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I'm Canadian for goodness sakes. If you can stay mad at me when I clearly didn't have malicious intentions you're the same type of person who doesn't smile at puppies when you walk by them on the street.

 LMAO...wow..just wow. He's an idiot. Not even going to try and sugar coat it, he is either that dumb, oblivious, or intentionally trying to deflect and ignore the real reason why people had an issue with what he said. It's annoying how much he loves to play the victim..like ughh, I'd have more respect for him if he just learned when to be quiet instead of running away from social media every time shit gets real and he gets justifiably called out. So childish.


This doesn't affect my enjoyment of the show since I watch for more than just Oliver and I know the guy does make time to do quite a bit of charity, but yes, IMO, he's dumb and stubborn.

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I don't think "dumb" is the right word to describe him as a person. He has done some dumb things (who hasn't) but to make a generalization like that, to me, is kind of harsh. He is a white, handsome, wealthy, sheltered, ego-fed by many (media, fans, colleagues' etc.) man who just doesn't seem to get have a grasp on every day people. Knowing the high school he went to and the stories he told about his family's ownership in some major Canadian sports team, he grew up in my sheltered world and is ignorant about many peoples realities.

What he did was dumb, but he as a person is not dumb.

Edited by BumpSetSpike
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What he did was dumb, but he as a person is not dumb.

Agree to disagree. He is in a position of influence, knows millions of fans (some young and impressionable and POC) that look up to him yet this is not the first, second, or even THIRD time he has said stupid shit on a public forum. Making the same type of mistake again and again on social media is dumb. How many times does it take for him to "get it"?


First time I mentally gave him the side eye is when he posted his little story about having to leave breakfast with his daughter and wife because of Miley Cyrus or whoever. That didn't sit right with me. Other instances along the way have pretty much shown me what kind of a person he is partially. He's dumb IMO and I'll stick by that (but he could easily learn from this and I'd reevaluate my opinion). I don't give a damn if he didn't go to college (although it seems like he went to a fancy boarding school in his youth), that doesn't mean much to me as far as intelligence goes since I've met ignorant people with degrees, but currently I think he is behaving in a deplorable manner.


If he wasn't so 110% set on being right all the time and able to  admit fault then I don't think there would be an issue right now. He's not the first celebrity who only wants to be fawned over and he won't be the last. Par for the course!

Edited by grandemocha
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From the stories and reactions on social media, it seems like SA is among the few who decided to act as publicists for the state of Texas. He put a spin on the issue instead of addressing it, and the fact is that he was not obliged to do either.


Taking the wrong tack has become a habit, it appears.

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. He is a white, handsome, wealthy, sheltered, ego-fed by many (media, fans, colleagues' etc.) man who just doesn't seem to get have a grasp on every day people.

Especially the "sheltered" and "ego-fed".  Probably white, handsome and went to a good prep school affect it too.


The lead story on the Canadian news yesterday was that the two day amber alert for a 2 year old girl had been called off because she had been found murdered.  His daughter is almost 2 now.  If he heard the story (and most people did) maybe it affected him and caused him to shoot his mouth off without thinking.  (Noteto self: stay off internet boards when upset.)


It's too bad he's become so entrenched in his opinion now.

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And do share about Adam Baldwin.  I know nothing about him but just finished a Chuck netflix bingewatch this weekend.  You have me curious ;)

Winter of 2012 Rush Limbaugh interviewed a law student who was pushing to have birth control pills covered by health insurance because they are so expensive and because other comparable drugs are covered.  Limbaught basically slammed her for being a slut since she needed so many birth control pills (it was pretty foul, typical Limbaugh) and Baldwin got on twitter supporting Limbaugh and also pretty much calling her a slut for needing all those birth control pills.  No matter how much she and other people tried to explain that no, birth control pills aren't like Viagra, you have to take them every day whether you're having sex or not and sometimes people who don't have sex are prescribed them, he continued to slut shame her and every other unmarried woman who takes birth control pills.  Hypocrisy at its finest, and much worse than what SA did.


I've never been able to enjoy an Adam Baldwin performance since.

Edited by statsgirl
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From MG's talk  at Long Beach Comic Con 2015: Saturday Recap

The idea for Mister Terrific came at the end of Season 3, and they ended up casting the first person to audition for the role, Echo Kellum.

So Stephen Amell was the first perosn to audition for Oliver Queen, and  Grant Gustin was the first to audition for  Barry Allen.....


If I were going to audition for a role on Arrow, I'd tell my agent to make sure I was the first one in the door. Or is it just that David Rappoport sends his top pick first.

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From MG's talk  at Long Beach Comic Con 2015: Saturday Recap

So Stephen Amell was the first perosn to audition for Oliver Queen, and  Grant Gustin was the first to audition for  Barry Allen.....


If I were going to audition for a role on Arrow, I'd tell my agent to make sure I was the first one in the door. Or is it just that David Rappoport sends his top pick first.

Stephen pretty much said it's the later


Stephen Amell

‏@amellywood Stephen Amell retweeted Elizabeth Wagmeister

Actually, we were the first ppl @RapaportCasting scheduled for producers. Because he's the best CD on planet earth.

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The casting for most of the roles on both ARROW & FLASH have been spot on ~ so David Rapport & team does a really amazing job. Even the guests & recurring guests are generally all pretty good, s3 had some miscastings ~ but some of that responsibility may fall on the writing or perhaps the roles changing from their original inception.

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If I wasn't already done with him, I would be now.

Well done people who comment on Facebook. Your ass kissing has created this ego maniac who thinks he's invincible. Ugh. Still so disappointed.

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If I wasn't already done with him, I would be now.

Well done people who comment on Facebook. Your ass kissing has created this ego maniac who thinks he's invincible. Ugh. Still so disappointed.


I almost broke one of my own Twitter rules, which is never engage with celebs on shit like this, and in doing so, I looked at his replies. They were 100% positive. Oh wait, there was one that was just a "really?" and a sideeye, but that's it. I'm sure others will chime in with negativity, but if that's the usual ratio? And he can't handle less than 5% of his @-mentions being negative? GO CRY MORE, STEPHEN. Just...do it offline, somewhere. And then stay there, for a long time.

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I swear to Gods, this is so stupid. Like how is he not getting this? All he had to do is say nothing else. It was settling down and now he's all woe is me?

Someone needs to sit that boy down and tell him to STOP. If he doesn't get the issue so be it but stop this passive-aggressive slapping at those that are trying to get him to understand it. If he can't get it just STFU already. Let it die. But he stirs the pot. JFC

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I'm done giving him the benefit of the doubt with "he means well". He doesn't. He's a egomaniac who's just been hiding it well until now, clearly. 


Where he heck is CW PR? 

Edited by Serena
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The intense desire to paint himself as the victim, unwillingness to listen to anyone besides the people who are licking his arse, and the idea that he's apparently the only person on twitter who is intelligent is so fucking gross. 


You've made a mistake, admit it and apologise for it and then move on. It's not that fucking hard. But apparently his massive ego and his apparent need to always 'win' isn't going to let him do that. He's what? 34 years old? Surely by now he should have let go of this childish behaviour. 


People who say stupid shit don't piss me off nearly as much as the people who refuse to learn from it. 

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I almost broke one of my own Twitter rules, which is never engage with celebs on shit like this, and in doing so, I looked at his replies. They were 100% positive. Oh wait, there was one that was just a "really?" and a sideeye, but that's it. I'm sure others will chime in with negativity, but if that's the usual ratio? And he can't handle less than 5% of his @-mentions being negative? GO CRY MORE, STEPHEN. Just...do it offline, somewhere. And then stay there, for a long time.


I just added to the not positive replies. Ugh. 

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People who say stupid shit don't piss me off nearly as much as the people who refuse to learn from it. 

Exactly this. Everyone makes mistake. No one is "unproblematic", no matter how much Tumblr would have you believe otherwise. And it's okay, because it's not like you're BORN with knowledge. I can tell you that I've said and thought some stupid shit in my day, and I probably will again. But he's literally refusing to learn from it - he's being a moron.

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If the ratings plummet because of this, the show will be cancelled. But he's not done anything to be fired over IMO.

Yeah, I was being slightly hyperbolic. But if I was Berlanti, Guggeheim et al, I would be looking at ways he could be replaced. Maybe not for this, but with an ego like this it won't be the last time he does something like this. At some point he will become a liability.

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He needs to be fired.


If the ratings plummet because of this, the show will be cancelled. But he's not done anything to be fired over IMO.


Exactly my thoughts.  He is still an actor who is paid to do a job, and he does it well.


It is those who he calls "his community", the ones who follow him on social media that need to speak up and step away.  After his stupid comment this morning, I'm done following him on FB and twitter.   


It is interesting if you look at his likes on FB - you see a big jump and then a big decline.   We aren't the only ones who are feeling this way.  But he does have half a million people talking about him now.


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Yeah, I was being slightly hyperbolic. But if I was Berlanti, Guggeheim et al, I would be looking at ways he could be replaced. Maybe not for this, but with an ego like this it won't be the last time he does something like this. At some point he will become a liability.


Nah. I mean, yes to the ego, but people love him. He's getting incredibly limited blowback from this, and the majority of his fans are encouraging him. He's 10x more of an asset than a liability. Although I am surprised that someone hasn't told him to just shut the fuck up about it already. If he had just taken a break, it would've blown over. 

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Whether he's done anything to be fired for depends on his contract.  It could have a social media clause, although I somewhat doubt it.  However, whoever his boss is needs to tell him to stop.  Just stop.  He is the one keeping it going now. 


And you know what, he's old enough to know better.  I'm really forgiving about dumb stuff kids and even people in their early 20s do, but he's 34-years-old.  This is just making him look like a ridiculous whiny baby. 

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He needs to learn to let it go. If he just stopped talking about it, it would've died down. But he keeps bringing it up like he was the victim in all of this. 


Newsflash Stephen, You are not a victim! So shut up about it. 

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I've seen this "it's just fake cyber rage" semi-joke before from people, and it always makes me want to ask: ok, if it's fake, then why are you bothering to respond? It would be like me responding to one of those Nigerian bank account things.

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When MG has been called on his shitty, offensive writing choices in the past by progressive fans who expect more in this day and age, he has been similarly dismissive and whiny about it, so I am sure he's in SA's corner here. I mean, maybe he'd prefer if Stephen took a little break from social media for awhile, but I think they're in agreement on the crux of Stephen's concerns. I mean, the guy believes in reverse sexism, so...

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Nah. I mean, yes to the ego, but people love him. He's getting incredibly limited blowback from this, and the majority of his fans are encouraging him. He's 10x more of an asset than a liability. Although I am surprised that someone hasn't told him to just shut the fuck up about it already. If he had just taken a break, it would've blown over. 

Exactly. I don't think he'll be fired, but if he continues this way, I also don't think anyone will be rushing to hire him after this. Pretty boys with good abs are dime a dozen.

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At least with MG it's his writing, I understand why he gets into that discussion. With SA this only happened because he felt the need to tell us how hard done by white Texans* were by the coverage of Ahmed's arrest.

Especially those with "Nazi Aryan" genes. 


He's lucky the media didn't pick up that aspect. 

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I wonder if the casting of Matt Nable was a budget thing since Brandon Routh, his costume and the CGI were eating up so much of the show's budget.  They wanted someone who was relatively unknown (and unlike Liam Neeson) and inexpensive.  Someone better skilled like Manu Bennett might have cost more.


ETA:  although thinking about it some more, an actor like Peter Wingfield wouldn't have cost that much more, would he?

Edited by statsgirl
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And you know what, he's old enough to know better.  I'm really forgiving about dumb stuff kids and even people in their early 20s do, but he's 34-years-old.  This is just making him look like a ridiculous whiny baby.

No unfortunately he is not old enough. He probably never will be. I know of too many others who are just like him. They have only gotten worse. I could write a book on it but won't because it just isn't worth it. This is why I don't do Facebook or Twitter of celebs because they make it so I will never want to watch them anymore.

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Wow, so that's why I haven't seen him around.


At least he had already trained for it.  I'm reminded of the exchange when a doctor told Margaret Atwood that when he retired, he was planning to become a writer.  She replied that when she retired, she was going to become a brain surgeon.

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I wonder if the casting of Matt Nable was a budget thing since Brandon Routh, his costume and the CGI were eating up so much of the show's budget.  They wanted someone who was relatively unknown (and unlike Liam Neeson) and inexpensive.  Someone better skilled like Manu Bennett might have cost more.


ETA:  although thinking about it some more, an actor like Peter Wingfield wouldn't have cost that much more, would he?

I think you might be close to part of the truth. Budget likely was a consideration when casting the season 3 villains as a result of BR's salary & suit.


I have a weird relationship with MN as Ras because I absolutely enjoyed him & then completely despised his performance at times. There were moments when I loved his portrayal. It was kinda immortal cocky surfer-esque chill to it. I understood that character who has been around for such a long time and seen so much that he is really not moved to much action himself. His idle threats & minions should do the job while he chills in his hot tub drinking fine wine. With the occasional outburst, fight & tyrannical monologues to keep the juices flowing. I got that zen vibe from him at points & he was haunting when he would recite poetry after stabbing people.


I think his character suffered because they went from having Ras be this chill warrior king on a mountain to being this frazzled dying man on a mission. It seemed like the writers flipped this unknown switch on the character for plot purposes that then required immediacy from RAs & MN, that I don't think they cast the character for. MN played Ras like a panther. Slowly hunting & stalking his prey before he attacks. That panther-esque portrayal worked for me until the writing & plot contradict that type of attack. All the sudden, he was like a spastic animal just trying to secure a kill. I feel like TPTB went to the casting with one thought in their head about how Ras should be & then as the story progressed they wrote a plot that was not in the style of the actor they cast. Could MN have done better, yes. Could they have cast someone better, yes. But I feel like most of the fault falls on the writers for how they set-up the major villain arc in s3 that barely suited the hero or the villain. 


TBH, most of the villain castings felt off for me in s3. They all had such potential and then the plot just pushed them into unlikely characterizations. Vinnie Jones & Peter Stormare completely let me down. And I know both of those actors have a certain degree of talent, so I tend to look at the writing/directing. If 3 of the major villain arcs all fell flat as characters, then perhaps it was a combination of casting & writing. But the casting can only work from what TPTB have provided as a character description. If the story then changes, the writers need to work within some of the actors strengths & not just plow ahead because plot dictates it. You can't easily change a casting, but the writers could have better executed the arc & the characterizations. I feel like it was on par with most of s3 that experienced a complete disconnect from conceptual ideas to the actual execution of said ideas. Conceptually a lot of the casting in s3 felt right, however the execution was horrendous.

Edited by kismet
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