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S05.E15: Welcome To Amsterdam?

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I think it's a stretch to think that Lisa was referencing "The Accused" with the pool table comment.


I can see why you might feel that way, but here's the thing:  I work in a profession that is predominantly male, so I am around men and their chatter all the time. Over the years, I've also had jobs in bars and a factory or two, done a lot traveling, and met all kinds of folks.  Still,  I have never ever heard anyone, male or female,  make the kind of crude and downright bizarre comments the adored Ms. VP makes on a regular basis.  So... yeah.  Do I think she would refer to that?  I do.   And I think the many ridiculous things she has said to date justify my view.  See, I've come to believe that the list of gross things Lisa V will not say is actually quite small...

Edited by BluishGreen
  • Love 5

Absolutely!  That is my reaction every time that broad opens her mouth as well.  Oh my God, indeed!

Now, if you will excuse me, I have to go check the internet and see what color this great lady is dying her pudenda this week.

Hey! At least she color coordinates! LOL



Actually, I'm pretty sure Lisa Rinna has made damn sure Kim's story is front and center, along with Eileen, Kyle with her whining about how hard it is for her, and Brandi since that's all any of the other women talk to her about.


If we counted how many times Kim's name came out of their mouths (actually even better, if we also computed screen time) I'm pretty sure Lipsa would win that one.


For example.

Lipsa screen time :  156 minutes total.  Minutes on screen when she didn't say Kim's name?  14.


Good Grief, Kim made her sobriety, or the lack of it, THE storyline with a massive amount of help from her BF Brandi! No one forced that pill(s) down her throat poker night or whatever she took when she got out of the hospital, that is on Kim and Kim alone. Her addictions have high jacked the show, not Kyle, not Lisa R, Lisa V, Eileen or Yolanda, just Kim with help/support from Brandi. Place the blame for the "sobriety" storyline where it belongs....Kim/Brandi!



I googled that torte too!  There are several different kinds, but they all look good.  Imagine doing the pot thing there, and then being able to have any of those tortes?  Hee.


I hope they can make this trip about Yo, about Holland, about anything other than Kim.  I'm so bored with that story, and that's all Bravo has given us all season really. 


Yes, a few little stories, but that's been the never ending Kyle redemption arc.


Lipsa manages to visit her ailing parents for the first time in many years, and she and her bratty daughters bitch about Medford.

Lisa V's son goes to Ancestry.com, which was actually not bad.  Gets a new dog.

Eileen makes a bad movie and stands on a worse red carpet.  Woo.

Brandi gets a small bit about her radio show.  yawn.

Kim's daughter's wedding, and taking Monty in was actually kind of touching.

Kyle weeps crocodile tears and guilt trips her daughter during college visit.  Boat trip, which was nice.

Yolanda does another apartment for another daughter, and now Holland trip.  She wins.

The first half of the season, so far, has not about Kim/Kyle/Brandi/sobriety/2 am call, it was about each HW and their private lives with some nice/pleasant interactions between them with 1 on 1 trips/visits/sit downs. It all went to hell in a hand basket when Kim decided to pop a pill(s) and act like some deranged mad child-woman.

  • Love 11

Remember a couple of seasons ago when Kimmie decided out of the blue to get a nose job? She was pretty fresh out of rehab back then. Her Dr. (it might even have been Adrienne's husband, I can't remember) was concerned about giving her pain pills. My point is, she has been back at it for a long time. The focus wasn't really on her back then, everybody was so happy she went to rehab and was out and doing well. Ha! I don't think she was ever doing that well. She's a slick one, I'll give her that. 


 FWIW I totally believe that Harry was an alcoholic. Otherwise Lisar would not have said that when he stopped drinking, their lives changed. Your life does not change if you were just a social drinker. I get the impression that marriage to Harry was not always easy, he was an out of work actor for a long time,so maybe next week Krazy Kim really hits a nerve with Lisa and maybe what she says to Lisa is mixed with a little bit of truth, which is what sends Lisa  off the deep end. It's going to be delicious to watch because honestly I've grown tired of Lisa's meddling and poking at Kim (and I hate Kim). It's well known that Harry did not want Lisa to do this show. I don't think he's going to be happy now that he is seeing what Bravo is airing. 

Edited by bichonblitz
  • Love 6

Oh dear, we aren't going to start doing the dictionary thing again, are we?  Spread eagle clearly seems to have meant the same thing to everyone who has remarked about it so far, and, from the comments, it doesn't appear that anyone thought she was talking about her arms!    As to the dirty talk/dirty mind stuff-- since we are getting all French tonight-- isn't that Ms. VP's raison d'etre? Look it, if you are constantly making crude remarks, why should you get the benefit of the doubt?  I assume Lisa's intent is to be raunchy and inappropriate,  because that is what she is. Again, there was a reason she and that walking herpes sore, Brandi, were such good friends, and it wasn't their shared interest in literature or the arts. 

Well there are levels to everything.


I think everyone can agree LisaV's talking heads are raunchy. I think the disconnect is most don't think she would be SO inappropriate that a joke about being spread eagle on pool table MUST be a disgusting joke about a rape movie.


That's a leap that most won't make...but then that could just be my view, as I've never heard about or seen The Accused. 

  • Love 6

Did you see the one with the layers of meringue?  Yum. 


I agree Yolanda wins this season.  And will add that I'll be really disappointed if we don't see these Hos tiptoeing through some tulips.  You can't have a trip to Holland without tulips.


I fixated on the first one I saw because I LOVE meringue, coffee creams, and hazelnuts.  And I really am not even a big dessert person anymore but that combination got me going.  I may even try it myself -- I'm a lousy baker except for the most basic things.  


Bluish -- I think LisaV's constant sexy joke thing is getting old and tiresome and that it definitely dates her.  I don't think she had "The Accused" in mind, mainly because I don't think Lisa knows a whole lot about movies.  Absolutely no proof of any kind, mind you -- just a sense.  We've gotten a bit of a break from her lately and I'm kind of enjoying her absence.  (Oops, forget about her awful birthday party ... )  


This kind of inane genitalia-venereal disease humor always smacks of either the very young or those in their dotage.  Lisa reads a lot older than she actually is in a lot of her attitudes and she's gotten really stuffy this season.  I wonder if she thinks this kind of frat stuff lightens her up.  She would've been fine saying she used to get really stoned when she did and that would've made the point.  I didn't take the heels up in the air thing or whatever it was to be sexual -- just that she gets zonked on a little.


She did give Kyle some excellent advice on how to deal with Brandi a couple of weeks ago -- good auntie style -- and Kyle chose to say it was all too easy for Lisa to give.  Too bad for Kyle -- it was good advice. 

Edited by copacabana
  • Love 6

Oh dear, we aren't going to start doing the dictionary thing again, are we? Spread eagle clearly seems to have meant the same thing to everyone who has remarked about it so far, and, from the comments, it doesn't appear that anyone thought she was talking about her arms! As to the dirty talk/dirty mind stuff-- since we are getting all French tonight-- isn't that Ms. VP's raison d'etre? Look it, if you are constantly making crude remarks, why should you get the benefit of the doubt? I assume Lisa's intent is to be raunchy and inappropriate, because that is what she is. Again, there was a reason she and that walking herpes sore, Brandi, were such good friends, and it wasn't their shared interest in literature or the arts.

Well said. Duly rebuked.

Well there are levels to everything.


I think everyone can agree LisaV's talking heads are raunchy. I think the disconnect is most don't think she would be SO inappropriate that a joke about being spread eagle on pool table MUST be a disgusting joke about a rape movie.


That's a leap that most won't make...but then that could just be my view, as I've never heard about or seen The Accused. 


I get your point and I also totally get that most don't agree. I'm cool with that. In fact, I would go so far as to say I am very comfortable being in the minority where Lisa V. is concerned.


Again, I just don't think I'm as off base on this as you do.   I recall her then- best buddy Brandi making a rather public rape joke.  Maybe Lisa V objected, maybe not; I suspect Lisa V. would do some canvassing and focus groups before she made any statement about it.   But the one thing Brandi and Lisa V did agree upon at their make up lunch is that they have the same sense of humor. So, to most, it is a stretch, but to me it is just a logical extension of what Lisa has already shown me over these many seasons. Yes,  I think her "humor" is that warped. JMO, Watermelon!

  • Love 2

I know you have stated before that you wish Kyle would just come clean and shout this out, but what makes you so sure that she feels this way? I know you have said you would respect her if she would do this, but what makes you think that she wants Kim out of her life?  Kim made the choice to walk out of Kyle's life after the limo reveal. They were estranged for a long time. By all accounts Kim was in far worse shape at that time, which we know because we saw Kim in S2. Yet Kyle didn't want to be separated from her. She wanted her back in her life. I am not saying that it wouldn't be better for Kyle to have some distance, by I don't get judging her for not being honest when we have no idea that she is not being honest. 


I also don't get how the fact that Kim is her storyline is her fault. At the beginning of the year folks didn't like what I think was supposed to be her actual storyline, which was the incredible change in fortune of the Umansky family. Or the fact that her daughter was going away to college. We had the fact that she was getting along with Lisa V which could be an interesting and fun story. If you followed them on Twitter at the time, they were each posting away pictures of themselves out on the town having dinner together and apparently having a ball with each other.  There is probably all kinds of stuff with Kyle and Lisar, who are actual friends off camera and have been for a long time.  It cannot be said enough that Kyle didn't start any of this shit with Kim. She came into the season thinking they were in a good place. How is it her fault that Kim is a huge asshole and Brandi wants to exploit that? 

I don't think Kyle or Kathy would be willing to state they needed a break from Kim or wanted her out of their life.  There are just some sibling relationships that are always rocky.  I agree I don't think Kyle saying that to Kim is how she feels.  I seriously doubt anyone sho wants to hear those words from Kyle, if they already loathe Kyle, will change their opinion or decide Kyle is okay. 


I keep thinking we will hear something more substantial from Brandi why she detests Kyle so.  I can't believe the incident with Kim on Poker Night is the basis for so much Kyle hate from Brandi.  I have a theory that Brandi does not receive enough family support from her family and therefore strikes at Kyle because she expects so much more from those two sisters and quite frankly realized that Kim needs a lot of support on her own terms.  I noticed as soon as Brandi realized Kyle was the source of reports to Yolanda about her bad behavior the hate intensified.  I am wondering if Yolanda is going to have to pick a side between Brandi and Kyle.


On an unrelated note-I read that during Brandi's most recent Podcast she ran out of things to talk about and callers so she cold dialed her dad and he was too busy to talk to her.  Brandi made some remark about the lack of support.  I no longer listen to Brandi's Podcasts as I don't wish to support her commercial endeavors.

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And then the Hamlin girls who, I believe, are being shown in a less than flattering light most all the time -- I doubt they're that bad 24/7.  They're both really young, their hot mama is on a show -- They're going through that awkward stage and are definitely not the Hadid girls.  I give them a break.  Might make me cranky too. And they're growing up in the environment they got plunked down into.  My heart doesn't bleed for them but I do give them a wee bit of leeway. 


As far as her solo shots with her kids, here’s what I’m thinking.  Although she’s mostly real, she seems to be trying to be “the cool mom” with her kids, which a lot of parents try to do.  It’s just being filmed so it looks really bad and obvious.  Her kids seem very adverse to the cameras.  I’m almost thinking that Lisa is trying to recreate the real atmosphere of her day-to-day home life and the relationship interplay she naturally has with her girls and they are having none of it.  lol    I can almost hear their eyes rolling in that “God mom, you’re so embarrassing!” way that only teenagers can do.  If her girls are friends with a lot of the other rich Hollywood kids, then maybe they are just trying to save face by not appearing too into their parents.  I hope they stop filming with them because it’s not going well. MOAR Harry Hamlin. 


Even though I find Lisa's daughters a little bratty and I took them to task for being rude about the "fatties," I've had a shift in perspective - they're playing to their friends, not us. That became totally clear when the one loved the jacket and then cooled on it when she learned it was from Target. When you get older, it's cool to find something cute yet inexpensive that you can mix in with your high end wardrobe, it's a rush when you do. But when you're a teen, especially in LA (or LA-adjacent) it's the opposite of cool. So she had to shut that shit down. LOL.


I'm sure they're a little nicer off camera, but they amp up the "Moooom! Get away!" factor when the cameras go up. I'm not really ragging on them for that, but I will say it speaks well of Kyle's daughters that they don't pull those stunts. Something tells me Kyle and Mauricio wouldn't laugh that shit off like, "Oh teens, whattayagonnado?" I think she would regulate when those cameras went down.



As far as the whole Kim vs. Lisa on the plane deal, Lisa was far more polite than I would have been.  She asked if Kim, who was staring daggers at her all day, was okay.  Kim was rude.  Lisa then asked if Kim was angry with her, because Kim was being rude.  Kim was rude.  Kim can glare and point her fingers all she wants to, but people do not have to cow tow to her or only speak to Her Majesty using pleasant tones.  You stare at me, I'm going to ask you what your problem is.


And I’d love to say that had it been me in Lisa’s shoes, I would not even bother.  Not on the plane and not at the upcoming dinner.  But you know what?  Fuck that.  They have to share space with Kim.  It’s a hazard of their job. There is only so much a person can take of another’s complete and utter asshole selfishness, before they crack.  I don’t blame any of the ladies for being so sick of Kim that they just explode in a fit of expletives and jazz hands.  Sometimes being the bigger person means telling someone to “STFU, child, and sit down.”, rather than engaging and trying to have a one-sided conversation that just ends with Kim feeling persecuted, because enough already.  Kim should be glad that these women *are* being so delicate with her.  Many people would not be.  I would not be.  lol


I'm sayin'.

Edited by SnarkKitty
  • Love 12

Oh dear, we aren't going to start doing the dictionary thing again, are we?  Spread eagle clearly seems to have meant the same thing to everyone who has remarked about it so far, and, from the comments, it doesn't appear that anyone thought she was talking about her arms!    As to the dirty talk/dirty mind stuff-- since we are getting all French tonight-- isn't that Ms. VP's raison d'etre? Look it, if you are constantly making crude remarks, why should you get the benefit of the doubt?  I assume Lisa's intent is to be raunchy and inappropriate,  because that is what she is. Again, there was a reason she and that walking herpes sore, Brandi, were such good friends, and it wasn't their shared interest in literature or the arts. 

I like Lisa V but I admit her raunchy jokes get to be a bit much at times. I see it more like she is showing she is "current"/not as old as her age. LOL

  • Love 5

I don't think Lisa R is coming from a good place primarily.  I think it's storyline driven.  Thanks to the poster for the transcript.  She's wily that one.  She knew the lay of the land before she came on the show.  She's known Kyle for years.  She's watched the show.  I remember from last year or the year before her talking on WWHL about watching and being annoyed at Brandi.  She's seen Kim in all her glory on the show I'd wager.  


I think Lisa R is the target next year if Brandi goes.  


I am sick of her laughing at everything she says in a talking head. It's not funny most of the time.  Maybe it's a nervous habit.


Generally she is a great addition to the show.  But she isn't an altruistic angel IMO.  I think she knows how to play the HW game.

  • Love 8

I don't think Lisa R is coming from a good place primarily.  I think it's storyline driven.  Thanks to the poster for the transcript.  She's wily that one.  She knew the lay of the land before she came on the show.  She's known Kyle for years.  She's watched the show.  I remember from last year or the year before her talking on WWHL about watching and being annoyed at Brandi.  She's seen Kim in all her glory on the show I'd wager.  


I think Lisa R is the target next year if Brandi goes.  


I am sick of her laughing at everything she says in a talking head. It's not funny most of the time.  Maybe it's a nervous habit.


Generally she is a great addition to the show.  But she isn't an altruistic angel IMO.  I think she knows how to play the HW game.  

 ITA with you about LisaR.  If your a nice person you don't have to announce it.

Your very welcome for the transcript excerpt ;) 

Edited by RealityTVSmack1
  • Love 3


Hope the Link works. Rough cut footage of the girls in Amsterdam, Lisa is scolding Brandi and then Yolanda toward the end. Sleuths w better audio might get the gist. Brandi mentions chasing someone who was crying.

ETA Brandi is wearing that Fred Flintstone pelt again. She read Clan of the Cave Bear one too many times.

It is not letting us watch it.

All I can say is Brandi must wear size 12 shoes-those boats are huge.

  • Love 1

I don't think Lisa R is coming from a good place primarily.  I think it's storyline driven.  Thanks to the poster for the transcript.  She's wily that one.  She knew the lay of the land before she came on the show.  She's known Kyle for years.  She's watched the show.  I remember from last year or the year before her talking on WWHL about watching and being annoyed at Brandi.  She's seen Kim in all her glory on the show I'd wager.  


I think Lisa R is the target next year if Brandi goes.  


I am sick of her laughing at everything she says in a talking head. It's not funny most of the time.  Maybe it's a nervous habit.


Generally she is a great addition to the show.  But she isn't an altruistic angel IMO.  I think she knows how to play the HW game.  

I don't think any of them are "angels" LOL, their horns poke through far too often. I do think Lisa knew all about Kim's addiction history, she knows Kim, they met before Lisa joined the show at various parties/gatherings at Kyle's house over the years. Who knows, maybe she has read sites like this one and knew many viewers were tired of the pink elephant on the show that the HWs pretend doesn't even exist. Kim and Lisa R were on WWHL together, do you remember when, was it before they started filming this season or before? They got along really well that night so I am thinking it was before but I am not sure.

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I really doubt that and I say that with respect because you are honest in your dislike of anything Kyle. For some reason you see little to no good in her no matter what others see. ;)


I see very little good in her, either.  But I'm moving this over to Kyle's thread. 

Has anyone seen this before?

Edited by ryebread
  • Love 4

I think they are all raunchy privately, with the possible exception of Eileen, who frankly, I don't feel I know at all, so it could go either way with her.


Lisa V and Brandi's sexual innuendos are no longer shocking or remotely funny though.  Much like the endless Richards sister routine, I'm bored silly with it. 

I'd agree with the raunchy part.  Lisa R admitted to watching porn already.  Camille acted in a soft-core porn that Faye had pre-loaded onto her phone before the dinner party from hell.  Kyle grabbed it out of her hand fast enough to get a gander on their way home.  She didn't seem shy about looking.  I mean, I have to think that Hollywood isn't exactly a PG town.  Kim and Kyle's niece is Paris Hilton who had a sex tape of her own.  I don't think they live such a sheltered life.  I mean, wasn't Mauricio caught with transgender hookers? Lol.  We've heard Lisa V's pink pussy jokes galore.  And she hangs with those slut-pigs over on VP Rules.  And Brandi is, well, Brandi.


But Eileen does seem to be a little different.  She doesn't jump into the mud so fast.  It will interesting to see her at the reunion.  She had the chance to trash Brandi on WWHL and she didn't really.  She chose her words very carefully.

  • Love 5


It would interfere with her martyr routine, and it's working!  Kyle, one of the most disliked housewives ever, this year?  Won her very first Bravo poll!  People are on her side!  No way in hell will Kyle not ride that pony until it drops into a grave.  The problem is?  The headstone on that grave will probably say "Kim Richards."


If Kim dies because of her issues, how exactly is that Kyle's fault? I will never understand this line of reasoning. It's as though Kyle has taken a gun to Kim's head and forced her on this show, forced her in front of the cameras and then forced pills into her mouth.


Kim is an adult and made the decision to join this show, she made the decision to have her life in front of camera's and she chose to take pills. She has chosen to seemingly not participate in any kind of support for her sobriety.


Kyle wasn't in that limo with Kim forcing her to act messed up. Kim did that all on her own.


Brandi is the one who talked about 2am calls on camera. She is the one who implied Kim may have tried to harm herself on camera.


And yet somehow all of this is Kyle's fault? Or Lisa R's? Or Eileen's?


I hate to admit it, but I am looking forward to Lisa R flipping out at Kim.

  • Love 22

I'd agree with the raunchy part.  Lisa R admitted to watching porn already.  Camille acted in a soft-core porn that Faye had pre-loaded onto her phone before the dinner party from hell.  Kyle grabbed it out of her hand fast enough to get a gander on their way home.  She didn't seem shy about looking.  I mean, I have to think that Hollywood isn't exactly a PG town.  Kim and Kyle's niece is Paris Hilton who had a sex tape of her own.  I don't think they live such a sheltered life.  I mean, wasn't Mauricio caught with transgender hookers? Lol.  We've heard Lisa V's pink pussy jokes galore.  And she hangs with those slut-pigs over on VP Rules.  And Brandi is, well, Brandi.


But Eileen does seem to be a little different.  She doesn't jump into the mud so fast.  It will interesting to see her at the reunion.  She had the chance to trash Brandi on WWHL and she didn't really.  She chose her words very carefully.


But if Eileen spends as much time as it's rumored on gambling and being around the poker circuit, I think her skin is pretty thick when it comes to the raunch.  Not that I'm saying she's a participant, but she's probably no stranger to seediness. 


It's possible she hasn't pounced on Brandi yet because she's smarter than the rest.  Or maybe that's the way Bravo wants to portray her for now.  I might think her house is a mess but I think her emotions are in check and I respect that.

  • Love 7

Even though I find Lisa's daughters a little bratty and I took them to task for being rude about the "fatties," I've had a shift in perspective - they're playing to their friends, not us. That became totally clear when the one loved the jacket and then cooled on it when she learned it was from Target. When you get older, it's cool to find something cute yet inexpensive that you can mix in with you high end, it's a rush when you do. But when you're a teen, especially in LA (or LA-adjacent) it's the opposite of cool. So she had to shut that shit down. LOL.


I'm sure they're a little nicer off camera, but they amp up the "Moooom! Get away!" factor when the cameras go up. I'm not really ragging on them for that, but I will say it speaks well of Kyle's daughters that they don't pull those stunts. Something tells me Kyle and Mauricio wouldn't laugh that shit off like, "Oh teens, whattayagonnado?" I think she would regulate when those cameras went down.



I'm sayin'.


::points index and middle fingers towards my eyes then points index and middle fingers towards your eyes::


I got the same impression from that Target jacket scene.  The girls tend to pause and hesitate before they react, I've noticed.  They seem quite aware of the cameras and I'm sure much of that is due to wanting to maintain whatever "cool points" they have earned already from their friends.  lol  I see Lisa in the same manner, in that she's trying to win "cool points" with the girls. 


I tend to give children and teens more leeway in that direction.  I'm so glad my teen years happened before social media became a thing on the internet.  Oh, those IRC days were heaven.  lol    Both Kyle's and Kim's children have been quite delightful, if uneventful, on camera.  The brief foray into Portia's "Diva" attitude was a bust and I'm glad they dropped it.  I'd rather not have their kids be the focus of any storyline, really.  It's nice for family scenes, but I'm more interested in their friendships with each other.  Generally I feel similarly about their husbands, but to be honest, I'd love to get some screen time with Mauricio, Vince, Harry and Ken doing their bro bonding thing.  This franchise has the fewest annoying husbands, imo. 

  • Love 17

I see Lisa in the same manner, in that she's trying to win "cool points" with the girls. 


I get this vibe from Lisa, too.  Evidenced by the way she knocked the bottom out of 2 jello shots on WWHL the other night. What her considerable lips couldn't suck out of the glass, she used a well manicured finger to scoop out the rest. Like a boss.  Then insisted on a red solo cup, just like the cool kids, to drink her beer from. She reminded me of Keg Stand Vicki.  So desperate to prove she can still party with the best.  This kind of goes back to what you want your kids to see but trying to stay cool in that regard is a slippery slope.


I tend to give children and teens more leeway in that direction.  I'm so glad my teen years happened before social media became a thing on the internet.  Oh, those IRC days were heaven.  lol    Both Kyle's and Kim's children have been quite delightful, if uneventful, on camera.  The brief foray into Portia's "Diva" attitude was a bust and I'm glad they dropped it.  I'd rather not have their kids be the focus of any storyline, really.  It's nice for family scenes, but I'm more interested in their friendships with each other.  Generally I feel similarly about their husbands, but to be honest, I'd love to get some screen time with Mauricio, Vince, Harry and Ken doing their bro bonding thing.  This franchise has the fewest annoying husbands, imo.

I agree.  I really don't want to see the kids at all.  Although, I'll shamefully admit that I'm curious about Gigi and Bella's lives.  I think big things are in store for them if they can keep their wits about them.  But I think they will.  It's not like they've just been handed a pile of cash for the first time and they're going to go crazy.  They've been surrounded by famous people most of their lives so maybe Miley Cyrus is merely someone who will hold their purses when they're in the bathroom.  Keep your eyes on your wallets, though, girls. ;-)

  • Love 4

All I can say is Brandi must wear size 12 shoes-those boats are huge.


Well, they are wooden shoes. They add length and width.  I have a pair of my own from Holland, (Michigan) and my size 10's look like friggin' canoes.  I can't imagine wearing wooden shoes shopping.  The shoemakers in the real Holland must have some magic.


Motorcitymom...have you ever been to Holland, MI for the tulip festival?

  • Love 2

From what I saw of Kyle's cowering in the airplane as Kim went off on Lisa R, it just seemed like she'd been in that position before many times.  If she'd moved away, then Kim would've lit into her, either then or later, "You walked away and didn't support me!  You're a bad sister!!"  If she tries to quiet Kim, then she catches hell, too. She most assuredly wasn't going to side with Kim, so she basically was trying to make herself invisible.  


As for Lisa R doing the whole intervention deal as part of the script, it could be the case, but Kim opened that door wide open when she became so crazy in that limo ride with Lisa R.  Kim made the decision to take meds not prescribed to her prior to a big filming event; Kim decided to appear on this show period, so she opened herself up to any sort of criticism from her addictions or hair styles or bitchiness or whatever.  


Every single person on any reality show does it for some personal reason:  fame, trying to bolster a failing/faltering career, boost their businesses, money, etc.  I don't think anyone just says oh I plan on being the next Mother Teresa, so, yes I will go on this reality tv show.  They all have ulterior motives.


If Kim had been thinking more clearly, all she had to do to nip the talk in the bud was to apologize immediately to Lisa R, Eileen, and her sister after the poker night fiasco.  Just say she wasn't feeling well, bad combination of things going on, but she had it back under control with her life coach or whatever support she has (other than her new BFF).  If she had an outburst or been bitchy, she could've said oh it's due to the stress from dealing with Monty.  Speaking of which, if he's that sick, why would you travel to Europe for 5 days?  Does he even stay with Kim or was that just a temporary deal?  


Kim instead decided to stay with her BFF, act like a bitch, and pull her passive aggressive spoiled child routine again and again.  Kim can leave and take her BFF with her.

  • Love 17

I don't think Lisa R is coming from a good place primarily.  I think it's storyline driven.  Thanks to the poster for the transcript.  She's wily that one.  She knew the lay of the land before she came on the show.  She's known Kyle for years.  She's watched the show.  I remember from last year or the year before her talking on WWHL about watching and being annoyed at Brandi.  She's seen Kim in all her glory on the show I'd wager.  


I think Lisa R is the target next year if Brandi goes.  


I am sick of her laughing at everything she says in a talking head. It's not funny most of the time.  Maybe it's a nervous habit.


Generally she is a great addition to the show.  But she isn't an altruistic angel IMO.  I think she knows how to play the HW game.  


I agree and have been predicting LisaR will provide the drama next season.  She's quite outspoken for someone new to the show and absolutely knows how to play the HW game.  RHOBH is a very nice (and dare I say welcome) paycheck for her at this stage of her life/career.

Edited by AnnA
  • Love 6

In real life it was a pool table.  In the movie, Jodie was raped on a pinball machine.  Apparently because the lights and sound from a pinball machine made a more disturbing picture.  It was disturbing alright.


Regardless, I think it is a HUGE stretch to think that Lisa was referencing a violent gang rape with her comments. "The Accused" never entered my mind when she said it.  I'm not sure why anyone's first thought would be that Lisa was laughing about something like that. I thought she simply meant that pot makes her pass out.

  • Love 15

Regardless, I think it is a HUGE stretch to think that Lisa was referencing a violent gang rape with her comments. "The Accused" never entered my mind when she said it.  I'm not sure why anyone's first thought would be that Lisa was laughing about something like that. I thought she simply meant that pot makes her pass out.

*I* never said Lisa was referencing it.


I was just stating a fact that someone asked about. 


But while we're on the subject, when Lisa said spread eagled on a pool table, I did think of Cheryl Arujo. Not the movie but the real rape.  That was big news back in the 80s and the description of her being spread eagle on a pool table was national news.  For a long time.  So yeah, I did think of her.  Do I think Lisa was laughing about THAT when she said it?  No

  • Love 7

Well, they are wooden shoes. They add length and width.  I have a pair of my own from Holland, (Michigan) and my size 10's look like friggin' canoes.  I can't imagine wearing wooden shoes shopping.  The shoemakers in the real Holland must have some magic.


Motorcitymom...have you ever been to Holland, MI for the tulip festival?

I have and it is amazing! What a treasure. I think the thing I am most looking forward to on the episode next week is the tulips. They are my favorite and the fact that I can currently buy 3 bunches of Tulips at Kroger for $10 is the only thing keeping me from killing myself over this horrendous winter.

  • Love 5

*I* never said Lisa was referencing it.


I was just stating a fact that someone asked about. 


But while we're on the subject, when Lisa said spread eagled on a pool table, I did think of Cheryl Arujo. Not the movie but the real rape.  That was big news back in the 80s and the description of her being spread eagle on a pool table was national news.  For a long time.  So yeah, I did think of her.  Do I think Lisa was laughing about THAT when she said it?  No


Sorry. I didn't think you were referencing it.  I was just adding that I didn't think Lisa was referencing that case, just because the real case took place on a pool table.


Lisa lived in England during the 80's. Would that incident even be in the forefront of her mind?  Again, not in response to you, but I think it is a huge stretch to believe Lisa was talking about the Arujo case. I think it's highly unfair to simply assume that Lisa is laughing and joking about a violent gang rape.  

  • Love 9

I get this vibe from Lisa, too.  Evidenced by the way she knocked the bottom out of 2 jello shots on WWHL the other night. What her considerable lips couldn't suck out of the glass, she used a well manicured finger to scoop out the rest. Like a boss.  Then insisted on a red solo cup, just like the cool kids, to drink her beer from. She reminded me of Keg Stand Vicki.  So desperate to prove she can still party with the best.  This kind of goes back to what you want your kids to see but trying to stay cool in that regard is a slippery slope.


This has me thinking about current/former models and actresses, who, in their day were considered the sex symbols/kittens, ingénues, cool chicks, and party girls.  Having kids, especially girls, who eventually eclipse them in youth and beauty must be a total mindfuck for some.  I don't have children, myself, but I was a teen when my niece and nephew were born and now they are teens, themselves, and when I stop to think about it (like now, ha!), I feel soooo old and that makes me feel sorry for myself. lol I can sympathize with those women a bit as they transition into the mother/women of a certain age role, but still need/want to maintain a youthful appearance/personality.  In a place as superficial as LA, it must be a real struggle for a lot of women.  I can see it in all of the HWs really, from Lisa R getting her girls' wardrobe approval, to Yo's fixation on her girls' modeling careers, to Kyle with her hair whips, splits, and "jelly" accusations.  


There's a real dissonance between the HW's actual ages and their social behaviors.  I don't think that is just "for the show" but is just a sampling of how common it really is, in general. 

  • Love 6

Regardless, I think it is a HUGE stretch to think that Lisa was referencing a violent gang rape with her comments. "The Accused" never entered my mind when she said it.  I'm not sure why anyone's first thought would be that Lisa was laughing about something like that. I thought she simply meant that pot makes her pass out.


Well, I hope I'm not going to get in trouble for arguing-- that is not my intention-- but I actually did explain why I believed this to be so 3 or 4 times now, in response to other posters asking kind of the same question... and while I do respect your opinion and acknowledge that you disagree, I find ample reason in the things that Lisa has already said and done. I'm pretty certain that I never said that the connection between Lisa's comment and the movie was my first thought, or my fifth, or even my twentieth. That is an assumption you made.


I recall Lisa saying that, if she smoked pot, she would probably end up spread eagle on a pool table. That is a very specific image, IMO. I recalled a news story, that was later made into a movie, about a young woman who got loaded and ended up spread eagle (against her will) on a pool table. Again, a very specific, memorable and horrible image. A smart poster pointed out that the true story of the event involved a pool table, but in the movie, it was a pinball machine.  So, on that, my memory was faulty.  But I know Lisa loves to say things that are outrageous and crude-- it has become her "thing" on the show-- and so, to me, it would be completely in character for her to say something both raunchy and provocative.  I generally think that, with Lisa,  you never go wrong if you assume she will sink to the lowest common denominator.  She will.


I hope that answers your question.  You are certainly free to disagree. I welcome you to disagree.  

Edited by BluishGreen
  • Love 1

I get your point and I also totally get that most don't agree. I'm cool with that. In fact, I would go so far as to say I am very comfortable being in the minority where Lisa V. is concerned.


Again, I just don't think I'm as off base on this as you do.   I recall her then- best buddy Brandi making a rather public rape joke.  Maybe Lisa V objected, maybe not; I suspect Lisa V. would do some canvassing and focus groups before she made any statement about it.   But the one thing Brandi and Lisa V did agree upon at their make up lunch is that they have the same sense of humor. So, to most, it is a stretch, but to me it is just a logical extension of what Lisa has already shown me over these many seasons. Yes,  I think her "humor" is that warped. JMO, Watermelon!

Hey, I'll agree to disagree. I missed most seasons so it's possible I'm more charitable to Lisa than I should be.

  • Love 2

Sorry. I didn't think you were referencing it.  I was just adding that I didn't think Lisa was referencing that case, just because the real case took place on a pool table.


Lisa lived in England during the 80's. Would that incident even be in the forefront of her mind?  Again, not in response to you, but I think it is a huge stretch to believe Lisa was talking about the Arujo case. I think it's highly unfair to simply assume that Lisa is laughing and joking about a violent gang rape.  


To be honest, I don't feel any compunction about being "fair" to Lisa. Similarly, I'm pretty sure she is not losing any sleep wondering about what I think of her.  But yes, I do think she is entirely capable of joking in just the way I described.  That is my view of her, based on what I have seen.  And heard. 

  • Love 1

I really loved Kyle's enthusiasm at the fundraiser, she was excited and happy and kept hugging and hugging Yolanda as the money was being raised. It seemed like Yolanda, Lisa and Kyle were hosting or something, they seemed to be going around getting people's donations.


I think the primary reason Kim was irritated with Kyle because she expected to her to join the pile on with Lisa R, which is why she asked her why she was hiding behind her jacket. She was more or less saying "aren't you going to say anything?". And as the trip went on and Kyle spent time with Lisa e.g. riding in the limo with her after the plane ride from hell, and leaving with her to the fundraiser, and appeared to actually be enjoying herself, it irked Kim even more,  ergo the "lack of support". Because of course, Kyle should fall right in line and do what Kim wants at all times, that is the support Kim is looking for which she is getting from Brandi and loving it.

  • Love 13

Mostly I think Lisa's double entendres and sex jokes are a little dated but I can always count on Brandi to go one step further to the totally tasteless when her mouth goes to dogs and peanut butter.  Said it two years ago not funny, didn't get any funnier this year.


Ok, so, that is kind of my point. I remember the scene where Brandi and Lisa are sitting outside sunbathing and Brandi takes one of Lisa V's little dogs and then sticks the dog's head in her crotch--maybe she said something about peanut butter?  In any event, IIRC,  Lisa thought that was very funny-- I think she said, "oh stop " but was laughing about it. That is their sense of what is funny. If one of my friends did that, I would be locking up my pets whenever that friend came by and suggesting some counseling. 


Don't want to start that fire storm again, really,  but Lisa V. has made too many stupid comments about sex to count -- how she would love to stick her fist up the swan's feathery bottom etc. So, she jokes a lot about things that some find  stupid and grotesque ... or maybe I am the only one who finds them stupid and grotesque.  I get that.   Again, I am perfectly fine with being in the minority on that issue.

So, the bottom line (you should pardon the expression, Mr. Swan...)  Do I think Lisa was advocating rape?  Of course not.  Do I think she was saying only that she would pass out if she smoked pot?  Well, no...due to the addition of the term "spread eagle on a pool table" which, I think, has a very specific connotation in the culture, because of the actual, highly publicized crime associated with that fact pattern.  Her intent, from my perspective,  was to make a joke that was outrageous--like her friend, Brandy.  And yes, indeed, I think she is so desperate  and so tone deaf about what is appropriate that she would think joking in that way is funny. JMO.

  • Love 2

Thanks to SwordQueen and others for giving me a different perspective on LisaR's daughters. I'll admit that I wasn't necessarily thinking of the girls playing to their friends and really thought of it in more general terms as I feel like I do with the other women in that they have to know that they're playing to many different types of viewers. That makes sense though that at their ages they'd be super concerned about what their friends think so I agree that they should be cut some slack. 


I don't mind seeing kids on the show in a minimal capacity because I think seeing the women as parents helps us get further insight into the women. 


She won't though, because she is stupid, and Kim is her main (only?) storyline on Bravo.  It would interfere with her martyr routine, and it's working!  Kyle, one of the most disliked housewives ever, this year?  Won her very first Bravo poll!  People are on her side!  No way in hell will Kyle not ride that pony until it drops into a grave.  The problem is?  The headstone on that grave will probably say "Kim Richards."



Kyle has won other Bravo polls before. This season we've seen Kyle on vacation with her family, sending her daughter to college, working at her store, having her parties, and being an overall useful member to the group. Kyle doesn't need Kim to get along fine on this show because she has plenty going on that's worth filming. It's Kim who needs Kyle. Kim needs Kyle's "support" 24/7 and she needs her presence if she wants to keep that Bravo paycheck. If Kyle were to leave the show I doubt there's a single person who would put up with Kim's nonsense for a second longer. She'd instantly be cut from the group/show. Kyle though I don't think needs Kim in order to keep her place if she wants it.


I've already explained why I don't think that Kyle is or is pretending to be a martyr.

  • Love 15

I really loved Kyle's enthusiasm at the fundraiser, she was excited and happy and kept hugging and hugging Yolanda as the money was being raised. It seemed like Yolanda, Lisa and Kyle were hosting or something, they seemed to be going around getting people's donations.


I think the primary reason Kim was irritated with Kyle because she expected to her to join the pile on with Lisa R, which is why she asked her why she was hiding behind her jacket. She was more or less saying "aren't you going to say anything?". And as the trip went on and Kyle spent time with Lisa e.g. riding in the limo with her after the plane ride from hell, and leaving with her to the fundraiser, and appeared to actually be enjoying herself, it irked Kim even more,  ergo the "lack of support". Because of course, Kyle should fall right in line and do what Kim wants at all times, that is the support Kim is looking for which she is getting from Brandi and loving it.

I agree...Kim is mad at LisaR and Kyle is good friends with her,  Kyle is mad at Brandi and Kim is good friends with her. Brandi screams at Kyle at the poker game and LisaR screams at Kim (in a future show).  Neither sister is about to defend the other from their friend's ire!

  • Love 2

Ok, so, that is kind of my point. I remember the scene where Brandi and Lisa are sitting outside sunbathing and Brandi takes one of Lisa V's little dogs and then sticks the dog's head in her crotch--maybe she said something about peanut butter?  In any event, IIRC,  Lisa thought that was very funny-- I think she said, "oh stop " but was laughing about it. That is their sense of what is funny. If one of my friends did that, I would be locking up my pets whenever that friend came by and suggesting some counseling. 


Don't want to start that fire storm again, really,  but Lisa V. has made too many stupid comments about sex to count -- how she would love to stick her fist up the swan's feathery bottom etc. So, she jokes a lot about things that some find  stupid and grotesque ... or maybe I am the only one who finds them stupid and grotesque.  I get that.   Again, I am perfectly fine with being in the minority on that issue.

So, the bottom line (you should pardon the expression, Mr. Swan...)  Do I think Lisa was advocating rape?  Of course not.  Do I think she was saying only that she would pass out if she smoked pot?  Well, no...due to the addition of the term "spread eagle on a pool table" which, I think, has a very specific connotation in the culture, because of the actual, highly publicized crime associated with that fact pattern.  Her intent, from my perspective,  was to make a joke that was outrageous--like her friend, Brandy.  And yes, indeed, I think she is so desperate  and so tone deaf about what is appropriate that she would think joking in that way is funny. JMO.

LisaV seems to do what Brandi does which is to use sexual innuendo and outright crude talk to get the cameras attention and shock the audience.  Personally it's not the least bit entertaining to me.  Leave the poor animals out of it.

  • Love 3

I agree...Kim is mad at LisaR and Kyle is good friends with her,  Kyle is mad at Brandi and Kim is good friends with her. Brandi screams at Kyle at the poker game and LisaR screams at Kim (in a future show).  Neither sister is about to defend the other from their friend's ire!


Except I believe Kyle is justified where Kim is not, Kyle is looking for her to defend her from Brandi's accusations, Kim is looking for Kyle to join her in attacking Lisa.

  • Love 16


I keep thinking we will hear something more substantial from Brandi why she detests Kyle so.  I can't believe the incident with Kim on Poker Night is the basis for so much Kyle hate from Brandi.


Brandi's vitriol against Kyle is so crass and seems unnecessary and confusing.  Why is she so upset with Kyle?  Kyle, to her credit, does disparage Brandi in her THs but she never wishes death or illness on her.  She seems more subdued about it.   Realizing that this would mean understanding the brain of one Brandi Glanville, I would like to get a sense of where this complete HATRED comes from!


And Lisa Rinna didn't owe Kim an apology and truly handled that situation like a champ.  She easily could have ratcheted that up to 1000 by demanding that Kim apologize to her for her behavior in the limo and pointing out that her BFF Brandi was also having Kim's name her mouth with reference to relapsing.


And give up once again to Brandi's manipulation.  Way to get Kim all wound up three days before the trip by letting her in on Lisa R's concern and conversation at lunch without once including her own part.  Unfortunately for Brandi, it's on tape so Kim will see how the real conversation went down.


Can't wait for next week and the wine glass toss (even though it will be in the last 5 minutes and get dragged out one more week).  Team RINNA!

  • Love 11

I agree and have been predicting LisaR will provide the drama next season.  She's quite outspoken for someone new to the show and absolutely knows how to play the HW game.  RHOBH is a very nice (and dare I say welcome) paycheck for her at this stage of her life/career.

She was a huge fan of this show before joining which IMO, put her in a different position than a regular newbie. I don't know if that's a good or bad thing. I do think her concern about Kim was genuine for the most part, as was her apology on the plane.

  • Love 6

I really loved Kyle's enthusiasm at the fundraiser, she was excited and happy and kept hugging and hugging Yolanda as the money was being raised. It seemed like Yolanda, Lisa and Kyle were hosting or something, they seemed to be going around getting people's donations.


I think the primary reason Kim was irritated with Kyle because she expected to her to join the pile on with Lisa R, which is why she asked her why she was hiding behind her jacket. She was more or less saying "aren't you going to say anything?". And as the trip went on and Kyle spent time with Lisa e.g. riding in the limo with her after the plane ride from hell, and leaving with her to the fundraiser, and appeared to actually be enjoying herself, it irked Kim even more,  ergo the "lack of support". Because of course, Kyle should fall right in line and do what Kim wants at all times, that is the support Kim is looking for which she is getting from Brandi and loving it.

I think after three season together Yolanda and Kyle actually have a friendship that comes from a place of pleasantness instead of alliances.  There are times when the viewers don't feel like every scene is carefully choreographed and I think David's event was one of them. 


I can't imagine why Kim would expect Kyle to jump in when Lisa R asked Kim if she was mad at her.  I would be embarrassed if my sister were barking at another guest on a great private plane who was essentially apologizing to Kim.  For Kim to keep looking to Kyle to "support" her was ridiculous.


I don't know why Brandi and Kim arrived at the event later (my guess is Yolanda needed to be there at the beginning) but if I had to wager a guess maybe Kim and Brandi skipped the cocktail hour.  It is funny when Kim decided she wants to be buddies with Brandi and tease Kyle into leaving the scene Kim is the misunderstood sister.  When Kyle decides to let Kim take someone to  task all on her own she is the bad sister. 


So there is a new Richards' standard-friend taking a sister is okay if it is Kim's friend, sister not allowed to stay silent if Kim wants to chew out a friend of Kyle's.  I am just amazed Kim didn't look to Brandi  for help-she was sitting directly across from Lisa R.

  • Love 4

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