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S05.E15: Welcome To Amsterdam?

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I agree...Kim is mad at LisaR and Kyle is good friends with her,  Kyle is mad at Brandi and Kim is good friends with her. Brandi screams at Kyle at the poker game and LisaR screams at Kim (in a future show).  Neither sister is about to defend the other from their friend's ire!


There is a world of difference between these two scenarios


Lisa R and Kyle have been friends for many years, even before the show started filming.

Brandi and Kim have been friends for the last six months, that after a period of them being at war with each other because Brandi called Kim a meth addict.


LisaR is not telling Kyle that her sister doesn't love her and supports her so she needs to get away from her sister and let her be her only friend.

Brandi is using Kim's addiction for her own agenda and is also whispering on Kim's ear to widen the gap between sisters. She is actively manipulating an addict


Kyle was blindsided by Brandi and Kim's alliance, she thought everything was fine and then they both lower the bom on her.

Kyle has spoken to Kim behind cameras (as her blog states and Kim has not denied it) and has already advised Kim to talk to Lisa "privately" and tell her how she feels about this , advice that Kim decided not to follow.


Kim has an addiction problem , whether she is sober or not is not the point as the possibility of relapsing will always be there, Brandi with her drunken demeanor is not the best kind of friend for Kim . Kyle doesn't have any addictions and her friendship with LisaR doesn't represent any danger to her.


Kim wants everyone to take her side, whether she is right or wrong, it doesn't matter; except that in this case she is dead wrong. LisaR was a direct victim of her irrational behavior in that limo and as such she has the right to be concerned. Kyle had done absolutely nothing to Brandi, nothing at all, yet she was at the end of her butt jokes and vile behavior.


Comparing these two friendships to me is like comparing night and day

  • Love 14

I'm also curious about Brandi's anger towards Kyle? It seemed they were OK at the start of the season. And agree it has to be more than poker night.

I'm not a huge Kyle fan, so I understand not always liking her. I really can't see what she has done to Brandi prior to poker night that brought on the hot breath of Brandi.

Hell, they seemed to be getting on pretty good in the limo on the way there.

Edited by imjagain
  • Love 7

Except I believe Kyle is justified where Kim is not, Kyle is looking for her to defend her from Brandi's accusations, Kim is looking for Kyle to join her in attacking Lisa.

But I don't get why anyone should be jumping in for anything. These are grown women and even if what is being said isn't nice or fair Come On! These are disagreements and arguments being had by grown women! Some situations were more unfortunate than others but we are talking about stupid confrontations. Maybe if everyone wouldn't expect a whole entourage of involvement (or maybe not when others are around, what a concept) when conflicts occur then the inappropriate insertion wouldn't happen or the "why didn't you defend me" arguments would be moot because NO ONE should be expected to speak up for someone else. I mean seriously. I've never know a confrontation that has more than the key components discussing the issue to end well. Unless there's the threat of something getting physical I don't understand this need for people to "have someone's back" over petty shit. I'll defend my sister you better believe but if she's going off a someone and vice versa cause they are bitching about some he said she said bullshit then I'm over it and that's my sisters business. Now if shit starts getting real, and shit starts sounding like it's gonna blow then no I won't jump in to cause more aggravation I would try to get my sister to calm down or out of there. 


This whole betrayal thing that the sisters have managed to bring to life has practically turned into a cult following for the other HW.  How could this sister do that to the other sister? How could that sister be okay with what the other person did to her sister? How could this sister allow that to be said about that sister? How could this sister not see how it's hurting that sister? Really? Do we really go around living our lives that perturbed about why my friend didn't defend her sister from her other friend? I mean yeah, I've seen that sort of stuff happen between 3 sisters who are my sister in laws and shake my head all the time but I don't turn obsess over it for the next few weeks.  I'll have my opinions about it but it really wouldn't be some huge puzzle that I plan on spending my time trying to piece together a solution for.  The petty shit is what I wouldn't waste my energy on.  

Edited by Sincerely Yours
  • Love 2

I’m having trouble with figuring out the origin of Brandi's anger towards Kyle as well.  The only things I can think of are:


*1) Whatever it was Brandi and JR had that went south, she’s holding Kyle responsible for, and to a lesser extent, Mauricio.


2) Kim has been feeding dirt to Brandi about Kyle’s real or imagined offences.


3) Brandi is jealous of not only Kyle’s happy marriage, home life and wealth, but of her genuine friendships and popularity amongst their peers. 


4) Since Brandi admittedly doesn’t have a relationship with her own sister (don’t blame her sister at all there), she is attaching herself to Kim as her surrogate sibling.  I think she sees her and Kim as being kindreds and therefore is projecting her sibling issues onto Kyle and Kim’s relationship.  Brandi seems personally invested in how Kyle has “abandoned” and “used” Kim and I think she is transferring her hurt and anger over to Kim, in some kind of reenactment of her own sibling dynamics.  She can’t or won’t vent these feelings to her own siblings so she’s doing it via Kim. 


I think it could be a combination of all four but the last one really sticks out to me.




* I don't even really understand the situation with JR, honestly.  Were they exclusive, did he cheat on her, or did he dump her first, etc. 

Edited by SwordQueen
  • Love 5

If Kim dies because of her issues, how exactly is that Kyle's fault? I will never understand this line of reasoning. It's as though Kyle has taken a gun to Kim's head and forced her on this show, forced her in front of the cameras and then forced pills into her mouth.


Kim is an adult and made the decision to join this show, she made the decision to have her life in front of camera's and she chose to take pills. She has chosen to seemingly not participate in any kind of support for her sobriety.


Kyle wasn't in that limo with Kim forcing her to act messed up. Kim did that all on her own.


Brandi is the one who talked about 2am calls on camera. She is the one who implied Kim may have tried to harm herself on camera.


And yet somehow all of this is Kyle's fault? Or Lisa R's? Or Eileen's?


I hate to admit it, but I am looking forward to Lisa R flipping out at Kim.

      suicide s not a joke and should always be taken seriously. These women should know this better than most. If Kim made any indication of wanting to harm herself Brandi should of acted on that even if she felt it was a plea for attention, and she doesn't think she means it. Kim should of gotten more attention than she wanted if she indicated that. Those things always need to be addressed. A six year old in Minnesota recently committed suicide. There were some indications but it is unimaginable for people to think of a young child doing that.

  • Love 4

I'm also curious about Brandi's anger towards Kyle? It seemed they were OK at the start of the season. And agree it has to be more than poker night.

I'm not a huge Kyle fan, so I understand not always liking her. I really can't see what she has done to Brandi prior to poker night that brought on the hot breath of Brandi.

Hell, they seemed to be getting on pretty good in the limo on the way there.


I don't think Brandi ever really forgot the Pam-Dana game night scene with the Richards sisters.  Or her first on camera intro on crutches with the wenches cackling at the bar and making her feel less than. I don't think she really cares much about Kim either -- Kyle does because she has to.  The rest of these women, to include past cast members don't give a rat's ass about Kim.  Kim, for my money, is well aware of this, by the way.   Can't say I blame them at this point either. 


Brandi's always got to be angry about something or someone.  It's how she stays afloat -- on camera and off, I suspect.  For someone who's supposedly oh so free spirited and beyond holding grudges (yeah, right), she's surprisingly judgmental.  Part of the reason she's been so disastrous in faux trying to faux broker any reconciliation between the sisters.  Once she's on any given side, she digs her heels in and that's it -- Ability to grasp the other person's point of view goes up in smoke and it's all guerilla warfare all the time until the campaign is over.  Sure recipe for destroying friendships.


The show will jump the shark next week, I'm sure -- not that it hasn't already!


The LisaV rape thing is blowing my mind.  I've been annoyed with her all season but not to that extent!  I would bet 5 bucks she's never heard of the original case and has absolutely zero knowledge of the film--as in total crickets if you were to mention Jodie Foster in "The Accused."  All she meant is that smoking grass leaves her totally out of it, limbs akimbo.  Would've been great if she'd gone that extra mile and let us know that, back in the day, the VanderTodds were more interested in coke, but, hey, who knows, right?, and I wouldn't cop to that either on TV if it were true.  We've come a long, long way when it comes to grass, thank goodness, but it's still stupid to talk about personal drug use on television. 


She'd be utterly horrified to find out that anyone would think her capable of such a joke connection.  I wish she'd rein it in because her quips are tedious and make her sound like she's trying way too hard but, aside from being a woman herself, and not a monster, she's got a daughter and a son both.  Rape affects both men and women -- she's at bottom not the most sophisticated person underneath all the fluffery but she meant nothing by that comment of any significance beyond trying to sound slightly racy and with it.   

Edited by copacabana
  • Love 18

Except I believe Kyle is justified where Kim is not, Kyle is looking for her to defend her from Brandi's accusations, Kim is looking for Kyle to join her in attacking Lisa.

Kyle was just on Access Hollywood Live pretty emotional about still being estranged from her sister Kim.  I gather the reunion moved them further apart.  Maybe they'll resolve their issues while on hiatus...or could next seasons story arc continue the saga?

Edited by RealityTVSmack1
  • Love 3

If there is anyone in this cast who is not genuine with relationships, my finger points at Brandi. Brandi is ready to take her so-called friends through the sewer when she feels slighted in any way, whether it is imagined or real. The whole Scheana matter was pathetic. Brandi acted all butt hurt with that mess, but had no problem dealing with Scheana when it suited her. So, her way of handling it is to throw her friendship with Lisa and Ken to the curb, while acting like the victim.

Brandi, out of the blue, went on the warpath with Adrienne. Kyle seemed dumb-founded as to why Brandi had this sudden hate for Adrienne. It started in Ojai, we know that, but Brandi, at the SUR lunch, rattled off a list of supposed lies that Adrienne had been going around saying including the surrogate topic. Brandi had no legit excuse for her behavior to Adrienne, period. That whole thing was bogus on Brandi's part. And now, here is Brandi pissed at Kyle. Brandi acts a drunken fool and says things to Kyle. Kyle is wondering WTF? She is trying to figure out what happened between the limo ride and the poker table. Of course Kyle did nothing to warrant the verbal shit Brandi threw her way, but Brandi has yet to own up to it. She feels slighted that Kyle dared to try to walk past Brandi and to cause a scratch on her arm. For Brandi, that is enough to warrant her hate towards Kyle. Of course, Brandi, by the reunion, will, come up with a list of things as to why she loathes Kyle, much like she did with Adrienne.

Ok, so, that is kind of my point. I remember the scene where Brandi and Lisa are sitting outside sunbathing and Brandi takes one of Lisa V's little dogs and then sticks the dog's head in her crotch--maybe she said something about peanut butter? In any event, IIRC, Lisa thought that was very funny-- I think she said, "oh stop " but was laughing about it. That is their sense of what is funny. If one of my friends did that, I would be locking up my pets whenever that friend came by and suggesting some counseling.

Oh dear god, when the hell did that happen??? How did I miss this scene? How could I forget it, if I watched it???
  • Love 6

Usually the simplest explanation is the better one


Brandi's anger towards Kyle is simply due to Brandi needing an antagonist


Season 2 Brandi's antagonist were the Richard sisters, Kim more than Kyle, Dana and also Taylor


Season 3 Brandi's antagonist was rich and powerful Adrienne Maloof , Adrienne didn't do anything to Brandi that would merit the revelation of the surrogacy, except that Brandi said that Adrienne was only her friend on cameras and never called her outside of filming. She was also at odds with Kyle, Mauricio and Camille due to the surrogacy revelation. Brandi said she heard "people" saying that Adrienne was giving inside information about her to the media, but was there any proof of that? was there any proof of this secret meeting that Brandi said Adrienne plotted except for Brandi's word?


Season 4 Brandi's antagonist was Joyce, Joyce dared to reveal her machinations behind cameras and that put her on the shit list, then after that is was Lisa who dared to back away from her after tampon gate. Brandi was relentless with Joyce to the point of harassing with not one valid reason. All she had to do was to pay that Joyce misinterpreted her and moved on. Lisa probably jokes about the magazines but Brandi conveniently didn't reveal that when she was friends with Lisa, she did it after they had a fall out.


Season 5 nobody was giving her the time of the day as far as picking fights with her , they were polite and friendly but also distant so Brandi started to panic that with Yolanda sick and uninvolved most of the time she would not have a story line, then Kim starts telling her all these tales about the evil step sister and BAM, the light bulb went off on Brandi's little brain, Two for the price of one. Kyle was hated and Kim was given a pass after pass, Kim was the underdog so what could go wrong? Kim gave her the storyline on a silver platter and Brandi ran with it.  


Brandi doesn't need a real reason to be against Kyle, did she have any valid reason to be against Adrienne? What Brandi needs is a story line that keeps her relevant, in her mind she thought that defending poor dove Kim Richards and going against evil Kyle was going to be her moment of glory, everybody would be on her side, but as usual when you play games, sometimes you win and sometimes you lose. Randi couldn't foresee all the TH from Kim, her awful behavior, Brandi did a lot of shit stirring and probably thought none of it was going to make it to air. If Bravo didn't aired the conversation between Kim and Brandi before Amsterdam, how would we know the magnitude of Brandi's manipulation?


Brandi made a bet to the wrong horse (Kim) and lost, she lost big time.

  • Love 12

Kyle was just on Access Hollywood Live pretty emotional about still being estranged from her sister Kim.  I gather the reunion moved them further apart.  Maybe they'll resolve their issues while on hiatus...or could next seasons arc continue the saga?

They probably will have to settle the dog issue.  This is my guess, Kim makes Lisav, look like amateur night when it comes to grudge holding so the dog bite and Kim's perception that Kyle was asking Brandi to reveal the content of her late night conversations on air are good for 20 years for the dog bite and two seasons for the attempted revelation. 


I believe Kim is holding the grudge card because she feels like the unresolved nature of it gives her an automatic renewal of her contract.  They have three months until filming begins and Kim is still "caring" for Monty, so her involvement for Season 6 may be limited in nature.  I think if BRAVO watches the ratings, as we know they do, the sister's fight ultimately became what is a sharp downturn in the ratings.  Pay attention BRAVO, the audience likes seeing the ladies get along.

  • Love 7

Kyle was just on Access Hollywood Live pretty emotional about still being estranged from her sister Kim.  I gather the reunion moved them further apart.  Maybe they'll resolve their issues while on hiatus...or could next seasons story arc continue the saga?


Oh, Christ, I hope not. Kyle and Yo hanging out on a yacht and traipsing around a foreign locale, yes. Kyle continuously trying to placate Kim, no. I simply can't watch more of it beyond this season.

  • Love 8

I don't think Kyle or Kathy would be willing to state they needed a break from Kim or wanted her out of their life.  There are just some sibling relationships that are always rocky.  I agree I don't think Kyle saying that to Kim is how she feels.  I seriously doubt anyone sho wants to hear those words from Kyle, if they already loathe Kyle, will change their opinion or decide Kyle is okay. 


I keep thinking we will hear something more substantial from Brandi why she detests Kyle so.  I can't believe the incident with Kim on Poker Night is the basis for so much Kyle hate from Brandi.  I have a theory that Brandi does not receive enough family support from her family and therefore strikes at Kyle because she expects so much more from those two sisters and quite frankly realized that Kim needs a lot of support on her own terms.  I noticed as soon as Brandi realized Kyle was the source of reports to Yolanda about her bad behavior the hate intensified.  I am wondering if Yolanda is going to have to pick a side between Brandi and Kyle.


On an unrelated note-I read that during Brandi's most recent Podcast she ran out of things to talk about and callers so she cold dialed her dad and he was too busy to talk to her.  Brandi made some remark about the lack of support.  I no longer listen to Brandi's Podcasts as I don't wish to support her commercial endeavors.

RE: Brandi hating Kyle


1.) Brandi saw the footage of her debut at Kyle's fundraiser and how Kyle, Lisa, Taylor, TMCFR, etc. were making fun of her and her crutches/wedges ensemble.


2.) Dana/Pam Game Night


3.) Kyle's pearl clutching at Brandi's kid peeing on Adrienne's lawn


4.) Kyle allowed TMCFR to tear Brandi up one side and down the other at her dinner party and said nothing


5.)  A general dislike of giggly women acting dumb


6.) A bit o' jealousy--Kyle's happy marriage (I think this is why Brandi loves to makes digs about Mo's alleged cheating), Kyle's not broke and living in rentals with dog shit everywhere.


I'm sure I'm missing other stuff.  


If Kim dies because of her issues, how exactly is that Kyle's fault? I will never understand this line of reasoning. It's as though Kyle has taken a gun to Kim's head and forced her on this show, forced her in front of the cameras and then forced pills into her mouth.


Kim is an adult and made the decision to join this show, she made the decision to have her life in front of camera's and she chose to take pills. She has chosen to seemingly not participate in any kind of support for her sobriety.


Kyle wasn't in that limo with Kim forcing her to act messed up. Kim did that all on her own.


Brandi is the one who talked about 2am calls on camera. She is the one who implied Kim may have tried to harm herself on camera.


And yet somehow all of this is Kyle's fault? Or Lisa R's? Or Eileen's?


I hate to admit it, but I am looking forward to Lisa R flipping out at Kim.

I'm looking forward to is as well.  I usually end up watching the new episodes the next day, but I think I'm going to plant myself in front of the tv Tuesday night and enjoy the fireworks!





I really loved Kyle's enthusiasm at the fundraiser, she was excited and happy and kept hugging and hugging Yolanda as the money was being raised. It seemed like Yolanda, Lisa and Kyle were hosting or something, they seemed to be going around getting people's donations.


I think the primary reason Kim was irritated with Kyle because she expected to her to join the pile on with Lisa R, which is why she asked her why she was hiding behind her jacket. She was more or less saying "aren't you going to say anything?". And as the trip went on and Kyle spent time with Lisa e.g. riding in the limo with her after the plane ride from hell, and leaving with her to the fundraiser, and appeared to actually be enjoying herself, it irked Kim even more,  ergo the "lack of support". Because of course, Kyle should fall right in line and do what Kim wants at all times, that is the support Kim is looking for which she is getting from Brandi and loving it.

I noticed at the fundraiser when Kyle was talking to Lisa that Kim gets up and moves down to the end of the table with Brandi.  It wasn't so much the fact that she moved, but the whole way she did it was so childish. It was obvious she had her panties all in a twist because her sister was talking to "the enemy."

  • Love 12

They probably will have to settle the dog issue.  This is my guess, Kim makes Lisav, look like amateur night when it comes to grudge holding so the dog bite and Kim's perception that Kyle was asking Brandi to reveal the content of her late night conversations on air are good for 20 years for the dog bite and two seasons for the attempted revelation. 


I believe Kim is holding the grudge card because she feels like the unresolved nature of it gives her an automatic renewal of her contract.  They have three months until filming begins and Kim is still "caring" for Monty, so her involvement for Season 6 may be limited in nature.  I think if BRAVO watches the ratings, as we know they do, the sister's fight ultimately became what is a sharp downturn in the ratings.  Pay attention BRAVO, the audience likes seeing the ladies get along.

I sure hope your right and Kim doesn't come back due to obligations.  But something tells me the two sisters agonizingly working their way back toward each other will be attractive to Bravo. Personally, I've had it with the Richards tag team wrestling match.

  • Love 3

Usually the simplest explanation is the better one


Brandi's anger towards Kyle is simply due to Brandi needing an antagonist


Season 2 Brandi's antagonist were the Richard sisters, Kim more than Kyle, Dana and also Taylor


Season 3 Brandi's antagonist was rich and powerful Adrienne Maloof , Adrienne didn't do anything to Brandi that would merit the revelation of the surrogacy, except that Brandi said that Adrienne was only her friend on cameras and never called her outside of filming. She was also at odds with Kyle, Mauricio and Camille due to the surrogacy revelation. Brandi said she heard "people" saying that Adrienne was giving inside information about her to the media, but was there any proof of that? was there any proof of this secret meeting that Brandi said Adrienne plotted except for Brandi's word?


Season 4 Brandi's antagonist was Joyce, Joyce dared to reveal her machinations behind cameras and that put her on the shit list, then after that is was Lisa who dared to back away from her after tampon gate. Brandi was relentless with Joyce to the point of harassing with not one valid reason. All she had to do was to pay that Joyce misinterpreted her and moved on. Lisa probably jokes about the magazines but Brandi conveniently didn't reveal that when she was friends with Lisa, she did it after they had a fall out.


Season 5 nobody was giving her the time of the day as far as picking fights with her , they were polite and friendly but also distant so Brandi started to panic that with Yolanda sick and uninvolved most of the time she would not have a story line, then Kim starts telling her all these tales about the evil step sister and BAM, the light bulb went off on Brandi's little brain, Two for the price of one. Kyle was hated and Kim was given a pass after pass, Kim was the underdog so what could go wrong? Kim gave her the storyline on a silver platter and Brandi ran with it.  


Brandi doesn't need a real reason to be against Kyle, did she have any valid reason to be against Adrienne? What Brandi needs is a story line that keeps her relevant, in her mind she thought that defending poor dove Kim Richards and going against evil Kyle was going to be her moment of glory, everybody would be on her side, but as usual when you play games, sometimes you win and sometimes you lose. Randi couldn't foresee all the TH from Kim, her awful behavior, Brandi did a lot of shit stirring and probably thought none of it was going to make it to air. If Bravo didn't aired the conversation between Kim and Brandi before Amsterdam, how would we know the magnitude of Brandi's manipulation?


Brandi made a bet to the wrong horse (Kim) and lost, she lost big time.

I agree with this but would like to add that I do not think Kim is an unwilling/unknowing dupe and is a willing partner in going at her sister. IMO, she just didn't know how much or what Brandi revealed about their private conversations to the other HWs or on camera.

  • Love 8

Kyle was just on Access Hollywood Live pretty emotional about still being estranged from her sister Kim.  I gather the reunion moved them further apart.  Maybe they'll resolve their issues while on hiatus...or could next seasons story arc continue the saga?


Thanks for this heads-up! Kyle can come sit by me because I, too, am feeling estranged from her sister.  I can give her some pointers on how to get over it and make use of all that sweet cash now at her disposal.  Travel, spoiling my husband and children, donating to whatever causes turn me on, going back to school, looking to make my business if I had one more interesting and profitable.  Life goes on, Miss Kyle!  Dry your tears, put the froggy voice away, and enjoy yourself.


I swear I thought a saw a glint in her eye when they were on the plane to Calgary.  Beyond being nervous about being up in the air, and not liking the argument happening right in front of her nose, I imagined I detected the beginnings of a new resolve -- As in, I'm sick of this shit and if I make it off this plane, things are going to start to be different. 


Let's hope that all the moaning and groaning on TV about missing Kimberly are for display. 

  • Love 12

I agree with this but would like to add that I do not think Kim is an unwilling/unknowing dupe and is a willing partner in going at her sister. IMO, she just didn't know how much or what Brandi revealed about their private conversations to the other HWs or on camera.



Kim is no victim at all, she is victim of her addictions but as far as her behavior she is just a nasty and mean person drunk or not.


Brandi thought that it would be easy to deal with Kim and after watching the whole secuence of events she probably realizes how unpredictable Kim really is.


I don't feel sorry for either of them, they deserve the public basklash that they are receiving.


It is probably the best that they are both oblivious to their reality and still think that they are the winners (victims) of this whole charade. Kim has Brandi for reassurance and Brandi has her group of staunch supporters who make her believe that she is just great and did nothing wrong; I just hope somewhere in the back of their minds they really realize how awful both have been during this season, but I don't hold my breath, they both can be pretty delusional.

  • Love 8

Kyle was just on Access Hollywood Live pretty emotional about still being estranged from her sister Kim.  I gather the reunion moved them further apart.  Maybe they'll resolve their issues while on hiatus...or could next seasons story arc continue the saga?


If that is next seasons story arc I most likely will be checking out of RHoBH. Very little is holding my attention already.

  • Love 6

Thanks for this heads-up! Kyle can come sit by me because I, too, am feeling estranged from her sister.  I can give her some pointers on how to get over it and make use of all that sweet cash now at her disposal.  Travel, spoiling my husband and children, donating to whatever causes turn me on, going back to school, looking to make my business if I had one more interesting and profitable.  Life goes on, Miss Kyle!  Dry your tears, put the froggy voice away, and enjoy yourself.


I swear I thought a saw a glint in her eye when they were on the plane to Calgary.  Beyond being nervous about being up in the air, and not liking the argument happening right in front of her nose, I imagined I detected the beginnings of a new resolve -- As in, I'm sick of this shit and if I make it off this plane, things are going to start to be different. 


Let's hope that all the moaning and groaning on TV about missing Kimberly are for display. 

I agree Kyle not getting involved in saying anything on the plane may have been a turning point for her.  In the past she may have said something to stop LisaR's line of questioning...this time nothing.  The funniest thing was her running at warp speed out of the restaurant doors to distance herself from the Kim and LisaR's physical screaming match. Access kept showing that scene, lol.


Her husband's recent success and life style changes gives Kyle a lot to plan for and enjoy. She may wish to talk about something else on talk shows like her family, businesses and dancing with Steven Tyler on the stage.  That's not going to happen when her RHOBH story line is about her relationship or lack of one with Kim. 


She may just have been responding as others might expect she should by seeming like she was sorry about the end of her relationship with Kim. The Access hosts couldn't pry from her what the big secret was that Kim said about Harry Hamlin. I would be surprised if it's that Harry had an addiction problem since LisaR already brought this up herself.   

Edited by RealityTVSmack1
  • Love 4

Thanks for this heads-up! Kyle can come sit by me because I, too, am feeling estranged from her sister.  I can give her some pointers on how to get over it and make use of all that sweet cash now at her disposal.  Travel, spoiling my husband and children, donating to whatever causes turn me on, going back to school, looking to make my business if I had one more interesting and profitable.  Life goes on, Miss Kyle!  Dry your tears, put the froggy voice away, and enjoy yourself.


I swear I thought a saw a glint in her eye when they were on the plane to Calgary.  Beyond being nervous about being up in the air, and not liking the argument happening right in front of her nose, I imagined I detected the beginnings of a new resolve -- As in, I'm sick of this shit and if I make it off this plane, things are going to start to be different. 


Let's hope that all the moaning and groaning on TV about missing Kimberly are for display. 


Good for you!  It would be great if Kyle would realize that and most importantly act on it and stick to it.

  • Love 2

      suicide s not a joke and should always be taken seriously. These women should know this better than most. If Kim made any indication of wanting to harm herself Brandi should of acted on that even if she felt it was a plea for attention, and she doesn't think she means it. Kim should of gotten more attention than she wanted if she indicated that. Those things always need to be addressed. A six year old in Minnesota recently committed suicide. There were some indications but it is unimaginable for people to think of a young child doing that.


While I can have sympathy for a 6 year old, or for someone who is terminal I can not for Kim and most others who threaten suicide or commit suicide. Except for someone being terminal and a very few other instances I view it as a purely selfish stupid act. If Kim offs herself it's her own fault and no one else's and really I don't care if she does or doesn't, she doesn't value her life nor anybody else's. She will be nothing more but a sad memory of a loved one and others lives will go on.

Edited by Giselle
  • Love 5

Right, about sex...which isn't rape.


For every Cheryl Araujo, there are a million others just having some consensual bangtime fun on a felt-covered table.

Which is what I thought upon hearing the comment.  "Girl, me too."  Not because being under the influence would put me in a position to be taken advantage of but because being in such a state tends to turn me into quite the hornball.  I have wound up spread eagle and enjoyed every minute.  I didn't once think of "The Accused" - real incident or film version, thereof, nor did I think of rape at all.


There's no right or wrong way to see it.  Everything comes down to interpretation.

  • Love 6

I thought Brandi was being pretty real in a few of her scenes about Kim, and I agree that there is no way she really wants to carry the Kim baggage forever.  Just hear me out for a moment.


I just think it happened a bit more as Brandi has said.  I don't know how much of it was about "alliances" or any of that, because when last season ended, Brandi was already firmly allied with Kyle's "take down Lisa" crew.  Honestly, I don't think she felt she NEEDED Kim's back up for this season. 


So, last season ended, Brandi was cool with everyone but Lisa.


During hiatus, Kim faced a number of challenges for an addict, and Kyle was sick of Kim (which she has a complete right to be) and exited stage left.

  1. Monty announced he was dying, and Kim took him in.  (I can't underestimate how challenging that is for anyone, he was given 2 months.)
  2. Kim, as mother of the bride, and being emotional anyway, helped plan a huge wedding (no matter how much she "helped" I'm sure it was a lot for her.)
  3. She's dealing with her kids losing their dad too, so tons of emotion.  They plan a quickie backyard wedding as well, so dying dad/best friend can walk his daughter down the aisle.
  4. The whole dog lawsuits, and trauma (I'll leave it, since it wasn't on the show, but we all know about it.  (Kim's at fault completely, but still, it's another huge mess)
  5. Obviously, she had relapses in her recovery, which is more stress.
  6. Whatever the issue was with her son Chad.


So, IF Kyle was tired of it all (and I do believe Brandi about that) and not available for late night panic attacks or sadness about Monty, who does Kim call?  Who is awake at 2AM when the demons come?  Brandi.


Brandi takes the calls, is worried enough at one point to wake up Kyle.  She's also shocked when Kim calls her "my best friend" because, what?  She knows she's not equipped or the right person for Kim, since she does drink, and isn't a counselor, as she said on the show.  Meanwhile, this distraught woman keeps calling her, and Brandi is probably scared out of her wits.  At first, maybe she's flattered, but then it does all become too much.  She can't pick up the Kim burden by herself, and doesn't even have the familial relationship with Kim that kind of requires that.  Somehow she enlists Kathy, and the 3 of them start doing things together. 


We don't know what Kim told Brandi about Kyle, but more and more, Brandi starts to resent Kyle for "not being there for Kim."  In a way, that is very selfish of Brandi, but it's also understandable.  If Kyle WAS there, then Brandi wouldn't feel she was carrying most of the Kim load.  Who the hell really wants a needy addict that "needs" you at any moment 24-7.  Brandi's now in a "what the hell did I get myself into?" mode, (the conversation with her friend on camera about this.) 


Cameras begin to roll, and suddenly, there is Kyle!  All concerned about Kim!  It was infuriating to Brandi that Kyle "was there" and also complaining about how hard it is for her, dealing with Kim.



One last thought.


I think there is a reason Kim is furious at Lipsa and Kyle, and even Eileen for trying to get her to admit things about her addiction issues on camera.  Yes, all of the normal reasons, but there is one more that occurred to me this morning.


Kim's been "in the business" for a long time.  She knows that anything she says WILL be a quote that follows her, in all the subsequent articles about her.  She admitted to alcoholism, basically because she had to admit to something.  We do not know what she may have admitted to in therapy.  Should she admit to something else, ON CAMERA, it will never go away.  Ever.


Kyle knows this.

Lipsa knows this.

Eileen and Lisa know this.


I just think there is a reason that Kim is so furious at them.  Their little "Bravo moments" or "Bravo storyline" will follow her forever.


Now some may feel that is important for Kim to do.  Kim's walked in those "Hollywood" shoes for a long time.  She knows that she faces more (if only endless press) than other addicts, who at least can try to recover, and backslide, and try again, in private.  She can't, and I think that makes recovery even more difficult.


ETA #6 above.

Edited by Umbelina
  • Love 10

If Kim would talk about it with any bit of logic and not the air of asshole she could have controlled the narrative.


Instead she's getting mad at Lisa while she's taking pills that don't belong to her and lying about how many days she was in the hospital.


When people pull you to the side, stop rolling your eyes and sighing and going "blah blah blah" like you're fucking 15.  Apologize for your shitty behavior while under the influence, then act sober, then maybe people believe you.

  • Love 20

I thought Brandi was being pretty real in a few of her scenes about Kim, and I agree that there is no way she really wants to carry the Kim baggage forever.  Just hear me out for a moment.


I just think it happened a bit more as Brandi has said.  I don't know how much of it was about "alliances" or any of that, because when last season ended, Brandi was already firmly allied with Kyle's "take down Lisa" crew.  Honestly, I don't think she felt she NEEDED Kim's back up for this season. 


So, last season ended, Brandi was cool with everyone but Lisa.


During hiatus, Kim faced a number of challenges for an addict, and Kyle was sick of Kim (which she has a complete right to be) and exited stage left.

  1. Monty announced he was dying, and Kim took him in.  (I can't underestimate how challenging that is for anyone, he was given 2 months.)
  2. Kim, as mother of the bride, and being emotional anyway, helped plan a huge wedding (no matter how much she "helped" I'm sure it was a lot for her.)
  3. She's dealing with her kids losing their dad too, so tons of emotion.  They plan a quickie backyard wedding as well, so dying dad/best friend can walk his daughter down the aisle.
  4. The whole dog lawsuits, and trauma (I'll leave it, since it wasn't on the show, but we all know about it.  (Kim's at fault completely, but still, it's another huge mess)
  5. Obviously, she had relapses in her recovery, which is more stress.


So, IF Kyle was tired of it all (and I do believe Brandi about that) and not available for late night panic attacks or sadness about Monty, who does Kim call?  Who is awake at 2AM when the demons come?  Brandi.


Brandi takes the calls, is worried enough at one point to wake up Kyle.  She's also shocked when Kim calls her "my best friend" because, what?  She knows she's not equipped or the right person for Kim, since she does drink, and isn't a counselor, as she said on the show.  Meanwhile, this distraught woman keeps calling her, and Brandi is probably scared out of her wits.  At first, maybe she's flattered, but then it does all become too much.  She can't pick up the Kim burden by herself, and doesn't even have the familial relationship with Kim that kind of requires that.  Somehow she enlists Kathy, and the 3 of them start doing things together. 


We don't know what Kim told Brandi about Kyle, but more and more, Brandi starts to resent Kyle for "not being there for Kim."  In a way, that is very selfish of Brandi, but it's also understandable.  If Kyle WAS there, then Brandi wouldn't feel she was carrying most of the Kim load.  Who the hell really wants a needy addict that "needs" you at any moment 24-7.  Brandi's now in a "what the hell did I get myself into?" mode, (the conversation with her friend on camera about this.) 


Cameras begin to roll, and suddenly, there is Kyle!  All concerned about Kim!  It was infuriating to Brandi that Kyle "was there" and also complaining about how hard it is for her, dealing with Kim.



One last thought.


I think there is a reason Kim is furious at Lipsa and Kyle, and even Eileen for trying to get her to admit things about her addiction issues on camera.  Yes, all of the normal reasons, but there is one more that occurred to me this morning.


Kim's been "in the business" for a long time.  She knows that anything she says WILL be a quote that follows her, in all the subsequent articles about her.  She admitted to alcoholism, basically because she had to admit to something.  We do not know what she may have admitted to in therapy.  Should she admit to something else, ON CAMERA, it will never go away.  Ever.


Kyle knows this.

Lipsa knows this.

Eileen and Lisa know this.


I just think there is a reason that Kim is so furious at them.  Their little "Bravo moments" or "Bravo storyline" will follow her forever.


Now some may feel that is important for Kim to do.  Kim's walked in those "Hollywood" shoes for a long time.  She knows that she faces more (if only endless press) than other addicts, who at least can try to recover, and backslide, and try again, in private.  She can't, and I think that makes recovery even more difficult.


Wow, that's a lot of thought given to the matter right there ... I don't know that I agree or disagree -- I tend not to think along those lines when it come to boards. I'm all for the difference in opinion and the analysis of the crazy.  Just totally impressed with the thoughtfulness of the post and the amount of energy you've put into it.  


And one biggie that hadn't even come to me before -- That the fear of death for Monty would of course involve their children.  That's a big old DUH that I didn't get at all.  


The Brandi-Kim breakdown also really well done.  


I'd still like Kyle to take a long vacation from the Kim scene for both their sakes -- and mine too LOL! -- but you make some excellent points.   And your last paragraph is especially thoughtful.  SO ... many thanks.  It's been a weird season. 

If Kim would talk about it with any bit of logic and not the air of asshole she could have controlled the narrative.


Instead she's getting mad at Lisa while she's taking pills that don't belong to her and lying about how many days she was in the hospital.


When people pull you to the side, stop rolling your eyes and sighing and going "blah blah blah" like you're fucking 15.  Apologize for your shitty behavior while under the influence, then act sober, then maybe people believe you.

This for me is the crux of the matter ... I do think that Kim could've controlled the narrative and that in doing so she would have garnered huge support.  A missed opportunity. 

  • Love 6

The Davis Foster Foundation would not have been involved in the flight from Calgary to Amsterdam.


Right, I was talking about the private jet. 


It is common practice for a charity organization to have a large event that costs a million to organize  (talent, transportation, food, etc.) - and once the donations come in, the funds are used to pay for the event.  The actual amount used toward the charity may be around 10% of what was received.  This is not rare.  I am not knocking the foundation, as it is the way it is done and after all is said and done, half a million dollars for these families is nothing to sneeze at (looks like $250,000 is the average income per year for this charity).  I am just pointing out that many celebrities do this with the expectation of getting paid, or at least getting their private planes, food, lodging paid for.  So, the private jet for Yolanda, the ladies and Baby Face was probably paid for by the charity. That money comes from donations.

  • Love 4

Kyle was just on Access Hollywood Live pretty emotional about still being estranged from her sister Kim.  I gather the reunion moved them further apart.  Maybe they'll resolve their issues while on hiatus...or could next seasons story arc continue the saga?

It's just so crazy.  It's so obvious that Kim's addiction status is too hard for Kyle to maneuver around without it turning into such a chasm of distance between sisters.  They really should just stay apart. If Kim's addiction pushes Kyle to places that can't easily be recovered from then they just need to let the dust settle and then function as best they can while barely being in each others social settings. Family settings are one thing. I would expect them to eventually be at a place where they can be at the same family function at the same time but right or wrong Kim's addiction fucks with Kyle and Kyle's reactions fucks with Kim. Plain and simple. If they can't get over the damage that their dance does to one another and those around them then what else is there to fucking figure out? Kim is a recovering addict that struggles with sobriety. Nothing can be done about that obviously. She'll stray, she'll slip, she'll make excuses, she'll behave badly she'll have times of recovery but never any guarantees etc. etc. It isn't news. Kyle will always be at risk of losing her top to the level of betrayal and hurtfulness because of frustration over Kim's addiction and pain over Kim's relapses. No surprise. It's ludicrous to believe that these two expect to engage socially with each other like they are the best of friends, coolest of peeps with no cares in the world. Both of them are careless with their relationship because they seem to think that they can a) control their urges to stab the other below the belt b)respect and support the others feelings completely during conflicts c)deliver unconditional loyalty at the drop of a hat when the other demands it.

Edited by Sincerely Yours
  • Love 6

If Kim would talk about it with any bit of logic and not the air of asshole she could have controlled the narrative.


Instead she's getting mad at Lisa while she's taking pills that don't belong to her and lying about how many days she was in the hospital.


When people pull you to the side, stop rolling your eyes and sighing and going "blah blah blah" like you're fucking 15.  Apologize for your shitty behavior while under the influence, then act sober, then maybe people believe you.

Great post! I can see how Brandi might be the type who tends to have a bit of soft  spot for the "misfit", the damaged, what she sees as the underdog. Especially in this group of charmed ladies who seem to have everything so easy in her eyes.

  • Love 1

After watching the "filming of filming" the scavenger hunt and shopping excursion clips, I'm not sure any of these women have much of a choice regarding the season's storyline.  They may ad lib some of their conversations and responses to situations but I honestly believe that it's Bravo who orchestrates those situations and as a result is the one who actually controls the narrative.


In the First Look or Spoiler thread there were posts advocating more "fun times" and complaining about the constant bickering as well as posts savoring next week's LisaR/Kim blowup.  Bravo doesn't want to give us only "fun times."  I'm convinced they want and reward the housewives who bring the drama.

  • Love 7

LOL, If Kyle ever said that on camera, she would get called out on being so callous about Kim's privacy, about not being there at all for Kim (oh, that's right, that is happening now lol). How do you or any of us know that she has not already talked to Kim about stepping back? She has said that she can not be there 24/7 and Kim acknowledges that, but then states she, Kim, wants/needs her, Kyle, there more and Kyle gets in trouble. Kim needs to be held responsible for Kim. Kyle has no control over Kim and never has.

Total respect to your opinion, but I just don't think that would happen, at least not among a majority of viewers. I agree that Kyle has been dragged across the coals for how she has handled Kim's issues (by myself included), but (at least for me) it's because she hasn't done this. She's never really said what is or isn't going on or what she is or isn't willing to do. I feel like Kyle has a big streak of wanting to have her cake and eat it too. She wants all this sympathy for having to deal with a problem she insists doesn't exist. It's such a frustrating never ending cycle between those two.

Just like the codependent cycle of Kyle's love for clothing meant for a much different body type. *black lace polyester cat suit*

  • Love 5

If Kim would talk about it with any bit of logic and not the air of asshole she could have controlled the narrative.


Instead she's getting mad at Lisa while she's taking pills that don't belong to her and lying about how many days she was in the hospital.


When people pull you to the side, stop rolling your eyes and sighing and going "blah blah blah" like you're fucking 15.  Apologize for your shitty behavior while under the influence, then act sober, then maybe people believe you.

Except to act sober, you might actually have to be sober. I have not beleived Kim was sober during any season of this show. I  believe there might have been a season when she stopped drinking. But she was never sober, IMO. 


That said, I also saw loud and clear, in the last episode, where for whatever reason I don't think she was UTI, that she is still the spoiled child. Of course then she was a child "star". Now she is just an aging former child star with the temperment of a spoiled child. Not a good look.   

  • Love 7

After watching the "filming of filming" the scavenger hunt and shopping excursion clips, I'm not sure any of these women have much of a choice regarding the season's storyline.  They may ad lib some of their conversations and responses to situations but I honestly believe that it's Bravo who orchestrates those situations and as a result is the one who actually controls the narrative.


I agree.  That's why I can't get too hepped up about poker night, for instance.  I think between Bravo orchestrating the situation, and the acts of these actresses, very little that we see is organic and probably more than we think is pure fakery.  Seeing so many videos lately of the way these things are filmed has kind of ruined the experience for me....but that is a really, really good thing!! I need to quit this addiction.


I imagine Kyle, Kim and Brandi sitting around a laptop, reading forums like ours and laughing their asses off while high fiving each other.

  • Love 7

It's just so crazy.  It's so obvious that Kim's addiction status is too hard for Kyle to maneuver around without it turning into such a chasm of distance between sisters.  They really should just stay aparted. If Kim's addiction pushes Kyle to places that can't easily be recovered from then they just need to let the dust settle and then function as best they can while barely being in each others social settings. Family settings are one thing. I would expect them to eventually be at a place where they can be at the same family function at the same time but right or wrong Kim's addiction fucks with Kyle and Kyle's reactions fucks with Kim. Plain and simple. If they can't get over the damage that their dance does to one another and those around them then what else is there to fucking figure out? Kim is a recovering addiction that struggles with sobriety. Nothing can be done about that obviously. She'll stray, she'll slip, she'll make excuses, she'll behave badly etc. etc. It isn't news. Kyle will always be at risk of losing her top to the level of betrayal and hurtfulness because of frustration of Kim's addiction. No surprise. It's ludicrous to believe that these two expect to engage socially with each other like they are the best of friends, coolest of peeps with no cares in the world. Both of them are careless with their relationship because they seem to think that they can a) control their urges to stab the other below the belt b)respect and support the others feelings completely during conflicts c)deliver unconditional loyalty at the drop of a hat when the other demands it.

Possible theory:  If you had a weird, depressed, former addict sister, who owned a killer dog who bit your daughter, lived with her terminally ill ex-husband, and a teen age child with possible drug problems...would you distance yourself from socializing with her?


Is it possible that Kyle rather than spend time with Kim during the hiatus from RHOBH...choose instead to spend her time with her immediate family, on new and former business obligations and socialize with friends.


In the meantime, Kim finds a new shoulder to lean on in her sisters absence...Brandi.  Brandi gives Kim the attention she misses from her sister. Brandi invites her to functions giving Kim a reason to leave her home, which helps decrease her stress. 


Now the show starts filming...there's bound to be fireworks from the sister who feels rejected...Kim. Especially when that sister who she has felt shunned by now needs to film with her as part of a "contractual obligation." Of course Kim is going to feel animosity toward Kyle and act out badly...feeling she has nothing to lose.


I am beginning to feel the sisters would be better off not being in each other's lives.

  • Love 6

I vascillate between believing Kim and Kyle are really at each other's throats and believing the whole thing is cooked up by Bravo and acted out by the sisters.   Often they seem upset with each other and then at the screenplay read thru at Eileens they were snuggled up together on the couch.  Their body language was very cozy.  And Kyle's gay mixer fight looked very scripted to me. 

  • Love 5
Possible theory:  If you had a weird, depressed, former addict sister, who owned a killer dog who bit your daughter, lived with her terminally ill ex-husband, and a teen age child with possible drug problems...would you distance yourself from socializing with her?

Is it possible that Kyle rather than spend time with Kim during the hiatus from RHOBH...choose instead to spend her time with her immediate family, on new and former business obligations and socialize with friends.


Interesting theory. Perhaps prior to the show Kyle and Kim didn't hang out quite as often. And now, during filming, having to be around each other so much more has become draining. Perhaps for both of them, but definitely for Kyle. So once filming is done, she needs a bit of a "detox" as it were. That makes sense to me.

  • Love 6

Total respect to your opinion, but I just don't think that would happen, at least not among a majority of viewers. I agree that Kyle has been dragged across the coals for how she has handled Kim's issues (by myself included), but (at least for me) it's because she hasn't done this. She's never really said what is or isn't going on or what she is or isn't willing to do. I feel like Kyle has a big streak of wanting to have her cake and eat it too. She wants all this sympathy for having to deal with a problem she insists doesn't exist. It's such a frustrating never ending cycle between those two.

Just like the codependent cycle of Kyle's love for clothing meant for a much different body type. *black lace polyester cat suit*

What is it you or others want or expect Kyle to say on camera about Kim's addictions? Isn't that for Kim to make public, not Kyle? Kyle has stated that she can not be there 24/7, Kim acknowledge she knows this and isn't that enough or do people expect a timeline published of when she is/is not available for Kim? IMO, a big part of the problem is that Kim wants Kyle to be there on her terms, when she wants her no matter what Kyle wants, needs or is able to do. It always has to be about Kim's needs, never anyone else's, including her children.


Kim is an adult, no one, and I do mean NO ONE, can force her to do or say anything about her addictions, let alone get her to be honest, she froze Kyle out the last time Kyle revealed anything about Kim/addiction. Brandi has only been there for Kim for 6 months and already she is calling Kim a "burden", think what it feels like to be on call for 30 + years, sister or not. 


Kyle is no angel but she is not the one in control of Kim's "needs", that is Kim and she needs to start taking care of herself and stop blaming/resenting others, not just Kyle, for having lives outside hers.

  • Love 7

I still can't believe that Kim dragged uninvited Brandi to Kyle's party, actually thinking that would be a good place to orchestrate a truce between them.  That was a great idea, said no one ever.  A hostess has enough to do without having an unstable sister showing up with a person who has a reputation for drinking too much and behaving badly at almost every event the group attends.  And, as happens at every event these women decide a confrontation is in order, drama ensued. 


There's so much talk about whether or not the women have attempted to talk to Kim one-on-one; but did Kim ever suggest that Kyle and Brandi talk one-on-one instead at a group event?

Edited by parisprincess
  • Love 3

Total respect to your opinion, but I just don't think that would happen, at least not among a majority of viewers. I agree that Kyle has been dragged across the coals for how she has handled Kim's issues (by myself included), but (at least for me) it's because she hasn't done this. She's never really said what is or isn't going on or what she is or isn't willing to do. I feel like Kyle has a big streak of wanting to have her cake and eat it too. She wants all this sympathy for having to deal with a problem she insists doesn't exist. It's such a frustrating never ending cycle between those two.

Just like the codependent cycle of Kyle's love for clothing meant for a much different body type. *black lace polyester cat suit*

Because Kyle gets frustrated and turns into toady voice (she and Kim both) it is so difficult to listen to her trying to get her point across.  This latest round of Kyle isn't there for me is confusing because are we talking about since the last time Yolanda and Kim talked or are we rehashing the past 45 years?  I am beginning to cement my feelings in about this support and being there for Kim-I think it is Kim saying more that Kyle doesn't agree with her and therefore she feels Kyle isn't supporting her. I think Kyle has been clear with the viewers that she puts the needs of her family before Kim's and I think she was very candid that she and Kim do better when they aren't a daily item.


Somebody upthread carefully listed all of the previous Brandi vs. Kyle moments and yet we see them through eight episodes or so getting along swimmingly.  So maybe the constant is that these ladies don't let go and don't agree be it over not getting the European yacht vacation (if Brandi was jealous of the trip can you imagine how she felt about Kyle's tagline?), and then being stuck with the socially inept Kim Richards or how to go about an intervention.  Given Kim's history I just can't see her ever forgiving or being nice to Eileen or Lisar-even though Eileen backs off.


Lastly, Brandi claims that Kim has saddled her with being Kim's BFF.  I would think if Kim were giving that title away to Brandi she would at least have issued an invite to her daughter's wedding. It is little things like this that make me think maybe Brandi has exaggerated her importance in Kim's life and taken great liberties with her statements about the sisters' relationship.

  • Love 3

 IMO, a big part of the problem is that Kim wants Kyle to be there on her terms, when she wants her no matter what Kyle wants, needs or is able to do. It always has to be about Kim's needs, never anyone else's, including her children.


I think it goes both ways though and not necessarily about Kims addiction. Kyle seems to have the same sort of demands of Kim. That just seems to be the way they are with each other. Difference is Kim's life has extra issues and tornandoes surrounding it while Kyle's is filled with the Camilles of the world thinking she's a mean girl or bully etc. etc. superficial shit. Same amount of unlimited expectations come from both of them so I sorta understand Kim when she's reacting the way she reacts to Kyle. Problem is theres a big imbalance and just because Kim's life is that much more of a hardship on Kyle there seems to be this misconception that Kim shouldn't feel slighted for whatever the hell makes her feel slighted. It all falls into the whole we're sisters routine and even though it seems that what Kyle expects from Kim is so much more minor and achievable for Kim to comply with than vice versa doesn't mean that Kim isn't gonna still feel the sting of Kyle's inability to be there for her under much more complicated circumstances. If Kim's battle is an ongoing on then its safe to say that her support needs to be ongoing as well. At this point in Kims life and battle people are probably either tempted to or actually getting off the ride. That can't feel good.


I get that a lot we see is Kim comparing apple and oranges when it comes to compare sister slights and supportiveness or lack thereof but it's still relevant at least to Kim it is. Here she has this huge challenge in her life, her sister expects such unwavering loyalty to be shown publicly for such overinflated stupidness that takes energy away from her and yet Kyle is spent, embarrassed, unable, limited in her support of Kim and her very real issues. I'm just looking at it like I think Kim sees it. Not that that how it actually is but I can understand where Kim's aggression towards Kyle comes from. How can she ever air her grievances anyway? How does the addict screw up bring up her feelings of hurt and betrayal to the person who's "done so much"? I think it's sad because it's like Kim's gotta always swallow anything she finds hurtful because no one will find it relevant enough for consideration. How could she possibly have anything but nice things to say about Kyle after all she's put her through.


It's got to be maddening wanting to express such resentment and anger and let it out to the person who has been there so much in the past but all that doesn't change the struggles in the present. Whatever's lacking in the present. Whatever's trapped in Kim's mind in the present. I think a big problem is that Kyle still holds on and I do feel there is some authenticity and genuine concern there but Kyle's holding on to this mantra that she'll always be there for her, she'll always love her, she her sister so of course etc. etc. but she's not being entirely honest. The declaration is being made the it's not being backed up anymore which is fine but that keeps Kim from accepting it. You can't keep implying that you'll always be there when you know good and well you can't. And Kim being in the desperate state she's in with her ongoing battle with recovery, relapse, recovery, relapse she needs to be able to call on someone when she has to. Kyle presents herself as that person at least up until recently but that just isn't the case. The last thing a person in Kim's position should have is a person claiming they can be the support they need when they can't. We've heard Kyle tell Eileen that she can't be their 24/7 cause of the kids and Mauricio etc. etc. but I get a STRONG impression that Kyle could never be that straightforward with Kim and therefore that leaves Kim in this limbo because even though she already knows the deal she just doesn't want to believe that her sister have given up on her. It's sad all around.

Edited by Sincerely Yours
  • Love 4

I still can't believe that Kim dragged uninvited Brandi to Kyle's party, actually thinking that would be a good place to orchestrate a truce between them.  That was a great idea, said no one ever.  A hostess has enough to do without having an unstable sister showing up with a person who has a reputation for drinking too much and behaving badly at almost every event the group attends.  And, as happens at every event these women decide a confrontation is in order, drama ensued. 


There's so much talk about whether or not the women have attempted to talk to Kim one-on-one; but did Kim ever suggest that Kyle and Brandi talk one-on-one instead at a group event?

Jennifer, Brandi's friend suggested Brandi call Kyle and Brandi said the situation needed time.

  • Love 1
This latest round of Kyle isn't there for me is confusing because are we talking about since the last time Yolanda and Kim talked or are we rehashing the past 45 years?  I am beginning to cement my feelings in about this support and being there for Kim-I think it is Kim saying more that Kyle doesn't agree with her and therefore she feels Kyle isn't supporting her.


I'm glad you brought this up, because I simply do not understand what does Kim need Kyle to be there for?  No one has ever spelled this out - what does Kim need Kyle to be doing for her?  Answering the phone at 2am to listen to Kim's dramatics?  Shushing everyone from speaking about Kim's addictions and nasty behavior?  Raising Kim's children?  Paying her bills?  Carrying her shitty pillows?  Hiring lawyers for Kim's dog-bite lawsuit?  Keeping Kim away from alcohol and pills?  Reminding Kim she needs to get her drivers license renewed and keeping track of where Kim keeps her passport?


What does this "Kyle is/isn't there for me" actually mean?  

  • Love 12

I think it goes both ways though and not necessarily about Kims addiction. Kyle seems to have the same sort of demands of Kim. That just seems to be the way they are with each other. Difference is Kim's life has extra issues and tornandoes surrounding it while Kyle's is filled with the Camilles of the world thinking she's a mean girl or bully etc. etc. superficial shit. Same amount of unlimited expectations come from both of them so I sorta understand Kim when she's reacting the way she reacts to Kyle. Problem is theres a big imbalance and just because Kim's life is that much more of a hardship on Kyle there seems to be this misconception that Kim shouldn't feel slighted for whatever the hell makes her feel slighted. It all falls into the whole we're sisters routine and even though it seems that what Kyle expects from Kim is so much more minor and achievable for Kim to comply with than vice versa doesn't mean that Kim isn't gonna still feel the sting of Kyle's inability to be there for her under much more complicated circumstances. If Kim's battle is an ongoing on then its safe to say that her support needs to be ongoing as well. At this point in Kims life and battle people are probably either tempted to or actually getting off the ride. That can't feel good.


I get that a lot we see is Kim comparing apple and oranges when it comes to compare sister slights and supportiveness or lack thereof but it's still relevant at least to Kim it is. Here she has this huge challenge in her life, her sister expects such unwavering loyalty to be shown publicly for such overinflated stupidness that takes energy away from her and yet Kyle is spent, embarrassed, unable, limited in her support of Kim and her very real issues. I'm just looking at it like I think Kim sees it. Not that that how it actually is but I can understand where Kim's aggression towards Kyle comes from. How can she ever air her grievances anyway? How does the addict screw up bring up her feelings of hurt and betrayal to the person who's "done so much"? I think it's sad because it's like Kim's gotta always swallow anything she finds hurtful because no one will find it relevant enough for consideration. How could she possibly have anything but nice things to say about Kyle after all she's put her through.


It's got to be maddening wanting to express such resentment and anger and let it out to the person who has been there so much in the past but all that doesn't change the struggles in the present. Whatever's lacking in the present. Whatever's trapped in Kim's mind in the present. I think a big problem is that Kyle still holds on and I do feel there is some authenticity and genuine concern there but Kyle's holding on to this mantra that she'll always be there for her, she'll always love her, she her sister so of course etc. etc. but she's not being entirely honest. The declaration is being made the it's not being backed up anymore which is fine but that keeps Kim from accepting it. You can't keep implying that you'll always be there when you know good and well you can't. And Kim being in the desperate state she's in with her ongoing battle with recovery, relapse, recovery, relapse she needs to be able to call on someone when she has to. Kyle presents herself as that person at least up until recently but that just isn't the case. The last thing a person in Kim's position should have is a person claiming they can be the support they need when they can't. We've heard Kyle tell Eileen that she can't be their 24/7 cause of the kids and Mauricio etc. etc. but I get a STRONG impression that Kyle could never be that straightforward with Kim and therefore that leaves Kim in this limbo because even though she already knows the deal she just doesn't want to believe that her sister have given up on her. It's sad all around.

We don't know what Kim expects from Kyle other than Kyle making more time for her because she is family.  Kim has brought on the tornados in her life.  The vicious dog, the idea she is going to make Monty stay put and be there for her are all of Kim's own making.  Monty has another ex-wife, and three adult daughters that can accommodate him. What happened to Monty during Kim's 5, 6 or was it 9 day stay in the hospital?  And who is tending Monty while Kim goes to Calgary and Amsterdam? The wedding was over after episode two, time to move on from the wedding planning angst.


Since we don't know what Kim wants, is it more one on one time with Kyle or is it Kyle dropping what she is doing to go sit in Kim's bedroom?  We saw Kyle leave her family to go and see Kim in the hospital, and we heard Kyle talk about waiting around for Kim's tests.  So it is not as if Kyle just isn't there for her-maybe Kyle prioritizes her time with Kim.


You  may not have watched Season 1 Episode 1, Kyle was very clear from the beginning that she had a husband and four children and Kim was very clear she had no home, no children and no husband.  Kyle was attempting to introduce Kim to other women so she would have something to occupy her time because could not always be there for her.


Just like in Amsterdam Kim gets an attitude because Kyle held up the others, Kim gets an attitude because she created a pile up and blames Kyle.  Kim's idea of support may be she expects Kyle to be her whipping boy or doormat.  There was ZERO need for Kim to lash out at Kyle in Amsterdam. And now Kim's behavior has set the stage for Amsterdam.

  • Love 13

I'm glad you brought this up, because I simply do not understand what does Kim need Kyle to be there for?  No one has ever spelled this out - what does Kim need Kyle to be doing for her?  Answering the phone at 2am to listen to Kim's dramatics?  Shushing everyone from speaking about Kim's addictions and nasty behavior?  Raising Kim's children?  Paying her bills?  Carrying her shitty pillows?  Hiring lawyers for Kim's dog-bite lawsuit?  Keeping Kim away from alcohol and pills?  Reminding Kim she needs to get her drivers license renewed and keeping track of where Kim keeps her passport?


What does this "Kyle is/isn't there for me" actually mean?  

We don't know the answer to this question, but we do know Kyle cannot be there the same way she used to be for Kim. Those days are gone. Kyle's life has changed and she feels she cannot fulfill Kim's demands brought on by her own poor decisions. Especially as it relates to covering up Kim's actions on Poker Night caused by injuries from untreated bronchial asthma and the aftermath of over medicating. Then the LisaR inquisition on the plane...causing a Kim melt-down.  Certainly not during the Kim/LisaR blow-out where Kyle is caught on camera fleeing the situation.  Things appear to have changed between the sisters as they mature, Kim's life has become more complicated and stressful and Kyle's has become full of positive family, work and social commitments. The sisters may be simple growing apart with millions of witnesses looking on.

Edited by RealityTVSmack1
  • Love 5

It was confusing to me at the beginning of the season (White Party) because Brandi was acting like she was being left out. To Umbelina's point earlier, she was really getting along with everyone save for Lisa V. I had no idea why she was acting like a petulant child. She said something about it not being "cool" to be left out, and said it reminded her of the first time they all met her at that charity event. It was strange because it was nothing like that, but she clearly felt like she was being excluded in a manner. I think this is in large part because everyone else had reached out to Lisa V and started the healing process, but Brandi had not. Lisa V is a huge part of this group. How she feels about you and how she behaves around you will in large part decide your destiny among the fans. If she likes you, you are in fairly good shape. If she doesn't, good luck to you. I cannot think of an entire situation that would disprove this.

Kyle and Lisa V got back on track very quickly, which I will imagine was irritating to Brandi. There were pictures of them on social media out together with Ken and Mauricio before they ever started filming, so they were moving along nicely. But I think the bigger issue was Yo. Yo had said on WWHL that she didn't see Brandi when they were not filming, and Brandi responded to that negatively on Twitter. Now this is the thing: Yo has always belonged to Brandi. Always. Yo has never even gotten close to anyone else on the show (I always contended there was no warmth between Lisa V and Yo). Yo always followed Brandi's lead in how she felt about the other ho'wives. If Brandi had an issue with them, Yo had an issue with them. Marisa, Faye, Taylor, Kyle, Kim, Lisa, Joyce. This is just how it went. Now the season starts and it is clear that Yo and Kyle have bonded during the hiatus. Their joint trip, which was very personal in nature with Yo spending time alone with Kyle and her family, didn't get planned overnight. It happened near the beginning of the season, and if they were close enough at that time to have planned a trip together, they must have been getting close before the season began. I think as the season moved on this might have started to bother Brandi. Then you had Lisa making it cear she would be pleasant, but their great friendsip was over. I would imagine it irritated Brandi for Kyle o be back in but she wasn't. She has been replaced by Kyle, but also by this new girl, Lisar. Lisar is now having all the fun with Lisa that she use to have. I just think all of that combined to make Brandi go kind of batshit crazy.

Edited by motorcitymom65
  • Love 11

We don't know what Kim expects from Kyle other than Kyle making more time for her because she is family.  Kim has brought on the tornados in her life.  The vicious dog, the idea she is going to make Monty stay put and be there for her are all of Kim's own making.  Monty has another ex-wife, and three adult daughters that can accommodate him. What happened to Monty during Kim's 5, 6 or was it 9 day stay in the hospital?  And who is tending Monty while Kim goes to Calgary and Amsterdam? The wedding was over after episode two, time to move on from the wedding planning angst.


Since we don't know what Kim wants, is it more one on one time with Kyle or is it Kyle dropping what she is doing to go sit in Kim's bedroom?  We saw Kyle leave her family to go and see Kim in the hospital, and we heard Kyle talk about waiting around for Kim's tests.  So it is not as if Kyle just isn't there for her-maybe Kyle prioritizes her time with Kim.


You  may not have watched Season 1 Episode 1, Kyle was very clear from the beginning that she had a husband and four children and Kim was very clear she had no home, no children and no husband.  Kyle was attempting to introduce Kim to other women so she would have something to occupy her time because could not always be there for her.


Just like in Amsterdam Kim gets an attitude because Kyle held up the others, Kim gets an attitude because she created a pile up and blames Kyle.  Kim's idea of support may be she expects Kyle to be her whipping boy or doormat.  There was ZERO need for Kim to lash out at Kyle in Amsterdam. And now Kim's behavior has set the stage for Amsterdam.


I wonder how much Kim was catered to, in her younger years, both as a child actor and as the wife of some pretty wealthy men.  She seems to want/need lackeys and yes-men.  I also wonder where Kyle fit into the family dynamics between Kathy and Kim.  Her cowering in her seat on the plane spoke volumes to me.  That's someone who was witness to a lot of fighting and yelling as a kid because she either cowers and breaks down or goes into full temper tantrum mode with those fingers flying and running around chasing people.  She (and Kim) seem to have never learned how to argue and discuss their issues like adults.  Both are very stunted emotionally. 

  • Love 6

I think it goes both ways though and not necessarily about Kims addiction. Kyle seems to have the same sort of demands of Kim. That just seems to be the way they are with each other. Difference is Kim's life has extra issues and tornandoes surrounding it while Kyle's is filled with the Camilles of the world thinking she's a mean girl or bully etc. etc. superficial shit. Same amount of unlimited expectations come from both of them so I sorta understand Kim when she's reacting the way she reacts to Kyle. Problem is theres a big imbalance and just because Kim's life is that much more of a hardship on Kyle there seems to be this misconception that Kim shouldn't feel slighted for whatever the hell makes her feel slighted. It all falls into the whole we're sisters routine and even though it seems that what Kyle expects from Kim is so much more minor and achievable for Kim to comply with than vice versa doesn't mean that Kim isn't gonna still feel the sting of Kyle's inability to be there for her under much more complicated circumstances. If Kim's battle is an ongoing on then its safe to say that her support needs to be ongoing as well. At this point in Kims life and battle people are probably either tempted to or actually getting off the ride. That can't feel good.


I get that a lot we see is Kim comparing apple and oranges when it comes to compare sister slights and supportiveness or lack thereof but it's still relevant at least to Kim it is. Here she has this huge challenge in her life, her sister expects such unwavering loyalty to be shown publicly for such overinflated stupidness that takes energy away from her and yet Kyle is spent, embarrassed, unable, limited in her support of Kim and her very real issues. I'm just looking at it like I think Kim sees it. Not that that how it actually is but I can understand where Kim's aggression towards Kyle comes from. How can she ever air her grievances anyway? How does the addict screw up bring up her feelings of hurt and betrayal to the person who's "done so much"? I think it's sad because it's like Kim's gotta always swallow anything she finds hurtful because no one will find it relevant enough for consideration. How could she possibly have anything but nice things to say about Kyle after all she's put her through.


It's got to be maddening wanting to express such resentment and anger and let it out to the person who has been there so much in the past but all that doesn't change the struggles in the present. Whatever's lacking in the present. Whatever's trapped in Kim's mind in the present. I think a big problem is that Kyle still holds on and I do feel there is some authenticity and genuine concern there but Kyle's holding on to this mantra that she'll always be there for her, she'll always love her, she her sister so of course etc. etc. but she's not being entirely honest. The declaration is being made the it's not being backed up anymore which is fine but that keeps Kim from accepting it. You can't keep implying that you'll always be there when you know good and well you can't. And Kim being in the desperate state she's in with her ongoing battle with recovery, relapse, recovery, relapse she needs to be able to call on someone when she has to. Kyle presents herself as that person at least up until recently but that just isn't the case. The last thing a person in Kim's position should have is a person claiming they can be the support they need when they can't. We've heard Kyle tell Eileen that she can't be their 24/7 cause of the kids and Mauricio etc. etc. but I get a STRONG impression that Kyle could never be that straightforward with Kim and therefore that leaves Kim in this limbo because even though she already knows the deal she just doesn't want to believe that her sister have given up on her. It's sad all around.

I do believe they have talked about this because Kim has said she knows Kyle can not be there 24/7, she has said this on camera for all of us to hear. Put yourself in Kyle's shoes.....She has been cleaning up and picking up the pieces of Kim's life for 30+ years but she is not allowed to say 1 word (detail wise) about it publicly but Kim can put her on blast when ever she wants. Kim can confide with someone she knows hates her sister then stands back while that person reveals lies/half truths about the very same sister she claims to need without ever correcting that person, Brandi, and yet Kyle is not allowed to defend herself because that would involve betraying Kim big time.


Kyle is caught in a horrible trap, to defend herself she must betray Kim. It is a trap set by Brandi, without doubt, but Kim is a willing participant alongside Brandi IMO. Kim placed herself in this position by confiding in Brandi and by not getting clean/sober or being honest about her continued relapse and IMO, she is enjoying seeing Kyle's pain. That smirk she has on her face every time she or Brandi go for Kyle's throat says it all.

  • Love 14

LisaV seems to do what Brandi does which is to use sexual innuendo and outright crude talk to get the cameras attention and shock the audience. Personally it's not the least bit entertaining to me. Leave the poor animals out of it.

When they were getting massages at Kyle's spa day, Brandi made a crude comment and Lisa said something like "You're trying to shock me. It doesn't work anymore. " Right back at ya, Pinky!

Edited for clarity

Edited by EVS
  • Love 2

I'm glad you brought this up, because I simply do not understand what does Kim need Kyle to be there for? No one has ever spelled this out - what does Kim need Kyle to be doing for her? Answering the phone at 2am to listen to Kim's dramatics? Shushing everyone from speaking about Kim's addictions and nasty behavior? Raising Kim's children? Paying her bills? Carrying her shitty pillows? Hiring lawyers for Kim's dog-bite lawsuit? Keeping Kim away from alcohol and pills? Reminding Kim she needs to get her drivers license renewed and keeping track of where Kim keeps her passport?

What does this "Kyle is/isn't there for me" actually mean?

Keeping Kim's stocked kitchen stocked with mayo for Kim's famous chicken salad. ;)

I wonder if Kyle would secretly love to have Kim off the show.

Kim off the show would mean no awkward family/sister fights.

As has been mentioned Kyle and Mauricio's income has greatly improved. Maybe she would love to just film fab parties and vacations with the other women. Idk, I'm just wondering. I'm sure that would be more fun for her.

  • Love 7

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