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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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She's living on borrowed time with Jake, and she knows it.


Exactly, and I consider that paying for her lies immensely. She will never truly have Jason and they will never live happily ever after. That thought alone will be a sobering one for her.

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Someone please explain to me why, back when the actor playing Nikolas looked like an engorged tick, Nikolas was being shoved down our throats as some kind of sex stud and was grossly rolling around half-naked with all sorts of inappropriate women, each of which was his twu wuv, but now that the actor is actually attractive again, he's seemingly been written off as a serious romantic lead?  


I'm glad Nikolas has a story again, I guess.  The actor is one of the better ones they have and has IMO been grossly underutilized for years.  But man.  I just wish it were a story that made sense.

Edited by Rancide
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Exactly, and I consider that paying for her lies immensely. She will never truly have Jason and they will never live happily ever after. That thought alone will be a sobering one for her.


Losing Jason isn't any type of punishment because he was never hers to begin with. If she weren't so stupid, pathetic, desperate, and delusional she would have already accepted the fact that she was never going to get a happy ending with Jason. He told her to her face that he didn't want her, what further proof does she need? She went through with this disgusting plan even though she knew there was always a possibility he would regain his memory or someone would tell him who he is. Whatever backlash she gets (which won't be much) will be very well deserved.

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ETA: I don't know which thread the discussion about Ron & Uncle Frank protecting Patrick was in and I'm too lazy to look for the posts again. Personally, I'm confused as to what they are doing with Patrick. Yes, the character is being kept above the fray, but at the same time they've stripped Patrick of all characterization and given Jason absolutely nothing to play which is odd if they are trying to get his noms (and wins).

Jason has a minimum, and I highly doubt he has been working that minimum for a while so the usually budget-conscious Uncle Frank is essentially paying him to not work. He could at least be minimally involved in the ELQ story, but he doing absolutely nothing.

Oh I'm sure she'll get reamed out from a few people as well. But her dream is to be with Jason, and it was never built in reality.

Is it wrong that when Liz goes get exposed that someone, somehow uses the phrase "rutting like farm animals" in their speech?

That phrase still cracks me up years later.

I'm okay with anyone except for king slut Sonny and RAPIST SERIEL KILLER Franco using the phrase.

Edited by Tiger
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Yeah, I don't know what's up with Patrick beyond that the writers suck.  I thought the show did a hard right turn from Sam/Silas and a rush to Sam/Patrick a) in tacit recognition of the fact that Sam/Silas was a massive flop, b) to capitalize on the unexpected friend chemistry of Patrick/Sam, and c) (most importantly) because Sam had to be rushed into position before an imminent Jason reveal.


If the writers intended to take years to deal with the Jason issue, why on earth did Sam and Patrick need to get pushed together at the speed of light?  They really did have some nice friend chemistry, and Sam's relationship with Silas sucked a lot (I miss McBain!), but the way the relationship was handled--crammed together a rapid speed with minimal supporting story and then basically ignored thereafter--isn't doing the relationship any favors.  Of course, it also doesn't help that actors appear to have approximately 0 sexual chem and seem to have nothing to talk about other than Jason.  But, man.  This story sucks.

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I'm still confused about what punishment Liez received when her affair with Nik was exposed. The only thing I remember happening is Lulu (and Ethan?) saying some mean things to her and Lucky telling her to fuck off. Considering she repeatedly had sex with his brother, didn't even seem all that enthusiastic about marrying him, and was too much of a coward to admit how she felt even after he gave her an out, dumping her was pretty much the only appropriate option at the time.

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Yeah, I don't know what's up with Patrick beyond that the writers suck.  I thought the show did a hard right turn from Sam/Silas and a rush to Sam/Patrick a) in tacit recognition of the fact that Sam/Silas was a massive flop, b) to capitalize on the unexpected friend chemistry of Patrick/Sam, and c) (most importantly) because Sam had to be rushed into position before an imminent Jason reveal.


If the writers intended to take years to deal with the Jason issue, why on earth did Sam and Patrick need to get pushed together at the speed of light?  They really did have some nice friend chemistry, and Sam's relationship with Silas sucked a lot (I miss McBain!), but the way the relationship was handled--crammed together a rapid speed with minimal supporting story and then basically ignored thereafter--isn't doing the relationship any favors.  Of course, it also doesn't help that actors appear to have approximately 0 sexual chem and seem to have nothing to talk about other than Jason.  But, man.  This story sucks.


I think you've summed it up pretty well. Sam/Silas was a failed pairing long before they were ended, and instead of cutting them loose from each other they doubled down on it. Patrick and Sam always had an interesting interaction (he treated her at GH quite a lot and they had some good conversations), and I very much enjoyed their friendship chemistry and thought that I wanted more. But that changed soon after they were put together. Whether it was the weird dialogue or talking about Jason or something else, the chemistry was gone. It didn't even have anything to do with Robin. I think their circumstances made very good sense for them to be paired - single parents, "dead" spouses, etc. But I'm not sure this was any more successful than Sam/Silas was, and that was downright awful.


Again, it all comes down to RC not being able to write one successful romance since he took over. We've had some flashes of potential (Michael/Sabrina), and some really great sparks (Ava/Morgan), but ultimately it never amounts to anything lasting. I've never heard of a soap writer not being able to write couples before. And he didn't have this problem at the other place.

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Hey, instead of stanning for Franco, shouldn't Dr. O be worried that Donna Mills is back in town and could spill the Nathan paternity beans whenever she wants?  Shouldn't Liesl be picking out the kicky wig she's going to wear while pushing Donna Mills off the hospital roof?

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I tune into GH every now and then, it's a bad habit. I've been watching this show since the 70's so I can  never entirely give it up. But I just have to say, new Jason if fine. He just has a rugged manly look that SB never had in the role. I don't know who he should be paired with but BH and KM need to put on some meat and start looking a little more mature. And Sam does seem to match well with what's his name, Dr. Drake. Well Liz is out all together because clearly she's lost her ever loving mind.  I haven't like Liz since her Jonathan Jackson years when she just came on the scene and wasn't so goody, goody. When she was envious of her sister and fell for Lucky, then got raped. When they started putting her up against SB's Carly, TB's Carly I was done. Clearly I have always been a Carly fan, don't care what she does, I really don't. Only time I couldn't watch her was when that damn imposter was cast in the role the actress after TB and before LW, ugh, what the fuck was that? I don't  know.


OK, anyway, new Jason is just fine and then he put on that suit and oh my goodness. Good casting.


Oh and I like Jordan a lot. TJ her son is an ass, wake up son, your mother is so cool. Although from her perspective, I can see his point when he was listing all the criminals on the lose in PC yet he and Shawn are the only ones on lockdown. Yeah, I can see his point of view. He's still an ass for not seeing how awesome his mother is but...


The new Spence cousin who clearly is going to be sleeping with Dante, reminds me of SB's Carly, something about her facial features.

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Okay, so I finally watched this week's episodes.


Not gonna say anything about Laura's return, as that has already been discussed and debated.


But Lulu needs to shut up. Like SHUT UP and stop screeching. She was "around" "grew up" to see Luke and Laura crash and burn? What? Did she teleport her wee self into Lucky's body when she was a baby? Because there was no crash and burn for her to see.  She was a teen, thanks to SORASING, when Luke and Laura renewed their vows.  There was no "coming close and then not making it" or whatever she said after that fake wedding 9 years ago. And the two appearances Laura made since then, had NOTHING to do with Laura and Luke reconciling. Only Lucky and Nik have standing to say this to Luke, as they were teens and saw Luke and Laura break up, get back together, break  up finally in 2001. And then get back together in 2002 before Laura went cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs.


Good God, but is this Dillon awful. Sorry, but Tracy didn't look devastated to me, when he came storming into the Haunted Star to lay into Luke. I agree with whoever upthread said these lines were probably for Ned, who did see how Luke, when he wasn't Luke, was treating Tracy. Dillon has been gone for YEARS. And he just looks and sounds ridiculous. And he can STFU with saying "screw Laura" too, since it wasn't Laura who was engaged to Tracy. It was Luke.  Even if we say, that was the real reason Laura came back, Luke didn't have to say, okay, great! I think I'll dump Tracy.  This is ALL on Luke.


So I'm back just to see Laura on my screen. No matter how fucked up the writing is.

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Yeah, dollar store Dillion looks and sounds like another underwear model. He's not as bad as RP, he's just stilted and uninteresting.

This team would've gotten rid of TG so fast, replaced him with some talking mannequin and GH would've been canceled in the 70s

Edited by Oracle42
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Good God, but is this Dillon awful. Sorry, but Tracy didn't look devastated to me, when he came storming into the Haunted Star to lay into Luke. I agree with whoever upthread said these lines were probably for Ned, who did see how Luke, when he wasn't Luke, was treating Tracy. Dillon has been gone for YEARS. And he just looks and sounds ridiculous.



Am I completely remembering wrong, or was Dillon actually a pro-Luke guy back before SC left?  I could swear I remember him really liking Luke (maybe even more than he liked his mother).  I'd buy his lines coming out of Ned's mouth, but Dillon hasn't been back long enough to see what kind of man Luke has become since he left town.  

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Am I completely remembering wrong, or was Dillon actually a pro-Luke guy back before SC left?  I could swear I remember him really liking Luke (maybe even more than he liked his mother).  I'd buy his lines coming out of Ned's mouth, but Dillon hasn't been back long enough to see what kind of man Luke has become since he left town.  


No, you're not misremembering. He was there, along with Georgie, Robin, Patrick, Anna, Holly, Tracy, and Luke at the Markham Islands--that whole mystery about who stole the jewels, and talk of it was Holly, and Robin saying, no, it was Anna.  They were using The Usual Suspects as a model. Specifically, just who was Kaiser Soze (sp?).

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Dillon was Luke's first Lil' Buddy because the show had realized Scott Clifton was a major find and whenever they did that in those days, they would make sure to give the new kid cool points. So Dillon became Luke's special friend to show how cool he was, and Julie Berman's Lulu became BFF with Carly and Sonny. They always had to make sure to give the new hotness the cool table's lame-ass seals of approval.


And yeah, he called him "Spielberg" every. fucking. day. It's like, there's other filmmakers! Stop trying to sound hip!

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During their first scenes, Luke did mention that he and Dillon were buddies back in the day and was surprised that Dillon was harshing on him.


Of course, even if he was away and only got the Cliff Notes from Ned, Dillon wanting Luke to stay away from Tracy is totally valid.  I wouldn't want my mother near the man who spent over a year trying to defraud and kill members of my family, DID...I mean, mental break...be damned.

Edited by TeeVee329
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If you're talking interchangeable, Sonny's run of tiny brunette girlfriends is the real example.

Funniest GH line in recent years was when Olivia referred to herself as a "Brenda-Bot," i.e., a big-boobed brunette who will do anything for the dimpled Don.

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Meh.  Nik being angry at Liz about Aiden was silly, since it was his evil Granny that changed the paternity test in the first place!  Of course, Nik over the years has done squat when it comes to his evil Granny.

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Shit. Can't believe I forgot to write about the utter SHITFEST that was TJ's arrest and Dante's guilt.  


First, Val, keep yer stinkin' hands to yer damn self.  Like she just had to take Dante's hands, touch him, to assure him, that he was just doing his job when he arrested TJ. Yes, yes, he was, and I see no reason, no fucking reason, for him to be questioning himself. Carlivati has no fucking business trying to write this kind of story since he can't fucking write. Nor do any of his other writers sycophants. And STOP looking at Val as if she's some amazing person who is the only one who understands your guilt, Dante! Just stop it RIGHT NOW.


And STFU, TJ. Shawn was just "caught in the crossfire"? That's why his incompetent ass is in jail? Just shut up. TJ knew what Shawn did for that midgety moobster.  Oh sure, bring up Julian and Luke's names as criminals who got off, but not Sonny. Why, because he's a good guy, who Shawn worked for. 


All of this, all of this because he was running late to go visit Shawn. As if this would the only and last time he could get to Pentonville to visit him. Poor, poor TJ.  Having to wait two WHOLE weeks before he could go visit him.


And I call bullshit on this happening to TJ "all the time." But of course, then I remember who's running and writing this show. It all happened offscreen, so of course it happened.


The only thing they got right was, if Jordan had let TJ go, it would look like favoritism.  But he should have been arraigned and Jordan should have been able to post bail. Oh, wait. I forgot what show this was.

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I think nuDillon is too model & polished like. I know people mature & grow (not neccesarly in soaps) but the "charm" of Dillon was tat he was quirky. I know most people hated JPL from OLTL but he really does fit the mold of Dillon. Also, nuDillon is just a talker version of Michael. They look too much alike.

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And I call bullshit on this happening to TJ "all the time." But of course, then I remember who's running and writing this show. It all happened offscreen, so of course it happened.

It does though. I live in a relatively diverse area on the East Coast and my friends and my brother and sisters and my 50+ mother have been stopped for random registration checks -which turned up nothing- because we drive nice cars. I've been followed around stores and when I worked in retail in high school the manager flat out told the staff to do the same thing. I got asked for ID when using my card when the person before me didn't - but that happens less now that I'm older.

It does happen - all the time. It's not being written particularly well cause RC but it's not bs

Meh. Nik being angry at Liz about Aiden was silly, since it was his evil Granny that changed the paternity test in the first place! Of course, Nik over the years has done squat when it comes to his evil Granny.

I think he was angry that she waited weeks before she told him (which was cruel though somewhat understandable - there was a lot going on) and he also didn't believe her because she had a history of paternity lies by then and I think she faked a breakdown to get Lucky back? Or was that later?

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I think Robert is doing a good job as Dillon so far. He's been on just a week and has already impressed me more than at least one third of the cast. He's already shown he's capable of pulling off one of the most important aspects of acting: being able to create chemistry with co stars. I believe, without having to be told, that Dillon cares for and has a long relationship with these people, simply by virtue of the interactions and chemistry.

IDC that he and Michael look alike. They are second cousins, familial resemblance is expected. I don't think I'd have a problem keeping those two and BM separate in a scene. I kind of like that thus far we don't see as much of Dillon's "quirkiness". Not that I particularly want to see him as a regular part of ELQ, but I don't need him to be some hyperactive chipmunk like SC's Dillon was. I'd actually love to see him opening a theater in town and producing plays. We don't really see most of these people at their jobs anyway, except for the police or now ELQ, so it's not like it'd have to be a plot point all the time. Just nice to know he's still the offbeat Q taking his own path would be good for me. I don't want to see him give up on his dreams, that would be sad to me. The fact that he's so fiercely protective of his mom is enough for me to root for him at this point. Again, after just a few episodes, I think the actor jumped right in and is able to keep up with JE and TG, so he's on my good side for now.

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I know most people hated [You Know Who] from OLTL but he really does fit the mold of Dillon.


All you have to do is take a look at the scenes You Know Who and Scott Clifton shared on OLTL to see that what SC was doing effortlessly and with charm, You Know Who was straining to do while leaning on one annoying tic after another.  I couldn't stand him stomping through another of my soaps.

Edited by TeeVee329
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It does though. I live in a relatively diverse area on the East Coast and my friends and my brother and sisters and my 50+ mother have been stopped for random registration checks -which turned up nothing- because we drive nice cars. I've been followed around stores and when I worked in retail in high school the manager flat out told the staff to do the same thing. I got asked for ID when using my card when the person before me didn't - but that happens less now that I'm older.  It does happen - all the time. It's not being written particularly well cause RC but it's not bs.

I wasn't saying it was bullshit about happening all the time in real life--I meant that it happened all the time to TJ on the show. Of course this still happens in real life to people. Sorry if my comment wasn't clear enough. I mean I did say, it happened off-screen, where all the good stuff happens.

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I really liked You Know Who when he first joined OLTL. I thought he was a terrific young actor and a nice addition to the cast. But by the end of the show, I agree that he was just annoying. I saw him on a prime time show after OL was canceled (don't remember which one) and he was much calmer. But I don't get why Dillon should be expected to still be that same kid who left town as a teenager 10+ years ago? I would hope he's grown up in that time, and I'm happy to see how the new actor works out and how the character works with others. So far I think he's doing fine.

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I wasn't saying it was bullshit about happening all the time in real life--I meant that it happened all the time to TJ on the show. Of course this still happens in real life to people. Sorry if my comment wasn't clear enough. I mean I did say, it happened off-screen, where all the good stuff happens.

Given real-life, I think that's one of the things you just accept because there's no point in thinking/talking about it every time it happens unless or until it causes a really big problem. TJ is in upstate NY so I'd assume it happens without having to see it because it's a background fact of life thing
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Hey, instead of stanning for Franco, shouldn't Dr. O be worried that Donna Mills is back in town and could spill the Nathan paternity beans whenever she wants?  Shouldn't Liesl be picking out the kicky wig she's going to wear while pushing Donna Mills off the hospital roof?



There's just so many secrets that Ron and Frank can contend with. When the elevator is full, this secret has to take the stairs.

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No way. Show's too cheap for that. I remember Lante had that song "when you came aaarouuund" that was so friggin' annoying by the last time it played, and it vanished into the ether when Ron and Frank took over.


AFAIK, the last time it was played was in 2012, when Jason & Sam broke up over [McName McRedacted], so Ron & Frank DID play it once, but it was early on in their regime:


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UGH I hate how stupid Ron is making the off-screen Quartermaines in this ELQ story.  So Ned and Olivia went into hiding in fucking Bensenhurst of all places?!?!  And now more of the Quartermaines' family legacy has been sold off to keep Olivia's stupid secret?!?!  And why exactly wouldn't Brook Lynn at least tell someone what she did?!?!  SO FUCKIN' DUMB!


Ava...I mean, Denise (have we come up with some kind of nickname?) baldly planning to steal Morgan back from Kiki delights me.


I hate how "Operation Alcoholic" has been completely swept under the rug.  Gross.


Jake(son) suspecting Sam is Contrivance City.


Shut up, Silas.

Edited by TeeVee329
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Shut the fuck up Dillon. No one cares about your mothers hurt feelings. Lucky>>>>>>>Tracy. This is a no brainer. 


So Lucky lives in Ireland.


Sam/Tracy are always gold together. I also liked Sabrina too (will never get used to saying this).

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I feel like Luke (and Lulu too) are selling Tracy short by not letting her in on Lucky's situation.  Tracy is and always has been a handful, but I thought she always displayed genuine caring and concern for Luke's children.  Her connection to Lulu has shown that.  Why do they feel the need to keep her in the dark about Lucky?  They're crazy as far as I'm concerned because Tracy is a super rich formidable bitch who could HELP far more than HURT.  As for NuDillon?  He's OK if you embrace the character as being completely different from the previous version.  I just wonder what RC has in store for THIS version of him.

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AFAIK, the last time it was played was in 2012, when Jason & Sam broke up over [McName McRedacted]

Being nitpicky here but they didn't really break up over him (funny btw...heh...name mcredacted). They broke up because Sam couldn't forgive him for the role he had in her baby's "death".

Dillon....yes this lie is dumb, but your moms broken heart doesn't trump Luckys life, so stfu.

Sam, Sabrina and Tracy were hilarious.

"Give it to an enemy, I'm sure you have plenty". Lol

Oh Jake. So so dumb. And Michael. So so dumb. I'll give jake a sort of pass since he still doesn't know Sam that well ( which is funny to type since she is his wife) but Michael even entertaining the idea that Sam might be plotting against him is so so dumb. I hope he feels like an ass for doubting her.

Edited by mybabyaidan
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[McName McRedacted]




And now more of the Quartermaines' family legacy has been sold off to keep Olivia's stupid secret?!?!


Oh, lord. Even just reading stuff like this and I feel the beginnings of a rage blackout. 

Edited by dubbel zout
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AFAIK, the last time it was played was in 2012, when Jason & Sam broke up over [McName McRedacted], so Ron & Frank DID play it once, but it was early on in their regime:



Just to make it clear, I liked the above post because "McName McRedacted" is hilarious. And appropriate.


But that song? Oye.

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I am fan wanking that whoever has Lucky also has Robin, so I can finally get my Rocky.


Considering Helena was behind Robin's latest abduction and she surely has her (perfectly manicured) claws in the Lucky situation, that would actually make a ton of sense.

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I feel like Luke (and Lulu too) are selling Tracy short by not letting her in on Lucky's situation.  Tracy is and always has been a handful, but I thought she always displayed genuine caring and concern for Luke's children.  Her connection to Lulu has shown that.  Why do they feel the need to keep her in the dark about Lucky?  They're crazy as far as I'm concerned because Tracy is a super rich formidable bitch who could HELP far more than HURT.  As for NuDillon?  He's OK if you embrace the character as being completely different from the previous version.  I just wonder what RC has in store for THIS version of him.



This is what I was trying to say last week. *shrug*

It's all stupid. So stupid. And I think that is what gets under my skin more than anything. Where have all the intelligent story tellers gone? Eh. I'm just glad someone, anyone worth a crap, is in Tracy's corner. Lulu and Dillon care about Tracy's feelings. I'm glad someone does, it's past due, and those two are two of Tracy's favorite people, so it works for me. Are her feelings worth more than Lucky's, or anyone's, life? No, but it's not because he's a better character, because he isn't. And JJ is definitely not a better actor. Never have, and never will, get his appeal. Never really liked Lucky either, until Greg Vaughn, but I've been told he wasn't really Lucky, so whatever.

Not sure yet about Dillon being completely different. He's been away for what, eight years? Lots of maturing can happen in that time frame. I'm curious to know about his years away-good potential story there.

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This is what I was trying to say last week. *shrug*

It's all stupid. So stupid. And I think that is what gets under my skin more than anything. Where have all the intelligent story tellers gone? Eh. I'm just glad someone, anyone worth a crap, is in Tracy's corner. Lulu and Dillon care about Tracy's feelings. I'm glad someone does, it's past due, and those two are two of Tracy's favorite people, so it works for me. Are her feelings worth more than Lucky's, or anyone's, life? No, but it's not because he's a better character, because he isn't. And JJ is definitely not a better actor. Never have, and never will, get his appeal. Never really liked Lucky either, until Greg Vaughn, but I've been told he wasn't really Lucky, so whatever.

Not sure yet about Dillon being completely different. He's been away for what, eight years? Lots of maturing can happen in that time frame. I'm curious to know about his years away-good potential story there.

What I meant about NuDillon being completely different is that he doesn't appear quirky and playful like Scott Clifton's version.  NuDillon appears to be super serious with a "take no prisoners" vibe.  Kind of like mommy dearest?

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Don't judge. I was listening to parts of today's show and caught this:


"Barbara Walters has questions. I have concerns."


First, groan. It ain't funny. Not even close.


Second, why don't they just re-name this show to what it is:  "36-Minute String of One Liners Said by Interchangeable Characters"Or "One Liners" for short.


Huh, and it's only one letter different from "One Livers."  Imagine that.

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So Lucky lives in Ireland.



I haven't watched today, but I assume Lucky is missing?  Has anyone checked the rocks? He may still just be sitting there waiting for his next message from Jake. 

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