on RHoNY. I love Lisa V but she needs to be checked or her ego will suck all the air out of the room. What was the point in asking if Erica was flying commercial or private? I'm sure Lisa hasn't flown commercial in years. I call my mister, Dr. Anderson; it's a term of endearment going back to our first date. Seriously were they supposed to slobber all over each other like the phony Fosters. I'm looking forward to EJ bringing Bethany down a peg too. She may be here to promote her music but good on her for not taking shit from these women.


I somehow missed the slut shaming.

What are u referring to?

Well, Paris did say Kim K's ass looks like cottage cheese in a trash bag, which still makes me laugh hysterically to this day!

Damn, there really is no way to escape the Kardashian ever, is it?

  • Love 7

Money can't fix a douche 



Ah, Luann's latest vocal styling scheduled for release November 2016!



Last year in Amsterdam, Yolanda referenced, in a big way, her daughter's DUI, no one asked her if Bella paid for her own attorney, what Yolanda was doing to help her, if Bella had a drinking problem or the status of her case.  To me, from reports of the event, Kyle was referencing dealing with Kim's arrest to reporters and the fact she was worried about Kim and tired of worrying about Kim.  I don't think she meant for it to be a Q&A session about Kim.



Hardly the same thing. Bella was barely a blip on the HWs radar at that point; Kim was (is?) a multiple-season cast member. Of course there will be greater scrutiny and conversation.

  • Love 6

I personally don't think that Vince is some degenerate loser gambler who treats Eileen like crap. I'm biased because I've played poker for a long time, but I don't understand how he's suddenly the Jim Edmonds of this series. Oh well, I have no stock in convincing anyone to like him, but he does work. I've watched him as an announcer for the World Series of Poker for 13 seasons. He's also been in some advertising and co-authored a book about poker.


As for the dress, also biased because I hear women everyday talking about hiding credit card statements from their husbands due to how much they spent. I don't recall any of their other banter, but I'm not writing him off as a bad husband or person yet.


Yolanda calling Bella- agree with all thoughts on that.


You know, I don't have anything interesting to add about this episode. I did find the note by Eileen to be written strangely. And I feel bad for the original hotel!

  • Love 7

Oh man, everyone except Erica and Eileen annoyed me this episode!

I don't see why it matters where the ladies sleep, as long as they showed up for the party. Silly shenanigans is my guess - Lisa promised the Bella people they'd sleep at the hotel in exchange for comped rooms. But get over it. I've stayed at resorts where there were parties and music outside and it's a nightmare if you want to sleep. And I loved the editors showing their lovely suite in Italy as they bitch about it being tiny. Ha!

But Kyle bringing up Kim then passive aggressively getting huffy people asked about it? Please.

Lisa R. was her normal over the top self, and it's grating, though I agree with her on traffic versus distance driving. Even if I'm not the one driving the Hamptons traffic is incredibly painful.

David was super awkward and I do think they were already pretty much done by this point but I still see affection between them. I also didn't mind the surgery because I love Botched! Not sure why Yo didn't see Dr. Dubrow for this, he's done some very high risk implant removals on the show.

Eileen's dress at the White Party and Erica's entire life were the highlight of the show for me. I like Erica a lot so far. And I'm sure whatever she's fighting with Bethenny about, she's right.

Edited by racked
  • Love 6


No shade, but I always find it 'interesting' that all these female celebs and wannabe celebs who position themselves as BFF of 'the gays' never seem hang or be cool with any lesbians that aren't Ellen DeGeneres. Just gay men.


There is a lot of tokenism of gay men/sidekicks on RH shows, but when it comes to Erika Jayne (and Lisa V, to a lesser extent), it definitely has to do with her chosen career. Circuit parties and dance hall music are marketed to gay men, not lesbians. (For a more highbrow reference, the Swedish singer Robyn -- who was a two-hit wonder in the '90s as a teen star -- rejuvenated her career because of her new, dance-heavy music being so popular at gay clubs in Europe)

  • Love 4

Did your cousin's daughter mention the glass glassware in a hotel room? I won't use them, because I suspect they are just rinsed and dried out by the cleaning staff. I will find or bring plastic cups with me.


I watched one of those hidden camera shows that used to come on and they showed a cleaning lady in a hotel spraying windex into the glasses to clean them out and then placing a new cardboard cover on it as if it was sterilized.  Gross!   I will admit, staying in a hotel gives me the creeps and I won't do it unless forced.  You would be surprised how they cut corners nowadays.


I know that there are people who treat their pets better than they treat their own children, but the excessive pandering to and doting on an animal just seems so wrong when there are people there in Los Angeles living on Skid Row and eating garbage out of dumpsters.



This reminds me of when my mother used to tell me to eat all of my food on my plate because there were starving kids in China.  I always wondered if they somehow were magically fed through me as I ate.  By the same token, there are going to be people living on Skid Row and eating garbage whether I pamper my pets or not.   Treating my pets less lovingly will not solve the homeless situation and I give to many charities as I'm sure the Vanderpumps do also.  I'm just saying that you can only do what you can do to help people but it doesn't mean you can't show love to your pets too.

  • Love 15

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