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Tom Coughlin is reportedly talking to the Eagles and to that I have to say...noooooooooooooooooooooo.

I thought I had seen a lot of bad football in my time, but I don't think anything has been as bad as this game.

I actually feel badly for Hoyer. It's not like he's TRYING to be bad, and the things said about him on Twitter are just brutal.

Edited by mojoween
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I had actually picked the Texas in the football pool because I thought that "Good" Brian Hoyer would show up today. Yeah.......


Well uh... Congrats to the Chiefs and Andy Reid. :) The Chiefs have been having an impressive winning streak and I am happy for Andy.

Edited by Jx223
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During the BCS era, there would at least be 2 interesting college bowl games between the end of the NFL season and wildcard weekend. But not anymore, thanks to the playoffs.

Now we have 5 football-starved days coming off of three weeks(?) of football nearly every day.

So I was so looking forward to this game, even though I knew it would be crap. I just knew it...As I posted above, anything involving the Bengals or Texans in the playoffs is usually crap.

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That Chiefs/Texans game was horrible, unless of course you're a Chiefs fan.  That's the only time a blowout is fun to watch, when your team is the one doing the decimating.  And we had to listen to Jon Gruden yammering nonstop too.  Simply unbearable. 


As a Badgers fan, I felt very badly for JJ Watt.  Hoyer is his QB in a playoff game?  Poor guy.  But it could be worse.  One of my very favorite former Badgers is Joe Thomas, the best LT in the league, and he's stuck in Cleveland.







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Come on Bengals, break your trend and stop the Steelers before they threaten to get into another Super Bowl.


Of course, that probably means New England will get to another, because I can't see any other team in the AFC beating them. But at least I could root wholeheartedly for any NFC team without the prospect of Ben Roethlisberger winning another ring. Brady winning another would just slightly increase the amount of dick-riding the sports media does on him.


It'd be funny, and not at all unwelcome, if the Vikings won, after being utterly ignored all year by everyone not in Minnesota.

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How the hell did Bryant keep control of that ball? I agree, forget the Odell Beckham play, THAT shit right there is the best catch ever. I don't think he could do that again if given 50 tries. When they showed the replay the first time, me and Nantz made the "Ohh" sound at the exact same time...like how? HOW??

These first two games really highlight (as if we didn't already know) that you absolutely NEED a competent, poised (and save for Russell Wilson) experienced qb on your team. Brian Hoyer can say whatever he wants, but he got shook by the moment and big stage. He threw 4 picks which could have easily been 6 or 7. Ridiculous. And for all the talk about "game managers" and the negative connotation it has, I bet Houston and Cincy would kill to have had a game manager.

I hope tomorrow's games are more exciting.

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I still don't understand how that one Bengals hit was a 15 yard penalty when the Steelers hit on Bernard was not when the receivers basically made the same move.

I find Roethlisberger to be a slimeball and I hate the Steelers so much but the "fans" throwing shit on him when he was carted out is beyond classless. He didn't even have anything to do with what had happened.

That said, watching a fight nearly break out after every play is amusing.

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Stay classy, Cincinnati. I think Roethlisberger is the biggest pig around, but to cheer his injury? Throw stuff at him while he's being carted off? For the NFL, this 4th quarter can't go quickly enough. Another hard hit and there is going to be a melee.

mojoween, great minds apparently think alike!

Edited by Calvada
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I was hoping to kind of jinx the Steelers by waving the flag early on the Bengals game but sheesh....Big Ben out and the Bengals make a quick score. I wish these powers could have worked for my team during the regular season.

I kind of have mixed feelings about the crowd, because yes Big Ben IS a pig. Can't stand him. Cheering for a players' injury, never a good thing and that I don't condone. But throwing a few pieces of trash at him? Meh. Not saying I would ever do that, but I'm not going to get worked up over it. And if security were to escort those fans out the stadium, I wouldn't cry over that either.

As far that that hit goes that knocked Bernard out the game, regardless of whether he was defenseless or not, I thought leading with the helmet, and helmet to helmet hits were outlawed?

Edited by FuriousStyles
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"I'm not going to blame the officials." Why not? This has got to be the worst officiated season of a professional sports league ever. The authority to actually call a game has been largely taken out of the hands of the officials on the field. They're all like 'how has this happened?!' The league doesn't trust them to do their job. Flags all over the place. Reviews of anything that's anything. This is basically a microcosm of the season.


Also, don't go for 2 when you're up anything to 0. Take the sure points. 

Edited by ganesh
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They should have thrown players out early on while things were already getting heated to cool everyone out. Guess those two players are looking for a new job. How terrible when the Bengals offense showed up for a change at the end.

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Bengals gonna Bengal? They had the game in their hands (literally if you're Hill). I mean, I guess this is instant karma for those Bengal fans cheering when Ben went out? I dont know. There was a higher force at work.

The refs did what they've unfortunately been doing the last couple of years and were too much a part of the game. Much like the Panthers/Giants game, they were afraid to throw players out. And had they called the Hill fumble, down by contact instead, we're having a different conversation all together, because they would have upheld that call as well.

But in the end, the Bengals have to look in the mirror. They wasted the entire 1st half not doing anything, and some of their players were out of control.

Edited by FuriousStyles
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I hate the Bengals for losing their fucking minds in the last minute but good god do I hate the Steelers always.

Jim Nantz can say everything he wants about the corpse of Roethlisberger leading them to victory but those short yard passes weren't what did it, fool. 30 yards in penalties were the main cause.

I can't fault crying Bengals fan. The Giants have brought me to tears many a time.

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Bengals gonna Bengal? They had the game in their hands (literally if you're Hill). I mean, I guess this is instant karma for those Bengal fans cheering when Ben went out? I dont know. There was a higher force at work.

If there is such a thing as instant karma why the hell does it not work on the Patriots?

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What an ugly game. I hate Big Ben, which has made it hard to root for the Steelers like I used to do (they're my best friend's favorite team). But cheering his injury?

But on the same WTF? note, the announcers can miss me with their post-FG statement about the Steelers coming back because Big Ben returned to the field. He wasn't doing much of anything; the Steelers moved into FG range because Cincy kept showing its ass, not because he was leading his team to victory.

I didn't much care about today's games; the teams I thought would win both did, but the games didn't play out the way I thought they would. All I care about is that Seattle wins tomorrow, so I hope that prediction holds true as well.

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Well, I don't think people are going to be talking about Beckham after this disgrace.

What an embarrassment the Bengals are. Burfict is a selfish player and cost the team the game. Adam Jones...is anyone really surprised? This is what happens when you allow someone like Adam Jones on the team. How he's allowed to be in the NFL is beyond me and any team that allows them on their team is stupid. Lewis will be lucky if he keeps his job.

I could care less about Roethlisberger.

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The Bengals are hopeless. Every time you think they might just have laid to rest the soubriquet of Bungles, they go and prove you wrong.


And now we have to hear about how brave and strong and heroic and tough and inspirational Big Ben was, to go back out there and throw ducks a few yards down the field. As if he won't be the first guy to let us know just how much pain he was in when he performed his glorious feat. Ugh. I've seen guys play with broken bones and torn ligaments and not make one fraction of the fuss Roethlisberger makes after stubbing his toe.


Well, KC is it. The only team that can save us from the horror of Ben/Brady/Broncos in the Super Bowl.


If there is such a thing as instant karma why the hell does it not work on the Patriots?



Kraft and Belicheck made a deal with the devil. It's the only explanation.

Edited by Danny Franks
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I wonder how many Bengals fans will have to be talked down from the ledge after this debaucle. I grew up in Boston, as a Red Sox fan I'm familiar with the agony of missed opportunity.

I feel horribly for Marvin Lewis. He deserved better.

Edited by BitterApple
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Houston desperately needs a QB. I wouldn't be surprised if O'Brien tries to draft Christian Hackenberg. He recruited him at Penn State and Hackenberg played great under his system. Believe me, I saw every game.

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Wow, what an absolute clusterfuck. Congrats, Burfect and Jones, you just blew your team's entire season.


Yup. Said as much in my Football Pool thread. He alone caused his team to lose. They kept showing Hill upset over the interception - it wasn't him, nor number 24 (Pacman Jones). Burfict lost it, both mentally, and for the team.


And Bengals fan - please don't throw things at Big Ben or any other injured player, plskthx.


What a mess. Seriously. NFL meet NHL.


Thrilled that Kansas City won and rolled over the Texans. Unfortunately, that means Kansas plays NE - not sure if that's a bad thing or good, considering how good the Broncos are recently.

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Lol, McCarron is blaming the refs for not keeping the ball dry enough. Way to add more gasoline to a dumpster fire there, AJ.

Million dollar question: Lewis. In or out? I say he's gone.

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Million dollar question: Lewis. In or out? I say he's gone.


I think they keep him. I reckon they'll use the excuse of 'if Dalton had played...' and try to brush over the complete lack of discipline of the Bengals players. Mike Brown isn't going to spend the money, time and effort needed to get a new HC.


Of course, if they lose Hue Jackson to another HC job, then the offense probably won't be as good next year.

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Dan Dierdorf said it 23 years ago when Saints fans cheered Wade Wilson's injury, I'll say it now. You cheer a players injury AND throw shit at him when he's taken off the field, you are a classless pig....PERIOD!

Edited by Snowprince
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Lewis' contract has one more season on it, right? I tend to think they'll give him that final year and see what happens, but a playoff loss resulting from a systemic lack of discipline tends to fall and fall hard on the coach's shoulders, so I certainly wouldn't gasp in shock if they pulled the plug.

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Holy crap! I fell asleep during the half last night and woke up with five minutes left of the Bengals/Steelers game. I couldn't believe the Bengals had a chance to win because I really, really hate the Steelers. Then they went and pretty much handed the win to them. WTF?

I've never heard the talking heads so disgusted with an NFL team before and rightfully so. I saw the assistant coach on the Steelers push the Bengals player early on and give them a 15 yard penalty and couldn't believe that shit but it sounds like the Bengals fans and players were pretty much disgraceful the rest of the night. That's one locker room I'm glad I didn't have to be in after the game.

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Mountainair, IMO while the Cinci players and fans were most definitely disgraceful, the Steelers were no angels themselves. One of their coaches got a personal foul penalty for flinging a Bengals player into the bench on the sideline, and Shazier had a nasty helmet-to-helmet hit which knocked the opposing player out of the game.

Cinci was the greater of two evils last night.

Edited by BitterApple
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I hope they keep Marvin. HE did enough to win the game (with a backup qb) and his players (collectively) gave it away. If Hill doesnt fumble, none of the rest matters. If Burfict doesnt lose his mind they have a chance to stop the Steelers who I believe were out of timeouts with 20 secs to go. They should just let him finish out his contract at least.

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He didn't fling the player into the bench. The player remained standing the entire time. The guy falling over FROM THE LATE HIT is a Steelers player. Munchak grabbed the guy by his hair and jawed at him. He got 15 yards for it, as he should have. The Bengals chose to continue stuff from that point instead of letting the Steelers be the ones get out of control.

It was also a Cincy player who shoved Joey Porter in the back when he was out on the field during the Antonio Brown injury. Whether Porter should have been out there is debatable. But he was, and a Bengals' player CHOSE to shove him in the back.

I have to believe that after Vontaze Burfict tried to start crap during the week and the Steelers refused to respond, Marvin took him aside and said "Look, you are NOT in the Steelers' heads, they are in yours. You need to stop this and concentrate on playing the game." And Burfict didn't listen.

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I agree it was a poorly officiated game - only because the officials failed to toss some of these bozos out of the game. What does it take to be thrown out? I know they don't want to be accused of influencing a playoff game, but they let the game get out of control, IMO. Perhaps if one from each team had been tossed when the cheap shots & scrums started, everyone would have calmed down.

How embarrassing for Cincy. As a Packers fan, I remember watching the calvacade of cheap shots and unsportsmanship that Forrest Gregg allowed the Packers to become. I never missed a Packers game, haven't since the 60s, but wrote a letter to the Packers indicating I would not watch their games, buy their shirts, etc., until they got rid of Gregg and his thugs. Of course, the ultimate horror was when Forrest said he would welcome Mossy Cade back on the team after he served his prison sentence for rape. WTF??? So Bengals fans, I feel your pain and understand your embarrassment.. Except of course for those who were throwing trash on the field and cheering injuries. I hope those people enjoy the offseason with Burfict and Jones.

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What I like about soccer, besides that you can watch 5 games in the time it takes to watch one football game, is the yellow/red card. You get a yellow, and it's like "that's the line. you cross it, you're out." Granted, they don't throw people out a lot, but it's not a rare event either.

Bottom line, the officials need to have the authority to call the game and they really haven't this season.

What's being lost in this is what a stupid decision it was to go for 2 up 15-0, and it nearly cost them the game. 15-0 is only 2 scores. 16-0 is 3. That's a huge difference.

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UO I don't care who wins, but I would be thrilled to have a Seahawks/Patriots free Super Bowl.

If it's the same SB as last year I may puke. I would love Denver/Arizona but that doesn't look plausible.

Damn, I knew that he would miss that field goal. How terrible. Looks like Carroll made a deal with the devil after last season. Poor Vikings and their fans.

Edited by twoods
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