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Shipping Discussion: "Somebody's Been Beavering About"

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There's quite the amount of ships out there, so why not make a catch-all thread for them? Discuss any pairing to your heart's content whether you find them boring, infuriating, or interesting. 




This show is weird in which the most likable pairing (to me at least) is between a middle aged king and a 20something maid (aka Simon and Prudence). They're very sweet with each other and have a healthy respect for each other too. I loved when he helped her out with making tarts and that talk when he went out for a walk. 


Though Eleanor/Beck was really nice. Beck really brought out the best in her and the fact that he was married and wanted to give it another try with his wife is really tragic. Though I doubt this pairing would ever be revisited. 


Ophelia/Liam is immensely boring and Ophelia is like something out of a Mary Sue fanfic. Even the name screams out Mary Sue to me. 

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I just started watching this as a sort of guilty pleasure.  But I'm on episode two and the show seems to be completely ignoring that what Jasper said he did is actually rape.  I googled to see if that is addressed, but then came up with all of these websites shipping Jasper and Eleanor.  WTF?!?!  Regardless if he drugged her or just had sex with an intoxicated person, it would still be rape and I feel a bit sick with the idea that this will be brushed off as something romantic.  Even if no sex was involved and Jasper was just making it up for some sort of job security, there is still something seriously wrong with someone who makes another believe they were raped.  


I'm not sure if I want to continue with this show nor do I want to go read things that would spoil too much in case I do want to continue.  So my question is, is it ever acknowledged that Jasper raped Eleanor, or that he made her believe he did?  Is this thing just brushed aside so that a twu wuv plot can play out?

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