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S31.E14: Lie, Cheat, And Steal / S31.E15: Live Reunion

Tara Ariano

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I don't know what I'm going to do with my Wednesdays after tonight!  I'm just glad the new season is in 2 months (the break from the spring season to the fall seems so much longer).  Been a pleasure chatting with everyone this season, and I'm already excited to start for the next one!  Really can not wait to see what happens.  

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So Kimmi's getting a ton of screen time right off the bat and trying to concoct a plan.  Not sure whether to think it'll fail or if the editors are fooling with us.  Sneaky editors!  Spencer has a bit of an attitude, and Keith made perfect sense as to why Abi shouldn't have been voted off (even if he proved why he needs to be next).  You're learning Keith.


I will say, I'm glad that the start of the episode doesn't take 20 minutes to get to like it did back in the day.  Where they had to recap every.single.boot.and.thing.that.happened.

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So Kimmi's getting a ton of screen time right off the bat and trying to concoct a plan.  Not sure whether to think it'll fail or if the editors are fooling with us.  Sneaky editors!  Spencer has a bit of an attitude, and Keith made perfect sense as to why Abi shouldn't have been voted off (even if he proved why he needs to be next).  You're learning Keith.


I will say, I'm glad that the start of the episode doesn't take 20 minutes to get to like it did back in the day.  Where they had to recap every.single.boot.and.thing.that.happened.



me too. like. we watched it y'all. and if you missed it too bad. you should have been watching ;)

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So they have endurance challenges until Joe gets booted off.  Now it's all about puzzles and Spencer is kicking ass?  Yeah, they need to make these more random next time.


me too. like. we watched it y'all. and if you missed it too bad. you should have been watching ;)



On the plus side, it gave me extra time to get stuff ready just in case I forgot something.  


Kelley seems to not realize they already let Spencer/Jeremy/Tasha get far in this game already.  I worry Kimmi might have waited too long to make her move.  

Edited by LadyChatts
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I really like challenges like that. Those step would kill me. 

And Spencer wins.


hmm. I think the best thing would be (for team K), would ... hm. I was going to say split votes, but that doesn't help in this case. if they played it right, you could bounce Jeremy out.


Problem with Jeremy is he has his idol.  Of course they don't know that, but since Jeremy seems like an obvious target, they'd be smart to target Tasha.  Jeremy would assume he's getting voted for, play is idol for himself, then they can still get Tasha out.  Vote splitting is probably what will happen.


What Kelley should do is produce her idol, but pretend it is Keith's, make everyone vote for Kelley, then Kelley plays it for herself.


Yeah, I think Kimmi's plan is not going to work.  Really not liking Spencer and Tasha.


Tasha, you haven't been doing much "playing".  You've been following Jeremy.  Don't be condescending towards Kimmi.

Edited by LadyChatts
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Spencer, remember the last time you guys thought Wentworth didn't have an idol?



heh. I loved that

"Wentworth doesn't. I mean you found one but I don't think you have another one." ohoooo. that's hilariously funny. You know what they say about assuming. 


.... Has Savage been wearing that stupid hat all this time? 

Also. this is massive bitch face from Abi. tee.hee.

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Spencer really has a bit of an ego on him.  Someone is trying to pad the Survivor resume.  This is exactly why I think Spencer will lose.  He is not good socially.



I agree. It drives me nuts. 


Are you kidding me? Spencer flat out killed Kimmi right there, and Jeremy is like "you're not a pawn, you're not four." Spencer just SAID She was basically. 

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Someone should have challenged Spencer and said if he was so damn cocky about going to a rock draw, take the necklace off.  He wouldn't be so big and bold without that safety.


Have to say, I don't know if that first was worth the hype.


I'm surprised they didn't get rid of Kimmi because she's a loose cannon.  I can see, if Spencer sticks with Jeremy/Tasha, how he's going to lose (if he makes it to the final 3 against them).  He'd be better off taking Keith and Kimmi.

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I think Kimmi/Keith/Tasha are only eligible for the re-vote.


Jury looks shell shocked.  I love it!  No, don't let them talk Jeff.


Do Jeremy/Tasha/Spencer think they are supposed to be untouchable and Kimmi is supposed to settle for 4th?  Also, do they forget Kimmi is on the jury and she'll be one of the more raw jurors if she gets voted out?


Does Spencer also forget Keith will be on the jury?  Boy is really cocky!

Edited by LadyChatts
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