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PT had to do what he had to do, but damned if his leaving didn't have a domino effect on the show.

Sally like Caroline and Sasha before her gets cut without really trying to weave her into other places.

Sally could partner with Thorne on Aly's Designs. She could make a deal with the devil with Bill to keep Spectra going if she hard core presses Liam to keep him from Steffy. She could plead her case to Brooke or Katie as financial backers to her pop up boutique store as she tries to get back on her feet. She could hook up with Wyatt or Thorne if not Liam or they could recast Thomas.

I feel like Bell panicked when PT left and didn't have enough faith in Lally vs Steam so he brought back Hope. SC raging 'Not this shit again!'

And making it so that Liam becomes Bill like due to their betrayal is the easy logical stupid route to take. Liam, Sally, Nicole, and intern RJ could all be in a great story about the misfits all trying to find their place in this insulated world using fashion and tech and battling the old school.  Liam needs a distraction from Steffy and Bill and also should be thinking about the legacy he wants to build for his child and figure out Liam Cooper again; Nicole has allowed herself to be shuttled off to France with a husband focused on his career but her not having her own; Sally needs to rebuild Spectra with the tools and friends at her disposal; RJ is the youngest of the fashion titans but doesn't have the passion for design like his father and brother but in technology and is trying to somehow make that useful at the Forrester table.

Just make it a 3 month story. Sally wants to do an online boutique. Liam agrees to work freelance on the project and needs help and hires Nicole and RJ who both want to learn. Liam and Sally could do the dance of attraction but be determined to keep it business; Nicole could be their confidant and BFFs with Sally helping Nicole realize she needs to follow her dreams too. RJ could be mentored by Liam and Nicole and maybe even develop a crush on her. At the end of the 3 months you have RJ having legit cred at working at something but not in fashion which puts him at odds with Ridge; Sally's boutique is up and going; Liam gets recognition for his work and offers start pouring in and he realizes he can be someone and do something on his own as Liam Cooper and that this is the legacy he wants to leave for his child. Nicole spreads her black girl STEM magic and leverages her experiences into outreach programs for local WOC in schools which is right up Liam's alley for philanthropic causes.

And all the while you have Ridge undermining RJ's confidence and asking him why he wants to play around with computers and Brooke as a STEM kid herself not having it; Bill trying to sabotage Liam to bring him to heel and back into the fold and also testing his mettle; Sally having to forge ahead in a way she never expected; and Nicole feeling the pressure from Maya and Zende about her choice to stay in LA.

And if it blows or the show doesn't like it they can toss all the progress they've done in the 3 months to resume to their usual crappery. But at least it would be different and at least they'd have tried.

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I like it. TobinAlbers! There are SO many contemporary storylines that could be developed right now. The STEM example above is perfect! In my local market, the A/E firms are begging for students, especially women and minorities, to pursue the technical sciences. Even the local colleges and universities are teaming up with employers through skills fairs, recruiting, etc. They are even reaching out into the high schools. It's a damned shame and the Brooke tie-in of being a front-runner is perfect. But no ... her "destiny" in life is mentoring women that they can't live without a man.

Brad Bell is just writing his own cancellation notice one painful tired word at a time. Does he not pay any attention to what's going on in the world? Is he stupid or stubborn or both? Take a look around you, man ...  NOBODY is interested in love triangles or who's the daddy situations? They don't raise an eyebrow in this day and age. The same goes with aging sex kittens.

Edited by grisgris
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17 hours ago, grisgris said:

Brad Bell is just writing his own cancellation notice one painful tired word at a time. Does he not pay any attention to what's going on in the world? Is he stupid or stubborn or both? Take a look around you, man ...  NOBODY is interested in love triangles or who's the daddy situations? They don't raise an eyebrow in this day and age. The same goes with aging sex kittens.

The thing is, triangles and WTD storylines wouldn't be so bad if they would just update them for the times and not repeat the same ones over and over.  (They are genre staples, after all.)  It's the lack of imagination in implementing them that makes them look so threadbare. 

And frustrating, when you have 3 (Brooke, Liam and Nicole) characters sitting there on the canvas that could nudge the show into the nineties. Or maybe even the aughts. 

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50 minutes ago, tessaray said:

The thing is, triangles and WTD storylines wouldn't be so bad if they would just update them for the times and not repeat the same ones over and over.  (They are genre staples, after all.)  It's the lack of imagination in implementing them that makes them look so threadbare

That, and maybe give us time to care about these characters, individually and as couples. You think anyone wants Hope reunited with a guy who could so easily flip between her and Steffy at the drop of a hat?

While I'm not much of a Tridge fan anymore, I did remember and enjoy that the writers kept them interesting after Tylo's ridiculous demand that Taylor not get divorced by having non Brooke related conflicts, like Ridge being upset that she wouldn't tell Kristen about Tony's HIV diagnosis. Compare that to Raya who are one of soapfom's least conventional pairings that just get stuck on the shelf.

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9 minutes ago, Anna Yolei said:

That, and maybe give us time to care about these characters, individually and as couples. You think anyone wants Hope reunited with a guy who could so easily flip between her and Steffy at the drop of a hat?

In Liam's defense, this go round the waffling is a bit more understandable as there is a kid involved. Liam can only shut Steffy out so much and he doesn't have it in him to be intentionally malicious.

It's going to be hard for him to move on with anyone when Steffy is in the picture as the mother of his child -especially if she hooks up with Bill.

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Fair point. Mostly, I was pointing out what an entirely lousy ass job they did of setting up the ToD in the early years for me to want to see Hope in his orbit in any capacity.

When Taylor would return from the dead (mostly the first time), we had memories of Ridge persuing her, of romance and of actual fun times. Liam honestly doesn't have that with either one, but Hope had the added insult of everyone and her mother telling her sell her ideals--ones forged from the scandal to which she was conceived in--to keep him. It would nice if Liam could have a line acknowledging any of his own foolishness before they go any further. Otherwise, Slattern or no Slattern to rub it in to, Hope should keep on walking and maybe give Wyatt a fair shot this time.

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1 hour ago, Anna Yolei said:

Hope should keep on walking and maybe give Wyatt a fair shot this time.

On one hand Wyatt got the shot he deserved given how he pursued Hope. You marry a woman because her fiancé was 15 mins late due to your mother's shenanigans, you get what you deserve.

And given that Wyatt pursued Steffy the exact same way shows that it wasn't about the woman, it was getting over on Liam the 'favored' child.

On the other Wyatt seems to be moving beyond his competition with Liam and actually trying to connect with him as a friend and brother. And given that Liam is extricating himself from Steffy's clutches, he really isn't nor shouldn't be an option for Hope nor pose any active obstacle for Hyatt 2.0. But in all honesty I never bought Hyatt truly falling in love. Hope seemed a prize to win over Liam and a nontoxic love (that wasn't his mother) escape for Wyatt while Wyatt was unconditional love, loyalty, and support for Hope - but he didn't really know her. I don't see Hyatt as starting over or again but more of an attempt to see if there is something really there that they can build on. It wouldn't surprise me if they dated, had great sex, but just ended up the best of friends. 

I buy Watie more b/c they both connected when they had no one else. They weren't trying to impress each other but fill each other's mutual needs. They got to know each other in a more personal level during pillow talk. That's something that bonds a couple. 

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Yes! I'm so disappointed they let CH go (but not surprised) and wish she was staying. But, if she has to go then I'm thrilled I might get my Tally riding off into the sunset together! 

I also hope Thomas gets to lay a smack down on everybody who lied to him about Carowhine's "illness".  I'm glad we're finally getting closure to that huge dangling plot line.

Edited: I didn't read CH's last comment on twitter until after I posted. I thought she was fired but it sounds like she's still on recurring so Tally aren't going to exit together. I'm good with that as long as we get some closure to that whole story.

Edited by FireSpark
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7 hours ago, FireSpark said:

I also hope Thomas gets to lay a smack down on everybody who lied to him about Carowhine's "illness".  I'm glad we're finally getting closure to that huge dangling plot line.

I think that's exactly what's going to happen...which means it probably won't :(  If this is the exit story, though, it will be a good one!

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I'm glad that PF is coming back to play Thomas.  I have a feeling this might be some sort of last-ditch effort on Bell Jr.'s part to inject some excitement back in this show.  Having Steffy sleep with $Bill was the latest stunt, but then Show got scared and scurried away from the story.  Now all we're stuck with is Hauxdi rubbing her belly like it was Aladdin's lamp.

PF and CH were so good together and the couple was very popular.  Bell Jr. made a huge mistake putting Sally in Hauxdilox' orbit because suddenly Sally became the worst person on the face of the earth.  How many characters (all attractive young women) have been sacrificed at the altar of The Great and Powerful Slattern?!?!

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thetvwatercooler.com Spoilers

Sheila watches as Bill and Ridge face off. How will Bill deal with Wyatt and Katie’s relationship?

Newspaper soaps column
(via courierjournal.net/soaps)

Week of February 26th
A broken-hearted woman becomes wary that her rival is vying for her estranged husband's heart.


Bill and Sheila sittin' in a tree....

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Sheila being on the show pisses me off more than anything else on this show right now, and that's saying something. It's like watching a declawed cat and knowing that said cat will develop mobility problems for it.

Good Lord, she used to be such a  tour de force, where her intensity helped to bring the show to the #2 ratings spot it's held for most of it's seasons. And this is how she's treated? She's hardly any more fearsome than Pam these days .

And I was so pissed at seeing her name in entirely overlooked the Watie reveal to Bill. For the life of me, what the everloving fuck could be say to or about their relationship that has any relevance now? Even if he hadn't fucked Steffy, he still cheated on Katie on three occasions with two women and has largely favored Liam over Wyatt

 He can get fucked, too.

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If Sheila dies it'll be by her own hand as a last resort to frame Lauren on Y&R. It began with them it should end with them.

8 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

what the everloving fuck could be say to or about their relationship that has any relevance now?

Do you not think my son's brother screwing his mother isn't gonna mess him up in the head? You see how Rick turned out! Stop before it's too late!

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I'm just entertained by the fact that Thomas and Caroline have a daughter.   (Barry Allen strikes again?) 


Look for Thomas to return to Los Angeles on March 9. When we last saw Thomas, he left Sally (Courtney Hope) to reunite with Linsey Godfrey) and their daughter after falling for Bill (Don Diamont) scheme.

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33 minutes ago, tessaray said:

I'm just entertained by the fact that Thomas and Caroline have a daughter.   (Barry Allen strikes again?) 

Barry Allen told me to tell you this gender switch isn't his fault! And he does not appreciate being falsely accused of a crime he didn't commit yet again ;-)

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Seeing that the actress who plays Sally is leaving to make a movie, I’m guessing that Thomas comes back to take Sally to NY.  

Bill is also going away to appear on Dancing With the Stars in Europe.  So depending on how he does, he could be gone for weeks.  

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A 'Who Shot Bill?' story line has a lot of potential.  With $Bill gone, a whole lot of stuff could change.  Liam and Wyatt could either fight over who runs Spencer or they could run it together.  Justin could get his freedom papers. If $Bill was the father of Hauxdi's spawn, then we'd have Poor Brave Steffy, Pregnant and Alone!!!!  She'd rub the skin off her belly.  Wyatt could become a 'Captain of Industry' and Katie would long for the pizza boy to come back.  Sally would get her fashion house back and Thorne could design for her after yet another fight with Ridge.  And Hope could get fed up with the asshole who's married to her mother and talk HFTF over to Spectra as well.  Maybe Forrester might get some competition.

Finally, after months in a coma, $Bill wakes up and remembers...NOTHING.  He doesn't remember fucking Hauxdi so he doesn't know why Liam hates him.  He doesn't know that he's the father of Hauxdi's baby.  He doesn't know Justin is free.  The brain damage from the gunshot could have even turned $Bill into a decent human being.

Endless possibilities.

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Back before Stephanie got shot, they had set up that so many people had grudges against her--Brooke for the recent rape, Donna for interfering with her and Eric's relationship, Nick and Eric over Brooke, and Stephen, who was a louse that blamed all his issues on Eric and Stephanie. Storm was the only one who was under the radar until the reveal.

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19 hours ago, KLovestoShop said:

Seeing that the actress who plays Sally is leaving to make a movie, I’m guessing that Thomas comes back to take Sally to NY.  

Bill is also going away to appear on Dancing With the Stars in Europe.  So depending on how he does, he could be gone for weeks.  

Can they use footage of DD's DwtS competition as part of Bill's coma dream where he 'wakes up' and is not a Captain of Industry but a passionate dancer?

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I saw a clip of KKL on the Italian DWTS. She was pretty hot. I don't remember what the dance was, which was decent but nothing spectacular. What I remember the most was that when she made her entrance, the woman did a cartwheel in her short dance costume and high platform heels and nailed it! After the performance, KKL was escorted to a throne-like chair to sit in and the praise and accolades rained on her from the adoring audience was overwhelming. She looked pretty stunned but gracious. I have been digging around YT and can't find the clip, otherwise I'd post it.

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#1 Wyatt should have stopped wearing that ridiculous necklace ages ago - he should be thrilled its gone.

#2 Oh Bill you silly goose just how do you plan on getting custody of Will? Katie knows all your dirt ... as does Liam, Steffy, Sally, Wyatt, Brooke ... I mean come on.

So a who shot Bill 'mystery' is about to begin?

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3 hours ago, hypnotoad said:

Oh Bill you silly goose just how do you plan on getting custody of Will?

What, seriously?! That was already an uphill battle when the worst offense was cheating with Brooke. At this point, Bill winning custody is like driving the Yugo my family once owned up on the steepest hills of San Francisco. It ain't happening...and if that were feasible grounds for custody, all these kids would be in foster care by now.

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2 hours ago, grisgris said:

From one of the soap spoiler sites:


Ugh ... please don't tell me that Pam's going to stop taking her meds and be the one who ends up trying to kill Bill. If so, what an f-ing lame chickenshit cop-out!


Good God, why? I have said Pam was a story dead end and I wouldn't be sad for the character to leave, but fuck me. What the hell reason does she have for hating Bill? At least the last time, she believed she was protecting her sister's marriage.

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2 minutes ago, Anna Yolei said:


Good God, why? I have said Pam was a story dead end and I wouldn't be sad for the character to leave, but fuck me. What the hell reason does she have for hating Bill? At least the last time, she believed she was protecting her sister's marriage.

Bill took advantage of her favorite niece - although it'd be more interesting if Pam held a little grudge against Steffy for taking out her real fav niece Aly even if it was self defense. Anyway, they had Pam say it to set up her motive. Apparently the man bears the full burden of responsibility consensual extramarital sex while tha married female half gets to skate. 

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The new season of the Italian version of Dancing with the Stars started last night.  DD was ok, not the best nor the worst, and his scores landed him solidly in the middle of the pack.  He did fall twice while practicing, and the second fall looked nasty.  He slipped and landed flat on his back and hit his head on the floor.  When asked if he was ok to perform, he said that he would be out there even if they had amputated his leg.  The judges complimented his good attitude.  KKL also injured herself early in the competition when she was on the show a couple of years ago. 

For the dance geeks out there, DD's teacher/dance partner is Hanna Karttunen, who apparently has won dance competitions all over the world.  Dance is not my thing, so I have no idea who she is, but the host and judges seemed pretty psyched that she's joined the show (it's her first season as a teacher here).

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On 3/11/2018 at 7:48 PM, Anna Yolei said:

HTy has been MIA for some years, hasn't she? I'd heard some rumor that her current husband didn't want her acting anymore...boy, she can pick 'em, can't she? :(

I think I've brought this up here in the past, but HTy and Donna Mills and 2-3 actresses from the other network daytime soaps had a web-based show called "Queens of Drama." It was like a pilot about creating a pilot show (if that makes any sense.) I think it was a weak attempt to try to do what Nicole Kidman, Laura Dern, et al are doing with "Pretty Big Lies."  In "Queens of Drama," the women (mainly Donna) wanted to show that "accomplished, powerful" women could call their own shots by creating, writing and producing their own series. Then, each episode drifted into reality show territory by interspersing scenes of the women's personal lives.

I remember that Hunter hadn't been married to husband number-whatever for very long and he was creepy. He appeared to be a lot younger than her and I think he worked in construction. He was arguing with her about taking his last name. She didn't want to do so professionally and he was pretty mean about it. I also think I read somewhere online that the guy had a record of domestic violence accusations from previous relationship, marriage, etc. It was so long ago, that I don't remember the source, which probably wan't very reliable, so won't ponder the validity.

During a scene where the women were filming "tagline" openings (I don't know what else to call them), Hunter just collapsed. She was lying on the ground and very calmly stated that she'd dislocated her hip and elbow. She was taken away in an ambulance and never returned. That became part of the SL, as Donna kept reaching out to Hunter and Hunter never responded. I swear that one of them said that Hunter had an artificial hip. I had never heard she'd had hip replacement surgery, but never say never. I had to have it done when I was 54 due to severe OA and she's only two years or so younger than me.

I don't know what happened to her or the ill-fated series. Obviously, it didn't continue online and certainly not on a major network. It was doomed to fail because of the horrible chemistry between the actresses.


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Liam’s Falling Apart
Liam’s (Scott Clifton) shocking behavior towards his ailing father has Steffy (Jacqueline MacInnes Wood) and Hope (Annika Noelle) on high alert. There’s a lot of bad blood in the family and conflicting feelings threaten to bubble over. It’s clear it won’t take long for Liam to crack and completely fall apart.

Working Together For the Greater Good
Hope and Steffy may not like each other but they agree to put Liam first and let the cards fall how they may — at least for now. Their top priority must be his emotional health. Their joint goal is to get him through these trying times with the least amount of scars on his heart.

Having a common mission brings the stepsisters closer, and for the first time, they start to see eye to eye. Liam is the love of both their lives and they’ve fought over him for way too long. It’s high time to put all their baggage aside and concentrate on doing right by Liam and by the entire Spencer family. Of course, their truce may not last long…

Everything Turns Upside Down
Meanwhile, the drama heats up when Caroline returns to Los Angeles. It’s a visit no one saw coming and it’ll shake everyone to the core. She’s out for revenge and will stop at nothing to settle the score.

It’s terrible timing for a community already rocked by an attempted murder that has everyone looking over their shoulders. If everyone doesn’t stay on their toes there could be more trouble coming that could destroy their inner circle.

Source: https://soaphub.com/bold-beautiful/spoilers-bold/the-bold-and-the-beautiful-spoilers-bb-carolines-back-for-revenge/


Interesting Caroline comes back for revenge....why?  And shakes everyone to their core? Really? Unless Thomas sued for and won custody of Douglas, then I'm not sure why she'd be gunning for Bill or anyone for revenge. Well, maybe Thomas if she's of the mind that his pursing her led to the break-up of her marriage and then he cooled off once she was available.

But once again, this show is having the woman lose her shit and lash out and pay the price. Caroline will probably have a breakdown/be committed leaving Thomas and Sally to raise Douglas together. I hate when they trash half of a parenting couple so that the hotter love couple gets to have an insta-family.

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2 hours ago, TobinAlbers said:

Having a common mission brings the stepsisters closer, and for the first time, they start to see eye to eye. Liam is the love of both their lives and they’ve fought over him for way too long. It’s high time to put all their baggage aside and concentrate on doing right by Liam and by the entire Spencer family. Of course, their truce may not last long…

Of course.

2 hours ago, TobinAlbers said:

Interesting Caroline comes back for revenge....why? 

That was my 1st thought too.  If it's a custody issue because of the lie that she's dying, she only has herself to blame.  Yes, Bill originally told Thomas the lie, all she had to do was tell the truth.  I don't even understand how she got away with it before her "miracle cure."  Wouldn't Thomas find it a tad suspicious that Caroline would go to all her "doctor's appointments" alone?  Didn't he wonder why she looked healthy as a horse even though she's supposedly on death's door?

Edited by ByTor
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2 hours ago, TobinAlbers said:

But once again, this show is having the woman lose her shit and lash out and pay the price. Caroline will probably have a breakdown/be committed leaving Thomas and Sally to raise Douglas together. I hate when they trash half of a parenting couple so that the hotter love couple gets to have an insta-family.

There's not been one single aspect of that pairing that was honestly come by. Not Thomas's harrassment, not The Misunderstanding, or the acrobats TIIC pulled to backtrack on it afterwards. None of it.

But I'm so over this stunt. A lot of it has to do with ATWT abusing the shit outta this manuever, but Caroline has no right to be "out for revenge" in a plot that she could've ended the minute she left Bill's office.

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6 hours ago, TobinAlbers said:

Meanwhile, the drama heats up when Caroline returns to Los Angeles. It’s a visit no one saw coming and it’ll shake everyone to the core. She’s out for revenge and will stop at nothing to settle the score.

It’s terrible timing for a community already rocked by an attempted murder that has everyone looking over their shoulders. If everyone doesn’t stay on their toes there could be more trouble coming that could destroy their inner circle.

The only thing, & I mean the ONLY thing, that would be acceptable for this type of hype, is if Caroline came back & announced that she'd done a paternity test, & surprise! Ridge is a Daddy again! That really would shake everyone; Brooke would be the stepmom of a toddler, Caroline could hate Thomas for the misunderstanding night, Ridge could be upset about all of the time he missed as Douglas' dad, Thomas could be furious because he has been Douglas' father for years. That would shake everyone to the core. 

Sadly, what actually will happen, will not be even 2% as good as that last sentence I wrote, but if the writers want to reshoot & use my idea, I won't copyright it. 

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1 minute ago, nkotb said:

The only thing, & I mean the ONLY thing, that would be acceptable for this type of hype, is if Caroline came back & announced that she'd done a paternity test, & surprise! Ridge is a Daddy again! That really would shake everyone; Brooke would be the stepmom of a toddler, Caroline could hate Thomas for the misunderstanding night, Ridge could be upset about all of the time he missed as Douglas' dad, Thomas could be furious because he has been Douglas' father for years. That would shake everyone to the core. 

Anything is possible. On DOOL, Parker was confirmed as Phillip's child until TPTB decided to have it revealed that his mother Chloe learned offscreen that the lab tech guy who had been on drugs at the time actually had mucked around with the results because he liked and wanted Stephanie - who was guilty of the original paternity switch. So Chloe's hubby, Daniel,  WAS the baby daddy. Except all this was told to us by Chloe with retconned 'flashbacks'. It was complete and absolute bull poop. I could see B&B totally doing that.

Honestly, I think what will shake everyone to their core is that Caroline really is dying (cancer like her namesake Aunt) and she's giving custody to Thomas - unless they pull the double whammy of she's dying AND the baby is Ridge's so suddenly Ridge and Brooke are newlyweds with a baby to raise. Thomas is then free to be with Sally and they can start their own 'real' family. It also means Caroline had nothing to lose in pluggin Bill since she's dying anyway.

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SID Dailies:

Monday, March 19th: Thomas fills Ridge in about the "treachery" Bill and Caroline orchestrated.
Caroline unleashes her anger at Bill (same one as above just reworded).

Tuesday, March 20th:
Steffy lashes out at Brooke for having told Hope about her indiscretion with Bill. (Side note: Also an article on this in Digest)

Wednesday, March 21st
Hope tells Liam about Bill's proposal.
Ridge's anger increases.

Thursday, March 22nd
Steffy demands that Hope fesses up regarding her true feelings for Liam.
Bill points the finger at Ridge.


Ridge getting mad at Bill over playing Thomas is laughable. Sir, you did it to your own son first so don't even try to play that card!

I'd believe he's more upset that Bill used Caroline. In fact, I'd prefer that that is Ridge's issue and it pisses off Brooke.

Bill fingering Ridge has a myriad of possibilities. What I think is happening there is that he knows Ridge didn't do it but he's killing two birds with one stone by getting revenge on him by accusing him of attempted murder and protecting the person that did shoot him who he knows, loves, and/or owes something to - basically a black out raged/DID Liam.  Ridge is the very plausible culprit as everyone knows they publicly came to blows.  Liam being floored by Bill's accusation is partly due to him subconsciously knowing that he did it not Ridge.

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16 minutes ago, TobinAlbers said:

Bill fingering Ridge has a myriad of possibilities.

In more ways than one (yes I'm 12) :)

17 minutes ago, TobinAlbers said:

Hope tells Liam about Bill's proposal.

Unlike most I do like Hope, but she really had no business telling Liam.

No show Friday? :(

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