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Small Talk: The Polygamous Cul-de-Sac

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I intended to mention this awhile back and forgot. If you can't link to an article because you're not a subscriber, wait a day or two and search for the article and see if a cached version is available. If you see a small symbol at the end of your search result (after searching NY Times youtube farmer or NY Times TV farmer, for example), click on the symbol to go to the article's cached page. The symbol is an inverted triangle/down arrow. I can find a cached page probably 90% of the time.

In a Wistful Age, Farmers Find a New Angle: Chore TV

Though Mr. Gold sells poultry and eggs from his duck farm in Vermont’s northeast corner, most of what he produces as a farmer is, well, entertainment.

Mr. Gold, who is short and stocky, with the good-natured ease of a standup comedian, does his chores while carrying a digital camera in one hand and murmuring into a microphone.

Then, twice a week, like clockwork, he posts a short video on YouTube about his exploits as a neophyte farmer, often highlighting failures or pratfalls. Keeping a close eye on analytics, he has boosted his YouTube audiences high enough to provide a steady advertising revenue of around $2,500 to $4,000 a month, about eight times what he earns from selling farm products.

Mr. Gold, 40, has learned the hard way — he tried to take a month off last winter — that any gap in his YouTube publication schedule results in a steep drop-off in audience. So he keeps a running list of themes that could be fodder for future videos. It reads, in part:

Should I Feed My Dog Eggs?

Don’t Trust This Duck

My Homestead Is a Dumpster Fire

What Does My Guard Dog Do All Day?

Character development works, as demonstrated by Mr. Gold’s most popular video, “Our Freakishly Huge Duck (This Is Not NORMAL),” which, as he would put it, blew the doors off. Slow-motion footage of waggling goose butts, set to a bouncy, whimsical orchestral soundtrack, works.

But few things compel audiences, he came to realize, more than a real-life setback. He came to this realization last summer when a mink broke into his duck hutch, leaving its interior spattered with eggs and blood and feathers.

“It was one of the most depressing days of my life,” he said, adding, “but at the same time, I’m thinking, ‘How is the audience going to react to this sort of thing?’”

The next videos, which featured freaky night-vision footage of the offending mink, helped boost Mr. Gold’s YouTube audience toward the 100,000-viewer threshold. And it helped him understand his own place in the universe of farmer-influencers, which tilts heavily toward the how-to genre.

“The storytelling part is what I’m good at,” he said. “I’m not that good at the farming part.”

When one of the Golds’ barn cats was hit by a car recently, at least 50 viewers offered cash to cover her medical bills.

Late on a recent evening, Mr. Gold was putting finishing touches on a video about his dog, Toby, who has never quite grown into his intended role as a duck herder.

Early drafts of the video had focused on how much the dog had improved.

But there was something dishonest about that, Mr. Gold realized that evening, as he and Ms. Gold flung themselves around the paddock, trying to catch birds with string nets, while the dog looked on placidly, thumping his tail.

Now, in the gathering dark, Mr. Gold was rewriting the ending to one that emphasized his acceptance of the dog’s true nature.

[More at link, plus photos]

https://www.nytimes.com/2020/08/07/us/farmer-influencer-youtube.html?action=click&module=Top Stories&pgtype=Homepage

Edited by suomi
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23 hours ago, Olliesmom said:

I grew up in Queens, NY and now live In a small condo complex - 8 units - in CT.  The board is useless so I feel your pain.  I go to to the local laundromat.  No stress, even with Coven and the coin shortage lol. And, it’s takes far less time.  

Thank you for understanding! I have my wash in our one working dryer right now. It should be done in an hour, if no one barges in and tries to remove it prematurely. Hopefully it's so late that no one else will start a load. I've thought about taking my stuff to the laundromat but I just don't know if it's safe now. It's very big and usually so many people in and out. I would stand outside between loads but I just don't know. I'm glad you're comfortable with doing your wash in public during this time. I wish I were. I believe I have more anxiety than most about covid.

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3 hours ago, Teafortwo said:

Thank you for understanding! I have my wash in our one working dryer right now. It should be done in an hour, if no one barges in and tries to remove it prematurely. Hopefully it's so late that no one else will start a load. I've thought about taking my stuff to the laundromat but I just don't know if it's safe now. It's very big and usually so many people in and out. I would stand outside between loads but I just don't know. I'm glad you're comfortable with doing your wash in public during this time. I wish I were. I believe I have more anxiety than most about covid.

I think you and I are neck and neck for covid anxiety.  I held my breath getting in the elevator at the Marriott I stayed at the other day.  No one else was in it except me and my husband but I worried about who might have been in it before us.  There was no fan in it either.  At least my father's building's elevator has a fan.  My NYC friend tells me that the sign on her laundry room says only one person is allowed in it at a time.  That's comforting but it must make for some frustrating experiences and some waiting, even in a small laundry room.  I would actually be more afraid of the laundromat than a building laundry room because there would be more people around.  If I were you I'd end up doing more hand wash at home.  When I've lived in apartments that's what I always did because I always dreaded using the laundry room for many reasons including schlepping the stuff up and down.  Of course I couldn't do hand wash with linens, towels, jeans, and nightwear, but all the small soft stuff like tops and undies I did by hand.  My other strategy is to buy lots of stuff so I don't have to wash it so often, LOL.  

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7 hours ago, galaxychaser said:

I took the ancestry test. Found no relatives. 😞


Wow, that's strange!  I've taken both Ancestry and 23 and Me tests and came up with tons of relatives, most of them weaker relations than 2nd cousins.  I have no first cousins.  I did find some people I knew existed but never met.  We exchanged a few messages.  I also found relatives I didn't know I had like 4th cousins in Guatemala.  My father knew that one of his grandfather's uncles ran a coffee plantation in Guatemala.  He obviously married a local woman and hence that side of the family was born and proliferated.  It was a very rare French last name so I knew they had to be relatives.  Then DNA and family tree research confirmed it.  The family resemblance to my father is uncanny.  And these people are part French and Hispanic.  Very fascinating stuff.  I also found first cousins of my father's on his Jewish side that he never met.  Their father died when they were babies and their mother remarried so they didn't stay in touch with my father's family.  I found them through DNA and we met them back in 2013.  They were 20 years younger than my father and 10 years older than me so it was very interesting.  These are my 1st cousins once removed.  Nice people but we never met up with them again.  One was a man, a lawyer, and his sister, who married well.  I have relatives everywhere including Florida and Canada but no one close to me, unfortunately.  My last close relative was my father.

  • Useful 1
1 hour ago, Yeah No said:

I think you and I are neck and neck for covid anxiety.  I held my breath getting in the elevator at the Marriott I stayed at the other day.  No one else was in it except me and my husband but I worried about who might have been in it before us.  There was no fan in it either.  At least my father's building's elevator has a fan.  My NYC friend tells me that the sign on her laundry room says only one person is allowed in it at a time.  That's comforting but it must make for some frustrating experiences and some waiting, even in a small laundry room.  I would actually be more afraid of the laundromat than a building laundry room because there would be more people around.  If I were you I'd end up doing more hand wash at home.  When I've lived in apartments that's what I always did because I always dreaded using the laundry room for many reasons including schlepping the stuff up and down.  Of course I couldn't do hand wash with linens, towels, jeans, and nightwear, but all the small soft stuff like tops and undies I did by hand.  My other strategy is to buy lots of stuff so I don't have to wash it so often, LOL.  

Not going to lie.  When I lived in an apartment I dreaded using the apartment machines and going to the laundromat.  When I moved to another town they had  one that had a wash and fold.  I decided it was worth $15-20 ish dollars for someone else to do it for me.  Now that I rent a house I have my own washer and dryer.  If the dryer ever broke I could take it to my moms to hang on her clothes line.  

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4 hours ago, Pickleinthemiddle said:

Not going to lie.  When I lived in an apartment I dreaded using the apartment machines and going to the laundromat.  When I moved to another town they had  one that had a wash and fold.  I decided it was worth $15-20 ish dollars for someone else to do it for me.  Now that I rent a house I have my own washer and dryer.  If the dryer ever broke I could take it to my moms to hang on her clothes line.  

Omg laundromats. Mr Turtle and I used to have to go to them when we were young and I hated it. The thought of other peoples’ lint and skin cells and other guck floating around.........I was a germaphobe BEFORE Covid.  

At least now I’m not made fun of for it (feeling vindicated). 

  • Love 10
On 8/7/2020 at 1:43 AM, Yeah No said:

I am REALLY interested in this.  I'll have to look into it when I have time.  I've been meaning to bring up whether anyone else was experiencing "pandemic weight gain".  I have and it's been really alarming me because I was doing so well maintaining for a long time.  Now no matter what I do it seems like I can't lose it for love or money.  I might have gained 6-10 lbs. but on me it all goes to my stomach so it's not a pretty sight.  Plus I am short 5'1.5" tall right now (I once was 5' 1 and 3/4" tall) so only a few pounds looks tremendous on me and makes me go up 1-2 sizes!  Plus I tend to retain fluid worse in the summer and experience a little bit of a water weight gain every season anyway.  It's gotten to the point where my summer pants are always a size larger than my winter pants (even with the water pills).  But add the pandemic gain to that and it's really starting to depress me.  I had heard about this and filed it away for "some day".  If you report back here that you liked the results I might do it sooner!

I looked on the company’s website and they’re not selling the system right now. On Walmart.com, there are other similar systems for sale, but none of them are in stock. But you can get an email notification when they are in stock again. But I remember seeing on Pinterest a while back where you can use frozen gel packs and do it yourself. (I can’t find it on Pinterest anymore to check the instructions). I went so far as buying the gel packs but keeping them in place is a real struggle which is why these ready made systems are probably more superior.  Maybe if you have one of those Velcro back braces, you could keep them in place. Might be worth a try.

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47 minutes ago, ehall1052 said:

I looked on the company’s website and they’re not selling the system right now. On Walmart.com, there are other similar systems for sale, but none of them are in stock. But you can get an email notification when they are in stock again. But I remember seeing on Pinterest a while back where you can use frozen gel packs and do it yourself. (I can’t find it on Pinterest anymore to check the instructions). I went so far as buying the gel packs but keeping them in place is a real struggle which is why these ready made systems are probably more superior.  Maybe if you have one of those Velcro back braces, you could keep them in place. Might be worth a try.

It might be easier to keep the gel packs in place if you sewed pockets on a back brace.  Because most of the back braces are elasticized, you would need to stretch the brace accordingly as you sewed.  If you had the brace already, the expense would be minimal and I'm all about saving $100. when/if I can.

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14 hours ago, TurtlePower said:

Omg laundromats. Mr Turtle and I used to have to go to them when we were young and I hated it. The thought of other peoples’ lint and skin cells and other guck floating around.........I was a germaphobe BEFORE Covid.  

At least now I’m not made fun of for it (feeling vindicated). 

LOL, when I said above that I always hated laundry rooms for many reasons, those were the exact reasons since as you know I was a germophobe before there was a word for it.  Plus I hated putting up with people that put a load in then never came back for it.  And once over 30 years ago some of my laundry was stolen from a laundromat.  The laundry room at our apartment building in the Bronx was being renovated so we decided to do our wash in a fancy town in Westchester County - Rye, NY, which was near where Mr. YN worked at the time.  We figured it would be a better experience than in the Bronx because the machines were new and the laundromat itself was spotless.  Of course it was a lot more expensive.  So anyway, we did a wash, put a load in the dryer, went to get a snack down the street, and when we came back not even a half hour later the dryer was still going but some of the pants were missing - mine!  It was surreal and unbelievable.  Who would stop a machine that was still on and take only some of the stuff out?  And in Rye, NY, a very upper class town no less?  Of course my favorite shorts and jeans were taken - things I couldn't replace.  I never got over that.

14 hours ago, ehall1052 said:

I looked on the company’s website and they’re not selling the system right now. 

I don't like to give out wrong information and need to be sure I don't have my wires crossed here. Are you talking about the Isavera website, or another product line? Because when I clicked Shop Now at Isavera the leg and arm belts are out of stock but I was able to begin an order for a belly belt. I didn't go as far as the payment page but didn't see any Out Of Stock or Back Order indicators. TIA

I measured today and lost one inch the first week, as I suspected a couple days ago. 

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On 8/7/2020 at 1:58 AM, suomi said:

Dear Diary:

My wife and I came to New York in November 2002 for my second New York City Marathon. We splurged and booked a room at a boutique hotel near the New York Public Library, where runners board early morning buses that take them to where the race starts on Staten Island.

We registered at the desk with an assistant manager, who struck us as the type of well-mannered, middle-age gentleman one might encounter at a traditional European hotel.

I made conversation by mentioning the huge number of international runners I had seen. He volunteered that he was from what had been known as Czechoslovakia. We fell into an easy, extended chat about distance running.

Eventually, he insisted on personally showing us to the room we had booked on a lower floor. He seemed intent on continuing our conversation.

As he pulled our luggage trolley onto the elevator, a twinkle came to his eyes.

“I bet you don’t know the name of the greatest Czech distance runner of all time,” he said.

Somehow, my usually unreliable memory jumped to life.

“Um, yeah, Emil Zatopek,” I stammered.

His face lit up, and he beamed with pride.

After a moment’s reflection, he spoke again.

“The room you reserved just isn’t right for you,” he said. “Allow me to upgrade you to a larger suite on an upper floor.”



These are such quintessential "Only in NY' stories - the kind I've always loved and have lived through myself.  Thanks for sharing them.    Although not a NY story, this one reminded me of the time my husband and I went up to Montreal with my father back in '82.  My mother couldn't make it that time but she urged us to go anyway.  So we got to the hotel and my Dad decided to use his French with the reservation clerk.  The clerk was so impressed with his knowledge of French and flattered that he would speak to him in it, that he immediately upgraded us to what looked like the penthouse suite, complete with kitchen and two separate bedrooms.

Here is a NY story of my father's - When he worked directing one part of the talking book department in the American Foundation for the Blind, he got a new boss, who wasn't the brightest guy.  Once when my father was looking at a list that the boss gave him of books to be recorded he commented to that boss that one of them was erroneously attributed.  The book wasn't "Betrayed" by Rita Hayworth, he said, it was "Betrayed by Rita Hayworth" written by Manuel Puig.  The boss, obviously an insecure man that felt like he was being corrected by an underling said to him, "And how do YOU know that?" as if he was trying to put him in his place.  My father looked him straight in the eye and said, "Because I've met the author!".  At the time, my mother was going to grad. school at City College in creative writing and famous authors were always coming to wine and cheese parties (which were very popular back then).  The list of authors we met that way was amazing.  Also amazing was the list of concert pianists I met at cocktail parties when Mr. YN worked for Steinway.  Yeah, I once had an iconic NY life straight out of a Woody Allen movie.

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7 hours ago, suomi said:


21 hours ago, ehall1052 said:

I looked on the company’s website and they’re not selling the system right now. 

I don't like to give out wrong information and need to be sure I don't have my wires crossed here.


Maybe they were just having trouble with their website when I originally looked at it because it did say they were not taking orders at that time, but now it seems ok.

  • Useful 1
15 minutes ago, Irate Panda said:

Any cars experts on here?  If so, can you suggest any higher end make/model that you’ve had good experiences with owning.  I already have a sportier car to zoom around town.  I’m looking for quality and endurance and something that will hold with with a couple of large sporting dogs in the back.  

Hubbie is a car guy, having managed service departments for high end auto makers for decades before he started driving a limo. and has experience with lots of brands.  What type of vehicle are you looking for, an SUV or sedan?  How big - small, medium or large?  Do you prefer foreign or domestic? German, American, Japanese or something else?  I'll take it up with him and get back to you with his general recommendations.

  • Love 1
34 minutes ago, Yeah No said:

Hubbie is a car guy, having managed service departments for high end auto makers for decades before he started driving a limo. and has experience with lots of brands.  What type of vehicle are you looking for, an SUV or sedan?  How big - small, medium or large?  Do you prefer foreign or domestic? German, American, Japanese or something else?  I'll take it up with him and get back to you with his general recommendations.

I’m looking for an SUV type vehicle.  I want something that 4-5 people can sit in while having two 100 lbs dogs in the back.  I have no preference as far as foreign or domestic.  My FIL has a few different vehicles, so I’m not sure how much he drives it, but he has had a Land Rover for like 20 years!   I’m being superficial, but it’s ugly.  So, I want something useful, but if we could avoid “ugly” it be great.  It will be used exclusively in Hawai’i and also used to tote surf boards around, if he needs to know that, so something I can put a roof rack on. It will primarily be used as a beach, hiking, cycling vehicle, so weekends excursions with lots of people or equipment.   I prefer an automatic but can drive a stick.  I’m not that worried about price, I just want something that will last and hold up to heavy use.  If given the choice quality and endurance are important and I can deal with “ugly”.  THANK YOU!!


PS It will be used half the year but road driven regularly when I’m not there so it doesn’t just sit.  I’m not sure you need to know that either.

Edited by Irate Panda
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7 minutes ago, Irate Panda said:

I’m looking for an SUV type vehicle.  I want something that 4-5 people can sit in while having two 100 lbs dogs in the back.  I have no preference as far as foreign or domestic.  My FIL has a few different vehicles, so I’m not sure how much he drives it, but he has had a Land Rover for like 20 years!   I’m being superficial, but it’s ugly.  So, I want something useful, but if we could avoid “ugly” it be great.  It will be used exclusively in Hawai’i and also used to tote surf boards around, if he needs to know that, so something I can put a roof rack on. It will primarily be used as a beach, hiking, cycling vehicle, so weekends excursions with lots of people or equipment.   I prefer an automatic but can drive a stick.  I’m not that worried about price, I just want something that will last and hold up to heavy use.  If given the choice quality and endurance are important and I can deal with “ugly”.  THANK YOU!!


PS It will be used half the year but road driven regularly when I’m not there so it doesn’t just sit.  I’m not sure you need to know that either.

Not an expert, but I’m in love with my 2019 Silverado.  I splurged and got all the extras, including big off-road tires.  It has so much space inside and it’s like driving a couch.  💜

  • Love 2
24 minutes ago, Meowwww said:

Not an expert, but I’m in love with my 2019 Silverado.  I splurged and got all the extras, including big off-road tires.  It has so much space inside and it’s like driving a couch.  💜

Now, that's what I call living!  You gotta trucker's sensibility, there.  😁

It's interesting, when we first got into trucking I didn't want a big truck to run around in at home, but now I can't handle riding in a car.  DH explains it best.  Once one has been up in a tractor one has a terrible time riding in a car because it feels like you're bumping your butt on the road, and you can'tsee ANYTHING.  😛  it's quite disorienting.

We're in the market for a large truck and/or SUV, with a back seat for our dog, who is about 14 and blind as a bat.   😊

Edited by Rabbit Hutch
  • Love 3
27 minutes ago, Meowwww said:

Not an expert, but I’m in love with my 2019 Silverado.  I splurged and got all the extras, including big off-road tires.  It has so much space inside and it’s like driving a couch.  💜

Is that a truck or an SUV?  If a truck do you use a cab?

Edited by Irate Panda
  • Love 1
18 minutes ago, Irate Panda said:

I’m looking for an SUV type vehicle.  I want something that 4-5 people can sit in while having two 100 lbs dogs in the back.  I have no preference as far as foreign or domestic.  My FIL has a few different vehicles, so I’m not sure how much he drives it, but he has had a Land Rover for like 20 years!   I’m being superficial, but it’s ugly.  So, I want something useful, but if we could avoid “ugly” it be great.  It will be used exclusively in Hawai’i and also used to tote surf boards around, if he needs to know that, so something I can put a roof rack on. It will primarily be used as a beach, hiking, cycling vehicle, so weekends excursions with lots of people or equipment.   I prefer an automatic but can drive a stick.  I’m not that worried about price, I just want something that will last and hold up to heavy use.  If given the choice quality and endurance are important and I can deal with “ugly”.  THANK YOU!!


PS It will be used half the year but road driven regularly when I’m not there so it doesn’t just sit.  I’m not sure you need to know that either.

If you like style and performance and can swing the price, the Porsche SUVS are an excellent choice all the way around.  The Audi Q7 is also a great choice in that high price category.  The Toyota SUVs are also very reliable of course and good choices for your purposes.

In a lower priced zone, hubbie LOVES the Lincolns.  He had a 2015 Navigator that he used as a limo. and put high mileage on, often with several passengers (and dogs!) and it was a total workhorse until a deer ran out in front of it several months ago.  Considering that he was doing 60+ miles an hour when it happened the damage was way less than we would have thought (although the vehicle was totaled given its age) and no one in the vehicle was hurt.  He also likes the Lincoln Aviator.  Both have a luxury feel but are plenty durable.  He also had and still has an MKT, which believe it or not he likes much better than both the Mercedes he had.  He loves Mercedes (and once worked for them) but because of constant quirky and annoying issues (plus high repair bills) he can't recommend them.  I don't think the MKT (which is a crossover) would meet your needs, though.  Lincoln reliability is only average but the price of upkeep is a lot cheaper than with the foreign cars.

He also has a soft spot for BMW but has only owned one sedan so he doesn't know from it in the SUV category, plus he says their reliability overall has slipped recently.

As much as we LOVE Range Rover, their reliability is not so great so he (and I) can't recommend them.  Plus they don't have a very comfortable ride.  He used to work for Range Rover once upon a time.

He has no experience with GM, but has heard good things about the Chevy or GMC Tahoe.

Anyway, I hope that gives you some direction!

  • Love 1
33 minutes ago, Yeah No said:

If you like style and performance and can swing the price, the Porsche SUVS are an excellent choice all the way around.  The Audi Q7 is also a great choice in that high price category.  The Toyota SUVs are also very reliable of course and good choices for your purposes.

In a lower priced zone, hubbie LOVES the Lincolns.  He had a 2015 Navigator that he used as a limo. and put high mileage on, often with several passengers (and dogs!) and it was a total workhorse until a deer ran out in front of it several months ago.  Considering that he was doing 60+ miles an hour when it happened the damage was way less than we would have thought (although the vehicle was totaled given its age) and no one in the vehicle was hurt.  He also likes the Lincoln Aviator.  Both have a luxury feel but are plenty durable.  He also had and still has an MKT, which believe it or not he likes much better than both the Mercedes he had.  He loves Mercedes (and once worked for them) but because of constant quirky and annoying issues (plus high repair bills) he can't recommend them.  I don't think the MKT (which is a crossover) would meet your needs, though.  Lincoln reliability is only average but the price of upkeep is a lot cheaper than with the foreign cars.

He also has a soft spot for BMW but has only owned one sedan so he doesn't know from it in the SUV category, plus he says their reliability overall has slipped recently.

As much as we LOVE Range Rover, their reliability is not so great so he (and I) can't recommend them.  Plus they don't have a very comfortable ride.  He used to work for Range Rover once upon a time.

He has no experience with GM, but has heard good things about the Chevy or GMC Tahoe.

Anyway, I hope that gives you some direction!

Thank you so much!!!  You too, Mr. Yeah No!!! I think the Porsche Macan is definitely worth taking a look at!!!   Thank you!!!

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, Irate Panda said:

I’m looking for an SUV type vehicle.  I want something that 4-5 people can sit in while having two 100 lbs dogs in the back.  I have no preference as far as foreign or domestic.  My FIL has a few different vehicles, so I’m not sure how much he drives it, but he has had a Land Rover for like 20 years!   I’m being superficial, but it’s ugly.  So, I want something useful, but if we could avoid “ugly” it be great.  It will be used exclusively in Hawai’i and also used to tote surf boards around, if he needs to know that, so something I can put a roof rack on. It will primarily be used as a beach, hiking, cycling vehicle, so weekends excursions with lots of people or equipment.   I prefer an automatic but can drive a stick.  I’m not that worried about price, I just want something that will last and hold up to heavy use.  If given the choice quality and endurance are important and I can deal with “ugly”.  THANK YOU!!


PS It will be used half the year but road driven regularly when I’m not there so it doesn’t just sit.  I’m not sure you need to know that either.

I would say for that many people, plus two large dogs and other things, you need to look into a full size SUV like a Chevy Suburban.  Which I believe is the largest one on the market right now. 

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Just now, Irate Panda said:

LOL ....I’ve already fallen in love with the Macan Turbo...ZOOM ZOOM ZOOM!  I might have to tell my friends the dogs and I will meet you at the beach 😂 

I love it too.  Maybe I'll get one when I hit the Powerball, LOL 😉 

Right now I'm driving a Nissan Rogue.  Actually I thought I'd hate it but I don't.  I drove Infinitis for many years.  Of course don't drive a Rogue on the same day after driving a Mercedes.  I made that mistake, LOL.  Feels like a bucket of bolts by comparision.

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, Kohola3 said:

Sheesh, I feel so mundane. I'm driving an 8 year old Ford Fusion hybrid.  But I get 44 miles to the gallon so....

LOL, I got you beat, I'm driving an 23 year old 2 door Geo Tracker 4WD. It only has 125,000 miles on it and does just fine for me. But then I only drive about 2500 miles a year... Here in MT once a car is 10 yrs old you can get a Permanent Registration sticker for a couple hundred dollars and never pay yearly registration again...done and done. As long as it keeps running, I'll keep it...if it stops I'll look for another car 10 years old...

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I have a 10 year old Subaru Outback with less than 50,000 miles on it. There is part of me that would really like a new car, especially after driving a loaner from the dealer. My car doesn’t have any of the “fancy” things that are now standard, like lane warnings and backup camera. I do have heated seats, though!

  • Love 4
8 minutes ago, MargeGunderson said:

I have a 10 year old Subaru Outback with less than 50,000 miles on it. There is part of me that would really like a new car, especially after driving a loaner from the dealer. My car doesn’t have any of the “fancy” things that are now standard, like lane warnings and backup camera. I do have heated seats, though!

If/when I am forced to get another car, it will be a Subaru probably a Forester, my Geo has no/zero bells and whistles zip, zreo, none but it serves me well for my needs. I'm 71, no way buying a brand new car but I wouldn't mind an older Forester.

  • Love 4

I think I have you all beat on the age of car. I own a 1991 Camry with just under 148,000 miles. I park it on the street in NYC. It has been in my family for generations! lol. My mother sold it to me for $1.00 when she stopped driving in 2007. I did have to put about $1500 into it a few years later, but it's been well worth it. 

I drove a rented Dodge Grand Caravan last summer when I was out West for several weeks. At first I was very freaked out -- it was so big I was nervous about changing lanes. However, after a few days I adjusted and felt so much safer than in a regular car.  It was a free upgrade because Hertz was out of sub-compacts and I have a "gold" membership. Whee! (except the gas mileage was terrible.)

I am pretty sad that Hertz went bankrupt. The gold membership was great and it didn't cost anything - it was an enticement to keep using Hertz to build up points towards free rentals.

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7 hours ago, Teafortwo said:

I think I have you all beat on the age of car. I own a 1991 Camry with just under 148,000 miles. I park it on the street in NYC. It has been in my family for generations! lol. My mother sold it to me for $1.00 when she stopped driving in 2007. I did have to put about $1500 into it a few years later, but it's been well worth it.

I just love that. That's a perfect NY street car, what I've heard affectionately called a "station car" in the 'burbs.  Do you have issues with finding parking or dealing with "alternate side"?

Hubbie's good friend started driving his aunt's 2008 Camry when she stopped driving, then gave it to his daughter, who later handed it down to her brother, who is still driving it.  I have no doubt that car will remain in the family for years to come.

In other news - I was complaining about "pandemic weight gain".  Well I finally got the nerve up to weigh myself and I've gained a total of 4 pounds.  Here I was thinking it was more like 10.  How can 4 pounds be the cause of not being able to fit any of my pants and going up an entire size?  I'm thinking I've lost more muscle mass due to less exercise, which has been replaced by fat, which takes up more space but weighs less.  At least that's my present theory.  Mr. YN has also gained 4 lbs. and says all his pants feel very tight for only 4 lbs.

I'm also still experiencing pain in my side, but it's shrunk and subsided quite a bit.  I'm still worried about it though.

  • Love 3

Mr lookeyloo drove a Rogue for 9 years.  It was  a nice car, comfortable to sit in.  BUT, it had a terrible blind spot we could never overcome, no matter how we did the mirrors, bigger rear view mirror, etc.  He managed better than I did, but, in January he got a Forester with all the bells and whistles and it really is nice.  I drive a 5 year old Jetta I got new.  It has some of the bells, none of the whistles, but, very comfortable for me being short of stature and no blind spots at all.

41 minutes ago, lookeyloo said:

Mr lookeyloo drove a Rogue for 9 years.  It was  a nice car, comfortable to sit in.  BUT, it had a terrible blind spot we could never overcome, no matter how we did the mirrors, bigger rear view mirror, etc.  He managed better than I did, but, in January he got a Forester with all the bells and whistles and it really is nice.  I drive a 5 year old Jetta I got new.  It has some of the bells, none of the whistles, but, very comfortable for me being short of stature and no blind spots at all.

The present Rogue body style doesn't have that issue, thankfully or I would know about it because I hate blind spots.  Plus the newer models have the blind spot warning lights, which are amazing.  On my 2017 I have front and rear cameras, 360 degree camera (great for parking), lane warning beeps and lots of other extras.  I extended my lease until October and am undecided on whether I should buy this one or lease a new Rogue Sport (the smaller Rogue).  A good friend has one and she loves it.

1 hour ago, Yeah No said:

The present Rogue body style doesn't have that issue, thankfully or I would know about it because I hate blind spots.  Plus the newer models have the blind spot warning lights, which are amazing.  On my 2017 I have front and rear cameras, 360 degree camera (great for parking), lane warning beeps and lots of other extras.  I extended my lease until October and am undecided on whether I should buy this one or lease a new Rogue Sport (the smaller Rogue).  A good friend has one and she loves it.

Yes. His was a 2011. Forester has all bells and whistles plus a lot of glass 

3 hours ago, Angeltoes said:

I'm seriously considering trading in my 11-year-old Ford Fusion for a Hyundai Sonata or Elantra.  Anybody drove/had either one?

I drove an Elantra back in the day for a cross country road trip.  It was either that or a Toyota Corolla and I purely picked it because it wasn’t as boxy looking.  It did well on mileage and was easy to drive.  It didn’t have a lot of bells and whistles,  but it was a pretty smooth ride.  It is on the smaller side but can seat 4-5.   My understanding is the warranty is pretty good.  I think it is a practical choice economical.  I rented several Elantras over the months of the trip and never so had many probably other than it’s a pretty light car when the wind blows.  A lady I worked with a few years back had hers for maybe 10 years then gave it to her daughter, so I imagine they’re pretty reliable.  

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Well, after much resistance I finally gave in and made an appointment with my surgeon for Thursday morning.  She is the only person I trust with the pain in my side as I think my underwire bruised me and is making my liver wonky, which would account for my sluggishness and the yucky feeling after eating.  I remember this feeling all too well from a few years ago when I had gallstones.  She removed my gallbladder so she knows that area better than anyone.  The last time I felt like this she ran tests and told me to go home and pack a bag because she was checking me into the hospital.  I certainly hope that doesn't happen this time!  Meanwhile my best friend had her second surgery today.  No news yet but I am saying my prayers for her.

5 hours ago, Angeltoes said:

I'm seriously considering trading in my 11-year-old Ford Fusion for a Hyundai Sonata or Elantra.  Anybody drove/had either one?

No, but they get very good reliability ratings from Consumer Reports.  I don't always agree with CR on everything but their auto ratings are always spot-on.

  • Love 4
5 hours ago, Angeltoes said:

I'm seriously considering trading in my 11-year-old Ford Fusion for a Hyundai Sonata or Elantra.  Anybody drove/had either one?

I had a 2006 Elantra I bought new, and then just replaced it with a barely driven 2014 Elantra GT (owned by an older couple who had two cars but only one driver so it has even less miles than even any 2019 that I could find!) the week before Covid started getting bad. I had intended to replace mine with one that was just a year or two old but with low miles, but with the great deal on this other one it made more sense for me.

I (obviously) really liked my first Elantra to replace it with another! I like my new one more because the GT has a little more personality and style than the regular one did, but I'm thrilled to have another. Great car and I'd totally buy another someday when I eventually need to replace this one.

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I happened to catch an Escaping Polygamy episode yesterday that dealt with a man from the AUB that wanted to leave.  It was actually rather refreshing to see this guy come to understand (and articulate) how difficult it was on both wives once he took a second wife.  He seemed genuinely sorrowful about their feelings of jealousy and rejection but he'd been raised in polygamy and truly believed all of the BS until the pain he saw woke him up.  

It was also quite eye-opening to hear about the AUB militia.  They are "called" by the church (and have not option to refuse) to learn to kill not only outsiders but those inside the cult who want to leave.  He broke down and sobbed about the whole idea and was also afraid that he'd be a target by leaving. It was a pretty intense episode even putting the usual theatrics aside.

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6 minutes ago, Kohola3 said:

I happened to catch an Escaping Polygamy episode yesterday that dealt with a man from the AUB that wanted to leave.  It was actually rather refreshing to see this guy come to understand (and articulate) how difficult it was on both wives once he took a second wife.  He seemed genuinely sorrowful about their feelings of jealousy and rejection but he'd been raised in polygamy and truly believed all of the BS until the pain he saw woke him up.  

It was also quite eye-opening to hear about the AUB militia.  They are "called" by the church (and have not option to refuse) to learn to kill not only outsiders but those inside the cult who want to leave.  He broke down and sobbed about the whole idea and was also afraid that he'd be a target by leaving. It was a pretty intense episode even putting the usual theatrics aside.

I'm sorry I missed that episode.  It would be refreshing to hear of a male raised to believe in this lifestyle question the balance.  Did he bring himself to make a "Sophie's Choice" between his wives?

  • Love 3
22 minutes ago, Sandy W said:

Did he bring himself to make a "Sophie's Choice" between his wives?

No, they are actually sisters which is kind of creepy but not when you hear the story from all three of them.  They wanted to continue to stay a family but he has them set up in separate homes now.  It was a couple of years ago so I'm curious as to how things have progressed.  The women were close to their parents who lived behind them on the next block.  It appeared as though someone in that home was painting the security and camera people with a laser scope on a ;gun.  They bailed out pretty quickly after that.

On 8/9/2020 at 9:12 PM, Gramto6 said:

LOL, I got you beat, I'm driving an 23 year old 2 door Geo Tracker 4WD. It only has 125,000 miles on it and does just fine for me. But then I only drive about 2500 miles a year... Here in MT once a car is 10 yrs old you can get a Permanent Registration sticker for a couple hundred dollars and never pay yearly registration again...done and done. As long as it keeps running, I'll keep it...if it stops I'll look for another car 10 years old...

That’s a sweet benefit!!


I have a 2006 Subaru Forester with 103k miles. It’s still going strong, I took the El to work before the pandemic and now that I’m WFH it barely gets driven. 

On 8/9/2020 at 9:51 PM, MargeGunderson said:

I have a 10 year old Subaru Outback with less than 50,000 miles on it. There is part of me that would really like a new car, especially after driving a loaner from the dealer. My car doesn’t have any of the “fancy” things that are now standard, like lane warnings and backup camera. I do have heated seats, though!

I’ll raise you- I don’t even have Bluetooth or USB! My car was brand new right before non luxury cars got those things so I’ve been suffering🤣


17 hours ago, Kohola3 said:

I happened to catch an Escaping Polygamy episode yesterday that dealt with a man from the AUB that wanted to leave.  It was actually rather refreshing to see this guy come to understand (and articulate) how difficult it was on both wives once he took a second wife.  He seemed genuinely sorrowful about their feelings of jealousy and rejection but he'd been raised in polygamy and truly believed all of the BS until the pain he saw woke him up.  

I have seen that episode. 

  • Love 2
On 8/11/2020 at 1:36 PM, Kohola3 said:

I happened to catch an Escaping Polygamy episode yesterday that dealt with a man from the AUB that wanted to leave.  It was actually rather refreshing to see this guy come to understand (and articulate) how difficult it was on both wives once he took a second wife.  He seemed genuinely sorrowful about their feelings of jealousy and rejection but he'd been raised in polygamy and truly believed all of the BS until the pain he saw woke him up.  

It was also quite eye-opening to hear about the AUB militia.  They are "called" by the church (and have not option to refuse) to learn to kill not only outsiders but those inside the cult who want to leave.  He broke down and sobbed about the whole idea and was also afraid that he'd be a target by leaving. It was a pretty intense episode even putting the usual theatrics aside.

I remember that episode.  I remember it being mentioned back in the day that Kody had once had a gun dealer license/business. After seeing that episode I always wondered if he was a dealer for the church or in that version of "God squad" with the AUB.

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@Scarlett45, I have no idea if my car has Bluetooth or USB! I take public transportation to work, so use the car mostly for running errands. I guess I’ve never needed either one of those things, but now I’m curious. My car has at least 5 more years on it so I’ll just have to dream about all the fancy stuff for now. Stupid reliable Subarus.....

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Is anyone else here happy with the way their hair color/cut has grown out the last several months?  I'm kind of liking my new look, white outgrowth and all.

I only hope that Mr. Xword and I don't have to buy a new vehicle any time soon.  We have a car and a pickup with very low mileage, for as old as they are (13 years for car, and 19 years for truck.)  I always hated making car payments when we bought both of them new.

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8 minutes ago, xwordfanatik said:

Is anyone else here happy with the way their hair color/cut has grown out the last several months?  I'm kind of liking my new look, white outgrowth and all.

Lawdy, no, I had a big celebration the day our Governor reopened hairdressers. I counted the days until I could get there but I have always had very short hair and I was ready to take hedge clippers to my head.  Interestingly enough, my hairdresser said a lot of her clients liked the longer look. Not me!

  • Love 6
11 hours ago, xwordfanatik said:

Is anyone else here happy with the way their hair color/cut has grown out the last several months?  I'm kind of liking my new look, white outgrowth and all.

I color my own hair plus I had my hair cut in late June.  Salons in my state (CT) opened at the beginning of June.  My stylist opened the salon early one day so I could be the only person there.  I got there with wet hair so she didn't have to wash it and she didn't blow dry it either.  It was all over in less than 10 minutes.  I was nervous about it, but the numbers in my state have remained low so I got over it.  I'm planning another similar visit at the end of this month.  I went close to 6 months without a cut and by that time it was driving me crazy.

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41 minutes ago, Yeah No said:

I'm planning another similar visit at the end of this month.

I think the thing that made me less nervous was the case of the two Covid-positive hairdressers in Georgia that serviced 140 customers and none of them got sick.  Both the customers and staff were all wearing masks at that time. 

Mine is following all of the rules in Michigan: one customer at a time, questionnaire and temp coming in, wiping down workstations between customers, wait in car, etc.

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