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His looks do line up with the teen RJ we had before - more quirky than conventionally handsome. If the show was smart, they would do a story dealing with that, especially in light of his parentage - maybe even a body dysmorphia story. Have any of the soaps done that with a guy? See, groundbreaking stuff. (They could also make him bi, which I don't think any of the shows have either, but we all know they'd never do THAT!)

Knowing this show though, they will simply put RJ in a love triangle with a relative. Thankfully not Thomas since Hope is RJ's biological sister, but Cousin Zende's girlfriend Paris is probably fair game as some have already speculated.

Edited by Aymery
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17 minutes ago, Aymery said:

Knowing this show though, they will simply put RJ in a love triangle with a relative. Thankfully not Thomas since Hope is RJ's biological sister, but Cousin Zende's girlfriend Paris is probably fair game as some have already speculated.

I would hope RJ will tell his creepy brother (Thomas) to stop lusting after his sister.

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On 3/11/2023 at 6:40 AM, Aymery said:

They could also make him bi, which I don't think any of the shows have either, but we all know they'd never do THAT!)

TBH, whole I wouldn't snub any queer rep, if they did do this with a legacy child, I'd rather it be Will. Bill would need to come to grips about accepting his child for the way he is, Wyatt and especially Liam can trade war stories about dear old Dad running interference and we'll be in no danger of Steffy banging yet another Spencer. A win-win all around.

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On 3/13/2023 at 10:49 AM, Anna Yolei said:

TBH, whole I wouldn't snub any queer rep, if they did do this with a legacy child, I'd rather it be Will. Bill would need to come to grips about accepting his child for the way he is, Wyatt and especially Liam can trade war stories about dear old Dad running interference and we'll be in no danger of Steffy banging yet another Spencer. A win-win all around.

Fingers crossed, don't think the writers will take this golden opportunity, but fingers crossed anyway.

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Oh, I do not like next week's spoilers at all. Specifically, we have, on Tuesday: 


The energy in the air is electric, as Hope and Thomas design together.

And, on Friday: 


Hope revels in working side by side with Thomas on her fashion line.

That Sucks The Office GIF

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Dear writers,

How many times do you have to repeat the same plots over and over again with the same characters? Haven’t we told you over and over again that we don’t like this? I’m about done with a soap that used to have great actors, great story lines and some suspense and now has none of these things. 

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4 hours ago, Crashcourse said:

Hope has always secretly had the crazy hots for Thomas, so it wouldn't surprise me at all if they got together.  

And I don't care if they do.

I'm not especially sad to see Lope get dissolved and Liam is a decade overdue to get a taste of his own waffle syrup from her, but how do the writers expect people to forget that Thomas is a no bullshit child abuser?

Forget the other five mile list of his sins, the dude ON CAMERA nearly beat the shit out of his kid. He's gaslightened and manipulated him as a pawn on too many occasions and got CPS involved, an experience that is nerve wracking under the best of conditions. On any other show, that would make him a prime target to be killed off at the end of the story. Hell, Adam Newman did far, far less to Faith and had never directly hurt a child and he's the only character in the genre who (understand so) gets his sins cast against him nearly as often as Brooke.

Even more bizarrely is how Thomas' fans arent crazy for Thope either because many of them hate Hope and think he deserves anyone else. And you know what? For once, Teams Forrester and Logan agree on something.

This maybe could've worked if Thomas was less sociopath child abuser and more of an antihero with any redeeming qualities, but they tanked that harder than fan interest in Liam and Quinn after Captive Cabin. Nope, nope, nopity nope to Thope ever.


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9 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

This maybe could've worked if Thomas was less sociopath child abuser and more of an antihero with any redeeming qualities, but they tanked that harder than fan interest in Liam and Quinn after Captive Cabin. Nope, nope, nopity nope to Thope ever.

Yes, so much yes. We're not his easily fooled mother and sister. The audience needs to see SOME redeeming qualities to root for this. They could have done it. 

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7 hours ago, jenrising said:

Yes, so much yes. We're not his easily fooled mother and sister. The audience needs to see SOME redeeming qualities to root for this. They could have done it. 

I just realized something. I think the show reminded us about Hope admitting he's hot because Thomas also remembers that and is planning on using it. We saw him being all sinister when he was alone, talking about how he was going to get his son back, no matter what. So now he's snapped into being super nice to Steffy, being the good little patient in therapy, and saying all the right things to Hope to get her to take him back at HFTF, including telling her she can give him the boot again if it's going to cause too many problems with Liam. 

He's planning on seducing her. And, this time, not even because he's obsessed with being with her, but because he's obsessed with "winning" Douglas back. I bet we're going to see him "accidentally" being caught shirtless in the office, and getting physically right up in her space when they're going over things. But he's going to make it look strictly business. 

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On 3/17/2023 at 1:51 PM, KerleyQ said:

Oh, I do not like next week's spoilers at all. Specifically, we have, on Tuesday: 

And, on Friday: 

That Sucks The Office GIF

JFC what an idiot....I know she is(and everyone else save for Liam)being written like shit right now to make this happen and all but good grief...

And her "attraction" to him is forced as hell(mentioned on the main thread, Paris had to weirdly drag/pester it out Hope one random day). There wasn't even any build up to that unless TIIC count one-sided obsession & Thomas fantasies as development. A small part of me is kind of laughing because no one in this fanbase is truly buying this horseshit.

On 3/17/2023 at 10:47 PM, Anna Yolei said:

Even more bizarrely is how Thomas' fans arent crazy for Thope either because many of them hate Hope and think he deserves anyone else.

Yeah I thought about this too & maybe TPTB is trying to get Hope less hate by throwing her on top of Thomas? I have no clue, but that's a futile battle imo they're just giving them more ammo. But looks like even that bonus isn't even enough for them to be on board(thankfully) with this trash paring. Goes to show how off base & out of touch Bradley & co. really are. 

Edited by Skarzero
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15 minutes ago, Skarzero said:

maybe TPTB is trying to get Hope less hate by throwing her on top of Thomas?

The only way she'll be hated less is if she was somehow reconned to not be a Logan and not Steffy's biggest rival. You might as well ask Santa for a unicorn.


18 minutes ago, Skarzero said:

Goes to show how off base & out of touch Bradley & co. really are. 

Truly, it's astonishing how off base they are with the show & what people want from it.

Far be it from me to say fans need to be rewarded for screaming the loudest on Twitter, but when two diametrically opposing fractions of the fanbase are on the same page that this should not happen, it's worth it to either revise the plan or the payoff at the end of it better be damn worth it to get them on board.

Given how this show has been written the last ten years, we can safely rule out the latter option.

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37 minutes ago, Skarzero said:

And her "attraction" to him is forced as hell(mentioned on the main thread, Paris had to weirdly drag/pester it out Hope one random day). There wasn't even any build up to that unless TIIC count one-sided obsession & Thomas fantasies as development.

This. It was a stupid one off moment after they both walked in on him shirtless, and Paris wouldn't let up until Hope gave in to end the conversation. (Also, Hope can acknowledge that Thomas is an attractive man without forgetting that he's also done some really horrendous shit to her and to the people she loves). 

I don't know why they don't just pair up Thomas and Paris. One of the best ways they can improve Thomas is to have him fully invested in a relationship with a woman who isn't Hope. How many years of his character have they tied up in him being obsessed with Hope?

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4 hours ago, KerleyQ said:

I don't know why they don't just pair up Thomas and Paris.

Paris might be the only character more hated by fans than Hope. It's Sunday so I'll save my peace on why.

Nosy and pushy as she is, Paris is still a decent person and nothing she's done deserves inflicting Thomas and the Forrester baggage on her, but given the options and the fact that Sally isn't coming back any time soon, she's probably the best option.

4 hours ago, KerleyQ said:

One of the best ways they can improve Thomas is to have him fully invested in a relationship with a woman who isn't Hope.

Normally I'm not a fan of "X needs to move on from Y to be a good character" when it's so often been used as a bludgeon by fans to push their own preferred pairing in spite of the story the creators were clearly trying to tell, but Thomas is my one exception to this.

His life hasn't been improved by his obsession w Hope; it's gotten worse and he's fucked up his kid's life because of it. And after the way Douglas came to be conceived, the least he could do is to not be like this.

And we have definitive proof this would work because B&B already did this! It wasn't even that long ago, less than a year and a half between the last actor leaving the show! And it worked spectacularly! Thomas let Caroline II go, he befriended Sasha--who was an outsider in her family for reasons outside of her control--and stood up to Julius when no one else did, which got people to warm up to him. Then he met Sally, a woman in his career field with none of the resources he was born into and fell for her passion. It's probable that we're not for Person Fodé's sudden exit from the show we would have had a more satisfying long term story with them, but the fact he was rehabilitated in the first place to the point of fans cheering him over Caroline in her scheming speaks volumes.

Guess we're gonna be stuck in this Groundhog's Day loop with this character until the next recast, at which point TIIC will hand wave everything after 2019 and pretend none of this happened. It'll be just in time for Beth to be SORASed and he can be obsessed over her instead.

Joy. 😒

Edited by Anna Yolei
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I don’t understand why they can’t just cast a new character to be a girlfriend for Thomas? Quinn left so that leaves money available to cast someone and if they cast a newcomer it wouldn’t even cost that much. Surely there could be more to his character than this? 

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13 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

Paris might be the only character more hated by fans than Hope. It's Sunday so I'll save my peace on why

Oh well that explains alot...even with that, Taris has got to be the lesser of 2 evils to at least some viewers, besides us of course. 

I find Paris annoying(a common problem with B&B characters) but that's not horrible or unforgivable. Especially when other characters commit actual crimes or purposefully antagonizes/interferes in the lives of others to achieve a lame agenda. Though I can tell that TPTB don't really know what to do with her aside from just randomly interact with the cast. 

They might be saving her for R.J but that will only work if R.J & Thomas get along, or Paris stops being in Thomas's corner so much. I don't see either happening. One of the love triangles I'm really afraid of is R.J/Paris/Thomas (course R.J/Paris/Zende is just as bad). But with Paris hate in mind, TIIC might not put her in a dumb love triangle, it'll make things worse. At least I wouldn't do it if I were them. 

9 hours ago, KerleyQ said:

I loved them so much. 

They were definitely one of the few peaks the show had in the late 2010s. I was rooting for them too. Unpopular opinion: The actor, his name escapes me, who played Thomas during this era was really underrated imo I think I might like him more than the actor playing him now. But he was also written differently(as in better), so it could be that. His chemistry with Sally surpasses any chemistry she's had with anyone in Genoa City. Even Adam which is saying alot. 

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2 hours ago, Skarzero said:

They were definitely one of the few peaks the show had in the late 2010s. I was rooting for them too. Unpopular opinion: The actor, his name escapes me, who played Thomas during this era was really underrated imo I think I might like him more than the actor playing him now. But he was also written differently(as in better), so it could be that. His chemistry with Sally surpasses any chemistry she's had with anyone in Genoa City. Even Adam which is saying alot. 

I loved his Thomas so much more than this Thomas. I think MA is probably better at this menacing version of Thomas, but PF was so much better as a romantic leading man kind of Thomas. I honestly don't know if I can even see MA's Thomas as a true romantic pairing kind of guy. But, they need to try putting him in a real pairing with someone who isn't Hope. He's been playing Thomas for, what, 3 or 4 years? And he's never had any kind of real love story. He's been obsessed with Hope the whole time, and he had that brief thing with Zoe that was just him settling for her while he obsessed over Hope. The Forrester fans don't want him with Hope. The Logan fans don't want him with Hope. That's the vast majority of the audience. They need to figure out something else for him beyond this stupid endless loop of "obsess over Hope, do something to piss everyone off, beg for forgiveness, get back in everyone's good graces, lather, rinse, repeat."  

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I think MA is as good, perhaps better, actor than PF. In terms of him being a viable romantic lead, that's admittedly tough to assess since he's only ever played the "obsessed with Hope" angle. I think he could be, if removed from Hope's orbit as there is far too much water under the bridge there, and I see zero chemistry with him and Paris, which is not so much a reflection of Diamond's acting, but the "throwing Paris up against any available male and seeing what sticks" approach to writing for the character. With a limited canvas, there aren't any other options except Katie, who is barely on-screen and she's happily, if boringly, canoodling with Carter. 

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On 3/19/2023 at 11:26 PM, Angeleyes said:

I don’t understand why they can’t just cast a new character to be a girlfriend for Thomas? Quinn left so that leaves money available to cast someone and if they cast a newcomer it wouldn’t even cost that much. Surely there could be more to his character than this? 

Even aside from the nonsense of the past four years, the way they've written Thomas over the years has been so puzzling. Drew Tyler Bell was the guy who was in the role for the longest stint at about 8 years and all of that verson's big romances happened in the first two years he was cast...and out of those, one was with AMBER of all people, who was far too old for him and then they swung to him being various levels of batshit ever since.

I'm not saying this can't work, even for a first born son to a legacy couple, but it's so inconsistent and they hit the reset button every time a new actor takes over, so what's my incentive as a viewer to care about any of this?

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Apparently next Tuesday's episode will be a special to mark the 9,000th episode by celebrating "family and love" by paying tribute to the "jaw-dropping life" of the show's standout heroine. "From running an international fashion house to loving large, her nostalgic reel will be a memorable one."

Oh wow, another Brooke-centric episode. Well, KKL deserves it for 36 years of service, but I'm sure she wouldn't begrudge them if they mixed it up a little and focused on Eric - after all, he's the other day-1 actor and certainly led a colorful life too: fashion designer, CEO, patriarch, lover.

WAIT - the heroine is STEFFY?! You know, the character who wasn't even BORN in the first 3,000 episodes, and was a child of little consequence for the next 3,000 (except when she was kidnapped by Morgan and turned into Stacey). THIS is the character you think represents the 9,000 milestone? Who embodies "family and love"???

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It's not a recast. I saw spoiler photos for next week. Ian Buchanan is reprising his role.

Can we just be done with Sheila? I'm weary of her. 

Carter is such a doofus. He sounded like a junior high girl when he was talking to Brooke. 

Speaking of, what was that awful skirt Brooke was wearing?

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I’m glad James is coming back even if only briefly (I’m assuming because isn’t the actor also on GH right now?) He obviously has the history and a child with Sheila. I’d also love it if they brought up his de-virgination by Taylor since they conveniently whitewash her history all of the time. 

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15 hours ago, Angeleyes said:

I’m glad James is coming back even if only briefly (I’m assuming because isn’t the actor also on GH right now?) He obviously has the history and a child with Sheila. I’d also love it if they brought up his de-virgination by Taylor since they conveniently whitewash her history all of the time. 

The actor isn't currently on GH. I can't say he might not be coming up soon, because I don't pay a ton of attention to soap news, so that could have been announced or rumored recently, and I just haven't seen it. But, he's definitely not on screen now. 

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Ah thanks for that information. I only watch CBS soaps, but Ian Buchanan did an interview with The Locher Room recently and GH was mentioned as part of his resume in the caption of the Instagram post previewing the interview. Which reminds me that I need to go back and watch the interview. 

Edited by Angeleyes
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According to Brad Bell, a new ingenue is on her way as he plans to beef up the 20-something cast. As of now it's just RJ and Paris (and Zende?) in that group right? The fact he markets it as the "next gen" makes me think it will be another of Sheila's spawn. After all, Mary/Erica Lovejoy made a beeline for RJ's big brother Rick, so another Logan-Forrester son/Sheila daughter pairing would be par for the course. I suppose anything would be better than RJ joining the rest of the supporting cast in sitting around with a running commentary on the love lives of his parents and half-siblings. Of course, Brad could throw us a curveball by having RJ's love interest be male, but he plays it safer than his father did half a century ago when Bill Bell, Sr wanted to give Katherine Chancellor a lesbian lover on Y&R. (The network nixed that.)


Edited by Aymery
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1 hour ago, Aymery said:

According to Brad Bell, a new ingenue is on her way as he plans to beef up the 20-something cast.

The writers only know triangles, so I guess in addition to our first side of the triangle RJ, a young ingenue and another young man is on the way for the other two sides of the triangle.  I'm guessing Will Spencer, but I'm at a loss for the ingenue.  RJ and Will are both Logans via their moms.  RJ is a Marone/Forrester and Will is a Spencer, so that limits the gene pool.  The only characters outside that pool are Paris, Carter and Finn.  Hopefully the ingenue won't be related to those three and will arrive in LA without any pre-set relations.


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The problem is that he may have grand plans now, but the likelihood is that budget cuts will be coming down the pike after the writers strike. The question will be what form those cuts will take. Will he phase out the veterans in favor of cheaper actors or will he scrap the new generation once again?

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If they have to connect this new girl to anyone in the past, I hope they dig WAAAAY back in the past. Let it be Rocco Carter's kid and that way, they can bring back that guy and maybe have him as a love interest for Katie (in earnest this time) or Taylor. Hell, maybe even CJ or his doctor brother Mark has a kid of their own by now.

As long as the kid is not related to Sheila, save for some crossover from Y&R where Lucy Romalotti does a stint in LA (that poor girl having Sheila AND Phyllis for grandmothers).

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On 5/8/2023 at 9:36 PM, Angeleyes said:

The problem is that he may have grand plans now, but the likelihood is that budget cuts will be coming down the pike after the writers strike. The question will be what form those cuts will take. Will he phase out the veterans in favor of cheaper actors or will he scrap the new generation once again?

What veterans are left to cut, though? JMW is pretty high up on the list and she joined the cast the same year the iPhone was released. KKL and JMc aren't going anywhere until they choose to leave, and with Diamont being as well liked by Lee Philips Bell as he was, I doubt he'd be cut, either.The only one they could really cut from the cast without minimal backlash would be Liam but even for all that certain portions of the fanbase hates him, I don't see Bell giving up his favorite triangle generator that quickly.

Jaded viewer that I am, they'll probably cut Paris and Zende first because this show always shafts it's minority actors and it's not like Paris was particularly beloved by the fanbase as it was. Wish they let Charlie go instead. 😒

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2 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

Jaded viewer that I am, they'll probably cut Paris and Zende first because this show always shafts it's minority actors and it's not like Paris was particularly beloved by the fanbase as it was. Wish they let Charlie go instead. 😒

I saw Zende on an episode of 9-1-1, so I hope he gets upped to being a regular cast member.  

I don't care about Paris. 😏

And yes, Charlie needs to go ASAP!

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I know that B&B has always tried to honor their fans in other countries by having location shoots, but the timing of this one seems excessive given the writers’ strike. I know this was planned way in advance, but how is the show continuing production given the strike? Did they fire all the writers except one like Y&R? I’m surprised the actors are not stopping work in solidarity with the writers. Was it strategic to film in a foreign country to skirt union rules?

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