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S06.E02: JSS


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What's worse, Maggie validated her! She's all, "Spencer, make sure you protect her". Fuck that. Spencer has a gun. He may really suck with it, but he might have gotten at least ONE wolf!

I thought it showed Deanna maybe finally starting to understand what the world is really like, that if you're unable to protect yourself it makes you a liability for those who can and you've got nothing to contribute so just get out of the way.    I think the ASZers who could did step up, like Jessie taking out that female wolf in the house and the one in the armory taking the gun and standing ready to blow away anyone trying to get to the weapons.

  • Love 13
I think the ASZers who could did step up, like Jessie taking out that female wolf in the house and the one in the armory taking the gun and standing ready to blow away anyone trying to get to the weapons.


The one in the armory (Lydia?) was hiding in the closet. She only took a gun herself because Carol insisted. I don't think she was any more experienced with a gun than Deanna was.

  • Love 2

The one in the armory (Lydia?) was hiding in the closet. She only took a gun herself because Carol insisted. I don't think she was any more experienced with a gun than Deanna was.

Yes, she's untrained and she was scared.  But when Carol came in and told her how to use the gun she took and we see her assuming the stance and pointing the gun at the door.   She didn't collapse into tears and curl up in a corner or something.  


This is the message Rick's been preaching, that these people aren't ready and need to be taught what to do.  Carol had to do it on the fly with this woman and hope for the best.  Not much Maggie could have done with Deanna except leave her behind, they were out in the open at that point.

  • Love 18

Finding out Denise was also a doctor lowered my respect for Deanna even more. She should have never put up with Pete beating his wife and children, especially since they had another doctor who could have taken over in a push. It is not like either of them could do miraculous surgery to save lives since they did not have the necessary equipment. Deanna is the worse.

  • Love 11

About that tortoise people are so upset about: would it help if I pointed out that it would not have lasted long anyway? A wild gopher tortoise that had survived among people long enough to reach adulthood might actually be stealthy enough to survive a zombie-infested world. It sleeps underground, it hibernates for a third of the year, and it eats by standing in tall grass, nibbling on... grass. It lives well below eye level, doesn't have a strong scent... yadda yadda yadda. But that one was raised in captivity. That extreme bumpiness of the shell is a condition called pyramiding, which is caused by abnormal captive conditions such as feeding a grass-eater too many rich high protein foods. Which they love, but a tortoise's digestive system is not a box turtle's. If Enid hadn't come along and eaten it, hopefully after a very quick kill first, I guarantee that turtle would have gone waddling up to the first zombie it saw, begging for whatever its favorite food was.

Edited by CletusMusashi
  • Love 14

Next week, Deanna better get in that truck and guide the horde away to make u for how useless she was this week. If you're not even willing to try what sort of leader are you? Denise showed more guts as did the lady in the armory.

I know Carol was the superstar badass of the episode, but I want to give props to Carl. He's a teenager, was in the middle of a love triangle and still managed to be one of the best fighters in town.

As for Morgan, I think not wanting to kill people is admirable but when someone is slaughtering your town, you should fight back. If Morgan isn't willing to kill people, he won't make it.

The whole episode was brilliant. Drama and gore. It was really tense and the fighting was really well done. Even Carol's mean girl Southern act at the start was so much fun.

  • Love 14

Finding out Denise was also a doctor lowered my respect for Deanna even more. She should have never put up with Pete beating his wife and children, especially since they had another doctor who could have taken over in a push. It is not like either of them could do miraculous surgery to save lives since they did not have the necessary equipment. Deanna is the worse.

She said she was a psychiatrist and something about panic attacks during her surgery rotation and she didn't seem super confident.  That doesn't explain the Pete thing necessarily but I sort of get why she wouldn't have been considered a really great alternative.   It does sound like maybe she tried to be involved, maybe get some experience, though, while Pete was still there and he didn't want her around she said.  Which Deanna could probably have done something about that.  Again, another ASZ weakness, so little contingency planning.

  • Love 8

Morgan has the skills to be able to draw the line at killing and still be able to survive. I think Carol knows her physical limitations all too well, and realizes that when she fights there is only going to be one survivor. The Alexandrians are getting the ZA life lessons in reverse order here. Most everyone in the core group of the series had to learn how to kill walkers first, and only later learned that other survivors can be more dangerous. Having the town attacked by humans gave the defenders that much more difficult a task. I am not surprised so many didn't survive. The BEST part was when the casserole was ready! (Mostly because mine was as well.)

  • Love 15

The spelling out of JSS over and over was ridiculously precious in what was otherwise probably the best action-heavy episode they're done in a while.

It's frustrating that Morgan has chosen now to embrace pacifism, but I'm not quite ready to crucify him just yet. I think there's been a general assumption that because he didn't show up ranting about needing people to clear that he was all better now and as sane as anyone. But we don't really know that. He may have over corrected as Carol once did or he may be unraveling in an entirely opposite direction from what Rick is prone to do. It's just too early yet to know where this is going. This may very well be Morgan's machete with the red handle moment where he has to come to understand that the more merciful option can also have dire consequences.

I do wish we'd seen more of Maggie and Rosita also taking care of things because I like the idea that it was mostly the women of CBD saving the town. Still, I just love Carol in all her forms, and I love that her casserole was done the same time she was.

Edited by nodorothyparker
  • Love 15

Excellent episode. I love that a Walking Dead episode can solely feature the "secondary" characters, and still comprise a fascinating episode.


Carol - How do I love thee? I know many have had their complaints about Carol and her callous cold manner, but let's face it - she knows what needs to be done. Sentiment is pointless in the Walking Dead world. Fact is, one needs to be brutal to survive. Carol, wearing the hood and face covering scarf was the best - Even Morgan realized that sometimes you have to kill to survive. Carol knows that, and is brilliant for it!

  • Love 14

I can see why Pete probably didn't want a psychiatrist around.

I think he may have been motivated in the same way that Doctor in Atlanta was (the Beth episodes), being the only qualified physician made him valuable.  That meant he could do what he wanted with his family, although I don't know how calculating he was about all that, he just seemed like a nasty drunk, but it did mean he'd be protected even if he hadn't been a wife beating scumbag, or so he thought. 

  • Love 5

Did I miss something or was Morgan the only one at both scenes, the zombie herding and the wolf defense?  How was Morgan able to get back so quickly while everyone else was still away?


Also, from the looks of the aftermath, Morgan didn't look too worried that the zombies might be headed their way?  I would think he would rally the troops to get ready for the impending wave.

  • Love 10

I'm rewatching the episode and I just have to say, I love al the women being awesome this episode. Carol, Rosita, Tara, and Maggie were expected to be awesome.

I appreciate seeing some of the female Alexandrians stepping up too. Jessie going Mama Bear and protecting her boys. Denise sucking it up and trying to save that other woman. Lydia in the armory listening to Carol and choosing to defend the guns instead of continuing to hide. And I love that two of the woman were bigger and not actresses who are sticks.

I'm sort of hoping for a Carol-like redemption for Father Gabriel. I don't read the comics so I don't know how he turns out. And I also appreciate Carl being awesome like always. Someone get that boy some pudding to go with Carol's casserole.

Edited by SnoGirl
  • Love 16

Carol - How do I love thee? I know many have had their complaints about Carol and her callous cold manner, but let's face it - she knows what needs to be done. Sentiment is pointless in the Walking Dead world. Fact it, one needs to be brutal to survive. Carol, wearing the hood and face covering scarf was the best - Even Morgan realized that sometimes you have to kill to survive. Carol knows that, and is brilliant for it!


Carol is like The Punisher now.  Which is funny, since Shane is going on to play that character. 

I like that she doesn't care what anyone thinks of her, either. 

  • Love 8

Did I miss something or was Morgan the only one at both scenes, the zombie herding and the wolf defense?  How was Morgan able to get back so quickly while everyone else was still away?


Also, from the looks of the aftermath, Morgan didn't look too worried that the zombies might be headed their way?  I would think he would rally the troops to get ready for the impending wave.

Morgan might have been chosen to go back to the town while the rest try to re-route the herd. He also, IIRC, was there when Ron made a surprisingly quick arrival last week. I think there's probably a nifty shortcut that isn't accessible by vehicle.

 As to why he hasn't alerted everyone, your guess is as good as mine. Makes no sense once the action died down.

  • Love 2

The human race is on the verge of extinction. Morgan realizes how precious each living person now is. He's not a coward, he's not a punk, he's the only character with a long term perspective on what it means to survive the apocalypse -- and it does not involve the few remaining living people wiping each other out.

That is a valid argument... if you're talking about not killing Randall. Or Pete. Or Nicholas. Or Shane. Or Gum-Chewing Guy. Or Carol. But people who are personally gleefully and efficiently working every day to kill every single person they can... if you don't have a prison or other way of neutralizing them... then to save thousands you might have to kill that few dozen who are blatantly killing them right in front of you while giggling about the fact that they will never stop. Batman at least has the excuse of thinking that maybe some day Arkham Asylum will get better security. But Morgan has nothing. He isn't even letting obvious habitual gratuitous mass murderers go because they promised not to do it again. They didn't. They're mocking him as they leave. He even lets them take guns. Ultimately, Morgan lets them go because his own by-the-very-simple-book "honor" is more important to him than actually protecting human life en masse.

ETA: Or Merle. Or Rick. Or Carl. Or Father Pee Pants. Or Eugene. Or Abraham.

However, Gareth, Joe, and Brillip are not on this list, once you get to know them. I defended Rick's decision to retreat from Terminus because I thought it was less dangerous, not because it was more merciful.

Edited by CletusMusashi
  • Love 23

Very action packed episode!  The wolves are pretty damn vicious - but definitely a cult mentality.  The one captured that was spouting "you're not supposed to be here" makes me think that this group is following some twisted religion to allow the walkers to take over the world and to expedite the deaths of any living souls.


Those few days in bed made Tara pretty damn pregnant.  It was apparent when Tara & Eugene were in the Dr. office getting aspirin.  I know she is IRL, but they didn't do much to hide it in the long shot.

That scene of smoker lady was a shocker.  One minute you're drawin' a puff on a Morley, the next you get a machete to the back and then to the head.  See, kids??  Cigarettes WILL kill you.   TRUTH.   BTW, did she inherit Dr. Porchdick's stash of cigarettes?


Gah, angsty Ron needs to be put down ASAP.  Thinks Daddy Porchdick's death was him Mom's fault.  Rick's fault.   Didn't Daddy beat on him or Sam?  Or just Jesse?  I guess he was ok with his Mom getting regular beat downs.  How petulant can you be that you've narrowly escaped death over the course of a couple days and still stomp off when someone offers you protection?  If you want to die, do it soon, and violently as possible.


I still like seeing Rambo Carol.  Pulling a tweaked encore of her Terminus walker costume is a great guerrilla combat technique.  I'm betting she read about a lot of this stuff at the prison.


Ok, so Morgan's a pacifist ninja now.  That doesn't mean he isn't still messed up in the head.  He's mostly been a loner throughout the show's history.  He's only had to protect himself (he couldn't protect Dwayne apparently), so I don't think he knows what happens when he doesn't take out a recurring threat - it can come back to kill others.  I wonder what he was carrying in the little blue bag?  His balls?  Or, it might have been a peanut butter power bar.

  • Love 10

Did I miss something or was Morgan the only one at both scenes, the zombie herding and the wolf defense?  How was Morgan able to get back so quickly while everyone else was still away?


Also, from the looks of the aftermath, Morgan didn't look too worried that the zombies might be headed their way?  I would think he would rally the troops to get ready for the impending wave.

Morgan headed back to town early and wasn't there when the horn sounded. He doesn't know what's coming though he should be able to guess.

  • Love 3

She said she was a psychiatrist and something about panic attacks during her surgery rotation and she didn't seem super confident.  That doesn't explain the Pete thing necessarily but I sort of get why she wouldn't have been considered a really great alternative.   It does sound like maybe she tried to be involved, maybe get some experience, though, while Pete was still there and he didn't want her around she said.  Which Deanna could probably have done something about that.  Again, another ASZ weakness, so little contingency planning.


She said the panic attacks started when she was in medical school and that got her interested in psychiatry so she changed course.

  • Love 1

SnoGirl, the comics are not a predictor in any way of how a character will turn out. All of the characters in the TV show have their own life apart from the comics.

Oh I know. I sneak peek at the Walking Dead Wiki online every once and awhile when people refer to the comics and I know how very different they are. I just didn't want people who didn't read at all to think I was spoiling without tagging.

I wonder if Aaron is going to tell other people about his backpack. I bet he feels like this attack was his fault. I don't think anyone is at fault, the backpack and the pictures might have sped up the attack, but I think it would have eventually happened.

  • Love 3

Damn, The Wolves made an entrance, to say the least.  Granted, it was against the Alexandra people, so it's not like it was that tough of a battle, but they sure did show how violent and ruthless they are.  I'm really curious to see who is actually running the show and what their plan is, if they have any.


Dammit, Morgan!  I love you, but you need to get it together.  No, I don't think you should be killing people willy-nilly, but you have to know by now that some people are just evil, are a danger to people who are actually good (or at least don't suck), and can't be saved. And it's clear that The Wolves are those people.  So, for the sake of you and your friends, it's time to toss aside the no-killing thing, my friend.  I'm not a betting man, but I will easily put money down that the Wolves he spared and let get away, will be back and cause real harm to one or more of the gang.  And if it's a permanent ending for someone, that's all on him.


At least Carol made up for it.  She sure took no prisoners in this episode.  Her style might not always be pleasant, but considering how badly Alexandra got their asses handed to them, she is what they need to survive.


At least Deanna had the sense to realize she sucks, and take herself out of the fight, so she wouldn't be a burden to Maggie and the rest.  But that still shows why I think they need Rick, even if he's kind of off his rocker at times.


Carl's annoyance with Gabriel was great.


I wonder if the show is going to try something with Eugene and the new doctor.


There is clearly something wrong with me.  I'm usually indifferent to Jessie, but I suddenly found her pretty hot covered in blood and stabbing the crap out of that Wolf.


Glad to see Aaron again, even though he now probably thinks he is responsible for the attack, since The Wolves apparently used his photos for recon.


I'm guessing all that stuff with Enid at the beginning will has some kind of importance later on.

  • Love 6

-  Ok, so was this the very first completely Rick-less episode of TWD (aside from the pre-show "Previously, on amc's The Walking Dead" intro)??  And other than the show Pilot or first couple episodes, there can't have been many eps without a Daryl sighting either.  Not too many times we've watched a TWD hour with no Glenn, as well.  [3 of the original 'Atlanta 5' were MIA this week]  Maybe Michonne's first complete disappearance since mid-season 4?  Wow.  Show was still good, even without a second of screen time from 3 of its "staples".


-  JSS = Just Survive Somehow.  That's really deep, Enid.  What's not deep?  Cannibalizing that poor turtle!!  Turtles get no love.  Always losing the race to that damned rabbit, and now, just looking to say 'Hi' and she just goes to town on it raw.  Despite the age difference, Enid and Daryl are a OTP (when it comes to survival instincts).  Beth who?


-  Done in by not knowing how to operate a vehicle.  Talk about great survival instincts.  Enid may have picked hers up somewhere, but it sure wasn't from her parents!


-  Are they really trying to make me sympathetic to FPP?!  Sorry padre, but that door will always remain closed from this side.  I'm hoping that "start with the machete" 'training' that Carl is planning to give him will actually just be Carl swinging the machete and lopping his head off his shoulders.  I couldn't stop laughing when Carol just wanted to keeping going and let hit him get killed.  Getting guns will always trump saving sissy pastors in a ZA, Morgan!


-  Cock-blocked by a beanie wearing drama queen!  GD it.  Let's go for a stroll, Judith.


-  Carl, let Jessie hack some of that mop off.  Seriously dude, its distracting as hell.  Almost looking like a drag queen wannabe at this point.  Carl = Carla.


-  Talk about the trim from Hell.  Jessie went total stabby on that Wolf chick.  Poor Ron.  Surrounded by dangerous killers all around!  Borrowed from Hardwick on TD, but it would have been awesome if Jessie had turned to Ron with a crazy look and blood-soaked scissors and "how about that haircut now!?".


-  So it takes 40ish minutes from the point of being invaded to repel the invaders - oh, and remove the baked items from the oven as the timer goes off.  Good to know for future reference.


-  Poor Shelly Neudermeyer.  All the poor woman wanted a hearty helping of pasta-made noodles and a celebratory smoke afterwards.  Well, she got the smoke, at least, before she got a bad case of a sharp stomachache and then a splitting headache.  Never did get that Rickatoni & Richardo sauce.


-  Did anyone else think - never stopping to remember the place he walked into was the right place or not - that Morgan was walking into the pantry/armory when he entered the place with the door open; before his W friend from the forest was shown?  I was like "he's gonna find Olivia, who was told to shoot whoever opened the doors".  Glad to have worried for nothing.


-  And to the last point, I'm undecided as to whether Morgan actually killed that Wolf or not.  I'm with Kevin Smith.  He did say "I'm sorry", but it looked like more of a knockout blow than a killing one.


-  Psychiatrist-not-a-surgeon is going to be more of a hindrance than a help.  And did they really think they could save that blonde?  Carol knows best.  Her brand of saving people is less fuss and saves time & energy.


-  Poor Sam, getting another dose of Scarol's 'life lessons'.  "You're shitty Dad is dead, so stop the sniveling and I ain't making you any more cookies, you little rat bastard".


-  The invisible thought bubble in the Ron/Jessie 'tiff' scene, when Ron asked Jessie if Rick was her friend, the missing part (above her head) was hopefully with benefits at some point, but "Yes, he is".


-  So, there was a live driver, in the semi (before it plowed into the wall)?  If so, how did they do that with a walker right there to bite them??  If not, and remote controlled, not sure I can hand-wave that.  Or are they trying to tell me that the driver was live, but killed by Spencer's shooting, and then was reanimated when Spencer got there?  The last makes most sense, but despite the 'door' being stuck, Spencer didn't take that much time to get to the semi and open the cab door, did he??



Overall, I enjoyed it well enough.  If nothing else, it was a pretty good bridge-gap between the season premiere and next week.

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
  • Love 7
What was Carl baking that was magically ready after all of the Wolves had been wiped out?


That was the casserole Carol put in the oven and set the timer for right before she saw Cigarette Lady get hacked to death by a Wolf. The remainder of the Wolves attack happened in the ~55 minutes of the casserole cooking. 

Edited by MichaelaRae
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