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S06.E06: Hamptons, 90210

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Watching last night I have to say, Kyle is a hypocrite! Her story line the since the beginning of RHoBH has always included Kim. We've seen plenty of Kyle complaining about Kim for one reason or another, but now she doesn't want to talk about Kim? Seems as though Kathy and Rick may have gotten to Kyle more than she's saying. Who knows, maybe Kim has even threatened to sue Kyle if she talks about her. I wouldn't be surprised.


As for David? What a CREEP! Grabbing Yolanda's chest was not funny, cute, endearing or anything else positive. It was lewd, disgusting, and gross. Definitely shows some passive aggressive behavior. I also wondered why only Gigi was called before the surgery. Again, more proof that she is the chosen one. 

  • Love 8
More details"Lisa Rinna posed angrily for a few pictures, eventually storming off in the middle of an interview, hollering, “I’m done with you!” at a reporter. Ken Todd, Lisa Vanderpump’s husband, tottered over, the couple’s entirely immobile pet Pomeranian Jiggy in arms. “What did you do?” he asked the reporter accusingly. “Literally nothing,” she shrugged. “I didn’t even get my question out.”

" And although I somehow, inconceivably, missed this, former Teen Mom/erotic novelist/occasional porn star Farrah Abraham reportedly attempted to crash the event uninvited. “Most celebrities would be embarrassed, but Farrah kept posing and smiling. She refused to leave!” a witness crowed to Radar Online."

Edited by Kokapetl
  • Love 1

Just catching up here - lots of great posts!

Kudos to all those who mentioned what an asshole David is for his breast-grabbing and other bad behavior - I had no idea he was that much of a creep!

"My love" my ass, Yo - let go of the delusions, along with the leaky implant, toxic chemicals, and the names of your two creepy ex-husbands. Be well! (Saw that you've been furniture shopping - can't wait to see the new place when it gets done!)

Edited by nexxie
  • Love 5

Regarding David Foster- He was an asshole before Yo became sick, she loved that asshole, worshipped him in fact, and married him. Actually, she was kind of a stuck up asshole herself. So I have no pity for her. 


I also think Eileens husband is kind of a dick, too. I know he has VanPatten money but what does he really do all day? I kind of believe that he does have a bit of gambling problem. Maybe drinks a little too much, too. Just a hunch.  He talks to Eileen as if she's stupid. She's been a hard working, successful actress for over 30 yrs, can buy what she wants, so he needs to leave my perfect Eileen alone.


While I'm on the subject of husbands, why is Ken always around this season? Go away, old man. Watching him still sporting that mullet haircut and Lisa hobbling around on those heels makes them look so dated and old. Giggy is a perfect fit for them. poor old dog.

  • Love 15

It definitely felt like he was trying to lighten the mood a bit at first, and I even chuckled. But then he just wouldn't let go! It went on so long that I began to get the impression that he was really going to miss those boobs.

David Foster was insulting, rude and borderline disgusting when he held onto her breast like that. David devalued her as a person and made her nothing more than a sexual object. It was as though he was saying "I'm sorry you're on your way to major 4 hour surgery, but oh Hell I'm sure going to miss your breasts."  On the way to the hospital, Yolanda says "I'm going to be a toothless, boob-less, brainless wonder." Then David repeats it saying "toothless, boob-less, brainless wonder. Ah,that's exactly what I married." Come on David, did you think that would make her less tense and more relaxed?


I can't blame David entirely for the way their marriage was. Yolanda was a prize after-all. She had been a top model and sexy as all Hell. She was the blonde trophy wife with a killer body. David was her prize because he's a wealthy, famous composer. She posed naked for him for a special calendar for his birthday. So reality check, the core foundation of the marriage was sex. Like the saying goes, 'you reap what you sow'. Her illness and loss of her sexy implants killed that foundation for David Douche.... I mean Foster.

Edited by HumblePi
  • Love 14

Regarding David Foster- He was an asshole before Yo became sick, she loved that asshole, worshipped him in fact, and married him. Actually, she was kind of a stuck up asshole herself. So I have no pity for her. 


I also think Eileens husband is kind of a dick, too. I know he has VanPatten money but what does he really do all day? I kind of believe that he does have a bit of gambling problem. Maybe drinks a little too much, too. Just a hunch.  He talks to Eileen as if she's stupid. She's been a hard working, successful actress for over 30 yrs, can buy what she wants, so he needs to leave my perfect Eileen alone.


While I'm on the subject of husbands, why is Ken always around this season? Go away, old man. Watching him still sporting that mullet haircut and Lisa hobbling around on those heels makes them look so dated and old. Giggy is a perfect fit for them. poor old dog.

Vince is producing a movie-I believe the one he wrote and we saw the readings last year.  He also works for one of the Poker shows as a commentator, and has developed and marketing Xtreme Paddle. 

  • Love 4

But they didn't rent a house or something like that together. Lisa was getting put up at a hotel because she has a gig in the Hamptons. The other women booked the same hotel for obvious reasons but then it was terrible so they left and are staying nearby. The only difference in Lisa's vacation, should she choose not to move to the house with them, is that they weren't at the hotel when she got there, which is not so different than if they'd been out shopping when she got there. With their access to transport etc., there's not that much difference. It's always been Lisa's weekend with the other women just tagging along making their own vacation to coincide with it. 


They all were working at the event.  This appearance was part of their Ho job.  Lisa was the one the magazine picked as their "host" but they were all working, not on vacation.  There was a link upthread about the event, and it had pictures of NY Ho's too - I saw one with Luann and LisaV, both looked lovely.

Edited by izabella
  • Love 7

Regarding David Foster- He was an asshole before Yo became sick, she loved that asshole, worshipped him in fact, and married him. Actually, she was kind of a stuck up asshole herself. So I have no pity for her. 


I also think Eileens husband is kind of a dick, too. I know he has VanPatten money but what does he really do all day? I kind of believe that he does have a bit of gambling problem. Maybe drinks a little too much, too. Just a hunch.  He talks to Eileen as if she's stupid. She's been a hard working, successful actress for over 30 yrs, can buy what she wants, so he needs to leave my perfect Eileen alone.


While I'm on the subject of husbands, why is Ken always around this season? Go away, old man. Watching him still sporting that mullet haircut and Lisa hobbling around on those heels makes them look so dated and old. Giggy is a perfect fit for them. poor old dog.

Before this episode I posted that I'd bet Eileen was only doing the show because they need the money - same reason she gave early on for going back to the soaps. Wasn't it Vince who pushed her to go back? To me it looks more and more like his gambling might be a problem - his attitude toward Eileen is definitely a problem. What does she see in him?
  • Love 14

Kyle HAD to be asked about Kim.  It was way too juicy for Bravo to pass up.  Lisa just made the perfunctory question.  I wouldn't be surprised if they discussed it beforehand.  Kim was arrested and all Kyle had to do was say she didn't want to discuss it with a pained look on her face. I think she got off way easy.


I also think Mauricio arranged for them to stay at a house he was handling for a client.  The gorgeous inside views may have been added to the film at a later time.  Lisa seemed surprised, but frankly the annoyance part looked a little put on.  Gotta have some storyline.


Loved Lisar going to QVC.  I've taken the tour there and it was cool.  Stayed at the same Sheraton, too, which is not in Philly.


Yolanda - from watching Botched, I know that even nasty implants come out clean or with a couple of blood streaks on them.  The Doctor said she took tissue around the implant as well.  That must have been all the nasty and maybe why Yo was in so much pain.


Here's some info on Dr. Feng:

The Lu-Jean Feng Clinic is a unique health and wellness clinic and private outpatient surgery center located in the eastern suburbs of Cleveland, Ohio. To date, patients from all 50 states and more than 28 countries around the world have visited the Clinic to have services performed by one of the many skilled professionals at the clinic. The founder and Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Lu-Jean Feng, is a board certified Microvascular Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon with more than 28 years of experience. She is also certified in Advanced Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy to compliment her look good and feel good philosophy.The Clinic's staff of 30+ included skin care specialists, nurses, anesthesiologists, acupuncturist, massage therapists, personal fitness trainers, certified executive chef, hospitality personnel and administrative staff. Dr. Feng is the only surgeon in the state-of-the-art facility, and there are no electronic medical records, which greatly enhances the patient's privacy. All front desk staff and administrative personnel have been professionally trained according to the standards followed by The Ritz Carlton Leadership Foundation. Patient experiences at The Lu-Jean Feng Clinic are nothing short of remarkable anywhere within this luxurious 15,000 square foot health and wellness center.


Did anyone watch Chopped last night?  One of the chefs from a West Hollywood restaurant had suffered from carbon monoxide poisoning and Lyme Disease.  She cured herself by eating avocados and drinking camels milk.  I wonder if she knows Yo?   BTW, didn't Yo say they were 20-year old implants?  No 10 year replacements?  This is from a doctor:


A silicone implant that has a rupture is usually noted on a routine mammogram or MRI scan.  I guess Yo hasn't had a mammo in a while.

  • Love 5

David Foster was insulting, rude and borderline disgusting when he held onto her breast like. David devalued her as a person and made her nothing more than a sexual object. It was as though he was saying "I'm sorry you're on your way to major 4 hour surgery, but oh Hell I'm sure going to miss your breasts."  On the way to the hospital, Yolanda says "I'm going to be a toothless, boob-less, brainless wonder." Then David repeats it saying "toothless, boob-less, brainless wonder. Ah,that's exactly what I married." Come on David, did you think that would make her less tense and relaxed?


I can't blame David entirely for the way their marriage was. Yolanda was a prize after-all. She had been a top model and sexy as all Hell. She was the blonde trophy wife with a killer body. David was her prize because he's a wealthy, famous composer. She posed naked for him for a special calendar for his birthday. So reality check, the core foundation of the marriage was sex. Like the saying goes, 'you reap what you sow'. Her illness and loss of her sexy implants killed that foundation for David Douche.... I mean Foster.

He is a total douche nozzle.

But she is so damn unlikeable!

Vince is producing a movie-I believe the one he wrote and we saw the readings last year.  He also works for one of the Poker shows as a commentator, and has developed and marketing Xtreme Paddle.

Xtreme Paddle???

Ok then.

  • Love 6

David Foster was insulting, rude and borderline disgusting when he held onto her breast like. David devalued her as a person and made her nothing more than a sexual object. It was as though he was saying "I'm sorry you're on your way to major 4 hour surgery, but oh Hell I'm sure going to miss your breasts."  On the way to the hospital, Yolanda says "I'm going to be a toothless, boob-less, brainless wonder." Then David repeats it saying "toothless, boob-less, brainless wonder. Ah,that's exactly what I married." Come on David, did you think that would make her less tense and relaxed?


I can't blame David entirely for the way their marriage was. Yolanda was a prize after-all. She had been a top model and sexy as all Hell. She was the blonde trophy wife with a killer body. David was her prize because he's a wealthy, famous composer. She posed naked for him for a special calendar for his birthday. So reality check, the core foundation of the marriage was sex. Like the saying goes, 'you reap what you sow'. Her illness and loss of her sexy implants killed that foundation for David Douche.... I mean Foster.

People learn the most about the hemselves during really difficult periods - I have to believe that Yolanda is thinking about her old value system, and how she was only his sexy trophy wife and he was only her famous rich husband.
They all were working at the event.  This appearance was part of their Ho job.  Lisa was the one the magazine picked as their "host" but they were all working, not on vacation.  There was a link upthread about the event, and it had pictures of NY Ho's too - I saw one with Luann and LisaV, both looked lovely.



I stand corrected on that. But the point still stands that it's not a situation where they rented a house together like a group vacation and then suddenly Lisa's alone in the house. They're just all in the Hamptons doing different stuff.

  • Love 3

Wasn't Giggy part of the magazine cover Lisa was promoting. I thought she referred to him as the star or some such statement. I was under the impression the mag wanted him. Correct me if I am wrong please.

Yes, I think that Bella magazine really wanted to do a cover of Giggy but it would be weird to have a dog on their cover so they threw Lisa in with him. I get very uncomfortable watching the way Ken and Lisa dote on Giggy. The poor dog can't even walk anymore because his leg muscles have atrophied because he's carried around everywhere. What will happen on the day Giggy bites the dust and goes up to the big rose-colored cloud in doggie heaven? I know that there are people who treat their pets better than they treat their own children, but the excessive pandering to and doting on an animal just seems so wrong when there are people there in Los Angeles living on Skid Row and eating garbage out of dumpsters. Oh yes, Lisa and Ken are benevolent to the gay community and support it with their Gay Pride float every year. They even had a bunch of those ex-homeless young people to eat for FREE in SUR.  Woohoo!  But really, donate the money you'd spend on Giggy's next diamond collar over to one of the many homeless shelters in L.A. instead. I didn't even like seeing Giggy in the limousine with his tongue hanging out and resting right on the leather limo seat. Lisa Rinna would have had a fit if she saw that and whipped out her box of Handi-Wipes and sanitizer to clean it.

  • Love 3

Kyle HAD to be asked about Kim.  It was way too juicy for Bravo to pass up.  Lisa just made the perfunctory question.  I wouldn't be surprised if they discussed it beforehand.  Kim was arrested and all Kyle had to do was say she didn't want to discuss it with a pained look on her face. I think she got off way easy.


I also think Mauricio arranged for them to stay at a house he was handling for a client.  The gorgeous inside views may have been added to the film at a later time.  Lisa seemed surprised, but frankly the annoyance part looked a little put on.  Gotta have some storyline.


Loved Lisar going to QVC.  I've taken the tour there and it was cool.  Stayed at the same Sheraton, too, which is not in Philly.


Yolanda - from watching Botched, I know that even nasty implants come out clean or with a couple of blood streaks on them.  The Doctor said she took tissue around the implant as well.  That must have been all the nasty and maybe why Yo was in so much pain.


Here's some info on Dr. Feng:

The Lu-Jean Feng Clinic is a unique health and wellness clinic and private outpatient surgery center located in the eastern suburbs of Cleveland, Ohio. To date, patients from all 50 states and more than 28 countries around the world have visited the Clinic to have services performed by one of the many skilled professionals at the clinic. The founder and Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Lu-Jean Feng, is a board certified Microvascular Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon with more than 28 years of experience. She is also certified in Advanced Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy to compliment her look good and feel good philosophy.The Clinic's staff of 30+ included skin care specialists, nurses, anesthesiologists, acupuncturist, massage therapists, personal fitness trainers, certified executive chef, hospitality personnel and administrative staff. Dr. Feng is the only surgeon in the state-of-the-art facility, and there are no electronic medical records, which greatly enhances the patient's privacy. All front desk staff and administrative personnel have been professionally trained according to the standards followed by The Ritz Carlton Leadership Foundation. Patient experiences at The Lu-Jean Feng Clinic are nothing short of remarkable anywhere within this luxurious 15,000 square foot health and wellness center.


Did anyone watch Chopped last night?  One of the chefs from a West Hollywood restaurant had suffered from carbon monoxide poisoning and Lyme Disease.  She cured herself by eating avocados and drinking camels milk.  I wonder if she knows Yo?   BTW, didn't Yo say they were 20-year old implants?  No 10 year replacements?  This is from a doctor:


A silicone implant that has a rupture is usually noted on a routine mammogram or MRI scan.  I guess Yo hasn't had a mammo in a while.

I am confused by lying Yolanda.  She claims she fell and ruptured her implants 10 years ago and had them replaced.  If her 10 year mark is definitive, silicone gel implants would not have been available in the US.  For the diagnosis to be made she would have mostly likely had an MRI to confirm the diagnosis.  This would indicate the location of the silicone leakage.  I don't believe any respectable doc would just cram a new larger set in on top of free floating silicone.  So much of what Yolanda goes for is suspect in her medical journey. 


As far as David goes, he isn't good with the sex jokes.  I do think Yolanda laid it on a little thick with the no make up, hair color, nail polish, teeth pulled, and breast implants all eliminated or removed at once.  One thing I don't understand why does Yolanda still undergo teeth whitening?

  • Love 1

I think that David is just awkward on camera. When he grabbed Yolanda's boob, they both had kind of a lighthearted moment, but then he kept holding on as though he didn't know what he was supposed to do next, so it became uncomfortable and weird and finally creepy. 


Yolanda describes herself as a toothless, boobless, (I'm pretty sure it was Daisy that volunteered the word Brainless) wonder and David repeats it trying to continue the joke and again, it just became uncomfortable and weird and awkward.  


More than anything though, I think if the rumors that they had already been separated during filming are true, he just feels really uncomfortable and weird filming with her as though they are still married. I always think of every interaction with David as a comedian bombing on stage. Uncomfortable and embarrassing to watch. 

Edited by MatildaMoody
  • Love 13

Yes, I think that Bella magazine really wanted to do a cover of Giggy but it would be weird to have a dog on their cover so they threw Lisa in with him. I get very uncomfortable watching the way Ken and Lisa dote on Giggy. The poor dog can't even walk anymore because his leg muscles have atrophied because he's carried around everywhere. What will happen on the day Giggy bites the dust and goes up to the big rose-colored cloud in doggie heaven? I know that there are people who treat their pets better than they treat their own children, but the excessive pandering to and doting on an animal just seems so wrong when there are people there in Los Angeles living on Skid Row and eating garbage out of dumpsters. Oh yes, Lisa and Ken are benevolent to the gay community and support it with their Gay Pride float every year. They even had a bunch of those ex-homeless young people to eat for FREE in SUR. Woohoo! But really, donate the money you'd spend on Giggy's next diamond collar over to one of the many homeless shelters in L.A. instead. I didn't even like seeing Giggy in the limousine with his tongue hanging out and resting right on the leather limo seat. Lisa Rinna would have had a fit if she saw that and whipped out her box of Handi-Wipes and sanitizer to clean it.

Lisa and Todd are really, really English. They do adore and dote on their pets but it does not mean that they don't help people.

Although the way Todd spoke about the housekeeper last year was disgusting.

Edited by LIMOM
  • Love 2

Yeah they don't actually care if it is too noisy for him, or if he is too hot, or uncomfortable in those ridiculous velvet outfits.  It is so gross how they treat that poor dog, like he is an accessory, not an actual living thing.  He seems to be in distress most of the time, why do they do that to him?  Leave him home to relax - stop acting like he enjoys the red carpet!  I assure you he does not.

And that's the truth! Both Lisa and Ken treat animals as if they aren't real. I've always thought Lisa was a classic narcissist; perhaps Ken is too - narcs act as if other beings are just actors on their stage.
  • Love 2

More than anything though, I think if the rumors that they had already been separated during filming are true, he just feels really uncomfortable and weird filming with her as though they are still married. I always think of every interaction with David as a comedian bombing on stage. Uncomfortable and embarrassing to watch. 

Kind of reminds me of Camille and Kelsey Grammar. They were extremely awkward together. She didn't have a clue he was already checked out of the marriage and having his own little affair. Not saying Foster was having an affair, just that he was obviously checked out. 

  • Love 8

My cousin's daughter has a cleaning service, mostly for rich people at a gorgeous vacation lake spot. She began as a hotel maid in her teens, decided she could do it better and started her business with her husband a few years later. ANYWAY, I had to go in for a medical thing, and we were checking into a very nice hotel near the hospital.

S--- immediately stepped up and said she wanted to see the rooms first. The first thing she did was go to the mattresses, and checked every single corner top and bottom. That is apparently where you see bedbugs at rest, little black dots. Those rooms were clean. I started to make coffee and she shrieked. "NO! WAIT!" She said "notice where the coffee maker is? Right by the bathroom, now what cloths do you think harried maids use to wipe that down, they are on a schedule. Yup, the same ones they used in the bathroom." She had wipes, dishsoap, etc. and re-cleaned the room. Ha. I learned a lot. Yeah, I also immediately remove the bedspread. Yuck.

Did your cousin's daughter mention the glass glassware in a hotel room? I won't use them, because I suspect they are just rinsed and dried out by the cleaning staff. I will find or bring plastic cups with me. Edited by Thumper
  • Love 1
LIMOM, on 06 Jan 2016 - 4:46 PM, said:

Lisa and Todd are really, really English. They do adore and dote on their pets but it does not mean that they don't help people.

Although the way Todd spoke about the housekeeper last year was disgusting.


Exactly. And just because we haven't seen Lisa actively volunteering or donating to the homeless doesn't mean that she doesn't. 


While they certainly have their issues - and I think the way they treat Giggy is VERY weird -  I would not paint the Vanderpump-Todds are uncharitable people.

  • Love 7

Did Lisa ever thank them for traveling such a long distance just to go to a party to celebrate her cover? I wonder if travel expenses were free and if getting a home sitter (not that they need one) was factored it? Was it a vacation or a work event? Either way, you would expect a quiet room and available food. I'd get a migraine with all the sleep deprivation, lack of food and noise.

Lisa V thank the little people for being bit players on her stage? I think not.
  • Love 2

Exactly. And just because we haven't seen Lisa actively volunteering or donating to the homeless doesn't mean that she doesn't. 


While they certainly have their issues - and I think the way they treat Giggy is VERY weird -  I would not paint the Vanderpump-Todds are uncharitable people.

The Todds work most every Monday serving meals to the homeless and have for a very long time.

  • Love 19

I got to hand it to Kyle.  She did the right thing.  She ditched the lame motel (boutique joint my ass) & rented a place.  THAT's the way to do the Hamptons if you've got limitless buckets of dough.  Some will ask, how could you get a place at the last second, especially in season -- which I assume they were there in?  Look, for enough money, you could get an incredible place out there -- and Kyle did.  I'm curious how she did it.  Did Mo help her, or did Bravo peeps handle it or was it just a matter of a single call/text/email to the right Hamptons broker?  And did Kyle pay for it or did Bravo?  Hmmmm, questions, questions & no answers.


Lisa saying it was "rude" to leave the hotel gave me a giggle.  Yeah, rude.  Still chuckling over that one.  That noisy joint (OK, it wasn't the Bates Motel, but still) or that stunning place they ended up in?  Real difficult choice.  Oh man, that house, that incredible house -- everywhere you looked inside or out, it was excruciatingly & exceptionally beautiful.  Wowza!  Idk about anyone else, but I only live that way in my dreams.  Thank you for that house porn, Satan Andy.  Now that's why I watch this show.

What Lisa V meant by "rude:"

"Wait a minute - this is all about ME - how dare you have needs!"

  • Love 4

I'm watching the episode again while reading here. I've traveled a lot and never packed wipes to wipe things down. I'm not even afraid of hotel bedding. : ))

I really hated that the ladies left Lisa at the hotel. I was looking forward to seeing some fun girl time. These women complain about sleep like they work hard, physical jobs and have no help. Guess the fabulous Mauricio had the fridge stocked in advance too, because....no food! Poor dears!!

While Erika looked lovely at lunch with her hubby, I thought she really needed some color on her lips. Those two act like business partners!

Edited by ButterQueen
  • Love 8

What Lisa V meant by "rude:"

"Wait a minute - this is all about ME - how dare you have needs!"


I'm more inclined to think she meant "Why didn't you call before I showed up here with a film crew? It looked like I had been ditched by my friends when a call or text would have made all of the difference."


Because unless this was totally producer influenced, Kyle, Eileen and LisaR are being totally disingenuous. If they didn't think it would be such a big deal, they could have called Lisa and told her what was up so she had some warning before arriving. Jetting from the hotel and leaving a note was passive aggressive and wreaks of treating your host as an after thought. 

ETA: I really shouldn't include LisaR in that. Kyle and Eileen were the ones to make other arrangements without giving LisaV a head's up. 

Edited by MatildaMoody
  • Love 6

but... The Feng clinic WALLPAPER. I. can't. even. Embossed, 1997 freakin' wallpaper. Aged wallpaper in a hospital for pre op.  I paused it several times in HD with my jaw dropped. 


I am sure Lisa V has dog tranquilizer for the dog or rescue remedy or benedryl (kidding, well sort of) for the Giggy when he flies and has trouble.


I just shopped (errr browsed really says my bank account!) on Airbnb for a luxury house in Southampton NY first week of August and they are tons. $2k and up for the fanciest a night. Easy for these ladies. They either did that, or Mauricio rented them something that's for sale and empty that belongs to someone he knows.


Bethenny. Gross. Nasty. WHY. Nancy Kerrigan shrieking WHYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!! Why do we have to see her face? Go get her Erica.


Erica Jayne and her husband (forget his name). Gave me a very 50 shades vibe. She called him Mister. And no kiss goodbye. Bet there's a  red room of pain in that house. She has to be Erica Jayne in the prenup I bet!

  • Love 9

Kind of reminds me of Camille and Kelsey Grammar. They were extremely awkward together. She didn't have a clue he was already checked out of the marriage and having his own little affair. Not saying Foster was having an affair, just that he was obviously checked out. 

I can totally see the similarity between the two couples. The real difference is that while Yo and David are both checked out of the marriage, Yolanda is much better at hiding it for the camera. 

  • Love 5

I'm more inclined to think she meant "Why didn't you call before I showed up here with a film crew? It looked like I had been ditched by my friends when a call or text would have made all of the difference."

Because unless this was totally producer influenced, Kyle, Eileen and LisaR are being totally disingenuous. If they didn't think it would be such a big deal, they could have called Lisa and told her what was up so she had some warning before arriving. Jetting from the hotel and leaving a note was passive aggressive and wreaks of treating your host as an after thought.

"It looked like I had been ditched by my friends..."

That's what matters to Lisa; how it looks - she has carefully crafted a persona and everyone and everything (including pets) is meant to support that persona.

Edited by nexxie
  • Love 2

"It looked like I had been ditched by my friends..."

That's what matters to Lisa; how it looks - she has carefully crafted a persona and everyone and everything (including pets) are expected to support that persona.

I think any one of us would have been embarrassed and irritated if it looked as if we had been publicly ditched by our friends. Add the fact that this was being filmed and I see absolutely nothing wrong with her feeling that way. 


All of these women have carefully crafted their persona's and expect everyone including their CHILDREN to support that persona. Kyle films with Portia to support her persona of a down to earth mom of young children who happens to live in Beverly Hills. Eileen films with Vince and her son to support the persona of a hard working soap actress who still manages to juggle marriage and children. Lisa Rinna films with her daughters to show how "cool" and still with it she is even though she is a mom on the hustle. Don't even get me started on Yolanda.


So, as far as I am concerned, Lisa had every right to feel put out by the rudeness of them not even bothering to give her a head's up.


If the situation were reversed, any ONE of these women would have been just as miffed as Lisa was.

Edited by MatildaMoody
  • Love 15

I'm watching the episode again while reading here. I've traveled a lot and never packed wipes to wipe things down. I'm not even afraid of hotel bedding. : ))

I really hated that the ladies left Lisa at the hotel. I was looking forward to seeing some fun girl time. These women complain about sleep like they work hard, physical jobs and have no help. Guess the fabulous Mauricio had the fridge stocked in advance too, because....no food! Poor dears!!

While Erika looked lovely at lunch with her hubby, I thought she really needed some color on her lips. Those two act like business partners!

Oh yikes.


Some hotels have started using washable bedspeads, but generally they are RARELY cleaned, covered in semen, fungus, MRSA, and God knows what else. 




Body fluids all over the bathroom, sheets, etc.  Carpets, shower heads, etc.  (video at site)  Also, yup, bedbugs.  MRSA in carpets.


Note, this is just one report, there are many out there on the web.

  • Love 3

I think any one of us would have been embarrassed and irritated if it looked as if we had been publicly ditched by our friends. Add the fact that this was being filmed and I see absolutely nothing wrong with her feeling that way. 


All of these women have carefully crafted their persona's and expect everyone including their CHILDREN to support that persona. Kyle films with Portia to support her persona of a down to earth mom of young children who happens to live in Beverly Hills. Eileen films with Vince and her son to support the persona of a hard working soap actress who still manages to juggle marriage and children. Lisa Rinna films with her daughters to show how "cool" and still with it she is even though she is a mom on the hustle. Don't even get me started on Yolanda.


So, as far as I am concerned, Lisa had every right to feel put out by the rudeness of them not even bothering to give her a head's up.

I don't think Lisa gives a flying fig about any of the others - in her mind she's above them all. But at least some of the others actually do care about one another. imo Lisa V is a narcissist in the clinical sense.
  • Love 4

I am confused by lying Yolanda.  She claims she fell and ruptured her implants 10 years ago and had them replaced.  If her 10 year mark is definitive, silicone gel implants would not have been available in the US.  For the diagnosis to be made she would have mostly likely had an MRI to confirm the diagnosis.  This would indicate the location of the silicone leakage.  I don't believe any respectable doc would just cram a new larger set in on top of free floating silicone.  So much of what Yolanda goes for is suspect in her medical journey. 


As far as David goes, he isn't good with the sex jokes.  I do think Yolanda laid it on a little thick with the no make up, hair color, nail polish, teeth pulled, and breast implants all eliminated or removed at once.  One thing I don't understand why does Yolanda still undergo teeth whitening?


IMO, Yolanda gravitates to questionable Drs from what I have read and I doubt that this is something new. I would bet that she got those implants in another country from some quack.

Kind of reminds me of Camille and Kelsey Grammar. They were extremely awkward together. She didn't have a clue he was already checked out of the marriage and having his own little affair. Not saying Foster was having an affair, just that he was obviously checked out. 

Neither David OR Yolanda, despite her "my love/king" comments, never seemed into each other, they didn't seem to have ANY chemistry together at all. JMO

I don't think Lisa gives a flying fig about any of the others - in her mind she's above them all. But at least some of the others actually do care about one another. imo Lisa V is a narcissist in the clinical sense.


Lisa keeps in contact with ALL the HWs, except Kim/Brandi, even the ones no longer on the show.

  • Love 4

Oh yikes.

Some hotels have started using washable bedspeads, but generally they are RARELY cleaned, covered in semen, fungus, MRSA, and God knows what else.


Body fluids all over the bathroom, sheets, etc. Carpets, shower heads, etc. (video at site) Also, yup, bedbugs. MRSA in carpets.

Note, this is just one report, there are many out there on the web.

Thanks! I've heard it all. We just live on the edge I guess. LOL

Edited by ButterQueen
  • Love 10

Now I am laughing because on TripAdvisor the photos of the hotel show a 50's tiled tiny bathroom with angelsoft bath tissue wrapped in the crinkly paper. hahahaha remember when Lisa V and Ken were in Puerto Rico (I think?) and checked out of a place that wasn't fancy enough for them and only had one bathroom? What a huge laugh that suddenly a place like the Capri is good enough for her. It looks like a party crash pad. I don't blame Lisar and Kyle for leaving. The Capri website clearly states that you will hear loud DJ music  until 3/4 am on the weekends from any room on the property. 

  • Love 6

Now I am laughing because on TripAdvisor the photos of the hotel show a 50's tiled tiny bathroom with angelsoft bath tissue wrapped in the crinkly paper. hahahaha remember when Lisa V and Ken were in Puerto Rico (I think?) and checked out of a place that wasn't fancy enough for them and only had one bathroom? What a huge laugh that suddenly a place like the Capri is good enough for her. It looks like a party crash pad. I don't blame Lisar and Kyle for leaving. The Capri website clearly states that you will hear loud DJ music  until 3/4 am on the weekends from any room on the property. 

Lisa/Ken left the hotel in PR because Lisa was getting attacked by everyone, and I do mean everyone, NOT because the room was not up to their standards. They left the hotel and didn't even tell production where they went.

Not surprising - narcissists collect people for narcissistic supply. They have the longest Christmas card lists and often are seen as do-gooders in their communities. It doesn't mean they actually care about these useful minions.


They routinely see these women/couples. Have dinner with them, donate their time/money to projects the OTHERS are doing. If any of these HW, especially the past HWs, thought Lisa/Ken were just using them, they would not still keep in touch with them.

  • Love 12

Lisa/Ken left the hotel in PR because Lisa was getting attacked by everyone, and I do mean everyone, NOT because the room was not up to their standards. They left the hotel and didn't even tell production where they went.


I do remember that they left and she was getting the pile on but I also thought they were in a pretty sub bar basic small hotel room by their standards and IIRC I thought at the time they left half because of the pile on and half because of the room. But I could be having poor recall here......

  • Love 1

I do remember that they left and she was getting the pile on but I also thought they were in a pretty sub bar basic small hotel room by their standards and IIRC I thought at the time they left half because of the pile on and half because of the room. But I could be having poor recall here......

Lisa's ONLY complaint about the hotel in PR was having to share a bathroom with Ken. LOL Nothing about the size of the room or the décor, just that it only had 1 bathroom. They left after the dinner when Kim called Ken a "doddering old fool" for defending his wife. They could have told production where they went and taken some of the crew/cameras with them but they left privately and didn't film again until the others were all back from PR as well.

  • Love 4

IMO, Yolanda gravitates to questionable Drs from what I have read and I doubt that this is something new. I would bet that she got those implants in another country from some quack.

Neither David OR Yolanda, despite her "my love/king" comments, never seemed into each other, they didn't seem to have ANY chemistry together at all. JMO


Lisa keeps in contact with ALL the HWs, except Kim/Brandi, even the ones no longer on the show.

Yolanda could have gotten implants in Europe. They were approved before here and there was a huge scandal regarding defective implants made in France, maybe 5 years ago.

There was no reason why Eileen and Kyle couldn't have given Lisa a better heads-up that they were relocating, and wouldn't be at the hotel when she arrived. Kyle's nervous giggle when the Post-it was mentioned showed that she knew it was on the foul side not to call.


Kyle was NOT on camera during that phone call, we only saw her in her TH segment.

​Right, but production would have told her Lisa would be calling, as to make sure Kyle would be available, and because their calls are put on speaker. It sounded like Kyle was already upset when she answered the phone, imo, as if she had anticipated the conversation.


Kyle was confusing-- do you want to talk about KIm or not? She brings it up, then shuts it down.

​That's what Kyle does - she drops a turd, then whines when the others ask what smells. That's been her game since S1, nothing new.


Loved the phone scene between Lisa and Erika. Those two could make for a fun, formidable pair.


The Fosters...CRINGE. Wasn't the Malibu house put up for sell quite a while back? I thought that was a big red flag as to the state of their marriage, as I can't think of any other reason except for an impending divorce as to why a couple would get rid of their supposed dream home.


Yolanda's implants were huge! I'm guessing she replaced them with new bolt-ons, because in the pics posted here it doesn't look like she's sporting pancakes with raisins. Also, did her health advocate call her "my love" when she came out of surgery?


I will forever love Erika if she gathers Bethanny completely together, catalogues her ass under pesky stick bugs and files her forever away in the bowels of the Bravo catacombs.



  • Love 6

Yolanda could have gotten implants in Europe. They were approved before here and there was a huge scandal regarding defective implants made in France, maybe 5 years ago.

I agree, when she got the ruptured ones removed 10 years ago, silicone implants were no longer legal/available here, so she had to have gotten them outside the US. She seems to gravitate towards questionable Drs, including the Dr in Belgium that diagnosed her with LD. I don't see any good PS not cleaning up any leaked silicone from a ruptured implant when he/she removes the damaged/leaking implants like the one who removed them 10 years ago apparently did. Yolanda is a QUACK MAGNET IMO. LOL

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