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S03.E04: Everything's Coming Up Rosie

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Looking forward to Constance Zimmer, hopeful about Weird Al. Not really too optimistic about the rest.

Nate Berkus is pretty awesome. He won $25k for his civilian last season. IDK I like him. But yeah not super impressed with the others :(

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I'm a bit disappointed Al didn't do more (hell he only got 1 song on "How do you Doo?") but his team was pretty strong. I'm really surprised he wasn't picked for the last round. 


Kevin, as expected was useless, but Al and Rosie were very strong players in general. 

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Rosie can get a little overbearing, but since I'm pretty sure I'd act the same way in this game, I cut her some slack. She was totally right that it was crazy not to use "weight" as a clue for The Biggest Loser.

This is the first time I've liked Clue Boom! The long break since the last time it was played helped. Seemed like it was on every other episode last season.

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I'm a bit disappointed Al didn't do more (hell he only got 1 song on "How do you Doo?") but his team was pretty strong. I'm really surprised he wasn't picked for the last round. 


Kevin, as expected was useless, but Al and Rosie were very strong players in general. 

Overall, both teams were pretty strong.  It was a close game that went back and forth. 


I thought I'd pick Al too when I just looked at the teams but after they played, I think Constance was just a wee bit better except for how she fell apart laughing.  Yet, once again, the guest wins the money so two people are working out better than I thought.


So I gather neither Rosie or Al have watched How To Get Away With Murder


And I do think Constance could have done Happy Days in one (It was Happy Days, right?)




All she needed to do is add the thumbs up.

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Body language and facial expression seemed to lean towards Rocco and Nate not enjoying the critical intensity that Rosie was playing with. Reminds me of that bald Michael guy from the week before...he was rolling his eyes and looking exasperated.

Thought Rocco and Nate were cute doing the hands thing. Loved the confetti bowl.,,starting to hate doo doo songs.

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"Pig Park"? Holy heck, Kevin O'Leary should just have walked off the stage there. It would have saved him trying to give a clue for "Credit Card" in Clue Boom. God forbid he just say "Amex, Visa, Mastercard".


I'd forgotten Nate was on the show before (since I only know him from this show). He was pretty good. Weird Al and Constance were okay, not as good as I was hoping, but passable (except for Constance's singing). Rosie was actually less annoying than I was expecting, but still needs to turn it down about 50%. Rocco DiSpirito was mostly a non-entity, though saved by the comparison to O'Leary.


"How To Get Away With Murder", I think maybe "Instructions Escape Homicide"? "Saved By The Bell", "Rescued Dingaling". "True Detective", "Correct Investigators"? I'm not happy with that one. Maybe three words and "Not False Investigators". "Happy Days" obviously "Ayyyy", with a thumbs-up if allowed (I think hand gestures have been allowed in the game before). "Biggest Loser", as Rosie was quick to point out, "Weight Loss" would do it. Not sure what works for "Blacklist" in two words. "Not White, Catalog" if you're going three maybe. Still, safest bet in that game seems to be to let the other team take their chances.

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I enjoyed the episode overall. That another civilian got their cash, along with two charities, was gravy.


I thought it was right for Rosie to be buzzed out in TV ID after 1) giving a dumb amount of words and 2) taking forever to get the supposed words out. When they showed the Title, How To Get Away With Murder, I thought "law professor" might be closer to whatever Rosie was angling for. Maybe "female law professor" to knock Prof. Kingsfield and The Paper Chase out of the running.


Clue Boom was fun and a bit more suspenseful than I remembered. I did wonder if they have the option of confetti or popcorn now.


I am psyched for next week!! If I had a dvr, it would be set and ready to go!

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Meh. If they accept 27 words as a clue I think they should let her use them. Not sure if they have an "official rulebook" that talks about a time limit or if they make it up as they go. (Does this count as a game show and have to abide by the same non-tampering rules that serious games like Jeopardy have to follow?)


Anyway, I might have said something like, "don't become caught killing someone." But I probably would have unintentionally said "get."


All the contestants were great, except Kevin. He was also kind of a dud on Celebrity Jeopardy. But at least he's a good sport about it. 


I didn't see any sort of animosity toward Rosie. I'm personally not a fan of her, but she seemed fine in the game. She was competitive, a good player, and having a good time. Hard to ask for much more than that.

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Happy Days in one word:  Fifties


How To Get Away With Murder in three words: Law students mystery


"How To Get Away With Murder", I think maybe "Instructions Escape Homicide"? "Saved By The Bell", "Rescued Dingaling". "True Detective", "Correct Investigators"?



I've seen people use synonyms for titles before, I've never seen a team figure it out.  Plot points are the way to go.


Best one word clue ever given:  Michael Ealy on the show Dallas:  Oil.

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How To Get Away With Murder in three words: Law students mystery




Jane, I bid two words. "Scott free." Wait, my team are a bunch of Katherine McPhees? Never mind then.


I wonder if they would allow "Philimination" for The Amazing Race.

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Happy Days in one word:  Fifties

How To Get Away With Murder in three words: Law students mystery


"Fifties" might just make me start guessing shows that aired in the 50s though - I Love Lucy, Our Miss Brooks, etc. And How To Get Away With Murder is a tough one - I was having trouble coming up with something myself, although there have been several good suggestions here.


I liked Lend Me a Hand more than I thought I would and thought Rocco and Nate did an excellent job and were funny as hell.


Movie Misprint was hard! I really didn't start getting any of them until the second round.


I honestly only know Rosie and Weird Al. I've heard of Rocco and Nate before but I've never seen anything they appear regularly on. Never heard of Constance Zimmer or Kevin O'Leary. Still enjoyed it though.

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"Fifties" might just make me start guessing shows that aired in the 50s though - I Love Lucy, Our Miss Brooks, etc.





Rocco and Nate did an excellent job and were funny as hell.



Civilian:  Rocco in the back and Nate in the front.


Rocco:  Just the way it should be!

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This was a great episode for me to watch because my friend from high school was one of the contestants.

Kevin O'Leary is seriously THE WORST. I thought he was going to f*ck the win up for my girl Assata, so I'm glad she eventually won.

I try to give Rosie a break because she acts on this show, exactly how I would act on this show, but still...calm down lady.

Rocco DiSpirito pimping his book was so annoying. Exercise while you cook? Dude, STFU.

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I know Pig Park was very stupid but lets not let Rocco off the hook for HOGassic Park.


And while Rosie is a bit much she was right to tell Nate to stop using his arms he cost them 2 points as it was. 

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"Biggest Loser", as Rosie was quick to point out, "Weight Loss" would do it. 


I don't think "loss" would be accepted since "loser" is a form of it. I might be wrong about that. Maybe "Fat Reduction." It's always easier to think of clues in the comfort of your living room.


I wonder if "Yellow Man" would be a good clue for "True Detective." Or maybe "flat circle." Out of the three celebs, certainly at least one of them would know what that meant.


That was a really enjoyable show. Clue Boom was great. I loved how Weird Al actually fell down when it went off. I love him. I was really shocked that no one got "beanie" from "... and Cecil." As Alex Trebek would say, That was before their time.


It took me a bit before I was able to answer the Movie Misprint questions. That's a good game. 


I also LOVE Lend Me a Hand. Rocco and Nate were fantastic, though I'm glad that the show took points away for Nate using his hands and Rocco using his face.


I always like TV ID. I got a big kick out of Al and Constance sing-songing, "We get two points for nuthin! We get two points for nuthin!"


I still like How Do You Doo, but it's tough. I keep thinking I'd do pretty good at it, so long as I knew the song, but I guess it's possible that what I hear in my head doesn't come out as recognizable outside my mouth.


Lots of fun. Kevin O'Leary was such a dud. Jane saying, "I love the specificity of Kevin's clues," was right on. 

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maybe get some advice to players on the flagrant miming that's all over every round of How Do You Doo



I don't think they've ever said that miming isn't allowed on How Do You Doo, and haven't ever deducted points for it. I think just about anything in there should be fair game, as long as you don't make any sound but "Doo" with your voice.

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I'm a bit disappointed Al didn't do more (hell he only got 1 song on "How do you Doo?") but his team was pretty strong. I'm really surprised he wasn't picked for the last round. 

I think Constance secured the pick when she pointed out that she was the youngest person on the couch. I would have put it a little differently, but I got what she meant - she was of the civilian's generation, and that can be really important since so much of Celebrity Name Game is about having common references. (Yeah, I'm still bitter about that one episode where the civilian screwed up by not taking Alison Sweeney - she picked the best overall player, Breckin Meyer, but he was on a very different wavelength from her, and that cost her the 25K.) But I figured from early on in the episode that Constance would be the one from her couch. The pick that surprised me was Nate over Rosie - Nate worked out excellently, so it certainly wasn't a mistake to pick him, but I would have gone with Rosie for the same reason I would have gone with Meredith Vieira earlier this season, that because of their professions they know the bio (filmography, relationships) of basically every celebrity in existence.


I always appreciate when the celebrities really come to play, and this season has been great so far in that respect, this episode included. I cracked up at Nate half-jokingly pushing Constance onto the couch after she blew him away in their first face-off. I also cracked up at Constance and the civilian jumping up and down nonstop for like 45 seconds after they won Celebrity Name Game. Constance was a favorite of mine in this episode. I wonder why she looks so much younger here than she does on UnREAL or Grey's Anatomy a few years ago. Maybe it's just that she gets to smile and laugh.

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I think Constance secured the pick when she pointed out that she was the youngest person on the couch. I would have put it a little differently, but I got what she meant - she was of the civilian's generation, and that can be really important since so much of Celebrity Name Game is about having common references.

I felt like Al might skew younger than his age (at least music-wise), but then there was the Beany and Cecil thing I'd never heard of.


Constance helped a lot when Nate was talking about a hilarious woman from SNL and she got more specific with "30 Rock." I've read that Unreal is actually pretty good.

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I know Pig Park was very stupid but lets not let Rocco off the hook for HOGassic Park.


I'm not going to criticize because I couldn't even get Pie Hard. Honestly, it took me the first whole round to get the hang of that game. It was only the last three or four movies where I started to get it. Sort of like when they introduced What's In A Name. That one was confusing at first because the name of the celebrity had nothing to do with the sentence that followed it but logically, it seemed like it should have. It can really throw you when it's a brand new game. But I like that they're coming up with some new ones and they're tricky!


How Do you Doo on the other hand just really relies on whether or not you can sing. That's about it.

Edited by iMonrey
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Lots of fun. Kevin O'Leary was such a dud. Jane saying, "I love the specificity of Kevin's clues," was right on. 

Jane's off-the-cuff remarks are so much funnier than the scripted crap the show gives her. It's why I love her as the host of this show. Scripted stuff is one thing because if it's bad there's not really much any host can do to save it, but improv, on the other hand, is very much down to a host's abilities. Another thing that Jane brings to the show is that she can mock things like Kevin's terrible clues without actually causing genuine bad feelings that sour the atmosphere or make celebrities decide they don't want to come on.

Constance helped a lot when Nate was talking about a hilarious woman from SNL and she got more specific with "30 Rock." I've read that Unreal is actually pretty good.

And also with the final celebrity name, Kevin Hart, when she wasn't afraid to mention that he's black, which helped narrow it down from "short comedian." Reminded me of the Celebrity Name game earlier this season where one said "tennis player" and the other threw in the "she's black." (UnReal has been one of my favorite shows this summer. But be aware it's one of those very, very dark shows where nearly every character, including all of the main characters, is an awful human being.)

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Constance helped a lot when Nate was talking about a hilarious woman from SNL and she got more specific with "30 Rock." I've read that Unreal is actually pretty good.


Unreal is amazing. Probably my favourite show of the summer. I was cheering for her team just because I'm loving Constance so much right now.


I agree that How To Get Away With Murder is a very hard one to do in just a few words. It hasn't been around long enough that you can reference things from the show and be sure your audience knows them and the title and the plot are connected but not in a direct way. Things like "law student mystery" only work if the other people on your team know the show and trying to match the title with synonyms is risky too. With 27 words, I'd probably say "why is your penis on a dead girl's phone?" but I know that you need to watch the show to get it. 

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With 27 words, instead of plot-related descriptors, the first words I would've tried for HTGAWM would have been: Newest Shondaland show. At a minimum, Constance should know that, seeing as how she's an actress who works in TV and had a recurring guest stint on Grey's, but there was so much promotion of the TGIT block by ABC that I bet a lot of other people could get it from that description, whether they've seen the show or not. Wonder if that would have been allowed. If not, then "lead is a black movie star actress playing a lawyer." (I know Kerry Washington has done movies, but I think of her as a TV star who's done film, while I think of Viola Davis as a movie star who's done TV. It helps to differentiate it a bit since people who don't watch Scandal might think that Olivia Pope is a lawyer.)

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Happy Days, one word:  Ayyyyyy!

Speaking of this...

Why did Constance lose points because her one word clue was "Fonzie"? Can you not use character names? I must have missed that rule.

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Yes, Jane restated it before the game started this week: you can't use real people's names or character names. (Which would also rule out "Shonda," suggested above.)

Did she specifically say "real people's names"? I thought it was just actors' or characters' names.

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I'm glad I waited until the end of UnReal to watch this episode because I could just watch the episode pretending that Constance was Quinn.


Can they hear the ticking when they play Clueboom?


The Shark Tank guy was horrible.


I liked having Rosie, Constance, and Weird Al as guests. They were entertaining without forcing jokes or demanding attention like past guests. I want them all to come back.


Lend Me A Hand with Al and Constance was beyond fabulous.


Rocco redeemed himself with Lend Me a Hand.


I could see How to Get Away With Murder being difficult on the spot if you can't name any actors or characters. Much of the rest of the show is true for so many procedurals and law/crime shows.


Winnie was great too but I really started to like Assata so I'm glad she made it to the bonus round.


My new dream is for a drunken karaoke scene with Quinn next season on UnReal.

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I think the first thing I really remember Constance from is Boston Legal. I've only seen a few episodes of Entourage. Looking at her IMDB credits though I realize I probably saw her before and just don't remember. The other show she had a big role in Good Morning, Miami was one I didn't really watch either. I think it was always scheduled against something else I watched back then.

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