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Oh my, I haven't thought about those poor Romanian orphans in years. I wonder what happened to them...was there ever a follow up report on their fate? And now we have a similar situation in our very own country. So sickening and tragic at the same time. 

What I know, from my work in the mental health field, my family (2 adopted nephews from Romania)  and what I've read: 

Reactive attachment disorder is a real issue with these kids, especially when they stayed in an orphanage until age 3.   If a kid spends the first 3 years of life without a nurturing adult, they are numb to feelings, and grow up with emotional deficits.  this can lead to violence, a complete disregard for authority and for others' feelings, unable to understand how relationships work, being manipulative, mood swings, erratic behavior, almost any kind of psychological problem.  Kids who were adopted into good families before age 3 fared better, as they were able to bond with caretakers. There are horror stories from parents who adopted Romanian kids, and there are success stories.   Most fall somewhere in between. 

Kids who lived in Romanian orphanages were malnourished and often had dysentery from the contaminated well water.  their motor skills were stunted by not having opportunities to crawl, walk, etc, since they were often confined to cribs with 2 or 3 other kids. growth problems, from not having proper nutrition, are common. They didn't know how to feed themselves, as their hands were often tied down while a caretaker fed several kids at the same time.  One of my nephews was unable to chew food or move food to the back of his throat to swallow, as he had been fed only semi-liquid gruel for 1.5 years.  Learning problems, coordination problems are common, as are movement disorders like tics, head-banging.  

My nephews, now young adults, had their share of problems, but are pretty healthy, and have been able to graduate high school, one took some college classes.  They don't always make the best decisions, their work history is sporadic.  One has some significant psych issues, but at times can be sweet.  they are basically good people, with some difficulties like being impulsive and not learning from mistakes.  


The ones who were NOT adopted: 

the underground orphans  here's one article, with some hard-to-look-at photos.   From what I know, orphans stayed in the orphanage until about age 10.  At that point, they were let out - with no families, no support, no skills.  They steal, are in the sex trade,   become addicts, some are basically slaves, working in order to eat.  Most die fairly young.

  • Love 3

Thank you, Backformore. Those photos were shocking, heartbreaking, and so disturbing. It's such a tragedy that no one seems to care at all about the fate of these now grown orphans. Your nephews are so fortunate to have been spared this living hell as depicted in the photos.  And your whole family is to be commended on having so much love and compassion for these young men.

  • Love 5
12 minutes ago, blondiec0332 said:

I don't care if Melania was trolling her husband, the media, whoever, for her to wear that coat with that message is beyond fucked up.  She is supposed the be the First Lady of the United States not some mean girl vaguebooking to get attention.

I thought she was sticking it to the donald.  I chuckled, but still inappropriate for an almost 50 year old FLOTUS.

  • Love 4
24 minutes ago, Apprentice79 said:

I too hated [Rachel Campos] on Real World.  She is still vile.  Why doesn't she stay, wherever the hell she is and raise her 8 kids with her equally awful husband..


Brought over from the episode thread.

Rachel Campos-Duffy is also Hispanic, although she seems to have scrubbed that info from her bios, which is extra WTF with her lack of empathy.  She is married to a Tea Bagger, but I can't blame it on him.  She was like this before she even knew him.

And she had a relationship with Puck and was disrespectful to Pedro, which is all I need to know about this chick.

Edited by RedheadZombie
  • Love 8
On ‎4‎/‎21‎/‎2018 at 5:49 PM, GHScorpiosRule said:

 I went to Nordstrom today to buy a dress for the Lolly Locks' fund raiser in a couple weeks, I asked my new personal shopper if she could measure me to determine what my bra size is now. Post surgery, I went down a band AND cup size. A DD, but it's now 36 DD, instead of 38 DDD it was before. And the two bras she recommended and had me try out were sooooooo comfortable and didn't look like my boobs were trying to pop out and there was no gap. But HOO BOY! The prices!!!! I just about passed out. So I just bought two. Maybe I can find comparable ones at Target?

I'll post the picture of the dress she found and I'm now a medium instead of a large. 

Way late to this party, but I'm a 36 DD and get all my bras from JCPenney.  They periodically have sales and I rarely pay more than $40 for a bra.  Plus, I sleep in a bra so they get lots of use.  I prefer to hand wash and line dry to extend the life.  

1 hour ago, thejuicer said:

I have had my issues with Meghan on The View but that eulogy was perfect in content and delivery. I cannot hate on a single thing. Maybe she was in a bad place this past year but if this is who she really is, I hope she stays true to her own conviction when the show returns. 

I very much doubt she wrote that eulogy all on her own. And the 30 odd seconds that Sunny posted of it in her Twitter feed, came off more like a political statement than talking about what her father meant to her. Maybe I should watch the whole thing, but I won’t, because she never once said America was always great before yesterday. 

What I saw of Meghan on the show is the real Meghan-one who has no clue what words mean or how to use them, and a nasty, vile, hypocrital person. And I realize I’m in the minority regarding her, and seeing her grief over her dad’s passing hasn’t changed my mind about her. 

Frankly the time and place to “throw shade” is when she’s sitting at the table with her co-hosts, instead of defending the very man who insulted and disrespected her father.

I’m perfectly content sitting at my table for one.

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
  • Love 16
53 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

I very much doubt she wrote that eulogy all on her own. And the 30 odd seconds that Sunny posted of it in her Twitter feed, came off more like a political statement than talking about what her father meant to her. Maybe I should watch the whole thing, but I won’t, because she never once said America was always great before yesterday. 

What I saw of Meghan on the show is the real Meghan-one who has no clue what words mean or how to use them, and a nasty, vile, hypocrital person. And I realize I’m in the minority regarding her, and seeing her grief over her dad’s passing hasn’t changed my mind about her. 

Frankly the time and place to “throw shade” is when she’s sitting at the table with her co-hosts, instead of defending the very man who insulted and disrespected her father.

I’m perfectly content sitting at my table for one.


Nope. It's a table for two. 

Also, I know it can't be easy to grieve in a circus atmosphere, but, we've all lost parents, kids, spouses, siblings, grandparents. I don't question her grief, but, MM is all about MM. At all times. Period. 


"...came off more like a political statement than talking about what her father meant to her."

In all fairness to MM (Ugh. I hate even writing those words.), that's what her father wanted. He orchestrated the funeral. He wanted it to be a united political show of bipartisanship and unity, hence the speakers and pallbearers.

Edited by AdeleDazeem
Added something
  • Love 8
5 minutes ago, WarnerCL45 said:

Didn’t she say America was always great?  I could be wrong.  Heaven knows, 5 days of eulogies will make you ga ga.

At the eulogy, yes. But she never once said it when she was busy defending the indefensible.

And why did she need to say it at the funeral?

That was my point.

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
  • Love 12

I didn't cry when my Mom was sick, or when she died, at her funeral & afterwards when the relatives gathered.  Two weeks later I was walking down the hall at work & a colleague who had been on vacation said:  "Oh honey (she always called me that), I'm so sorry to hear about your Mother!"  I burst into uncontrollable tears & hid in the washroom for at least a half hour before I could "gather myself".  You never know when grief will hit!!

  • Love 15
8 minutes ago, Medicine Crow said:

I didn't cry when my Mom was sick, or when she died, at her funeral & afterwards when the relatives gathered.  Two weeks later I was walking down the hall at work & a colleague who had been on vacation said:  "Oh honey (she always called me that), I'm so sorry to hear about your Mother!"  I burst into uncontrollable tears & hid in the washroom for at least a half hour before I could "gather myself".  You never know when grief will hit!!

Happened to me when my brother killed himself.  I was a mess, then after some time, felt stronger and went back to work.  I worked with great people.  I was composed coming into the building.  When I walked down the hall I saw one of the women I worked with and all she did was open her arms to me.  Well, I fell into them a sobbing mess.  So, Maybe Meghan will think she's okay but, like you said, something may trigger her, who knows what or by whom, and I think she will also find it hard to say composed.

  • Love 9

When my dad died I had to hold it together for my mom. I didn't break down while I was at her house but I couldn't eat and lost 7 lbs in a week. But on the way home on the plane I cried and cried. Funny thing was I was sitting next to Bob Knight, the legendary basketball coach of IN Univ.  We ignored each other.  

Edited by Haleth
  • Love 4
5 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

I very much doubt she wrote that eulogy all on her own. And the 30 odd seconds that Sunny posted of it in her Twitter feed, came off more like a political statement than talking about what her father meant to her. Maybe I should watch the whole thing, but I won’t, because she never once said America was always great before yesterday. 

What I saw of Meghan on the show is the real Meghan-one who has no clue what words mean or how to use them, and a nasty, vile, hypocrital person. And I realize I’m in the minority regarding her, and seeing her grief over her dad’s passing hasn’t changed my mind about her. 

Frankly the time and place to “throw shade” is when she’s sitting at the table with her co-hosts, instead of defending the very man who insulted and disrespected her father.

I’m perfectly content sitting at my table for one.


5 hours ago, AdeleDazeem said:

Nope. It's a table for two. 

Also, I know it can't be easy to grieve in a circus atmosphere, but, we've all lost parents, kids, spouses, siblings, grandparents. I don't question her grief, but, MM is all about MM. At all times. Period. 


"...came off more like a political statement than talking about what her father meant to her."

In all fairness to MM (Ugh. I hate even writing those words.), that's what her father wanted. He orchestrated the funeral. He wanted it to be a united political show of bipartisanship and unity, hence the speakers and pallbearers.

Add another chair.  We can spilt a plate of appetizers. 

Meghan knew all eyes would be on her and IMO wanted to honor her dad with a eulogy that reflected his ideals.   However I don't for one minute believe this will alter her tribalism.  As much influence her dad had over her I think her husband has more.

  • Love 10

Haleth said in MM thread:

"He stayed stone faced throughout, not clapping for anyone. I'm sure he was very proud of his sister."


There are strict guidelines regarding what military can do while in uniform.  From my limited understanding, this can vary depending on branch of service or rank. 

Military tend to remain stoic because any action or reaction they make can and may be cause for discipline.  It's possible that may have crossed the line of what is permitted.  He was wise to refrain.  While this particular article refers mainly to social media, the temperament of it would seem to apply to public display also:


"...an Army Reservist found himself in deep trouble last year after he took the stage at a Ron Paul campaign event while in uniform to express his support for the candidate. This kind of political activity is prohibited because he was in uniform."


" Active-duty members may not engage in any partisan political activity, even on social media sites."


"Reservists and Guard members not on active duty have more latitude and may engage in certain political activities, provided they are not in uniform, and do not act in a manner that implies sponsorship or approval of a candidate. Military personnel should avoid any activity that violates this policy."

(Sorry, once again all my navigation/quote/edit buttons etc. are gone from this site, so this is the only way I can present the quoted material.)


  • Love 7

^^^You're welcome, Haleth.  While the brothers more than likely wanted to support Meghan, they may have felt that doing so would indicate displeasure/non-support of "he who shall not be named".  Big chance to take under the circumstances.

If MMM does happen to be there on Tuesday, I hope Whoopi will refrain from her usual "So, what did you all do while we were away?"

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, blondiec0332 said:


Add another chair.  We can spilt a plate of appetizers. 

Meghan knew all eyes would be on her and IMO wanted to honor her dad with a eulogy that reflected his ideals.   However I don't for one minute believe this will alter her tribalism.  As much influence her dad had over her I think her husband has more.

I think Hubbie had a big part in writing her speech. 

  • Love 2
16 minutes ago, Tosia said:

I think Hubbie had a big part in writing her speech. 

No. As I said, it's been reported that John McCain had very specific plans for his funeral. I dont know who wrote MMs eulogy, but, I don't doubt that she and the other family members (maybe Uncles Joe, Joe and Lindsey, too) had discussed it (maybe not specifics) with JM before he fell extremely ill his last couple of days. He'd been planning his funeral for months. 

  • Love 2

As someone married to an officer is the USMC, you can’t make political statements at all in uniform.   I’m quite sure no one would say much about showing emotion at your father’s funeral, but it’s engrained.


And while I was thrilled to see people in uniform clapping when she said America was always great, I was Actual surprised.


I loved her eulogy and hope maybe this will wake her up. 

Edited by califred
  • Love 5

I didn't know that active military could not do certain things. That is very interesting. I thought that I saw one of the brothers in uniform applaud at that line while the other one did indeed sit stoically. So I'm a little confused. (not an unusual state for me!) When I watched Meghan's eulogy, one of the first things I thought of was "she is in the anger stage of grieving". I do think having to sit through basically 6 funerals in one week had to be awful on the family. I would not want that for anyone.

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, Tunia said:

"Crossing the aisle" in order to answer with praise for John McCain as a "hero"...

Flew 23 fighter missions over North Viet Nam, and was shot down by the enemy.

Beaten and tortured unmercifully, and kept in solitary confinement for two years, but did not disclose military information known to him.  He was left with life-long consequences - limited use of his arms and unable to lift his arms above his shoulders.

Although offered early release from captivity b/c his father was named the Pentagon’s commander in chief for the Pacific, a job that essentially put him in charge of prosecuting the Vietnam War, but rejected it because others captured before him had not yet been released.  He stuck to the military code so as not to  take advantage of the privilege accorded to him, at the expense of his fellow captives.

I'd say he qualifies...

ETA:  Saved health care for millions of Americans by turning his thumb down and casting the deciding vote on legislation to destroy the ACA.

I'll cross the aisle to join you on everything you said above your "ETA".  He was a war hero -- no question about it. As for the "ETA", he, himself, said why he voted no. It was strictly procedural, and he believed in the process. The bill was never analyzed by the Congressional Budget Office. That was the reason he voted no. He voted straight party-line on everything else these past 2 years. Don't forget about the Keating Five, too. 

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, AdeleDazeem said:

As for the "ETA", he, himself, said why he voted no. It was strictly procedural, and he believed in the process. The bill was never analyzed by the Congressional Budget Office. That was the reason he voted no. He voted straight party-line on everything else these past 2 years. Don't forget about the Keating Five, too. 

That's part of what makes America (already) great...we can have many opinions.  No, I haven't forgotten the Keating Five, and other areas where JM and I differ.  But we agree - war hero?  Yes.

  • Love 5
6 hours ago, Tunia said:

"Crossing the aisle" in order to answer with praise for John McCain as a "hero"...

Flew 23 fighter missions over North Viet Nam, and was shot down by the enemy.

Beaten and tortured unmercifully, and kept in solitary confinement for two years, but did not disclose military information known to him.  He was left with life-long consequences - limited use of his arms and unable to lift his arms above his shoulders.

Although offered early release from captivity b/c his father was named the Pentagon’s commander in chief for the Pacific, a job that essentially put him in charge of prosecuting the Vietnam War, but rejected it because others captured before him had not yet been released.  He stuck to the military code so as not to  take advantage of the privilege accorded to him, at the expense of his fellow captives.

I'd say he qualifies...

ETA:  Saved health care for millions of Americans by turning his thumb down and casting the deciding vote on legislation to destroy the ACA.

The last time he was physically capable of shampooing and combing his own hair was the morning he prepped himself prior to checking in at the Hanoi Hilton in '67, after what turned out to be his last aerial mission in Nam. 

  • Love 4
On 9/2/2018 at 6:15 PM, Wings said:

Meghan told her writer what she wanted to say and it was approved by her father and others, I’m sure.

 I noticed her brother who sat next to Cindi didn’t  clap though mom and other brother did.   I am curious if there was some desention in the family about her eulogy.



On 9/2/2018 at 8:22 PM, WarnerCL45 said:

Do most people clap at funerals?  Maybe he's old school.


On 9/2/2018 at 6:40 PM, Haleth said:

When my dad died I had to hold it together for my mom. I didn't break down while I was at her house but I couldn't eat and lost 7 lbs in a week. But on the way home on the plane I cried and cried. Funny thing was I was sitting next to Bob Knight, the legendary basketball coach of IN Univ.  We ignored each other.  


I lost about the same amount when my father died. I also had to hold it together for mom. After the funeral and everything was over, I went to bed for nearly 24 hours.

On 9/2/2018 at 11:05 PM, AdeleDazeem said:

No. As I said, it's been reported that John McCain had very specific plans for his funeral. I dont know who wrote MMs eulogy, but, I don't doubt that she and the other family members (maybe Uncles Joe, Joe and Lindsey, too) had discussed it (maybe not specifics) with JM before he fell extremely ill his last couple of days. He'd been planning his funeral for months. 

That doesn't mean her husband didn't help her write it. That said, I'm sure the family had access to better writers. I watched it this morning and wondered if Steve Schmidt had a hand in it. Meghan's stank-face moment aside, it was some soaring rhetoric, and Schmidt is incredibly eloquent.


19 hours ago, longobongo said:

I didn't know that active military could not do certain things. That is very interesting. I thought that I saw one of the brothers in uniform applaud at that line while the other one did indeed sit stoically. So I'm a little confused. (not an unusual state for me!) When I watched Meghan's eulogy, one of the first things I thought of was "she is in the anger stage of grieving". I do think having to sit through basically 6 funerals in one week had to be awful on the family. I would not want that for anyone.

The other brother did applaud.

I don't applaud in church or at funerals. I don't look down my nose at those who do, but it feels wrong to me (for me), so I don't do it, even when everyone else does. I suspect the non-clapping McCain son (military codes aside, because who's going to discipline the late Senator's son for applauding his sister's eulogy? I don't think there is much of a risk of that, and if it happened, it would look bad for whoever doled out the discipline) just chose not to clap. 

In Meghan's eulogy, which was mostly about her, I noticed that when she did mention their father's effect on their lives (as opposed to just her life), she said, "My sister's life and my brothers' lives." It made me wonder if the older family and younger family are someone alienated from one another. 

The Senator wasn't around for much of his eldest daughter's formative years, because of his captivity, and I think he was somewhat estranged from his kids with Carol, until later years. It made me wonder what, if any, impact that had on the kids' sibling relationships. 

Edited by General Days
to remove quotes
  • Love 5
24 minutes ago, General Days said:

In Meghan's eulogy, which was mostly about her, I noticed that when she did mention their father's effect on their lives (as opposed to just her life), she said, "My sister's life and my brothers' lives." It made me wonder if the older family and younger family are someone alienated from one another. 

The Senator wasn't around for much of his eldest daughter's formative years, because of his captivity, and I think he was somewhat estranged from his kids with Carol, until later years. It made me wonder what, if any, impact that had on the kids' sibling relationships. 

I can only speculate but IMO Meghan probably thinks her and her two brothers are her dad's "real kids".  I know her two older brother's were his first wife's from a previous marriage.  He did adopt them.

  • Love 1
52 minutes ago, General Days said:



I lost about the same amount when my father died. I also had to hold it together for mom. After the funeral and everything was over, I went to bed for nearly 24 hours.

That doesn't mean her husband didn't help her write it. That said, I'm sure the family had access to better writers. I watched it this morning and wondered if Steve Schmidt had a hand in it. Meghan's stank-face moment aside, it was some soaring rhetoric, and Schmidt is incredibly eloquent.


The other brother did applaud.

I don't applaud in church or at funerals. I don't look down my nose at those who do, but it feels wrong to me (for me), so I don't do it, even when everyone else does. I suspect the non-clapping McCain son (military codes aside, because who's going to discipline the late Senator's son for applauding his sister's eulogy? I don't think there is much of a risk of that, and if it happened, it would look bad for whoever doled out the discipline) just chose not to clap. 

In Meghan's eulogy, which was mostly about her, I noticed that when she did mention their father's effect on their lives (as opposed to just her life), she said, "My sister's life and my brothers' lives." It made me wonder if the older family and younger family are someone alienated from one another. 

The Senator wasn't around for much of his eldest daughter's formative years, because of his captivity, and I think he was somewhat estranged from his kids with Carol, until later years. It made me wonder what, if any, impact that had on the kids' sibling relationships. 

I, too, thought of Steve Schmidt.  He's a fine writer & speaker!!

  • Love 2

Meghan's older sister Sidney is her dad's real kid (by his first wife), but she's a Democrat, which is probably why Meghan doesn't think of her as part of the family, though her father appreciated Sidney's views on things and encouraged nonpartisanship, something Meghan should learn to do.

Edited by deirdra
  • Love 4
On ‎2018‎-‎09‎-‎03 at 9:57 AM, junebug said:

I thought Meghan sounded very angry in her tone as she spoke.  What I was impressed with is she didn't speak so fast with her high pitched shrill voice.  So she CAN speak in a more tolerable voice.  So let's hear it on The View.

It was probably easier for her to keep it together being angry; it helps focus the emotions.   

  • Love 2

Reminder: We opened up the Small Talk thread to allow posters an area where they could discuss John McCain's funeral services without doing so in Meghan McCain's thread. This is still not the place to discuss John McCain's political views, the politics of his time in the Navy, or any other political topic of any kind. Please be mindful of that moving forward. 

  • Love 1
13 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Sorry for the exact same copy and paste, but I wanted to share:

I hope you all don’t mind me sharing this milestone: Four years ago today I had my right boobie lopped so that I could murder the cancer that was traveling and growing inside me. It was just about now that I was in recovery. I can’t bekieve it’s been four years, which generally, isn’t very long, but it is for me. I can remember every single detail of that day. What stands out most is me assuring my mom I’d be okay right before the anesthesia knocked me out, as she teared up and kissed my forehead. 

When I came to and I saw my parents, my dad told me she cried the entire four and a half hours, even though my OBGYN came periodically to let them know everything was going well. The reason I bring it up is because my mother otherwise is not emotional unless it has to do with my health and surgery is involved. 

Anyhoo, four years strong and in remission. Even though fucking chemo changed my hair so that I no longer have the thickness I once did. I know, I know. I should be grateful I’m still alive and relatively healthy. I can’t help it. My hair was the only thing I was vain about.????

Here's to your continued good health. ??

  • Love 15
6 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Sorry for the exact same copy and paste, but I wanted to share:

I hope you all don’t mind me sharing this milestone: Four years ago today I had my right boobie lopped so that I could murder the cancer that was traveling and growing inside me. It was just about now that I was in recovery. I can’t bekieve it’s been four years, which generally, isn’t very long, but it is for me. I can remember every single detail of that day. What stands out most is me assuring my mom I’d be okay right before the anesthesia knocked me out, as she teared up and kissed my forehead. 

When I came to and I saw my parents, my dad told me she cried the entire four and a half hours, even though my OBGYN came periodically to let them know everything was going well. The reason I bring it up is because my mother otherwise is not emotional unless it has to do with my health and surgery is involved. 

Anyhoo, four years strong and in remission. Even though fucking chemo changed my hair so that I no longer have the thickness I once did. I know, I know. I should be grateful I’m still alive and relatively healthy. I can’t help it. My hair was the only thing I was vain about.????

Hip hip hooray!

(And I'm sorry about your hair. I'm gonna be one of those people for one second. Have you tried taking Biotin, if you can?)



  • Love 4
16 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Sorry for the exact same copy and paste, but I wanted to share:

I hope you all don’t mind me sharing this milestone: Four years ago today I had my right boobie lopped so that I could murder the cancer that was traveling and growing inside me. It was just about now that I was in recovery. I can’t bekieve it’s been four years, which generally, isn’t very long, but it is for me. I can remember every single detail of that day. What stands out most is me assuring my mom I’d be okay right before the anesthesia knocked me out, as she teared up and kissed my forehead. 

When I came to and I saw my parents, my dad told me she cried the entire four and a half hours, even though my OBGYN came periodically to let them know everything was going well. The reason I bring it up is because my mother otherwise is not emotional unless it has to do with my health and surgery is involved. 

Anyhoo, four years strong and in remission. Even though fucking chemo changed my hair so that I no longer have the thickness I once did. I know, I know. I should be grateful I’m still alive and relatively healthy. I can’t help it. My hair was the only thing I was vain about.????

Happy Anniversary, GH!!   Thank you for sharing your wonderful news.  My husband is a proud survivor also.  November 9th will mark the 13th anniversary of his surgery.  He is doing well. Your story brings back many memories.  My most sincere wishes for your continued good health.

  • Love 5
23 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Sorry for the exact same copy and paste, but I wanted to share:

I hope you all don’t mind me sharing this milestone: Four years ago today I had my right boobie lopped so that I could murder the cancer that was traveling and growing inside me. It was just about now that I was in recovery. I can’t bekieve it’s been four years, which generally, isn’t very long, but it is for me. I can remember every single detail of that day. What stands out most is me assuring my mom I’d be okay right before the anesthesia knocked me out, as she teared up and kissed my forehead. 

When I came to and I saw my parents, my dad told me she cried the entire four and a half hours, even though my OBGYN came periodically to let them know everything was going well. The reason I bring it up is because my mother otherwise is not emotional unless it has to do with my health and surgery is involved. 

Anyhoo, four years strong and in remission. Even though fucking chemo changed my hair so that I no longer have the thickness I once did. I know, I know. I should be grateful I’m still alive and relatively healthy. I can’t help it. My hair was the only thing I was vain about.????

@ghscorpiosrule!  Congratulations and Happy Birthday!!  ?

  • Love 3

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